The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 12, 1861, Image 2
• • Zhe lltattcittat. None shall with impunity soil these sacred sym bols of our Country's life, lzherty and power. : ::"'•:;7 • Aery F. E. BAKER. EDITOR. . O r a. SATURDAY; OCTOBER 12. 1861. CAPTURE OF JAMES B. CLAY:A des patch from Cincinnati states that James B. Clay has been arrested. for treason, and John C. Creckinridge has had a narrow escape from a similar late. It is a sad thing that a son of so eloquent and unswerving a friend of the Union as the great statesman of Ashland should have been guilty of affiliating with the wicked traitors who are seeking to destroy it; but he has been among the most active supporters of the Secession cause, and he has endeavored in every possible way to render it "aid and comfort." James B. Clay was born in Washing ton city, in 1817, and combined to an unusual extent the practical ability of a business man with skill and knowledge as a politician. In early life he spent two years in a counting house in Boston, from city he emigrated to St., Louis. When twenty-one years of age he returned to Kentucky, and after being engaged for two years in manu facturing, he studied lair, and after his admission to the bar continued to prac tice the legal profession, as the partner of his father, .until 1849, when he, was appointed charge d'affairs to Lisbon.— lle returned home in 1850, and in 1851 removed to Missouri. In 1853 he be came the proprietor of Ashland, where he has since resided. In 1856 he warmly advocated the election of James Buchan an, and in 1857 he was nominated as the Democratic candidate for Congress, in his district, and elected. He bad ac cumulated a large property, invested chiefly in plantations and negroes, and of late' years has become a more and more decided partisan of extreme pro slavery views. By his arrest, one of the most active and dangerous enemies of the Government will be prevented from doing any furthey mischief.— Forney's Press. GT The 3-10 three years Treasury notes expire on the nineteenth day of day of August, 1864. The coupons are made payable every six months, there fore the fifth one is due February 19, 1864. The last amount of interest is due and will be paid with the note at the first mentioned date. The coupons specify the interest of each at 3.65 per $lOO, or two cents per day. but no allow ance is made for February 29. 1864, that year being leap year. The holder of a ono hundred dollar note, loses two cents by this omission, which is to him a mere bagatelle, but on the one hundred and fifty millions of dollars borrowed, it makes a saving of thirty thousand dol lars to the government—enough to pay the principal of three hundred of these notes. "Great oaks from little acorns grow. eir Geri. Fremont declines to make any further small or isolated movements against the rebels in Missouri, and is now engaged in arranging plans for a grand attack, in which he intends to stake the cause of law and order in Missouri, as well as his own reputation as a man and a soldier. He is now daily in consutlation with his Generals of di visiOns, who unanimously approve his plan for a futare great battle. SUDDEN DEATU.-4100. ISAAC W. Stuart, of Hartford, died suddenly on Wednesday night, of congestion of the brain. Mr. Stuart was a man of rare ability, scholarship and eloquence. He was author of a History of Hartford, and a Life of Jonathan Trumbull. Previous to 1844 he was an active politician of the. Whig school, and was repeatedly elected to both branches of the State Legislature. law A new illustration of the fiendish character of the traitors, now in arms against the Government, is furnished by the fact that at Falls Church, the other day, when they retreated, they poisoned the moat with strychnine, in order to entrap the Federal troops who drove them out. Fortunately, our soldiers were too wise to be victimized by this wicked scheme. lir John Ross, principal chief of the Cherokee nation, is reported to have called eight thousand Cherokees around him and declared for the Union, and al so to have fought and beaten the seces sion half breeds. ter Secretary Cameron has sent a dispatch . to tho,Governor of lowa, ;for bidding the drafting of any troops in that State. The Secretary relies on the voluntary patriotism of the masses to uphold the Goiiernment gir In the rebel ranks are three youth ful sons of two ex• Presidents, of the Re public of Texas ; oue son of Sam. Hous ton, and two sons of Aneou Jones, ZN:EWS IN A - N UT-SHELL_ Rev. Joseph A. Ross is appointed Chaplain at the Carlisle Barracks. l'aducha, Ky., on the Ohio river, now held by U. S. Troops, is about as import ant a point as Hatteras Inlet. Butler's decision that slaves are con traband of war was made within sight of the spot on which the first slave cargo was landed in this country. Commissary General Gibson died on Monday of last week, in Washington, aged 85. He entered the army in 1808 as - a captain of infantry, from this State. The Hartford Times says the season in Connecticut has been excellent for tobacco—a crop amounting to over half a million of dollars annually in Hartford county alone. A single bar of metal lately arrived at San Francisco, from AVa,shoe, weigh ing sixty-seven and a quarter pounds, and containing $3,769 worth of silver and $1,01.3 of gold. Flora Temple, the trotting mare, was released-from custody on Wednesday on her owner, Mr. M cDonald, of Baltimore, proving that he was loyal to the Gov ernment. Private Lanahan, of the Forty-sixth Pennsplvania Regiment, of Gen. Banks' command, who was under sentence of death for murdering the major of the regiment, committed suicide, by cutting his throat. Breckinridge has fled like a thief fail ing to compromise the loyalty of his state—his villainies uncovered, his trea son exposed—he escapes popular venge ance by taking to his heels. Gen. Rufus King and staff of Wis consin, and Gea. B. F. Butler, have pledged' themselves to entire abstinence from liquor. So did Ellsworth, and so do many of the best officers and soldiers. Reliable men, in Bridgeport, Connec ticut, aver that they have evidence that money has been sent from Richmond, Virginia, to pay those who, at the North, are engaged in getting up " peace" meet ings. The Norfolk (Va.) Day-Book says there is an organization at the North calling themselves "The Devoted Band," whose mission it is to set fire to North ern cities whenever it shall seem to be justified on the principle of retaliation. The propriety of serving out tobacco with soldiers' rations is under considera tion. Gen. McClellan is said to favor it, as a means of increasing the comfort and cheerfulness of the troops. Two brothers, John and Peter Smith, on Saturday last had an affray with knives at their home, in Itanhattan.ville, N. Y. Their mother was present, but before she could part them both were badly wounded. The Huntingdon Globe has a story for its readers of a patriotic lady near Alexandria, in that county, who took her baby to church a few Sabbaths since, dressed in red, white, and blue, and had it baptised E Pluribtis Unium. John C. Rives, one of the oldest and richest printers in the Union, appropri ates a hundred dollars per month to purchase necessaries not furnished by the commissariat for the volunteer troops of the District of Columbia. Many persons were surprised at the statement of Secretary Seward, that the London Times had not probably a circu lation of over fifty copies in this ceuntry. Upon inquiry of dealers in European papers, we find that the number is not much under-stated, as it - refers to the London Times proper. Some nine hundred barrels of flour per diem are used up for the army around Washington. Of fresh • bread alone there are one hundred and fifty thousand loaves consuned.. Foreigners express astonishment at the abundant and varied rations served our troops.— They are undoubtedly the best fed as well as the best paid army in the world. The President has . assared anxious inquirers that drafting shall not be re sorted to at the west, until all the east ern States shall have furnishad their full quota to make up the half million of troops called for. Philadelphia ha's now, according to the records of the War Department, 211 companies in the field, or 21,000 men. The Buffalo Courier is authorized by ex-President Fillmore to state that the statement made by the St. Louis corres pondent to the New York Tribune, in regard to his approval of Gen. Fremont's proclamation for the emancipation of slaves, it not correct ; that he does not approve of Gen. Fremont's proclamation, and that he cordially endorses the po sition of President Lincoln. ---, The Wheeling Intelligencer of Tues day says : "A dispatch was received in the city, from Grafton, announcing that Dr. Frisson had just performed a successful oparation upon Gen. Kelley, extracting the ball 'which has lain in his shoulder ever since the affair at Philip pi. The operation was an exceedingly painful one, but the dispatch says the General is now very comfortable, and comparatively free from pain," Cir The soldsers at Munson's fill have given to the fortification on that eminence the name of "Fort Erin." - Effil AI A R RTE'D In this borough, on Tuesday evening the 'Ali inst., by 11ev. G. IIT. Clawges, MR. ANDRE W ALEXANDER GRANDE to Miss ELUZABET NIESE, both of Marietta. DIED On Wednesday, September 25th, 1551, ANNIE LOUISA, daughter of Jacob and Honoria tihnan, of this borough, aged 2 ycais, 3 months and 2S days. In this borough, on Friday the sth inst., Mits. ELLEN COCHRAN, aged 81 years. In this borough, on Thursday 'the 4th inst., MR, SAMUEL JOHNSON, in the 71st year of his age. In Maytown, on Monday the 7th inst., Ma. ANTHONY TERREY, aged 42 years. POST OFFICE. rs;OTICE ALL PERSONS having the old one cent, three cent, and ten cent stamps on hand, can have them exchanged at the Post Office, Marietta, for new stamps, at any time during the space of six days from this date ; after which they cannot be received in payment of postage. By order of the Post Master Gener al. ABW:CASSF:L, P. M. Post Office, Marietta, Oct. 12th, 1861 . STATE OF SAMUEL MELON EY, dec'd. r j The undersigned having taken out letters of administration upon the estate of Samuel Maloney, dec'd. late of East Donegal township, Lancaster County. All persons having claims against the said estate are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to said estate to satisfy their indebtedness with out delay. TItUS. ZELL, Administrator. Residing In the borough of Marietta. ~...------ DP IIIeNRY LANDIS, "1 , 0" , ' " -' - ) SUCCESSOR TO 1 y 00. S. /111.n/de, -7-701 , - Drugs, Perfumery, 6-c R. •LANDIS having purchased the entire interest and good will of Dr. F. Hinkle's 'Drug Store, would take this opportunity to in form the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, that having just received from Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand the best and. most complete assortment of eve• rything in the drug line. fa got of FAnell an d loijat aVfietas, consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other Hair Combs, Hair'Oile;Pomades,etc.M Port Monies, Pocket Books, Ptlff my and Powder Boxes, ,ST., tVC The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR DYE; De Costa's and other Tooth Washes,lndia Cola ogue, 13oriv's Tricoperous, for the hair, Bay Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour 01 Rice, Corn Starch, liecker's Farina, all kinds of pure - Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent Ar ica] for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con _omptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating Milk, an excellent preperation for the table ; Table Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of Hael's perfumery,pomades; soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative is now every Where acknowledged the best. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. Dr. L. will himself see that every precaution be taken in the compounding of Physician's prescriptions, having retained Dr. Hinkle's pharmacheutist, Mr. Ross. The Doctor can be professionally consulted at the store when not engaged elsewriere. Marietta, August 24, ISGI.- iy LARKIN. & CO.. Yabispoll)ifeMj, S. E. Corner Eighth and Arch streets, [ ENTRANCE ON EIGIITH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. APT ER many years' experience in all the various branches of the Art, the Proprietors confidently invite the attention of their friend's and the public to their extensive establishment, which presents the opportunity for procuring the best pictures, equal at least, to. any first class Gallery in the United States. Preparations are complete fot executing all the improved styles known- to the Art. • They have a patent arrangement for copying Da guerreotypes, &c., &c., making them Life size, if desired—the only one of the kind in this country. Attached to this establishment are three coloring Artists. Photographs, including Painting, as low as • $2 00. Photographs, with Frame as low as $2 62 Photographs at 75 cents. Extin Copies 50 PHOTOGRAPHS'AT ONE DOLLAR ! ' eta. or per doz. Life size' Photo"- graphs as low ass 6, and I#orytype same price. Durable Ambrotypes at 50 cents and Opwards. A most extensive assortment of Gilt Frames, embracing a select and choize variety of the latest styles. Prices from 62 cents and up wards. Especial attention bestowed upon Life-sized Photographs in oil, transferred from small plc tuies arid from life. Prices from $l5 to $lOO. lE%lnstructions given in the Art. February 23, 1861-Iy. , axl R _RoPylAmt ei t p \ --,_.„ .._,,e,t,re . _ ,,, - 4, - ,.- _(. .,N , -: Aitt ... MVayyki. ATI" ,_, l 1 Art , . I - 4 h. r ii , _,... .. . . _.:.• . 4.14, Doling the past year we have introduced to the notice . of the medical profession of this country the Pure Crystalized Chloride of Pro- pylamine, as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; and having received from many sources, both from physicians of the highest standing and Flattering testimonials of tts real value from patients, the most. in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present it to the public in P. form BEADY FOB IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend itself to those who are suffering wilh this afflicting.complaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above „spoken of, has , recently been extensively ex perimented with in 'the ' Pennsylvania hospital, and with marked success (as Will appear from the published accounts in the medical journals.) It is carefully put up ready for immedi ate use, with full directions, and can be ob tained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSIIAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Jul-ly] Philadelphia T UST RECEIVED at Anderson's Confec tionary and Variety Slore, - in Market-st., a lice assortment off' children's' gigs„ baskets wagons, perambulators, wheelbarrows, toys rocking horses, wagons, dr um s Children's Gigs, Wheel Barrows, Sleighs, Hobby Horses, China and Paper Toys, Dolls of every size material Black and White. Animals of all kinds and an endless variety of Holiday gifts. J. M. Anderson's, Market-st, MEE - Y.P.A:O4,H. D. BENJA',IF - c" DEA' hat IS WINES (C., Picot Building. Marietta, Pa. BEGS leave to inform the Nib; ic th a t !,e BEGS continue the WINE& Ql; I tit har ness, in all its branches. Ile Will con stall t) . v keep on hand all kinds. of Brandies, Wines, Gins. Irish and Scotch 'Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, BENJAMIN'S Justly Cclebra:ed Rose 117iislcy, ALWAYS ON NAND A very surerior OLD BYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pore. All H. B. B. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stuck and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding - it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from I Iron Masters look to your Interests' The Improved Black Hawk CAST IRON ORE WASHER, MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY O BRY AN & HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster County, Pa. The Undersigned will constantly keep on hand and make to older at short notice the above celebrated machine, the best in the Uni ted States They will warrant their machines to run lighter, last longer and wash cleaner and with less water them any other machine nov' in use. They can be easily put together on the bank. All orders addressed to either of the undersigned, will meet with prompt attention. 93 They are also prepared to sell individu al, County and Ntate Rights. BERNARD O'BRYAN. SAMUEL HOPKINS. October 13, 1860. DR. J; H. GROVE. s e DEALER-IA Dritgs, soap, &e, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. WOULD hereby inform the public tha he is constantly receiving fresh addi tions to • his drug stock, and at all tunes keep on hand a complete asssertment of ' Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, TV7titelead, Brushes of all kinds, and everything usually kept by druggists and apothecaries. An assortment of all kind of LA3IPS, fer owning, Fluid, Pine Oil or Coal Oil. Lamp Tops, Wicks and Oils constantly on hand. A nicely selected lot of all kinds of STAr TIONARY, Envelopes; Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, &c., of all grades and at all prices. - - Perfumery, Pomades, Soaps. Tooth Washes and an endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar ticles, all of which will be sold at reasonable prices. ' Puri S-35-1v QT. LOUIS HOTEL, eu. ESTIN UT-ST., ABOVE .PIIII,ADF,LPHIA, In the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Market, Third and Chestnut-sts., Banks, Post Office, Merchants' Exchange, &c., &c., &c. BOARD PER DAY, $1.50; Accommodation when required on the EURO PEAN rt. Ari : Rooms from 50 cents and up wards, per day, and Meals at a Restaurant, attached to the Hotel. .Prices according to the Bills of, Fare. The City Can take passengers frofn any station TO or OLOSE TO the Hotel. English, French; German and Spanish July 20-Iy.] spokem- ITTER'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban dages, Siiouldef Braces 7 'lnitiminenfs for Deformit3 , &c. These articles aro very highly recommended by Pi ofes sin's Pancoast and Gross'of the Jefferson College of Philadelphia, and the under signed knows them to be the best articles, of the kind in use. F. Hinkle, M. D. A fine assortment of. Flavoring Extractslor Coo:ring—something very nice. - Liquid Rennef for making delicious desserts. Poncine, Honey and othe fine Soaps. F.rang43anuie and other Extracts. *-For sale by lin. H. LANDIS I)IJRNETVB Cocoaine. - A compound, of JD Cocoa-nut Oil, Sc., for dressing the Hair. For efficacy and agreeableness, it is without an equal. It pevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its hcalthy and vigerOusgrowth! • Itismot grealiy.or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It soffens'the-hair when hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin.. It affords the richest lustre. -It remains longest in effect. For sale 'at DR. GROVE'S' Drug 4r Perfumery Store, Market street. Marietta and Maytown Turnpike. THE Annual Election of the stockholder° of the Marietta and MaytoWn Turnpike :Road Company., for the puipbse of electing a _President, Treasurer a n : d. Secretary, and live Managers, for the ensuing year, will be held at the " Donegal 'House," Matietta,'Pa., on Monday, November 4th,.1861, at 8 4. M. By Order 'of the Board. ' J: W. CLARK, SF:META - Ey: October 5,,1861.-t d ' Marietta and Mouut Joy. Turnpike. M . Annual Election of -the stockholders of the Marietta and Mount Joy Turnpike "Road Company, for the puipcse of electing a 'President, Treasurer and Secretary and live 'lauagers, for the ensuing year. will be hod at the Crosa liefs . -ftotel; (Funk's) Marietta, on Monday, November 4t11„18§1 4 ,at.; , P. M. ~13y tirder of the flostr,d, ,I• jY Ef %RIB, S-Eelr• October 1861.-td. o "THE UNION," .Arch Street, above 7hiitl, Philadelphia, UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. ............--------,.............--- 1 , . 3 1 ;Cr This Hotel is central conven . ;by • . . Passenger Cars_ to all parts of the City p every particular adapted to the corn -and wants of the business public. l 'a. ' s:'4Terins $1.50 per day. . DR. J., Z.,HOFFER, DENTIST, CiFTITE BALTIMORE 6LLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, LATE tOF HARRISBURG, PA. OFFICE: Front street, fourth door Irdm Locust, aver &viol. ik.MeDon - - I tliiiiiaa Rld's Book Store, Columbia. Eritrance' bi, ween the Drug and Book, Stores. [3-y A., GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ' .1-1_ Hammered and Rolled Iron, H. . 0 R. Tars;'Norway, Nail' Rods, American and German Spring and Cast Steel,-Wagon Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs, &c. for , smiths. ' • STERRET-T itr - CO. `AlitilS AND ENTS Anderson has just I 4 reoeived an elegant asSoftmeht bf 'Perfu mery, :consisting of Toiliet. Soaps, Hair Oils, Estracts.and Celognos at prices much below the usual rates, also some - veryhtindsome Canes for gentlernen, Portmonies, &c, 110 ARRELS 'Monongahela Whiskey 110) which will be sold at the lowest , market rates , by the barrel or gallon; at T. Dilrenbach's Chedp Store. LYOURING EXTRACTS. 1 1A Vanilla, Strawberry, Pine Apple, Almond, Rose, Lemon, just received and for sale at Dr. Grove's. LIXCELLENT Cooking and Eating Apples always on hand at . Anderson's. _ I3 RANDIES—aII brands—guarranteed gen uine.. Alexander D. _Reese. BOHLEN'S long celebrated GIN,. 11. D. BENJAMIN. Roi;put;ir FRO L 1 ,1:1 IT3L=3 SALE )It! F u! (±.t01,,r1;), 1 -,;!, at :ho public hoose of JACOB Ft Nii iu the 11O1.uLIGII of MA LTETTA. all that cert:iin TIIREP STORY BRICK 7,7'7"r DWELLING - I[OUSE J. AND LOT OF GROUND. situate on the South side of high street. in the said Borough. i s fornit rly occupied be S. P. Sterrett') :Adjoining property of Aloxander Lend iity on the East, and the undersigned on the West. The house is 36 feet 4 inches front and 42 feet deep. with Porticos 7S it. wide. The first story has a Hall running through the center ith dividing Parlors on the Wgst and two looms On the East. The second and third stories are divid ed into five rooms each, one of which on the second story, is a Bath Room with plenished copper bath tub, shower bath &o. All the chambers are provided with spacious closets, &c. The water is conducted from the root into a tank in the third story and might be conveyed into all the lower rooms if desired. The house is heated with One of Boynton's superior ventillatiag furnaces. There is also a large FRAME BACK KITCHEN, with a CISTERN in the same, BAKE-OVEN, SMOKE HOUSE, &e.,-attached. :The lot is 206 feet deep and has a ,variety of choice Fruit trees, Grape, Strawberries, Raspberries and other small fruit. The whol property is built in the most substantial ,mattner—the workmanship and finish of the best character, and the plan and arrangements acknowledged by competent judges ,the,most complete. The propetty as enclosed, will be sold sub ject to. a dower of two hundiecb and twenty six dollars and sixty seven cents, and on .the following terms . : One third part of the pur chase money to be paid on the: first day of April 1562 ; one third On the first day of April 1863; and one third on the Ist day of April 1564, with interest trom the first day of' Aprilmext. Persons wishing to examine the property, will call at the store of Sterrett & Co. Sale to commence at 3 - eclocic , P. SAMUEL PATTERSON. MARIETTA, Sept. IS, 4861,—t5.] New National Loan. Seven-and-Three-Tenths Per Cent. 'TREASURY NOTES, NOTti Ready for Delivery at the Ojfece' of JAY.COOKE & CO.. Bankers, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILA'DELPHIA. PURSUANT to instrUctions from the Secre tary. of the Treasury, the .Sulxscription Book, to the NEW NATIONAL' LOAN of Treasury 'Notes, bearing interest' at the rate of seven and-three-tenths per cent. per an num, will remain open at my office,' - "No.-114 S: THIRD STREET,: ' until furthernotice,, from S A. M. till 5 P. M., and on Mondays till 9 P. M. These notes will bent the denomination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED:DOL LARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and are all dated 19th of August, 186.1, payable in gold, in three years, or convertible into a twenty- years' six per cent. loan, at the option of the holder. Each Treasury. No to has interest coupons attached, which can be cut offnind collected in geld atthe MinKevery <six months, and at the, rate of one nent per day, on inch fifty dollars. Payments of subscriptions may be made in Gold or Checks, or Notes of any of the Philadelphia Banks. 'Patties at a distance can Onmit by their friends, through : the mail, or by express, or through Banks, and the Treasury Notes will be immediately delivered; or sent to each subscriber as they may severally direct. Partiesremitting must add the interest froM 19th of August, the date of all the note's, to the day the remittance reaches Philadelphia ; at the rate of one cent per day on each fifty dollars: JAY COPKE, FILBSCRIPTIp . N ,AGENT, Care of Jay Cooke Si• Co., Rankers., No. 114 South Third. Street, -Philadelphia October 5-1 mouth] n i RDINANCE, PASSED SEPT. 30, Ib6l " _ . BE IT 'Ordained and enacted by the Town Council of the Borough of Marietta, that the owners, holders or lessees, of property on the North side of Matket street in said Borough, from Cherry Alley to Bridge street, shall, with, ih 30 days after the, prtunulgation of this ordi nance, make, 'or cause to he Made the pave` meats or footwalks fronting on their respective properties; the pavements or footwalks in front of improved lots shall be made ten feet wide, and those in , front of unimproved lots shall be made at least live feet wide. The um ter edge of which shall be on the curb line. The material 'of whiCh thesaid walks shall be made is• required to be either Fume- 'Nen ' PLA:Or or Buick, agreeably* to the Supplement of the Charter of the Borough,passed the 13th day. of March 1860. Each and every person shall before Making the Walks required to be made by this • cirdinance, have the same regu lated and make them according to the grade directed 'by The iforough lteghlittors, under a penalty.of Ten Dollars arid the cost of recon structingfor the peglect thereof, and it is fur ther ofdLined, that all pavements or walks not ulna by the expiration.of the time specifi ed and in the manner required, shall be made or caused to be Made by the Chief or Assistant -Burgess' at the expense of the ownerh of- the property oowhielt i they front, mireably to, the several Acts of Asseinbly einpowering the cid.- "orate& authorities'ot.the Boruegh'to , do So, all existing: ordinances that are altered or substi tuted by theflifgoing ate hereby repettled. JAMBES P CIII.EF BURGESS ATTEST, ' THEO IPIT.4TANTY, T. C . Executor's Sale. ON WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER' 26, 1861... In pursuance of-the last will and testa roent of Lambert liens, lute of the Borough of 'Mp.rietta, LanciSter , County, Penn. ' deceated, the diO.e.tsig,aed, Eiecutor, will sell at .public sale or out-err, at the public house of Jacob Fur k, ( Cross K.d7A) .in the said - 13otoughof 'Marietta, all flat% : . ' TWO-STORY FRAME . . Dwelling House and Lot of GrotuA with all the appurtenancesbelonging thereto, situate and being in that part of the l3orough of Marietta laid out by Jacob Grosh, Esquire, fronting on Front-St. containing in front 40 ft and extending in depth.o Second street, 200 ft, being the western half of Lot no. 57 and east ern half of Lot no. SS, adjoining each other'itt said part. Persons desirous of viewing the property befere the day of sale, will pleaie call, on Philip Munson - residing .theroon, or on the_ undersigned residing a few doors cast of the 'Lynden Utilise: • commence • at. 3!o'clock, P. M., of said day when attendance will be given and terms - make 'known by • CHRISTOPHER . HESS, 7 -,Executor of Lambert October 5 , IS6I-ts. Dr. Jno'. Cab:term & Mrs. Dr. Maury. CAMERON ha:s, great pleasure in, an nouncing that he has now associated with him in his prience Mas. DR. .MAURY, whots a regular graduate of the Hygeio The rapeutic College, .piew York, and who was so long and so favorbably known at the Dansville Water Cure as Miss Dr. Dewey. Mrs. Maury has, had large and successful experience in treating disease in general, as well as in thosd.petuliar to her own ;sex, and it will give her pleasure to minister, with judi cious intelligence, to the relief of those, whoie .sutlerings, as ;yet, may be known only to themselves. MARIETTA, Sept. 27th 1561. JAMES . 11. KING; ATTO RNEY-AT-LAW, REMOVED TO No. 139 SOUTH Finn STREET; ABOVE WALISIIT, P HILALIELPErA. UY one of those beautiful S 0 F TA I) 1(1.2'S at CRuLL's, 92 Mutket-St. 'FITE 'l';\il .• IN EVEKI: eril)NLi.N itiC,k7.l CEMENT 'z Stron t :e.,:t. The , ll.tarte:t (;: , re in the IVerld. •fhe moat Glue in the AVe l l,!. The onty rritabte tilue in the NVuriLl The best ltitte in the World. AMERICAN CEMENT G 1. 1 71 13 the only article of the kind ever prod!:c, MEM ltiMstand Water Save your broke IT WILL MEND WOOD, Furniture. IT NVILT. MEND LEATHER, Mend vw: Harness. Straps, Belts, Boms, tze_ IT WILL MEIND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Giass Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don't th, o ., away that broken Ivory Fan, it is eaiiity tc paired. IT WILL MEND CELINA, Your broken China t ups and Saucers can be made as go,ml as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That pi cc " knocked out of your Marble Mantle can ,e put on as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN. No matter if that broken Pitcher did not cot ti ft shilling, a shilling saved is a Milling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mead it, it will never show when put together. IT WILL mend BONE. CORAL, LAVA, aufl' in facteyerything but Metals. Any article Cemented with AHEM - CAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended. E XTRA CTS. ""'Every housekeeper should have a supth of Johns & Crosley's American Cement —Kew York Times. " It is so convenient to have in the house." —New York Express. " It is always ready ; this commends it to every body."—N. Y. Independent. " We have tried it, and find it as useful in our house as water."—Wilkes' Spirit of Times. I_ , l ONO IN YtS W E T . $lO.OO per year saved in every family by one Bottle of American Cement Olue. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 cents per Bottle. • ' Price 25 cents per bottle. Price 25 cents per 13,ttle. Very Liberal Reductions to lrkoles(e4? Buyers. TERMS CASII. For sale by all Druggists and Stlre keepers generally thronghout the country. JOHNS CROSLE (Sole Manufacturers,) 7S WILLIAM STREET 3. (Corner of . Liherty Street,) NEW YORK. Important to House Owners Imp,ortant to,Builders Important to Rail Road Companies Important to F,armors. To aU whoin this nt,iy' concern, and it concerns every body. JOHNS .& CROSLEY'S IMP,ROVED. (UTTA rERCIIA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and most durable Rooting in use. IT IS FlltE A D WATERPROOF. It can be applied to now"and Old 'Roofs of all kinds, steep or , flat, 'and to Shingle Roofs without removing the. Shingles The Cost is only about One-Third that o f, and it is 7117 CE as durable. This article has been thoroughly Mated in New York City mid all parts of the United I - Itatr:s, Canada, West Indies, ..arnl . Central and South America, on Mind:tint ' s-of all kin Is, such as Factories, Foundries, Churches Rail Road 'Depots, Cars, and on Public Boddingt generally; Government Buildings, &e., by the principal Builders, Architects and 0th.2.75, during Gib past four years, and has proved to be the' II HI A PEST; and IVIOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; it is in every respect a Piie; Water, Weather and Time Proof cover , air - for roqfs of all kinds. 'as is the only material manufactured in the United Statei Which cOrtibines the very de sirable properties of Elasticity and Durability; which are univorsatly acknowledged to no possassed by G UTTTA PERCH A and INDIA RUBEER. No heat is required in making applicatem The expense of applying it is trifling, as an ordinary Roof, can, be covered and liaisike , l the same day. ' It can be applied by any one, and when finished forms - a perfectly FIRE PIIOO£ -surface, with an elastic: body, Willell cannot be injured by Heat, Cold or Storms, Shrinking of ROof Boards, nor any external action whatever• • GLUM PERE:HA CRIVIENT. For Coating Metals of all kinds when exposed to the Action of the Wheth er, and fur Preserving and Repar inc. Metal Roofs of all Kinds. - . This is the. only Composition known which will successfully resist extreme changes of all climates,. fur any length of time, when applied to anent:, to which it adheres firmly, formic;; a body equal to three coats of ordinary paint, costs much legs, and will last three times as long and from its elasticity is not injured by then contraction and expansion often and other metalroofs, consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. . It will not 'CRACK in cold or RUN in warm weather, and will NOT . WASH OFF. Leaky . lin and (Air metal Rimfs can be readi ly repaired with • llitta. Perehu , Cement, and' ;prevented tram further corrosion and teasing, tliqrgt2y ensuring a perfectly waver tight roof. ftS , years. • - .bablai Cemant is peculiarly .adapted for thc inesery.l.tion of Iron Railings, Staves, Range - , gars„ Agricuttural Imphments, 4-c., also for general manufacturing use. Gutty Percha Cement. 'For preserving and repairing TIN and. other ZiETAL ROOFS of every description, from its great elasticity.' is. not injured by the contrac tion and expansion of Metals, and will sot CRACK in cold or RUN in warm weather: These materials arc adapted to all climates, and we are prepared -to supply, orders, from any part of the country, at short notice, for. GUTTA PaRCILA RooriNo in rolls, ready pre pared for 'use, and Gut& Perches Cement in, Wirrels, with full printed directions for appli-. Cation. AGENTS WANTED- We :will make liberal and satisfactory.arm rangements with responsible parties who would like to establish themselves in a Liera live and permanent business. Our `Terms are Cash We can give abundant proof oT all we claim in favor of our Improved Roofing Meterials, having applied them to several thousand 'Roofs in New York City and vicinity. JOHNS & CROSLEY, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Wholesale Warenouie 78 William-st., N. Y. Full descriptive circulars and prices will be furnished on application. (Oct ly riIWENTY EMPTY HOGSHEADS L:2 —in good condition—will be sold . ' 4. " V at the lo price of $1 each and delivered any where in or near Marietta free of charge. Be ing, in want of cellar room, if taken from the store soon, a trifle less will be taken. Also, a lot of excellent \VLIISKY BARRELS '• very cheap. For sale at DIFFENI3.3.CIP.S BOYS Spring,Caps, at - 1) (2 L ;13.• 93 Mttito-4.