The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 21, 1861, Image 1

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    ~,t- ,• : •••••
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,ler , , June M atte an
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A .
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.IEI , '!'• cco LAB. PER AliFitial,
~ 4 . , ILE IN ADVANCE..
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,:, t
:rull's Row,—Second Story—
, five doors below Mrs. Plury's
, Lancaster County, Penn's.
be delayed beyond 3 months,
paid until the expiration of the
ill be charged.
received for a less period than
land no paper will be discontin
-1 arrearages are paid, unless at
f the publisher. A failure to no
tinuance at the expiration of the
ibed for, will be considered a new
• aM
i t ; ;ending us FIVE new subscribers
a sixth copy for his trouble.
NG RATER: One square (12 lines,
i IQ cents for the first insertion and 25
.each subsequent insertion. Profes
d cards, of six lines or less
r annum. Notices in the reading
five cents a-line. Marriages and
the simple announcement, FREE;
ny, additional lines; five cents a- line.,
e. 3 months, $2.00; 6 months, $3.50;
$5. Two squares, 3 months, $1:
hs, $5; 1 year, $7, Half-i-column,
ths, $8; 6 months, sl2;'l year, $2O.
'olunin, 6 months, $2O; 1 year, $3O.
recently added a large lot of. new JOB
CA/ti TYPE, we are prepared to do all
le B'
e Posters, with, Vats, ,
s of all kindl, Bail Tickets,
ars, Cards, Programmes, Sic., .frc.
e wit ,
in - the Job Printing line will be
neatness and dispatch, and at the
sible rates.
Co any is Whorlzed by its charter
cin e county, or in boroughs, against
am aby fire, on the mutual plan, for
!till time, limited or perpetual, either
h 1) mium, or a premium note.
w insure for a premium. note will
ed.f r five years, and subject to assega
i c of losses.
who insure for a cash Premium will
ed 'for any term not exceeding 5 years,
subject to any assessments. One per
premium will be charged dn farm pro
etlie term of five years.
property will be insured for the term
sears, for a deposit of three per cent. of
Hint insured, the whole amount of the
in note to be returned at the expiration
policy, without interest, or the policy
renewed for ten years, without any ex
at the option of the insurer.
K. YOUNG, JR., Secretary.
Directors :
MICHAEL H. MOORE Vice President.
NI. M. STRICKLER, ) Treasurer.
3...c0a B. SHUMAN, . ,
Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa.
J. S. ROATII, AGENT, Maytown.
rch 30, 1861-1 y
9 Of
General Machinists, Second street,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
iire'prepared to, make all kinds of Iron
gs for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
for Steam, Water and Gas ;- Columns,
Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
an&cistinge: of every description.;
E DC 08T_ Atexp=3.,
i'; Punts, .Brick Presses, Shafting an,
s, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
ining an'd Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
& Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
s for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass pit
n all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, - • es,
rs, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doo
era, &c.
• -
long experience in building machinery we
ourselves that we can give general sans
o to those why may favor us with their
23-Repairinlt promptly attended to.
ers by mail addressed as above, will meet
rompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
imbia, October 20, 1860. .14-4
' ioot Building. Marietta, Pa.
— o —
leave to inform the public that he
ill continue the. WINE & LIQUOR busi
in All its branches. He will constantly
,n band all kinds of
dies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Wlkskey, Cordials, Bitters, 4.c.,
atitly Celebrated Rose Whisky,
vers surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY
ceilled, which is warranted pure.
Alt B. D. B. now asks of the public
• refitl,exarnination of hisistock and pri
hick will, he is confident,-result in Ho
pera and others finding itA to their ad
o to make their purchases froml im.
, .r .. ,
''.lQlil,lS.&. I'iRoSLEYS
1 , lilb4N CEMENT; GLUE.
. , 1,, 7...,..""0, 7
Strongest Grine in the VATotld
2'eviem ,
pg Wood, Leathek ' Glass
China, Marble, Porcelain, `‘Cm al,
Alabaster, Bone, 4c., 4c., 80.
ly iirtiAle of the kind ever ptoduced
wfiic4 'Will withstand Water.'
Ty' Ousekeeper should have a,".stipply
et: matey 's American Cement clue: ,
o Times. '
io,c.onVenient to have in the honse.”
Nic :Xxin - c.§s.
aye ieady; this commendslt to
-i: and find rtr l i V. e . d"ft .-. ., jndep tf e i n t t. ai usehil in
l 'it
, water."—Welkes' Spirit o/ the
• It
'pots per_ Bottle.
luctiory to Wholesale
-Druggists and Store
ugliottt the country.
t,) NEW YORK. '
I-1.. Prcyprietc.r_
VOL. 8.
Io . the People of the Irlitea 5100.
TN the, month of December, 1858; the under
signed for the first * time offered for sale to
the public Dr. J. Bowe Dads Imperial Wine
Bitters, and in this short period they have given
such universal satisfaction to the many thou
sands ofpersons who have tried them that it is
now an established article. 'The amount of
bodily and mental misery arising simply from
a neglect of small complaints is surprising, and
it is therefore of the utmost importance that a
strict attention to the least and most trilling
bodily ailment should be had for diseases of
the body must invariably affect the mind.
The . subscribers now only ask a trial of
Dr. .T. Bovee Dods' Imperial Wineßittersl
From all who have not used them. We chal
lenge the world to produce their. equal.
. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs,
General Debility, and for Purifying and Em
riching the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed
by:any-other remedy on earth. To be assured
of this, it is only necessary to make the trial.
The Wine itself is of a very superior quality,
being about one-third stronger the other wines;
warming and invigorating the, whole system
..from the head to the feet. As these bitters are
tonic and alterative in their character, so they
strengthen and invigorate the whole system
and give a fine tone and healthy action to all
its parts, by equalizing the . circulation, re
moving obstruetiomi, and producing a general
warmth. They are also excellent for inseams
and Weakness , peculair to. Females , where a
tonic is required to strengthen and brace the sys
tem. No lady, who is subject to lassitude and
faintness, should' be without them, as,they are
revivifying in their action.
These Bitters willmot only cure, but prevent
disease, and in this respect are doubly valua
ble to the.person who may use there.
For incipient Consumption.
Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases
of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles,
. .
For Sore Throat, so common among the
Clergy, they are, truly valuable.
For the aged and infirm, and for persons of
a weak constitution—for Ministers of the' Gos
pel, Lawyers; and all public speakers—for
Book=Keepers, Tailors, Seamstresses,Students,
Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary
life, they will prove truly beneficial.
As a Beverage; they are wholesome, inno
cent, and delicious to the taste. They produce
all the exhilarating effects of Brandy or Wine,
Without intoxicating; and are a valuable rem
edy for persons addicted to the use of exces
sive strong drink, and who wish to refrain
from it. They are pure and entirely free from
the poisons contained in the adulterated Wines
and Liquors with which the country Is flooded.
These Bitters not only cure, butpreoent Dis
ease, and should be used by all who live in a
country where the zoter'l.4'^had,.-or—where
• ~...4r, l are prevalent. Being en
. and harmless, they may be giv
en freely to Children and Infants with im
Physicians, Clergymen, and tetimerance ad
as . an act of humanity; should assist
in spreading these truly valuable Bitters over
the land, and thereby essentially aid in ban=
ishing Drunkenness and Disease.
In all affections of the Head, slick Heatlathe, or
Nervous Headache, Dr. Dada' Imperial Wine
Bitters will be found to be most salutary and
efficacious. —.__..
The many certificates which have been tou
red us, and the lettere which we are daily
eiving, are conclusive proof that among the
men these Bitters have given a satisfaction
'eh no others have ever done before. No
)man in the land should be without them,
' those who once use them will not fail to
a supply.
- Boyce Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters
prepared by an eminent and skillful
to who has used them successfully in
ice for the last twenty-five years. The
Nt, before purchasing the exclusive
anufacture and sell Dr. J. Bovee
anted Imperial Wine Bitters, had
by two distinguished medical
who pronounced them a valuable
o medical men of the country,
Vv., disapprove of Patent Med- '
`I not believe that a respectable
found in the United States,
Mir medical properties, who
wove Dr. J. Bovee Dod's
. ,
. .
, i
P' .. t,
I , 'e\ , i
p flu ,
r edy' .
ltho '''
• gene' .
it'. es, ye • 1
P sichin •'
ac. ainted
wi not high .-
I , erial Wit . 1
all newl • t
al - ays a large t
frwhich a . 1
th e bitters silo . i
for breakfast. t
Dr. J. Bovee Do
ersal Wine Bitters
.Palre composed o .
Wide,_ combined and' unadulterated
seal, Comfiey, Wil. rberry, Solomon's
nerd, Chamomile , ' Tree Bark, Spike-
They are manufactur. and Gentian.—
who is an experience. Dods himself,
pian?and.hence• shoul. cessful • Physi_
the quack nostrums • classed among
and against which the the country,
so justly prejudiced.. ofessioa are
These truly valuable ~
thoreugly tested by'all ela ve been so
ty foe almost every vane communi
to the human system, , that incident
deemed indispensable as a are now
Tonic, Medicine and a Bever ,
Purify the Blood f—Give !
Stomach!—:Renoeate the .
and Prolong Life.
- --.•=0.-. 1 -t 2 L. ,
N .
it• Foor.s7aBle Whylidliraugst
ra gisis ' an ! 4", roc"
elly throughout the country.
MBROIDERIES—Just received thi
And most desirable lot of Embroider ,
o ered for sale here, consisting in part of
tiful Trench Worked Collers, Undersl
Spencers, Swiss and Jackonett Edging. an
seriing, Flouncing, &c., which will be HO
prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction 1:Q
Diffenback, Market streo
Anderson's Confec
,re, in Market-at., a
gigs„ baskets
"teelbarrows, toys
In 5, Children's
WHobby Horses,
Is of every size
Animals of all
f Holiday gifts.
LATED WARE : A Large and line std
f Of-Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZAHn
Corner of North queer street & Center Squ
Lancaster, -Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Co,
, Urns. Pitchets, Goblets, Salt Stands, Cake\
Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Knives,
Casters,&c.; &c., at manufacturers pores.
RZPLATING attended to at moderate rates.
"1-_, Strawberry, Pine Apide,
Almond, Rose, ' Lemon,
'Just received and for Wale -ove Roth's,
d places, where there is
try of decaying timber
us" miasma is Created,
lied every morning be-
46tptitVent thmtsetiatria
Autumn leaves,'
Slowly passing,
. Passing from their life away;
Autumn leaves
Now are fading,
Fading with a slow decay.
They who long our homes have shaded,
Andwho oft our pleasures aided; •
They noware passing from our view,
Leaving the scenes their childhood kne
Autumn leaven,
tGently falling, .
Falling to their mother earth
Autumn leaves,'
Soon they'll quicken,
Quicken with a second birth.
Soon again they'll wave.abovis us,
Soon again their shade will guard us
From thelay-giid's fiery rays,
As through the azure vault be strays
Autumn leaves!
Silent warning,
- - Warning of our life's short da
, Autumn leaves ,
Plainly tell us,
Tell us of our own decay.
E'in like"them our forms will per'
Andlike them our_bodies die,
But a glorious hope we cherish,
That we live again on high.
From the California Mir
Old Love and Burgle
About two weeks since, th
Sacramento street merchant.
deuce is is Stockton street, a
of Pacific, was suddenly awa l
in the night, by footsteps in
and the next moment the li
lantern flooded her face
she could almost feel the h
the suppressed breathing off
She was entirely alone.
had gone to Sacramento,
fore, and the only person
beside herself was a ser
slept in the story beneat
VA been entered by bur
of the absence of the hu
person who held the lan
bly armed and prepare
first attempt at alarm
of a knife or a "billy."
mind did not forsake h
requires resignation a
woman to witness, or
scream or expostulatio
of her repositories of
pinpriation of her jew
uables; but the lad
deemed her life of ,
tban all the laces an
world, and without ti
rascals would help
what leave as worth
eyes and awated the It.
The light was w awn from her
face and she heard t • ening of draw
ers, the rustling of : the picking of
locks, and occasion: low whisper of
surprise or disappoi :nt. Then there
was silence for afu nute—it seemed
an hour to her—a,...oft footstep ap
proached the bed, the glar of the
lantern again fel •on her face.—
Through the close I e of her eyes she
saw the 'light, bu mained calm and
motionless in its : tinising rays, fear
ful that the leas .vement might im
peril her life. t. a moment of sus
pense ! The li was 'removed from
her face, and she that some one was
leaning against bed. Still she re
mained ,triotionl. now 'more through
a feeling of ter han the counsel of
policy.. Nor di. e stir when the warm
breath of the bu r 'touched her cheek.
Not until his li pressed 'her forehead
did she sprir_ p and half shrieked
"Who is in this •m?"
"Hush I" res ded a voice in a hoarse
whisper, while ough hand was laid on
her shoulder. ,peak nothing, and fear
nothing." I Th: ext moment she heard
the sound of re t ating footsteps and the
'creaking of a titter, and then all was
still again. S sfled that she was alone,
.she.sprang fro the bed, and tonchingla
lighted 'mate ot o burner, sank into
chair, comp eel, prostrated with the
nger throe pvb h she had passed.—
covering, be cl sed and fastened the
ow thr ugh ich the burglar had c
ed.a id - the looked around to as
, fif what s e had been plundered.
drawers re in confusion, and
\ very thi g with a lock to it had
)ed ; bu l , strange to say, little
7 was missing. caiket
open on the bureau, but,the
id the gold were all there,
hung where she had plat.
'Beside theseaiketoshe.
le roll of paper. She
found that it envelop
'e, that hard substance
ring had been given
had been
•gat for It - intik girth.
MBER 21. 1861.
d at the singular proceeding, she
: about casting the scrap of paper
m her, when her eye caught the marks
a pencil upon it. She carefnlly open
it and reed : • .
"This ring was once mine, it tells me in
ose house I am. I did, not know yon
Pere in California. You know lam an
utlaw—the world knows it and I do
of s care to deny it—but fallen as I am,
cannot rob you, Maria. Forgive me,
rand God bless you HENRY."
This explained all. She read the
s cro 11 , and dropping upon her knees,
prayed for him who had written it. And
who was "Henry ?"—Ten years ago he
loved that same Maria, when they, both
lived in Brooklyn: and he, would have
made her his wife—for she told him she
would be his—had he not taken to drink
and gambling, and finally forged the
name of his employer, for which he was
given a home in Sing Sing. When he
was worthy of ,her love he gave her that
ring, and n slie had kept it in remembrance
of what he had been. This is the story
of the ring...
On,, the return of the husband from
Sacramento, the wife related the adven
ture and showed hini the note; but he is
ni t jealous, nor has ho attempted to ar
rest the burglar. ,
of a
, late
member of the Mackerel Brigade, now
stationed on Arlington Heights, to
watch the movements of the Potomac,
which is expected to rise shortly desires
me to - thank the ladies of America for
supplies of havelocks and other delica
cies Of the season just received. The
havelocks, my , boy, are rather roomy, and
we took them' for shirts at fast"; and the
shirts are so narrow-minded that we
took them for havelocks. • If the women
of America, could manage to get a little
less linen into the collars of the latter,
and a little more into the other depart
ment of the graceful 'garmint' there
would be fewer colds in this division of
the Grand Army. The havelocks, as I
have said before are roomy—very roomy
my boy. Villiam Brown, of company
G., put one on last night, when he went
on sentry duty, and looked like a broom
stick in a pillow case, for all the world.
When the officer of the night came round
arid.caught sight of Villiam in his have
lock, he was struck dumb with admira
tion for a moment Then
, he ejaculated
"What a splended moonbeam 1"
"Villiam made a movement, and the
sergent came up.
.a dark
r that
d hear
lays be
le house.
Firl, who
'he house
rho knew
and the
ras proba-
Menne the
the stroke
wesence of
!t doubtless
titude in a
to, without
land the . ap-
Ind Other` val
-7 rationally
loads in the
g of what the
, selves to, or
he closed her
"Whatis that white object'?" says the
officer to the sergeant,
"['he young •man ' Villiam Brown,",
said the sergoant.
"Thunder !" roared the officer; "tell
him .to go to his tent and take of that
"You're mistaken," says the sergeant ;
"the sentry is Villiam Brown, in' his
havelock, which was madaby the wo
men of Atherica."
The officer was so justly exasperated
at•his mistake that he went immediate
ly to his headcitiarters and took the oath
three times running, with a little Sugar.
The b - ath is very phpear, my bay, and
comes in boltles. I take it medieinitily
The shirts made by the ladies of
America are noble articles, as far down
as ale 'collar; bat would not do to use as
an• only garment. Captain Mortimer
de Montague. of the skirmish squad, put
pne on when he went to the President's
reception, and the collar stood so up
high that he couldn't put his cap on,
while the other department didn't reach
quite to his waist. His appearance at
the White House was " picturesque sine
interesting, and as he entered the dra*-
ing-room, General Scott remarked very
- "Ah here comes one of the wounded
o He's not wounded, General remark
ed an officer standing by." •
"Then why, is hie head bandaged up
so ?"•asted•the venerable veteran.
!"says the officer,. !that is only
one of•the'shirts made by. the patriotic
wiratnin of America V!
In about five rhinntes rafter the" cOn
versation 71 saw the venerable veteran
and'the4wounded hero at•the office tak
ing the oath together. • •
3 , ,
No 0 46 5 1%.1( r4ATER. —"iteneet, 4 y ore
therne'exhocted a chaplain, "thaf who
soeyer fall this day in battle, sups to
nigtiOli Paradise." The "fight . began,
the ranke wavered; the chaplain took to
his !!epls, whei a soldier reproachfully
referto tithe promised sUpperia
Paradise, , my son, true," said
Terms--One Dollar a 'Year_
ing poetical effusion in manuscript re
cently "turned up" among a mass of old
papers in our chip basket. The initial
letters of the lines form the words " My
boast is in the glorious cross of Christ;"
and the words in italic, read from top to
bottom and from bottom to, top, compose
the Lord's Prayer. The author, we be
lieve, is a colored man and a resident of
this city. --Harrisburg 7elegrapk.
Make known the gospel truths, our fath-
er, king,
Yield ne'thy gine, dear Father, form
Mess us with hearts which feelingly can
"Our life thou art, for ever, God of love !"
Assuage our griefs in love, for Christ
we pray.
Since the bright Prince of heaven and
glory died,
Took all our shame and hallowed the
display, '
Infant be-ing first a man and then was
Stupendous God ! thy grace and power
,make known.
In Jesus' name let all the world rejoice.
Neiv labors in thy heavenly kingdom own,
That blessed kingdom, for thy saints the
How vile to , eozne to thee, is all our cry,
Enemies to thy self and all thats thine,
Graceless our will, we live for vanity,
Loathing thy very be-ing, evil in design.
0 God, thy will be done from earth to
'Reclining on the gospel let' us live,
In earth from sin deliver-ed and forgiven.
Oh ! as thyself but teach us to forgive,
Unless its power temptation doth destroy,
Sure is our fall into the depths of woe,
Carnal in mind, we've not a glimpse of joy
Raised against heaven: in us no hope
can flow.
13 gide us grace and lead us'in the Way,
Shine on us with thy love and give us
Self and this sin which:rise against us slay.
Oh ! grant each day our trespass-es may
Forgive our evil ,deeds that oft we do,
Convinco , ns,daiy of them, to our shame,
Help us with heavenly, bread, forgive us
Recurrent lusts, and we'll adore thy
In thyyforgive-ness we as saints can die,
Since for us and our trespasses so high,
Thy Son, our . Saviour,llati on Carvell:
WANTED A KNOT TIED.-A .correspon
dent "down East," in a "matterfur note
to the editor, relates "the subjoioned in
cident. Perhaps he did'nt desire to
have it printed; but we run the risk; for
it's too good to keep.
He ' says he was taking a sleigh-ride
with a very pretty girl, when he enconni
ered a Methodist minister, a favorite gee
pel itenerant in 'all . the region round
about. He stopped him and asked hur
riedly ':
"Can you tie a knot for me? ,
"Yes," said brother B—, "I guess
so when do you want it done ?"
!`Nyell,,right away," was the reply
"Is it lawful, though, here in the high
way ?" asked "the brother." "I never
thought of that ?" .
"I, don't know" was the response,
made just as a young briefless lawyer
drove, up, to whom the case was submitt
"It depends on the sort of knot which
he wished tied," was the decision.
"I want a 'knot tied in my horse's tail
to keep it out of the snow !" shouted the
wicked wag, as he drove rapidly away,
fearing lest the ministers in his profane
wrath, should "fall from grace." At a
safe distance he "slowed," and heard the
lawyer demanding a fee of five dollars
from •the minister for "professipnal
vice ! Rather "sharp practice;" but it
was ' his "first case," and palpably a
"knotty one !" •
A Coarse, ill-natured-fellow died one
day, and his friends assembled at his
fantail; but no - one had' 'a pilid word to
say about the :duces:se& Even at the
grave allivertsilent.L-At length a good
hearted German, as he tirned to go
home, said ; "Yell ; he was a toot
smoker !'
"Say Foie, is 'swords 'holiihed" in de
arityr ' "Ob C 01111 3 .6 dey Siowball;
what, makett yon arsetch a stoopid ques
tion, you iguant 1" "Oh, saffin; : - only. . I
heard tudder ,day,datfive thousand so
jars was tp:take the field. with
Sickles I"
Or What is the iliffw
confirmed sinner ar
is a mendicant and
FEEDING Bousse.-- , The London O*.
nibus Company hate lately Mad" a to;
port on feeding hetse.s ; *hitt disclosed
some interesting inforendietr ; not, only
to farmers, bet to every woe of dkotse:
As a great nnmbet of hotser ate troy/
used in the army fort cavalry; artillery;
and draught purposes, the faet stated
are of great valve at the ptentrit
The London Company Wses Wo lent
6,000 horses ; 3,000 of this ntinbeir had
for their feed bruised oats and Mit bay'
and straw, and the other 3,000 got whole
oats and hay. The allowance accorded
to the first was ::--brused vats ; Ifir Mr.;
cut hay, '4 lbs.; cut straw, 24 lbs. The
allowattee accorded tor the second
bruised oats, 19 lbs.; uncut hay, I3' lbw.
The bruised inits, cut hey and Mit strani
amounted to 26 lbs.; end the übbruised
oats, disc., to 32 itts. The horse whinit
had bruised oats ; with eat hey end stiravr i
consumed 26 pounds pet day ; mold dtir
the same work as well, and vies kept itr
us good condition ; as the horse which ter-
Ceived 32 lbs. per day. liere Wes at
saving of 16 lbs. per day en feeding of
`each horse receiving bruised oats; eat.
hay ; and cut straw. The adirentage of
bruised oats and cut hay is estimated an
five Cents per day on each Irotim, amount,'
ing to $3OO , per day for the Company's;
6,000 horses. It is by no beans an en
important result with which this eipcv
iment has supplied as. To the fernier'
who expends a large sum in the sopp6olt•
of horse-power ; there are two-points thin'
experiment clearly establishes ; whick ; inr
practice ; mast he profitable first, the'
saving of food to the amount of 6 , lbs. pet'
day; and Second, no loss of horselowef
arising from that saving.
NO. 8.
New York in 1761, as described by
Benjamin 3. Lossing in his late woiir,.
"The Life and Times of Philip Schuler"
was really a village in comparison.
its present splendor and proportioni
. New York at this time ; coati
about thirteen thousand inhabitai
There were about twenty-five hat
buildings in the city, many of they
brick, 'covered With tiles, and ms
them presenting.= aspect of or
and thrift. Fine toiletry resi4
surrounded by gardens and •pasturt
bellished the suburbs, and some
town residences were comparative]
latial. The city was almost a
length, and aboat a half as mile . inn
greatest breadth. Some .of the streets.
were paved with huge pebbles,-as rural
cities and villages at the present, but
nearly all of them were irregular is their
linear relations and course. kermarkets
were well supplied with fish, flesh; and.
vegetables of, every kind, t,he latter be- ,
ing raised by Duch farmers on Harlem.
Tlains, near the end of the Islas&
- A BROAD Womix.—: The - Princess-
Mary, of Cambridge, whose betrothal by
the Duke of Newcastle has beerr an. ,
nortneed, is a very comely personage;
bat very stout—so 'stoat, in ibct; that she
finds crinoline entirely superfluous ; ex
cept around the bottom of her skirt
and it is said that it has been necessary
of late, _to enlarge the door of her car
riage. A marriage was proposed be
tween her and Victor Emmanuel ; and
he was delighted at the prospect of a
connection with . the royal family of
England, through the owner of so char . 1
ing a face as that of the portrait which
was shown to him. But when, on his
visit to England, he saw the , lady, 71 its
..g/antuono—himself no slender lad—r•
tired precipitately from the negotiatiow,
"I cannot marry that woman," said he ;
she's broad enough to sit upon the seven
hills of Rome."
To Lot—There are more things "to
let" than are placarded. Hearts are to
let every day ; old hearts, yonvig hearts,
stricken hearts—all empty;• all to let.
There are heads . to let; to any new
thing, to isms, ologies and. its ; heads
without a tenant.
There are hands to let. 114ds plump
and fair ; -hands loan and brown.. These
to love these to labor ; these for rags,
and those for rings. 11-..asaa
There are consciences to let ;,elastic,
accommodating, caoutchouc ; at 5 per
cent. a month, sixty per cent. a year.—
To let on bond and mortgage, and a
pound of flesh.
And so it goes, from sods to souls ; al
most everything to let with its price ;
everything in the' market "but griefs.—
They are never quoted, never at a pre- .
minim, never "to let."
lir A reverend sportsman was once
billeting of infallible skill in finding
game. "If I were 'a hare I
ent:irolnot -being disterbed by thee from
thetfirst of January to the last o€ .Dl
" Why, Where'would you got"
"'lnto thy study."
Two acquaintances meeting on a mat
day, the one greeted_ the other with—
" Beautiful rain this air ; fetching things
out of the ground." Second friend, die
consolatly—"hope not, sir ; hope net.--r
Got two wives thgre sir."
The Moon changes every thartfliays.
"If a fact were, wanting to detertnia the
sex of this planet, the shove is siaicient.
Like most.ladies, she is sever a . day.old.
er than thirty.,
Or "Those dear eyes of thine'!" as
the 'gentleman said mimic' -be
ce between a
-6r? One
a 7
" 6
I, • ,
I I •