The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 14, 1861, Image 2

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tilir Hon. Thos. E. Cochran, of York,
Penn. has been nominated for President
Judge of the judical district formed by
that and Adams county. He is atpre
sent the Auditor General of the State
of Pennsylvania; a position which he boa
occupied for some two years, to the
great,' satisfaction-Of those who have, a
regard fer the economy of public busi
ness and the general safety of the resour
ces of the State. At this time we feel
almost unwilling to lose such a man from
such a position, but as his fellow-citizens
Feenr desirous, to place,hiro.hi a still
higher position of usefulness.and honor,
We yield in deference to their demands,
and. respect alsofor a merited, honor to .
a most worthy gentleman.
Or A gentleman recently from Rich
mend, says that the rebel army is rap:
idly becoming demoralized. The delay
to attack Washington is the cause 'of
much disoontent among the men. Gen:
Jphuston is anxious to undertake the
duty, but Davis and other leading men
say that the time has not come yet.—
The impression, however, is that the
leaders of the rebel army are afraid to
make the attempt; and that the immense
army of the Federal Government will
make it; feasibility less every day. Un
less tl-e attempt is made, and the thing
done now, the fearful odds arrayed
against the rebels, they think, will as
sure their certain destruction,
fir Colonel John Strotber, the pro
prietor of Berkley Springs, in Berkley
country, Virginia, an old, most respec
table, worthy, end 'inoffensive man, was
recently seized: by some of his violent
secession neighbors, and hurried oil to
Richmond, a prisoner. The charge
against‘him is that he loved his country,
and would not assist Mite destruction.
11e was an officer in the Twelfth United
States Infantry in the war of 1812, and
was in service on the Canada frontier.
AlthOugls he, is nearly seventy years of
age, neither bis high character nor his
former popularity could avail against
the displeasures of his secession neigh
ar enry Rock committed suicide
an eceentric manner, at Proviso, Illinois,
last week. Ile prepared a rude box,
intended by him as a coffin, and getting
into it, attempted to shoot himself with
a piitol. Inflicting by this means only
a scalp wound, he next got out, construct
ed a noose, which he fastened to a pro
jection from a few feet ever his head, in
such a. manner that he managed by
throwing himself upon the noose, to dis
locate his neck and strangle himself, and
was so found dead, reclining in his own
Imo' Ellis B. Schnabel, notorious' in
this his native and other states north
and east, as a- foul mouthed advocate of
the very realest of northern dough-face
ism, has been arrested by the United
States Marshal of Connecticut, and im
prisoned at Fort Lafayette. Ile was
one of the pets of the Buchanan ,admin
istration, and was sustained on a sine
cure office by Buchanan, purposely- to
abuse every man who differed with him,
and assist in,harrying forward the very
trouble in which we are now involved.
tr:John irastings of West Brook
61ithifoldedand ridden on a rail
by indignant citizens, on Saturday night,
On account of hii dastardly aenduct 'in
rqlation to the war. Tie has enlisted is
three 'seperate regiments—the Twenty-
First at Worchester being the last—and
after recelving his board as long as the
Irpops.remained in camp, had deserted
before the regiments left for the war.
447'.11ndrew Johnston of Tennessee,
says . the Cincinnati Gazette; was asked
the other day what he thought, of that
part of Fremont's proclamation relating
to the forfeiture of property and the
manumission 'of slaves belonging to arm
ed rebels of Mihduri;'and replied; that it
was just right—that "n man who will
fight against' the Union shouldn't be al
lowed to' own a dollar or a dollar's
wnith." '
Jam' Napoleon and the Pope continue
the par r.° uncertitin relations as existed
Tor 4 Entne h'ut the whole tendency
'events tooksAct,the witlidrawel of the
Frehch treepi freni IttottKi,,and the on
cupascyof the "hely city" by the troops
of the I`,Kinrof , Italy." process
bringisgthis about is slow lritut sure.
r i' 444 jfir Tho'h:t gale Aster, of Philadel
phia, an old - itiktrter, and a nephew of
tjielat9 Jos o crccalep, hap, been appointed
to a sacoaclass ele•rkship in the War
or Tiji: "SELI.g."—A music dealer
of Norwich,, seeing a piano ad
vertised for sale in a N. Y. paper, went
to the address indicated anti bought the
instrument, a superior one, for $275.
The advertiser a lady of elegant appear
ance, cried bitterly at the loss of her pi
ano and lamented the dire necessity
which compelled her to part with it.—
The music dealer cried also, he was so
much affected at her distress. He left
his address, &e.,and returned to Norwich.
What was his surprise at receiving there
a pinchbeck article not worth half the
money he had paid ! he returned to
New York, sought the lady and regitest
ed an explanation. As she ordered him
out of .the house he went to the police
who diseover:ed for him that the good
piano was still for sale and that he was
a victim of a common city swindle.—
They however, caused his money to be
refunded and he was furthermore indem
nified for the expenses.eceasioned.
icred -
j and power
States Treasury. Fifty , dollar notes are
embellished with Gen. Jackson on the
one end,. and of the present Secretary,
Chase, on the other. The placing of
old Hickory's portrait on these notes is
exceedingly. appropriate. It will be re
membered that he bitterly 'regretted on
his dying bed that he did not hang the
author of the Secession doctrine, but list
ened to the pleadings of the compromis
ers, and spared the traitor. The.coun
try partakes of the same regrets. That
was the time to have nipped Secession
in the bud.
ern Virginia Convention, which was
again in session at Wheeling last week,
passed by s decided vote, an ordinance
declaring the portion of that State west
of the Mountains, severed and indepen
dent of the eastern portion. The new
State is determined to go with the
North in any event; but if, by the end
of October, the Union armies have so
far triumphed as to render the subjec
tion of the South a certanity, they will
vote to retain the old name and the Old
Dominion—otherwise Kanawha will
stand ready to be one of the United
States. The question, however, be
submitted to a vote of the people.
WAGONS FOR Cooma.---The New
Hampshire Statesman says that one of
Gen. Fremont's aids visited Concord
last week, to
.provide for the construc
tion of a large lot of wagons arranged
for cooking the food for an army on the
march. Several of these wagons have
been constructed—the loco Motive por
tions at Concord, and the cooking appar
atus at the Amosksag Machine Shop, in
whole number of clerks and government
emplOyes, whose dismissal because of
their disloyalty the Potter Committee
recommended last week, is 227. Secre
taries Cameron, Wells, and Smith, and
Postmaster General Blair, the only heads
of departments whom Mr. Potter has
seen personally; have promised prompt
ly to remove all against whom he has re
ported. .
may interest those school directors who
are anxious to see the public schools
closed during the hard times, to learn
that the Hon. Wm. M. Meredith, Attor
ney 'General of the State, has declared,
upon application made to him by the
St ate Superintendent o f Common
Schools, that directors must keep the
schools of their respective districts in
operation at least four months annually.
CV" A letter to the Baltimore Amer
ican, from a citizen of Leesburg, Virgin
ia, says that an entire Mississippi regi
ment stationed there revolted on Satur
day, broke their muskets to , pieces and
started home. This letter is from a re
spectable and . reliable correspondent,
who has furnished the American regular
ly with correct information from that vi
-cinity, and lie:adds to his note that the
news is reliable.
rig' The number of, vessel's Thurchased
by the Secretary of the Nagy since the
war is seventieight.' The number char
tered is ten. Eight steam sloops are
building; twenty-thee gunboats are in
various stages of progress, and thirty
five vessels are fitting out. In addition
to these vigorous measures of the de
partment, all the ships of the navy have
been -called home from distant service,
and eighty captures have been made.
irr It is a noteworthy fact that Gen.
Seigel ' completely surprised, the old
Indian fighter and Texan B,anger, Ben.
- McCulloch, securing all his pickets se
lectinga good position, and beginning to
droP shells right into the midst of his
camp ;while half his men were, asleep in
their tents, and the remainder cooking
their breakfasts. •
Federal, Hill, in Baltimore, and
pretty generally commanding that city,
a point which has, been occupied by
National troops since kpril, is now be
ing fortified.
~The works will be exten
sive and very strong, and will be com
pleted at Ilia earliest practicable period.
Blondin was
~meeting with great suc
cess, daily in some pwrts of
-Ms latest achievement was a night as
cent with tire-works, at Liverpool.
All the Union men in South-western
:Missouri have been driven from their
homes. Some are living in the woods,
and in eaves, and visit their families by
George D. Prentice, the editor of the
Louisville Journal, is to receive a hand
some testimonial from the merchants of
New York, as an acknowledgemeat of
his service to the cause of the Union.
A member of the 24th Indiana Regi
ment was poisoned at St. Louis recent
)y, by partaking of a pie given him by
a stranger, It contained a quantity of
A Secessionist has been hanged at
Bucket's Town, Ind:, for attempting to
poison a spring from which Union troops
obtained supplies of water.
Last week Mr. Oliver Comm, of St.
Mary's Bay, N. S., having been inform
ed by one of his children that a hawk
was killing, young robbins in -a willow
tree near his house, went beneath the
tree and fired up in order to shoot the
hawk. On climbing to the nest, he was
horrified to find that he had shot his
own son through the heart!
A great excitement was got up in
Northampton a few evenings since, on
account of the loss of a child. The bells
were rung and a general search institu
ted; in the midst of which the child was
found where it had the best right to be
be—at home and in bed.
Gen. McClellan forbids the purchase
of gray uniforms—the Secessionist color
—and it is desired the State shall no
longer furnish them.
A San Francisco correspondent of
the Transcript alleges that a system is
carried on in California, by which the
Indians en the Pacific coast are hunted
and killed for their children. The poor
children are then sold at from $5O to
$lOO each, and employed as servants.
Early on Sunday morning two incen
diary fires took place near the building
in which the female spies at Washington
are incarcerated; and during the con
fusion, a party of men attempted to force
the guard and liberate the prisoners;
but:they were repelled by a bayonet
The sword of Commodore Barron has
been presented to the President. Ile
was captured in full regimentals, and
wearing the eagles and the stars of the
qovernment he so basely deserted.—
The flagship of the expedition—the
Minnessota—was formerly under his
Out of 300 wounded soldiers now in
the hospital at Washington, not one has
been hurt by a bayonet wound.
Mrs. Sue A. Carter Foster, of Mur
freesboro,, N. C., the wife of Charles
Henry Foster, has applied for a divorce,
on the ground that her husband is an
Colonel Conran, a gallant soldier, and
one of the heroes of the battle of Stone
Bridge, is named in the New York pa-
pers as a candidate for sheriff of that
city. The perquisites and fee's of that
position amount to more, every year,
than the salary of the President of the
United States.
Joshua R. Giddings is seriously ill at
his residence in Ashtabula, Ohio.. lie
has overtaxed his strength in preparing
the 28th Ohio Regiment for the field.
On Saturday morning last the pave
ments of some of the principal streets
in New Haven were found chalked over
with the word " peace."
Among a detachment of 50 recruits
for Col. 1 - lawkins's New York Zouaves,
sent to Washington on Wednesday,
were two grandsons of Paulding, who
arrested Major Andre in the Revolu
tionary war.
Capt. Avis, Jobe Brown's jailor, who
was reported killed at the battle of Bull
Run, is not dead after all, but continues
to hold an appointment•in the Southern
The English papers inarir.ouneing the
first battle at Bull Run, speak of it, one
as the battle of Dulbrun, and another as
the battle of Bulirim.
Pan Rice's rhinoceros, which escaped
while being brought to La Crosse, (Wis.)
a few weeks since has been recaptured
by means of a chain-trap.
Since the middle of July, 0840 horses,
3697 mules, 2765 wagons, and 1100 am
bulances have been received at Wash-
The Richmond papers contain long
advertisements naming and describing
deserters from the Rebel army.
(}en. Michael Doudel, one of the old
est citizens of York, Pa., died on Thurs
day last.
Although the official reports'or the
various commanders engaged in the bat,
tle on the 21st ult., have been received
in Richmond, the rebel Secretary of
War has given positive instructions to
sumireSs their publication.
.• The Northern Rebel Journals• are
calling sternously for peace, while their
brethern in the rebel states insist on a
bloody and merciless war. The object
to lae attained by both is the permanent
establishment of the southtirn confeder
~W• The following sharp correspond
auct:: has taken plae between two
editors :
"SEPTE3fDt.:n 2, 1ki,61.
"Gt:ortat: D. PRENTICE-61n am
informed by my friend Mr, Thompson,
that you, in reply to his inquiry made at
my instance, avowed yourself the writer
of an editorial in the ..four,int of the 23d
of August, and also one of a previous
date, both denunciatory of myself.—
These articles are false and slanderous,
and were Written without any provoca
tion on my part or the slightest justifi
cation or excuse upon yours. I demand
redress, and ask that you will appoint
some time and place outside of Jefferson
county where and when it will be given.
This note will be handed to you by my
friend Mr. George Thomas, who as such
is authorized to act for me.
"LOUISVTLI.E, September 3, 1361
of the 2d instant is . received. You
sought 'redress/ for the very articles you
complained of by publishing a scurrilous
pamphlet, and if you 'demand' any more
`redress,' you may get it in the same
way or in any other way you can. I shall
not 'appoint a time and place' for meet
ing you, for I would'nt go two steps to
meet or avoid you. As for killing you,
I think that ,have done that already,
and I don't care to waste powder and
lead upon a carcass. 'They can be put to
better use in these rebellious times.
Respectfully, -
Wm. Lyon Mackenzie, Ex-Mem
ber of the Canadian Parliament, died on
Tuesday night in Toronto. The deceas
ed was the Upper Canadian leader of the
rebellion of 1837, which resulted in his
e*ile to the United States for 12 years,
during which time be was connected
V l With The New York Tribune. Being
pardoned in 18.19, he returned to Cana
da, and was elected to Parliament, which
position he occupied for several years.—
lie universally respected.
la- At Cincinnati, on Sunday after
noon, a little boy, 5 years old, son of
Mr Joseph Pancoast, was bitten in-the
cheek by a savage horse attached to a
butcher's wagon, and the beast did not
let go his hold until a piece of 'flesh as
large as a dollar, was torn out, actually
leaving bare the jaw and teeth. The
animal swallowed the human morsel,
while the poor boy fell fainting to the
I.IW The Uovernor has decided upon
putting Fort Mifflin in complete order,
and a number or mechanics and laboring
men have been sent there for that pur
pose. Better late than never.
not deceived.—Liver Complaint.—Some peo
ple consider an article worthless because it is
adVertised—this is the exception not the rule
—for if anything is worth knowing it is worthy
of being universally known, and the Pills is
the only medium for extending this knowledge.
The truth or falsity of an ascertion however,
lies in the proof. After deep research and
I . scientific labor, Dr. Holloway, some fifty years
beck discovered two potent remedies, Pills and
Ointment, for alt internal and external dis
orders arising from the stomach, the liver, or
the blood. For liver complaint particularly it
is a decided cure. In all tropical climates it is
the only medicine used for this disease, and
the millions who have been cured by the Pills
and Ointment, owe their knowledge of them
to the Press.
EMPLOYMENT: The Erie Sewing Machine
Company desire to secure a few Traveling
Agents, upon a salary of 25 to $6O per month
and expenses, or a commission. This is an
opportunity seldcm offered, and those who
choose a constant business, can rely on con
stant employment for a term of years. Con
fidential Circulars sent free. Address Erie
Sewing Machine Company. R. JAMES, Geh
rale Agent, MILAN, Oltio, [34-6in
1:3- We have heard of some astonishing
cures being made by Prof. De wrath's Electric
Oil, It seems to act on the diseased parts with
remarkable effects and in a short space of time
health regains its sway. It can be had of the
Agents here, see advertisement in another
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in the
United States and Canada. Price 25 cents, 50
cents, and $1 per bottle.
Sec advertisement.
LLI We take. pleasbre in calling attention to
the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of
Art. The testimonials are of the first charac
'See advertisinent of Prof. L. Miller's
flair Invigorator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an
other column.
paving removed to the Rooms formerly occupied
by Dr. Swentzel, adjoining .Spangler Pat-
tersaa's Store, Market Street, where he is now
e zr --7 7 . :ty ,_ prepared to wait on all who may feel
disposed to patronize him.
Dentistry in all its branches car
ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved
principles of Dental science. All operations
on the mouth performed ir. a skillful and
workmanlike manner—on fair principles and
Having determined upon a permanent loca
tion at this place, would ask a continuation
of the liberal patronage heretofore extended
to him, for which he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
it_r Ether administered to proper persons
JU undersigned has received. another lot of
Fluid and Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp Shades_
of every variety and price. Call and see them
at Dr. Hinlile's Drug Store.
riyurr,s ITanging•and Side Lamps,
For Sale at DR. GROVE'S.
ArD A ERIA WINES, fall bodied and fruity,
Al at the "Enterprise Store."
A. D. REESE, Mount joy.
c 2, CE RHAV cc;
• 413 (*: k.
L-- . 4i 1 q : ::: •
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:„, - t45 1 .1,14, '.i. ,
i f 4....._____7 ,, ,
11: t .i.
', , , , ;vAE. Milik TIE N , 2...........—'‘'
, \ f „.,.. -- :,_ -.___-.
had tho various &dins consequent upon a disordered
Eneh as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky
Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despot y,
Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Pilec. lu all Ner
vous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections it has In
numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in
others effected a decided cure.
This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared nn
strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the
celebrated llollaud Professor. Bcerhave. its reputation
at home produced Its introduction here, the demand
commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered
over the face ofthis mighty country. many of whom
brought with them and handed down the tradition
of its value. R is new offered to the American polite,
knowing that its truly 'wonderful WMlicinat virtue-3
Mat be aclon me/edged.
It is particularly recommended to those persons
whose constitutions may have been impaired by the
continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of
dissipation. GenerallyAnstantaneous in effect, it finds
its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling anti quick
ening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and,
in fact, infusing new health and rigor in the system.
NOTlCE—Whoever expects to find this a beverage
Will he disappointed; but to the sick, weak and law
spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos.
sensed of singular .'emedial properties.
- -
The Genuine highly concentrated Beerhave's Hol
land Paters .in put up in hall-pint bottles only, and
retailed at ONE bottle,
or six bottles for
Frye DOLLARS. The great demand for this truly cele
brated Medicine has induced many imitations, which
the public should guard against purchasing.
traTltoware of Imposition. See that our name is on
the label of every bottleyou buy.
Sold 17 Druggists generallT. It can be for
warded by Express to most points.
parmartutists and o_:hrniisis,
For sale at Dr. .1.11. Grove's Drug Store,
Market Street, Marietta, Pa.
1 -- , ,LEcTRIC 01 L. The cures made by
are so near mime WOOS as to resemble the fain-
Scripture accounts of similar cures in an
cient limes by the annointing with oil, and
these cures are so. wonderful unit instantan
eous, so satisfactory and mitigating of human
ill, as to call upon public functionaries, amt
those havito , charge of public inStitulions for
the sick and suffering, to look well into the
well-attested merits, the simple efficacy of this
" Electric Oil."
I'rofcssor Da GRATH, DlCreibre;' has deposit
ed gsloo with the Mayor. the same to be forfeit
ed Electric Oil," sold at 'Philadelphia,
fails to curt a single C.4.5:3 of Rheumatism, or
Pains in the liack, or Limbs, Pifes, Sores. or
iterns, Fevo Sores, Ulcers,, Caked Breast, Sore
Nipples, Bronchial ,treelions , Swelled 0 lands,
Felons, Stiffness in the Joints, Sprains,
Bruises, Sores. en man or beast, or
Scratches or'Splints on horses'; also Deafness.
Prices cents, 50 cents, and $l.
Philadelphia, Pa.
None genuine without signature ofl'rof
C. Di CiltAT D. Labels signed in writing.
Principe' Depot No. 217 South. Eighth St.
Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggii4,
can be supplied wholesale and retail. Price
25 cents, 50 'cents, iind i per bottle.
Try everything else ; give this; one simple
CAUTION -13e careful to ask for and get DE
GRATH'S Electric Oil, as Worthless imitations
There are numerous imitations sprung up on
the reputation my article has acquired. The
public must beware. They are wrialiless.
Fur sale by all dealers and drugglsts. Pria
rips! °lac 217 South Sth street , la.
Feb. 2-131
Saw Kill and Lumber Yard,
CONSTANTLY on hand a full ass Mier,
of all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, t
.3 hhe
oiFers at reasonable prices.
Boards, Plank, Joist, Seandi „
Buffers, Laths , Shingles, .1
Pails, .c., 6.c., 6-c,
OAK, PINE 6. HI . :111,0CM" Till ER.
All orders attendee,to with dispatch.
.T. Al. ER.153611V.
Marietta, April l ltf. 4854.- -,.
Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa.i
THOMAS C. CHILD, AGT., has constantly
on hand, or Manufactured . to ord:4r, oil
kinds of SASH, DOO/5 . .. BLINDS, *ow,
d^r-, SIT. All orders addressed to 9IEnSI vEy,
HOUTZ & Co., for any of the above artiVes, of
for 'Bill Stuff, Timber Girders, Lath,Vtkets,
Pales, Shingling Lath,
Floor Boards, %, ather
Boarding, White Pine Shingles, or Lum r will
et ways meet with prompt attention, and, l' sup
pliedion as favorable terms as Eratoan,oilier
a6tablishment in the country. t i
A liberal discount of for ca .
• JOHN BELL, Merchant fra
Car. of Marleet-st.; and Elbow Lane, rietta
triRATEFH.L for past favors I woul, rettru
my thanks to my numerous friendOnd pa
trons and inform them that I still continue the
old business at the old stand, where 4will be
pleased to see them at all times, and hcing a
full and splendid assortment of
which will be made up to order at theishortest
notice by the best of workmen, and on pasona
ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore - , to wait-
Azpon my old customers and all who see proper
to patronize me hereafter. fOct:2ll- , 5u.
1) ITT E R'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical I3an
dages, Shoulder Braces, Instrument s f or
Deformit3 , &c. These articles aro
very highly recommended by PI ofes-;
SOrS PanCOdat and Gross of the J efferson Med
ical College of Philadelphia, and the under
sign ed knows them to be the best al - lidos, of
the kind in' use. F. Hinkle, M. D.
A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for
Coo ling—something very nice.
Liquid Rennet for making delicious desserts.
Pontine, Honey and othe line Soaps.
Frangipannie and other Extracts.
For sale at BINKI,D4'.
Having just lammed from the city with
a nicely selected let of Ready-made Clothing,
Which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at
reduced prices; baying laid in a general ass or t_
ihent of men and boys' clothing, he is
determined to sell now, FOR CASH.. His stock
consists of OVER-COATS, DRESS, FRocE- AND
GLovEs, SU'Si.EI4,DERS, &C. Eyerythinkt in 11w
Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything"d at
prices to suit the times. T.OHN 13E1,1
Corner of Elbow Lane and .11141 7.
next door to tassel's Store.
Marietta, October 29, 1t i 6. •
IAI PORTA NT 10,!•cON,-V,E,Y !!
_ TU r. cum - . OF
Onty/is CohiF
ii 1' , .: F.E r-,i.: ir:l
AA who are suffering from. Consumption
sir -11,1 use the .14 A 1:011. 4. ARA LUCA, discovered
bra missionary in Arabia.
All those who are threatened with Consumfr
tiou should use the Makora Arabica, discover&
ed by a missionary in Arabia.
All who are suffering from Bronchitis should
use the Makora Arabica, discovered by a mis
sionary in Arabia.
Ail who arc suffering from Sore Thro at
C lis, and Colds, should use the Makora.
Alludes, discovered by a missionary in Arabia.
All who are suffering from - Asthma, Scrofu
la and impurities of the blood should use the-
Makora Arabica, discovered by a missionary
iu Arabia.
Jr cures Consumption,
It cures litonchitis,
It cures Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds.
It cures Asthma, Scrofula and impurities or
the Wood.
"lois unequalled remedy is now for the first
time introduced to the penile.
11 was providentially discovered by a mis
sionary while traveling in Arabia. He was,
cuied of Consumption by its use alter his case
\to; pronounced hopeless by lea rued physicians.
in Eu rope.
lie has forwardt.d to us in wilting, a fuP ac
c oini. of his own extraordinary cure, and of a
mmitter of other cures which have come under
his observation and also a full account of the
medicine. . ,
At his request, and impelled by a desire t
exiold a knowledge of this remedy to the pub
lie, we have had his communication printed Oa
Pamphlet form for tree distribution. Its inter
tot is enhanced by an account which he give/.
of seine of the scenes of the Syrian mmisacree,
which he obtained from 'those who sullered •
that awful tragedy.
'kris pamphlet may be obtained at our office;
or it will be sent tree by mail to all who apply
for it. We import the illokora Aralica direct
from Smyrna through the house of Clcon and
I;ylippUS, and we have always on bawd a lull
supply put up in bottles ready for use with full
di;ccltous. Price One Dollar per battle.
Scat by mail on receipt of price, and 24 rent&
for postage. Vir sale wholesale or retail, by
Importers of 1.17 ugs and Medicines,
March 30.] GI Liberty-al., N. I'.
THE TESTIMONY of the WHOLE tlllllll,O
ul Legs, Bud Breasts, Sores and Ulcers
All description of sores are remediable by the
proper and dilLteut use of this inestimable
preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by
plastering the etl:4es of the wound together is a
fur should the skin '
unite, a buggy dis
eased condition reniams underneath to break
,at with tenfold lacy in a few days. The only
zaional and successful treatment, as indicated
Mt nature, is to lettuce the inflammation in and
about the wound and to soothe the neighbori ag
pads by rubbing in plenty of the Oinunenl. as
,all ;a Pureed into meat.
Diptheria, Ulcerated Sore 7'la•oat, and.
Scarlet and other Fevers
Any of the above diseases may he en red by
rubbing the (hutment three time:: a i iiy
into the chest, throat and neck of the patient ;
it will soon penetrate, and give inimediati•
Medicine taken by the mouth must oper
:ov upon the whole system ore ita itillueni-ei an
be ielt in any local part, whereas the
otr,d will it. its Welk at once. Whoever trl,l
the thignent in the above 11141.1111 Cr for the ills
, limited, or any disorders alketiF4
Ow chest and Moat, will find themselves ft--
hoed as by a charm.
Piles, Fistulas, Strictures.
The above class of comp/alias will be remove
y nightly fomenting the parts with warm
wailer, and then by most effectually t übbi il l !: in
tnc Ointment. Persons sulDrilig from
rful curopkauts should lose not a moment in
attesting their; progress It should be tinder
st t ,, d that it Id not suifLient merely to smear
;he Ointment pa the sheeted parts, but it must
tie well rubbed in for some considerable time
Urn m three times a day, that it may he taLeta
into the system, whence it will remove ally
hidden sore or, wound as effectually . as though
palpable to t he eye. There again bread and
water poultict, tiller the raring in or the
it uncut, wil ,lo great service. This is the
only sure treat nent Tio female cases of cancer
a, the stomach, or where there may be a gen
eral bearing ildwn.
510tches. as
tal,ty, be radi
,I freely, a
only dry
tther %v 6:
Ii •it a Vigo
a cur:
CrvsicaE , wellings, Paralysis and
hough he above complaints differ widely
it origt i and nature, yet they all rviran•
treatiOnt. I\ laity of the worst cases. in
iseas", will yield in a campanili% cly
space f time when this Ointment is din
• rubb d into the parts atrected, even after
other means have failed. In all scrions
ies the Pills should be taken accordiii:4
printed directions accompaoyin . 4 tacit
to :.
the Ointment and Pills slinald he
in the following cases :
egs, Chiego- foot, Fistulas,
roasts, Chilblains, Gout,
Chapped tlands,GJ nil r
ns, Co••ns (Sufi)
.f Mos- Cancers, LunibaAu,
.es and Contracted and Piles.
I t!
-Flies, Still' Jellits, Rlleamati, , ei,
baY, Elephantiasis, Scald , ,
iseases, Scurvy, . Sere Nipplvs.,
.'s, Ulcers, sore. I b rout es . ,
als, Yaws, Fore-lirials.
trioN !—None are genuine unless the
• "IlomtowAy, New Yon]; AND
are discernable as a (Nader-marl in
leaf of the hook of directions, around
pot or box. ; the same may be plainly
ty holding the !ea; to the light. A band-
Toward will bp given to any one rentlerirv,
nformation as may lead to the detection
•T party or parties counterfeiting the mud
or vending the sane, knowing them to
at the Manufactory of Professor lloi.-
y,"80 Maiden Lone,.New York and
•pectable Druggists and Dealers in Medi -
irouglicut the civilized world, in puts, at
2c. and $1 each.
There is a considerable saving by taking
threetions. for the guidance of In
. iii &en - disorder, are affixed to cap h boy.
Henry. Landis, L D.,
'FRS his professional services to the
izens of Marietta and vicinity
be found at his Drug Store, formerly
Ilk le's, at all times when not else w here
io nally engaged.
try; Fait:lglus: having been called to.
io ill the U. S. .1 , 4 a% y, .1 !ICI ch . % re-e'it
feion to the care and attention of IL.
• mils, in whom I. have every con
,h ring had ample opportunity of an
nag his ability to till my place.
a 1
111 e
tAT, AT Clt Li
' Marled Street, Marietta, Pal 1 1 (
AN I)) guarranted to be
t:/lt/ LIP.% - Benjamin k Cu.
o ff Youth; Sues and Ulcers.
also swellings, can, With cer-
L ally cured LI the Ointment l,
d the Pills be taken night and
commended in the printed in
' hen treated in any other way
Up m one place to break cut in
. eas this Ointment will rya. ,se
an the system, and leave the pa
us and healthy being. It will
ith the use of the Ptli to cu: me