((lit 2111atittli,ut I PUBLISH ED EVERY SAT!: II DAV, AT PA YAM. E. 1N A DVANrE O . FFICF: in Cmlrs Front street, five door, bcl,w MN . ph iry , s Hotel, Marietta, Lancaster Cotottr, Peon'a. If subscriptions he delayed beyond 3 mo nths, $1.25 : if not paid until the expiratio n of the year, $1.50 will be charg , d. Nit subscription received for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discontin ued until t all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publi,her. A failure to no tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. Any person sending US FIVE new subscribers shall have a sixth copy for his trouble. ADVERTISING RATES : Otte square (12 lines, or less) 50 cents fur the tirsi insertion and "5 ceii for each subsequent insertion. Profes sional and ISusiness cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading columns, jive rents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, rsEE ; but for any additional lines, five cents aline. 1 square 3 months, $20 1 ; 6 months, $3.50 ; I year, $5. Two squares, 3 months, $3 : ti mouths, $5; ; year, $7. Half-a-column, 3 months, $8; 6 mon th s. $l2; 1 ye ar , $2O. One column, 6 months, $2O 1 year, $3O. Having recently added a largo lot of new Jon * .A ND CA RU TYPE, we are prepared 10 do all kinds of Plain and Thncy Printing, MEWL Large Posters, with Cuts, Sale Mils of all kinds, Bail Tickets, eirruiars, Cards, Programmes, 4T., lewerylhing in the Job Printing line will be done ith neatness and dispatch, and at the lowest possible rates. O NLY ONE DOLLAR EACH! 16,000 Beautiful Sled Plate Engravings of the Lard's Prager for sale. VALUABLE PROVERTV GIVEN AWAY!! he idea of representing - the Lord's Prayer by an engraving, and of tunamenting and ar ranging it in such a manner as to produce at once a model of neatness and taste, was con ceived and curried out by ORALS/3Y, the cele brated Batik Note IMeraver of New York. It 4tOtallatillaiti With f , tictilisitively executed words of "Our Father," and then follow in success ion the, oilier parts tit the player, every phrase of Which is engraved in the must elegant alai 111Stelai 'stoner. Near the bottom of the pie- . lure is a superbly executed head of Our Sa viour, and eneheling the upper part of the en waving are ten a lii4Tls, each bearing one of = The engraving has rem vett the most unqual ified pritise from the ieligious community, as there is nothing of a .cciaring character about it, having been rucommemted by clergyman of all denominations. As sit ornament, it is otte of the most splendid ever published in this country, and is destined to tulle the place of a pouer class of engravings. The size of the pi* is 2U x 28 itich , s, and is unquestionably the cheapest engraving ever (dim(' in thus country Who that loves art—who delights to study a line engraving—who that would receive the impressions which such a work is calculated to impart, would fail to secure a copy whoa the price is ONLY ON V. DOLLAR, with the chance of securing for the sum in addition, a Permanent home or itnother valuable gift As a work of art this valuable and beautiful eugraring is worth more then the dollar asked for it, it will readily be acknowledged on an inspection of it ; but the subscribers intend to make a 1111 t Distribution to purchasers of tfig, engraving of valuable prosetit3 of follows: I Douse and Lot in Vont Borough. 2 Buggies, (Quinn S Painter's make, war anted.) I Rockaway. 2 building Lots in York Borough. Inn Valuable lit.ks. libls. your, (Warranted.) 1000 Gold Cult Frames to suit Engraving of the Lord's Prayer. .1)0 0 Steel Plate Engravings, Birth of Christ. Magnificent Lousing Glasses. Gold and Silver Watches. All kinds of Jewelry, embracing Cameos Florentine, IThiNaic, Gold Stone, &.c., !sc. A Gift worth from 50 cents to $;:i00.00 with each engraving sold. I‘ , hen the engravings are sold a meeting of the purchasers will be called at Washington Hull, York, Pa., when the Gifts named above will be distributed in such a manner as the purchasers may determine. The Purchasers selecting tt committee of disinterested persons to make the awards in such manner as they !nay designate. The proprietors from the favorable manner in which this 'jilt Enterprise has been received, and the number .f engravings already sold, hope to be able to have the amount disposed of by the Ist of July, '6l, and when all are sold they will notify the purchasers, and have the distribution of the 6111.4 proceeded with. The engraving has received the commenda tion of.the Reverend Clergy, our first citizens, and indeed of all classes, wholeuter lint') it with interest and spirit. send One Whir, and 4 red stamps, to nay postage on I.Mgraving, and you arc sure to Det it by return mail with a Ticket in the rawing. Add mss, AUSTIN S. WEHRLY J. M. AusTirl: GEORGE WEIIRLY It Eco xi MENDATIONs. . - We invite attentloli to some of the mom imenduriens: From Rev. C. W. Thompson, Fedor id St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, York, Pa. Messrs. Au, & Warty :—The engraving of the Lord's Prayer," which is now offered for sale by, Messrs. Austin & Wehrly, of this Borougn, is "got up" with much taste and beauty, and might to recomend itself to public attention—anything that will keep that noble compasition before the mind and memory is likely to do good. The work seems to me only to require examination in order to be ad mired, and I cannot but hope that the gentle men who have in hand its distribition at so moderate a rate, will be abundantly success ful in their undertaking. C. W. THOMPSON. Float 11ev. E 1.. Hagan, Pastor of the Mora vian Church 2 York, Pa. York, Pa., Feb. 20, 1861. Messrs. Austin & Wehrly:—slaving bad the pleasure of ins,iecting Messrs. Austin & Wehrly's splendid engraving of the Lord's Troyer, 1 would cordially recommend it to the favorable attention of their friends at York and elsewhere. It is not only a beautiful or nament for the dwelling of every christian handy, but also a useful and edifying acquisi tion fur Sunday Schools and similar benevolent institutions. F. P. 1 - l agan. Mr. John :Paths, Market-st., agent for Mari etta and vicinity, where specimen engravings can be seen and purchased. JO UN BELL. Merchantlor, Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta 11LATEFUL for past favors I would return urmy thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where i will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSI MERES b VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order at the shortest noyce by the best of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers and all who see proper to patronize me hereafter. [Oct.:29-'56. .2, BARRELS Monongahela Whisky just 10 received, which will be sold at the low est niatket rates by the barrel or gallon at the Enterprise Wine S.: Liquor Store. A. D. RE..ESE, Mimi/ Joy. UY one of those eaful SOF T HATS lA, Causes b, 92 uti Market- st. .4 F'_ _~_ Barer, Prapri~tor_ VOL. 8. THE NOBLEMAN OF EARTH The truest nobleman on earth, Is he who loves to be The first companion of the good, The hero of the free. - Who works undaunted for the poor, - Who sees no rank in names, Whoge hopes ascend to heaven in crowds, As sparks fly up in flames! Give me that nobleman of mind, Who loves a noble cause ; The right of labor's sturdy ions, And freedom's righteous laws! The hater of evil schemes A tyrant may advance.; A giant's strength about his heart, Thoughts brilliant in his glanpi ! I love the nobleman of earth, Wro' strives to bless the age ; And leaves a glory that is caught On history's faithful page! Whose name tile millions love to lisp, Truth's sure unflinching guest, Who shines in love as does the sun In palace of tire West! De's deathless as the mighty skies, When jewelled through with stars; Could feet God's beauty in a blaze Burst through the prison bars! No mandate from the tyrant breaks Ills spirit's upward bound; While high on every liberal creed His name is blazoned round ! And perjured kings may pass from earth, Their pomp and lustre fade ; But nature's nobleman unclasps The cruel laws they've made. His worshipped monarch is his God, He leaves a name behind, Flushed with effulgence that reflects His majesty of mind! STRIKINGLY TRUE.—Quilp, of the Boston Post, gives the following as an infallible re cipe for worrying an enemy; having seen it tried on : If any one wishes to know The hest way to worry a foe, Don't go to impeaching lus)ims; Don't call him opprobrious names ;' Don't say that he tipples or games; Don't twit him of dyeing his hair;' Don't sneer at his "2.40 mare ;" Don't threaten his limbs or his life ; Don't laugh at his daughter or wife; Don't tell him to " look in the glass ;" Don't call.him a fool or an ass; Don't tell him he rides very ill; Don't dun him with that " little bill ;', Don't snub him, or slap him, or kick him'; Don't stab him, or stick him, or lick hits ; There's a crueler trick to employ:— Give a drum to his favorite boll! INFLUENCE OF SMILES.—A smile is in deed a thing or beauty. Whether living on the lips of gladsome youth, or flicker ing on the dying features of worn out age, it holds its beauty still. Whether making loveliness yet more winsome( or rendering ugliness less repulsive than its wont, a smile yet holds its nature—yet it is beautiful. Magic lurks therein, and always the human heart as words never can—quickens its quiet pulse, or soothes and calms the hurried throb as they may need. And beneath the encouraging influence of one sweet, upholding smile, the heart itself may change its mood— may yield its mad intent, if not cast out forever its evil promptings and its dark propensities. And so may the smiles of derision madden beyond what the utmost words can do, even as the smile of praise will spur humanity to great and noble deeds beyond the approach of all other promptings. Its silent pow er sinks in the heart, and heals some uew made thrust, as sweetly and gently falls the mysterious dew from heaven.— And a smile of love 1 It beams in the mother's eyes as she sees beauty in her infant's face, and a silent laugh of un known joy from her darling babe, It plays with stronger and more thtilling magic on the maiden's lovely counte nance, as her heart's idol meets her far seeing eye, and draws near to let her look of love loose none of its precious value in needless distance between them. And with deeper, purer joy, it conies to the wife's glad face when her husband's fond gaze tells how much is gained since he first called her wife. holy, beautiful indeed, is the smile of fathomless and perfect love. Too seldom, indeed, does it live—too seldom lightens heavy cares and earthly sorrows. Too seldom does it have birth—too often does it soon leave life's pathway, even if fairly born ' and dearly welcomed there. New Bread in Six Hours.—Alr.George Wagner,of Upper Bern,Berks county, Penn., on the 4th of July, brought sever al loaves of bread to a grove when the Hamburg Sunday schools were celebra ing the day, the wheat out of which it was made having been waving in the field in the morning. The wheat was cradled at 5 o'clock in the morning, threshed. andtrotind in the mill, and baked inte, bread before eleven o'clock. , +. 12, , Z 5 ..: . . . , • . . . , ..., 111 .. 4 I 1,.. „ • __..,:.-,• * - 11'.1tbrycnbat 'iltnnsOhnialanai for lljt liamily (Circle. MARIET TA, AUG ST 3. 1861. larE OF A JAIL BIRD I am not going fur to tell you my life, like a song or a story book. But to give it to you short and handy, I'll put it at once into a mouthful of English.— In jail and out of jail, in jail and out of jail, in jail and out of jail. There, you've got it. That's my life pretty much, down to such times as I got shipped ofr, arter Pip stood my friend. I've been done everything to, pretty well—except hang ed. I've been locked up as much as a silver tea-kettle, I've been carted here, and carted there, and put out of this town and put out of that town, and stuck in the stocks, and whipped, and worried and drove. I've no more notion where I was born than you have—if so much. I first became aware of myself down in Essex, a thieving turnips for my living. Summon run atvay from me —a man— a tinker—and he'd took the fire with him, and left me werry cold.— know'd my name to be Magwitch, chriseu'd Able. HoW did I know it Much as I koow'd the birds' names in the hedges to be chaffinch, sparrer, thrush. I might have thought it was all lies together, only as the birds' names come out true I suppose mine did. So fur as I could find, there warn't a soul that see young Abel Magwitch, with at little on him as in him, but wot.caught fright at him, and either drove him off or took him up. I was took up, took up, took up, to that extent that I reg 'lady grow'd up took up. This is the way it was, that when I was a ragged little creetur, as much to be pitied as ever I see (not that I looked in the glass for there warn't many inside of furnished houses known to me), I got the name of being hardened. " This is a terribly hardened one," they says to prison visi tors, picking out me. " May be said to • live in jails, this boy." Then they look ed at me, and I looked at them, and they measured niy head, some on 'em—they had better measured my stomach—and others on 'em gave me tracts what I couldn't read, and made me speeches what I couldn't understand. They al wayswent on agen roe about the Devil. But what the Devil was I to do? must put something into my stomach, mustn't I? Ilowsomever, I'm getting low, and I know what's due. Dear boy and Pip's comrade, don't you be afeerd of me being low. Tramping, begging, thieving, working sometimes when I could—though that warn't as often as you may think, till you put the question whether you would ha' been over ready to give me work yourselves—a bit of a poacher, a bit of a laborer, a bit of a wagoner, a bit of a hawker, a bit of most things that don't pay and lead to trouble, I got to be a man. A deserting soldier in a Traveller's Rest, sot lay hid up to the chin under a lot of taturs, learnt me to read ; and a travelling Giant, wet signed his name at a penny a time, learnt me to write. I warn't locked up as often now as formerly, but I wore out my good share of key-metal still: PATRIOTIC CATHOLIC C YMEN.—In a late sermon before one of the Catho lic churches in Albany, New York, the Rev. Father Creedon said : " I wish every man who can leave his family, to enlist. This is the first country the Irishman ever had that he could call his own country. The flag of the stars and stripes is the only flag he can fight under and defend as his own flag. Now, in the time of the nation's peril, let every Irishman show that he is worthy to be part of a great and glorious na tionality. Now, when the American flag is bombarded and struck down by traitors, let every Irishman show that he is true to the flag which always pro tects him. 1 want every Irishman who hears me to enlist if he can. There are two classes whom I most despise—cow ards and traitors ; and those who can enlist and do not are either one or the other." ire The treatment of persons poisoned has hitherto been that of a chemical decomposition of the poisonous substan ces. It is now proposed to correct their effects by another method—that of ad ministering poisons of a depressing char acter to counteract those of an exciting one. This is the new Italian practice. Thus laudanum has been neutraliied by belladonna. ca - The Latest Novelty in gentle men's apparel, and one that is well suit ed to these war times, is shirtfronts, collars and wristbands of enameled steel. They are said :to be perfectly elastic and not to suggest to the wearer that he is handcuffed. Dollar a, -Year_ LAST DAYS OF BEAU BRUMMEL Brummel made one grand mistake in his career as a Beau ; he outlived him-. self. For some twenty-four years he survived his flight from England, to which country he never returned. For a time be was an assiduous writer of begging letters and the plague pf his friends.' At length he obtained the ap, poiotment of consul at the good old Normal town of Caen. This was almost a sinecure, and the Beau took good care to keep it so. But no one can account for the extraordinary step he took'soon after entering on his consular duties.— He wrote to Lord Palmerston, stating that there were no duties attached to the post, and recommending its aboli tion. This act of suicide is partly ex plained by a supposed desire to be ap pointed to some more lively and more lucrative consulate ; but in this the Beau was mistaken. The consulate• at Caen was vacated in accordance with his suggestion, and Brummel was left penni less, iu debt and to shift for himself.—: With the aid of an English tradesman, half grocer, half banker, he managed to get through a period of his poverty, but could not long subsist in this way, and the punishment of his vanity and ex- - travagance came at last in his old age. A term of existence in prison did not cure him, and when he was liberated he again resumed his primrose gloves, his Eau de Cologne and his patent vein i for his boots, though at that time liter ally supported by his friends with an allowance of £l2O per annum. In the_ old days of Caen life this would have been equal to £3OO a year in England, and certainly quite enough for any bach elor; but the Beau was real& a fool.— For whom, for what should be dress and polish'his boots, at such a quiet place as Caen ? Yet he continued to do so, and to run into debt for the polish. When he confessed to having, "so help him Heaven," not four francs in the world, he was ordering this vcrnis r:c Guiion, at five francs a bottle, from Paris, and calling the provider of it a "scoundrel," because he ventured to ask for his money. What foppery, what folly was all this How truly worthy of the man who built his fame on the reputation of a coat.— Terrible indeed was the hardship that followed his extravagance ; he was actu ally compelled to exchange his white for . a black cravat. Poor martyr ! after such a trial it is impossible to be hard upon him. So, too, the man who sent repeat ed begging letters to the English grocer, Armstrong, threw out of the window a new dressing gown because it was not of the pattern he wished to have. Retribution for all this folly came in time. His mind went even before his health. Though only some sixty years of age, almost the bloom of some .men's life, he lost his memory and his powers of attention. His old ill manners be came positively bad manners. When feasted and feted, he could find nothing better to say than " What a half starved turkey !" At last the Beau was reduced to the level of that slovenliness which he had considered as the next step to perdition. Reduced to one pair of trow sers, he had to remaiu in bed till they were mended. lie grew indifferent to his personal appearence, the surest sign of decay. Driveling, wretched, in debt, an object of contempt to all honest men, he dragged_ on a miserable existence.— Still with his boots in holes, and' all the honor of beaudom gone rot ever, he clung to the last of his Ean de Cologne, and some few other luxuries, and went down, a fool and a fop to the grave. To in dulge his silly tastes Le had to part with one piece of property after another, and at length he was left with little else than the locks of hair of which he had once boasted. He is described in his last days as a miserable, slovenly, half-witted old creat ure, creeping about to the houses of a few friends he retained, or who were kind enough to notice him, still jeered at by the gamins, and remarkable now, not for the cleanliness, but the filthiness and raggedness of his attire. Poor old fool! one cannot but pity him, when wretched, friendless and mis erable as he was, we find him, still grhce ful, in a pour cafe near the Palace Roy ale, taking his cup of coffee, and wan asked for the amount of his bill, answer ing very vaguely "Oui, Madame, a la pleine lune, a la pleine lune." The driveliugs of old age are no fit subjects for ridicule, yet in the case of a-man who had sheered so freely at his fellikw creatures, they may afford a use ful letson. One of his fancies was to give itnagiuN parties, when his tallow Tat dips were all set alight, and his servant announced with proper decorum, "The Dutchess of Devonshire," " Lord Alvan ley," " Mr. Sheridan," or whom not.— The poor old idiot received the imagin ary visitor with the old bow, and talked to them 'in the old strain, till his servant announced their imaginary carriage, and he was put driveling to bed. At last the 'idiocy became a mania. Ile ate enormously, and the man who looked up on beer as the ne plus ultra of vulgarity, was glad to imagineit Champagne. Let us not follow the poor maniac through his wanderings. Rather let us throw a veil over all his driveling wretchedness, and find him at his last gasp, when coat and collar, hat and brim, were all for gotten, when the man who had worn three shirts a day was content to change his linen once a month. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE Is better than experimental science The science of medicine, as practiced in hospitals and families by nine-tenths of our regular physicians, is an exveri mental science. It has uo fixed immut able principles ; it is not founded on a consistent phylosephy. Now, mark the difference between experimental remedies of the profession, (which even the great Mejendie declares fail more frequently than they succeed,) and those of Pro fessor II ollowoy, a man who has built up a new system of medical treatment, in which, as we verily believe, there is not a single flaw from its foundation to its summit. We have authentic statistics before us, which show that the annual consump tion of Holloway's Pills exceeds that of all the advertised preparations of the same class at present before the world, This, of itself, in a country where the opinion of the majority is considered en titled to supreme respect, should be a sufficient warrent of superiority. But we have seen a still stronger proof of their inestimable properties, in the shape of a copy of the record of certifi cates and testimonials of cure received by Professor Holloway, directly and throrigh his agents, during the last five years. The yearly average almost ex ceeds belief. It is upwards of 75,000, or more than 200 per day. There is no question as to the accuracy of this state ment. Most of the documents are ,au thenticated by legal forms, and the names of persons distinguished in every department of public life figure in the index to this voluminous history of tri umphs of a grand discovery. There is no'experimenting here—no playing at fast and loose with health and life. It is one glorious uninterrupted march of success, in which all internal diseases have been attacked and extinguished. Among the most common and fatal diseases incident to our climate, are those which affect the stomach, the liver and the bowels. We have seen the ef fect of Holloway's Pills in cases of this nature, and when we aver that they area specific, covering all the varieties of these complaints, we " speak what we do know." Hermit us, in all kindness, to recommend all who suffer from bil ious disorders, whether acute or chronic, to resort at once to this remedy. It is not our wont to obtrude advice on our readers, nor is such our intention now ; but as we are so thoroughly convinced of the uniform efficacy of these Pills, in every disease that affects the great se cretive organs, that we cannot forbear giving them our earnest endorsement and recommendation.—N. Y. 'Dispatch NATIIAN APPLETON, who died in Bos ton on Sunday last, was born at New Ipswich, New pampshire, October, 6, 1779. He entered Qartmouth College in 1794, but relinquished his studies a few months after to take a partnership with his brother Samuel, who was just establishing himself in Boston in the cotton manufacture. In IS2I Nathan Appleton became one of the three found ers of Lowell. lie was for several terms a member of the, Legislature of Massa chusetts, and from 1831 to 1833 repre sented his district in the House of Rep resentativcs, and was elected again to the sane position in 1842, but shortly after resigned his seat, 'and has' since taken no official part in public affairs. Ile was the author of various painphlets on currency, banking, and .the tariff, and a contributer to the Banker's Mag azine. It is highly probable .thit. the melancholy accident to his much-loved daughter, Mrs.:Longfellow; may have been the immediate occasion of his 'de cease. Old Deacon flobhouse had a habit of frequently thinking aloud. Especially if any matter troubled him, he had to talk over it with himself before his peace of mind could be restored. One day he was alone in his barn, pitching hay from the scaffold to the mow, when his neigh bor Stevens went to find him. Ste Ons heard a voice and listened. It was . the deacon talking to himself. Efe was con demning in the strongest terms the ex travagance of the minister's wife. "She sets a worse example than Satan I" exclaimed the, deacon, by way of climax And having freed 'his mind, he was preparing to come down the loft, when Stevens glided out of the barn, and came in again just as the decon lacded on the floor. NO. 1. "How d'e do, deacon?" cried Stevens, "I want to borrow your half bushel an hour or two." "0, sartin, sartin," said the, deacon,— The measure was put into the neighbor's hands, and he departed. It was a peaceful community—the minister's wife was an excellent woman, notwithstanding her love of finery—and Deacon floblionsp was of all men the least disposed to make trouble in the so ciety. Hence the sensation which is produced when the report circulated that he had used almost blasphemous language in spelting of the amible lady. The sweetest-tempered woman would not like to hear of a grave and influential deacon declaring that "she sets a worse example than Satan." The minister's wife, whose ear was in dne time reached by the report, felt in a high degree in censed, and sent her husband to deal with the honest old man. The latter was astonished when told of the charge against him ,'I never said so !" he solemnly aver red. "You are quite positive that you never did !" said the minister. " [leaven knows ! It's as false as can be!" exclaimed the deacon. " What ever thoughts I may have had about your wife's extravagance—and I am now free to 'say I do think she has set our wives and 'daughters a running after new bonnets and shawls, and such vanities— whatever thoughts I've had, though, I've kept 'em to myself ; I never mentioned em to a living soul, never !" The good man's earnestness quite con vinced the minister that he had been fal sely reported. It was, therefore, neces sary to dig to the root of the scandal.— Mrs. Brown, who told the minister's wife; had heard Mrs. Jones say that Mr. Adams said that Deacon 1-lobhonse said so; and Mr. Adams, being applied to, stated that he had the report from Stev ens, who said that he heard Deacon Ja• cob say so. Stevens was accordingly, brought up for examination, and con fronted with the deacon. "Its an outrageous .fulsehood 1" said the deacon. "You 'know, Stevens, I never opened my lips to you .on the sub ject—nor to any other man." "I heard you say," remarked Stevens cooly, "that the minister's wife sets a worse example than Satan ; and I can take my oath on it." "When? where ?" exclaimed the ex- cited deacon `ln your barn," replied Stevens, "when I went to borrow your half bushel." ' "There never was such a lie ! Stevens —Stevens," said the quivering deacon, "you !coo w."— • "Wait., till I explain," interrupted Stevens. "I was on the barn floor, you was up on the scaffold pitching hay, and talking to yourself. I thought it too . good to keep '; so, just for the joke, I told what I heard you say," • ti „ The deacon scratched his head, looked humble, and ,admitted. that he might in that way, have used the language attrib uted to him. To avoid, trouble in•the so ciety, be afterwards went to apologize to the minister's*wire. "You must consider," said he, "that I was talking to myself, and when I talk. to myself /am apt to rpeale/my mind very fre4y." A GRADUATE AT WEST POINT —The first, graduate in the first ex,amining class at West Point, last week, was a poor Irish boy, named Peter O'Rouke, who at the age of sixteen years did not know his letters. This lad had saved the lives of several persons on Lake Erie, who, out of gratitude, offered him a consider able sum of money, which he declined on condition that they would secure him an education. They complied with his request, sent him to school, and after wards secured him a situation at West Point where he has just graduated with the highest honors. It is out of such stuff that the great men of this country are made. Cr Hon. Robert J. Walker is now at INashingt69ning all in his power to assist the. 60 . ernment to crush out the rebellion. In the winter of 1857 8 Mr. Walker, in his .famons Kansas let ter to Presideit Buchanan,' 'pre - dieted the.present state of things as the-present state of things as the natural result,. tef the lay pocritical and pusillanimous c.oitree of the President. INFW. S. Cochran, of Rockland, Me.. has obtained . a contract from lacs , Vuitett States Government, for the maikiractut of2airhy tents to the value of Vit#loo $70,000. SPEAKING HIS MIND