Gatio PM; ei d a ar tie' Avow cif t‘ej_ a i elmawlo4ti *usue eet d i•t4lMraw ko , melmMts: ParriaVil-PAS.---.llbe • hewne Mien in, 'lemon rens fir mere ef- - .)se who hate thtieberhe bale Isom atelfelander, once it does ab ways itgb any fatilt orneg- Elect of IM composition. -We have thousands upon thous mids ofeerthleates of their nemerkithile cure. of the following complaints, bat such cncist ate • known in 'every neighbOrhood, and we need not publlsb them. Adapted to all ages and condititedie, .•-to aft climates ; amtaining neither calomel norm& 'deleterious drug, they MO be tiaken =MW pp anybode. Their elerercoating prat them overlies% arelmaketi thempleasant to take, while being purely vegetelde, no berm ash arise front their test it fury quantity. They operate by their_powerfal infiummeen the internal viscera to purity the blood and stimulate It into healthy b o wel s , eintee the obstuctiona of the stomach, liver, and other organs of - the body, eestoring their irregular &adopt° Imalth, Mid by correcting, wherever they exist, such do. tengereente as are the drat origin of disease. . Agnate directions are gtvenln the wrapper on the box', for the following complaints, welch these ent'is rapidly mine:- - • For Jekespepehe or Indigestion, ILlstlesse. bees, loangssorand.l.oss of Appetite, they ehoald be laken moderately to stimulate the atone Forand restore its healthy tone an Liver Complains and its variousymp toms; .15illousIllietulacite, Sick 'lead. ischeOfnundice or green . Sickness, BM. Sons Colic and flattens Never'', theyphould be Judiciously taken for each ease, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructiOns which Cause it. For Dysentery or Illinrekcen, but one 'mild dose is generally required. For ifthetunattantletons, (enamel, 'Manton of she inearr., Pain in the bide, Back and 1.0106, they theted be coutin." uonsly taken, s ystem . requre_d„ Jo change r a ngeeased action of the s With such chthose complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical ilevellisegi they should be taken In large and frequent doses to produce the effect of *drastic purge. For totappresslon a largo dose ithotikl be taken as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a Dimmer Pill, laks-one-or-tvin-Ptits-to promote disestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action; restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Bence It is often ad; vantageous where no serious derangement exists. - .one who feels tolerably well, often finds that dose of these Pill, makes him feel decidedly bet- ter, from their cleansing and renovating effect on She digestive apparatus., Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Practiced Chemises, ZOWEtZ. 2114115., 15 lib 4. A S. BONDDRAKE, Druggist, Agent. T 3 r i ~`~ I. H. WNI • TKOR-E aae jtist reiurn , 4 i'mtr: the cities with the.litrgstit and best assortment of CARPFIS, OIL CLOTHS, Olt, AND LUNEN WINDOW-SfiADEfil, DRIinGE7 AND CRUMBCI.O7IIS, RUGS AND MATS, OOVERLETS, Cdlili.TTEßPAltiti 3. 66., ever °tiered*: GTelynrastle. LACE CUI AIMS, vrithistiltho gitares for puttihg up. RAG CARPETS constantly on hand and made to order, 'Salling lower than, any other twain, in th bounty. Call and hear prices. Greenelngle. Dec. 1, 1870. COICIIIIIIING, act he ory fornierly owned by Israel nascend is now igngaged in the above business, on Main sheet, at the East end of Wit:yriosboro t . Hating a knoWl kwige of the badness, and 'einyloYing tidne btit prattlieel aroikmen. ma by Strict attention to tidal nese he hopes to merit .3s share of patronono- All hinds of nevi Work Oft hatiT and Cordell filled promptly. , jan 14 tf BARE WiT.A.NTED I FORNEY & SONS Viirill pay the highest market price tar fiiso cord 'of Rock a nd Mack Oak bark delivered at their TalP harp in Waynesboro'. • Hides and Bkins takeriiii and Weighed at the Cellar of ti. Bathes Shoe Store, tor which the high. est market price will be paid. apr 21-1870 12011. SAI4I4I—A large Merchant Mal, sit. 1 timed in flarford Cotinty„ pid., shout 1 14 pities from Edgewood Station, on the Phila., Wit. Halt. tr. lt., has 4 run of • ; rbitrrs," with capacity o 20,000 baltele which with a small ohm, min he in cressecd to 80'000 Barrels Ai,o, a n,,F-A 7i i__ 4 4 joining the mill, containing 340 acres, 200 acres o which is cleared and in a high state or cultivortiOn I'M re are three houses on the farm. also ham. stn. ble, corn house, &r.. rhiel. F furt hst • i a r iam ati o n hpply to E. J. . ziNtilir a co.. No, 10 .pears when; Iran., M I D may 4-3 m PLANTai PLANTS: r tiE subscriber ennouneiss to the itublic that ho bee now for seta ail the et/tiniest varieties id Plants, among which are weet l'etathe plants, b id, w hite and ye lin% and Vegetal, early and taw, hit et which oil Ott sold at red ibutl pliebll. Ali of 'dcrs promptly Attended to anti shipments made 4. any rinds derii . cd by tuousand; hundred Juien. Address Jtoll L. IA titai itl.4',Fruniti t.u. fa. may 4 tf DEATTISTICIY! • 11, 4 . :•4 - `a4 • iflt. J. wit rEiiincnitu;late of San Franeii;en, tjaLs hue toasted in Weyneinoca!, and will at t. on to all tho branihra o :the ptvfeaohni, in a Ulm:. nuahly practio.i manna. t'ee'th eitraeted toilhoui *lit by PittreLe Oxide Gin, of * buly implubed Tree:thig prom 1. Wk., two saute west of the 'halm Retard 01 Beg 11 .tf MONEV -WANTEDI DBE School Directors of the WaYneaboro' tichnol Lhatrict want to Morrow Eight ThouL Douala, for which they will bone Windt of the • hoot diseritt bearing intermit at the rate of beech ter cent. per imam and flee of talcs. • ly Yoder of the Heard. roar 2-40 J. B. HAMILTON, giiic*. Luitiber, &c: sulake c ribe l e bas for side Che•tnut Shingles Plaatetiog Laths, kihingling Laths 4p, no muspit foal, s half to one tacit. All other • taws of bilinlitirldralatted to order Also Oak, .rtne and Ohsatitut Wow by the .load for stile ea the 'ground. .-Als hat alto_ it lot saw. • ap13...11f • A kl. MONN. j • • • - .. 4 041,114111t11171111111M135iii , . solasoriber,,rpspeetrally'atutounges i tn, the. • o r io ns I,y,stiishoto' that he haripwrilded laappitly•tap r ifr , • `wtll Wrong/L.11b,, reguhullf ule•liontiro.4oo:fineintimMisiortuag and u ilt.111011011111,611411" 4 , - • "s., • -• • Valli VASOAVOS I 4< . 4 "• : *•••• -- • - GEO. B. IIAWEER: ALEX. LEEDS irit Let i own Mai, 'Maio* ea 610 wookii. sat of • L 0 C.KS Selected by himself with great cue, a large drid well selected etesortment 0:. at Swiss, English, and American ilanutacifire JEWELRY cheaper than ever before sold in Waynesboro, all tbelatest styyleskept - constantly on - hand. Diary vaiiety of tha buttons. A finis assort iitent of FINGER AND F AR RINGS. • Solid Goid. Engagement and WEI:MING RINGS, OHO,/ Tbinibles end steelds,' Castors, !elks ' end Spoons, Salt Celtaiti, and Butter Knives of th e cel ebrated Roger Menufacture,at reduced sates. SPEC C-L-E-S ~,,~--_ `:,~ _ ~ , To snit everybody's eyes. No* glasses put in old fratnes. Clotlto. Watches. and lewelry_piornptlj slid neatly repaired and wittrantett. ALEi.:,LEEDS, he -Tost - n - -7ffl - linvier - rti - ePhdtcrgy Ganef* • unsimis COLLEG Located at Freeland, IVlonirgom 4 cry county, Pa. The Academic -Department: [FODIEILLT:FREFLIND,SEMNIRT.] A First- rasa Eogheh, Mathematical and Waked Boarding School for YOUNG NEN AND DOTS, Under the immediate Tuition and Manage ment of the faculty of the Cotleye. TERMS MODERATE:. ~ lair All necessary expenses, including Tuition Bonriiing; Washing, booki, &c., Nei • extectin $230 n year. TUE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Will be distinct from the Academic end - Will afford ell the advantage; of a fhll College cnitise to the delial highet branehes 'cf . study, under the ditection of a Faculty of six Professors. , VrThe Acaderiiic Year tot both Departments *ill be divtdW into the following three ternist—The chool Opening With the Fail Term, September 6, 1670 to Dkember 22. Winter Ternalenutity 4, 1871 to Apia 6, Spring Term; April 12, to. July 7,1871. lkii - Pot further information apply to Iteir..l. H. A. IsONthlk.; lt, D. D., ' President of Ursinus College, FRIOLIND, MONTOJfitlit CUSIII'II, PA Ply 211-:tf.j WitiNESßollo' MUTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY; WAYNESBOsaui, PA., X I/7 30 SI AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE Bt 3iEm4 MARL 30 9 On all safe alAse property at reaaonibl• rt►tbe• oFFICEILS: B. A NI Iit.RNO.N. President. gams Leeson; Vtce President. Jos. Dectu.sti, Sieeretarr. Jos. W. hILLIdtk, Treasurer: DIRECTORS: W. S. Anibereon, Simon Lecron; Lean' n. Fortes Jacob Cortinlgh, Joe, Douglas, Jos. Price, Jacob J. Miller; Jor. W. Miller; Oen'. F. Funk', D. 13. !Conseil I..evt i:* aade z so , Jacob baud. DANIEL SINIVELY, Agent; ' June 10,'70] W uynti.boro', Ys. PAINTING: rpm sulacki4is announce to the citizen, of Vk sync is but ti and munty that they am new prepated to efeento to tailor, m good style, House, oigu and Urnainental Youttin4. batistaction gum: tinned: FAME:AAA ,ik. W AtiullA ER. mar. 23-3 m .11Fur Guns, knita OC •-• • Blad• Ropairliig Family Corn Shelletsi • Cali on . uove-tf • J. IL JOHNSTON. --- Barbering: itharberiaig HT subscriter informs the public that he eon. j Ames the &diming blismass in the room nei dour W iteid'stirro ‘ esiy *tore, sad is *tall tunes pepered to do hair - cutting, shoving, vhsinpoonms ate. is the best Style. Tan - pationago of t h e pub to is cespectfully'liolicited. WI A. PRICE. . • Au s .23 186 t. - • ! Lime mallommi• PINHE subscribers announce to the public thit. I . ..they have now for aide at their Kilns, 21 mites 1\ lathing of Werasbaio', a tallied* article of Wood.hurnt Lime for Plastering, ,Whitewasbiogi As—which they will coMinue to bate on hand dur ing 'the Nissen. Terms Salaam:bible: • ion 28---6 mi JOHN A. EVITSSONG, ATTORNEY-AF LAM TrIAITINO - beem iiiiistiti4titPnicitte X** at* :111011:2imeral Courts to FaniiTin **lpbastaYbo Ms wit wilt be peppily ?Ai i4tudiiii 041110"140M1144411 A Al 'if/kw& Emu /hat* . 1 4 0 H 6116 0 6 E t • Ili O • a g kl • (eri 74 ,0, a th. zr, ag Q ua - ,5 a 6 B I ta 14. 0 11 4 . Cti° 011 lid rnBY asst g ot F A ‘ N C V 'I D R I I Vfl WIC* I . Brea. of Poor Din, Whiskey, Proof Spirit/ and aortae) Liquors doctored, spiced endeared. cued to please the Moto, Called " Tonies,""Appetle. em," " Restorers," he., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and kuln, but aro Stale Medicine, made from Opal; otivo Boots and Serbs Oellternin, fres from nit Alcoholic., Stimulant& They are lihe GREAT BLOOD PIIIIIPIER , and A LIES — Glvrma - runcIPLE a perfect - Renovator - arid — Invigozotor of the System, tarrying oft all noisome manor and restoring the blood to d healthy condition. paten an take Meth Bitters according to ditto; Con Ind remain long 6100 wllliao given for nn Inettfible case, provide the bones are not destroyed by Mineral poisbn Or other means, end the vital organs wasted begondtbei point of repair. For Inflammatory and °brink iltbeswiso barn and Clout, Dyspepsia, or indigestion, ;Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Peters Diseased of the Bleed, Liver; Kidneys, and Bladgier. these Bitters have been moat suttees pi. each Meanies are calmed by Vitiated Blood, which la generally produeedby derangement orate Digestive Organs. , DYSPEPSIA OR ESEIGIESTIOA Bea& tithe, Pain in the Shoulders, Cough', Tightaitse Of the - Chat, Madness, Sour Ernetatlone of the Ramie% Bad taste in Ble Month, Bilious Minks, Palpitation of the Uteri, Icilarnmation of the I,,ungs. Pain In the regions of the Kidneys, and al:mart& other palatal hymptonso are the offsprings of Ilyeispels. They invigorate the Stomach and Stimulate the tor• ildliver and bowels, *ldcb renderthem of unentiallad efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system; FOIL SKIN DISEASES, Bret:tons, Tettet,l3alB —llbenni,Brotehos,Spitte r rireplesrPtistulea„Bolls,-Cub-- lamclefiXotng-M-ortatiacaldar,adJoro—Eyea. etas, Itch; Scurf's, Discoloration of the SkinalumerS end Diseases of the Wu, of whatever name or nature. aro Men:74 . lns er; had carried out of the system in si sheik time by w the nee of these Bitters. One bottle is such cases will centime the most incredulous of their curative effect. - . Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yen find lie Impurities bursting through the akin InPimples,Ernp; lions er sores ; cleanse it when you find It obstructed and obaggith in the veins; cleanse it when it is And. end your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blond pure and the health it the system irill follow. PPS. TAPE and other WORKS, lurking in the 'yucca of so many thousands. are effectually destroy ed and removed. Por full directions, meld Carefully the circular around each bottle, printed to four lea. gasgeo—English,German, French and Spanish. Y. WALKER, Proprietor. E. IL MoDONA.iD & CO,. Dreggtats plid Gen. Agents, San leraneleeo. and 82 and 84 Cteranotee Street, New Pork. --groom By Lts,Ditvevatirs SSD itEALISSI WAINIB R O: D BIKRE Y. CONFECTIONARY THE sobsciibere announcb lb the public that they have opened a Hakbry and Confectionary on Main street) Waynesboro', opposite the "Dow deh House", where persons e t all times can be sup plied with fresh Dread; Sells, Prettels. all lands of Sweet Claes. dtholesaie or fetid]. A full supply of Candies, Nuts; Entice, etc. always on hand: ICE GRIMM regdlarly supplied Musing the Beason: HaVing Erected at considerable expense a first; cleat Hake House they feel confident that in this department of their business they can give general satisfaCtion: Tao) , therefore solicit a share of pub; lie pationage. may s—tf SLEASMAN & MORT: GEORGE ERICK' STEN MINK WORKS, WAYNEmBORO'. FRANKLIN GO" PA. MANUFACTURE PORTA9LE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES. HAVING increased facilities hir Mrtrufactoklng Poitable and Stationary Steam Engines at snort notice, of sixes from two td bne hundred and fitly holierpoiker, I wobld call the Attention of persons wanting portable engines fair threshing grain, &b., as I am km* prepared to fdrnish thorn at short notice. I stn elan prepared to furnish Shaft. ings, and all work in my lire of T i er di I: easel. Was dissolved Mint biutuel eolisent. The hooka are at the old stand and Witte inured by J. W. Stiffer. Ali pettenelndebt *Attested to midi and 'settle iinThadiatt The bushman" brill turealler be conduced b mar 16. tt J. W. MILLER dr. SURVEYING ANII . O NVEYANCING. rirtHE undersigned baring had sernetan pais ra j perience u a practical Outwit) , .r to prepared to 'do-all kinds of tfurreying, laying out and dividing up lands, oleo all kilt& of midst, may done ty 'bedroom. Parties wishing Work don() cats call or adds ees the uuderaigned Wayseft--"mr feb bag:7 011111/Et PONCA VIC • e kt~A~. rr *ssol4 sear av!ininir. NEW FIRMM. COOK STOVES , t warranted to fare Stone wale firasswat 4 6, Japanned - Witte, Rduse Furnishing Goods Tubs, Buckets, • —Churns, Knives and rots Spoons, - , Ladles, • ' Large iron and dopier kettles RBI) other Useful arttcles at the sign _ ,, the BIG RBI/ HORN; Waynesboro', Pa., where a. large as sortment of `OO-IS-TOV-ES, PARLOR STOVE,S COAL STOVES ae., of ►ho fatted improbemente, the very beet in the market, at l b . Cheap Tin end Stove Shire of D.ll. RUSSELL & SON. EVERYBODY DOME .AND SEE THE IBlLWlteirEli ORIENTAL E 13ttR141.R; Akita at retail D. B. RUSBBLL & SON. • h iSign of the Big Reit Rom. Waynesboro' N. TrivrvirAals` Made of the bent Tin in the market, and warranted at the Man of the ` 6 3314g* R.t;tA D. B. RUSSELL. keeps constantly or. hand !kite assortment of HOllde Furnishing Goods for sole chomp. Pure No. I Kerosene Oil and a large asiortmeut of Lampe. • W ash in g Made Easy ! Ili l • .f Big Red Hoir DRY H OUS E, OVARY 2l ST, This ie the - bat Dry .House ever offered to the p*Ublie• ' It drini %tali hiirthe CM° req%sbal by 'the Old meth43. D uniforinly • The. Fruit dried by it mud& mote of thi *Stasi Swot. It is sadly ts *We: It es•rei • z;,4rlstor rebletila ,l portable. 24 feet of drying surface. Dell and see theta at the sign of MO RED WIG; and les4eyonr milers fsir therb• Kash 24 . 1 . Ulm satisfattion. s. IMENICAIE W um IN DR1700 ; Cliemicats j PATENT MEDICINES, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, OICS, PAINT S, VABNISHENWAi drei dce. -~.::b.— V'Physicians dealt with at 20 per cent. discount. Waynesboro" Hotel Building, 'WAYNEi?V /RIP, PA. :Notch !,7,186$ COON & STONEHOUE WOULD reelieetfny—inform—ther-Thiblie—tha they have opened et their store room, on be southwest corner ofjhe Diiintond, id Warta toro', a lar • and we eedeeted stock of Dry Goods, • . Groceries, Datid ware Inch, eteeli 1%114 Cheat-makers Goode of ever deNcription Queenntarb, thdarwere, filmes, Cary pets. Oil &kits, Paints, Ohms, Oils,Wittnish &min es. Fish, halt, and ad kind of (;foods kept in a well regulated ,tote. Out goods are al lOW and fresh and have been bought Idt cash itt Ike lots decline in prices. We hatter ourselves that from ohr long experi ence in busihess,-stid d deteriminatioh to sell gt.ods at sand profits, we shell be able tit Wet unnenal inducements to a buyer. oho desire to Dee mons ey. Please call and dee for yourveltel. .We have a large add tie assorted stuck Of ste. ple and fancy Dry Dodds, embracing Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts , Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonadee, Cords, Den, tma,Stripee, Checks, Gingham, Linin and Cotton Table lhapere, ji;raab for Towele.Calicoes, De!aims A Iyaccas, EINCY DHSS MOODS; Triings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Bheating and Shirtings, Ticking., Linen., Flannels, White Iloods,Glolies, Hosiery and Notion.. We are re• ceiving no* goods every week and will supply any article Wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pny the highebt market ptice for ell kinds O. countty produce sUctt as SacortiLard, Buttet, Ear Dried Fruit, itsgs,Atc. Nay. 3 —lB7O. D.S. Sill' Titi- lice a complete assortment of ladle si Gentimien , s, Misses , and Childrees 800 TS4 tiIOES IND GIITERS. Call and see goods and get prises. THOMSON'S "GLOVE FITTING COR. SETS, at • Sairnek SCHOOL BOOKS and SCIIOOIi. SIVIONIIRT oi all ltiadb aiSawnekown Bari Storm HATS ANC) 4•APS A full stock not muly,,eossistiog of sll • tbe blest styles, at SMITU'IL • PAPER COLLARS, Tier, Siepeodera, Glover, or ithi in Stai tine, at ttMIT 'S Town Hail tore. nov 3. EW GOODS! M. GOOD! rivic eiberriber announces to the caimans or Hinapki sad that ha bas satsuma NM the Nett watt a sleek of NEW SHOEWAR - E for L a di es ,, ;Misses end Chi!din, embracing in go.,grw gaiters, shoes, steads -Men and bey.. Hi 1* end Groceries fur sale , such as . Haki m Coffees, Teal, B.frupu.sud He continue: to manufacture to mkt meek Bee and aborts and bilges and children's work of 1111 kinds. s ' He mains thanks for past films and asks a c.on- tientartes of public P1530/0 in the (unite, _ _ • • . STE-WAR?. Sinuotit, May II ) . • • ~~ . , U~' 5 ~ 1 - y_!FIL- o and Cutler/4 , meDirsiitailfir :1 ' DRUGS IVMDICINEO; . , . OM► It_ IL, Mil AND &e.; tfar - F't - c — mrthtnan s Eoll3Waiti. SIBUIMIXLIZIEk aptlesborili Rai 24, 1867. ANTIEI ,I ?kti WORKS I H. iLTEIt &MAO. . MANUFA TUBERS. AND DEA LEDO Temba, Maslow, 4., 4e, WE dill tteliji id OW essortment of th e a Joie, computing the fairest and alost profed kyles. Hiteing the advantep of Water -pole**, and a whit eiperieneolb STONE CUTTINO BUSINESS *ilitiiiibluila - fillidars at t oft mdit teasonabloierals. • Oire u. S egll at our Tata, near Annalist Jane. iott oh the Woynesborof slid Hsgstatoten Turn• plkhd tiro Wee ftdni the &tiger pleoe. Pug* Dike! address, Way n abate , Pg. N. 8. Orlin can Waft with John Waite arts ill Weird prompt aging/ob. B. W. & April 3—ti. NEW TIN STORE& THE undersigned would moist respectfully in. foils the citizens of Waytteihoro . ant) ricinit -. that he has opened a new. Tin Store on last Main. street, opposite ntover It Wolff 's thy Woods em... poriura, end keeps unnsumtly on hand a good sup-. por of COOK & COAL STOVES, MO UN IN Li ti LtrRIEN, etc,. at prices to surf • the times. All kinds of work done 'in his Jinn with neatness and dispatch) such as roofrig, epoutirg and fepairing. You Will find it toyourkterest to give hint a call before paid:lasing elsewhere. Tke sign IC the Big Red Llerfee Pot Always oh the Post. Thankitti lot past 141,011 he hopes for a eontinuatie of the saute. Years II Nepectfelly, I.:LAYTON M. FREY. OMNIBUS . LINE! riIHE subscriber informs the public that he is j ptaprietor of &Ltd Base line running , daily tweed Waynesboro' and Greencastle, heretofore oy Wolfen.burger & stoner. With good hot and a first•closs foisr-horse Omnibus he is enibl to convey passengers to and fro with comfort contblilence. • His Huss will, leave Wayneshote at 6i A. arriving at Greencastle at 8, making quick dam sure t 3nnectiori *ith the first Passenger train A. Alt Leave* Greencastle at 8 o'clock, P. tit riving at Waynesboro' at 6 lb. He is himself , rietor, Gontractl3lr and Drivtir. Delivers Al sprats matter to and from Greencastle. All press Matter espreased tbb seine morning I through to Waynesboro' tbb tame day it Anil Perish' wishing to send good. by Litpress oy giving him a call. Person. wishing' ti to Hagerstown about., take this mato. The eaves. et ta 15 nuking 'eennettieh with the W wet? ("minty liallrold.. aug !IS) tft J K WOLFEitSBERGER. Boot and Shoemaking /11HE subscriber would idiom the public it at I is at all times prepared to make to order Gs' Coarse or fine Boots, also coulee or fine .rk Ladle* or Mutes. inducing the latest etylo I ins Gaiters. Itbpairink dune at short notice, tuaasures taken in private timid.. if 'desired od east Main clued, in the mow tortluntl ea it Elden, as a flour and feed stove. Trilltf. J. kit/LUNG/SWOT it 7 23—if Oil T HE colortneiship which heretofore tween hounda alPrikars, as Pikes disaolie4 by matoal consent on the March, tell. The hooka - sod accounts are isk spy:hers& AK moms indebted , Via to 4.a1l and settle immediately. ' - PS PER ROUZUR. CiaIIIACKSILL • • PIitYr,OURAPIASR. S. B. Comm of thoi WONIOSOReg 'TAO those a tai tor ULlFeanwis and SionWkage Vin sici4 wen, eictum. =ME e slotted Mile and