&B urns Amberso'n,M. D CORNE - It DRUG isTORE ii still shoed. READ, REFLECT. •nd be convinded. DRU(I9 of thS belt qnslity, PATS s MeDICINIO of all kinds, MR. Winn Listi'antf Comm? Om, Tuarrattna, ikc ) &c., at THE CORNER DRUG STORE. BRUSHES. COMBS, POCKET BOOKS, RA . sots, Penknives', Stationery, Soaps, Perfumery, Toilet and Fancy Goods; etc., full assortment THE CORADVEG Si' Oftg DESIRABLE in every household, Pure Bak ins Material. You ein al*ays get the best at THE CORNER DRUG STORE: tuar‘ GROUND SPICES' rte old at IsfteCCYRNE - R 1 DR PLAVORING EXTRACTS, 15 diffeient Otitis ati THE CORNER DRUG SrORE. DR. AMBERSON'S Vegetable Vermieble.— The best r 4inedy for worms. R19L1A131.9 an& Paaarana. —=llV-HISK-E-Y-1311-1. , for medicinal purposes id THE CORNER DRUG STORE. TRUSSES et - THE CORNER DRUG-STORE Get your Pngscßtrnotts fiilyd Ivy • DR. AMEER9ON. JA LL) W k: 1. 1. dr. t.; 0 The Justly Celebtated CHE - A r STORE CHEAP CH - EAP STORE. Rothing bat thsk BEST GOODS Lowest. Prices I No *antler the appa„itio•t fill back—their feeble Ore is almost siletteed They are unable to with stand the terrific fire of oUr heavy .guns. Last week the slaughter Was trernsmiau4: Th is week we bring into the Geld the Ilmyirst Rein forcements of the Season, 200 PIECES' Voile, awl Buff Marßeilles WHITE PIQUE• Ali of the nesiest designs end most beautiful pit kerns. 100 PIECES PACIFIC LAWNS, ISD PIECES RE 11. FR ENCH LAWNS. new and elegant abides, at twenty cents yari, 75 PIECES REAL FRENCH OE3 ANDAS et 25c want' doe. PI. A lv Miss, Durrau s w lAA, MULL M MANS. PLAIN lAN], sTRIPED, • PIA iNsoOKS, ' • PLAIN AINDPLAIN JACCONETIS. TA lELAI'ANS, In all shades. Mack and Clibiel Silk Grenadine of the very best tasks. 600 DOZ. LADIES HOSE; at 10c pair. Cliegbaols colt Beat Caliooea at We are nok selling the Celebrated . ATLANTIC "A" . (The bast brown muslin nianufse'4l,) at 126 e yd .BELLING EVERYWHERE AT 'lsc. We •ere* constantly replenishing,ocr stock in EVERY DEPARTMENT. Otir'huyere are Menge in New Yak on the look out for Itareatne. and never let on opportunity flip no matter how much money it involves.W4 buy and will evatVthing \ UNDER' 17'S MARKET VALUE. CA DIYEI.L& ..0 0•., - tWn. H. Winder, Calder - matey Logan. S hire. A. Priderell M Duffy. Salosnaan. • &dwelt • j • , e. *DOM. J•AlillartOT l . 141E/04.404i4.1 . 1611; ‘- . , AND AU NT kftiN ~t~rc rwB • ' klit • ti.antatiaJaktalftliftitoursarAt'lloakta chat. 1114 0 04,,att4los:,‘Oir e 157.1; L4llll3's~'!'riC 041 J/A cli• • ' " GIN and WI and Kitt Poptikir A? TUN et Llic yd. 10a yd. 100. GEISEn PATENT tEiFiEgiltitiNt GRAIN SEPARATOR 0111111 ROM 1111 PORK No Implement more mipertant t 4 the farceur than b • FIRSTL.CLASB GRAIN" TH RBSH RR A-ND CLEANER—for none pays him so well and speedi ly. The 'Dove ent elbows the ONLY OELSFIR MA CHINE new built under 'the imnfediale eye of the old inventors themselves, with all the additional im provementir made during the past 1/1 years, and now with ftrd elais work= rn and malaria this machine justly stands hitch up above all of its class. As a ?breaker it is equal to the best, as a Cleaner it is im perial° any existing machine. This • is. admitted by all honest competitory. Indeed it is the only machine that really can, by one operation,thorough ly thresh and clean grain fit for market. Bet the tact that grain &reef from this machine commends from 2to acorns a bushel more than grain direct tram any other machine, seetleslhe question of its superiority, as a cleaner over all others. Impartial judges at all the butte and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competi n_witMotherie adin g_machin es,_always agree that_ it is more eimplo—more easily understood and op erated by those unskilled in machinery—more dura be,—threshing as much and yet cleaning better— with leas power and mein• comfort to hands than any oth'er machine in use—and besides all that is sold for less money according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the thousands of pur ehasersolome of whom have bad thern.in use for the last 18 years. To supply the wants Of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz: From a 2 Horse. Railway or_l_Horse Lever Power, to a ten, Horse Lever power, with Prices ranging from $l9O to $360, without power. We also make the latest im prt..ved triple-geared Horse Powers suitable for each size machine ranging from $9O to $135, and all fully and fairly warranted. Por further infor mation send for Circular and Price List. Res °nimble Agents wanted in territory not intro . A fess nig GRIbER MANUFACTURING CO.. Wavassaingo', Franklin Co., rends Jan 21—tf] Illi MORNING CLORILFOriI Fur sale at W. A, TRITLE'S new :4'0% and Tin Ptore He has on blind rik tame stock el the ?Love g roves, nU of the late Imi r.tveu kinds. There is added to the Morning of this year an oven., which is neat in appearance. It is a good Baker. You can heat Irons Bake, Boil, Iloast l i. 4 t iv, and a dues not interfere with the operatrens IP a Parlor dove, In regard •to the blast of some Btnve DeeTem who say that their particular stove taken less coal and gives more heat than the Mornint' Olory, you can put that kind of talk down as a JIIow•we1, us the Morning UI ,ry has been sold (in this part of the country) for four years, and in that time I have put out over three hundred of them, and never had to t Ike ono back been use it would not do its work or it was not what I sold it for. Now that cannot be said of any other stove ever offered in this mar kat. That is the pruot which .is the stove. I have other styles or beating stoves for coal or wood. Heating Furnaces put up and warranted. by Conk Stoves are of the best in market for coal er 'stied, all warranted gond Bakers. Also a new Per/or Cook Wove, something thut can't be exell 7 ed. Call and see me. You will find my stork of Tin Sheet-iron and ,other wares of tte bein. Mode§ and at low rates. On hand, the best Clothes Wringer in market.— Also a good end s eheap Washing Machine. Roofing and spouting done of the best stock and at short notice. Job work of all kinds in my line done at low rates. The only place in town where you can get your copper work done, being the only Copper tsmitb in the place. that 1] A. TRITLE. BEEF, BEEF, BEEF. THE subscriber announces to his customers and tte public that ku...esitl continue to furnish a prime article of Belt at the *liar in the Walker .Building on Monday evening> Tuesday morning, Thursday eveningtind ,Eptiay morning, regularly during the aeasonr 'l3iistoniers also supplied with Veal and bomb Mien &diced—. Thanefdt for putt patronage he hopes by selling ;nothing but the ehoi4est meats to merit a cantina. ante of the came. - May '2S—tf TIIOB. 1. CUNNINGHAM, DISSOVTION. MPS eo-partnerchipAerttofdte,eximing .hitureen Geiser it Itituebort is the Hardware badness, was ilissolred,hy annual consent on the Ist. The Woks, and accounts of the firm lir.* in the hands of the subscriber. who, *ill continue the. budriets as heltliofore. upon whom all persons indebted ate ze 4ueited-io-eels and make early settlement. , Puna' ' Ismouzi, 11: JON CHART, . • ST. O LCU0.15.01 - E - L x . Arch Stiect i above &witch BC, Palikelf.now, pith ample eapeelty for "450 guei Te t es. s3,pr 4iof. 'Me St. Cloud is serrly, aid ehigsboy f ur niitaidittiramilkest, and a ore ter the temiatim .of Rueatl, by the ulidett;ooo. , who: hate s o p u medi roy,towisicted far tile put/ten years tbe a l ga .sp i ewo Wlof:an filmy; st VroPlolll 4 Parld• sall 9.3 r aos] 0: W. 1111;41,11 & BRO., Pt prs. '''''::PriNi\lcV .. ,•Yii , GAl.BE A PENNY .-StIVF,D. SAYS'THE OLD ADAGE, hotr and where is the•plece to Jo it wherever eon can use , your nuiney to the bolt 101'4n man end popular • opinion has long :since given the palm to. sta r e r 4s• Wolff for ‘keeping, the boot sad cheep 4 - tit store; all they want Is , lhr Mayers to esti snit examine their stink and convince, thentselwee flue stock consists in poet of the following etticles LADIES'' DRESS GOODSr bUCH AS ALPACAS. MOH AIRS, POPLINS, ARAIUN% • DEL AINES, OPERA 0 LOTII S, RE PE LL AN TS, ENGLISH_ VELVETEENS, &a , . &0., 316tEerVt3 Wear, Cloths, Doeskin Cossimers. Cords. ttlatinetts. Cot tonades, I d inens, Tweeds, &c., We would call especial attention to our stork of LADIEV_CUSTOMNADE_SHOES f ' in Luting an 4 Morocco, cheap. GROCERIES. We have bought large, consequently bought cheap All our goods have been bought at envie prices, bonseguently we are errahled to undersell those who coughs bolero the decline. stir. CALL AND SEI. -VS And ore will prove to you what we say: 11 kinds of Country PrOduee BOUGHT AND KOLL, 'I3TOVE.R WOLFF. Nov. 29, 1870. • The merits of this Machine consist. in part, in the nttaerre.snt of curved knives to the arms of the cut ting-wheel. the shearing cut across the mouth-piece, the erect power said d irect Feiss of the blow, by which treble the volume of 'material is cut, with less pow er than is required — hy:ll4 other Machine; those comb;ned_with its durahilitY'bed-simphe i ty enn , atruction, commend public atterdisn. nothing lin ble to get out of order, but what a hay - auu Id remedy with a pocket wrench. Bisons in want of michines of this description will do well by calling upon or addressing the e rn„ dersigned. Good rind responsible agents wanted to sell mit:bitter and territory. The above Machine is no* on exhibition at the office of the Wayneabom' Manuficturing Company Persona interested should call and examinee it, fur it is whet every iitrmer should have. C.-GILBERT„ BUJ. F. Srotrrue. Proprietor. Agent.. Wel nesborti, Pa July 14—If] The fol'.oa•ing record of one day's accidents, all from 'b same caw, viz : the rise of inferior Coal Oil, is taken from the Philadelphia Ledger of a re. cent date : '•The alarm of fire, last evening, at 7 o'clock, was cloned by the burning of the dwelling, corner of 16:h and Poplar, resulting f ro m t h e explosion of & coil oil lamp. Mrs. Herat), occupying the second story of the dwelling bad retired to her apartment, it few rodmentti beitire the discovery of the fire On entering her room, she was found lying on the floor, wrapped in flames." •ut 7 o'clock yesterday morning, a coal oil la rip in the hands of sarah Alexander, who lives on Cowslip M. near 16th. tihe•was serer ly burned. binrgarct liolligan, residing in the rear of 618 Stuth rt.. was binned by the explosion of a coal oil atop. Her husband. while attempting to extin. Nish the finales, was also 'everely burned. Two of the abate named victims have since died of their inj u: ice." Ail such fearful accidents, resulting in death and the destruction of valuable property. may be avoid• eu bv uning "CA RSON'S STELLER OlL," which iaknown to be a perfectly safe and reliable ittumi• nalor. It ie for sale by A mberson, Benedict & Co., Weyneaboret E. T. Winger, Quincy. NEW GOODS! NE MT. HOPE THE subscriber announces the public thnt he !ass Mai with a fine stock of • SPRING AND SUMME: Groceries, QUeeIIIVIVSTO, Hardt Paints, How and Caps, howl and other ,goods t such u are tit regulated country stores. all of cheap fur the' GASH! Peri article in his, line_ tire invited his stock and learn his prices. es Me olliect is to nuke 'lllicit sales at abort sprats." His stock ant braces Lrigs•and Patent Medicines,. including *hi eelebrated Piihrocy Panacea. WU H. BROWN• • • itt. Hope, ap 6-If. NOTICE TO THE LADIES ! NEW MILLINERY GOODS I ......., MISSES STICKEL 09, 111 DON announce to toe ladies of Wayt:esbord end vicinity that they have just opened yet .in the corner room opposite.the lieu/deo House a complete assortment of new Millinery goods. Their noes embraces Hate and Frames of every variety, Flower', Ribbon. end toitaminils of every. deseririun, hictialtng white trimmings, equals:A Coraets, collate, loop netts, jrwelrv. Hosiery. the. /Adieu • ore Insilco to call and cunning late styles and prices. ape R 7 . LEN, DETRICEG,.. - 40 - I*Nzy . AT LAW, , • ---:Woorviesinl7;rs-i.` , IrKTILL give prompt and 'attention — , ter a n btunneas iutrumed to, , bied care. , dot to the Bowden &ma: in this Welker Wilding,' aeg2s , tt W.A IrrAvE juit bnuShiritt rest' a , etioice stook ar goods. .A' qf •• , • .. .. c9PPOEs, TEAft;• ... • RU A- WHITE SUB A RS. • _ • (coalle e eracked lota' tail) pviii;oriset.l) P. R. 'AND N. 0. NIOLABBEB, tot Kure)* DRIED FRUIT, StfillAß-CUREWHAAIs, SAIO - BEEF, &cr. ' In the way of Attar errors and baking itilicies generally and-flavoring *melee, etc. the quelitry stands unsuipassed. Do not forget to Wok sit on 10 cent ena levy sugars. ~I ant prepared to kiep with the market. ' • • REPS.k ' l rinsve - rry mor and winter. 1-get-my-goods-fresh-from—the-factory-of.- a htmes Meson & Co. linen many iinierent kindi. The newest thing out is the qmpetiel." FRESU AND SALTED FISH. • Th 6 fish department we keep up full, and wilt play second fiddler to none. All through the prop er season we get string fish, iced shad and hettnig We sill sound fish and sell them right is the reason we sell them' last. Customers wanting one shad or 101) waited on with the same 10 8 icy Housekeepers wanting to lay in a supply for the summer should buy very soon. EN1321 WRING ANNOIMBENT SPRING GOODS !which is large and varied and eonsistelii ,of Black and Calaced .Alpaenas, Japanese Pop• lies, Japanese Silk Reboil, Bleck Oro Grain Silks, CHENE BROWBAIX, BEAUTIFIII PLAID; (new styles) Ladies' Luting Gaiters and 'Morocco Shoes. , . • Ca. R. 0 3EI IL I 33 EA . Rio, , Laquyra and Roasted Col Tees, New Orleans Portoricco Sugars, Rice, Obeere; , lron, Mons and China ware, Queenaware of all kinds, Glassware in endless variety; Wood end Willow ware; Veld. •tian, Ingrain and Rag Carp's, Cocoa Matting, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Oil and Piper Blinds, and is fact everything kept in a well•reg,ttlated store, tar Examine our prices and judge for yourselves. PRICE & HOEPLICII. Be AMBIIRSON, M. D., J PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON ' s WAINEABOO', PA; lew gewhatA•eitheildik R one. Ort East of the bowdea honer - utiness)A-it 41130 M.= [c? c,.0 .44p } i OARD•AT THE SNORE ~'~'~i, 'y ,~ C)R.4I.CMC.32IIPLISIL CKEREL sprit 20 d invite your attention to our We wool FIRST ARRIVAL 8 IL.KFINISE mailAißs, Hotlines() Clothes, Chene Poplins, Plaid Toin, April 13, 1871. sus 1 y on (or sale a choice lot-of tea and quarters, at a. aunt, of Bacon. Thera 'oion-line-ea-cheap-ati • the goplets, eumblere r mail diem,. etc: ite-wiera-ef-thwvery-beet koorted in Tea sett. a na dozen and half dozen. I true stock of disunion dithea. tlE•eS—=ll)nsketsbuck= ling.tebs,hrwelies,sosps, 's blue, clothes pin s, looks, essences, Arc. tobecco and dgars. examine. Will al- Wit cash biryers. W. A, lirAD. gee- Here ,- ape**, fiiie. " NOT .. E4 . • ' '') ' . , V , IC.. . ItHEsubaerlfireptis ihrt'retttrde d . fiats' the Misr 'with a large stock of Goods; such as. • BOOTS. go ES, G All% .1$ A LllO. RAM and all hinds 'Rooter. warl ,Shoes for Mon Mid Sous, Woman, Wise* and Children. which , he is selling at pricel that will pleas's, , ATO E V ER•rl BTY,LE for Men and Boyi;011 of ellihelehiding Miley RI suit aid fit any • ' We bought our itriA" elteep mitt • 4ras4ceetniined to_seil accurdinglp. . NOtielliht! ifihtiOnit 01 0 11 1 01 1 *: . , ILEA 0 tHE'LLST. Shirts and Drawers Gauntlets, euspentleis •!•'.Drtyilur,Oleves Paper Collars ' Fut top Glaris ' Duck. Waves liosiory Sheep Skip Gloves Wool twit' half Moe Lisle 1' Wom-knit , Gloves Cierinantown (fait Bose Butte' flies . Mack Silk Tics Fancy Silk Ties' ' Broad End 'Pies I .adi us Ar. Gents Pa cuffs Linen II an diter chiefs Pocket Books Poitmomes • Brushes Pocket Knives Cloth BrUshev Pun lime; Shaving-Brushea-- Prail Knives Hair Brushes Fancy ZS °tips Tooth Brushes Perfumery Shoe Brushes Albums Combs Pins and Needles. Reams Lead Peneils Gum Caps Slates* Tiolin.strings- - Ink 3iotts Paper • Pun Holders Envelopes Blacking Hair Oils Memoranda§ Toys i:erptil tacks Crochet' Needle. Fancy toys. &o &c. dtc astd: so fourth, GOLD "AND SILVER WATCHES, American, Swiss and English; Seth Thomas and b• ther flocks. Jewelry en /mit, description for I.m. diea,•Gents, Misses and Children at sreatly reduced prices. Finger Rings,* large stock, shin Gold, Fancy Sett, Chasedst►d Fancy Finger Rings; Sirs. er and other Plated; Rings in great variety, watch chains. Guards, Ribans, Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve uttons,-GoliC-Pensi-ani keys, &c, Trunks, Canes, Umbrolins,-Baakets,—Mate i Valises ' C a rpet B ase, R. asysCrolvaceu. Cigars and Sn uff. Fruits; Raisons. 11141 W and Confeetto i ; • • , Come one, come all, and—buy. Tt,ankful tnr past loran he hopes by a desire to please to 'omit a liberal share of pubbe pationage LZEKIBL• ELDEN,_ Oct. 8 Iso9 How is this for High ! TOIIN FORD in 'returning. thanks to the public EJI tor their .patronage arinneneNr that be intends removing hie shop. to the Basement of Walker's Building, (and nut leaving town es is tho Wier of many) where he intends carrying on the 8001' AND SHOE' HUrINE3y at usual, - All persons knowing themselves indebted to -me will please call and settle their.oecounts. for I pay - eish - for — rity -- stockanil — must - have — tiriy money.— Don't want to see the face of that unwelcome visi tor, the Deputy from "Fort Fletcher," Prowling a bout my shop seeking whom he may devour, &c. Customers will therefore find me at too Base. meet referred to after the first of April next jan 26] J. F. DR, D. A. liITOUIPIFEB, DENTIST, PREENCASTLE, PA. -- - Ezperienoed in Dentistry. will insert yo teeth at prim to suit the times. kb 16-1871. NEW MILLINERY STOR‘ TRS. KATE G. STOVER announces to the In ladies Of . Waynenhoro" anti vicinity that' she lies commenced the Millinery business in the front room next door to tho Hardware Store of S. U. Rinehart, etid has opened out a full line of Spring elattlummer goods, embracing all the latest rty lee. Lam are invited to call and °zombi° he' goody. may `ll - --t4 ti WAY NESBORO'6IIkCH FACTORY. rt VC). B. HAWKER having withdrawn from kl the firm of Adams & Hawker. that subscriber informs the public that Ito continues the Coachmsk. ing busitross in all its branches, at the old stand. He will at all tithes have a supply of new Ruggles, different kinds, on hand; also second.handed vs. bloke. Repairing done at short notice. Ho twee the best motorist and employs good mechanics. He returns Ins thanks to be public for their liberal pa •tronage and by attention to•business and a dispo sition to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same in the future. jan 14 ifJACOB ADAMS. . , THE:IIiEW WILSON Underfeed Shuttle and SEWING MACHINES! $25 Ohenper than Any Other'." : • For Simplicity, Der Ability ant) 'Beauty they stand unrivalled! For &MORINO, iiMINEPIG, Tucauto, mu, Quilting, Coahuila. Hamm, %ammo, OaTa• Rose, tietherabr & sewingon'gathers, they are en. excelled. Wausserce. A. E.WAYNANT. A. E;Corner Diamond, Waynesboro,' Pa. war 9n JOSEPH DOUGLAS, ATTORNMAT•LAW, Waynesboro'. Pa., . .gRACTIOEB in th e several courts of Franklin and adjacent•counties. • . U. Heel Estate leased and sold and Fire, Insurance effected on reasonable tonne. '-.d,40;10 • • . , encitei-wetch-etutitt-hooks liatitiot;op. colt: '4O t- ..1• 4.1 . 4 • .11.810 T (1 . 4.11 PE - P ILL S Rhaatio Mut Phil& ,G'fitaicini Crape ( tide,: F or Liver Compleinit4, Anundiee, * oirecnintue, • • sick or Nervous Hendsche;.(lo,tivotiess,' Purely Vegetable. catitinitig no Mercury, Mister. * ale Deletesiene Drogv4* ' ' Thr4e Piibirere ihet rang tloligh , fuly,essatit purgatlve r sopdrseding castor oil. lei kr, pigneeis. eta. There is itothing there acceptable "throve attlin.t. ac h. They give tone, and'enure thiteer .h haus norgtipour pains. They kro cineposed of the/nesi ingredients. Alters fete days' use of them, ouch nu ineigoration of the entire eastern takes place as to e ipe a s reiracatous to the weak tied inerv,,tim,, whether eyeing Irmo in/prudence er disease ! it. I'. Nehohold'e Cotopoonti rittid Extract Gutavvbl Grape litis tiro mot suAnt,coated, from , the fact_that sugar-coated Riga do not di4solve, but pose through th e etelot t eh riltilout (hasty:vine. eonscsuentlY d) hot produce Ike desukd eirect. Trot Cai.eitaut Gaa'srs Fitly bolo , tens:eat in tesj4Atolmter, dt• , uut- pr c.:e '' • ------- . sitati4 their being alugar-tosted. I.lFl ii c,e,Nrs PLR BOX% - • _ 23 , . Henry ' 4110tiLY . 90NaENtiiiVIIIJ COMPOUND . Fluid F4.tract I mina; Will radtcally exterminate from titilsystein Beton*. la, ,Syphilie, Fever Bores, Ulcers, liars Erin, Sore' Eras, nom Mouth, Bore, -lead, Bronchitis, Nkin D.. ease., Nall. Rheum, Cenktmi. Runnings from the Ear, White ay/01130s, Tumors, Cancerous Atria 4km., Nodes, Rickets; Glandular SwellingiN Piglet await's. Rash. Tenter, Humeri of all Hinds, Chron ic Rheumatism., Dystiepsia,•end all discuses that bays been eetablished in the cotton for years. • Being prepared'expretisly for the above coraplaibts its Atoml-purifying properties are greeter thou any •other preparation of t 4 arsiiparilla It gives the tone ,plexion a clear and healthy color end rebtorea tbir patient toe mete of kienith end Purity. Per pur:-. ,fying the Blood., removing all Chronic conatitettint - el disease, arising front an impute atato of the Blood, and the omy - relteblo and othetual hootvit • remedy for the cure of Paint and smelling of the Bones, eerat ion •of the Throat and liege Blotches, Pito ( Ws on the Pace,. Erysipelas. mid , all liege, Ern ptiOnti et the !thin, and 'beautifying the comp:ion. lIELEBOLD'S fISTPATEM F-LUID-EXTBACTAIMNJ- THE GREAT DRYBETIC, -t •• - • • y- case of Debates-in-whirl • been given, Irritatem of the °fedi of the Bladder and inilinntnatom of the Kidneys, Ulceration ()Effie Kidf Hoye-end Bladder, .Retention of Irm?, o the Penetrate Gl,nd, :atone in the Bladder, Co'ce- ItTs, r irel,ltrickduet Depoiit, and Ntucous •lt illty Discharges, Rad for Enfoebted and Polio tte Conti tutions for both 'exes. attended with' the iniksvnu; symptoms: Itulispasitton to Bliertion, Loss of i'uw. er, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, We ,k Nerves, Tr( mitiing; Horror of Dtssese, .thcfal-- nose, Dimness or 'Vision, Pain in the Beck, Ilot Bands, Fleshing of the Body, 12ry ire; of tt.e Eruption •on the race. Pettit! Coatstenatice, Uni versal Leivicude of the Muscular ttys•em, Used by Futons from the age cif eighteen's,' twos. ty-five, and from tbirty-fivo to fifty..fltre or in the de cline change of Ito.; alter confinement or lab o r palate; red=vvetting in children. Helmholtre Extract 13uchtt ig Diuretic 11 , 1 J Blood purifying, and cotes all weenat's truing from liahim of Duutipation,'anti k.;xcuesee - unit Imprnite.nce in Life, Impurittre _of the Blood, etc, Superuetilwg IJorpoibu in Alfecttant for wthich• It am! Syphilitic A Ii ctioni—in these l'isettre waml iii con netAten with Hanuirold's Rase Wash. LADLES.. Tit many eractiansiieculist to Ladies, rho FIN. tract_Bucou is unegirdied-bv_anyLotherreoterty-d-os in Chlarcisis' or detention, irreaulartty, i ;,fu!n t rla or suppression of Customary Svacultions. ilicerae ted or cliirrus state of the Cures. leuebrihtea or Whites, SterSiity, and for all complitrAs tiwiderzt the letovhether stieing from Indisermoin or habita of Uhisipatinn. It is preirerdatil extensively by rho most eminent Physicians and "did bled and Delresie• Constitutions. of both Coxes all ages (attended with any of the above Dii;casee or bycoptumo). H. T. HEI.MBOLD'S EXTRACT- BUUUU CURIOS DkEAAS ARI6ING FROM i'MPOIDENOE, iLs.Burs DISSLYArIk.M, Ero, i n a ll ih e i ta r nge s, at iittiO exptpie. lit:k or Loolvalg , in diet, no innotreenuttvw, and no E ,X,pAti : ke. sea' ft frequent desire. n. 1 ,1 gilus w i ,...r/ / I,:t thereby romoviint 01)9truct:orr.), 3.1 ring 6trivlurea, id the Lltetha,,al!a...in,:: t': u : finatmaiion, frequsnylt I L ti.i, expel log ati Voitor,ous urn tier. Use PELBIBOLD'A EYrttlOr iiucuu for n.ll dons n ns Diseases of the thinliry, tirgins, wl:ouror exi,nitig in Mite or rurnola. f/uLn Ver epuss* origin/I'ring, slid no matter of Itovv lona bt,tnoins. $1.31) per Houk,. ZS BUI,S,II3Ot.I.YrJ 111FROVED cannot be sexpsrtsvd Pace Wash, ya found the oil iv specific: reno.dy in evsry species of Cuttneous Anet:doe. It eyau.:aly•t t'un plus. Drynes-, tvask:, v o k •ra of CutanoottiOlembrano, etc.,di,pens Ifedue;'s ~“ ; a . yipient 'lives, flash, Meth P..tches, Li t ynesa ot . scalp Frost Wt r , and #Ol purposes (by ;shish Salves oc Il)tnii.tents are übail restores the skin to ti ate,4 of purity and eafni..ns. and instates continued healthy scrion to the %ism* of tor vessels, on winch depends the egreenhle CW.It • oars and vivacity of complexion. so much sought end admired. nut however, vatuahle no a 'rerni•tlf toy ex sitnig defects ot the ekte. Hefinh nose , ..ell tide wog tivits to on ou.ided p.drituago,' ay peon:slag "ito..:theit oductirendet it tt feitetapp', ntlage of tho must 6n perlative and Congenial character, combining nu virgitin formula *nose promitiontregtuaiteo, Sthvty and EtScocy— the invariable accorn i ettumwit of Its nse -as a Preseritativo and Iteheerier of tite Voce piexion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases •of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipa tion, usedia.connection with the kixtracts anti Catawba Grape firs, in 3114g1 eases ea recommend, co naet he surpassed.. Full and explicit directions accompany the wadi- tvidonce of tho moat responsible 'and- relitble cliaracitir turuishod on Iwpm:wino, win hundriidoot thousands of living witnross.a.ana upw..r.ls at 30,tiott unsuhcitvd certtficetea and 1...n4).11111.01a:or ) llt.v.‘ro, 111314 Of w hich Cro 'pan tric t..gruvar. sa cur t 1:14:Ittl • cling ounnent etc.. Tile p.opnetor has 'waver c.i.ortecita puo lictition in who newspapers ; he doe., not do this tratu the taut that his aritcluo rai.k 34,1 zitiudard Preparti• • , lions, and do trot need to ne pro pad up by cora— caws. • lat thVie I T. H.L'L.3I aOI.JD;S 6.55ZT41.:.".1 . • ICE le A. 2'l o 4 y,s, Delivered 'any addles's.. Soclini from observa. tion. Esiablished uptsHiri 'et -twenty yitate. Sold by Drugg Late e wary w herei; 'Aidilytaut.lethOto; inform a tion, confidence to 0t5`Nkt 4 :4:4.. , 7 Wit LOLL, Druggist and ' ' Only 01 •411.44114 1 Ding *Ma Chemical- tiffiuettouse..":4Nri.,': 4 .- 1/idatlwa Now York, or to H. I'. IS tllsM4 l l l4o o'. 6l w4tcntY, 11/4.cinuth l'euth..Street, eltiatil;g4tin' 138 WAKE. Ur ,C0C1VTZ,11 4 4,14., 11bN1tY I'. 61. vtadth.tee , t 1'akii.:;11431 , 111166 6 , March 2, .4 I