Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, June 15, 1871, Image 2

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ti A"Tbe COrOttell JO!, q itte AtariCet iris ,
redent ;Venter at,tbe West Viittstott
blsatzes tbe blame open
its employees.
Miiier; 60 yttate of*, of rieet . t ,
teeters county . V. was kilyd by lidttithig
last Friday: *liitb bahihrg it hatchet in. his
mild.. •
t3'' ha Dedoartite of 06io h►vf amigos
tied Gen.. Geo W. IdeCook let Governor
tin-the "nett departure" platiorni, *blot :ao•
eopts all tht lota athendment" ottlio Gonad
to. Narrow pine Railway iridittiefnt 41(10
senestion is different Betaking et tie
It is claimed tbat such road dab to boo
itruoted et about half the east of the broad
0146 Crolibrisioral oonteel in New
littitupshiro has oodeda; Ou Saturday the
3:Xecttleia aV) atlate. Weeete t e,_ Wae_e •
feeted by site Labor lteforateirs voting with
the Deploetatts.:
yoneg girl, fifteen years of age,
i'bot hereeif throxigh the heart in New Yorl
on Monde) night last, beoanee a woman
threatened . to diagraoe her for stealing s piece
of silk to "adorn her bonnet.
&E'Jeff Dacia made a speech Vo Atlanta,
Georgia, a week or two age, in whiett he said
the 'Southern people accepted' nothtng, that
they did not abide the issue of tb6 war, ind
that the South is only - waiting tri — offp'ortut - - -
ity - to make - good - tile "lost - cause "
via. From the iettiten 6f Reventio Assessort
it is seen that me' May tat of the present year
therewere=oier=t umillionazalloos-of-t-pirits
its — tbeeotititry - mTr)
frartt was tiinoovered IBM week net P. A.
14 . aetrtney, Die bursiag Agent of the Poet.
office De vartment, ie a defaultei to de extent
of about $30,000 Ile has lust his reason
and bean sent to the Washington insane A.
sTolli;Alietit — iltiVilit — ol August the Intenal
Revenue Micah will ohmage all tti_e_revenne
-7-- 4 - 6
entraps no t use. Two kinds will be sub.
atituted'—one of sensitise paper, ao that the
use of belie to remove oanoelation marks will
render them unfit-for use; the other to be
Opted in Ruch colon as to prevent inaitettub
by photography.
rea.Tho aertn‘n arm) , is to •bired'oeed to
e peace footing, its strength
Bred thousand men. General Von . loltke is
nali..d_intfiTeuting_t_h_etettrgartitition. Even
With the reduced' flirses Prussia will possess
the largest arthy of teq , Ettropeen nation
The giant in•ttalt s`pited behest uneoversits
Drops, but, bed trot ref/tote the spills.
tWIn Eltiteit eounty; Ahrbarne, Tait Sit
trday, William flrigg, a Minister of the gota ,
ou trial before the Baptist Church,
chard with aeducing the sister of his
brother in-lew, lisrpor James, wes ilistaissed
From the Church. *hen, a few thertfeetti af
terwards, itid whila yet ie6ide the church
building, he drew a knife and stibbed James
in the throat, killing hiw almost intitautly.
isiga.,The Ifiedieat and Surgical reporter
estimates the Coat to the people of the•Uoit•
ed States of medical services sod medicines
at $10.000,0'00, and adds $20,00'0,0(10 for
the quick unifieleof awdlowed.“ Let• the
People," it asys, "study those figures a while
and reflect as probably otie.balf. certainly
a large fraction of this tapense is incurred
s deliberate infraction of. the laws of
health ; diet if they tippled icse; smoked
less, over worked less, ware less 'fait' and less
elf indulgent, they would Save mottle thirty
or forty millions a year"
' ti' In retaliation for the Vaudail/lib die.
played by the Commnaiers in applyitig the
torch to the public buildiors of Palle, Macy
of the efiptured insiirgeote have been tried
by the Cou,tt.3lartiel abd entemarily ettecu.
tad A bable dispatch deectiber the thorn.
lag of twenty five men and reoen *when, con
.demeed to death upon the charge of arsona
They wore marched out to a Ptiblie 'square
and ceased to kneel down, whee theiy were
infottried that they were about to be .lonti to
death by 5 tiobttog. The women shrieked
God began slaying their bodies back • sibd
forth when en officer ettuck them with the
tl*t of biesword to quiet and 6ilaDte them
At the fret fire several of the *omen were
- nut tilled nat.right r and their groane were
heart-rii3ding. Si; tonediOvere fired Iseferb
m, the ailerisOit 04,0:: . .
' . These berbarotti'it -have done
ronento oentrefise the eirliiithy and friend
ibiplelt for Thiera Goveinment, by Hopei).
hams throngbohi the world, and we cannot
doubt baa bad a sirhiler effect upon the winds
,44 the Frenoh.peetile, We orb glad to re.
Cord that thil Chateeteir have' now
euased; end sonietticg like AM* Vestal
prevail in the torn and deSolated Ciplt
' ign i Thb. Array of the•Viiiied titii le e tel
iie plated on a peace footing moose. ~ • , t
. CU
. consist of one general, one Aientenant ener.i
~ . ird,_four inaler'generals; 4';,7,' firree offf DO
'''''''',' en Oprotrisios ton I.‘" - : 'le of cal, -
'• - of ertilitcrir,nitt. ' '., vs of infantry.
ie' ligra4' . ' of il;"toriii •- ~ .need- reAtes - ''• en
.:;; ;; - •::o4deni • ST *owls, link 4 DO More * "°44;en.
.*:Ii!::-!* 4O'lli it ,biti:iklitt l j. : --. . :., ..,
~ ...., , . 1......-t..i.... ;,44.• :1' f. , :,- -.` -,-- -:',.;,--,'
~..,;,g ~,,.;,:,.fr;ff'r 4 " ,, , , , ?'•qi : ,_ -,..3.
e eatne-p
0 ICO 70111
aicAL IA "1"1:ERS:
l'ates' Fos akut:Tho 4dit 01:11Tab
iris Retard iiiiiitedi-4tasbiogton6.o
rotr;itli: baei Obitd
*lt Pike ;AO Mr.
t Chetries tie plbtter.
sotiitpartiee - streartiat tliie odes
: hive soy fligait foe' their ohatieter they,
*ill tote do' title la egettlibg theirfeeowitti
, siirooey °tier Offiw."
Some deliuqueute,' ptibape; are oat' & t are'
of ?lit hew • ,
Beir"Meet me giorte gaffe . ' ii beirik
tired' almost eierj night Abdo the warm
Weather hie Commenced. It only nitres two
to Meet•
No PA a.—We have reoeived new ma.
terial end expect to prevent °dr paper. in an
improved'form on the 29th Net; No paper
wilitherefore be leaned from this ease nett
— Gottt.= - 01 - it neighbor for ten Mbithtf' 61'
more, 1.4. J.-M. Pedditiord, Dentist, took
featre of t - place this weekkrßarrie
burg. Professionally the Di. is ptofiioient,
and socially, en agreeable gentleman..
therefdre pert With hid relmitaotty. •
I? ETUIN -II 0. Bramfbill has fetterned
from the East *ith a new set of instruments,
plane° tramesiso'd new stook generally. For
toe photographs, aft sines, the Diamond. Gal
lery' is now the plakt. 0811 and see opeei
Net Stocl.—M. A K. iitadiahotta,
-teceotlyreplenished - hie Dental (Ace with a
..ttew_stocit of_material—As-an operator the
Dr. is perhaps not excelled in• this or-adjoin
ing touttitts,and we are Voluted to learn that
he in doing a prOsperons•lminees.
as early as Tuesday last, 12th of June, out
ting down the golden grain, on the 'Wiles'
.farm, a few miles-South--of - our-villageTTst - d=
we learn that other farmers in our neighbor-
hood i.ave_since-commenced the work. All
accounts agree. in representing the earlier
wheat-as-well filled and the-later—varieties-as
promising sn equally fine yield.
Contr.-11rd following id . s Mt of Ytirore
from Waabingtoti and Oninoy toWnehips for
Cofirt,tottaVeasStal at Chsurlxerebtirgiettigte
1-fth: -
Gratici Hamilton, Samuel
Witigart, John k•ody. Traveree Jurors—
W. S. Ambereon, James Cook, H. Funk, of
Jobo, S. Y. Stonei,John S. Wertz, Martin
Brautbeter, Boo) Funk, John N. Hoover,
Aaron Lowry, Samuel—Oerwahe, Joseph
TETE TJETCET.-16 - e — Rei — iiibliounty
Convention on Tueeday last nominated the
following ticket.
Assembly, T. M. Mahon, of Chantbete
burp._-13heriff, S Pl — Greenawalt, of Chain
berebnrg; Treasurer, Samuel Knisely, Orra
town; Commissioner, R. C. Boyd, %Veldt
Bun; Diieetor of the Poor, Gen. David De
uteh, liredticaktle; Auditor, J. C. Homier
Southall:limo; County Surveyor,J. Cauff
man; fetterlienn". bietriet tETTOrfley, Then.
Maio w4g.
Av ACCUDENT neriaiS attident Ot•
curled to' Miss Catherine Barns of this vi:
cioity ott Thursday evening last. 'On reach
the gate house East of town in the evenings
on her return Lome, in a one horde wagon,
in company With a stualt boy, lief brother,
sod too small girls. slaters, in desteuding
the hilt the gears broke end the hone ran
off throwing them out on the pike. The Chi: •
droll fortttnately escaped hark', tint Miss B.
was deviously, and it was feared fatally injur
ed, bleeding at both her nose an tare. She
wee Conveyed td the icsidenbe of Rev. 11.
Stonehonet and medical aid Stith' coed. She
had so fat rttioverea the nett day as to be
conveyed tti her heat.
Hot" Tb BVIL,D tai' A Toiia.—Ao ix
thane bits it when it says the beet way to
build op s town is for every business man in
the place td advertise his business in the Idol.
wens of hid local paper, and thus present an
array of &Aline houses equal to the number
of houses on the street. Is draws trade to the
town, draw/ produce to the town, draws moo
ey to the town. if a mao want, to buy a
whin, he geed Where be sees the most
men trying to dell that article. If he wants
to sell anytbiug; ho goes where the moat men
ate haying. 11 a mao wants to buy grocer
ins.or sell prodtiSe, be good to the business
man that advertises; fot he knows where to
Sod him and *hat he has to sell.
KILLED DY , LICIIITIJING.-Daring the pieta
stance of a thunder storm on Wednesday 'd
Seek, Mr, Samuel Crouse, teaiding in Tan
neytown; Md.. while sitting beside the oed
of his sin wife, was instantly killed by
lightning. 'i'tlightning struck the tiot=
nice of the, direld%, add passed under the
raftere into the reels . . Mr.,Oriinse,was 58
years of age, tat' sudsy tospbtted. 130
gristle/at aged'elayenre, olttiag upob his lip
at the iiine.ef the-pitiusti \ optie, walk btapbed
setiefrO, no wile esoOped, but was „toot
,Romlifistsp.—The ireek of the lited — eriok
ee4 Peeesylese4 Line blilfolllll has
bOill 'fete& front hittle‘toaa ta,thelset*lol;
led listy4-iirefooger tn*: ll :4:**"
teators tnd , nislither
the roall 7 '•:Atis..thouglit the.*ril4 - *li fie
ecouplite4 iii-totigt9lke• 14, flit:o6;4 etelf,
'ef labt week . ant' town' wee tinittpletedlialii.
ted by Gibe. Gasiyiseebettirritiett 4:14
°Webs, Raprebee k tatlft G.".W.'
Slabber, and Cot.
terbeoe' the plifty took a stiolliietind' 'laWn'
vibitihg stn' Madden ishops etd..intid id 'the'
'et ening etattedlor the titiiiiatain s , taking sup
per et Beautifdl Viet( Springs mittapending
.the night as Monterey. ..The nett morning
they visited the.CoPperlankof D. 14 Russell,
Esq. where' they obtaibbe bomb had epee!
webs, one of. which the Obeetwer took with
hini 'to Harrisburg.- They Maned in the
evening end' put up tit the Wayoesboto' Ho
tel, where hie Rtaelleirdy was visited by
many of our citizen& . Ibiio meeting stab°
interest of the Miramar Railroad Company
had beeiteeneente'd fur 7 o'clock. Obr Band'
serenaded the Governor, when he was senor
ted trio. stayer erected on the corner of the
•Diattiond and addressed at cousiderable length
the htegest andienee perhaps assembled here
for many years. His temarke touching the
tailroad question and other topics to wbieb
he confined' himself were well received and
tinetion of party: At the conclusion of the
Governor's address Capt. Skinner was called
to' the nand end Made some apploptiate re
mark's. The meeting over, a Committee sp.
pointed far that purpote, met Mr. Ahl at the
Hotel, and bad an interview with him in re.
gatd to the Miramar R R. enterprise. He
assured the committee that not more than
$150,000 in etoelt subseriptionsi to be divi
ded between Washington - and Quincy town
ships, Funkstown, Fayeavilte and the Mont
Alto Iron com'paby, *wild be required to se
cure the completion of the toed to this point.
The CUMltiitte Was Well-satisfied with
their interview with Mr. All, regarding his
proposition with reference to stock sub..
soribtions-as Serliair one. Tht
e people Between this
vine, ineiuding the Mt. Alta iron Company
to raise the required amount does not admit
- -
The (1_03,,e
Friday morning in time is breakfast at the
."111onn House" in Qiiiaey.
—Wer - are - peraritted - to — niek - e — tre — follow i aR
ettraSte home private letter addressed to
one of our eititeas by olio of the visitors since
his return to flartisberxt
"After wd left you we arrived at Quincy
about 7 o'clock. The Governer 'expressed
himself to be surprised to see the nice see
tion of eountry,•the fine grain crops and floe
surface indications pf Iron Ore, and then to
find the splendid Rotel with the nice and
. _
clever Lasdlord at Qainey, and a splendid
little town with - firosperit,y_eliining out on
fill sides of ltd All that is wanted is a Rail
-Rosa—Alto r-tak ie gbreakfast--sad-the n -nit
hens ill calling upon the Governer, giving
him a hearty welcome, tie started for Chem
bersburg, via. Mt. Altai and on our arrival
at_Fatikatown_we tnet Col,—Geo. R. Weist
ling, who returned' with its to Mt. Alto,
where the Govorner and wiry one of us
were delighted to see such a floe hoe estate
and so well managed, and to see its success•
tot management was a .great pleasure to
WO not visited t. Alto fdr some
three tears it astonished me to pee what
improvements Col. Weistling had made with
in Alt tinier"
MISTASZEt.—fibe following are sorne of the
few mistakes which suggest themselves to
the pubtiaher of it newspaper:
It is a mistake to Name* that the enba,
seriptioa of s pipet is elear gain to the pub-
It ie a mistake to suppose that be obtains
his *bite paper for nothing.
It is a mistake to suppose that a paper is
.pfinted without east,
• It is a mistah to suppose that a printer
can live bodily by faith.
It is a mistake to suppose that it is easy to
please every body.
It is a mistake to suppose thatufottey due
fat the 140 would be as good to us -in a
year as noivi,
h is a mistake to suppose that he Would
not be thankful for what is due, us well as
for new subsoribsre•
APPA LINO ACCID.RNt —We are indebted
to a correspondent tor the toiletries institu
tors of a actions accident.
A serious accident flooured on last• Friday
on the farm of Mr. Abraham; Lehman ) re
. 00e mile west of &they Spring.—
While Mr. lehmante sec!, ti boy of fourteen
.years of age, was engaged in mowing some
grass with a reaper, a buy by the name of
Waldrioh employed by Mr. Lehman came
in cootaot•with the reaper, and bad both .of
his feet.ent cif. One wu out off above the
ankle, leaving the part out off in the shoe)
the other tout was out off from the in•etop to
the sole of the foot) not injuring the heel.—
Had it not b)ven for the \erica, of a
neighbor, who stopped
mighrhate died.— 0/
.04111EDSCOPEIS ANInTIZWEI. AlllOl3ll the
atertoseopie views j tee - .ed at the Dia
ilisnd Gallery are. alesti , White Noun
find, Trenton itallo Wig a, Bummer and
Winter; Yosemite V , nion Para& Bail
road, Ate. A lot of hoe Chime°, are also on
. . .
d_otber==visitdrs-left—o ,
i t!%
. ly t.
sir /
tit, bleidi ,
)Virnews. /
. .
j , tic ' .
V ~ ,
The °repo througlout Bate of
isudisit soil& this yeti'.
Peklisoopi ses
41 best ttist hue beeU
, 1 aas to all' sppdarabosaistecesd•
h •
ilt„letahtlitir his Gott tattilitifor the pre*•
ant beim thillatiger of possible °sleet:lst in.
trtgw, 01; Friday . Pried. de ? oihville end
tbes.DMi dfArtitiale *ere at' Versailles; and
' litteffiefirreltir resigned their emits
lit die hiseeibly and' disclaimed too inten—
tion of , scheetiog sgaimit the' tiepublie. One
Of the' lifeteuces on riltioit tlislOothmetrist te:
WHOA Was founded lit node to be reurotet by
the removal of the mat of Government from
Vehitilea to The nestrepaPireC 'think
favorably of the stability of the tillers Ooo—
but solfeip.ste s airbag etort
the Bonapartist itfo ereet delegites in the
anplamentary efeetiona tot the Amiably.
Young Louie, the Prince Inaperialiis expect
ed to be one of the Candidates. 'the Church
property taken by the oolnmuslatif hen near
ly all been found and restored.
SHARDS.- An English paper says, St. Pat.
rink is evidently wanted in lodise" tnnah as
ever he was -in Ireland. Daring the year
1869 no leas then 11: 1 416pereons itirthe Ben
gal Presidenoy died from the eff f sels of snake
bite. The tames giving ere _ this informstiowi
br- - sly
1314, been carefully iiiimp - ifed; a ll the merely
tick' and wounded have beed °lthaca, as well
as those sudden deaths *llia( id l ndis are
often attributed to snake bites bry heirs to
property unduly eagerfor — theirldberitance.
h is a surprising fact that this - delstruotion
of human life goes on year •by year, and that
no effinailions mews are•adopted to Check its
A DISCARDED LOVER'ft itiihmuff.—Ear.
ly on -Saturday evening, May 27th, a young
man, John 11. Hunter, of Callon City, Mi.
chigoe, went lo the hones of Robert Hargett,
a farmer in Richfield township, Suotuit 00., 1
Ohio. Hunter was a. suitor of Gargett'e
daughter, end had recently been disearded.
He met OW old gentleman at the gate and
demanded to see the young lady. Upon be
ing told that he.eould dot see her, he drew
, a revolver and- fired n_buitet_into-Mr,--Glar-
and shot Mrs. Gargett, killing her inetautly.
Rodney .Gargett, a young mart, seized the
rufßan t and was also shot in the head, but
- not — dangeruntly - . --- Miss Gargett eaceped_by_
leaping frotweeandatiodiarv,=aud,
cc: mg - redo a neighbor's• house. . The
murderer itas.arrestedinod le noir-in. jail at
Akron. He - narrowly °seeped being lynched
-by—the-ezeited-people--of-Rieh6eld., There - ,
is no hope of Robert Gargett's recovery.
law Tonuship' Clerks ars required within
thirty days atter the annual election, to
make out and publish a full and complete
statement of the financial condition( of their
respectivee tuwnehips, under a penalty of
IT, W. adductll, — ot Indian
heir_p_eight-sores-ofland-adjoiniug — Tricity
Church property in New York, has establish
ed his claim, and compromises with the elm.
pmts-for-$x ; 000;000 cash. •
WANTED -A dwelling house, 01 several
mottle, for a email family, Persons baring
either for rent will apply at ail awe.
PentTs.—Parties in need of house pint
ing material will find a large and fresh btook
at Bonebrake's Drug store. Ceti mid examine,
SAVE COSTlL—Porsons indebted to C. N.
Deaver will positively be anbjeeted to oosts
Walesa payment is promptly Made to H. M.
%gibbet, Eeq:
ltur.--Pereone wanting ioe one have it de
vered et their doom vefip4arty every meta'
ing;or caw 'Nise i by applying to .13onebrake
CHEAP.—got * heap searing meebine dal
on Eleiningeri tailor. Taken far debt. Pride
CifonaT SEZDER9+—D B. Russell Ss on
have a supply of cherry seeders, the built,
use, for sale cheap. 21
NOTICE.—The fifth and last instalment
of the subscriptions to the building of the
Reformed church will be due on the 18th
day of July 1871. Subscribers will please
pay promptly to the Treasurer, J. W. Miler.
'PROTOORAPIII3 New style photographs,
the Victoria, Cabtuet and card 8126, taken at
the Diamond Gallery. Do not fail to have
p . m picture taken at once for life is lancer
tain. Childrens pictures (new style) taken
in from 5 to 10 seconds.
DIVIDING gnu —The inquiry is being
made whether it is too late to drive or divide
old stocks. This ia answered by L. L. Lange.
troth, the inventor of frame hives. .1 aitide
as late as in August; in a letter adreeeed to
me about 5 years ago. The prejudice' of old
beekeepers is our vloinity, is diminishing,
and. we heard one 6 Doutttion ThematO who
Could not believe io frame hives sod in divide
Jug swarms—nig "I give it np now.'' Yon
are fight in the improvement: Bees infested
.nith werois,cau eerily receive assistance from
the Bee Keeper. Tear rut the combs of she
boil bite and cot out the worms. Patch the
mei into the frames and put the bees is .
and you will soon have them in frame hiveti
Wrote you van daily have mess to artery inch
oloontlf. If you , dont then keep the enemy
iucheek, ar destrOy them 4100cl/ter, it is be.
coupe you take no interest in that busioess
witieb, compared with other business, caonot
be excelled in profit with so small capital
required,' ,We . kaow et no better season th la
thiiir the gioooo4, covered tali whit. oto
tit 'ant kalilifyfAltOtttliiade! the labor of the
Thiiiii,ii***!let them swam' 'hair
altitititiat4l4ioli yto tiohauteo realm
or high on that' trite top: D. D. FARIMILT.
, the boy
;•• • ,
tor glit^i--AO Gage .oe booboo* .golij
oa'Webt'dfoip, Serest, iifoyeeslAtif,. Enquire
of flto 1%100. •
Comte; ilitritnis, Igotkoitiftir% Items,
dco.altaThe , enormously looreasihgt -sa e E*
Briggs' 4 .titlevefor:ind dertitiee th pre
veirtieb tuna -of the witty pal6fQl "distatt
es of the feet, bear *twee. to their Atimilst•
etrperlortty over all other like, prepare
' tione. - For garb' theft- steadily
polish* in favor, wait nose the great major.
ity who Aretionbled.Watibed.,feet. Will, lete.
no other retitediei:"' The "Cliiisiive, for Ore,
tendote MAY festerid &Aid and bunions, had
inale; &V, is Soothing - fud healing,
Itching: • This 'diStreashig died' betrowitig
disease ie alarmingly on the increase. •Ilfore
so. perhaps, from the fee (hat those who are
afflicted from a false Mitten of delicarly t are
afraid t 6 ask for *remedy, thereby making
their oubdition lursivn. :. fie* wreniiind fa
tal is this neglect. 'lO the 'first intimation
of the appearance of this complaint they
ehouldloccare Briggs' Unrivaled We Sem
edy, and, using it according to 'dliettiOne,
immediately cheek it and pernienently cure
it. It is easy of application. and thorough
in its effects. Sold by F. Foirthelett.
creasing in prevalence, and if not taken in'
time, either one may lead• to that dreadful
and fatal disease—consumption. What crim
inality tw neglect them whoa the_reault mar
se terribliaßrigge!Tbroat and .nog
Healer bra positive reinady for all diseases of
the tbilont, Image and elitsvx-sever . failing
when used. in . tint Wooing of affliction.
Sold by &assists.
~Weak bait is stiengibened by theus •
011ill'ilregetable Sicilian Hite lieneWer
'Z' .F 7
On the 8111 islet., by the Rev. I. T. Mil—
ler, assisted b 7 Bev. B B. Donahue. WILL
It ZEIGLER:, 'forme', of this plan, to Miss
MARTHA LONG.ef Teloperanteeeille, M.
let:betty county, Pa ,
Oa the 3tl het., near :Montag, SUSAN :
NA[{ F[TZ, aged 48' yetrs, S mouths and
19 dupe.
- - z
PLOT/R.—The flout market is withaut
mporrant chtioge. The dement' is piaci
patty frota — tbe horne — corieuralite -ribose — Our
chases foot up 50U barrels ioeuding super
floe a $5, 25(0.50, extras at 05;624@7
lowa audWiseousio Oztra family at $6 50(
7.25, Penusylvaaia do. do. at $6'25@6.75,.
GRAIN.—The , wheat--market is very
(pie' and prices are drooping; salds of 1,20'
bushel . Indiana Jed as fi2®l 94 and
some amber at 91.67®1.68. ltye is held at
91.10. Corn is firm and iu better request;
sales of 3,700 busbelsDelaware yellow at 74
kit)7sl:_..eficat,_ and -6,000 -bushels Wester°
- mud, part at seventy three" and part on
private terms. :Oats are without change
worthy of special ante ; 2,ooobushels Pena
sylvania and Western 801,a at 65(4680. .
The subscriber will Ito mason work as cheap as
before the War, such as east walla: Bike-ovens,
quincy, June ,1 for, 1811:-4t.
N 0 T I -1:1-10.
Te~HE dninsitibifitirdativ the 'public that h e has
penBd a Fluniund reed 'etoresone door West
of die Holmdel) House, and will at all dense be ready
to supply chutes, family Flunr,and ,Mdl'stuff of "all
kinds at Athltra' prices: He respeetralty solicits a
some of noble patronage: - ROVINSON:
Julio Wilt
undereigusd wilt Bed at Private Sate,
A Portable ..Nlogine pod Circular Saw,
and if not sold at Piirate Sde until tub lat of All.
liINT next it will then be °fisted 6t PuliPc Sale,
at his rovidtince tvro' mile/ %Vest of Loiter burg.
Address tutr, lainterstung, Washiinclon
Juno 8 JOHN WbblEttr
Wavuesnono', Pa. Jerre 7th. len
/Pealed , proposals will be received by the Wayne..
born' School Board until July Bth for the I:hiding
of a brick clobool lir•use, 60 by 72 feet, tato stories
and basement. Plans and specifications can •be
seen at the,Couocil Boom, Town Hall, where, in
formatiOn will be given on application.
'l'he Board reserves the right to reject any or alt
bide for any reason deemed sufficient.
Bide to be addressed to the undersigned, and
the envelopes to be endorsed "Proposals for
Assignee's Sale
riIHE undersigned, Assignees of Henry Prime.
1 of Washington township, Frank in county ; Pa.,
will expos 3 to Pahl' . on the premises. on
Thursday: the day l J at 9 o'clock, .I. if.,
shag Vidul LOURING ILL and Water Hight
tinplate nt, with two Tame t Houses and an oil
Distille • with about TEN (111E0 OF LAND,
situated lankier townithi .. Franklin Co., known
as the " horf,Mill Pitipert ." being midway he ,
tween t h Tuinfilltn Head siid Modal Hopes This
is a splen id pieperty. The Mill is huge and nearly
new, being three atones KO, haying three pairs of
Barra and Or Alliopp - uni Stone. It bean tine Wee
ter PowerneOlarshot Wheel over twenty feet high.
Everything iu the Mill is in complete order, !teeing
the latest improvements. It is en excellent limo '
lion fora MERCHANT MILL, and us run of ens.
tom Work is unequaled by any in We neighbor
" At the rale time end place, Will im pod a pair of
1 FAUtnioure PLArrong &magi, a totof Mill Tools,
Empty Batavia, a lot of Lumber; I Desk. Benches,
I igove. Bedstead, Bedding. Jugs. Guts, Half Bush-
lel snd Peck Measure, 2 Bog Wagons, misses, I
Grindstone, 2 large UopP , s Still Kettles, end Fix=
tures of Distilleiy. a lot of Mill Stuff. 'ac., &c i
Allot on the same day. in Waynesboro', on the
premisea,st 2 o'cluck,P.srihthe Olt 0 OE Itle4ORE
of the said liesore, consisting of Sugar, Code, Mu
hisses, Fish. Salt' Bacon, Confectionery, t rho, and
ia Large Assortment of Fancy Articles; Notions
&c. Also, Two Stumm or Srocx,in the Warms
bake, Gimacastle end Hercersburg Turnpike Co.
Also, an the interest of mid Henry newt* in the
Dower on the Tobias Funk Peppin,. ' ,
• TERMS.—Mtans or Sate or Mont glom." ,
Oooluonik cash on day•of sate, ofte.tourth on qte
In el January; 1875, and belabor oil the Ist of
April, 1972. • Terms of other Personalty t—esx
mendisma all stunsneer elk Terriss at 1401:—Oast
fottrthnesh,. or Approved cxote at 60 &yr., oni half
of, balanceou the ,14 of 'April: ISM and the re-:
iininder on the tat of April; 1079. inturai "from
day of iwe. • " • D, - IL RUIPSELIa. -
o Amoco.
jugs 19--ta
t : •T:
0 .
To which we calYymit Wrtention. We awr lb*
prepared to sell all kinds of•• Dry Goodin , Cincotta*.
Quemmarara and Notions, at a much loafer . Otis ,
than they hate hominid ft* Moveral yeses
Alpseig,beitirtee, Colib* oil Lawns
WO 811 11 , 0111 Summer wear,
Everytning needed in the clothing lino;
Rag, Imported aed Girthing Varpetv
Shoes, Boots and yammer Rata;
flit llothifer_Eloor_and Tabluv
Notionajot all kinds:
'eremite Collars;
Btatirbilery, Laces and Inserting?,
Neck• Ties, Buneidne, &e.
Elabuc and •Oiirter Braid;
Doinbetic and French Bingham;
high, May and Coat Linan,
ilottonades, Jeans and Tweeds'
Tabu. Diapeta; ad *Willi, •
liosied,lllW6O. *fit '.
Laesime►ee, Clot'
Our price/ Ms his.
Giie Oa a call and we will•tty to arommodateNti
June 1, .871..
or 4 1. 7,
l'honollidebaveronnd ,oFT
thouejnds will turn to this r,
1 eine, arcerexhatistingthefr arms .
and Wiens StiStarchistiec i th..
Giddines of the head, Oess min • • •
breath, coated tetrgne, hos brappeUtk nasn, weak:
nem in the stomach, ealargemeat Of aft VIM yellow
nms of the skirt, constant few ant udyst i trilh a sow
disaltsit fir badness, areawali Of say bind of employ
inept. FAMINET'S rAigeviat i taken and persevered
In fora few days, will remove whole class otsyrar..
toms. ThcanisMOT the body becored Lase, and. mina
ciear,the stomach strengthened, the tongue clean; tho
annerite improved, end the whole oration so WOW'
thst disease, In ba d weather, is Lass liable to ethlot you.*
Blood Cleanser or' liana-cent
As inedlelat tbr andren, the Path/Male, to
Mei, calculated to take the place of the endless =i
dr drugs which are annually sold for that purtoee. an
which are often very injurious. A medicine which pos.'
tomes the qualities °Ye cathartic swell as IL mild age?.
Wive, and which is Capable of trroating disease without;
the least injury to' thu ef,_ is of inciutulable value to
every mother: As a cathartic, it Ovary euective, ystit.
does nut, if given in proper quantities. cause nausesr or
distress to the stomach or bdwele. It is very pleasant
to the taste. which Is a very iraportehlt feature as ir•
medicioeslot ntilldren. Atapseeeuitesof disease It is
unprecedented, as fleets directly upon the dltealire'or.'
ganglia& thel blood. in all ecrofulotis diseases,tt is As
most elrectivp 09t"
edic, everotered tot the publle • • and.
liiiiiii s • :: itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii7,lbine eruptive, dts;
ea s es sfy,.. ~ irroftpobildren may be ent4rely eradice •.
• • .. Pre endby P. Fahrnoy's Btos.
ityaseDoso, Pa., Auld Dr D. ~, •
` 4 %',1 p • WRNS, SO Nortb Deatbo L
(441' St., Cinakbo. Pelee $1.26 per b...9qk, Agtl •
4,.. ' or sale b
ona holeale and Amu . ' ,41.
'-'' • . alers. by
F. Fouroman, J. B. Ainhenson, M. D., and Dr.
tt Bonebnike. Waynesbnc...; E. D.' Winger,
quiney ; Reiner 45r. rtnng,
December B—ly
NOTICE is hereby given that th e rindersigned
has been 'appolotal assignee of Goings Latin- -
ger of Pikeville, Franklin Go. Fah unties a dee*
of voluntary assignment for the benefit of creditor*,
All persons indebted to said George Liiinger wilt
make payment end those havipg claims pressor
the name properly ambenticeicd for, settlement.
ParEft ROUZ'Eft.
Jane 1-01
ilfßo. C. id HOLLINBERG.ER bee jut rar
visited • fall supply of new Millinery, goodii
tea ars Waited to call and enemies her stock.
apr 20. •
_. _ ,
Tit dmiataignad, hawing reeetved letters of sofa
rninistratisn on the estate et Catharine Digo:.
darfer.osta glierieshere, lee J hereby pros pub.
lie notice to all the madden and debase amid de
reseal, the former to present their claims and the
letter to mike payment of their indebtedness with
oat Mums:duo delay.
On 't
. .
t / -c• 'MAUL
testify to its tmrite in metdrihg OR Cr 10 1 '
to Its origins! eolOf end promoting he growth 111
mikes ate heir soft 'and Mossy. 'The' old in Myna
ties are Made runt again. It Lathe met
ever meek 1t removes Handsel en; sli Gamey
Er options. 11 donna• stain the skim
Our on the Hairiest gee bratstitc
latemisti of UM intnemerfprepinitione *hi& ink
sold upon Ant termitic's:
R. P. HALL dc Co: leieshati, N; .111. Wean
?WWI; ball druggist". .
'QUAD ANDHERRlNG:4lloiiiiimutiumi Poe
peewee limit/lit bbisjor sittfor, ".
Juue 1 . •
,w; A. •