RpSEOSTENT SEIPROIATIN6 GRAIN EPARATOi . Malt HMI All 10 11111. No Implement more important to the farmer than ' a FIRST-CASS GRAIN THRESHER AND CLEAN pß L —for nonspays_bilnim well and speedi ly. The above gut shows the ONLY GEISER AI CRUM new built under the immediate eye of the old inventors themselves, with all the additional im• provements made during the past IS years, and now —withfirstArss-teoriewntsmlntaferiirtthis machine justly stands high up above all of- its class. As a Thresher it is equal to the best, as a Cler k ner Risen. perior to any existing machine. This is admitted by all honest competitors. Indeed it is the only machine that really can, by one operation, thorough ly thresh and clean groin fit for market. But the tact that grain direct from this machine commands /rom 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct tram any other machine, settles the question of its esperioritskarra &atter over ell others. Impartial —judges - at - s 11-the - State mnd - County . Fairs - w here it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competi tion withlother leading machines, always agree that —it-is-more_simpte—more easily_ understood and op.. erated by those unskilled in machinery—more dues. ble,—threshing as much and yet ckaning-betles._ with less power and morn comfort to hands than any other machine in use—and besides all that is sold for less money according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the thousands of pur chasers, some of whom ha e--bad - tirv , -. • the last 18 years. To supply-tho-wernts-er-all,--we now make 4 sizes, Vi 2: From a 2 Iloria Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power * to a ten horse Lever power, with prices ranging from *l9O to $360, without Rinser. We also make the latest im proved triple-geared Horse rowels suitable for each size machine ranging from *9O to *1" and all fully and fairly warranted. For further intor nration send for Circular and Price List. Responsible Agents wanted in territory not intro: ,d. Addre dated. ..dtiress TIIE till3bEß MANUFACTURING CO., _ %Val - mafioso', Franklin Co., Pelona , jsn 21—tf] ST--,C-L-C-U-1:Y-1!t0- - Arch Street, above AS`eventh, St., Phil a delphia. Mntirely new, with ample capneitTi Ttir 0 guests. Terms, g per day. The St Cloud is wew'y and --vlegasitly-furnished-throughout, and is open for the recepti m of guests; by the undersigned, who ha. •. so successfully conducted far fee p e at t en y ears t h e well known Mouutain House, at Cresson Springs. snato-3mos] G. W. MULLIN & BRO., Proem. TIIEIIIORNING - 11i0111 FOr For sale et W. A, TRITLE'S new Stave and Tin Store. He has on band a large stock of the above stores. all of the late imiroved kinds. There is added to the Morning of this year en even, which is neat in appearance. It is a good Baker. You can heat Irons. Bake, Boil, Roast, Stew, and it does not interfere with the operatvens as a Parlor Stove. In regard to the blast of some Stove Dealers, who say that their particular stove takes less coal and gives more heat than the Morning. Glory, you can put that kind of talk &In as a Blota-wel, as the Morning Miry has been sold' (in this port of the country) for - four years, and in that time I have put out over three hundred of them., and never had to tike one hack because it would not do its work or it was not what I sold it for. Now that cannot be said of any other stove ever offered in this mar het. Thst is the proof which is the stove. I have other styles or heating stoves for coal or wood. Vesting Furnaces put up and warranted. My Cook Stoves are of the hest in market • for coal cr wood, all warranted good Bakers. Also a new Parlor Cook btove, something that Wet be excli *J. Cull and see me. You will find ray stock of Tin Sheet-Iron and ,other wares of the best kinds, and at low rates. On hand, the best Clothes Wringer in market.— Also a good and cheap Washing Machine. • Roofing and Spouting done of the best stock anti at short notice. Job work of all lands in my lino done at lovi rates. The only place in town whets you can get your copper work done, berg the only Copper Smith in the place. Oet W. A. TRITLE. BEEF, BEEF, BEEF. THE subscriber announces to ha customers and ine public that he will continue to furnish prima article nY fieef,st ibe Seller in the Welker Eoilding on *outlay evening. Tuesday miming, ursduy gimping and Friday morning, regularly ting the woman. • Customers also supplied with V I and 'lamb whets-desired.- Thankful• for put patronage he tepee by selling uctikitig-taut the choicest rotate:to, mint -a dantinu.' not.ofahe testa: ,• • • . • inlay Vgs—ltt • - THOF, S. CUNNINGHAM. _ • DISSOLT/ON. HE exopartneerllip 4eretogne eslatiog littemen Gellman' Rinehart in the. Hardware tiatotnais, u disssimi•bY, Manna consent on ttia Ist inst,— 'be beak, and itiontune•Oritio inn stein the hands the subscriber. -who will al'Atitinue 'the business as retotore. span Wont all iwilimp4nilebted ue te. • to call and' mike esrlyaettleatene, ' • 'jaunt( - KINCHART.• . , 01.1iVii.VONVI FL peetetlic ' ALEX.. LEEDS Poplins, • Percales, Atpsecory Lawns, Perges, P. K.'S. F re n c ts• Gingham. 4 ?do:theirs, A nice assortment et Spring Shawls, Lees Collars Fens, Parasols, Corsets, Chignons, Switches, 4c. A full lino of Onto. Furnishing Goads of eon, etyle sod quality:, FRENCH, SCOTCH ' AND AMERICAN , CAMIIMERES. Coatings and Vesting. for spring. en& suonmer;:sloo tifiirts. Collars, ti'dkits, Bows, tticarfs, Ti.., Gloves.. Carpetings, lmrorted, Rag end Cottage (•arprt. Table, Flom and ,fair 011-i:webs; beautiful etyma 011 %Vitiator him GROCERIES A full stotk of Hari/yrsle, Onderware. I'm _Ala.. X Nail 'lllr ON OP (*IL colors) Lewis, and Beater & Miflees White 1,0111,1,1ci• send, Tanners' and. Coal Oil. Window (Mass rind Putty, and in tact everything that is usualty_found in a fires ChM country store. All persons desiring to pnrchnse - are requested to cell and examine goods sod pricer. No trouble to shoW goods. J. W. M. & op. 27. - ' - 17.8 u rns AmbersanOLD 62f1INER DRUG tITOR.B is still ahead READ, REFLECT, and be convinced. DRUGS of the best quality, PAT, NT Mammas of all kinds, PURE WHITt LKAD and Cowes, Ott., NAPOITINIC, dm, fh.e., at THE CORNER DRUG STORE.. BRUSHES, COMBS, POCKET BOOKS, BA -7.0114, Penknives, Stationery, Soaps, Perfumery, Toilet and Faacy Goode, etc., full •scconmeld THE CORNER DRUG STORE DESIRABLE in every household, Pum Bak ing Material. You can always get the he.t et THE CORNER DREW ;ACRE. PURE GROUND SPICES •re *old at THE CORNER DRUG STORE. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, 15 diffdrant kinds at • , THE CORNER DRUG SCORE. DR. AMBERSON'S Vegelsblo Vermicide.— Thu beg remedy fur worms. iSAYS, linwsazD and PALATADLII. • WHISKEY. BRANDY, RUM GIN and WINE for modieural purposes at THE CORNER DRUG STORE. TRUSSES st , THE CORNER DRUG STORE. Vet yoys Parscaprion filloa by DR. AllittEfti3N. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! T " pbbseriber 0100ittleol `to the " citizens of Itingrld and 'kinky that be bu ramped Gym the gage with a neck of " • NEW SHOEWARE tot UAW', Misses. end Chi Jania, • embrociost - oil 0,14; oho gagers, shoes, eta, for Moo end beiyo. H. ham also Utpoorioilin solo, aura Ur. • . • Coffees, Tess,' Syrups,,:auil , Spfeu; • iloo3ntinaes to 'mon'ofootAlier taimietnien's Snots Aga 'shwa *ad ladies clikkeses work of all . Jilt Maims ihinkr Sro pest filvanktika annum of pubUc pagrounget in the future: • WM. STS WART. lllipacniS, May 110'7!. New' Firm ! New" pto LIB VITUS I LOW PEES Doziest= & WA YNANT - hoor just Isponeil oat the VouseaVhdriuse.timi r i eplentj J 4n• nExce. embraciarClotturof - vaiihus-pculet-spd -colors. PLAIN AND PANCZ eASSIMERES, latest styles end best qualities,Doeskine, Cheviot.. Tweeds. Linen end Crepe Coatings, stylish Vest Pattern., eta. All of which will be made to order wish the best Trimmingi and in the best manner. A GOOD GO•1111111111D in every case Of no sale. READYMADE CLOTHING Paper Collars, Ties. Bows, Suspenders, Hosiery etc. always on hand. Gentlempii desiring etylishand good fitting cloth ing shoal] give as a trial. • BUMMER & WA IttliA.NT, CM. Diamond, op 27 Attap M. Gooto. ANTIETAM. Sash and Door• Factory ! Morro ..—Quick Salo sad SMSII PfOlita - busirs (Psi, Q,ueensware lilassvvaro. Wo also contract for con ti NevreVe lietlusters, &c. &c., furnish to order or put into-buildings by tho_hest_of_workmenl-t3awin Chopping. Post Boring, Grinding. Turning, &c. &c.. In short, anything you want call for it, if not on hand we vrill make it As reference Yrs can show you buildings in the country or in V 4 synes boro' where you can judge for yourselves, (we can'ti recommend material, it must recommend itself) also see the quality of our material as compared with that-of-other shops. TO THE PUBLIO. Thankful for past favors, wo ask you for a con• tinuence of the saran. may 8;1871. P. s. We are also rimmed to furnish Pramieg material at comparatively love rata,. PATENTED . SEPT. 21 1860 The merits of this Machine consist, in part, in the attachment (f curved knives to the arms of the cut ting-wheel. the shearing cut across the mouth-piece, the great power and directness of the blow, by which treble the volume of materiel is cut, with less pow. er than is required by any other Machine; those combined with its durability and 'simplicity of con struction, command public ottontion. Nothing lia ble to get out of order, but what a boy could remedy with a pocket wrench. • Person* in want of machines of this description will do well by calling upon or addressing the un &reigned. Good and responsible agents wanted to sell machines and territory. The above Machine is now on exhibition at the office of the Waynesboro' M n Idiot uring Company Persons interested should call and examine it, for it is what every farmer should have. 11, C. CILTIERT, , BUJ. F. STOII7PRR, Proprietor. Agent. Ws, aeaboro', Ps july 14—if] NEW GOODS! NEW. GOODS MT. HOPE STORE! fp HE subscriber announces to l iir - custemers and 1 the public that hp has returned from the East with a fine stock of - SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, , Groseriek: Queenswaro. Hardware, Glassware, Oils Paints, Hata and 'Gaps, Boots and Aloes, Notions, and .other goods such as aro usually kept, in well. regnlited.country stores, all Of which voi,U'bo sold cheap for the, A 8 Persons in want of any article in his pine, are, invited to call and' examine big stock - and learn his • prime, •as his ob ject is to tasks " quick sales at short profite:, His 'stock ezn. Mews Drucoand Patch* klidicines,:includiag the celebrated Patasisey Pomace*. ' • ' SVM Mt. Hope, ap 6—tf.'• • • . • - . •. NOTICE TO THE LADIES !; ~ 'MISSES. STICKEL Ilt GORDON announce to the 'stilts CI Wsinurabore anti vicinity t d they have just opened'out iu'the cornet room 'opposite the llowslen Heusi a complete amopttsent of new Millinery goods,, r heir stack embraces lists wed Frames of every variety, Floweir; Ribbon, and 'trimmings •of every description, : including whit* . trimmings; wistapstigotid:ri Genets, collars. 'fine, netts. Sowers', oslay. ifte: Ladies are invites. to eats and ogiunins late styles and prima % • apt 27 • • - - ..-. 4ilitirn IIii.TCVEIIIT . . 0 • : .151 ra ROLIANTVAII 4 OR, , .., • • . . " . AND AGENT FOS . Sitia33:3 'SE Wi tf a, MACHINE. RIVOLLIIP 411N,D:AMEilICA IV ' dOODS, JUST WEIAT YOU WANT AND• At Prises to suit Times and Quility WORK WARRANTED. utnu. anything wants fuser line o I as - , - ours, Shutters, Mantles, ----- Brysirilig, - Ae , Wholesale or Baran Factory miles South of Wavnesboril', Pa. GrUDD & METUAI.F, NEW MILLINERY GOODS I W.A itEID lr HAVE just Wight ia the 'Fart a titmice stock laigoods. , I ()OPTED!, TEAR, . . . , nicp, , WHli'E !AMAMI'. (masa, eineited loo( ipd pulretivid)* P. H. AND N. - O:IIID.GAVSEE, SYRUPS, DRIED FRUIT, BUtIAR-CtIEED RAM, EMO- IiED BEEF, &u. duo way of 'Puha and , baking! articles generally and flavoring milder, etch the gualltry unampansed. Lo not forget to tool et ou 10 cent and levy engem. 1 am. prepared* keep with the market. CHEESE.—The Ter meg and sinker. I get Ow goods fresh' from, She factory of James: Meson & Co. Sieve meny digerent_kiads—The_ newest thing out to she .tlmperiel." FRESH AND SALTED FIBS. The fish depattment we keep up foil, and_will, playsecond — fiddlertirnenic — AlithraTuTbi the prop er season we get string Ash, iced shad and herring We sell sound fish and sell them tight is the reason we sell themi fast. Customeis wanting one shad or 100 waited - on with the same alacr it y.— Housekeepers wanting to lay im a supply for the summer should buy eery soon. MATRIW MICTCALP. I now have in 'tore and for Bala a choice fot of ackerei - in - whohrlfbliihairea end quarters, at a. bout one4haif the price per pound of tlacon. There is nothing else • r r i - c as. 5V T. 47.1 eui T. - rim Rail_Etair_W-a NOTION* , AND BUNDIIIEB.—Baskets. buck . ets.breoms,tubs, brushes,eimps, blue,-clothes-pi-n-s pocket books, essences. &c. chewing tobacco and tiger& ask the public to call and examine. Will al ways try to make the prices suit cash buyeis. W. A, HEIM april SPRING ANNOUNCEMT! SPRING GOODS !which is large and varied and consists int pad of Black and Colored Alpaccas, Japanese Pop, tins, .11oputoso Silk Robro, Black aro Groin Bilks, Herlions Clothes, CURE BROW9AIX, BEAUTIFUL Pink West End Martell& Clnth, Troy Coon Repps, an elegant Rapper Goode, , WHITE GOODS ,"#' • sod Eusbroi4eriee,_ Hosiery and Gloves, 6 STS 1 1 11112116 MK ETES, IC, lICL 41:111 711 r ABC (new styles),Ladiee Lusting Oniterti ea& Morocco' • Oboes. MIL. CO CI 3EI X 3E113 - Rio. Laquyra and, Roasted Coffees New Orleans Portoriceo Rigors; Rice, Cheese; iron, I:Sterne -mil China ware, Queensware of .11 kinds, Glassware' in endless variety; Wood and Willow ware; Vent thin. Ingrain and Rag, Carpets, Cocoa Matting, Floor and Table 011 Cloths, Oil and Paper Blinds. and in fact everything kept in a weatregulated Mute. ler Examine our prices and judgellor yourselves. . Aptii 13, 1871. T 11••AMBEILSO.I,111, D., , pfirsiciANAND4URGEON, WAAYNESDORO I , PA. • 011'inWblkor'ir•building one door End Bowdon house • 1 • (june3oi-.4 • flEibiMiiiMMlii tORD) tal!C AT.7IIIOIIY AT rtle none OF. GRBi7K~~,L3: MACKEREL- GLASSW - ARE:—Look at the uopleti, tumblers, sets, small dishes. etc. QUE EMMA RE—Granise ware of the very . best inks imported in Tea sets and by - the dozen endlitilf - dozen. Also a Inge stock of common ...-...0- We would invite your attention to our FIRST ARRIVAL BILKFINISH .1110RA1RS, Chace Poplins, Plaid Toin, QUAKER CM POPLINS, PLAIN AND FANCY CABSIMERS AND PRICE & HOEPLICIL sit;f, ileitTifeadihts! NOTICE t THE subiotiber jolt reurned 'front the , gait II with a fargetitock of Goitdo, 'such as BOOTS. 'BOSS, GAIT.ENS, PrALI4O- , ItALS and sit hinds Hestia sod teas fiti Men anal' Hoye, Wooten, Mime which be is felling at Oats that ttlif pison!. 'Et A T rat!' S' V LE. . „ , fat Men and lays; Caps; all dio leading Styles to suit iu¢Alt iiity Wad. • • • `, 4 We biligbe quistaalk.'.ohespria4 era determined to sall . acaordingly. ' , Notions S Notions I -Notions Shiits rind Disivms Giuntlets. . brusiranders Driving Glavin Paper Collars • Pm' Wp Ghloves • I Buck. Gloves •• • Hosiery Sheep Stria Gloves Wool knit Half Hose iiiele - Threed tmoves coMon Half How— 1 Wool•knit Gloves - Germantown Haiti Hose nuaterflies Black Silk Ties ' _ Pancy_Milk Ties -Broad - End Ties - Ladies& Whisk's cam Linen Handkerchiefs • Pocket Books _ Poetmonies Brushis Packet Knives Cloth Brushes Pen Knives Pliarrilifißrusheer • NaiFKiiiiev Hair Brushes • Fancy Soaps Tooth Brushes Perfitmery Shoe Brushes. , Albums Combs Pins and Needles Razors Lead 'Pencils Gum Caps • Slates • Violin strings, 11,- - Nr• ' - P' rt, on hand Ziote - ,espei ran Holders Envelopes Blacking Hair Oils Memoranda a Toys • I:arpet tacks Crochet Needles Fancy toys. &e &c.. ' &a: &a sal so fourth. GOLb AND SILVER WATGELES, American, Swiss and English;,Bsth Thomas and ro thsr Glocks. Jewelry of every description for La diee, Gents, Mimes and-Ohildren at Meath, reduced prices. Finger llings,,a_large_etock.-04in—Gold r Fancy Bett. Chased 'and Fancy Finger Hinge; Silv er and other Plated Bin rugssivirriery„vvet c ama. r nerds, Hobo% Ameliais. Charms, Sleeve Buttons. Gold Pens and Pencils; watekihain hooks keys, &c, 'freaks, Canes, Umbrellas, Baskets, Mats, Valises, Carpet Bags, It. R. Bans; Tobacco, Cigars and snuff. Contlies, Fruits, Balloon, Nos and Confectionaries of all kindo ' Come one, come all /tankful for pant 1 ease to merit a liberal Oct. $. 1869 Jlow is this for High ! TORN FORD in returning thanks to the public fJ for their patronage announces diet he intends removing his shop to the Basement of liVaßter's Building, (and not leaving town as is the hetief of many) where he intends carrying on the BOOT ANSHUN IltTrVign3_mr_usual.--- -- A - 11 persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please cell and settle their accounts. for Irty cash for my stock and must have my money,— Don't - want - twiteelke face of that unwelcome viol. tor, the Deputy from; 'Tort Fletcher." prowlthg a. bout my shop Pecking whom he may devour, ikc.. Customers will therefore Ond me at the Base:. meat referred to after the first of April next .tan 201 J. r. HR. D. -A4 STOUFFER, DENTIST, GREENCASTLE, PA. Experienced in Dentistry. will insert you seta o teeth at prices to snit the time. feb 16-1671. NEW MIWNERY STORE. Arne. KATE G. STOVER announces to the ladits or 'Waynesboro' and vicinity that she has commenced the Millinery business in the front room next door to the Hardware Store of O. B. Rinehart, and has opened out a full line of Spring and summer goods, embracing all the latest styles. Ladies are invited to call and examine her goods.. may 11—tf WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY. CI FO. a HAWKER having withdrawn from I.7the firm of Adams & Hawker. the 'subscriber informs the public that be continues the Coachmak ing business in all its branches, et thr old stand. He will at all times have a supply of 'new Buggies, difirent kinds, on band; also second banded ve• hicks. Repairing done at short notice. He ases the host material and employs good mechanics. He returns bie thanks to be public for their liberal pa. tronage and by attention to business and a diapo. sition to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same in the Haute. jan 14 tf • JACOB ADAMS. THE NEW WILSON Underfeed Shuttle sad , SEWING MACHINES t 825 Cheaper than Any Other For Simplicity, Dura snit Besutjllkey stand unrivalled! For 6.llll43lllNB.lissnrata.Tucanta. Fat. ,LING, Quilting, COURINO, BINIMMo, BRAIDING, OATH. RHINO, tiathering & sewing OA gathers, they IMO Ulla 6.11C01 led. WILKRAMITED. E. WA VNANT, • S. E. Corner 'Diamond, Waynesboro; Pa. Soar 311' .JOSEPH DOUGLAS, ATTORNEY•AZLAW. TIRAOTICES in the several eau* of, rnagh l k jr end adjacent conniles. N. IL Beal Estate leased and sold, • Ibioi Fire Insurance effected on reasonable lOrun. 'dec 10 ' • - " ' !WAD--TIC 1-I,ls , and—bay, votes-hertiapaa - by a desire to ape POW I O ,pitronege EZEKIEL ELLEN. Wiinesbor's Pa., .c"s • • " " . lE t ip .„ C 11P(YtrNI) • '" 4 LIT, D a ItC ;.CA' BA . . 011A-P.E.'rittLlS. . • ...,• ebtapoot . Pa . im.-.:-Pee . l4 Aistriee,,ool6,776' a put Pheici ,Citract o'4 o guide. • for Liner Elorapholtatr.Jauntlica.Elailkhitaettlekinoa. ttitik or pilete(4e'llgaeleebe; pustitenees, ere.— ' Purely 'Vegetable,' eni.tiattiog at, keittuy, Hider atom Deleterioes • Thalia Flit.' ire "thetag* delighstutly eniunt purgative s anpereeding , ,reetur coli;• Asks, ' lagnesia, etc. Theta,ie nothilig mateteceptatite tanned stom ach. They give eoile,'arid• pout* tiAiher linguae nor piping pease. They, are composed of the,fineut ingredient?, After a raw 'days' •tiao of them, each an inviaotation, of the entire oaten* takes place as to appear inintealous to the. weak and, enervated, whether_araingikani inopradegee_er i bieg ee . 11, T„ Wambold% Clempeunil Kgareet Cat a wb a (trap Milt are not ragarbootated, koo k mg fact !t int suguleated Pitts aie:not;dleselyu, but pia+ through the ettiamich without 41assoleing, Ooneevainly d., n e t praduowthe desired) Wrest., Tllll OATAWIIivi Geart Pima. being Oteasaut in gate and odes do net sitate their being wiger-thated. % ' 'll-112-11--B . • . _l9lenoy 11% Iffehnbald's IMMIX CONMITAATED COMPOUND Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Will radically tzterrainatoirrom the system ticrolu• la, 19yphilliT 11‘ la, kyphilfer utes, eery Rlore Eyes, bore Sore Mouth, Sure Head, Bronchitis, Skin U+s•• esses, Salt Rheum, Cankers,• Runnings from the Ear, White Swellings; Tamers, Caneernus• MET— thins, Netles. Rickets, Glandul 4r Swellings,,N iglit Sweste, Rash. 'fetter, Rumen et all Kinds, Chron— ic Rheumatism, Llyspepsia, and all disease, that have been. established in the eistem for riater-.--- Reing prepared espeasly for the above complaints , its Mood-purifying properties nregreater than any other preparation of tlareoparilla It gives the corn. plesion a clear and healthy color and restores the• patient to a state of Health and Purity. For puri fying ilie - Rlood, remoilnr all Chronic constitution al diseases arising from en impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known rowdy for the cone of Pains and smelling of the Bones; Ul ceration a of the Throat and begs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas, and. all ti wily. Eruptions of the Rikin, end beauti ing the cote ,lexion.• DS HENRY 7. HELIVIEOLDS FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, . THE GREAT DIURETIC, has mired every case of Diabetes in which it has been given, Irritation of the neok of the Bladdrr and__ inflammation - of - the Kidneysclicrl - 4ation of the Kid( ne s and H . utontion-isf-Urine,dise •• b. the Prostrate Gland,_Stenoin the litadder,_Calm. Ins, Growl, ltrick4ust Deposit, and Mucous or Milks , Discliargesond for Enfeebled and De!icate lotion& ter both Sexes, attended toith the folkwing symptoms: hid isposition to Es ortion, Loss of Pow er, boatel Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak. Trenibling, Horror of Disease, Wakeful ness, Dimness *1 Vision,: Pain in the Back, 'lot Herid.. Flushing of the Body, Prynesi of tho Skin, Eruption an toe Fate, Pallid Countenance, Uni versal Lessitade of the Muscular evstein, ~cc. Used by persons from the ;age of eighteen to tvven• ty-five, and from thirty-five to fifty•five or in the de cline or change of life; alter cynfluemont or labor puns; ised-wetting-firchildren.- Ifelmbo Extract Bucho is Diuretic and Blood- PuntMg+ end cites all silicoses arioing - front habits of Dissipation, and Excesses and imprudence in Life, ltupueities: of the Blood, ete Sopersedinz Copaibt in Affections for which it is used, and Syphilitic Affections—in these diseasesused in con nection with Rase Wash. LADLES- . In. many afrectians peculiar to ',whea t , the Ex tract Machu is unennaloti by any other remedy—es in (Almeida or, Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppressian of Customary Evacuations, theera. led or ideltirrns gusto of the Meres t loucenhcoa or Whites,.Sterility, and for all cornpliints incident the Sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or ha hits of Dissipation. It is prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives for Enfee bled and Delicate Constitutions, of both Sexes end all ages (attended with any of the above Diseases. or Symptoms). szr- H. T. REL3I BOLD'S EXTITAOT 131JCIIU ..;1.11t.E5.1.)1634.1A5k:, FROM. lAI GF, lIABITs 01? DISSIPATION', Erc.,. loan thrirstages, at little expense, little nr no chimp,• in-diet. no inconvenience, and no exposure. It cau ses a freq,uonedesire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing end Ca ring Strictures of the,,Uretha, allaying Pain and In-• gemination, so frequent to this class of. diseases, and. expelling all Poisonous matter.. Use DaLMIOLD ' S ELTILI.DT Buono for all AS :e -dam, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or female. from wia/tuvor came originating, and. no. matter of how long standing. Price, $1.50 per flunk,. L 11. T. HELMBOLD's IMPROVED ROSE W AsH • . - cannot be surpassed so a Face Wash,, and will be (dead the oniy specified remedy in every species of Cutaneous Atrection.• It speedily. eradicates Pim ples, Spots, ticorbutio Dryness,. tridurations of the Cutaneous Membrane, etc., dispels Redness and In cipient Inflammation, Hives, Rash, Moth Potches, Dryness of the Seek, or Skin, Frost Bites, and all purposes for which Salves or Ointments aro used restores the skin to a state of purity and softness, and insures continued healthy action to the tissue of its vessels, on which depoyis the agreeable clear 13C811 and vivacity of complexion so much sought and admired. Bin however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the, skin, 11. T. Holmbald's Rose bt salt tots long sustained its prini lido atilt' to nn minded patronage, by possessing qualities. whichreutler it a Toilet Appendage of the most be-- relative and Congenial character, combining in am elegant formula those ormainentrequisites, Safety and k:fficacy—the invariable accompaniment of its use —as a ,Presarrative and Refresher of the Com plexion. It is , an excellent Lotion for diseases uf the Urinary Organs. arising from habits of dissipa tion,' used in connection with the Bxtracts landau. XsasaPartltai. and Catawba Grape Pile. in such dis ease. ss•reconietecal t cannot be surpassed. D Full and explicit diticuens accompany the medi.- eins..• o , . Evidence of the most responsible and telitble.. ' . character furnished on applicaion, with hundreds of thousands of living witheases,itoo upw.iris of 30,0000 unsolicited cernfcates and recommendatory letters, • many of which are fayin the foghorn' sources, inclu. dux eminent Physicauks, Clergymen, thatecidieti. etc. The proprietor has natter reserred to theitpuu , Wallets in the newspapers; be does, not do thin trout' the tact thet.bis einchat rank sa . btaudard Prepare.; , toms, and. do• not need to be propped up.by, cortii— . eaten,:' ' LI EN I'. RY gI...LAIBOI.IY B,GERZTIN4 :•• . .PREPARA T10N.5... . . . , . . . . Tialisered te any address. thfcumfram,obserat .tion. ' . ... Efit•Slehed upward• of twenty. years. -Soldh.s. • Druggists evedywheas. Addrese letterefor.inforrea ' .- hen to confidence to 11EititY T. 1114k.:N1116/111. IJaigigiat aitd Chemist. , ' ,'.- .. '.'. • .' :Uttty . 1/epoter. H. T.IIEI. 404.0.1 - Drug ant! 211, 00 1 / 40hr Chtunseali,-Wareheas‘..:,Nit.,'. i r • ' '... , 4 lira ... York. or to IU Ti .HELK .. 09.1.b. „. cFosky,;;Aws -, r , 104 south Tenth Sheet rbilatii ' , ~ .° - . .7 : ,. -‘,,,,: '. `• BEWARE OF 00Car41 , 01,14 , ,, " ,l, " -,:": ,:.-.: 1 ::. HNiVitY I'. 11K11.1411td.440 i l'*4 - #1.,,, : ' i": ,:' 1 : 4 , March 2, 1811.. • • , '-.„ '..14•Ny''.,4: - `,..'.` .. '.