Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, June 08, 1871, Image 2

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• Iriiiindeg,' Jute bh, .1117.14
Bar O. fl. 'bleb; ap 'ex•insaibet; oi l Clow+
pees flow Booth Carolills, 'nab io%vieted it
,Washiogton on Elattirday of bigamy.
ILlt" 31 inlay is id plenty Is New York City
that is it loaned:it floes to 8 per cent per tine
bill has pasted both branches of
the Legislature, preventing changes of books
in the public schools of this State more than
once in every three years. This is a most
salutary law.
OrThe question of a Convention for the
revile ion of this State,
uss.The tontine of,the Ambbishop of
Paris and fifty or sixty other run, all
noo•cornbatante„ by the communist , one
of the foulest blots in their blood stained re.
cord. &soh sate of atrocity would sink any
ur A. Magical@
a wets:straw of New-Orlon., and Iklary-A-. 3
d a ugliter_of-William-AL-Tweed,-took-r lace
irk Now York sod was largely attended by
Moods of the parties. The promote *woofs
to $700,000.
. F'Notwithetanding the exertions of the
---defenne, - Mrs - Aiiittit Fair, the San Franois•
co murderess, has received sentence of death
and,vrill be hanged an the 28th of July.
The Judge, on Saturday, overruled the ex •
captions taken during the trial, as the at.
tempts to impeach the jury bad faijed.—
Colt:meats on the justness of the sentence
are unnecessary, Mrs. Fair having lost ail
claim to public sympathy.
z& Holders of the three per cent, oertis•
Cates are notified by the Secretary .of the
Treasury that they will be paid on presents
tion'at the office of the Assistant Treasurer
of New York. Such certificates will, after
the 31st of July, 1871, cease to bear inter
est, and will no longer be available as a per
*ion of the lawful mosey reserve in posses
aloe of any national banking association.
so. The Ku-Klux bill will be thoroughly
enforced by tbe War Department. An or•
der has been issued to the commanders in
the South to respond to the requests of Div
il oilier, to preen% them in the diseberge of
official duty, and the internal revenue ofacetv -I
will apply directly to the Department Com
manders fur aesistanee, instead of to the
Revenue Office at Washington. On Mime.
day the Secretary, in response to the request
of a United States Marshal, telegraphed an
circler for the movement of troops, but all
other eircutristaneee and information are
kept secret, to order tir tame the mom
of dui:immune.
terThe Communists of Paris have been
completely overthrown and the Versailles
Government troops are in possetaloo of the
City. Of the original one hundred end six
members of the Commune two nail survive
and only two fell in battle, the remainder
°ether being shot by 'the Government, or
killed in:the quarrels among themselves. The
situation in Paris is horrible. A Cable dig.
spatch says that an unbearable odor prevails
in the streets, arising from theism& ofeorps•
es lying in every direction in various stngea
of decomposition. The smell is fearful, and
an epidemic is apprehended if immediate
sanitary measures are not taken for retnov,
log the cause of the stench and cleansing
the city. Nany of the dead have been bur.
ied with snob a slight covering of earth that
the fret heavy rain will wash it away;and
that some
_parts of the city are'wholly unin
habitable, by reason of the stench arising
from . those decaying charnel heaps, and that
the wholesale executions of the insurgents
continues. All, without exception, are shot
immediately on being captured. The follow
, log dispatch was received by Secretnry
!root Minister Washburn° ;
The Archbishop and ty nine . priests
were ehot on Tuesday night. The insurrec
bon has been Suppressed. ' The insurgent
losses were enornious,aad those of the Gov,
comparatively eroalt, . WASUMIRNIE.
STRASET (ha MURDER. --Falter, the SOD•
demised oritnioal, who murdered a Mr. Pat
man in a street car in Now York some weeks
since, on Saturday east issued the 'following
appeal to the public : I was tried , out of my
turn. There were others indicted, for mur
dor months before tee "who .have not been
tried yet because them was no bus sad cry
atter them,, while the 'public was resolyed to
lave my blood as‘soon as possible. Out of
all these 1 alone eta selected to undergo Gip
its! punishment, because mine was.a geese.
until case. No one can doubt the truth of
,thfs,ind it is because ibis iSibe, truthittiown
to Gud and scorn to: by pis, ID the " shadOw
of death I make likrappeol lathe public. L
sas doconedici die because a wicked, .drunk•
en freak resulted in tne,deith °fames whom
I no more intepded to hares Potions," then I
would my sup child, owl the public perhapi ,
became ii targets mein the - horror of- my'
Fell, !waylaid me of sti inteastjon which I
.160 ; _si m7 , -,Oreliter, ititir whose pre*
ebb* 1 40 *lll to be l'lo4i*EPwalletter
eniei 444 ,5i0.„4i . :;44014D0t tzeotation:-
loplorhartgeed'io this iiaighbt.r.
i Titimeg "oft SAus . —The Selo apes which
tho - lte4ord is •pritited‘fdYfishingibrs—old
style , ..bed 81126-111 , for isle: Doe. good
work. Price 3/00.0611b. • •'
Meeting will be beldin thie,plane this (Tbnie
del) eireoibg t at 7 o'eleek.iyAintt
dressed by Gov. Geary who arrived here pee
terday, aed other prominent railroad mean
co.„The Camp Meeting season is approach.
egAce,ereem and refreshing berersgeo
are now lunch in demand, •
assi.The strawberry ensue h shout ovev.
The continued dry weather has proved dent
aging to the crop.
eopte at the next
legislature having
The 'birthing Springs Hotel, togeth
er with all its turniture,is advertised, to be
sold on the 24th of tine month.
The boys or eospebody oleo have bean
stooling atrawberrida front the Nursery of
about' town should be looks
Ilfdrikere will be en anoulal_e_olipee_o
the BUU on Saturday, June 17th, and a par-
tial eolipee of the 'noon on Sunday the Zd
of July. Qet out your "tin" bop.
or The bill to change the township and
borough elections horn October back to
March, passed both Houses of the I l egisls.
Russell, assignees of henry &sore, ofler at
public sale in another column a valuable
Mill property and groSetry atore
origin, progress, etc, of,the Duokerd or Ger
• . prieLdeoonikatiou,will-be-fouod—o ,
the And page of to day'e paper
Ital N.— Since our last issue this region
has been favored with several light but re
freabiog rain showers. The heat, however,
has been so intense thst little relief has thus
been - affotded - ,the atmosphere in a short time
warming up to as August tetuperat uret
the Republic:ems of iNsehington township,
will be held in the Town Hell on Saturday
next;at 8 oolock P, N. to seleot delegates to
attend the County Convention at Chambers
burg on Tuesday next.
iv Persons who bave pot settled with ns
for work done last winter and spring will
specially favor. us by doing so at an early
day. Out g-poper man," and other creditors,
must not be neglected.
DECORATION MT.—This day was observ
ed by theiadias in Waynesboro', a few of
whom went with the•dee. devotion of true
women, to the camping crowd of the dead,
and adorned with flowers the mounds of
earth, whioh meA the tenting place of the
bravo and loved, who there await the mingle°
of the Lord of limo,
rEeTIVAL.--lhe Good Templara of this
plaoe will hold an Ice Cream Festival in the
Town Hall on Thursday, Friday, and Satur•
day evenings, June 15, US, and 17, the pro.
ceeda to be applied towards "htteishing, the
Lodge Room. .
New BELL —The bell for the new Re
'rorined Church was received here on Tues
day, it weighs 1568 pounds without the
fixtures, which will increase the weight to
about 2000 pounds. It was hoisted to the
bell fry yesterday rooming and tested. It
has a floe tone and gives general satisfaction,
REcEITED.—Our School Board have re
calved time A. M A Herr, Aichiteet, of Mo
o:tater county, the Drafts and Specifications
for the new School Witting, According
to these the buildieg will prove an orna
ment to oar town co a l cannot tail to give gen
oral satisfaction. The intention ill to put
the work trader contract as soon ai 'possible.
The board will acoordinly advertise for pro
posals neat week,
ENCOURACIINO.—The Geiser Mannfaetnr
iog Company in this place has been running
sixty hands regularly since the first of Jan
uary last on the celebrated Geiser Grain
Separator 4 We understand their prespeots
are mast encouraging for this stage of the
season, orders coming in daily for machines.
the sales so far being largely - in excess of
last spring, This will be gratifying news to
our citizens generally, as their extensive
ununtfiteturing establishment is alt important
appendage to -our town.
Csowrity Mitniattx.—Persons can DOW
be supplied with Dr. Wiokey's Cholera - Me.
dit lne, the genuine article, by calling on Da
vid bleu, in this place. • Mr. M bis been
preparing this utedieine for years and it
hatigiven generals a►tisfaotattotl. We have
lased it and pronounce is an excellent Ma ,
OW& •
Tux Fssrtvat.-4be , Strawberry and
lee Cream, ges i tieei held by the
. ...Zadiae 'con
nected Risk the: . Reformed 4.l,kiwiob, in the
ouliburoday; Friday sod Stour
eveeintia lost,proved. we are pleased to
ham!, gicp a l anecess. Over oils hundred
were realised oitside of expellees.,
'Wlents ritiatel $125 it
Palawan Sr; ClO'it..• Pbesp
6/'Au blowing oorrespondante on the
AK Aden MitrOTltt tionsollen Boori:
born' 'Odd l'elleto inothineen •thii':death bf
Enn.•Williatti Monroe, whieli , oiteurtadtaliont
nine oPtilook on DlciadaY tbe 20th Ult.,.
iged 88 yeare; . l3 vtionthe,and 81, tiqi. Vb.
debessed wee heroin Illegtiantlionothblary.
land, Sept. 8,1T88., His converolokneeni.:
red in 1805. le 1800 he wee ficeneed to
Ordeal', and entered the Biltinioro
ones of the K. E. Church in 1810. Thus
fol - 61 - yeare - be - kadlimiii in the Ministry,
88 years of wbioli were spent in active work.
Qe locetedin Boonsbore" 00 years ago. OUT
ring his years of active labors in the 'minis.
try, he traveled ever the greater portion of
Penneylvania, Maryland, and virginie.-- ,
Those . who knew him algid is the prim, of .
life speak Of him as a Minister of tare pow
ers of intellect and energy, with annarnest,
110118 in his work that always carried centric
don oldie eineerityof his , heart, and that
he was* true servant to his master. • Ile
was eminently oonsoientions, and his . bones
ty without blemish. About dine months is
go be was prostrated by a eaneerous disease
that gradually gnawed at his vitals, awl sap
pad hie life. And yet no one disease seem
ed to have destroyed him, bat a general fail
ur e 0 , 18 p pima powers— • 0 toao tom
was worn out, and the wheels stood still in
death: - -
Ittozirra.—.The followiog is a list of our
snbscribtion receipts for the month pf May t
John L. Metcalf, $2 00
iii Littie, 4.00
Pars. M. L. Faller; 2.00
' John Sas, .. 4;00
Daniel Deardorff, 1.00 '
Jacob Miller, , 2.00
Jacob 11,314inger, . • 2.00.
Abrm. Welty, , 6.60
Henry Newcomer, • $ 00
D. Newootner, (III,) 2 00
Andrew Creyton, 1.00
Abrm. Shank, 2 00
Josiah Fahrneg, 0 00
J. K. Solveig, _ 2.00
Gee. &sore, 2 00
Chas. J. Hollis 8 00
. W. Troyer,
Peter Corbett,
W. A. Johnston,
Jacob Cords!,
A. B. ilatuiltoo,
N. Nlittohert,
John W. Shamir,
Reuben Joininger a
Nos Myers,
Jacob Trit
-Samuel - Needy,
G. W. Fits,
Oliver Miller,
Chris. *Mackey, sea.,
Henry Masters„,_
Mrs. C. C. Eyler,
ache Lents,
C. K. Myers,
Thos. Moot);
Tl 2
, ON TOSS —lf boot-makere, and
tradesmen generally did but know it, the pub
lie hold punctuality in as high estimation
as portent fits. As there is nothing more
annoying than repeated delays after a thing
bas been promised, so there is nothing more
ed &wording to agreement. - Thin - m — trades-
Wen make a peat mistake who habitually
promise what they know themselves they
r cannot perform. A purchaser, after being
disappointed two or three times seeks some
other establishment. It has been proved
that "men who are habitually behind time
are habitually behind success." They are
always losing customers, never contrive to
establish permanent relations with buyers
and make no headw,sy, while others who are
prompt end do as they agree to de, extend
the number . of their Wrong, end acquire
wealth. •An inquiry into the records of all
successful business men will show that puce
tuality has been one of their vines'. No
one has or can succeed without it, bower
er supericw their qualifications in other re i
Ittirabey of the Public Opinion takes ox•
caption to our comments in reference to the
State appropriation of $300.000 to the citi•
Ohambersburg, We aro glad that the ep
propriation was made, and so expressed our
self, and as far as we know this is the feel
ing of our citizens generally. But:he thinks
those who suffered outside of his town
should not complaiti of tardy legisgative
action in reference to Attie wrouge—ive at
least infer this from the tenor (of his article
—that their prospects for a "Mite," nip,
der the late oesetment of , our legislature,
are materially enhanced. &r. this is taking
a bright side view of the subject, and Bei
der sufferers generally would naturally to
to have our ootemporaryse expectation prove
Naaaow &OAPS —Mr. E. Hiteehew of
Ohambershurg, a former will-known mar t .
Vint of Ringgold, Md:, was stmt by
:Shippenaburg on Wedoesday of
last woplt, prostrated •and rendered :Weald.
hie for sometime, He was attending a cot
ter atone, laying is that place: Mr. EL was
in our town on Monday and informed ns that
he had not then smite), recovered from the
effects of the shook.
, The escape from in•
stint death , . war certatoly a . mica miraculous
one. We understand the death of -Mr. A.
from We' Cause is'' asuequaed IR the belt
'Hagerstown Asit
Os tho re anion of the two branches Of
the Presbyterian Chniebit iVait proposed to
raise a 4 4.31em0nal Fund" of $5,000,000; in
thankful cotrintetneration of the anion.. Bet
new, at the end of the year, the amount se•
'Wally, raised. is 'kind —'
,to be $7 607,4991
And by contrihntiocalet to come in.
- it te
expected 01,0.'140*A1 be, inttreated (*dearly
or quitellslooo,oosl.
;11$10011ATION DAt Day - otitis.
led the OW attention of oar Wass. Capt.
Jolla Doebler,wac the morolist of the
The prtitemilohs weie net formed and did not
Marsh until il'O'eleek This delay was made
pbceieiry "Owlogle the Waukee heat atilt •
The WWII 'processions having visited
the elittrolubutialgronds, met le the equine
about 5 P. M. sod together marebed to , the
OW, groire'ilemetery. Heft, after strew-
log the /tetra of the fallen braves, an elo
quail address *as delivers!! by the Rev., j
A. Otawford, when the procession returned
to the Publio Bgtiare Where it was dismissed.
The Fayetteville and9tinoy bands furnished
the music for the Occasion, the former dig
coursing some excellent music. The Qain
ay band also played well. Is was their first
visit to this place (es a band), and they at
traded a gr.ont doal of attention.. The color
ed eoldiefe -with their band were also out,
parading the atreate previous to deaoratiog
the graves of their dead.— Opinion.
War Willia m Reading Itentgotnerhan offi
cer of the mulct army and a general of vol.
unteers in the late war, died at bin residence
near Bristol, Pa., on Nay 31, in the seven
- ' - wof-hical
Yortitt Moo•
mouth eouoty, New Jersey, and hie fatbcr
was James Montgomery — VW, ritoowo as a Re•
•o n tonary so er,
He was sixty years of age when the Re
bellion broke out, but be immediately took
command of the First New Jersey Volun
teers, and was present at several battles. He
became beigadiergeneral August 17, 1861,
He was military governor of Alexandria, Va,
and also of Annapolis, Md., and io 1862
held the military command of Philadelphia.
In 1864 be retired from public life, and he
has since lived at hie home near Bristol,
KHALI!) BY A Bin. L.-00 Sunday hat,
gpth of May, Mr. Joseph. Hawk, residing in
Taaeytown Diatriet,Oarroll empty, was driv
- 004e-eattle-to-the-paatuto field. Oa the
4 800
2 00
• 100
B 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
4 00
2 75
2 00
7 00
2 00
way the animal became vioious and gored
him in the thidk part of the leg. Mr. Hawk
when found, was dead. As no person saw
the 4ad occurrence, it is supposed he bled to
death from the wound. lie was 'op horse
back at the time. The - horse is also badly
injured. Deceased was highly respected by
sit who knew him. —The Rookinghaw, Va., Reg
ister says: Miobael Lohr, avoiding in the
lower part of this county. has been married
seventeen years and is the father of nineteen
children. There are but four twins. Not
withstaudisg the rapidity with which Mr.
Lohr's family has increased, he bag by his
industry and good management, been ena•
bled to provide comfortably for his little
family, and in the meantime purchased and
paid for a good farm.
STBAWBZBRIEB—IIeoekved daily at
Raz •
MAcztazr..--7Another prime rot just re•
calved by W. A. /IBID.
OUICAP.—For a cheap eewieg machine call
on lieinioger, tailor. Takeo for debt. Price,
For RENT—An OEIOO or busioeee room
) on West sin Street, Waynesboro'. Eoquire
of the Printer.
CHEM Sastorna.—D B. Russell & SOD
bave a supply of cherry seeders, the beet in
use, for sale cheap. 2t
i .Caldwell lo Co., base lost opened
another large stook of Ladies', Gents' and
Children' Bboes, *Miters and Blipper . at their
tiewil low prices.
lon Canar..—Nr. A. D. Gordon hue fit
'tad up one of his front rooms ass Ladies'
ice cream saloon. He Is also prepared to fur
nish families by the pint, guars or gallon.
AT GORDONIL—Meok's celebrated Balti
more Lager can be had all hours during the
day or evening, ice.oold, at the Brew House
Dar of A. D Gordon.
Kir Just Received at the Cheap Store, 50
Ocoee White Buff end Figured Marseilea,
from 15 eta pee yd. upwards at Caldwell di
Co's. ; Gear the Court. 'Rouse.
Co.,have just opened south--
or large stock of gene' and ehildrene'
shoes, gaiters cad slippers at their usual low
Orrorlte.—Tbe Bowden , Same .Restect
rant is owe furniehing the teem quality of
`Oysters the Eastern merkme afford, also
clam soap, ice cream, Beolee Baltimore la•
ger, choice liquore,leromuule, eto. _
LasTNO4lO3.—,C. N. Beaver requests very
particularly (u-he is at present is tows) that
all iodated to him. call and settle their ao
coviute'm of berate the third inst., u snit
gill- positively bF brought- after that •
fifth ai4 loaf lustalmeot
of the subscriptions to the building of the
Reformed atm,* bodue ou the .18th
day of July .3613. , . Sobsoribers will plus*
piy promptly to ibe treasurer, J. W. Miller.
LARGEST, AftatVAP or Tait Ssajort.-
Caldwell 4 Co.Asms just received direst from
imparters sod., mosigitosturers. 24 cities •of
etisw goods, stemping till. she . West sod
'toast, popOlex ; atyles fsditstsod mimes' lists
and boonsts 'high . they are selling at leas
than half ths'ostmLprices. French Givers
In Brest 'firafasion,Tibtmos all width st si
tapiahlogly lore rice,.
.. 1 :7 .
. L 1 ,
OWNS 41 1 10110WENO NAIAD,
&0.--The irtiorrhovisly iisorrissioi sales of
Briggs' 'Allentor and OttratiVe for the pre.
elation, and tiara of the nroysitinfal diem•
es of the feet; bear Witness to their wonder.
futeuporiority over all other like prepare.
t*, .trir
growing in , vor, Until now tbb gristt urtijor.
ity who ate'rroubled with bid feet use
no other remedies.. The Ouratire, for sore,
tender sod festered eon/ Sod hellions, bad
lads, km, is soothing and healing, - perform!,
Pina.--:lnternal, External, Bleeding or
Itching. This distreselog and harrowing
disease is ilarthingly on the increase. Mora
so, perhaps, from the fag that those *ha are
dilated from a falai notion of delicacy, are
afraid to ask for a remedy, thereby making
their eoodition known: -flow wrong and fa.;
tal is this-neglect. At the first intimation
of the appearance of this comp laint they,
should prOcure Briggs '. Boris-mit Pile Eem-
Xdy, and, using it asoordiog to directions,
immediately oheok it and perakoently owe
it. It is easy of application. and thorough
in its effects. ?old by 'P. 'Nardi:llan.
Am—The above complaints seem to .be in
creasing in prevalence, and if not taken in
time, either one may lead to that dreadful
and fatal disease—consumption. What 'crim
inality to neglect them when the result
.e_so-- - torriblell—lirigge — Throac and Lung
Healer is a positive remedy for all diseases of
the throat, lungt_t
_end chest—never failing .
- when need in the morning of 'afflititio - n,
Sold by druggists.
Its this place on the 2d inst. by D. B. Rus
sell, Esq. Mr. ALBERT ROM, ToMiss
WWII DA ROBINSON, both of this town.
d h r..lw
On the 24th of May, in Onatobereborg,
IVire. NARY HUBER, wire_of Hon. John
Huber, is the 64th year of her age.
Oa the tad inst., in Obainberaburg, Mrs.
A. J. bloCray, in the 33rd year of her age.
On the Ist inst., near Shady arm Mrs
_MILLS, in the.6oth year of her
FLOUR.—The flotir market is quiet,
' w ith
testae', any &mud fot 9hipmeot, and
no disposition on the part of the home trade
to purchase beyond their immediate wants;
800 barrels sold in lots, isoludinvenperfioe
at 86.25®5 50, extras atBs 621 ®5 871,
Pennsylvania extra family at. 86 25(i6 75,
Indiana and . Ohio do. do. at $7®7 . 50, and
fancy brands at 87.50®9, as in quality.
GRAlN.—There is not much activity in
the wheat market, and there is no demand
for prime lots for the supply of the local
millers. Sales of Western red at $163®1.•
68', ember at 81.70, anti white at 81 75®1.-
84. Rye ranges from $1.12®1.15 for
Western and Pennsylvania, and 8105®1•
10 for Southern. Corn is not much sought
sales of 5,000 bushels yellow at 730.
and bushels Western mixed at 72®78c. Oats
are unchanged; sales of 1,400 bushels Penn•
sylvisnia and Ohio at 57®590.
—TheJustly Celebrated
CHEAP sTorte.
Nothing bat the
Lowesi Prices
No wonder the oppositini fell back—their feeble.
fire is almost silenced.. They are unable to with
stand the terrific fire of our heavy guns.
Last week the slaughter wee tremsndoua! Th is
week we bring into the bald the Ileatrical .Reits -
fora:nerds of the Season, •
'White, 'sod Buff Mornings
AP of the newest designs and most beatnik! pat
s 1 12ie yd.
new end otoont shades, at twenty cents yard,
et 250. worth' 40s.
KWI 4 4S,
• In all shades.
...Black and ColureiSil k Omegans
. a( the'very best make.
at 10e pair.
Gingham, only
Bess Calicoes a►
Wo ate now silting die oelatiraned
(Th. bettbrown mains nuriataed,) at 1211 e. yd
Wo on'ooosbutly replopishiog our stook in
- ,
• OUT buyer. are ahreys,inllete, Task on got took
out for bargain.. and - never liana opportunity slip
no ,nsatterboet much annoy it involves. • •
- Yin buy and sell everything ,
Wm. H. Winder. ' Cos*a,
Benidrijgodi, •S ' A. Cadatell.
WalW•Vniit, Siteatatit. . • • ' •-•
A. CaltiwelL - June IL
Welded:to Igtranit & 14.'014'4in%
411, &tee oittlit their. Mb till Jqii. iletle 1014
in find etild_ ett dun& ; Rouge*.
,JunslV.6llt . ,
lot); utidirsigned o hiving ivielle4 lettertiof ad-
Ininistratlen ate tbe *ate of Catharine Dittos
femite if Waynesboro'. Aged hefeby giver pub
lic notice to el the aeditcre lad debtors of aid de
ceased, the former to present their 'Cleinet and the
letter to inake . painteut orate*" htdeliadnits With ,
out uniecirssery decay.
, • - lICINEDRAtO.
SHAD AND DEBRlNG...4freshed a fidTp o .
tooste:Hening in bbbi for sate by'
.Jaue4 ' W.A.Hue.
To which we call year attention. We us now
prepared fo salt all kinds of Dry Goods. Groceries,
tieeenswere and Novons, at a mach lower prices
then they bare been sold loussveralltars:_. •
Alpacas, Detainee, Calidos awl Lawns,
/lien's wear of all de.criptions,
boys' and Miura' Summer wear,
Everything needed in the clothing line;
Rag, imported aed Girdling Carpet;
Shoes, boots and Roemer fiat.;
Oil Cloths for Floor awl Table;
Notions of all kiodi.
encl — Ever - IWwlar
& Hosiery, 61ovn, &e..
easaimproa, Clothe;
Our pricer are IJw.
Give as a tall and on will try to accommodate 1w
Joao 1, .1111,,
. .
fl!b'''"\ Tboturands Imre found - relief. and ,r--
, t thousands wililt eo ittes ~,.
due. after a:bawd* r Purse* '
and. patience in *Meal
Giddiness *tine best dhltame ea the ..•ai • r•
breatb, eoated.tongue. lon et smoothy:ins an. weak
ness la tbecomacin enlargement et Dm. yellow
,nese °tithe akin; constant enter WA Tidy wish sktotli
disrellsh for MMus pleasure or any )bard of nolo,-
to 71s1ays&iws
i Parn ess * . if ta m ket ' and hn , seo o s f e ve m rd
tom r4 betublof l M V ta ol nU wbo p o re, sod mind
deer, tbestomeelk stremeibainel, the Longue eless. he
appetite Improve.. and:the whole system so. benefited
eat disease; imbed weather, la less liable to debit yoe.
1. Dr. P. FAHRN EY' S F
.. .
Celebrated!. Panacea.
Blood Lleanser or'ranacea,
Al a medlettetar chlldreek the•Paretwes Is. la army
Way calentsied to take the place of tbe endless variety. •
of dm," which IWO Sam ally sold for that purpose, sn ,
which am olten very - 11;1d_ ,00s. A medicine which pet.•
wet the quillttes ot aesthetes as wallas *mild alter.
alive. sad witch Is capable cremes= dlsestswithoulC
the least Injury to The ohlid,, Is of eatable value or
every mother. As a cathstat,it Is very effective, yet tk
dole not, 'fret, PrOPer If:lutanist. cause amwea or
distress to e stomach or bowels. It la vary Mama
to the taste, which fa a very importud rectum as *
mediate for chlldrsa. M apetemaar of disease It le.
noosed:delta% as It Sett dlreotly atonal,* digestive otw•
isms and the blood. la alb seroibleas Mamma It Is lbw
most *active medicine evereeentSweberpnbile am 4.
If given reenlarly and pmsevertaglY.Anose 'MUM dr
ewes so common to chdratramy lettrely er
Premed by?, lrahraay'a-Bros.
ca Msboro,,T o t h aaa:s
m r 2 0 .
" r AO
•-o i l St., Cricuoo: Pr/wit-lbw \
.1.. or lers. And by Me by ribtriart and •
P. Penniman, J. B. Ainbersoo, M. ]St r and Dr.
A. B. Bonebrake.' Waynasbuni'; E. B. Winger,
Quincy; Rouser & Frantz,
December 8-Iy.
NNOTICE ie hereby given that the tindersignea
have been appointed Anignees of Conrail
Ruth. and mlle,.of Wayneatiore, Franklin Co. Pa.
under a deed Monetary assignment Air the benefit
ofereditorr All persons indebted to raid Conrad
Baths will make-payment, and 'boss having claims
will present theism) properly autbentinted, for mat,
W. S. ANDENBtillt.
may 18-3 t • . Assignees.
106 yd.
ikr OTict is hereby given this
,the nudersivwd
IX has been anpoiLted soignee of . Cisotge -
yr of Pikesville. Franklin PO. Psw _audits . a, deed
of voltustary itsigtuaent for the benefit of creditors.
AU persons indebted to sea George , Lisinger will
woke mimosa and those
,lissing claims penal
the saute properly authentiestea -for lettledueat.
Asp ivre •
NRS .C . L. 11OLLIMBERCOIR lino jut re.
eared a , fell supply of new Millinery goods
eereineinel to tell and turnip; INT Statir. .
apr 20..
Breasts, Cias and Collars,
Emtbroi.lery, Laces add loirartlnaps,
!ieck Ties, Butterslcs, &c.
.I:lssue-and-anis, Braid;
Domestic and French
Irish. Blay and Coat Linen,
I;one:taller, Jeans and Tsresda,;.
Tabj Dispars, all widths, -
Asosignees' Notice.
Jane I-4t