Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, March 23, 1871, Image 2

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viz amtmrsisit 13 CVEt Co P. :
iriarailay, March 23, ISM
'lBoSisty thousand horses were oats* is
Its Purie doling 11 , e Pace.
writ it uut yet deeded when Congrese
will adjourn—probably eat until the first of
Willa Mem dt fldrileburg, weed the
joint 'vacation peohibiting the importation
et Coolie laborers.
spal,The ea Entpiror Napobon left Wil
teltushohe on Sunday for Chile!burst. It
is alleged that he and Eugenie intend nom
frog to the United. States.
e raw governmen is require
to pay each German expelled from krauee
during the war $OOO . , Was the number ex•
pelted. is 120,000 the Min to be paid for
this arbitrary piece of foil l Y ernmanta to $72,.
IffirDeputy Milted States Marshal Loper,
of the Filth South Carolina lteveoee Die,
triot, while attempting to eeiae ao 'illicit die
tilery in the possession of Zaoariab Youmg,
was attacked by the latter, and both drew
leg revolvers and firing sinitilteneottely, both
were killed_at_tke_firet_fire.
tfirlbere will be a transit of venue a
cross the eau, itt 1834, and sstronotners are
already busy is whin arrangements for its
careful examination, as by it the distance of
the sus from the earth is determined. The
lest transit- of 'CM was In 1769, and sines
that time instruments or greater exactness
hove been made. Its results will be witeh
ed with interest by seientific men
IttirThe elcetioo in New Hampshire, whielt
took piece on Tuesday, resulted 1111 no choice
fer Governer. There were three candidates
in the tlel4=Republioan,
lug Reform. As it reqairee a majority of all
the votes eget to sleet, and as neither hd a
esjoritg, t e question wt go 0
-littu r
Er Of the sixteen Pennsylvania Governors
elm 1790, five are now living, to wit: Wm.
F. Johitsten, in Armstrong county; W.
Bigler, in Clearfield county. JUDOS Pollock,
in Philadelphia; Andrew G. Curtin ( now
Milliliter to limatia), of Centre county, and
- Th 7 • tASI I RE .
- Erin portions of North and &lath Caro•
lino, Georgia and Mississippi de enforce
ment of the Internal Revenue laws is most
impossible, and some of the officers have
been driven from their poste. To protect
them in their duties a bill will be introduc•
ed in the House of Representatives to con
stitute a tevenne police force under the_aom
missioner of the Deportment.
Cr Mr. tlliett, the negro member from
South Carolina, neade,his maiden speech' 'in
the Ronne et Weebiegton on Tuesday, and
attracted a good deal of attention fle is a
very black 'man. His speech, which was a
gainst the removal of tolitieal disabilities,
was very . able, and at its conclusion ho Was
warmly greeted by many prominent Repnbli,
sek.The Seeretmry of the Treenney bee ie•
sued instructions concerning the redemption
of copper, nickel and base metal coin of every
4, kind, under the act of March 3, 1871. Par
ties holding such coin COW send them to the
U• 13 Mint , at Philadelphia, in stuns of not
less then s2o,ead receive in return drafts of
the U. 8. Treasurer. Traneportatioe must
be paid by the parties eending the coin fur
I$.A Philadelphian has invented a clock
that will immure the one-ten-thousandth
part of, a second. The clock is described ah
a wonderful affair. The dialplate, which
is sixteen inches in diameter, is separated
into 5,000 ports, and the indicator revolves
twice every second, the clock is set upon a
table, beneath which tits pendulum revolves,
and the intricacy of the affair may be ,ini•
egined when the statement is made that the
entire works can be placed in a small cigar
box. The government ordinance offieers
have accepted the . instrament for the pur
pose of measuring the velocity of project
frarBeldiers are advised not to sell or part
with their discharges, vilbieh are in active
demand in -the West. The new law- of Con
gress so nindifies the requirememe of the
Homestead set that a soldier or sailor who
served Jr days or mbre during the rebel.
lion, maideduet hie term Of enlistment from
the fivaiesessettlemet hitherto required
to perfeet hie tit,le. Fur instance, if he ser
va,l* three yeari in tbcarmy or navy, he may
acquive a lull site to a quarter section of
kted by a residuum of two Years. Them is
evidenie that the '
sharks are preparing to
wring diahoomit formes mat of the law.
adi g 7in the United States Capitol there
is an aggregate of 988 spittoons, of which
148 belong to the hail of the house of Rip.
ressatitives i and 43 to the Senate Chamber,
while 407 ate distrubuted through the com
mitters rooms aid along the corridors and
••, •
ar There are about 15„879 Baptist Aerob
es io 'the world s with 1,882,024 members.
Pleessot lope of time— Tbovfitps of pretty
chili of eif,hreeo.
p—ltioviag day is awning
—Gsrdea making is progressing'
'itibirFarmers have commenced the work of
epilog ploaghiog.. '
as. The graia nevei klotaed better at-->thie
lifr A. first claw soignee—Printing of-
Hie Mewl.
mOtie dollar greenbacks altered to two!
are circulating. Look out for therm
.531-At?ready the hilleidee lire pulling ma
the emerald greet.
:16.31aby of otw young haiku are fond of
sitting up—with there beans.
—Beildiog - Lots for sale in Quinsy—Sae
ache. of Joseph Mid(lour.
—Attention eallexi to the advt. of Fore
man lc Waggoner, Painters,. in the ieatte.
VirSaiordey a week will be the first of April
Sr All Fool's day.
.newer no confidential /otters from
New York offering you bogus. ID may *oleos
you went to be swindled.
111 PM r. Joseph Price of the firm of Price
& iloeflioh has gone East to select goods for
the Spring trade. New goods next week.
—The workmen on the Southern Penney!.
vania Railroad continued their 4 . l etrike" at
last secouuts.
—Same outstanding for sale bills and
advertising will be thankfully received be
fore the first—Saturday a week.
GOOD INVESTMENT.- We are pliased to
learn that the enterprising firm of Dr. P.-
Fahreey's l3ros. & Co. of this place, have
procured the services of Thos. H. B. Elliott,
as traveling agent to sitl the Bleed Cleanser.
Mr Elliott ie ver pleasing -in his• manners
emeratja, au
and comes with the bed of recommeadatioms
as a mam of character. ,
eriolc--BpeekoEQuista v—to_wriship,-_-ittAk is
county, turns np editor of a sprightly and
well eonsduoted daily paper at Vallejo, Cali.
.foraia, entitled the Daily 'Vallejo Register.
_A_year or more since we published a series
of interesting letters from Mr. 8. giving an
account of his voyage from New York to
-San-Franoiseo,___Oharlie is a fine writer and
in attain, we pre lot, pre•emtnenee to t
ranks editorial,
Ttre LECTURE.—Rev. Thee, .Roberts, of
Philadelphia, delivered a highly 'interesting
lecture on the &Oka of Temperance, on
Monday evening, in the M. E. Church, to
a large andienee : At the oontilusion of the
lecture the Franklin •Lodge of Good Tem
plate wee reorganised, We understand the
prospects for the future eucoeee-of the order
are moat encouraging. ,
girDr. J. H. Caufman, agent for Fahroey's
Blood Cleanser, or Panacea, recently return
ed from a year's tour in Ohio. The Blood
Cleanser was entirely a 'aew thing' there.—
the success in selling the Cleanser ie showen
by the largo cash orders cemming in from
wholesale houses in that State. After a short
.visit to hie family the Dr. will start out' on
another boar. He drives two splendid hor
ses and a first class wagon. A better agent
than Caufman cannot be found.
Tii WEATHER. The weather continues
remarkably mild and agreeable for this stage
of the season. From the first of the mouth to
the present time we have bad but one slight
freezing. This is unusual for "stormy March'
and fears ore entertained by many for the
safety of the earlier vatieties of fruit. A
cold snap within the next few weeks would
materially, no doubt, damage' our prospects
in' this respect'.
Gertz.— Dr. John 0. Stouffer, on Thurs
day last, started for Maryland to sell Fehr
ney's Panacea. Hie splendid wagon was
well loaded and his two horses looked spry.
To our surprise ha came home on Saturday
night sold out. He left on Monday morning
for a long absence. The Doctor makes large
sales of the Blood" Cleanser. The "second
orders," explain his efficiency in selling this ,
Great Remedy.
Dar Everybod y knows bow to render lard,
but every one does not Aeon that a brand-
WI of slippe►y elm bark put into it while
cooking will prevent it from becoming ran
cid. It will not only preserve it perfectly
sweet for any length of titeit s but will im•
part to it a most delightful flavor. Try it,
_ - -
CALL ACCEPTED.-3bo Rev. S. Z. Beam.
of Michigan, hue accepted a call from the
Griadstooe Hill 'charge of the Reformed
church io this county, mod will enter at once
open his field of labor. Hie poet office 'ad
dress will be Uhambersburgb, Pa., where he
will reside.
—A teacher writing on school busieese
makes the following remark in regard to
parents visiting 'schools: of have had very '
tem viaittfrotu pareuis, : tho' venture to
say it I had the ear. 49 ; Zitall stimany of their
Poland Moss as I (.' have children, they
would come twee a week: it is too true
that parents and directors do not Ay attn.
Lion enough to the schools.
Theyhiieg live bores thieves end shot
three more—Altoona, &nese, one day
bet tteek o without judge or jury.
MIRIMAR RAILROAD.—We are indebted
to H. M. Bibbet o Esq.; for * late etopy of
the Broad Axe, published at Oleversluarg,
Cumberland eitunty i containing the rellowhos
Hem of rai'vead news:
Capt.•Jas. Mifflin; with a '
corps, of engi;
oars, is now snood, by atithoilty of the
board of Directors of the Mirimer Railroad
eempanyffn tnakigg the preliminary surveys
west of the North Aloutitarn with a view to
emend their road already the 'Broad Top
(Joel fields. The route upon which the en.
gineers are now engaged, between Barns eah.
toe and Broad lop, is . reported to - be entirely :
practicable, and a road of easy curves and
light grades can be built over it at a very
moderate cost. Eastward from Burnt Cab.
ins, via.soowaa's Gap to Louden the • rotate
has heretofore been' located and is also of an
easy diameter: It Is the intention to put
this part of the road ander immediate atm.
tract, an as to connect, for the time being,
with the Cumberland Valley Railroad, via,
the Mereershurg and Loudon Road, at Mai.
ion, thus giving to the people of the Oulu.
betland Valley at once direct mese to the
Broad Top coal fields,
Immediately upon. the eompletion of the
sarveys west of the mountains, surveys will
be made from eleversburg by the way of
Payetteville, Mt. Alto to•Wayneshore ' ' with
a view to 000neot wish the Western Mary.
land Railroad at a point near the latter place.
By this ?onto our people will be brought in
direct communication with the coal fields of
the upper Potomac, and also 'some thirty
miles nearer to the Baltimore markets than
by the present route via. Bridgeport mk'd
York. A survey of the country between
Clecersbarg and Rosbury will also be made
with a view to extend the Minnow directly
to the Broad Top regicide.
SUDDEN DEATII9.-..-We are compelled to
chronicle the sudden death of Mr. Samuel
White. which took place at his home nixie
Fayetteville on Friday last. The facts as we
heard them are these: On that day, a recep-
tion was given by his eon Burns, who was
married on the 22d ult., to Miss Lizzie Byers,
of this place. Mr. White in company with
several Anr geetlemen bad, repaired to a
room by themselves and taking seats corn-
meneed a conversation. Mr. Byers, ort,
brushing, one of the gentlemen present, no
ticed a singular movement on the part of Mr .
White, and on going up to no
dead: — Hie death is supposed to have been
caused by a stroke of apoplexy. His remains
were followed to their last resting place(Ce
dar Grove Cemetery) on Sanday -afternoon
lasfby an immense funeral cortege. Tb - e de
eased had united himself with- the Central
Presbyterian Chureh of this plane 'at the
kli .• F • 1 I • 4k • the lam.
Mr Frederick Walk, for, nany years a
citizen of this ocunty, add the owner of what
is !wawa as 'Walk's Mill,' also died at the
residence of his son in Fayetteville, on the
17th inst.—Public Opinion
I , Dito:—MrAV-r.-G.=-Irettver r i-whe met
with an accident on the railroad at Marion
last Monday, died at Boyd'e hotel on :Weal
oesday. The Spirit says: .He attemptakto
cross the track in front of the Locomotive
and was struck by the cow•cuiteher and knock
ed down. Ilia right leg was thrown over , one
of the rags, and two wheels of ,the engine
passed over, mashing bone and flesh from
the knee to the ankle. The leg was amps-
Wed above the knee joint by Drs. Lane, Sea
eery and Hoyle on the same evening. He
had a wife and tNO children, now with ber
father„ Mr. John Howe, living west of St.
Thomas Opinion.
1871.—A remarkable number. "The Norse
Princess," a steel plate, in .11lusans's beat
style, is worth a hundred commonplace, ex
pressionless, subject, however finely ascent
ed, and - we, would rather have it than a room
ful of gaudy chrome. The Fashion Plate
presents a group of graceful ladies moat styl
ishly attired in fresh Spring costumes, and
an abundant variey of illustrations show the
latest shapes for haeques, overskirts, sashes,
&v. The literature is excellent and not sur
passed by any Magazine.. Price 82 50 a
year (which also includes a large steel en
graving.) Four copies $6.
STABriz Kge,rEtts.—A bill bee been
passed by the legislatire for the protection
of livery stable keepers. This class of peo
ple has long been subjeeted to losses by par
ties who have acted as it they bed en un
doubted right to abuse hired teams just as
they pleased. The bill passed declares
that persons hirieg horses or• vehislee from
livery stable keepers, who ' shall negligently
injure er destroy property committed to their
care, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor,
punishable by floe or ea imprisonment of
twenty days in the county .prisoo, or both
atile discretion of the court, the parties to
be responsible and answerable fur the va:us
of the property Wand or destroyed in a
snit for debt.
PlLES.—lntetnal, Rzternal, Bleeding or
Itching. This distressing sod harrowing
disease is alarmingly on the increase. More
so. perhaps, from the fact that those who are
*Stated from a false notion of delicacy, are
afraid to ask for a remedy, thereby making
their coaditioa known. flow wrong and fa
tal is this neglect. At,the first intimation
of the appearance of. this complaint , they
should procure Briggs' Unrivaled Pile Rem
edy, and, atiog it aooordiog to directions,
.im►nediately check It .and permanently , cure
it. 1.0 , is easy of application. and . thorough
in its effects. Sold by F. Fourtlituan.
It hie been anted ae a ourious ehronolog
ieal fact that Lent, which sommenced this
year on Washiajiten i s birthday, will end on
the auniveraari of Lee's surrender.
The late Thomas parrati, the Quaker ab
olitionist of Doiamate, is sai4 to have aided
2,700 slaves Om:mart to Iteedem.
gogiThe conflict which hed'.been threat
Wog Peril for the past two weeks on no;
eettiat of thtireffidal of some of the people id-
the Montmartre ills tiekto aeknowledge the
authority of Goeertime - ot Culminated on
Friday. Presideisl Thiele issued a profile
tuition against the insurgents, assuring" flit
Parisians of the, republicanism of, the Gov 7 '
eminent, end iii•kiiik" - theno hiseppett it in'
the effort te pit dotvh the ineurreetiod At,
midnight on Friday General Viaoy - marched
a body of gooseartnes i on the , hill of ,Mont
inartre and Seised the antronlirhieh the tely
ele had planted there, filing mitrailleurs to
command all the approaches, and wheelie.'
assumingcontrol,sf, the disaffeete,d eitiirtet.
On Sataidey morning the National Guard.
of 'Montmartre .and Belleville surrounded'
the bill and Vinoy's men fraternised 'with •
them, failed to keep them Off, and •eventual•
ly the malcontents restuned their ommand
of the-position. In , one of She esti hear
by the mob attaeked BOUM edifier en and
and of ehasseurs and killed an officer. Those
who retained faithful to the Goverdment
were too feeble is numbers to make toy re
sistance, and by midday the National Guards
bad obtained full sway.' They recaptured
their cannon on the heights of Montmartre,
and appeared to be determiaed to retain
them, being well supplied with arms and am
munition, which were given up to them by
the faltering troops. General Le Oonipte
and others were made Omen by the riot.
ere, who demand the dissolution of the pres
ent Nat. Assembly and the eleetiow of an
other, which shall hold ate sessions in Paris.
'General Faron narrowly escaped rapture by
the insargents, those of his troops* who' re
mained true to him eharging the barriesdee
and fighting their way out of the .mob with
him. Startling facts are known in mime•
tion with the rebellion, and the regular
troops have been withdrawn from the fan.
bechigs where the people appear excited and ,
hostile. The 'latest despatches of iunday
state that Generals Clement Thomas and
Le Compte were shot by the rioters. On
Vinoy had withdrawn all troops from the
north sideof the Seine, and al that portion
if Paris is giien up to the rebellion. It is
'intimated that if it dominoes the German
• .
army will reoccupy the city. , -
P. 8, Latdr amounts say the reign of the
mob m Pane continues, and — the insurgents
aro masters of the city. The Central Corn
mitts of the National Guards issaeda proo•
. . .
a :, ala, J II I I 'I
Lion on the ground that the present Govern.
nitukhas betrayed the Republic. and calling
on the Parislane to bold communal elections.
The Government is a: Versailles, where it
has fatty thousatid good troops, and orders
have heed issutd_to_th_e_Departments_to_ob_ey
only instruotiona which cotne . from thefice.—
There are oo troops in Paris but the
ions'National Guards, , -who forced Valentin
hom the Prefeattire Of'Police, and substitu
ted 'Ferry in his place. They hold General
De Palladino trisoner c and refuse to reeog. -
nine his successor in command, General Lan i
glois. 'Many of the streets are barrieaded l l
and all the shops are closed, but there has
se yet been no pillaging. The, murder, of
Generals Thome:tend Leconte is confirmed.
Lima ONIONS —Vali at Raid'a Bev Non
Fran —Shad, llerriag, Rook, and other
fresh fish at Iteid's to•motrow.
• —A fine assortment of frames and monl
dings for frames at the Diamond .Gitnary.
®'Whenever you want good fresh bread,
Cakes, Candies, Pretzels, &:p , call on Slew•
wan Sr, Mort.
you cati't collect your mores/ by
the let, give your tioeouuteto Lew. W. De.
trieb•, who will collect them for yen.
lugi o lf you want an Insurance against
Fire that will :sat, go to Lew. W. -Dstrich,
who will insure yon perpetually, in the
Franklin of Philadelphia
—Persons bnowing themselves indebted
to L. o.l3raelibill of the Diamond Gallery
will please nail and settle np, as ho must
have money by thp first of April,
Fruit Ovvratts.--The finest Oysters the
oily market affords are received regularly
every other day at the Bowden lionea Bee•
TAILORING —We advise out patrons want
ing coats, poets or vests made to order,' to
011 on Mr. Geo, I - teener, an experienced Tai.
lor, who bee acquired quite a reputation of
late, for neat fits and subtantial workman'.
Kurtz have still on hand several fine corn•
fed cattle, and will cootinne to servo their
customers regularly on Friday and Saturday
evenings of each week with'ehoice "sirloins"
etc. They have also lov sale, Bologona Ban.
sage, prepared' by Charley, the "Baltimore
. Butcher," which eannot,ko 'excelled, any
*hue. .
;--The best mechanical talent in Europe
and America .bsa been der - oted to . improving
and simplifying the., Wilson .rnitprovell and
Wilson Uilder feed sewing machines. All
complicated surroundings, having been die.
paced with, the int:ill is; , the machines are
noiseless sad easy runoing w, while foi beauty
of finish, durability and perfection - of work
they are unexcelled. A. WAY NANT,
NOTEUNG tint IT.--Thikle minting that
sada an ouch to a anan's appearance as a neat,
Pllshion able Hat, - s ue neitter, whether the;
twitter irliedantite . ortio f,
~ I . you deeirp toi
'imprint, your appeatttorilk orOkit appearaOce
of i
ydur itoji there le iodine' like ooe of 14.-1
degriff4;ateri'Spridg ,Stylee far 1871 to be--
gitt'With:l The next' thVag ih linportelicto IC
add to your appearanek„ie their celebrated
Well made and meat Fitting Manhattan Shirt;
also, Shirt Bosoms, Collars, Cuffs, Neok•tiee,
laws, Cravats; they ohm keep a full line of
Stook ego astnder.Weatt. Gloria are also
made 'to.order.alitteti heti either for eerriee
or dream. Po ace Abu new Spring,Goode for
1871, at the ; Ad . " Fur Facitoiy,
go ratowb; n ton
House. [March 16-2 t
the Dialabod flie.Vboiciritkohe 'sell•
ing for $l,
SEED -The anbseriberhat,now, on band
and for Rale 8 iltia ntitiolTiiiioftry Seed.
mar9-Bt W. A. FLORY.
-• • '
' - ' l4 /t ' 'A, ' NAIR
_ ~ T. - ../LEAVVPR•
Is the best article knoWla to preserve the hair.
It will positively restore
It is an entirely new scientific discovery, eninbin
inn many of the most perwerfal and restorative a—
gents id the vebetsble kingdom'. ; •
It makes the Hair smooh and glossy,
And does aot stain the , skint
For sale by all druggists. . Price CAM
R. P. HALL & 00.. Nashus, N. H.. Pmptist.ers.
At the residence of. Mr. John •W. Geed,
on the 9th inst., by Rev. D. F. Good, Mr.
SMETZER,, nll of Quincy township
On the - Fith init., by the Rev; D. Y.
Heinle-Of-F:4JAN I D K-N-EPPERrof—A-it-o
Dale, to Mini NETYIR L. KUHN, of Ohani•
bersburg, Pa.
= • Sej%[ 4ll o •
-- On the 17th inst., in Fayetteville, Me
FRP.IDEBICK WALK, in tbo 71st year of
his age.
PHlLADELruiA,liareh 20
?LOUR.—There is no essential,obaaga in
breadstuffs, NU barrels were ,disposed of at
1 9 for :n serfine• :58 625
for Pennsylvania and Western extras; $6 75
®7.50 for spring wheat extra family; $6 gi
wi for Pennsylvania do. do.; and s7®7 76
for Indiana and Ohio do. do.; and Indiana and
St. Louis , fancy at 56(66 bO. Rye. toßr
commands $6. Corn meal is ,
—GRAIN.--Theofferings of wheat are small,
and pricesdie bat Fa 'or ,400 - bush eie
Western red at sl6s®k'lo ,' . Pennsylvania
do. do. at 40, end 500 bushels Delavrare
do.-at-$1 52. Rite is steady at . 51.05. Corn
is very quiet, wi th sales of 800 bushels — yet:
low at 84e., ao4oo bushels. Western mix
ed at 83e. Oats meat a steady.demand at
SLEDS.—The demand for clover seed is
very moderate, and, 500 bushels 'ohanged,
.handtP, part at 114®111 bents and I;srt on,
secret terms. 'Timothy ia scarce and held:at .
.8.2 25. Small sales of flaxseed at $2 10 per
Trill F. subscriber will sell at Public Sale, in the
t Village of Quincy. on Saturday, the liort day of
April 1871, at 10 O'clock, A. M., 8 13U1LIMING
mar. 23-2iir
suiiscribets announce to the citizens of
Waynesboro' and vicinity that they are now
prepared to execute to order. in good style, House,
Sign and Ornamental Paintinv. 'Satisfaction guar
mar. 23—am
Administrators , Notice.
MOTICE is hereby given that letters of Admin.
k i lklistration on the estate of Leah Fox, lab, of
Washington township, deed, has been granted
to the undersigned. All persona knowing them
selves indebted to said estate, will 'denim make im
mediate payment, and those having claims against
the same will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. HENRYW ALTER, Admit.
mar 23—Ow
fr HE pa rtnenbip here tofore existing between Mil
ler & Beaver was dissolved March let, 1871,1 y
mutual consent. The books ere at the old stand and
will be settled by J. W. Miller. All persons indebt
ed are requested to .all and settle immedint* ly.
The business will hereafter be conducted by
mar 16- tt J. W. MILLER. & CO.
The subscriber Ints now forsake Locust and Chest
mat Posts, 150 of each. Also Lime for Plastering
and Whitewashing.
nicer 9-if ALEX. HAMILTON.
Arch - Street, abode Seventh St., Philadelphia.
Entirely new, with•ample capacity for 250 guests.
Terms. $.3 per day. The St. Cloud is newly and
elegantly furnished throughout, and is open for the
recepti nt of guests, by the undersigned, who have
so successfully conducted for the pest ten years the
well known Moumain House, at Cresson ttprings.
mar9-smog] G.' W. MULLIN & EMU., Prup'rr.•
. Lime ! Lim.e.! , ,
.111:1E rabseribers announce to the public that
they have now for sale st;their Kilns., 26 miles
burtheast of Waynesboro'. a superior article .ot
Wood-burnt Lime for Plastering, Whitewashiog,
dtc.. which they wilt continue to have on hand dur
ing the Season. Terms reasonable'.
feb 23--:6tn] ' HESS &
ITU= School Directors of the Waynesboro'
,ij Saltier District,- wanifo borrow Bight Thou
send Dollen, for 'which they via bettur,Bondis of the
eclierot district bowfin/interest ar !beside of Seven
per cent, per annals and frecof mums •
By order of the Board.
• mar 2-41r] J. B. HAMILTON, Seo'ry.
feb 16-0 t Atli:Wiliam* fors.
CLRANER—for none psys Ititneio werliondopeedi-r , .
the ahead ctitithows the ONL Y
CIIINE biii#tunder the immedhite 041 t ;
old inventors thbdielves, with all the'lulditulnii
provements made during the past 18 years, and now'
withfirst dad workmen and material this machine'
justly standi bikh '411,1 ilk"' Obit:. As a'
Threshei it is eiquil to the best, as a Cleaner it is so-
Perior to any existing machine. ' This is admitted '
by all honest' competitors. Indeed it ip,the.retty,
machine the treally can, by one opeiation,Shartough
ly thresh and, clean gritti fit for mciiket: Hardie,
tact that grain direct from this machine commend*
from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct
from any other machine, settles the question of its
superiority, as a cleaner over all others. Impartial •
judges at all the State and County Pairs where it.
was thoroughly and practically tested, in competi—
tion withlother leading machines, always agree that
is more simple—mitre easily understood arid 6p.
by those unskilled in machinery—more dam;
ble,—threshing as much and yet cleaning belie—
with legs- power and more comfort to hands thin
any other machine - in use—and besides all that iir
sold for less money according to capacity. Thome
facts are further attested by, the thousands..of pnr—•
chasers, some of whom have had them in me for
the last 18 years. To supply the wants of all, woo
-1 now make 4 sites, vitt ' Pram a 2 Hale Railway
or 3 Home Lever Power, to a ten Horse - Lever
power, with prices ranging front $l9O to IMO,.
without power. -We also make the latest int—
, proved triple-geared Horse Powers imitable for
each size machine ranging flute $9O to $135, and
all fully end fairly warranted. For further infor—
mation send for Circular and Price List.
Responsible' Agents wanted in territory not intro
dneed. Address
Wrmaiiirato', Franklin C 0. ,.
jan 21-If3
See Here Read This !
, 111 with a largo stock of Goods, such as
RALS andall kinds Boots and Shoes for Men and
oysVVortienrfvfirser - and - 11hildsenwhich — ht - 'r
selling et-prises_that will_please.
HATS OF gstianr STY_LN
for Men and Boys, Cap of all the leading styles to,
suit and filmy head
blught our atotk cheap and- are determined'
to sell accordingly. '
Notions ! Notions I Notions,!
/Mee and Dsiwers 'Oaant ieb
Suspenders Driving (Heves.
Paper Collate Fur top Gloves ' •
Buck. Gloves Hosiery
ski t , m ove , Wool knit Ifslf HaMIP
Lille There(' Glover ' Cotton Half Hose •
Wool-knit Moves •Gerrnantoven Half Ham
Butte , flies, Black Silk Ties
Fancy Silk Tire Broad End Tien
Lefties it GilotirPet toffs Linen Handkerchief"
Pocket . Souks Poitmoniss . . •
°rushee ' ' . --Pocket-Knives. - ' •
tiltith °rushee • 'Fin Knives
Shaving-Brushes ' Neil Knives •
Hair . Brusbeir Fancy Soaps
Tooth Brashne:-• • Perfumeiry
Shoe Brushed Albums
Combs" • Pins and Nretchie. •
° refire • • . Lead Pencils
Gum Caps Slates. .
Yioiiri strings ' Ink
Note Paper " • Pen Holders.
Envelopes • Blacking
Hair Oils Memoranda*.
Toys •• 7 Carpet tacks
Crochet Needle* • •Faney toys, ere •
Ste- • atc. -' etc. and so goarth- '
American, Swiss and English; Seth Thomas and o—
ther (,locks. Jewelry of every description for La-.
dies, Gents, Misses and Children at breatly reduced
prices., Finger Rings, l large stock, plain Gold,.
Fancy Sett, Chased and Fancy Finger Rings; Sit,—
er and other Plated Rings in great variety, watch ,
chains, Guards,,Bdpne. Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve
Buttons, Gold Pens and Pencil4watch•chnin books.
keys, &e, ,
Trucks, C ation, Umbrellas, Baskets, Matt,
*elises, Carpet Baps, R. R. gags;:robacco, Cigars
and Snuff. Candies, Fruits, Raison., Nuts and
Cenfectionarin of all, kinds
Come one, come nil, and—buy.
Thanklul for past favors he a desire to
please to merit a liberal shnro of public patronage
EZEKIEL. 01.14'14,
Oct >1 I°6o.
Can be found at all times et his office where he
is prepared to insert teeth on the best basis in used
end at prmes to unit the times. Teeth extrecte,,
without pain by the two of chloroform, ember, ni
trous oxide gas or the freezing process,.in a money
surpassed by none.
WE the undersigned being acquainted with A:
K. Branisholte for the past year, can recom
mend him to the public generally a Dentist
well qualified to perform all operations belonging to
Dentistry in the most skillful manner.
slept 29fil , T. D. FRENCH.
How is this for High !
TOHN FORD in 'returning thanks to the public
OP for their patronage announces that he intendi
removing his shop to the Basement of Walker's
Building, (and: nut leaving town u is the be ief of
many) where be intends carrying on the BOOT
AND - BROS. BUSINEO3 as usual. -
All persons knowing themselves indebted to ma
will please call and settle their accounts. for I pay
cash for my 'stock and 'must have my money.—
Don't want to see tke face of that unwelcome visi
tor, the Deputy from "Fort Fletcher." prowling a.
bout my shop seeking when% he may devour, &c.
Customers will therefore find me at the Bah
meat referred to after the first of April next
jan 26] - F.
71AR..1. M. PEDDICORD, late of San Francisco.
has located in Waynesboro', and will at all the branehes of the profession, in a throw.
Oughly pwietiv.l manner. • • Testit'estractatmahetif
pain by Nitrow a Oxide,Gas, or a highly improved
thrice two doors west of the Village Record Oi
fine. augll4