Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, February 09, 1871, Image 2
VILLAGE RECORD. vv.". Iranoas B CYO. Tkutrisday,lbrinitOrS 1071. jy'i'he total' peoptlat-os of . . the Visitea States, aciAndilig tii the hitt tessus i is 338; 6363* - itet.,Oiso tfitiassita ladies,. pith MTe. Get.: ere% Sitetom to lead, helm sent to Coupes's Yetionatiatine against female Infferage. **iirrion. Thomas A. Scott, 'Vice Pfeil'. dent of tho Pennsylvania Central Railroad, has been elected President of the Shenandoah Valley Road one of the Connections' :of the termer Company. ' **Oohs Branton, the tend' who first vio. I bred the person and then murdered the Uhibi Mary Morbthen i --in—September-,--188f3T I Was gbaoged by the neck until dead,' in Phil. adeiphia, Wed ' nesd'ay a Week, W pnatabinent *bleb, although it it the extreme penalty of the law, is scarcely-adequate fot a crirofr so Deblois& ilotigie of Represeotativeir on Tuesday a week passed a bill extending the tounty land' system. It : gives away more of the .fli.overnment. These hinds are to be subject to preemption by lapel sol diers and sailers, who are given one year to Co any person desiring trelnenie in the West. arbr. K. A. Wolff, mit of de' MOO no. Sodom professional abortionists in New torte city, has been eonvioted of manslaughter in the second degree, and sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary. A second indict. meet fer Biritilar offense is pending against Situ. Ihieffse steadier W. 1. Aftior, exploded her bailer fourteen 'wafts from Memphis a bout 10 o'eto \ ek oa Saturday mornings week, rearing away the forward part of her cabin. She thou took fire and burned till her bow sunk. After the. explosion moat of the pass engers rushed down to the lower deok, and many in the confusion jumped into the rill. er aed.were drowned.— When - tbi bow sunk the wares canoed thereby swept off the lower • deck, all the people gathered on it.. Captain .13rolaski says be had 45 cabin and 40 deck passengers, -- and thinks that at least 60 of thee were lost. A latter dispatch says it is believed that eighty-seven lifes were lost by the disaster, including many women and children, and several entire family. s& The Philadelphia Preis says The surreedef of Paris timidly ends what will be known in history as the greatest of all the wars of the first three•quastere of the nineteenth century. /tr point of 'duration others have exceeded, but none it the ra pidity with which battle has succeeded bat tle,• the etrange and almost unexampled suc cess which followed, the fortune cjt_one of the combatants from the very outset, and the immenci loss of life -upon each lido. The capitulation of Paris makes this third susses• der of an entire army—fireb then Batatnes and how that Troche. The Prussians have captured fully seven tun• died thousand men Bien Augwst 2d, when the contest was initiated with a skirmish on the heights of Saarbrnck, whale the Prince Imperial received. his baptism of fife. The loss in killed and wounded, is the aggregate will amount too half a million—a* awful sac rifle° of life, for which Louis Napoleon is mainly anairerable. Up to Saturday there was great distress in Paris, and hundreds of persons were dying daily from starvation; the supplies received being entirely inadequate to the want. The entire German army of investment will make a triumphal march through the city. The Berlin Gross Gcthette denies that Russia has requested Germany to be moderate in deal. iog with Franco.. Tut Mitttett of Vtcd.--that vitae dad im morality In their worst and most dangerous forme are marching on witk fearful rapidity, osnont lid otherwise than painfully palpable to every careful reader of the public journals of the day. Pidk tip most any paper you may and your eyes are.greeted with the 'announce tnent'of one or mere ..etimes compiled id dif ferent parts of the country, while the leaner pion, parents of the former, Brsp out in an. Merolla paragraphs id every part Of the pa per. It most be that the present is the grand carnival season of bis Estanie 114jesty, ,and that all this imps of darkness from the infer nal regions have been turned loose upon SO chit)? to riot upon the fat of the land, sad if• possible to till deeper degrade poor human' kind. ittirMeobanies are the pekes bttilders of the world ; not a stick is berm, hot a 'atone Anted in all the lordly , dieliings die rich, thit'does not owe'its beauty, and, finish, to , the ettil of the mechanic: The. towering spires :bat raise their giddy heads aeon tb4o . 4lo!ids depend upon the alephapid'a .art .theit strength and symmetry.." Yot,t,ati itdifitse4or dtrotion. Qr business. , or-setufort, but bears this ititpreas of their hoods Ho*/ iiiii4ed r ial Ih* ironi,tioti f host stiblinte their fliir►ThO papery iVe 'of aioointi of att bidet:its perusing- from-kit:llllkm fires with very dibipirotur prwetice 3 radd tto 'rtru,i),uto woluon his lil sod: prop, suolititiefotir kind /lbw , ' • . the arable lands area o n-ibertitle LOCAL MATTERS. Stilt itientsray. 6 —The public sates where Wei through the 0010M13 of the Village Record/come off in the folfewieg order: ' Din 'Garver, ono elle cut of -Rios. gold, litd,„Febraary Yobn Ilelle Deer Viliney,. February ' .. • Franklin Miller, 21 miles North west of Wayneabore' t February 21. H.-C. Si B; N. Barr, 2 milel Sonth of Waynesboro!, February 234 • • John Hoover, of. J., about. 1 Mile South east of Ringgold, February 24. John Holder ; near liforrterey Springs, Feb . - rusty 2t. John Welty, 2, miles gorth of Smithburg, February 24.. lease Rt. Yet, 3 miles Wear of Waynes boro', February 2S. David Myers, b mile East et Mt. Hope, John EtaIWO & W. S. Amberson, 21 miles South of Waynesboro', March Peter Geiser,• Wayneabotoi, Mart 26'. • Vr•The days are se hour longer than they were during the middle of December. Cr Bead the yet, ttivertisemente hr Ebb ifirThe Mechanicsburg Journal Caye (hat a colcired lady of that town died lost week at e %Tura Osurratit-in our hitt Wee 159 barrels oohs, hay, fodder and. potatoes were over looked by the compositor in setting the sale advertised by H. (.1. And B. Barr. gin kOttr patron. will please excuse the erowded state of our advertising columns. In a few weeks we willbe enabled to fornislr more resting. Dwan.—Hon, JASPERY E: Bitest, for merly of Chambersburg, died in Washington city all the 23d alt., aged about 80 years.— Ele will be remembered by many persons es a promieetrt-politioilusAn-tbe - days - of - the - e whig party. ri" There'll last was Candlemas's o t %round hag day, and marry persons regard it as a sere prognosticator - of — the Weather daring the ensuing part of the winter: Ileandlemass day be fair and bright, toter ru, Mire anoth - et - ftiglitT - But if be cloud" and rain,. Winter is gone and will not come again, 12r According to the' ReposiiorS the re cent iuvestigations between :flyers and Coss• na is reference to illegal, votes oast at the late election' is this county,. fuets up about thirty cases spinet the former and about six against the latter. The editor is reliably in. formed that the investigation as f'ar se it has progressed, gives Cessna about um hundred is the Diettiet: 96..CONSOLIDATED.—+-The Rtvenue die. triote of this County have been consolidated. The whole County forms but two distrxel soar. The North Ward of Chataberabarg, Antrim, 'Washington, Peters ; Montgomery, Warren and Hamilton eompose the one dis trict, called the Eighth of *Mob Jere. Cook Esq , is appointed Asiiiisist As sessor, The South Ward of Chambersliurg, QUiney, Guilford, Green, St. Thomas, South mutat, Fannett, .4..etterkonny,:l.urgau tied Metal townships compose the other district, called the Ninth Division, of which Mr. Thomas J. Grimeson ia.appointed Assistant Assessor. JtnxissitrP.—We learn from the Harris burg Daily Tlegraph of Wednesday last , that( W• M. Hell, Esq., of Bedford, has been ap . palmed by Governor Geary to the Judge ship of this Judiaal District, composed of the eounties of Franklin, Bedford, 'demurest and Fulton, made vacant by the recrent death of Jidge King. The appointment is an - ea; telleat one, Mr. Hall being a sound lawyer, and possessing, in other respects, qualities which eminently fit him to discharge the the ties of the position.— Opinion, Itsbrors.--We give below a list of our subscription receipts for • January : D. B 82 00 Samuel Mitchel], 2 60 Mrs. Mary L Shover, 2 00 Henry !Asher, 2.00 John Spaegler, 2 00 Dr. Y. D Fahrney, - 2.00 Jobe H. Frantz, - 200 David Snorberger, ' 2.00 Samuel Orawake; ' 288 John H. Haae, 2 00 ' ILO. Hoover, 200 John Saitety, 4.00 ' John Bnewheriter, ' ',. 800 'John Heller, Sem i . , 2.00 John Eshelman, , 100 Daniel Hollinger, 4 49 ' Rev. Ji F.. 011 01 ' 2 00 ' Jacob Short, ' 200 ' Christian Miller, ' 1.00 Win: Heekinan, ~ , : ' 00 - . Daniel Sengei; ~. 8 00' Henry Hoover, . . . .h 00 Jacob Tharp; ' „' , 2.00 • lientyi Deardorff, ' ,". - 2.00 Thos. Leanne, - , ' ' ' 4 00' • Samuel Gillian, ' .; ' ' 2.00' Rev. S. 8., Mater, . , • .1.00 Peter Heekninu, ' 2.00 ~. , .I.lpoj. M;iller„' 2.00 ' ' T.•.bliehationias, ', ' 200 Geo. B Haulier, 2 1 00 John C) Homier, '' - - 200 A, B. Staler • • - • • 200 1 Gatorfie - Luce; tisk* ii thalami!) , lof &etas - Wtiod wadi. at Bloopiagtoii, IW, lies burned 'tir death, on the : tight of site . 1 ,36 dlr. ) by' tbd 'etplaslion. - of 'sr 'ke'roaese Imp.. LI atm° and furniture wire iiLte'delitrostel: • • / • Wayne county. TellooBol3,,chitoit the old est' man. Ile it 11.5:1"' An lowa Sheriff reeently , s-o4d ti family 13;- . blo to satiety a judgement. BUSINESS LOCAIGS. ,VotinD. - -A °bad% cape fount' Of oar strew, bae been left atitibt 0f5041 - itluEtatailekr. raising alltlitir at 1=1:13 leak) soit *sat dot totips f Get, lierioisid as Reid's. Re ateo keeps magearout. G tatintlt Szat is.;-.-GanDEN SZEDS.—Tbe but varieties, and largest assortment, at Dr. AMberson's Drug Store. FISEE AND therzaBl,-,-Iteid el , peots to re- Wire . fresh, fish to-morrow, Re keeps good oysters for sale by the pint, quart or gallon. *GPM notion's* against fire until you have first seas Lew. W. Detrich, and leant& from him the` advantage of insuring on the cash plan,. instead of going itito 'lll stpal eons panise and Continued assessments.. bave been mit% ii oat falsity one of the Wheeler & Sewing chines recently purchased of Mr. Thus. 11. B. Elliott, and can ,eertify to its being a number one Maebierv— unsurpassed by none. Does its work perfectly an gives entire attic. faction— Mrs. BittrAti BROWN. ANOTIMG NOTICE •- , -"l'Vberetts the. Book accounts et the old firm of Reid & Wayeant have been standing longer than one yeas ali pessons , indebted are requested to come forward-and-wake immediate settlement. And alI personsindehted to rm. I trust will settle their accounts without further notice and get my receipt with thanks. eft. rfavieg rued a Wilson-Improved , -SW tag Machine —parehased of A. E Waynaut —in .use for several months,j do not hesitate j_tl_prononnee it unsurpassed for family serv ing. On all kinds of goods light , ss well as beam it has worked to my entire satisfitotion. It is not liable to get out of order or break, needles and is the simplest, guieka mud east; est-running machine I_have seen.. Mrs. Aram 11. Xttltrt.' DENTISTRY.—Pr. Branisholts inserts full upper and lower sets of teeth for i§lO, $l5, $2O. No Dentist in the county vises better material for the same prices. All work in awed fox one year . and to be what it is rep resented. All pergolas needing the services of a Dentist should give him a call as his werk has been giving general satisfaction and his pikes ace at low as any Dentist's in the Bonney. We the undersigned having used the Wheeler At Wilson Sewicg Machine for a number-of years,ean recommend it as a first Glass "Machine and ose that is durable. Persono oistitog to see and inspect the a. hove Mschiri . it eao Lave an oppertunitY by calling at Braokbill's Gallery where entire satisfaction will be given. A credit of twelve months on each Machine. Thos. Li. B. El liott, Agent. IttirAt a regular Council Sleep of 'Noss Tribe, No. 101, I. 0. of It. M., held en the sleep of the 30th of Cold Moen, G. S. D., 380, the annexed committee was appointed to•draft resolutions relative to the decease of Bro. J. B. French's wife, and submitted the following as their report, which was unani• mously adopted: Whereas; It has pleased the Great Spirit in his infinite wisdom and goodness to remove from unto the happy Hunting Grounds of her Fathers, the wife of our beloved bro, James 13. French, be it therefore Resolved, That we deeply sympathies with the husband (and our Bro ) in this his sad bereavement for the invaluable loss that be has thus.sustained, in having the family tie sundered by the band of Death, and throw. log his little family upon the cold charittes of the world. itesaved, That the husband and father (and our Bro.) in this his day of trial almuld look to the Great Spirit for coosoldtion, and we would have bim to believe that his af— flictions are put upon him for a wise and a holy purpose. J. B. RUSSELL, W. A. PREOE,Committee. C.N. BRAVER, • Oa motion, a copy at the above revolu tions to be banded to Bro. French, sad one to the Record for publication. RUSSELL, C. Of R. • istzti.Es • t VECETABLESICIUAN , . •.k --RE/MrEita Alio basis of its remedial properties is a vegetable compoOna. • • • • IT WILL RESTORE GRAY: 'FLAIR. TO :ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. • lt cleanses the scalp and makes the hair wilt Ine trous and silken. h is a splendid heir dressing. R. A. HALL & co. Nadine, N. H. Proprietors Etternal, 'Bleeding 'or Itohing. , . This distressing and 'harrowing disease is alarmiagly on the increase, More so. perhaps, iron the fact,that those who are agitated from a - false notion of delicacy,. are afraid to ask for a remedy ; thrifty makifig 'their condition known. flow wrong nod.fs, tal this assist% At the. first intimation Of ; the appearande of. Cotiglaint they. a . procuni, Aria?. tinrirkled Rein ody, and, using i, iuseeriliink .te dileCticits t iM mediatelyshack it sod pertnimenilY cure it. • It is easy of spplieition.'agd , tborongli in its effects. Sold by ti': W. A. , REID Rev J. A. DoMoyer, J. W. Coon, Henry T. Cretin, Mre. A. J.. Hibshman, 00IIOU9, COLDS, • BSONDSITS c ASTHMA, ke. , - 4 1'he ebe,to tempinints, es • Winter op. pi . baelnisiteetn Stibe unceasing is ptevaletien, sand'if i nflt *e i a n ghee, either one may Arid to that ittiatikl and fugal disable—eoneunip. lA:in, What il : eitcnienlity :to neglect tbeni. plum the nifty be sit terrible! Siiggs' Throat sod Longllealeti IA a positive remety for ali'diseises of tbe throstriungs - and - oh n —nev.or,folling, when, n e ed iti,thaMorniPSo( affliction. - Bold by dregkists. °birth, BUNIONS, latiito*lNO Nita* Ste. , —Tite enormously - iniireasing eales,ol atrigge! 'Allevater and Curative les the pre 'Vanden and - ma of the ninny painful diseas. .es of the feet r bear witness to their w,ooder fut saperiority over all other. :like prepare. Hoes. for years they , have been steadily growing in favor. until nos the great Major. Pty who are tronbleti Audi bad feet will use no othei remedies. Abe CtrratiVe, for sore. tender and festered, acorns and bttnione, bad nail's,' ,ie soothing and healing,' pertnan early curing the worst eases when used no carding to d'irectione. The Allevator, for the pure of all (minima _ eons and for the prevention and 011ie' of all' cores, bunion*, tko.,,is, 'par excellent,', the only article ever yet discovered that Will producer a like result. Sold by F. Forthocan,A .11ruggists generally. IMEnn ..A.221304C1.3M.. In Hagerstown, on the 26th ult., by Rev. T. T. Titus, Mr. LEWIS BABKbOLL, to Miss ANNIE,' SHANK, both of Ringgold Distriet, Wash. Co., Md. Nair Geeneastle on the 17th ult., by Rave H. C. 'Asher, Mr GEORGE W. BREW -BAKER, to Miss LEA - 811E5,60th of tide County. UM ME: IM'CZklig.lSta Four miles south, of Waterville, Kan., Dee. 10 1870, of typhoidiever, WALTER G. HARI3AUGEI : aged 18 years 7 months, and 26 days. A-Uri-MORE 111 - ARHETS Feb. 6 1871. t, FLOClR.—Blarket dull this morning, and the feeling in it rathet heavy. Buyers gen erally are demanding a concession in prices, but hatter' still ask fall rates,- and transac tions were consequently very limited, sales being reported on 'Change of only 300 bbla., viz: 100 Western Spring Entre at 66.75 and 200 %Vaster. Family at 87.40 per bbl. WilliAl!.—Market very quiet this morn; log, and scarcely as firm in toue aeheretofere. Bales reported of only 1,090- bushels red ut, from 158 cents for fair to 190 scents for strict . - ly CORN —Market firm today with priees 2to & cents higher than on Saturday. Re ceipts 14,000 bushels, and sales as follows. viz.: 4,000 Southern white at S7®B9 emits; 1,500 whits mixed at from-80—to-85—cents; 8,000 Southern yellow at 80@82 seats;. and 1,200 Western do. at from 78 to 82 cents. RYE.—Market quiet. No sales reported, but we quote fair to prime as ranging from 90 to 100 cents. _ OATS.—Quet but steady. Sales 1,000 bushels at 57@58 cents. PRIVATZ -SAM HR subscriber ream at private sale 4 valuable 1111 Btri‘tiing Lots with allowance fur alleys, ttoci tierg on West Maio Mies', Waynesboro', in the tear of which is a Let rfortiaiitinc a half acre, more or less. The lots will bJ sold togethcr or sr parately to suit purchasers. tilEo. W. FOIMIKA.N. feb 9—tf ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. OTICE is heieby given that Cyrus Schriver, of Washington township. has appointed the ttn dersigned assignee under a deed of to ninety assign ment for the benefit of his creditors, All persons having claims against the said Cyrus 801irieet, will present them duly authenticated for settlement,and those indebted wtll make payment without delay 1...) the undersigned. HENRY BCtlltiVEft, Br., fel, 9 et) • Assignee, AUDITOR'S NOT ►E, .HAVING been appointed Auditor by the Or phans' Cella of Franklin county, to distributer 'the balance in Me hands of George Uarbaugii, ad rniwistrator of the estate of John Joins, to and among the p, rams legally entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of said appointment, at my of fioe in Waynesboro', on Friday the 211th day of Feb- -nary, 1971, when and' where all persons intereste9 may attend if they see prover rob 9-311 LE:W. W. DItTRIGH. Auditor. PULB.SM..O THls subscriber will sell at public sale n t his resi tlPrice. 3 tulles WYRt, of Waynesboro',,near sa lein Church and about 2. miles from the Marsh :gore, On Tuesday the 28th of Febrway, 1871, the following personal property, to wit : 5 WORK HORSES, 1 dun mare with foal 7 years old, I bay no (Cob ham) with foal fl yearn old, 1 bay horse 10 years old, good leader; 1 gray mare with foal, good wagon leader, 5 years old, 1 sorrel horse, goad for riding or driving, 12 years old ; 7 HEAD or CATTLE, 3 fresh inileh cows, 1 young bull 3 years old, 3 head young elude, 1 elteop. 8 head or Hogs. tine Brood Sow with pig, 1 young Boar 9 months Ohi ; I New Four-horse Wagon, four inch tread ; 1 three inch tread Vl'agora. 1 new Drill, (Greencastle make) 1 new :Spring flake, one Wood Hod. 2 pair Hay Carrisges, t new 'Natters Reaper (self-raker) and ltrower combined, one'New Jersey Reaper, (seftraker), grain cradle, mowing scythe, 1 set new llreechbande, I.eet Front Gears, 3 sets Plow Gears, ft flynete, 3 blimlbrrillee, new lend bridle, new cutting but, 1 sleigh basket, 2 spreaders, guar. ton plaster, 1 new three horse Harrow, 1 self-, sharpener Plow, t two horse Plow ) single , doubl e and treble trees, 1 new jsckscrew, shovel, hay and straw cutter, 500 Plasteiing Laths. 5100 ft inch Oak Hoards) meat benches. empty bowels, tkoiliers ' 3 low's fodder, about 500 pounds Pork, , I wheat t arp, 1 good weft, rope, L dinner hell, 1 grindstone, 1 lot good 'shingles, l new straw cutter. I cross 'cht sac, I wood aim, about 1000 itimard fence lath. 'abut 50 saw Idgsi 1 bellows frame, 1 set dung beards. 1 twenty feet luddei.larks, rakes, I,windlas and frame, a, lot plank.-Idiaing iron, 1 shoeing box andrarots, 2 pair ftealoWll; 1 Kitchen Cupboard. 1 wood box, 1 new Onentel Vaal stuve..l Chain 4 about l 0 acres CA AIN IN, THE GROUND • with /ins nys a rile Ire' not necessary to mention.. `.tale to commence at, 9 o'clock on said coy when a cred-, it of Tan Months Witt be given on att sums of Ten DcliO us and up Nerds. ISAAC K. 1"OX, Is suet. NOTICE. persons indebted' io mo either by , note or hot& account, unrhozeby notitio3 that atter the nrSt or March next.atil host. , aecountaa,tvlll Fret placed, its the hjudo of au tii:er to bo collected oc eurdibk to Ism J. 11').FT ti I NE. let —3t ASSIGNEIN .„. ypils undersigned; Aloigneis 'Sy Deed of VoIOIA toiq aosignoteo4 of het* Cleko,l,of ton Toivonthip;-Frardilin (..101int47•P0.,1, will tell at riA lio;,faa oi(tho inethioo, oitosiod la _41440 JonctiOn. % Willie k;olith of INsynOiboroN 06.FIUDAY TifeW OAT OF 111.A6RIVE:XT, the following.. property, viz : O.WORK HORSES,: 3 Colts, twO 'slid 2 three:omen; old; 2 'Mich COWOf ?I BUS, 6heigl'Youitg 0411(1,88 HEAD of HOGS, 15 tans Hey, 75 Initfillea ItYle "Straw, 36 bbls. (joul e 2b + hue. Hyo, 20 bus. Meats, 2 . 31) ba. WheatfesBficevx lilows, 3Haterteiti Plows, Drill, 1 Hay. Hal‘e, 1 Coiri,Corerer, T Whbieffam . 1 Slgh, _ I New TWo-1110msetWageif, 1 Four•horor Wagon, .1 two.-herso Wagon. one Spring Wagon, 1 Ilitgev, 15 coide of wood, 300 feet Ash Plank, 600 ft . Oa k Pia nit. 600 ft Fencing Boards, a large lot Hawed Lumber, 200 Broad Fakes. 1 32 Narrow Felloes, 1300 Spokes, 18 wagon tongues, 4 sets *arrow scantling, 4 weguNexels, 300 palings, nearly all of which is seasoned; 1 Hay Carriage, 2 SETS BLitiCKSINIITH' TOOLS, . , I Tire Bender. 2 Mandrills, 500 Ms New Iron, 300 lbs old iron, 50 pair new horse shoes, 3 &Cages, two axes, 3 mattocks, > jackscrew. 5 handsaws, ,1 cross cut saw, I t augers,' chisels. I set turning chisels, 2 Stoves and ripe, Copper Kettle, 2 Iron Kettles, 1 book case unit desk, 2 grindstones; 1 Wheelbarrow, 1 boring machine, a lot wasonmaker toolt lot . 4.0. p menu', 1 paint mill, 1 workbench, stone auger* and hammers, 2sleds r drawing knives, braces, pincers, wrenches ;. ono , share Waynesboro', : Maryllind and State Line Turnpike Stock, 1 slime vacific and At , lantic,Tel. Stock ; 25 ACM OF OM TM GIMP, 5 acres Rye in the ground ; 25 bushel Potatoes; 2 meat tubs, 2 cans lard, 2 ,tables, 1 rifle, 1 fat press and sausage cutter; 2 spreads, breast and butt chains. double and single trees, lot grain bags, 3t forks and rakes, 1 hnlf bushel, 4 collars, 5 blind braes, three housings, 2" sets breechbands. 3 set!Lplese_gelus.A.- nets, I saddle,. 3 lines, cow and halter chains, to— gether with tuallypther numerousio,Wien tion. sale to commence at 10 o'clock; A. M, when due attendance and a credit of Eight Moi.tlie will be given on all bums of Ten Dollars end upwards by the.purehasers:giving approved security, all scum under Ton Dollars to be paid cash. JOHN HARD/111011, - W 41. AMBERS° Assignees of Henry On& fib 9—ls G. V. Mom, adct. o r .) . k c ilill o. i p l y. He subscriber intending to discontinue farm , IFIP ine; will oger at public sallit his residence. 3 miles Di orthAvest of Waynesboro' and 1 milli Vast of Mt. Hope, on the road lending from the 'former to the latter place, near Henry Besoro'4 mil, on- Wednesday the Ist day of }Ultra next, the following property, to wit: SIX HEAD OtattlaSES end-Uoltsormorrg--wirich - are - Vnumberozre - Videri;: 3 brood mares ; zaaa- Quvvila-4 2 of, which are tat steers, 5 mulch cows, 2 will be fresh about the time of sale, the balance young cattle; 146 JEEIIIII.I3I car mrcpiat..e. 1 of which is a full bread Chester hoar, three Sows with pig )2 fnur-int h Wagons ono-nearly now, one two-horse wagon, 1 spring wagon - IT — bag wagon. t weets' bed 1 McCormick Reaper, 1 Drill, 1 Spring tooth Hake, 1 sleigh end hells,. 2 pair hay Carriages, 2 sets dung boards, 4 three horse and I two horse Owns, 2 single and 4 double shovel plows,a harrow s, 1 wheelbarrow, single; double and treble trees, two sets breast chains, 1 set butt traces, four sets flout sears 2 sets breechbands, 6 sets plow gears. 6 ay nets:6 blind bridles:6 collars, 2 titling bridles, 2 ri- ding saddles. t wagon saddle, 1 sot single harness, 6 halters, 12 cow chains, S log chains, 1 six horse line; t windmill, lot forks and rakes, 1 giaiu cradle, 2 stowing scythes. 1 spreader. 1 filth chain, 1 - g - rind.: stone, 1 large dinner bell, 2 mattocks, 1 piek, / saw, axe, 2 cutting boxes, 1 hey knife, fifty, bundles of long straw, hay by the ton, fodder by the beadle) 60 /ROES 01 &Et Ii 1118 GEN, a lot cider barrels,. 1. iron kettle, I Dry House,. one Parlor Stove, 1 betlet md, 1 lounge. 1 stand. tit ran chairs, crib. 1 center table, and mny other mei cies not neceesary to mention Sale to commence at 9. o'clock. on said day when a cre.lit of It months Will be given orr all sums of :RIO anti upwards. DAVID MYERS. fey Dia 0. V. MONO, atrct. PUI3IC SALE. frITERE will be sold at Pnblic Sale at the' real• deuce of tho stigeriber, L miles North of Smith burg, ne FR11) tY THE' 241`H OF FEBRUA— RY, 1871, the following, property, v 4: 8 HEAD ,HORSES AND COLT:4 10 HL•'AG OF. CATTLE„ Dur ham Bull; TWO FOUR-HORSE WAGONS NEARLY NEW, Wood and Hey La 'dots, 1 self-rake Mc. Cornviek Reaper, 2 hir .itt Drills. 1 fronßoller, one, Spring tooth Italie, 3 three horw. Cultivators. 6 Bar:- shear Plows. 12 single and doublet Shovel Plows, 2 Corn Cultivator/1, I Spring Wagon. 2 sere Breech• bands, 4 seta Front Geer ~ I set double and single liarnesi; • 10 TONS HAT, • also 2 Copper Stills, capacity 235 gallons cash, 2 large Worms with nearly all the coppvr fixtures ire cessary fur a di...tiller. with many ewer articles nut neeessary to merit it'll. Timms vY . 4 321bE, —Sale to commence et 9 o'clock on said day, when n i firetlit of 9 Months wilt be giy en on all sures of $' ft/ and upwards, by the purch aser giving his note with approved security ; sums under SLO the cash will be , reiuirete and if notes are not paid within Id days after maturity, interest will bo • charged Wm date. Isso goods to he removed until settled for. JOHN WE:LTV. fob 9—M SURVEYING AM CONVEYANCING, THE undersigned having had some ten years ex perience as a practical Survey •r is prepdred to do all kind's of burveying, laying out and dividing up lands, also all kinds of :writing usually done ty Scriveners.: Parties wiehiag,tiork done can call on, or:addicts tbe•uuderaignod ai Waynosboro'. Pa. , • feb 2—tt] A. H. STOLEH. . _ Assignees' Notice. . :NOTICE is herety given that Henry Oiks or Washington township, hay 'appointed the un deitigned asbigneeS under a deed of vOltintaryasz gignment hir'thehenfit of, his creditors. Ad per. sons hating claims against the said 'Henry Oaks, ! widivreseta. them .duly aUthenticatud f or o n t rer oon r, and those indebted will wake psyment without de. •lay t 1 the undersigned. JOHN .11ARBAUGH, W. e, AMBEttON, Assignees. fib 3-43t] DISSOLVTION. TILE copartnership heretotirre ex[siing beta een the untie-signed in the mercantile buonees,aeas efOreohred by mutual cons lit on tne :II day of Jati-' vary. 187 the bum , se to he continued as hereto feire 'by W. U. [triton. The books and accounts , are. in the hands of the late firm, upon either of vrbom,uereolas uilebte,d. era regrosteel 1,•1 I aii and deem iticir accounts. H W. pit, Iw.N. .I , )se Nil WA ,T Mt. Hope, Jan, 26-7 t PtTZIL C SALM t , . „. . 2T ,-. iititiittlirsigiOed tifeittfitig to Ostolitintan fajta: I log; *ill. Olt wit Out 4eserie. sit bit iesidelice, , imileOdatit of silieilitorata iThetiadiay,i4e'oB4 day of Febrtar . y, 1871, parsonsl pipperiy,•tir wit : • `ff:HEAD 'HORSES.: among Which s;ri with - !esti:Writ, " good Plow Loaders., Isestrit,Polt skim 4.4inlrrold;- AnrCIATTLE, - among which ore 7 eiteillilete Cows, 1 ilneyoualr Heifer, will be fresh about time of sile, 1 fine young Devon Bull, the balance thrifty 'bung cattle; three, Brood Sows; 1 will bate pigs bj thee of sale; 7 head of Sh'oats ' • rLANTALTION iVALGOSSi• E with Bed all in good order; 1 pair Hay Udders,' E one-horse Wagon, 1 Spring Wagon, O`three-liorse and I two-horse Plows, 3 doable and 21ringle shoe-' qqt Plows„2 Borrows. 1 Springtentla-Ritke, 1 Grain Ilrill, • (Tioxel's Make), 1 WOODS' MOWER, one cutting box, I wheat fan, I corn shelter, 1 grind' stone nearly, new, 1 wheelbarrow, 2 sets dung boards,. 1 largo 'rope, lot grain bags. 6 sets, wagon , gears, 6 set plowvansi 6 fly nets, I six‘horse line; plow lines, 1 set double and 1 set single harness, collars,- bridles, halters,.3 riding saddles, 1 nearly new, one wagon saddle. 1 sleigh,'3 strings sleigh belts, car— penter tools. E crowbar,l.digging iron, 1 roughlock, 1 jackscrew,2 lo; chains,l fifth chain, breast chains, • cow chains, 2 pair butt tracea,2 pair spreaders, treb le, double end single trees, i Set • Blaeksmith 'TOols; all in good order; I stock ond die; s lot old iron, leit hcirso shoes, 2 gisinersdleS,2 inoving.seythes,. 3 Coin eitoppets • 150 BARRELS CORN, Hay bp the tnii, Ceinfoader by the bundle, about 30 bundles Rye Straw, Potatoes by.the bushel; • 01:01111111211 Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of 4 bedsteads and bedding, 1 bureau, '2 tables, 1 flonr? ;:lest, 1 wood boa, 1 secretary, 1 desk, 1 lounge, Cook Stove and fixtures, 1 Tetiplate biota, 1 Par. A r_ateve, iron-leettle,-a lot pork. teight . day clock, • 3. Ws. vinegar, end • many other article ton numer- our. M.:motion. t , ee fo commence at tO o'clock on • said doll when tertusllbe made known by Her. HARM, B. P. 11AltR, Agents for susan Barr, .0.- Moto, auct. fel) 2—to PUBLIC SALE. • J.HE subscriber will soil at Public Sale at his residence, about one mica Southeast of Ring gold, arid !mar the road leading . from Smithburg to Wnterhei, , , the following property, viz 3 WORK7HORSES, two of which are good family home; 7 Head of Cattle, among which. are 3 414 h Cows, the balance young oattl4 ; 15 HEAR HOGS,: ommur which are tire brood-sourrrtha - t - will - have - prga - gialdt t r . o sale; .IP-A-R-21- Vt-41-0r: S - , (hroadtread) I Wood lied, I pair Hay Canino's, I Carrine, Spring Wagon, tooth Rake; BARSHEA It PLOW% (2 three•horse and 1 twedierse) 2,1 - farrows, 211oubre and 2 single Shovel Plows, filth chairr and spread ers , single, double trot tripple trees, 2 Iles • Bret ch. bands. 2; sets Front Gears, 2 sets Plow Gears, bridles and housings, 2 fly -nets. i wagon sad dle; I four-horse line, 1 whip, a lot eld !run, with o ther's/ticks not necessary to mention. • TastaV . —Sale to continence at 9 o'clork erreaid day, whenaeredit.of seen months Will 'IA giten on all euma of *lO and upwards. purchasers their votes with approwd security, upon+ which if not paid within 15 days atter maturity, intotakt wid be charged from date. For sums 'under $lO the cash will be required. No goods to be removed. until settled for. 'JNO. 11r0 it, of J. , feb tel • Grottos V. Mosnosuet. • _ _ PJFEIb' SaLL MITE suliserib. , r intending to gait farming will IL sell at Public sale tails residence, near Mon- • ti rirY Springs, on the rtifitl !nadir:Ll 10 . Sabillaeville, ON MONDAY 117T II OF FEIVARY,.IB7I, the following personal property, to wit: ' 8: WORK HORSES unong which are two brood mares heavy with foal. two good wagon ai.d plow leaders, two riding and driving horses; 18 HEAD CATTLE, to of which are weld Mitch ll:ows, 6 will I o fresh by day of arle, 1 young bull, 2 tante steers, the bat ituoe young Cattle; 7 head of SHEEP., 12 11EAI), 110C144 1 , among is one brood sow; 2 WAGONS, one three inch tread; t pair wood ladders, 1 lime bed, 1 pair hay ladders, 1 cart nearly now, 1 set dung .boards, I . sleigh, 6 Plows, 3 three-Noise. 3 gap plows, 3 bar rows, 2 single and 20 double shovel plows, treble, double and sine le trees, 2 fifth chains and spreaders 3 log chains, butt and breast ch.aus. halter and cow chains, I McCormick Reaper, tEE ICIER ER KW, 1 Throbbing Machinc and Horse Power and sump, 2 Grain Drills, I spring Grim Hoke, 1 Corn Grin der, 1 INhent Fan, 1 cutting boX, forks and rakes, I Open-top buggy, 2 grindstones. I Cloverseed /I utter, 5 sots Breechboinds, 4 s.•ts Front Gears, fly nets, collars, brides,, wagon and plow lines, I wag on saddle; about %GU BUS. ITALIAN OATS : Hay by the.ton, 1 log wagon, 1 cross-cut saw, one work bench, 1 jackscrew, 2 grain cradle', 3 mowing scythes, 6 lice Hives, 1 Meat Vessel; 2 liedstaads, 1 cupboard, 1 safe, 1 sink, 1 parlor nod' 2 ton plate stores, 1 bureau, 1 settee, rset chairs, 1 now dining table, 1 churn and buck, 1 dinner bell, 1 rocking cradle, a 16t burnt% crockery and queensware; ap ple butter by the crick, bacon and Lard by the lb., and many other articles not necessary to mention. sale to continence at 9.o'elock o . n said day when a crcdit of 8 months wi.l be given on ail sums of $lO and upwards. - JOON KOHLER. feb 2—ts3G. V. Most. suet. 4. 0490341E5M1C0 • • . The retaking record of one day's • accidents, all nim the same cause, viz : the use of. inferior Coal . is taken from the Philadelphia Ledger of a re. ,nt date 3 - "The alarm of fire, last evening, at 7 'o'clock, was and by the burning of the dereding, Corner of I th. and Pokier, resulting from the explosion of a c 'oil lamp. him. Heists, occupying the second at 4ry .of• the had retired to her apartanuct, a lew moments betute the discovery of the fi•ii 4 Uit ettering her room, she was found lying on the floor, scapped in flames." "About 7 o'clock •yesterday tanning, a coal oil. lamp in the hands a- is *lrish Alekander; who:fires, us Coo slip t.. near I tihe Wes sever •ly burned. ''Margaret Colligau, residing in the rear of 618 South is • was hurtled by the eiplosion tit sr coarbir. (atop. < tier husband. while '0" - *mpting to eitiSi guish the flainair,•erat also sevetety burned. 'Two, , of the 'ebote' mimed victims' hive tine° died Of their injuries," All such fearful 'accidents,' resulting is death and • the destruction of valuable propetty, may be avoid'.: ed b}• uaiug"CAA'S'ONSIS S*l'.BliLEß.oll4' which is knoviu to he a perfectly safe and refiehie noun. It is ti.r sale by • Ambe sop, Benedict St. Co., Wi-ynesboro'; I,V Inger, oituncy. . Lt, b t It•IL MEEM RY, 18?