Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, January 26, 1871, Image 2

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vairanis BO fl OP.
Thursday, Janatir* 20,11571,
_All of the old factory works M We•
vertou ate whammed for sale..
arAt - Montreal on Monday the thetmont►
eter was twenspeix degrees below zeto.
&Miss Mary Fisher, of Annapolis, lird".,
*as burned to death last week by attempting
to kindle a fire with coal oil
litrAboat $l.OOO 00/ per aonOan wilt be
eived - to the government by the consolidation
of the internal revenue districts.
tet.Refore the war there were no
echoolo in Richmond. Now there are 30
White and 30 colored' schools in thst city.
trA couple out West have hem d'ivore•
ed on account of a differenoe of o{{{nion on
the subject of baptism—One maintaining the
necessiiy of immersion to salvation,the other,
the sufficiency of sprinkling.
A mechanical curiosity, in the shape of
—steam-buggy, is on exhibition ira'New
The inventor alarms tbat it can be driven,
with two persons in it, 150 miles a ihy upon
common roads. It is light and etroagi and
can be Managed better than any horse, and
can 'be driven taster than any parson dare to
ride. The owner says be will match it against
any trotting horse in this world. was reported on Satimitty__among
leading liquor importers in New York the
their petition for a uniform tariff on all liqu
ors has been favorably re - oived - a - t - Wastiing=
_ton r and-thac Secretary Boutwell au& the
Committee ON Ways and Means bad , agreed
to recommend a tariff of $2 per gallon on
se,.Tbe committee of the blethodist Bonk
Concern have dropped the investigation of
the charges' against Rev. Dr. Lanaban. The
result is a complete triumph for Dr. Lana
ban, and he is replaced in his position as As.
sietant Agerrt of the Book Concern. The in•
vestigation into the affairs of thrf institution
which_ he desire& has_ been ordered,_ and the
end will be a final vindication of Dr. Lana
han, who has teen persecuted for simply ex
posing wrong.
tass i A sortie was made under the cover of
the t,untrof Mont• Valerein on Thursday by
the French on the German' Roil wee of
Paris. King William telegraphs that it was
defeated, and despatches from other sources
confirm the repulse of the French after
day's fighting. Faidherbe advanced south
as far as St Quentin, where the Germaaerat-
tacked him, and after a well fought battle
defeated him, and on Friday and Saturday
were in pursuit.
Additional details of the sortie on Thurs
day state that the French were one hundred
thousand strong, and that their line of bat
tle extended from Mantratont to La Celle,
en the southern and southwestern sides of
the city. The battle opened well for the
French, sod they succeeded in capturing
the German positions at Montretout, bat
late in the day the ' tide turned, and they
were repalsed along the whole Hoe. The
losses of the French are said to have been
so very great that they asked for an armis
tice of forty eight hours to bury the dead
and carry off the'wounded. Up to the 11th
of January; one bandied and sixty persons
had been killed in Petits by the leentbard
meat. The Council of Defence proposed
to remove Trochu from command, but final.
ly agreed to sustain, him. It is said that he
annouated that if no help from, the eutaido
was received he would be compelled to stir
' render before the public buildings were de.
stroyed. So far, however, the bombardment
Is reported to be almost harmless in the do.
atruction of property. The battle of Et.
Quentin resulted in an utter defeat of the
army of General Faidberbe, and the victori
ous Germans tnarched northward from the
battle field to Cambrai, the French confirm
ing a desultory fighting with their advance.
Faidberbe lost ten thousand prisoners, and
with his Staff has gone to Donia. In-North
ern France there is great consternation a!
the approach of the Germans, and a portion
of the popnlatien is flying hob! Lille. Gam
hetta arrived•there on Saturday and deliver
ed an address to the people, in which he ad
vised re:Matinee to the last, and said that
Faidberbe would continue to oppose the ad
tacos of the enctityi no denied that be
wished.ta form a Dictatorship, and denonee
ed the cowardly try for peace. In Eastern
France Gerietal Von Werder is ~,marrhing
through' the \room, and has captured a for
tilled position of the French near Beauques
tie. was attacked on Sunday, but the
Fidech.troops still head the tows. The shel
litig of Lengwy, on the .Belgian frontier, by
the-tlermans, was Confirmed last week, and
the town set on fire.
tat. The Montpelier (iitgui,..,asys that C.
E. Stoics, a young man belongive in 31arre,
that Mite, who Nerved in a Veroten..t cavalry
regiment during the late liar; hes • Jecentljt
received elO,OOO in United Stites tondo
from Mr. Peter . Thomson; of liagerstome.
Md., for valuable services redeled that gen..
tleman in prpteatiog hie prolietty from the
'oldies/. • •
Brook', in flollinti, is the cleanest town is
world: klo Posit , or earriagei has ever
been yterelitted fo enieffit, swileverything is
kept with most rerzpidons assittea
tote eo!ering tunny of the boosts _ red we
required to remove youi-shoein
841,11,RsatsTaz—.The public sales saver.
deed through. the columns of the Village
Record iu the followieg order:
John F. TabuSon, Waynesboro'; house and
Ibt, January 2s.
Amberson & Reid, Waynesboro', Milt.
ary 4:
Geo. Middour, Waynesboro", February 4.
Ohs. A. Stouffer, two miles South-east of
Ringgold, February 8;
Daniel 11. Garver, one suilueast of Ring - .
gold, Md., Februaty 15.
John Haller, Sr., near Quiney, February
Pranklitv Miller, 2 miles North west of
Waynesboro', February 21. .
&The Cowtt teat week gtanted A. 1).
Gordon of Oak pine tlVeltr PCOtiSe.
ADIFERTISMENTS —A number of new ad•
settlements will be found is Wilily, paper,
to *blob we diteet special attention. .
am. Don't forget the Lecture at the Lu
theran Church thie (Thursday) evening.—
Subjeer—"No Man Owes Deeper than he
Please." •
but varieties, and largest assortment, at Dr.
Amberson'e Drug Store. Call and examine
sod buy what you need.
--- RAIMEIDYLL - NOWSITAY - thiTB 4 .- A tten lion
is directed to the advt. of A. M. Bell and
Bro. in iinotlier column. The oats they of
fer for sale is a very superior article.
Los-rr - --- qli — PeoltutiroTA
was lest between this place and Jaoob J. Mil
ler's residence, on the old Hagerstown road.
t.I VWlitertilly
rewarded by returning it to this dime.
Branisholts inserts fall upper or
lower sets of teeth for $lO, $l5, $2O, all in
sured for one year, and to be what it is repre
sented. Weeplaces a good set of teeth with
in the reach of every one.
GENERAL AGENT.—The Geiser Manufae.
turing Company have secured the services of
Jacob B. Cook, Esq., of Quincy township, us
General Traveling Agent. The appointment
is_ certainly- a gend — o - n - e, as Mr,
known as a first-elass business man,
NOTICE.-greet reductions have been made
in. photographing at the Diamond Gallery.
The following ie a list of prices: 5 Photo.
graphs $lOO, 8 01.50, 12 8.2.50. lily object
in making this reduction is to do a cash
business. Bstisfaction is gnarenteed.
'UNION HOTErl.—Qtliney it . BOOMS has
aeetber Hotel. Mr. Gideon Burger has ob-
tained license and commenced the Hotel bus.
iness in the large, handsome:brick building
recently erected by Mr. A. S. Monn. It is
to be known as the "Union Gid.
will make a olairer landlord.
COPPER SPitcratitNEL-Beveial fine speci
mens of 'copper ore, taken from the farm of
Geo. frarbaugh, in Ilaibaugh's Valley, were
brought to our office one day last week. One
of the number fully equaled the beet speci
mens we have yet seen. They were ploughed
out of the ground.
GOOD BITTEI2B.—We are indebted to Mr.
K. D. Pfeutz, wholesale agent, for a bottle
of llall'ellolumbo Bitters, a purely vege•
table preparation. It is highly recommended
as a blood cleanser and tonic preparation for
ordinary family purposes; a good appetizer
and strengthener of the digestive forces. Per •
sons requiring such a medicine should give
it a trial. It ie•sold by Dr. J. B. Amberson
and Theo. Wiesner'
of Milton's Paradise Lost will •be exhibited
in the Town Hall on Saturday evening next.
This work of Art is d complete illustration
of that matchless Poem by John Milton, en.
titled Paradise Lost, containing over 6000
feet of canvass with mast striking and beau
tiful scenes, 'full of life-size figures, giving
Milton's idea of Heaven, Hell, Creation, the
Garden of Eden, &o. No one, we predict,
Will regret having expended 25 cents to wit
ness this Exhibition.
A Nnt Draeovanr.—We learn that a
nets Grain Thresher and Separator, upon
entirely now and original principles, has re.
cently been invented, by Messrs. D. and C.
Garver, which is said to do the works
We have been informed that an opportn
pity grill be afforded those desiring to view
it in operation, on the premises of they fath.
er, Benjamin Garver, situated one mile west
of Ringgold, Itld:4 on Saturday the 4th day
of February next.
MOP - Harry Weaver, who Was unenviably
connected with the Rowland murder trial
in Washington county, Md. a je . ar or two
ago, and who has since served a tern in the
Pennsylvhnia Penitentiary for forgery, has
been committed to the Washington county
jail on the obarge of yobbing the store of
Abyaham Barnhart, at Middleburg, on the
night of the Bth inst., of $BOO worth of
Hide. Two woman, Anna Hull and Rebec
ca Linebangh, in whose possession the most
of the goods were found, wore also commit
;ea to jail.
PICATIOTItt. -i"131900If desiring the SO.
vices crf a Snt•dlses Dentist abonld gitre'Dr.
Branisbnlts i WI. He does not chitin su
perior dental Analifietitione over all ether den
tists in the eoVtitry or donnty, but feels stile
to tender as genteel Sitisfastists as the gen.
ere.!ity,of good dentiste, nod will endeavor as
far as poslible to phase tile !? Thy rvifi taco;
him with a eat
'CRAMMING IN THZ ScnooLs.—We lout
mend to our' school board and teachers the
following from the Philadelphia Sunday
Times: Initiatory steps have at last been
taken to bring about a reform ht-the methods •
of study pursued in the public schools: the
evil most and justly complained of, id the
foolish spited) of cramming, which bas un
fortunately prevailed already too long. Mil- i
drop, under this high pressure plan, arc for
ced to learn a dozen lessons, on as many dif
ferent subjects, in the confect of the day,'
and, as a natter of course, finish by hope.
lessly itstertninglisg their numerous and se
vere studiis, thoroughly" understanding -no
olie of them, and finishing by forgetting them
all. Without any unnecessary delay, the
Board of;Education should supersede this
hot-house system of instructing the young,
by some more humane and useful method.
One lesson, thoroughly mastered, is worth a
dozen committed to memory, to be forgot
ten in a few hours. "White the 'cramming'
process is being referred to, let it be remem
bered that children,. to grow op into strong
and useful men and• worsen, need time to
grow physically as well as mentally. They
should, therefore, not be burthoned with
tasks to be conned at home.. Arlitbe hours
out of school they need fur recreation, for
the benefit of their bodies, which have too
long been saerifind to the especial use of
the brain.
made in the office of President jadr,:a of this
'strict by the death of Judge King, is at
tracting the attention el a number of aspi
rants in same of the counties of the district..
- .111 - 13edford - Hon7BL.-.Rusteel-and IY M'Ctay
Hall, Esq , are each importuning all their
friends to aid them in their efforts- to secure
the appointment. In ,Somerset, we learn
form the Hearici that the members of the
bar of that county are' asking the appoint
ment of Hon. W. lI Koontz'. It seems that
these individuals obey the same law whieh
nature does, and 'abhor a vacua! In our
own county, already represented by Judge
D. W. Rowe, there ore no - aspirante,and we
believe that the members of the bar are in
clined to let the other counties of the dis
tiiet setrh3 the question to suit themselvos.
Either of the gentlemen named fur the office
are well - qualified to perform its duties antis
always follow that the last run of Shad is
the poorest, but it often happens that the
beat run is sold at the; best hargina.
,It is
just an now, not with Shad, but with fifteen
sots of,LaCes and Childreus furs, Five Buf.
falo •Robes, Six fancy Sleigh or Buggy
Spreads, three pairs of Horse Covers, three
Pairs Fur Gloves, Four Mufflers, Winter
Gloves,—Winter Caps, &e, &o, that you may
see anti buy at Updegraff's Hat, Wore and
Fur factory opposite the Wash i ngtoo,flonse,
Hagerstown, 3.1 d. Although they are the
last for this season they are:fresh and perfect
goods warrenterd and will be closed out re•
gardleas of cost.
se,,All persons buying the Wheeler & Wil•
eon will be instructed by the Agent untill
they become thoroughly acquainted with the
working of it. A Warrantee Deed is given
with each Machine. Sold on any platy to suit
the purchaser. Thos. U. B. Elliott, Agent.
PosTponu.—The sale by Mr. Geo. Mid.
dour will take place on the 4th of February
instead of the 28th lett., as announced last
Nor persona knowing themselves
indebted to L. C. Brackbill will please call
and settle. As it is necessary I should have
money to carry en my businest Persons
tailing to settle and pay off by the first of
February next will be charged interest from
that date. L. 0. BRACKIIILL.
air Th e Wheeler it Wilson Bowing Ma
ebbe is on exhibition at the Diamond Gal.
levy and eau be seen at any time. Persons
desiring it can have it operated by the Agt.,
who will guarantee satisfaotion. Thos. H.
B. Elliott,, A gent.
set.We have the Wheeler Sr, Wilson with
all the late improvements—sold on the lease
plan—monthly payments only Ten Dollars.
Aoy one desiring to avail themselvei of our
offer can be aceommodated by making appli-
cation to Thos. H. B. Elliott, Agent.
DEAF AND DUMB.—James Blair, Esq., of
tho Clearspring district, in Washington
County, &Id , is ono of the. Board of visitors
of the Maryland.lnstitution for the Educa
tion of the Deaf and Dumb, located in Freci
stick. Mr. Blair has no less than six of his
own children in the Institution, all deaf and
trine Wheeler & Wilson will fold hems
with cord enclosed and stitch them down at
one 'petition. Thos. H. B. Elliott; Agent
The Wheeler & Wilson, will fold feli either
on the blae or slutight while it is stitching
them; It will make ruffles perfectly and sew
them on to a band at one operation.. Thos.
H. B. Elliott, Agent.
—I have recently purchased trorj gr. Their.
H: B. Elliott { one, of the above maAines
which has rendered entire satisfaction. I can
truly iicotameed it to purchasers as a first.
Oats and elegant machine in all respects.
Mrs. &wail. CLalerort.
Itta.neild Ford's advertisement
PlLlS.—lntateal, External, Bleeding or
Itching, This distressing and harrowing
disease is alarmingly on the Increase. More
so. perhaps, from.the fact that those who did
titillated from a false notiott of delicacy, a re
afraid to ask for a remedy, thereby making
their coodition knoWn. Flow wrong and fi
ts' is this neglect. At the first intimation
of the appearance of this eotaplaint they
should proeure Briggs' Unrivaled Pile Rem
edy, and, using it according to directions,
immediately Check it and permanently cure
it. It is'easy of tilfplication: and thorough
in its effects: Bold by F. Foifithrian.
&c.—The above complaints, as Winter ap
proaches, seem to be increasing is prevalence
and if not taken intitite, either one may lead
to that dreadtel-mil-fatal disease—eonsump.
lion. Wbat oririfiaality to neglect them
when the resvit. may be so terrible! Briggs'
Thrc at and Lung Healer is a positive remedy
for all diseases of the throat, lungs and chest
—never-failing when used in the morning of
affliction. Sold by druggists.
&e.-The enormously increasing sales of
Briggs' Allevator and Curative ter the pre
vention and "cure of the many painful diseas
es of the feet, bear witness to their wonder.
ful superiority over all other like prepara
tions. For years they have been steadily
growing in favor, until now the great major
ity who are troubled with bad feet will use
no other remedies. The Curative, for sore,
tender and fostered corns and bunions, bad
nails, &O , ie soothing and healing, perman
eta!) , curio* ° the worst eases when usad ae
ending to directions. The- Allevator, for
the cure of all- common corns and for the
prevention and cure of all corns, bunions,
&e.,is, 'par excellent,' the only article ever
yetliseovere - d - th - erwiltritTidues a like result.
Sold by F. .Iforthman. &Druggists generally.
BROOMS,—Brooms manufacture& at 12i
Cleats by D. B. Rob. Everything furnished
but the broom corn,
,J;4 L 7
The basis of its remedial properties is a vegetable
It will keep the hair from falling out.
_lt cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lus
trous mid silken.
It is n splendid hair dressing.
R. P. HALL & CO. Nabhua, N. H. Proprietors
In kireeneastle on the 12th inst., by Rev.
Tboa. T Everett. Mr. HENRI H GREE?I•
AWAIT, at`Aloua ope,
,to las L
A. SNYDER, of Greeneute.
In Mereersburg, on the 19th inst.,
by the
Rev. A. Whetstone, Mr. THOS. M. WEIR,
of Wayneshoro',' - fn -- Mist' KATE MONTZ,
of Washington Co, MI
T!IEgCM WC,1V1713.„
At Findley, Hancock county, Ohio. on the
wife of John AlcNeal, aged upwards of 60
years. The deceased removed with her bus.
band from Waynesboro' to Ohio: about 40
years ago.
•On the 19th inst ,at he Waynesboro' Ho
tel, by the Rev H. II W. Hibshman, Mr
DAVID L. BREWER, to , Miss 31 - AltY E
TROUP, both of Clearspring,Wash. Co., 3ld
o=ll l Et-b relit .40101:'aiekif4-'4ll
FLOUR,—The demand continues active,
and the market firm with an upward tenden
cy. Baltimore high•grades were advanced
this morning 25 cents per barrel all round,
and for most other description holders are
asking higher prices. Sales were reported
on' Change of some 2,000 bhhr, viz: 100
common Howsrd Street do. at 85.25®65.75,
100 common Howard Street Extra at 86;
500 good do. at 80 50(itA62i, and 290 How
ard Street Family at $7 per bbl.
WHEAT.—SaIes on' Change of only some
3,000 bushels, viz: 700 prime western red
at 160®108 cents, and 2,3000 Maryland red
at 138 to 158 cents for low to good fair. 165
@175 cents for gond-to prime, aol 187(c0
195 cents for strictly prime to choice.
CORN.—Western at 75 cents fur mixed,
77 cents for white, and 76@78 cents for
OATS:4—Sales reported of only 1,500
bushels at 53@56 cents.
Positively the Last Notice.
ALI, persons indebted to the subscriber by book
or other account, are notified to call and settle im•
mediately, otherwise costs will be added without re
spect to persons. MA RTIN FUNK.
Antietam Junction. Jnn. 26, '7l,
TILE co-partnership heretofore existing between
the unde-signed . in the mercantile bueiness,was
dissolved by mutual consent on the 3d day of Jan
uary, 187 t, the business to be continued as hereto
fore by W. H. Brown. The books and accounts
are in the bands of the late firm, upon either of
whom persons indebted are requested to call and
close their accounts. H W. BROWN,
Mt. Hope, Jan. 26-3 t
How is this for High !
TORN FORD in returning thanks to the public
for their patronage announces that he intends
removing his shop to the Basement of Walker's
Building. (and not leaving town as is the bedif of
many) where he intends carrying on the Boor
AND 8110. E BUSINESS as usual.
AU persons knowing themselves indebted to me
will please call and settle their accounts. for I pay
cash for my stock and must have my money.—
Don't want to see the face of that unwelcome visi
tor, the Deputy from "Frost Fletcher," prowling a
bout my shop seeking whom he may devour, &c.
Customers will therefore find me at the Base
ment referred to after the first of 441 next.
jan 26) J.F.
HE undersigned will sell at public sale at the
residence of Jacob Bender, East Main litrect,
On Saturday, February 4th,
the following property, viz: —1 Table, a lot Chairs,
2 Bureaus, 1 bedstead, 1 Culler Ilukb/ard, Look
ing Glass,
42 ' , lbis Csrpct, 2 Feather Be& and Pillows, bed
clothes, dishes, kettle, tub, canned fruit, crockery
ware, together with sundry other articles.
Sate to commence at 1 o'clock, e. u., when terms
will be made known by W. 13. A MBERSON,
Ex're last Will and Ts of Mary g, Cochran,dec'J.
jan 26 is
TtTE anderergned Offf fell fit public sale, at hie
residence, about I hale Bart. of. Flioigold, on
the falgtebelooging to the Hefts of Joseph
oo •
the following Personal Property, to wit t Eight
head of
athong whicft ate d excellent Wagon and PloW
Leedom 1 1 good Brood Mare, fl two and 1 yearling
among which aro 3 good tdilch Cows, 2 Heifers
with Calf, 1 Hull, and the bilance'Young Cattle;
12 head of ME 81 - MEP;
aza 1133149:1) MCCIGIAS.
5 BROOD BOWS; I Dodge Reaper and Mower
combined, with self-Rake, nearly-new;
One Willonghby Grain Drill,
with Dimon° Attachment, 1 Spring tooth Hay Rake,
2 Farm Wagons, 2 pair Hay Carriages, 1 Wagon
Bed, 1 'Spring. Wagon, 1 Now York Horse, Power
and Jock, Is Cider Mill, 1 Earekl Fodder Cutter,
Wheat Fan, I Rolling screen, 4?Borsbear Plows,
two of which are new, 4' Double and 2 Single Shov
el Plows. t Cultivator, 2 new Harrows, treblb, dou
ble and single trees; I new fifth. 1 carrier, breast and
butt chains, 2 sets breechings, 4 sets front gears,
two of which are new,o housings, collars and bri
dles, I four_oruLl_sit,horso line, Lwagon_saddle,-1
!miters and plow lines ;
1 Work Bench, 1 Grirdstone, Grain Cradles and
Mowing Scythls, Grain and Hay Forks, Rakes:and
Shovels; 1 complete set.
I Screw Plate and Bitts, n lot oltl Iron. I Dinner
Sell. I Staid Screen, I 40 Foot Rope. new, n lot of
Empty fin rreln,4,-Feed-Trough ,-1 Sansago-rs tt er,-
and many other articles not necessary to mention.
45 AMES 01111AN:li Ell NESII I
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock. A. M on said day,
when a credit of 10 Months will he given on all soma
of $5 and upwards. the purchasers giving their notes '
with approved security, sums under $5 cash. No
property to be removed until settled for
DANIEL 11(i-t VE R.
Jan 26-ts Jos,. BovrAtro, such
FrliFilsubsoriher, intending to•quit trarMine, will
offer nt public sale, at his residence. 2,i miles
liorth-west of Waynesboro'. and about + of a mile
from the Waynesboro' nod GreencastiP turnpike. on
the following . property, to wit:
among which are 1 fine Riding and Driving florae,
4 Brood Mares, 3 with foal, all of which are good
bertriers-;--3-6olts-risinE, 3 wits 0 . 1111 - :rd
1 yearling; •
5 of which an Nlll6 Cowa, 1 IEI fresh and another
will be flesh about the time of eale,the balance are
Young Cattle ;
1.13 XI i& OF 7.3CC3 , 40r0,,
I part Chester Boar, 2 Sows with pig; 1 three-inch
Wagon, 1 Doil6l , & Stevens Reaper; 1 McCormick
Mower, 1 Drill, nenrly new,) •
I Top Buggy, nearly new, 1 sleigh and Bells near
ly nom, pair Hay (latrines 2 sets Dung Boards,
3 plows, 2 three.herse and 1 two horse plow, 1 sin—
gle and 6 double shovel plows, 8 harrows, I wheel
barrow, single, double and treble trees, 2 sets breast
chains, 1 set butt chains, 2 sets front gears, 3 seta
breechbands, 6 i-ets plow gears, 6 tlymets nearly
new, 9 blind bridles nearly new, JO collars, 3 riding
bridles, 2 riding saddles, 1 wagon saddle, I set sin
gle harness, 3-harness nets. 12 halters, 15 cow chains,
2 four•horse lines. nearlylnew, breast strap, (I.'es
trich's make,) I windmill, lob of forks-and rakes, 3
grain cradles, 2 mowing scythes, 2 spreaders. 1 em
ery grind stone, 1 large dinner bell; 25 ha V, 3 plow
lines, 2 shovels, 2 pick., 2 saws, 2_axes,_Lbsnd_savy,
2 bushel baskets. Also, aßnumber of articles "rill
be sold oat of the house, such as
ON C E 00 0 K STOVE,
Conl Stove, 1 Wnr 14obe, 2 Beds and Beditine , ,
Chest, A pplebutter by the crock. bard by the pound,
Bruns. Shoulders and Bacon by the pound.
Ell UIIES El' Gllllll 1! gall) I
Hay by the ton, r odder by the bundle. Cinrn•by the
barrel. 1 Robe, 1 Buggy Spread and;Blanket, antba
variety of other articles not; necessary to mention.
Stile to commence at 9 o'clock, on said day' when
a credit of 12 months wad lie given on all sums of
$lO and upwards. Persons in want of good stock
or farming utensils, should not fail to be present.
jaa 2(-ta G. V. Mina, euct.
InT ILL be soli) at public sale, nt the residence
V V of the subscriber, two ufhis South-east of
Ringgold, near John Welty's Distillery, on
the following property,;viz
one ft fine Family Horse;
one Durham Bull.
31EIMAL71:// CtriP
I. a Hoar; l four-hurse . Wagon and Wood Ladders,
1 two-horse Wagon and tied, in complete order, 1
one-horse Wagon and Bed, 1 spring Wagon, one
Hay Carriage, Horse Power and J'hresher,
in good order, I Cutting Box, 2 three-horse Plows
2 Double Shovel Plows, 3 6logle do., 2 Corn Cov
erers, 2 harrows, single, double end treble trees, one
long machine strap, 1 Wheelbarrow, I Digging Iron
and Mattock, rakes, forks, bhoveis, I log chain, two
sets light breechings, 3 bets front gears, one wagon
saddle, (nearly new,) codsrs, bridles, halters, butt
and Breast Chains,
toe old Iron, Grain Shovel, Buggy Pole, Grain Cra
dle, and otherl articles not mentioned.
Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, A. st on said
day, when a credit of 10 months wit be given on
all sums of *5 and upwards, the purchasers giving
their notes w nth approved security, sums under *5
cash. Na property to be removed until settled for.
1.11:1 ARLES A. 'lllllFl. — Elt.
jut 26-if J °SEMI &mum, aunt.
(VMS Oats isifar surericr to any rather fur its
1 great yield per sere and excellent quality. The
stalks grow firm and do nt,t lodge easy, many of
them bearing from 150 to 250 grains. '
Cattalos.— W e have evidence that many bushels
Were sold Last season under this tinily., which was
an entirely ditrarent,and inferior grain.
This seed was obttinsd main U. W. Ramsdell.
anti is warranted genuine, tree of all foul seed.—.
Furnished an any tilted sacks desired. Adds.:as
A. Ort knit),
Waynetil!oro', eranklin
jsn 26 - tf
ILRS unnierelgnsa will eell ati PUblic Sole, at his
reeldence on the road !coding from Quincy to'
Mont Alto, oe vir
.. MUMMA, f 4 lllllln6ttlr /5111, 1871,
the folloviring property, to wit
MULES, yo . tihg and well broke; '2 Colts rising '3
years; one an extras
17 BEAD iitOlititt - _CATTLE,
among which are 3 Mich Cows, one fifth by lime
ef sale, 6 Heifers with calf, the Winter, voting cat
tle; 3 Fat Steers; 3 Saves and pigs, 11 head- floe
Shoats, 1 large Chester Boar; / Road .Wagon, fon.-
inch treed, with bovwfand cdver, 2 Plantation Wa
gons, I wood bell I pair Wood Ladders; 1 Falling
top Buggy, (good) i Catt, 1 Spring Rake, 1 wheel
barrow, 2 pair Hay Ladders, 1 Threshing Machine
and Horse Power, 1- Own Sheller, I , Cloverseed.
Huller, 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Rolling Screen,
4 sets Front Gears, 3 sets Plow Gears, 6 collars, 6•
blind bridles, 4 fly-nets, 6 housens, 1 set Harness, 2
plow lines, 1 iii horse line, 4 pair spreaders, wagon,
saddle, a lot single trees, 2 threezhorse. 2 two-horse
trees. jockey sticks, 3 three•horse Plows, (Hacker
smith make); 3 Harrows, 4. double Shovel Plows, 1.
single shovel plow, a lot old iron, rakes, dung, pitch
and shaking forks, shovels. and mattocks; 1 coil
stove, 1 desk. 2 sets breast chains, filth chrtin.2 ear
'ling chains, 2 sets dung boards, 18 3-bu. bags, 3
meat vessels, 1 patent churn, and many, other arti
On sums of $lO and upwards a credit of 12 moaths
will-be-given.- Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. au
on geld day. JOHN HELLER, Sr.•
jan 26-63]
W T 111 0 IC E,
Wiolesnle and. Retail Dealer and Macufacturer of.
— llOl3 - S - E - YIJ - R - NTT - U - it •E
talreethis method of informing 'lli customers antis
the public that he has
from ten to,itventy..per cent[ Owing to the advan
t ages, he has aver other Manufactuiers he can and- ,
• illt7Ett - Fitrnittlre it - t — saircii_p_rite - L - than_any_other•
Manufacturer in the tqate: having
filled with every variety of Furniture, from a plain,.
common article, to the finest in use, he feels war- ,
raiited in that he can please all mitts.
1310YST EA US.
COTTAGE—lmitation of Walnut $5,_6, 7, to t 11.•
Solid Walnut 8,9, to 10
JENNY LINO—'3-Arch Top Panel,.
Walnut '
•' " 3-Al6 Top Panel,
Ica itit son
Round, Corner foot, 3 Panels Walnut
- carved
" Foot, lien! Panel Wsl•
nut, Moulded 30, 35 to 40
ANTIQUE—New style 25, 30, 35,40 to GO.
Fuji M arblo
Imitation Wal., 4 Drawers, will glass
wood top $l4, 15 to 15
Imitation Wal. 4 drawers,with glass,
Marble top
Solid Wal.4 Drawers, with glass
wood top . 20, 22, 25 to 32
14 orbit) . top 25, 30, 32 to 60
10, 12.tu 14
Dining * Table, six legs,
Breakfast do , four lege,
Marble tarp do. 20 eifferent paterns, 9, 10, 12 to 15
Extension Tables, per foot, 2 to 3
Windsor or Wood Seats (i Gov..) from $5, 4.7, to 10
Cane Seats, per half d0z.,k,10, 11, 11.50, 12 50030
(Have over 600 ofthe above on Eanti.)
Wood Sent‘Rooking Chairs, from 1.22 to 5
Cane seat Rocking Chairs. from 2 to 7
Willow seat Rocking Chairs, from Z to 10
- Spiii•Tg — SeiTtid Chairs, upholstered' in
Hair Cloth..Brocatol, Rep & Ter
ry, ranging . in price, perbalt doz. from 25 to 75
Ricking Chairs, upholstered as above, • 9to 15;
Tels.n. rates, upholstered se above.
(oath) from 20, 22, 50, 25, 30 to 75
Box or Plain sofas, from 18, 20 to 30
Lounges, upholstered in Hair Cloth,.
Brocatol, Her, Terry and Damask,
Spring Seats, (each)
from 7,-8, 9, 10,11, 12; to 30.
Imitation Walnut, for *lO, 12, 14, 16 to 30 ,
Solid , Walnut, 15, 18, 20, 25 to FO
Also, Boards, Wash Stones, Mattresses, and
in fact everything in the Furniture line: The lim
its of an advertisement is entirely to narrow to give
full list of prices, and kinds of furniture manu-•
factored at this establishment.
"Remember the place.
Greencastle, Pa..
dec 1-'671
MBE subscriber will offer nt PuHi7 llolr e, oat
:A. SaII:MAY, JANUAR? 2S, 1811, a lavoNbury,
and half Lot Ground, on Church Street, Waynes
boro'. There are• also on the lot a Wash House,
smoke House, Hakeoven and Frame Stable with
13uegy Shed and Bog Pen attached. Sole to com
mence at I o'clock on said day, when the terms
(which will be easy) wilt he made known.
jan s—te.
VaI.HE subscriber will sell at public sale. on SAT
-441 URDAY, 4TH FEBRUARY. in front of the
Bowden House. in Waynesboro', the following per
sonal property, to wit : 1 fine
I goad Spring Wagon, I standing-Wp Buggy, and I
set New Harness Sale to commence at 3 o'clock,
P. M., when a credit of Six morahriwill he given.
*an 19.15 GE O. MIDDOUR.
TNR. S. M. PEDDICORD, late of Son Francisco,
has located in 'Waynesboro', and will at
tend to all the branches of the profession. in a thor
oughly practical manner. Teeth extracted without
pain. by Nitrous Oxide Gee, or a highly, improved
freezing process.
Office two doors wept of the Village Reefed Of
elm nugt t-tf
Trim co- partnership heretofore existing between,
Geiser AL Rinehart in the Hardware business,.
WWI dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist inst.—
The books and accounts of the firm sr) in the hands:
of the subscriber, whatvill continue the business as
heretofore: upon ahem ad persons indebted are re
quested to call and make early settlement.
r E cir Rent.
A pleasant room in the rear of my offices, with
l-~ lour large Li iiragkg7
a shoemaker she? and now . occupied by Mr..l.lPor.t.
jan 12tt - 111 E
G. V. Mos% amt.
14, 16 to 18
Itt, 12 to 14
25 to 30
130 to 175
35, 38,40, 45 to 60
60, 75 to 85
17, 18 to 30
$7,50 to $9
5 to 6