iiIN I CD IICIL IVIEDICINES,_ lED R. Ti WIN ;~p~~~`.~~~ dze. Ac., ao to Fourthman S ....si)a - aurm .J'Fztam..vp_i... Waynesboro . , May 24, 1867 ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS ! Yip WALT E It tSz 1111,0. NlANtrie its .AND UL kl.llltw lii Monuments, Tombs, headstones, 4-e„ 4-e., t r altviition to our nKrortment of fie a C. ?Inusing, ttle nrWaet Mad Most up le, ii ‘v;l,2 the 4,lVatt s , .1-4. ales-power, alai r it; Jt• Ili E 1 GNU BA !i\ESS, .re qi,A to 111 Order. ai th luxtest uuticu 111111 t 1 yU?I it• Ate Gill' U., a Cali at "Ut Y +rd. uvar uttetnin J une- .on, "1: Itr Way i.e• I, :1110 1 "furas - , wo ,1 t 1 , ,1111e, Out:. i".)t Unice tre l'u. 11, 11l !or.; John ant iil re,tiv.• itio;nia altciawiv. itl) Aml 3 tt FAIRVIEW MILL EA 11ILY FL 0 I IL . :ETC. 1111 E undersigned having T. fru ,, r) ...Ud odder] en o w I, teat t i ll s , eV has Mb!, (tefuter ty 11 .2•,) 4,,neur t ve, to we public ntLit be is bow e.uriug a t.uueri. , r tutu, u, F 4 le IL I L 0 11 . which Vk tiVilVtlyti to p at m frki-1 Friers gl. aeo ()1 bami a -Awry of MILL .TUFF of all km I i whol,-ale or retail at the Irib, ~rot.ltrer tt tt-etrill, ot the lowegt mint t tlatiint; retilituit M.. , w t the tsLodt tin ; roved nniehta g y t ie I',. e 111..• ..• k Bout. dto gtv.- ue...le.,usiaettott. . ur •ut eru be hid at Red's tiroce ry, .vner• ..r lrrK In 9. LI, I, it . llv t g , Ik". Flee E, :hi 1.4 AYH E 42' It 11^' COOPEA: J TUFF w ,,,,.•.t. j I; s% 15L4 111 11-_ Imo ‘‘ea4.l inform the publie gem .t..:r.::iy t‘e Icis purchased the livery here. ore I uj i reu4nn Wotgley, and is Wily a prepared to meet the ,wants of ihe.curm in his line of hornless. lie title ha.l nil his cam ig. s neatly m -1 pairb.,..d and relined and liis horses are fe. gentle and fast travelers. Par ties conve3ed to any point desired, ac , onwanie, Dy a cAreltil driver. office (o• e door wept of Bowden's Hotel, where en attentive hostler will be in attendance alai! hotur A the night and day. No tlflt will be spared to accommodate all wht may irttronita him. dee, 17 tf JOHN row', :Root and Shoemaker, the •sis ut synesbura' and the jeubsio gee. tally gnat he i , now prepared 10 put ; , 1 , 10 Orsltr Fd IR.ST . ITC MED ANAL SCOTCIf 807T'0.11 IVO it.K. oi un knits. Peisulis wanting hark done in his line are nal:Jested to hand ioltheir ankh, early so that he may be enabled tcs accum. etc 'ill customers promptly. 1.111 will use his cuileav,):s to give sitiNfiction E bAii ns regvads , iding, as well as the qu flits at work made by i,in k . - 3e mine but the YE NY BEST WORKMEN *ld tee BEST MATERIAL. wilt be used by bun. ice meet re:op:artfully solicits a share of public ,matinage , fa his place of business, 141 Dr. AN. z"iurely's house, up stairs , july 21-187 U. Notice, to the Public! amintaigne.l is running te Litre 'of Stages e v eove I, to I.ll.tyisiburg, leit•Oltlg farmer rirCe u>> Aperlay, Wednesday a nt Friday at 7 o'- . incu, pJA.iing l>v Leiteraburg, Wayneelsorte, Yiatiterei and OWN-moot springs, Fountain Dale Fairfizta, arriving at Gettyabgrg.ei half past •J'cincit and returning from Prktysbirm on 'NW ....q.„Twars.lav and eatartiey,',arriying at lfagers. ~.,an W ink Caatteatati with Br) o'clock train for Baltimore , . MO' `VAISSE N. at"" I .6W^ 3. 211 9C7X1L1Eil UGS WM. ILFUNK. n. s. DDIJEDIAHE DIALER IN VILITOS, Chemicals, PATENT MEDICINES. PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, OILS, P,AJINTS, vAIRNISIIIESES &c. dm. .........0...m..... 07Thysicians dealt with at 20 per cent. discount. Waynesboro' Hotel Building, March 27, ISGEO See Here Read This ; NOTICE 1 arlIE subaeriber has :rust returned from the East ■ with a large stock of 000115, such as BOOTS. SI.IOES, OAITEItS, ;BATMO RA I.Sz and all kinds Boots and Shoes fin , Men and Boys, Women, Misses and Children. which he is selling a prices that will please. 11 ATS OF EVERY STYLE for Men and Boys, Cape of all the leading styles to suit and fit any head. ‘MI e G might our stock cheap and- ar3 determined to sell aceurthngl , .. NOtiOlPi ! Notions ! Notions I READ THE LIS7 Shirts and Drawers G aunt/eta, t-zwiptalvra Driving Paves Papt•r Coitirrs rural] Gloves Burk lflovra 119:liery p skin Moves Wlllll knit h i ll. 0 , 0 111„,, r 0 M orro 1:011on Hat Hose • W'oni-knit Gloves Germantown Gall IIIISP HUM. (10. s 111:10s Nirk Twa Fancy Tif•R roa‘t Cad G • to Pa culTn Linen I I andkarchiefs ket Bos•its Pompon les 13rnshes • Pock, t Knives I 'lot li Pen Knives :11%i! a Kuieer 1100 1 3 / 1 111406 Vlll.lll Stlaps Itru.livs l'eqlnurry shop Bruslit s A Itainns ' I lambs Pins and Needles 12,z on Lead Pencils Gum Caps Slates Violin strings Ink 'Ante emu , / Pen ffm,teta l Envelopes }Hacking flair Otte o Mem irantlas 'Fobs I:arpet tacks Croeh Needles Fancy 101/P. &c dr.'. &c• and so toutth. COLD AND SILVER W A ITIIES, mt rienn, Swi-sionfol English; Seth Tl.ent IR and o ther t.locks. fewel yof rirmy 'ilescripitoir for La- P, Brills. ilihers am! I 'hi!drea at bleotl‘ r. duet .1 rule. 8. Finger Itings, n large stock. pl .in Gold, Fancy. sem !Marred and Fancy Finger Rings; nr er and other Plated Hinge in great. variety, watch (3trartls, Itlb nter. Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve Button, Goli Pr us and Pencils; watch, chain hooks keys. &t, Trunks, Canes, TinArellas, Balkets, Mats, Valises, Ctopet. Bars, B. H. Bags; Tobacco, Cigars and Stritt.• Candies, Fruits, Rai ens. Nuts and ConfsvtionariN 0101 kinds Come one, come all, and—buy. Thankful for past favors he hopes by a desire to please to writ a liberal share of public patronage EZEKINI. ELDEN, Oct 8 1Q69. CHEAP "COONEY." BOOT AND SHOE STORE! "1 IHE suhscriber haajust returned from the city 1 and is now opening for examination a large and well - selected stock of Boots and Shoes. Having had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and +-hoe trade, no doubt if you favor bulb with a call you will buy as he will sell cheap and warrant the work. All rips mended free of , charge. •Give "Cooney" a call. s C. ETTLI ES. sept 25.-tf soot and She ng. ?rHE eul.seriber would inform the public that he 1 is at all times proofed. to make to order Gents Coarse or fine Boots, also coarse or fino work for Ladies or Hisses. incladiarf the latest style of last ing Gaiters. Repairing done at short notice, and un'asuree taken in private- families if ,desired. Shop on Nast Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by J. Bleen, as a flour and feed store. THOS..:. Hi)LLENGSWORTH. joly —tf NOTICE. -4 Notice is lively given that application will be made to the neat LegiWatore of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of the Waynesboro' Savings Bank r to be located at Wayneaboro' r in riank,in county, with gehcrst bankiiigt and discounting privileges, wish a capital of taienty thousand ilollors r with the privilege to increase tho 113131,3 to the Mtn of Mu har.ared thou.satl dollars. julie 30— fp.uos] , • DR. .1. 4. RDGMBS' Ring Bone, Bone Spavin, Splint and Curb Remcdy. Asure cure or money refunded. Each phekige contains full dircctioas. Price $3. All orders ad dressed to' .17" rt. july 14 64 Waynceigru% WAYNEISDNIY, PA. THE KIDNEYS The Kidneys ere two in number. Shunted et th'e Upper port of the loin, surrounded by fht, and con sisting of three parts, vi*: the Anterior,. the In. %aim, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs. Inter' or consists of tissues Of which serve ss a deposit for the Willi) end convey it to the exterior. The exterior is a conduct or also. tuiminating in a single tube, and called the Meter. The ureters are connected with the blad der The bladder is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided into pats. via: the Lipper, ;he Low. or, the Nervous. and the Mucous. .1 he upp , r ex. pile, the levier retains: Many heye a tle.ire to uri• note without the ability ; others urinate without the ability to retain. This (rept:any occurs in chit. then To cure these auctions, we must bring into oc• tiou the Inusole4, which are mimed is their edifies function... If they are negli.cted, tirovel or Dropsy oy 011MUC. The reader must also he made aware, that how ever slight may be the attack, it la sure to effect the bodily health and mental powers, as our 6e.h and Wood are supported frum these sources• GOUT, 03„F i t s R m H EUM A- Pain obscuring in the loins is indietiveof the above diseases. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky conenttone. THE GRAVEL. The gravel ensues from neglect or improper treat mi sit of the kidneys. These orgnns being weak, the water is not expelled lions. the bladder, but al lowed to remain; it becomes feverish, and sediment farms. It is from this deposit that the stone is formed, and gravel ciliates. DROPSY is n collection of water in some ports of the Lolly, and bears different names, according to toe parts af• tented, viz: when gencrally,flitiased over the body, it is called A nasarca ; when of the abdomen, As cites; when of the chotst, Hydro:borax. astAlzi Iftlmhohni highly concentrated compound Ex tract Bucht; is decidedly oNg (IF THE DEIST REMEDIES FOR DISEASM 4 OF TIIE BLADDER, hIDNEYS, URA VE - L, DROPSICAL, SWELLINGS, flit E UM ATI -114, and gouty affections. Under this head we have ar ranged Dysurta, or difficulty and pain io prising water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequentitis- . charges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; II mullein, or bloody mine, Gout sn,l Itheutnattion of without any chatigit in quantity, but increase in color, or dark water. It was ttlwayi 11 IQ II LY ItECQIII 31 ENDE D by the I 'Ai , Dr. Phyviek, in ti ese hi. in , divine INCItE \SEsTIIE POWER OF DIO ES l'IoN, and excites the absorbents into healthy exervige by which the watery or edileareou:4 d, posiiintiq, and all unnatartl ettlanrentt Hug, as well as pilll and in fh na m•won, ere reduced, and it is taken by men, wo men, an d children. Direel.,ons for use arid diet ac company. PRIGAPELIVIA, Pa., Feb. 21, 1867. 11. T. Hittite it.n, Itruitgibt : DEAR SIR —1 hnvu liven n I.ot:re/yr, fir upward of twenty years, with grim-1.110.1er, and kidney af fe•tion during which tune I have used various me di hml and heen under the treatment of the most eminent Physicians; experiencing but littl• relief. lfavin t.oen your peroration extensic I rotiouned with nil tami'y physician in re gard to uoino, your lixtrnet Hucha.. I did this because I had u-ed all Rinds of adver tised remedies, snit had found them 'worthless. and some quite ihjorious ; in fact I despaired of ever get ting well, and determined to use no remedies hero atter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you ad vertised that it was composed of buchti, coheirs, and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with hie advice af ter an examination of the artic'e, and consulting a• grin with the druggist, I concluded to try it. 1 cum menced its UEC) about eight months ago. at which limo I was confined to my room. From the first bottle I was astohished and gratilletbat the beneficial effect, and after using it three weeks, was able to walk out. r felt much , like writing you a full state mcnt of my case at that time, but thought my im provement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to def,r and see if it would efli.ct a per. feet cure. It.howing then it would be of greater value to you, and more satisfactory to me. I em now able to report that a cure is cfncted af ter using the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for thrite months and feel as well in all respects na ,I ever did. Your Huhu being devoid of any unpleasant taste awl odor, A NICE TONIC AND INVIGORATOR OF TUE SYSTEM, do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may leg sire its are iii such eir , ctions. McCORMICK. iihoull any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement ho Jet - yrs them to t h e following gentlemen : lion. Wu. BiGt.ta, ex-Governor, Pennsylvania. lion. l'uoa. ii. FORANCIC, Philo 'elphia. Ilan. J. C. Kan. Judge, Hon. J. ti BLACK Judge, Phil,,delplkia. lion. D. It. Poursa, ex-Governor. Penn's. lion. ELLI 4 I,ivie Judge, Philidelpitia. Hon. It. C. Gaien, J udge, United state* coati. Hon. G. W. Woouwatio, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A Poarga, City Solicitor, l'hila. lion-Juns Brormai ez Governor, California. Hon. E 116N61. Auditor Gen. o Washiusson, D. C. And Lamy others it necessary. lalutel by Druggists and Dealer* everywhere. De. ware of cuuntenerts. Ask for Heinebold's. l ake no other. fates— $1.25 per bottle, or & bottles air $1;.50. Delvered to any address. Describe syntir turns in all: communications. Addrcas U. T. MEI.M MILD. Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, 5114 Ds.nalway, N. Y. ONE ARE GENUINE ITN• LI done up in 6tee!-cesgraved• wrapper, taciAiiiiic of my Vnernical Watchman., and •iigo }L T. nr,t,muoLo, I. H. WHITMORE, Wholesale am'. Retail Dealer in FURNITURE . Carpets,. •" GREENCASTLE, PA. I. 11. WIIITMORE, Would call the attention of all who are in need of Furniture Mattresses, booking Glasses, Carpete, to the fact that he tins a larger stock on hand, at his rooms on the southeast coiner of Centro Square, than all similar establishments in the county cam bitted, and that he can and dace offer inducements to Housekeepers and others. in want of goods in hie line such as no other Carpet Deniers can do. lie has on hand upwards of 100 Bedsteads of hver 25 different styles, ranging in !nice from $5 to $75 each. , More than 50 RUiCalld. of 25 different styles, from *7.60 to $75 each. Upwards of 600 Cfairs. of all styles, from $1.25 to $35 each. Rocking Chairs from $1,60 to SM. Full Chamber Suite, solid Walnut, bum $6O to $3OO each. Cottage Suits, from $3O to $9O each. Tete•aTetes and Sofia, f r om $2O to4oo each. $6O per half dozen. frot S n p it ri 3 n o g t s o eat Parlor Chairs, Lounges from $7 to $35 each. Marble top Parlor Tables, solid Walnut, • from $lO to $36 each. Wood top Parlor Tables, from $2 to $l3 each. among which ore 20 diflercnt styles. Alen Extension, Breakfast, Inning and Hall Tables, in endless variety., Wardrobes, Bookcases, Writing Desks, Library ,Tables, Secretaries, What Nots, Hat Raclin Piano Stools, Umbrella Stands, camp, Office, Hall and Library Choirs. Saf e s, Nidtboards, Sinks, Doughboys, Cupboards, Waslintands, Also, a large stock of all kinds of Mattresses, such as Hair, Husk, Palm Leaf, Wool and Straw, at prices from $4 to $4O. sp r i n g Mattrasees, Spring Bed Bottoms. Swinging and Rocking Cradles. The highest cash price paid for Carpet Hags. We have a large stock of-Carpets airw a y ' , on h an d such as Bitumens, Ingrained, Stair, Ball and all kinds ot Mailings, anti all kinds Floor Oil Cloth, at low prices. • os, from plain Walnut Frames to In Arch Tops, in Guilt and Hose fildrem;—Fiugg-ies-and--11obby-llom imes and Mouldings of all descrip tions, and at lower prices than can he had else where in the county. Ile also sells Wholesale to the trade, all of whom he reqtresta to call and learn prices before purchasing elsewhere: rirP.ag Car pots made to order MOWERS ANF'REAPERS FOR SALE. January )4—tf. ALEX LEEDS, N •Tt door to the Town Hail, has naw on Land fine I..idortme nt of _r_K_S_,_ l 4 elefted . by himself %%Jill grvnt, care a large and well selected absortmcnt et uciitia(a, td Swiss; English, and American Manufacture ; JEWELRY lheaper than ever before sold in Waynesboro , eto the latest styles kt•pt comtaptly nn hat,. Every variety of (110 butter's. A fine assort ment of FINGER AND EAR RINGS. • I.s o iid G o ld. Engtievinvtit and WEDDING RINGS, Silver thimbles and &welds,' Casbirs. Forks, anti Spoons, salt Celiari, and Boner knives of the cel ebrated Roger Vanufeeture,ut reduced rates. SPECTACLES ~ ry `3' To suit everybotty'e eyes. New glosses put in otti frames. Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry promptly and neatly repaired and warranted. ' ALEX. LEEDS, Alert oar to the Town Hall, under the Photograph Gallery July 3!. NOTICE. -A. Chance for Bargains! THE subscriber is now offering the stock of READY MADE CLOTHING formerly kept by the date Gee. Bender, Erg., ' AT AND BELOW COST FOR CASH .49.1.0 El 0 A new supply et men and buys' Clothing just re• weed from A. Jarrett of Baltimore, Bd. All goods warranted and wide in the best man ner. Those wbo dh airs to purchasePlothing at the lowest fljures will do well to call at old stand S E. corner of tisi Diamond. aug 2541 A. E. WAYN ANT. Tailoring Establishment! ?HE subscriber wonld respect fullyiannotrace to 11 the chives of Waynesboro', and vicinity that hes c.mmencrd the Tailoring business, in the dwelling house DI Mrs. H. T. Drotherton, opposite the Bowden flews, and is now prep.red to mike all kinds of clothing to order. which be will guar antee to give sausfaetion. He asks a trial. aug 25-S GEORGE WERNER. Barbering : Barberidg i THII sohscriber informs the public that he eon. tinuesthe limbering business in the room ilex door to Mr. lieid's tirocery Store, and is atoll times pepared to , do hair totting,,shaving. shampooing etc. in the best style. The potionage of the pub le te respectfully solicited. Aug 23 1867. XT. 0. MOLABRES.—The subscribers have just LI received a prime lot of New Orleans Meioses for the holidays , PAHA & 1101:PLUM GEISER'S PATENT SELFREGUIATING GRAIN SEPARATOR CLIII.III, ROM AD ?OM& No Invialementutom teoportat.t t.. it e termer than a FIROT-CLABI9 GRAIN THRESHER AND CLEAN ER—for none pays him so Well and speedi ly. The above cut shows the ONLY ciorsgn A l-RINE now built under the immediate eye of (he old inventors themselves, with all the additional im• prow:meets made during the past IR yenta, and now withfirat class workmen and material this m.ichlite Justly stands hiuh.up above all of its class. As a Thresher it is equal to the best, as a Cleaner it Is tau whir to any existing machine. This is admitted by all honest comprithera. Indeed it is the only machine that really can, by one operation , thorough fathresh and clean grain fi t lor market. But the fct that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct from any other machine, settles the question of its superiority, as a cleaner over all others. Impartial judge a at ell the elate and. County Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competi tion vvit*ther leading machines, always agree that it is more simple—more easily understood and op erated by those unskilled in machinery—more dura ble,—threshing as much and orekaning better.-:- with less power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use—and besides all that is sold for less money according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the theunands of pur chasers, some of whom have had them in use for the last 18 years. To supply the wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz: From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to a ten Corse Lever power, with prices ranging from $490 to $360, without power. , We also make the-latest_im proved triple-geared name Powers suitable for each size machine ranging horn $9O to $136, and all fully and fairly warranted. For further infor mation send for Circular and Price List. ------ Responsible Agents svprited in territory not intro diced. Address THE GIA.tEII MANUFACTURING CO:, Wavniaainto', Franklin Co, jmn 21—iti ' Parma "CORNER DRUG STORP," NS_AMBERSON Constantly on hand a full line of Oils, Paints, VarniAlles, Glass, Putty, &o. &a., Spices ground or ungronndi Kerosene, --Perfumery, Toiler and Fancy Artieles, etc etc. ete. We sell - you but enrol's of the hest quality and et priced satisfactory to all consamew. Special attention given to the compounding-of prescriptions. Remember the "Corner Drug Store" and give us a call. J. BURNS AMBERSON, M. D. np. 14 WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Ie a wonderful uchievomPnt of invention, genial and For SIMPL/CITY, DtBABII ITT and DEAVTY it stanAs untiva ed. For Family sewing and raanu'acturing. Fbe a gent defies competition, Conga annum, HEMMING, FELLING, CORDING, TUCKING, BI NDI NG, BRAIDING QUILT ING RUFFLING, GAMBINO, and GATBZBING and sher rNsi oN at the BOMB time. These machines are RAPID and zionp-unsanto.— They have the Bata EMOTTLII TENIIIOII and the STRONG• UT and UST ?KIWIS° DANIOR in use. They can be furnished with plain eover, orna mental cover, or full cabinet cover, and at prices ran ging from s2t) to $ l 2Ct- A gents wanted. A. E. Wavnont, agent, tn. the counties of Franklin, part of Washington and Fred. rsderick, Md. S. E. cor. Diamond, Way nesboropPa sep22-tf MHE undersigned respectfully, anponnee to the citizens of Wagnesboro*and the' public genes all" that they have aosociated thenaselves together in the Takoring business and are now p:epared to make men and boys' clothing of all kinds to order at short notice and upon reaimurable terms. balls section in all cases guaranteed. Call at the old stand of Jacob F. Reininger. -- JACOB F. REISINGER. sepl-01 JOHN HOLUNGEMOXTIi THE subscriber announces to the public:that he is now Tanning a Wagon regularly between Waynesboro' and Greencactle,rand is preparedlto do all kinds of hauling on reasonable terms. He will be Ibenkfial for a share of public possonage. Onlers 14i at the Ding Store of 41.13.13onebrake will receive prompt attentivn. apr 28—tI D. W. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASHLV PIEESVALLE: Rerun a FRANTZ intend doing a molar cash business, commencing the Ist day of April, 870. They are determined to sell goods as cheep as they can be sold. All they ask is to give them a trial. They are very thankful for past favors and hope a continuance of the seine. W. A. PRICE. v0n%4.1.1 • 4 I 11 11 ik • ' ' E!Mil PROPRIETOR, T. C. RESSER, AtSBISTA NT. Drugs, Chemieobt, THE IMPROVED BUCKEYE mechanical Stitch Alike on Both Sides• LULA VA:UP _F, -t 1 10 •41 ACCOMMODATION WAGON. NOTICE. - 1:01.1ZER &FRANTZ. MEXICAN ROW I W. A. REID HAS received a fresh stork of goodoo and la si mo. t daily making addition to .his stook. lie Las P MAE SPICES, es = • rri Prime Rio Cabo, Browne(' Coffee, FTII Brown and Crushed rittgor, Loaf vugar, Cat Powdered White sugar, Verolino Rice, iii Ryrups, sup , rinr in quality and low In price, 'ep P. Rico and N. Orleans Idelasaoa, row Starch. Chocolate. sweat do., •11 Pickle, Oniaup, Mason's Cracker. and Cakes, 35 0. A. Snit, Finn Solt, Sugar curud Homo. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods.- I offer the above at reduced priers, notwithstand•• ing they are on the "rise" • in the East. Cove OYSTERS in 1 and 3lh eons, always on hand, sold by the cin or dozen. lie warrants them rod. What you go to Picnics, or to tho mountrin, cow whore you get good cyders and crackers, them &c. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. - 1 -mot Raisins, French Currants, Candies, Oranges, Lem ons, Dalai, Citron, Prunes, Apples, nuts of several kinds. FORMA KIND - A - ND IfTE - OREA - 147—W0 here go/MAW pure extracts of Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Strawberry; esnencapf Lemantleinnamon, &c. Get the Bug. Soda.for making Biscuit. CLASS WA RE.—Look:at our cheap gobletsididt es, castors, tumblers, Italic molasses cons, lamps, chimneys, &c. We have the best and cheapest in QUEENSWARB.—An unriviled assortment. ull - 111t, tower y . inTiii - e — Wan even Tea sets, cups and saucersomeat plates, soup do..Tca, Dinner, and Breakfast do. Wo_have the real granite. no decep tion inithe quality. Wu have thu common ware. new stock. HOUSEKEEPERS • rifkivited to look at our knives and forks, butcher knives, large spoons, common &beta and silver plated tea and table spoons, clothes baskets, buckets tuba, market bestow, school do. NOTIONS.— Toilet en v ', perfumery, combp, pocket books, pencils ink cep letter and note paper /test Kerarene OH, Chemical Oliva snap, Harlow's Blue Indigo, Wick Yarn, Besides many useful articled always ou hand. Country produce and “greenbacks" Wien in exchange for goods. 1 am nankin! for part -- pa - -- nonage and solicit a continuation of tht same—at the FAMILY (INA:BUY store. Wayresl.ori.', June 2, 1870 GEORG'UOFRICK'S STEAM ENGINE 1101, kirNENDOIIO', FRANKLIN CO., FA. MANUFACTURE - - PORTABLE - AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES._ LA MG increased laci:ities for MDT aietUting, Portable anti Stationary ritrarn Engi o c a at short runner, of siires-roirl MO to rue hundred Will filly horse-truwer, f would call flue attention of persona wanting portable (milieus for threshing. &c., as I sin now prepared in turni,h them, at short nonce. I sin also prepared to furnish shrift. hugs, pulays, ac., and all work in my line of husi• nese Pergurim io worn of anything in my line wilt please call and examine my work bei,,re buyii clAewhvro. Fur further particulars Bend for circular. fiEtr. FRICK, Waynesboro'. sap 10 rf 1 Franklin Co.,1" ) ;. _ - WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY En. Tl. HIWK gl2 having withdrawn from 1 the arm of Adams & Hawker. the subscriber informs the, public that he continues the Conehnink• ing Nisi:less in all iie branches, at the old stand. He will at all kielefi have a Ftvply of new Boggles, ditforent kinds, on hand; also second handed ye. h ties. 119i.iring dune at short i mice. lie weir the best and employs good mechanics. He returns his thanks to be 'public for their fiber%) tronago and by attentian .tio business and a sition to accommodate ho p es to merit a liberal share of the same in the future. • jan 14 tf JACOB ADAMS. T AE undersigned would most respectfully in form the citizena of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover & Wolff 'a Dry ,Goods em. porium, and.keeits constantiy on hand a good sup— P l 9 of COOK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, ctc,. at prices to suit the times. All kinds of work done in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as roofing. spouting and repairing. You rvia find it to your interest to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. The sign_ is the Big Red Coffee Pot Always on the Post. Thankful for past frvors be hopes for a continuance of the same. Yours RespectfuEy, CLAYTON M. FREY. BEEF I BEEF I Bilis Payable within 30 Bays, The subscriber inform the public that he still Aontinues the _Butchering business, and is repared lo supply persons as usual, at the Basement of the W a lker property, Main street, Waynesboro', on. Mousey, Thursday and Saturday of each week, with. a prime article of lierf, Veal and Mutton. All bills. ler meat ma-t le paid within 30 days. lie will slaughter the best stock the market will afford, and by attention to Lowness hopes to merit a continuance of the public's patronage. may 12— tf T. J. MINN INGHAM. JOHN A• ETSSONG, ATTORNEY Al' LAW, ri AVOW been admitted to Practice Late at the jj general Coucs in Franklin County, all buai. new entrusted to his care SIP/ 1 be promptly attended. 01lice address--31erccraburg, Pa. tG :an ..,p, T B. ANDERSON, No D., PUTSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESI3I/Ito', PA. Ofrize in Walker's building one dom. East of the —Bowden House, Liktne.3o— W. A. REIU.