Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, November 10, 1870, Image 4
•aF.lP,Arld:?•lllrlitraimmilt-Alu , .;cN OUP n &e. c%:e.., Fourtliman S -!c;, 271,v, 24.1 567 AKTIETAM MARBLE WORKS! tai wilL'irEpt at 3.11tt1. ANtir UTI:It EPS AND 1, lill,T;J:s 3/ilittparnt.s, IE, call totonli..)ll h) our n., , sortyn, , nt ILe c.)Fnpri-i rig the tivwctt arid tat rp , rvv,t Ft) Icy tirivtng the N'inter-ptsu er, ani n I , llg reri , tice in Ow ONES CUTTING BUS NESS, are able to, fill orders at Ili': P ho r ti:crt — r l ,4 % -e, an 3 on tno,t re wirmllde tertnq. Give n, a call at on: Vard, nenr Antietam Jane-- Non, on the Wayne‘h.:ro' and Hrigei-Itown 'Fern pike, two inites (coin the f.irmiir ph 1.7.2. C.:II . ICC kVayn:Aitiro'. N. 13. Or I,r; cnn be left %%WI .boll Wttilei and i'l receive prompt a ttent:en. 1Z 0. April 3--U. FAIR VI 1.2 VIT I\111.1.! FANZIEj I;'E4Miq, ETc. Fllll EI having ri fittod and the Irteat lIIS .11111. (loinwrly Jr n17:9 agnounces to the pelilic tint It is nov., reanuLnutring r...saperi,•r :Id I U U 11. N - 011(q1 V•1:1 1/.' tICIII% 1 , 41 14) H rsons prices. ile his a'so or. hal: ..apply of ill / L L.STUPF el ..1' l.e wholesale or retail at the V.ill, or di liver it i.t th'e lov,est dlit‘nig It tiUetl Litt Alili Vt/A - 1 the inost miroyell / he 1.1-e that he is enabled to gwe renal ifis Fleur lit stcks ca ii at.lZyL,i's Groce ry, where criers may h.: I. The higiltst nterliot price pal I- for 7' del.vered at the Mel. CO 0 v: 1(41. tear 21—If] D.‘ VID P.'. T ri; UlltkrNiglloll Il ifirn the pul,he gee araily In:It he !las 1 orektaed the Livery here ore 0 .,ne.. I by Ve3tilitio “ t‘ d is lufly jin.pared to in it the at the corae teuoity in I hue t I,ti euis:. lb leis ha.l nil hi. cat riag-s neatly pairod anti r , nut! Lis horses are Allra* gentle awl travel, ntt. P/11.• tics c ow, to any poin. desire,!, att• ompanied try a eare;tti ,;tiver. (Mee uric door ne:: 1/1 .13,0.rden's liotel, rel.ere an attentive hostler v 111 be attundunce at all hour: 31 the night and day. No tfl:trt will he stared to aecoramJdate ill wilt rimy pitonliZZi •lee 17 tf WM. it. FUNK. 0 1-3 Zt:47 0 Et D Boot and .._.lloeinaker, [Foinis theci:i z ' ns .ol Waynesboro' and _the pulp:ic generally that he i, now prepared to put no to order FA] R-STITC 1:1I NI.: SCO 11- B OTT 0 .11 WORK of cell kinds. Persons wanting' work done in his line aro requested to hand 41 their orders early so that he rosy he enabled to sccom mod kte all customers promptly. lie will use his beet endeavors to give satisfaction, both as regards I lie 5 , 1311 g. Itt na tte qtrilit7 0 1 %volt:. made 'dm. to, nom- but the VERYBL.WT 'WORKMEN' and the BEST MATER IA L will be used by him. lie most reslptctfully solicits a share of public patronage, at his place of irlitliDEP99, in Dr. L kinisely's dwelling house, up stairs july 21-1870. Notice to the 'Puiblic r HE unkreignod L running a Line of Stages yt from. frage ratorn to Gottyshurg, leaving former poice on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 A M.. pawing by I.eiteraburg,-Waylieeboro% , nil.; Clermont tiprings, Fauntaiti Dale ,aao FairF.:id, nrrivitia nt Gettyabarg at half part uarn'clock and returoing from 44ttymburg 'rues "l-hari.dae and r.,.'ittartlily, arriving at Ilagerg. 10 mike eatniectom with ttae 5 u'eloek trim io - 1 2 141111111POTC• Ali Nft Vi A w 61; . 'taa.k) LA. 4.6 EINEDMIEE DEALER IN DRUGS, emicals, T MEDICINES. TiONS FOR THE HAIR, OILS, P,A,INTS, VARNISHESES .tc. dre. 0..-..-..- G-TPhysicians dealt with at 20 per cent. discount. Wayne%b_oroc.'_Elotel l'tai March 27, 19.6 a e—Rer-4)--Bread_lV_l NOTICE ! subseriber has just returned frol the East 8 with a lorge stock of Coods, Mei! as 1300 TS. 6130E5, GAITERS, BALBIO• RAILS and all kinds Boots and Sl,oes for Men and Boys, Women, Misses and Children. which he is selling it prices that will please. FIATS OF EVERY STYLE for Men and Boys, Caps of all the leadingsty_les to , uit and fit any head. We bmght our stock cheap and ar." determined to sell accordingly. Notions! Notions! Notions ! REAP TUE LIS7 Shirts and Drawors luntlets, : 4 11:Tenders Driling Cleves Paper Co!!ars_ Fur top Glo; es Duch. tiloves 11oFiery Sheep :Skin Gloves 'Woof hnitlf - Hose Lisle Thread (ifoves Colton lire( Hose Wool-knit Gloves thrmantown Ilalf lose Dotty - flies 46 Black Hilk Tics Fancy Ties Enil Ties Laduss & c u Linen I 1 andherc filets I'o,l:et 1..t004s Poitmonies lb rusk's Rocket knives Cloth BriiSileq PCII K pives i" . lllVkg Itruslics frail. Naive: , thur BruAes Fancy soaps Tooth IS(tiQln;a Perfumery ('hoc thrush, s Ali.unts (7oralts Pr/1S anti Needles Lead Pencils Cum Cars Rlates Violin strings I n lc n 1 To: ,7 .ers Etivdt‘res "Blacking flair Oifs Mon.)rancla9 Top; I;arpei tacks Croch , t iiccclks Fancy toys, &c &e. &c, and so fourth. G 01.1) AND SILVER, WATCHES, Amur-lean, Stvi,s rind English; Seth 'lleinas and o• flier Cloi•ks. Jew( y of eve.) , description for La e, Urnts, Misses'antl Children at treatly roductd prices. linger Rings, a large stock, Odin Gold, Fancy Sea, Chased and Fancy PIIIIP.Cr Rings; Si:v er and other Plated Rings in great variety, watch chains. Guards, RIP ors, Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve Button:, Gold Pens arid Penc;ls; watch chain hooks keys, &c, Trunks, Cancs, 'Umbrellas, Baskets, Mats, Valises, Carpet Bags, R. B. Bags; l'obacca, Cigars and Candies, fruits, Rai ens. !Vats and Cori f,c tio ari •!: of all kirolo Conic one, come all, and—buy. Thant:n:l for past luvors be hopes by a desire to iiierit a liberal alinrc of puhlio patronage L:ZEK.IEL ELDEN, Oct B. CETEAP"OOOI4'ET." BOOT AND SHOE STORE! MITE auhscriber has just returned from the' city and 15 now - Orefling for examinstiou a large and will selected stock of Boots _and :Auer. Baying had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and :E w e trade, no doubt if you favor him with a call you will buy as he will salt cheap and warrant the work, All rips ruchied free of charge. Give ..Coo n ey" a chit. C. ME 11l ES. pept. oat and Shoemaking. fiIHE subscriber would inform the public that he 1 . is at all times pre l im ed to make to order Gents Uoarse or fine Boots, also coarse or tine work for Ladies or Misses. including the latest style of last ing Gaiters. Repairing done at short notice, and •P , asures taken in private lambics if desired. Shop on Last Main Street, in the room tornaerlY occupied by J. as a I)A.ur and ft:e , l store. TII Ou. //. S W OR TH. july 24,—tf MOTIVE. Notice is hemby givon tint application will be 'made to the next Legi,ilature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of the Waynesboro' Savings hank,, J be located at WlTynosharo'„to Franklin county, with general hatilsiog and discounting privilogev, with a capital of twenty thousand dollars * with the privilege to increase the saws to the bunt tf two hundred thousand dollars. june SO—Soiosj DB. J. A. HUGHES' Ring Bone, Bone Spavin, Splint and Curb Remedy. . Agure cure or -money refunded. Each pack Igo contains full dirccUodo. Price $3. All order.; ad dree3e,ll.l pH 1. A. 1111G1.1,,E5, july 1.16a11 Vb't,2 .. ., o! W - A YN r,r313 ORO THE KIDNEYS. The Kidneys are two in number, situated at the upper part of the loin, surrounded by fat, and con sisting of three parts, viz: the Anterier, the In terior, and the Exterior. The anterior abserUs. Interior consists of tissues or veins, which serve gp a deposit for the urine and convey it to the exterior. The exterior is a conduct or film terminating in a single tube, and called the Ureter: The ureters are connected with the blad der. The bladder is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided into parts. viz: the Upper, the Low er, the NerVous, and the Mucous. '1 he upper ex pels, the lower retains. Many hove a desire to uri, mate without the ability others urinate without the ability to retain. This frequently occurs in chit dren To cure these affections, we must bring into ac tion the Muscles, which are engaged in their ye ions functions. If they are neglected, Uravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be made aware, that how ever slight may be the attack, it is sure to effect the bodily health and mental powers, as our nosh and blood are supported from these sources. T IS M. Pain obscuring in the loins is indictive of the above diseases. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. THE GRAVEL. The grovel ensues from neglect or improper treat mi nt of the kidneys. These organs being %yeah, the water is not expelled from the bladder, but al lowed to remain ; it becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the stone_is formed, and gravel ensues. DROPSY is - r; collection of water in some parts of the body, and bears,,filferent names, according to the parts af fected, viz : when generally diffused over the body, it! is called Anasarca ; when of the abdomen, As cites; when of the chest, Ilydrothorax. stuaxtuaoL I f elmhold's highly concentrated compound Tx tract Bache is decidedly ONE THE BEST ItEAIEDIEIS FOR DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, RIDNEYt?• ORA BYE, DROPSICAL ~ SWELLINGS, RHEUMATISM, • and.gouty affeetions.. Under this head we have ar ranged Dysuria, or difficulty and pain in passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent dis charges of .water ; Strangury, or stopping of water; He mato ria, or bloody urine, C aut-stiA-Rhtam tism of the kidneys, without, any cliaoge in quantity, hut increase in color, or dark water. It was always 1110 HU RECOMMENDED- by the. late Dr. Physick, in tLcee nlG•etione bip.nwdvzine. INCREAF.T.:iTHE POWER OF DIGESTION, and excite' the ab,orlwnts into healthy exerci , T by hich the watery or calcareous depositions, and nil unnatur it enlargements, as well as pain and intlanz• !nation, are reduced, and it is taken by men, wo men, and children. Direct.ons for use and diet ac company. • . _ PHILADELPHIA, PA., Feb. 25, 18(17. 11. T. llntinaim Druggist : Dena sirs Lave been aE u frerer, fir upward of twenty years, with gravel,lll,lder, and kidney af fection, during which time I have used various me dicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent Physicians; experiencing but hills relief. liavin; FOCA your preparation extensively adver tiscd, I consulted with my famiry physician in re gard to using tour Extract Bue - I did this because I had used all kinds of adver. tiscd remedies, ant' had found them worthless. and some quite in . itirious in fact I despaired of ever get ting well, and determined to use no remedies here. utter unless I knew of 111.9 incredients. It was this that rromptcd me to use your remedy. As you ad vertised that it was composed of buchu, cubcbs, and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with his advice to an examination of the artic'e, and consulting a gain with the druggist, I concluded to tcy it. I eon,. wilco() ifs Us 3 about right months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. F rom th e {i r k battle I was astonished and gratified at the beneficial efilict, and after using it three weeks. was able to walk out. I felt much like writing you a full stato ment or my ease at that time, but thought my im prorcment might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a per. fect cure, k..owing then it would he of greater value to 30u, and more satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that a cure is efr.cted af ter using the remedy for five moothe. 1 have not used any noit.' for three mouths and feel as well in all respects es I ever did. Your Buck ta being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, A NICE TONIC AND INVIGORATOR OF THE SYS/ EM, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may seq tire its WC if) sych str•ctions: • M. McCORMICK. Should any doubt Mr. McCormick's statemant ho ref•rs them •to the tollowing gentlemen': lion. War. 111,1fitL;KR, ex-Governor, Pennsylvania. lion. Taos. B. FL)u.gtme, Phila 'elphis. lion., J. C. liztox. Judge, Phi/odelishia, Hun. J,S 111,Acts Judge., Phil.sdelphia. Hon. 1). R. - Pwersa, ex• Governor. l'enn'a. • lien. Emas lairta Judge, Philadelphia. lion. 11 C. Gam, J udge, United states court. lion. G. W. WOODWAND, Judge, Philadelphia. lion. W. A POLITER, City Solicitor, lion. Joux llsa , ,ce, cx Governor, California. • lion. E Demi 4. Aud ;tor Gen., Washington, D. C. Awl many misers if necessary. Sod! by Drazgists and Herders everywhere. De ware oP counterteita. Ask fur Heltnbo 'lake no other. ralex— .$1 25. pie bottle. or 6 bottles for $";.50. Delivtred to any uddress. Describe symp toms in.ult Addzess H.l'. HEIJAIDOLD, Drug and Cht?noi cal Warehouse, 561 11r•iadway, N. 17. MONE ARE GENUINE UN• itsti douu up in stuct•engrsved wrapper, with lay, wile of my Vuunsical Warehouse, and -sign d U M A Iif4I.IIILIOLD. 11. H. WHITMORE - Wholesale.and Retail ,Realer in FLU RNI T IEPR E —AisTD— Carpets, GREENCASTLE, PA. I. a WHITMORE, Would call the attention of all who are in need of Furniture Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, Carpets, to the fact that ho has a larger stock on hand, at his rooms on the southeast corner of Centre Square, than all similar establishments in the county com bined, and that he can and does offer inducements to Housekeepers and others, in want of goods in his line, such as no other Carpet Dealers can do. lie has on hand upwards of 100 Bedsteads of over 25 different styles, ranging in price from $5 to $75 each. More than 50 Bureaus, of 25 different styles, from *7,50 to $75 each. U.wards of 600 Chairs, of all styles, corn , r - 6 - s3s't:ach. Rocking Chairs from $1,50 to $3O, Full Chamber Suits, solid Walnut, from $6O to $2OO each. Cottage Suits, from $3O to $99 each. Tete-a•Tetes and Sofas, from $2O to $6O each. Spring seat Parlor Chairs, from $3O to $6O per half dozen. Lounges from $7 to $35 each. Marble top Parlor Tables, solid Walnut, from $lO to $35 each. Wood top Parlor Tables,_ from $2 to $l3 each. among Which are 20 dillerent styles. !Also Extension, Breakfast, Pining and Hall Tables, in endless satiety. - W a rdrobes, Bookcases, Writing Desks, Library Tables, Secretaries, What Note. Hat Racks, Piano Stools, Umbrella Stands, Camp, Mice, Hall and Library Chairs. Safes, Sideboards, Sinks, ° Doughttays, Cupboards, Washstands„ • t Alen, a large stock of all kinds of Mattrasses, such as Hair, Husk, Palm Leaf, Wool and Straw, at prices from $4 to $45, Spring Mattrasses, Spring lied Bottoms. . • Swinging and Rocking Cradles. The highest cash price paid for Carpet Rags:- We have a large stock of Carvets always on hand l i such as Brussells, Ingt:i it‘vd, Stair, Ball and all kinds of Mattings, and all kinds Floor Oil Cloth, a t k w pr i c e - ,: • L oo ki ng Glasses, from plain Walnut Frames to Fancy Ovals in Arch Tops, in Guilt and Rose. wood. Also, Childrens' Buggies and Hobby 'Hors. , • 'rainet — lli , mliliags_of_all descrip • lions, at lower prices than can be had else where in in thirczutite-also-sells-Sh9ralesale-ta the trade, all of whom he requests to call and learn prices beforelpurchasing elbewhere.ll7 - Itag Car. pets made to order. Ni-ILIME S A:NiI:REAPERS F 0 .1-. S A .1., . January 14—tf. AL X. LEEDS, N •tt door to the Town HaII, has new o 3 hard fine tasortme at of MOCKS 9 esaletliby !thewlf with grrat care a large and well selected assortment at - ualvd4kl4,a 2 , of Swiss, English, and American Manufacture ; JEWELRY cheaper than ever before sold in Waynesboro , all the latest styles kept constantly on band. Every variety of Cuff buttons. A fine assort ment of --FINGER. AND EAR RINGS, Solid Gold. Engagement and WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thimbles and slicclds,' Castors. Forks, and Spoons, Salt Ceilara, and Butter Knives of the cel ebrated Roger Manufacture, at reduced rates SF TACLE L S e1...9 To suit everybody's eyes. New glasses put in old frames. Clacks. Watches, and Jewelry promptly and no.stly repaired and warranted. ALEX. LEEDS, Sem oar to the Town Ball, griller the Photograph G tarry July pl. N_0.720 E . - A Chance for Bargains I THE subscriber is »owl offering thej stock of BRADY MADI4 eLTIII:NG formerly kept by tho late Gee. Bender, i15q.,,,00:4 AT AND BELOW COST FOR CASII .11.145)C, A urn? supply of men and boys' Clothing just re• ceived from A. Jarrett of Baltimore, Md. All goods warranted and made in the best man ner. Those who d. sire to purchase Clothing at the lowest figures wilt do well to call at the ell stand S E. corner of the Diamond. aug 25-tf A. E,',WAYN ANT. Tailoring Establishnidnt! UE subscriber,would .respectfullY;nnnounce to 14 the citizens of Wayneslioro', and vicinity that he has catitmenced the Tailoring business in the dwelling house of Mrs. S. 'l'. l3rotheiton, opposite the Bowden Ekes°, and is now prep .rodi to make all kinds of clothing to order, which ho will guar. entre to give satisfaction. lie asks a trial. f s GEOltGE,llQhlitigEß. narhering:Ditarbering: IHI subscriber informs the public that ho con tinucs the Barbering business in. the room ne. doer to Mr. Reiirs Grocery Store, and is at all times peparn& to do hair cutting, shaving, shampooning etc. is the best slyly. The patrol/3ga of the pub ie is respectfully solicited, W. A. PRICE. Aug.:23.1367i The highest cash price will be paid for Cast Iron S.:r.ips delivacd at the works of the f tf ti#ll3rill M. CO. GEISER'S PATENT SELFREGUIATING GRAIN SEPARATOR CLEIHII,3IOOIII AID POWERS No Implement more important to the farmer than a FIRST-CLASS GRAIN THRESHER AND CLEANER—for none pays him so well and speedi ly. The above cut shows the ONL Y GEISER A CHINE now built under the immediate eye of the old inventors themselves, with all the additional im provements made during the past 18 years, and now with first dam; workmen and material this m /chine justly stands high up above all of its class. As a Thresher it is equal to the best, as a Cleaner ills su perior to any existing machine. This is admitted by all honest competitors. Indeed it is the - only machine that really can, by one operation 'thorough ly thresh and clean'g sin fi t for market. But the fact that grain direc from this machine commands from 2to 3 cents a shel more than grain direct fr,ern any other m Nine, settles the question of its superiority, as a ell aner over all others. Impartial judge s_at_all _the State and_County_Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competi tion withlother leading machines, always agree that it is more simple—more easily understood and op erated by those unskilled in machinery—more dura ble,—threshing as much and yet cleaning better— with loos power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use-and besides all that is sold for less money according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the thousands of pur chasers, some of whom have had them in use for -the_iast_4B_yearsto_sapply the wants_d_tdl,_we_ now make 4 sizes, viz: From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Muse Lever Power, to a ten Horse - Lever power, with prices ranging from $l2O to $360, without power. We also make the latest ini pmved triple-geared Horse Powers suitable for each size machine ranging from $9.0 to $135, and all fully and fairly warranted. For further infer oration send for Circular and Price List. Responelle Agents wanted in territory not intro duced. Address THE GEI G ER MANUFACTURING CO., WAysesarmo', Franklin Co, Penna jan 21—tf] T H IL' "COMER DRUG 6T011F," DR, .1. BURNS All/BERSON PROPMET_OR, T. C. REKSEM, AS 4 IS4'AINIT. Conetthlly on hand a full line of Drugs. Chemicals, Patent Medieinep, Oils . , Paints, Vartiimbes, — Glass, Putty, &o. Kerbsene, Vcifutnery, Toilet noel Fancy Articles, etc etc. etc We sell you hut gocals of the h . - est—quality and at prices satisfactory to all consumers. Special attention given to the compounding of prescripuona. • Remember the <Warner Drug Store" and)tive us a call. J7lll.ll{NrS MBEINON, op. 14 TILE IMPROVED BUCKEYE' WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Fe a wonderful achievement of invention, genius awl mechanical ,kill. For SIMPLICITY, DURABILITY and vEAUTY it stands unriva'ed. Stitch Alike on Both Sides• For Family amine and mmu'acturing. ne a gent defies competition, for FINE 8 II !THING, HEMMING, FELLING, CORDIAL, TUCkING, BibDi NG, LINAII)ING QUILT ING RUFFLING, GATHERING, and uarntam and 13LW ING ON at the same time. l'lmec machines are RAPID and LIGHT-RUNNING: Thry have the EatoT SRC Tn.% TENSION and the STRONG. EST and BEST FEEDING D AXON; in use. They can be furnished with plain cover, orna mental cover, or full cabinet cover, and at prizes ran sing from $2O to SI2J. Agents wanted. A. E. Wavnanl. agent, for the counties of Franklin. part of Wasbila ton and Fred rederick. Md. S. E. cor. Diamond, Way neaboro,Pa eep2q-tf 'NAT 3E' X 3EL ME THE undersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of Waynesboro' and the public genet., any that they have associated themselves together in the Tailoring business and are now prepared to make men and bays' clothing of all kinds to order at .hortoefivo and upon reasonable terms, batis• section in all cases guaranteed. Call at the old stand of Jacob F. lieininger. JACOB F. RtININGEI3. sepl-tri JOLIN ILO WAIN Lib.W H ACCOMMODATION WAGON. subscriber announces to the public:that he Lis now running a Wagon zeguierly between 4Vitynesboro' and Greencastle,tsud is tiseparedito Jaen liitids of hauling uts reasonable terms. lie will be tbsukful Jur a abase of public potronage. Orders left at the thug Store of A. S. Ilunebrake wilt receive prompt attention. apr 28 —tf D. W. le NOTICE. GR.4"442" BARGAINS FOR CASI 7 IN PIKESJULLE! noCalm & FL:Jon:lntend doing a regular cash business, commencing the Ist day of April, 1870.- 7'hey aro determined 0.64 goods as cheep as they can be sold. All they ask is to give them a tri.d. They ar - o very thankful for port favors and hope a continuance ofthe .;. ssur.,tf • 110UZER &FR itINTZ. MEXICAN RO WI HAS received a fresh stock of goods, and is al mo. t daily making addition to' , his stock. lie PURE SPICES, Prime Rio Coffee, Browned Coffee, Drown and Crushed Sugar, Loaf tmugar, Powdered White Sugar, Carolina Rice, Fri Syrups, superior in quality and low in price, pp P. Rico and N. Orleans Molasses, Corn Starch, Chocolate. sweet do., *Ty Pickle?, Catsup, Meson's Crackers and Cakes, E. 731 U. A. Satt,Fine Salt, Sugar cured llama. I offer the above at reduced prices, notwithstand• ing they aie on the "rise".in the East. Cove OYSTERS in 1 and 21b. cans, always on band, aold by the cin or dozen. Ho warrants them good. What you go to Pic•nica, or to the mountain, come where you get good Ryden and crackers, cheise Arc. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. Layor Raisins, French Currants, Candies, Oranges, Lem ons, Dates, Citron, Prunes, Apples, nuts of several kinds. FOR BAKINGjAND ICE(OREAItf.—VVe hare good and pure extracts of Lemon, Orange, Vanilla. Strawberry; essences of Lemon,Winnarnon, &c. Got the,rmg. Soda for making Biscuit. GLASSWARE.—LooIt at our cheap goLlets,dish es, castors, tumblers, flasks, molasses cans, lamps chimneys, &c, We have the best and cheapest tia. town. NUEENSWARB.—Arrunrivaled assortment•. full g s tor k. lowr r than. ever.a Tea setbjeutle and saucere,tmeitt plates. soup do., Tea, Dinner,pind Breakfast do. V•'e have the real granite, no decep-. Lion in the quallty. We have the ... common,ware. nerv4stoelt. HOUSEKEEPERS A,einyited to look at our knives and forks, butcher,- knives, large_ sp,.ons, common albata and silver pin led tea and table apoons, clothes baskets, buckets tubs, market baskets, school do.. NOTIONF,— Toilet ?naps, perfumery.. combs, pock( t books, poacils irk can leper and nate paper,. Superior Whale Oil, Best fiero:..ene Oil, Jhuisiicat - hire-Sa , Ilinc indigo, - - Wick tarn, Bcsides many useful articles always on hand Country proace and "greenbacks" taken in. exchange for goods. I am thankful for past pn-- homage and solicit a continuation of tht sumo ati the FAIIITT;Y GROCERY store. fgaynestoro', June 2, 1870 GritioßGE FRICK'S STEAM ENGINB it 011kS, WAYIE6IIORO', FRANKLIN CO., PA. , NANU TURE PORTABLE AND STTIDN RY ST A EM EIVGINES.. ~ .und; TT A VINCI increa..ed tacilities for matufacturing, Portiile and Statpmary .....learn Engines at short notice, of sizes horn two to one hundred and filly horse-power, I would call the attention of persons wanting portable, engines for threshing grain, 4... c., as I am now prepared to furnish. them. at short notice. lam also prepared to furnish shaft. ings, pu'leys, & c., and ail work in my line of taisi ness. Persons is want of and thing in ray line wilt please call and era:rain° my work before luyi. elsewhere. For further particulars send for circular. CEO. FRICK, Vtra!, nusbrire, scplo if] Franhlin Co., Pa. WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY. F.O. B. HAWKER baying withdrawn from, k I the firm of Adams & Hawker. the subscriber informs the public that he continues the Coachmak ing busineSs in all its branches, at the old stand. He will at all times have i .p y of new Doggies, (liniment kinds, on h ; also second handed ve• ircles. Rep tiring one at short r otice. lie uses, the best materia and employs good mechanics. He returns his that sto be public for their liberal pa tronage and by attention to business and a dispo sition to accommodate hopes to merit e.liberal share of the same in the luture. ,fan 14 tf JACOB ADAMS. Y!4! tTITE undo:Si:nod would most respectfully in-- form the citizens of Waynesboro' ant) vicinity, at he has opened a new Tin Store on East Alain, street, opposite hover & Wo:ff 'a Dry loads t nt porisum, 812tlyeeps constantly on hand a good sup—, ply of . COOT-C& COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc,. at prices to suit the. times. All kinds of work done in his line w;111, Leatness and dispatch, such as roofing, spouting and repairing. You tviil find it to your b.terest to give him a rail before purchasing elsewhere. The sign , is the Iftg. Red Coffee l'ot Always on the Post. Tbank:ul for past favors he hopes, for a cot.tinuance of the same. Bills Payable within 30 Days. The subscri' , er infants the public that ho still continues the Butchering business. and is pieptred to supply pvraons as usual, at the Basement of the Walk. r pioi.crty, Main street, Waynesboro', on Momluy,Thursday and Saturday of each !revel+, with a ptirne article of Beef, Veal nod Mutton. All hills fox tneat mu-t. to paid within 30 dais. He will slaughter the best stock the market will atrord, and by attention to Lusoness heves to went a continuance of the public's patronage. 'nay 12— tf 'l'. J. • CUNNINGHAM. JOHN A. lITSSONG, ATTORNEY Al' LAW, - HAVING been admitted to Prattle& Law at the several Courts in Franklin County, al: busi. need. entrusted to his care wi I be prong ly atteudoi to Wilco address—Mercersuurg, Yu . /au AY T B. ARIBEBSON, M. U., Ji i'IIYSICiAN AND SURGEON, 'or WAYNE:A3t/IM', I'A. Oltre in Wsklkt es building, one door East of liou,dor, Muse., Unne 30 —l4 W. A. REID Cail and examine. No trouble to Amy pods. Yours Rissprctfully, CLAYTS)N M. FREY, BEF 1 BEEF 1 W.A.. LEH).