Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, September 08, 1870, Image 2

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VilindLlr2o793ll‘ 'ES CO 3EL CP°.
Thursday September 8, MO,
Mir Indiana, like lowa, has paid the last
dollar of her pullet debt.
fla'The total number of prison - ere sur
rendered by Mc Mahon to the Prussians is
put down at 120,000. -- -
. IliarA fire broke out in Ohiongo. 111. on
Monday last, destroying $3.000 000 worth
of property. Ten or twelve persons perished
in the flames.
itom-An Italian veesel Maria Batbarino,
was recently burned at Sea, near Australia.
One hundred and twenty passengere were
Walker, superiotendent of the
census, says the populations of Philadelphia
.Poor Carlotta, widow of the man whom
Napoleon deluded, betrayed, and abandoned
to be shot in Mexico, is said to have sudden.
ly recovered her reason, and has been watch.
ing with intense interest the progress of the
mighty struggle going on for the punishment
of the ituperia4 traitor to whom she owed the
lobs of her husband and her reason. The
world will rejoice with her that she has
been restored to witness the work of retri
bution. -, _ _ _ - -
the_Emperor Napoleon and the army of Gov.
NOtaboo surrendered to the victorious
Prussians. According to cable despatches
the scene of rejoiceing at laiiiiii — olfBiit4lday
was unparallelled and the enthusiasm of the
Germane at home bas been reproduced in
cele'brationa - th — athave taken place in the
principal cities of the United_States.
The foliowing special despatch to the New
—York Herald briefly sums up the particulars
o thit - bottle and surreo ,
- 6 •, 4;6 •I ler
Bouillon, September 241, midnight, which
Faye tie die is cast eo tar as NeMahon's fine
arm. and the fortunes of the Em ieror are
All is over with
have already-tclegraphed-briefly-the-facts—ot
' the battles of Tuesday and Wednesday, each
day's fighting being terrific. The result at
th - e — close of each day was favorable to the
Prussians. Thursday, daylight, sho,wed the
French force reinfom cudoctsuriying a
stron• elevated •osition from Bazilles_ex•
tending down the railroad to Donzy and
thence to Mairy on the line of the Menzel)
Railroad. A•t-five o'clock the Prussians re
•• : I. oitakiaire-nit: •
attacks on the French front - and left__flank.
both armies firing incessantly, the French I
evidently having a weaker force of guns
than the Prussians.- -At noon a fierce attack
was made by the Prussian infantry at Polley,
with the object of breaking .the French
centre, but after tremendous fighting the
—Prussians — fell - -bark---A---pause--seemed to
take place at onoo'clock, the firing being
less incessant, but it was only the prelude of
a yet fiercer tiseaultt two °Wool: a sim
ultaneous movement was made along the
whole Prussian liue, infantry charging the
French guns. At three o'clock the French
line, tvbieh had previously stood firm, waver
ed, and immediately thereafter broke. The
battle then became a rout, McMahon is re
ported to have been seriously wounded dur
ing the last attack.
The roads now prosc_nted a terrible aspect.
The French left everything, flying in every
direction and throwing away their arms.—
The Prussian forces pressed forward resolute
ly, bent upon Matting Off their retreat to
wards Belgium: '
The Prussian troops used' the bayonet
with terrible effect. Night closed on the
Teat and pursuit, leaving the Prussians gath
ering io large numbers•around Sedan.
• The Emperor remained at Sedan through.
out the battle. At halt past two o'clock a
message was sent. to the Emperor at his
headquarters advising him to fly to Belgium,
but the Emperor was• too ill to undertake
the journey.
'ibis morning the Prussitine prepared to
attack Sedan, which was not in a condition
to resist. At I'2 o'clock a party of officers,
beaded by General Witepfle.u, left Sedan,
bearing a Rag of truce. it was received 'by
the Prussian advance guard and conducted
to the rear to the .Prussian headquarters,
where the General formally suireudered the
French army and fortress to King IVilliain
The French party alat, bore a letter 'from
Emperor Napoleon to King William stating
he desired to surrender himself, not having
any command. Formal capitulation took
place at halt-past one o'clock.
it is said the Emperor will be sent under
a stiong, escort to hlagdeburg, but bis desti
nation is secret.
Lormoiv, September 3.—Special despatch•
's from the scat of war report the most bril.
hint Prino.ian e:ueeesses. 20,090 Prussians
and 10,000 French soldiers lay killed or
wounded upon the field of battle.
Lateeticaounts represent a great state of
excitement to exist in Paris. Througho
the city the Imperial arms had been torn
down from buildings and sign-boards, and
%wherever else they wore displayed. By a
vote of 18, in the affirmative to none in the
negative, the
.Corpti Legislatif decreed the
throne to be %leant. On Monday a Provi
sional 4overnwent was organized, which is
in constant session under Gen. Troehn, and
making vigorous preparations to continue the
war. The, Crown Princes of Prussia and
Saxony began their march! on Parib on Mon
day morning last, the King and Count Bis
marck accompanying diem.
Tbe Dews of the stn render of the
Emperor of Fi'anee produced great excite
ment. among the gold gamblers of New ork.
On Saturday the price of gold tutnbled to
114, the lowest sinco the outbreak of hostili.
lieu-between France and Prussia.
ibs.The nights are, getting cool.
ma. The days have shortened perceptibly
ster-Tbe ice crop is about exhausted.
nrChoice oew Mackerel for sale at Reid's
sigabe late rains have revived the pas
ture fields.
.Batter oontioues a scarce and dear
REID has a full fine of cheap groceries.—
Go and see.
18,Pettehes bave lately been retailing on
our streets es low as 8137 i per bushel.
itit - Oar Farmers have commenced weed-
Friday evening call and get Water
melons at REID'S.
- *'The days are now sbortening at the
rate of two minutes and.seventeen seconds.
GuarEs.—The most luscious grapes in
the country are retailed at ten cents per
pound at REID's Grocery store.
the symptoms of autumn weather
are with us—the cricket, the I{aty•did, the
change in the leaf and 0301 nights.
CUT SWEET POTATOES-Will be received
at REIII / 8 Gro,ce - ry-on Friday evening, and
sold at a reasonable price.
John Orr difSd in Orratown, this
county, on Sunday night, in the 75th your of
his age.
Fort SALE.-A No. 8 Ironsides Cook
Stove, for coal . or wood, with fixtures. It is
wiihout a brake and - will be sold low. 80.
Mountain bousee; but
-I,icw — Springscontinues - proparatious for
to the public sale of Real Estate in • Quincy
by Mr. Ww. Logue, Assignee of Ww.
Branisholtsean be sound
at all times at his office where he is prepared
to - insets teeth upon Gold — Sf,
Aluminum or Rubber. Prices to suit all.
ifttirDavid Shockey, Esq , of Ringgold,
31 - d.,iTitiit - Buekeye Sewing ac tine gtves
entire satisfaction. .lle could not in better
pleased. A.lll Na • nant, neat Wa nesboro'.
tte_Just now "pigeon-hunting" is all the
- rage — with — sporting young - niet — Ctiboutliiwn.
It is alleged that in additina to pigeons sev
eral 'barn pheasants" have been "bagged" in
Th-'WITt mis-
.ey are a, leas
sing since pigeon-hunting commenced.
maa in Germantown his discovered
a novel and expeditious method of "raising
oalves Flo takes a mouse into the .Dorcas
Saeie-t-s.t,his - ohuroh and lets it loose. All
the ladies jump upon chairs and window
DECEASED--Dr. J. E. Allen, the light
ning cure Doctor, who visited this place last
Spring, died at Freehold, New Jersey, on the
26:h day of July last. Ills remains were
taken to Williamsport, Pa, for interment,
whore his family resides.
A ORANCE.-Mr. Alex. Hamilton in this
issue offers at private sale a house and lot,
twenty building and six out lots. Persons
contemplating the purchase of lots for buil
ding have here a fine opportunity offered for
a selection.
DECEASED —WO are pained to announce
as we go to press the death of Mr. Wm.
Stewart, a well known and much esteemed
citizen of Ringgold, Md., which took place
yesterday morning. His disease was dial
rlicea of but a couple of days standing
CARRIAGES AND Buoet Es.-31eesre..11am
ilton & Morrison, Coachmakers, will sell at
public sale on the 29th inst., a fine assort
wont of Buggies, Carriages, etc. As •noth
lug but first•class workmen are .employed in
their establishment purobasera can rely on
getting good articles. See adot,
vEs..As an advertising medium the Record
is excelled by few village papers. Estab
lished twenty-three years ago last March, its
circulation is more general than many per.
sons may suppose. Persons residing in this
township, Quiney'or neighboring Districts in
Washington Co., Md., having real or person
al property to sell should avail themselves of
its advantages in this respect.
ggir Abotit thirty boarders were still at' the
Clermont House on the Mountain up to Sat
urday last. We are gratified to learn that
Mr. David Miller, proprietor, was well pat
ronized during the season. During the ex
cessively warm weather of July and August
the number of boarders at the Clermont
ranged from sixty to aeventy. We under
stand be has promise of a fuller attendance
next season.
DEAD —A oon.ple of weeks since the Hag
erstown papers gave an account of "an in
telligent young man" of that place, who had
fasted „forty days and forty nights. We
learn from Twice a Week that the young
man was named John French, son of Geo.
French. Esq, of that place, and that ho es,
pirea on Friday morning_ last. His singular
course and death must of course be attributed
to mental derangement.
boarders are i , tthining out" at the
GETTYSBURG RAILROAD.--in . accordance
with the Decree of the Supreme Court, fore.
closing the Mortgage, Mr. Swope, the Trus
tee, advertises the sale of the' Gettysburg
Railroad, to take Place at the Merchants'
Exekange, Philadelphia, on Thursday, 00.
tober Is. The advertisement will be found
in's paper.
As there seem to be no probability of the
resident Bondholders forming any combina
tion to purchase the road, we take it for
granted that it will pass into new hands,
possibly the Pennsylvania Central or the
Reading Railroad Company.
In the franchisee of the Gettysburg
road Company, holding the right of way from
the Susquehanna to the Potomao, the road
has a value over and above the bed, rolling
stock, &e. The revenues of the line hem
Gettysburg to Hanover now pay all working
expenses and six per cent. on the full amount
of the Mort. a_e Bonds. e , • •
New Oxford to York or Columbia completed,
and the road extended to the Baltimore and
Ohio road, the local traffic would be largely
increased, besides opening up en immense
trade, in connection with the Cumberland
ooal region and the lines of railway pushing
Southwest through the Shenadoah Valley.
As a through line from Philadelphia or New
York to the Southwest, the route via Gettys
burg to Hagerstown, is from 30 to 40 miles
shorter than by the Cumberland Valley Rood.
By legislative enactments the bed of the
old "tape-worm,"
. in the construction of
whioh the State expended over half a million
of dollars, was transferred to the Gettysburg
Railroad Company, and will pass to the pur
chasers, with the franchises, including the
right to tap the Baltimore and Ohio road.
We have no information as to the pur•
poses of either the Pennsylvania Central or
we hope that be ex-
the road posses
'j The above artiole we copy from the last
Gettysburg Star and Sentinel. Our
zens,and those of the iiCh a nd- populous
through which the road would be likely to
pass, are deeply interested for its .extension,
and 'will await_the result_of_the_sale_referred
to with feelings of more than ordinary con•
—Quiltey--12 , Ems.—On Wednesday night of
last week the house of Mr. Samuel, Cook Was
entered by some "light fingered" person_ or
persons, who carried off a number of articles
- ".nneT kr
Among the tnisstng items are, a copper ket
tle, large tin bucket, bread pans, eto. The
same night the "hen roost" of Mr. John A.
Kepner was relieved of eight or tea fine
The large brick building of Mr. A. S.
Moon is being pusbgd rapidly towards com-
•• I •I 2 . Ilan-corn.
pleted it must prove quite -an- ornament to
the villaze
The Festival by the ladies for the benefit
of the Cornet Band proved a success. The
proceeds - of Saturday evening's sales - amount.
ed to • .
The .Democrats on Saturday nominated
the following township ticket ; Judge, 14
C. Row; Inspector, Daniel fieelner ; Asses.
sor, John R. Smith , Constable, Jacob Moon ;
Auditor, Robert McCleary ; Supervisors,
Joseph Rock, John Decker Jacob Heller;
School Directors, IVm, Hayman, John Hei
Tb e following communication we pub
lish by request of a number of responsible
citizens of Quickly township
Several weeks ago an apple was loft at the
house of Mr. Jacob Stull, in Tocastown,
Quincy township, Franklin Co., Pa., which
contained as near as on be ascertained cor•
rosive sublimate, the rankest poison. A
small hole was made in the apple and the
poison put in near the centre and carefully
closed up and a pin stuck in to keep it down.
Mrs. Eve Mentzer, who Was waiting on her
sick daughter, Mrs. Stull, not knowing any-
thing concerning the plot ma. commenced to
eat the apple and was soon taken sick, the
poison blistering her mouth. She drank
sweet milk directly which obviated more seri•
ens effects. Mrs. Stull bad been seriously
ill for some time and just commenced to im
prove. Dr.'J. [dess•betog the atteniing phy
sician the supposition is that some wicked,
notorious wretch intended the sick woman to
eat the apple, to thus cause her death, and
then make a cry that Dr. J.. Hess killed her.
TURNPIKE.- 88.000 or $9.000 will grade
and macadamize a turnpike between this
place and Quincy. The sum required is
certainly small, the advantages of such a
road considered, with the prOspee,t of its be.
ing continued in the direction of Chambers.
burg and also into lqatyland. Vie under
stand application for a charter will be made
to the next .Legislatnre and the necessary
arrangements completed for the commeoce
meat of worlc on the road next spring.
ifilir•During a recent thunder storm, a lad
named Charles Durr, aged about 12 years,
took shelter under a tree near Sharpsburg,
•Md. lie had his back against the tree when
it was struck by lightning, the fluid entered
at the back of his neck, passing down his
back and twisting itself twice around his
leg, passing out at the sole and breaking the
bones of his foot. A small dog, which he
held in his arms at the time, and one crouch.
ing at his feet, were killed. Tbo boy at
last accounts was recovering from his ioju
ries. So says Twice a Week.
The nFple crop of Delaware is said. to bo
immensely abundant, and in some parte of
the State apples may bo bought as low as
five 20 . 84 coots a basket.
N. •
thus secure yourself against loss by theft;
death or accident. A good opportunity is
now offered to insure in two of the best Stook
Insurance Companies in the Stabs; Compa
nies whose reputation is established and good.
Lew. W. Detrich of this place, is agent for
Washington and part of Quinoy townships
Do not neglect your Interests when at a small
cost you may secure yourself against heavy
losses. Horse stealing seems to be the rogues
business of the day, therefore unite with
these insurance companies, whose interest it
is to prevent theft, as in that way they are
saved the payment of such losses as are sus
tained by theft, Let Mr. Detrieh know of
your desire to insure and he will visit you at
your homes, or if you are in town call on
him at his office, and you will find him wit.
ling to receive your application for an insu
rance policy, or for legal advice. His office
§: •. : . '
Bowden House. Ho insures on the cash,
and not on the mutual plan.
RECEIPTS.--:.T130 following is a list of our
receipts for subscription during the month
of August. With nearly a thousand sub
scribers on our books—many in arrears for
years upon top of years—it is surely a dis
couraging exhibit of our finances :
Peter Baer,
Miss. A,Werking,
Andrew Whitmore,
Samuel King,
Jas. M. Stoops,
11. J. Waddle,
_Henry Maley,
• Dr. A. J. Snively,
Wrn. Naylor,
Mrs. John Dayheff,
Jacob Stouffer (ot )
R®"The naanufacturera of the Buckeye
and Wilson Shuttle having recently improved
• ed their already celebrated Sew
ion Machines th - e_ageat_is_enahled—to—plact
before the rothli - C -- a Shuttle Sewing Machine
that combines all 'the ELEOANCE, SIMPLICI•
iossible for any sewing insinbine to_ ttttahat-
,emely low price. Call and seo the
improved machines, they are oot excelled by
any, regardless of name or price. A. E.
- Waynant, — agent, S. E. corner Diamond, for
merly Bender's clothing store.
yet„Gov, Geary has issued a proclamation
notifying County Commissioners, Sheriffs,
Assessors, and other State Officers that it is
uty to see t
~ n_t_ s ball_be_ e nforced nt—the—approanirin
-State election. County Commissioners are
enjoined to instruct the several Assessors
an. egtsters o voters to ()icy an. eon orm
to the requirements of said Constitutional
Amendment and I•jtva; and the Sheriffs are
instructed to publish it in their election
proclamation. .
gm. Five thousand dollars was redel:alp a•
warded Mrs. Margaret &holly, of Schuylkill
county, for the loss of her husband, which
occurred in February last by his being pre
cipitated with his wagon and horses over an
embankment on a public read in Mahoney
township. The arbitrators decided that her
husband lost his life through the negligence
of the township in not keeping a lawful road.
This should prove a warning to other town.
ships as well as corporations.
FALL FASHIONS 1370.—Fa1l styles of
Hats will be opened Saturday, September
3d. '•The German Fatherland," "Our Fritz"
and Mine Frew" are the latest. Silk flats,
fine neat and handsome Felt Hats are in
variety, to see the latest call at Updegraff's
list, Glove and Fur Factory and Gents
Furnishing Store, opposite the Washington
House, tlagerstown.
Johnny Steele, the once rich oilman, who
had every reason to believe he had got rid
of the filthy lucre that bothered him so, and
had got nicely settled driving a span of mules
in the oil region, now receives an important
letter from a NeW York banker, telling him
there is $20,000 laying in the hank that
Johnny deposited several years ago when he
was drunk. Now poor Johnny has got to go
to work, and go through that 820,000.
Worm lozenges sold in several Massachn•
setts towns have been analyzed,and found to
contain strychnine, in a quantity calculated
to cause great injury, if not death.
To increase, and thicken the growth of
the hair, use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian flair
Renewer. Nothing better known to science.
Renews the nutritive instter which nourishes the
Renews the brash, wiry hair to silken softness.
One bottle shows its efrecia.
R. P. HALL & Co., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors.
For sale by all druggists.
aug 18-Imo
6. = OiIhEIP)L V A =A
Io Greencastle, on the 17th ult., Mr.
ALBERT HARRY, eldest son of Jacob K.
Barry; Esq., in ,the 29th year of his age.
Near Welsh Run, on the 2Gth ult., Mr,
JOON CRAIG, in the 74th year of his age.
r.:9 firt‘i ;111:4: 4 1 nirg 4=ll
PIIILADkLPUIA. MOOdayi Sept. •b. 1870.
—The flour market remains in a dull and
unaatistactory condition, with scarcely any
demand for shipment, and no disposition on
the part of the local trado to anticipate fu.
turn wants. Only a few hundred barrels
were taken, including small lots pf . superfine
at $5 25®5.50, extran at $5 02i@0, lowa,
Wisconsin Rod Minnesota extra lamily
s6@)6 75, Pennsylvania do. do. at $707,25,
Ohio do. do. at $6 75®7.50, and fancy
brands at $7.75(0 50, according to quality.
Rye flour way be quoted at $5.75®6.7
Prices of corn meal are nominal.
The wheat market is exceedingly flat, and
prices are 5 cents lower. Sales of 4,800
bushels Indiana red at 81.0®1 41, closing
at the former rate.. Rye is steady at 88e
for Western. Corn is dull and weak, sales
of yellow at 95@970, and Western mixed at
85@880. Oats are unchanged; sales of
3,000 bushels at 51.@520 for white Western
and 40®48c for black do., and Delaware at
Barrels for Sale.
Alot of iron•hountl Alcohol Barrels. excellent
for citlrr barrels or other purposes, for sale by
lls, P. FA BEN BY'S BROS. & CO.
sop 8.3 w
will he due on the 25th day of September, pay
able at tho Id National Batik of Waynesboro'.—
Those owing aro requested to cell at said Bank and
make payment at maturity,
septB.3w] JAS. H, CLAYTON,
• -
"lI\TOTICE is hereby given that Wm II Mentzer,
ill of Quincy township, Franklin county, Pa. '
a deed of voluntary assignment, has conveyed his
estate to the undersigned, residing in the same town
bhip, for the•benefit of creditors. And as the As
signee purposes converting the property and settling
his accounts as speedily as may be compati
ble with the interests of th' creditors, he de
hires the creditors to hand in their claims at once,
and those who are indebted to said Wm H Mentzer
to make payment immediately.
w M LOGUE, Assignee.
2.00 ,
1 00
4 00
4 00
_ 4.00
4 OU
Assignee's Sale.
I,lHg_subscriber,_assignee of ,Wrn.-H. Mentzer,
1 .4 wit Fell at t'ulgic Sale, on Friday - the - 30a day
of ,!oetember, 1870, the -following desctibed Real
111 ,u nt ri t.
j ., ,,u.ri shunted in the village of Quincy, viz : A
Lot of Ground, upon which there are erected a two
story Log Dwelling House, partly weatherluarded.
TonseTHog Pen, etc. '1 tere are also on
the pren.iirs a *lt tristy of choice fruit-trcesw-a-spring
f-m—' Phiilt=iure r e rt --•• ad-
.. ..—well_o LtrWarer at.
joining the Lt. aulo to commence at Lo'clock on
said day, when terms will be made known by
sepS.ts W M. LObi M, Assignee.
H E subactilter calls for sale n. House and Lot
1,4 of Ground on North street, Waynesboro'. There
is on the lot a welt of goad water !tardy completed.
Also 8 Building Lots on_Broad_stmet-and-1-2-cm-
West Main street. tin one of - the lattr there is - le
Line 1/.31n and t v nil Stone Quarry, Money can be
made upn this tut by Lime Homing. A 60.6 Out
Lots ranging in size from I.+ to 4 acres.
If it is desired purchusers of Building Lots can
get possession of thew this Fall.
sep 8-tf ALEX. HAM
Goo_d_Comp_anies, Sure Guarantees,
Losses Promptly Paul, Perms Liberal. .
AVING secured an
• two o t to lest Penn's :stock Insurance Uem
panics, I am ready end desirous to receive app ice
lions for Insurance of Klock against Theft, Death,
Accident, or 'ignited Theft nlonts
Office in the W alker building.
LE W. W. LETIt IC fr, Agent,
Waynesboro', Pa.
THE undersigned will Fell nt Public Sale at their
old stan i, Mechanic Street, Waynesboro',
at 10 o'clock, A. at., a large and varied assortment of
such as Killing-tops, Falling-tops and No-top Bug
gi,,, x) ne an d Two-horse ;arti 'gee, Rockaway s,
tiermantowns and Jenny Urals.
The above work is tnanuinctured of the very hest
material, and for style and finish cannot be out
passed in the county,
Second-hand Buggies.
Also several sets of Si:ver-mounfed Harness.
TERMS Or SALE —A credit of N ine Months
will be given, purchavers to give their notes with ap
proved security. (Anne one, e.nne all. .
sepB is G. V. Mom; auct.
rpHl undersioneil will offer at Public Sale, on
In Mt. Hope, Quincy township, Franklin county,
Pa., 4 , miles (torn Waynesboro', on the mad leading
to Charnbersb.arg the following valuable
containing 2 Acres and 65 Perches of Land, 2 Gar•
dens nud largo Patch. The improvements consist
of a large twu.stery
thick Back Building, Brick Shops with two Rooms,
for Tailor and :Shoemaker, and Blacksmith and
Wagonmaker Shops together, Also, a double Log
Dwelling House ; large Frame Stable, 2 large 8u..-
gy Sheds; wash house, oven, hog pens, die The
whole is in good repair and enclosed with good
fencing. There are six public roads leading to the
rlace, which is in the midst of a rich neighborhood,
and there is E. „Stole and the Village. The
Brick House would easily Eillud a
or any other public business, as there is a great deal
of traveling through the place.
The sub-criber also offers for sale his Tract of
Land, lying orie-hotf mile from Mt. Hope, contain
ing :31 Acres and 51 Perches of good Quality Lime
stone Land, ten acres of which is heavily Timbered.
4 acres meadow, and the residue is under it. good
state of cultivation. Part of it is under Post and
Hail Fen. e.
Any person or persons wanting properties of the
above description, will do well to attend this sale and
secure a bargain. lam determined to sell if it don't
go too much under prige. A good title, clear of all
encumbranc...s, will bef given, and possession given
on the Ist day of April 1871, The conditions will
be •made known on the day of ado, and payments
will be easy
sep I—ta
M XL :
frHE undersigned respectluliy announce to the
citizens of Waynetilsorce and the public gener
ally that they have associated themselves together
in the Tailoring business and ace now prepared to
make men and boys' clothing of all kinds to order
et short notice and upon reasannbie terror. boos
section in encases gparanteed. Ct►l at the old stand
of Jacob F. Epininger.
JOHN tioLLlNGswouvi.
pip -7-04-)r") y s
Ji A 0.9
^- Oa ^-
leefi/IliCet t4
The shove will at once strike the eye as the Trade-
Mark of the genuine "DR. FARRNRY'S BLOOD
of ORIOAOOp ILL.; Is the sole propnetor. The great.
: ; rola the IN't1,11: ; EL. barn t3 tsfeo for--
this medioine, made it necessary to open another
Laboratory at Waynesboro', Pa., which is, conduct
ed by De. P. FAMINE:fa Baod. & Co. Since then
the "BLOOD CLEANSER" has been grossly misrepre-.
seated by other parties, and what makes it still more.
painful is the fact that the name of our deceased
relative (the late Dr. D. Fehrney) is prostituted for
the purpose of carrying out these diabolical schemes.,
when it is well known to very many that he was
consigned to an untimely grave several years ago
at a time, too, when his successors were not able to
take his place in ate profession,, hence his name is,
used to say evil things. One year alter his death,,
the following notice was circulated against. the ,
"NoTtcs. We wish to inform the public that the.
'Preparations' now being out and extensively ad
vertised in many newspapers, etc, purporting lobe.
old, Dr. Fahrney's BLOOD PREPARATIONS, &C., are.
none of his, and are not countenanced by our firm
at all. We neither advertise 07 put out any of our
preparations. D. FAHRNSIC & SON.
"Dee. 10, 1868,"
The above is what P.Pahrney is made to say
one year after his death, and in another circular just
ant Lin some newspapers;_he_is_agaim___
made to say (two years utter his death) something
about these preparations. This undoubtedly has,
reference to Fitannuor's BLOOD Puntn6a,llpreparell
by Dit. J. FAiIkiNEY. I'hilndelphin, anti PAIIIINEY'S
. •, SA, pfepared_by_lle—P__
FARR:U.I', Chicago, 111., and also by his brothers at
W ay neeboro', Pa.
In orderto - protacrourselv,es - Mul - the public:Ea
game such mierepteentittions it become% neeCe - sli:. --
-ry-to-say-that - uld - Dr - F a licrirty l Waftlits — practice - ito - 7 --
two of his sum. The °idea, Dr. Jacob Faluney,
lbeittwil - net - Waynestiore -- ,, -- Where he practiCed
r _ttiti-pro&ssion-writil withitt—eigntAays—before—his
His practice there, of course, was then left to his
eons, and the "Blood Preparation" was put up in
liquid form by Dr .1' Fahrney,.Jr ~elghteen years a
perlectiol by LIR hi - tither, Dr. P Fahrney, orUhi=
cage. These two are row the oldest physicians in
the Febrile', family. and areiwilling:to be qualifieti,
before any Notary Public that their preparations
are LIESUINN. It mutt.) indeed, be humiliating for
those who are mere babes in the profession, alter
making such efforts to injure our business. to cemo
out and imitate the same, when they are! nut able
to hold the lucratiy.e practice loft them, by the k latis
Dr D Fahrney.,
aug I 8-tf
trY 'lieu° of an ortier_of the Orphnn's Court of
4 e arratiklin county, and to me directed, t will ex
pieta to Public in front Of the premises. on
nt I o'clock, , the Heel Estate of the late
Thomas Smith, being the Western pert of Lot No.
4, so known in the plot of, said town, consisting of
a three-story
- eettrani,-morn - efless, Back Building and Frape
lstithlnr — Tide property is desirable as a dusiness
leasition. Teams made kaown on day of sale.
Adm!r with the Will annexed.
G. V. MNIG, acct.
oug 2b -t9
The subscriber offers at private a.le,his HOUSE
and LOT I 1F GROUND, titillated in Waynesboro',
on Main street, East end. 'I he improvements are
a story and a half Dwelling House With Back Build
ing, a good Bake Oven and Smoke House, a good
Cistern at the rdoer, largo Frame Stable and large
Shed suitable for a shop, ansl n variety of choice
Fruit. The lot fronts 84 ft. If the above proper
ty is cot sold privately before Saturday ,September
.41h, it will be offered at kublic sale on that day at
1 o'clock.
nag 25te ISRAEL. HESS.
Private Sale.
THE subscriber offers at Private Sale hie House
and Lot of Ground situated in Ringgold, Md.
The lot contains 1 j acres, more or less. The im.
provenient4 aro a Two story Weatherboarded
Dwelling House s containing six rooms and kitchen
and basement, large Frame Stable, Smoke House.
Hake-oven; Ate. A well of good water and cistern
with pump in the yard—also a selection of choice
fruit on the premises, the whole enclosed with good
fencing. Terms will be m ole to suit the purchaser.
<llinggo'd, Aug 18-41
TAR. PE DDICORD, tieing determined to keep up
with the times will insert teeth ot.
12 I) 01,1,21 It S,
for n
. tull upper or lower set, no& other operations
proport and nlbrw to these who desiro to do
so, three months credit, thus it.suring n tnir trial.
The best Mateind will be used, finiz•heti in the
most tkillftd manner.
All other branches of the profession carefully at
tended to. 'teeth extracted by en entirely new
painless process. Office two doors above the Village
Record ttßice•
aug 25 3t
Tailoring Establishment!
HE subscriber would.; respect fullytannounce to
the citizens of Wayneshia..', and vicinity that.
he has curnmenced the Tailoring business in . the
dwelling house of Mrs. S. 'l'. Ilrotherton, opposite
the llovvdcri tiLuee, and is now to nikike
all kinds of clothing to (mitt, which he will guar-.
antee to give satistaction. lie aeke a trial.
_lv 25- f Gk OftGE I.IOIiItNER..
IE subscriber notifies persons who gave their
motes at his sale on the 7th day of March last,
t he same will tie due on the 7th of September
next. If not paid within tiftttu days after due in
terett will be charged from day of BAC.
sep 1-3 t JAeull l'i)ukTEl2 (of C.)
BY the wibh tho heirs of Jaree Hovis, dec'J,
we ootity thr creuiturs mid debtors ot said de
ceased to trove their accounts and preseht them to
us within thirty da)s from this date.
August f 49, Is7o. • PETER 120UZER,
sop 1-3 t) JOHN HOVIO.
- - _—
The highest oasla price will be paid fov
Cast Iron *craps delivered at the works ot the
111 If utast:it 31. CO.