-- R - u-cs MEDICINES, 411C111 11E4 Nif U 77 19 -ae._•tc., Go to Fourthman s Waynesboro', May 24 , 1867. ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS IL WALTER & BRO. MANUFACTURERS AND 'DEALEV. I4 IN Monuments, Tombs,lleadsrones, 4-c„ WE call attention to our assortment of the a hove, comprising the - neniebt. and 'most ap proved styles. ' Having the advantage of Water-power, and a long experience in the STQNE CUTTING BUSINESS, we are able to fill orders at the shortest notice and on most reasonable' terms. Give us a call at our Yard, near Antietam June :ion, on the Waynesbor6' and HagerstoWn Thrn pike, two miles from the former place. Pbst Office address, Waynesboro', Pa. • N. B. Orders Can be left with John Walter and ill receive prompt attention. 'H. W. & BRO. April _MLA IfE - VW - 1114 MEWL - NZ OD THE undersigned would inform the public gen. erally that tee has purchased the livery here. otore owned by Franklin Weagley, end is fully. prepared to meet The wants of the corn*. itita munity in hisline of business. jilt He hes had all big carriages neatly re paired and refitted and his horses are 410" 6 . ; .. safe, gentle find fast travelers. Par-. ties conveyed to any point desired; ac• companied by a caretul driver. Office one door west of Bowden's Hotel, where an attentiire hostler will be in attendance at all home the night and day. No effort will be spared to accommodate all wile may patronize him ' dec 17 tf ' Notice to the Public rpHE undersigned is running a Line of Stages froin Hagerstotvn toGettysnurg, leaving former place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, all o'. l clock, A. M., passing by Leitersburg, Waynesboro', Monterey end 'Clermont 'Springs, fountain Dale ane Fairfield, arriving at Gettysburg at half past four o'clodk and returning froin Gettysburg on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, arriving at' !lagers town to make connection With the 5 o'clock train lor Baltimore. • ' ANNA WASSEN. may 14-'6O vm.a.z, D VIITTTOISTI rr E subscribers announce to the citizens of Waynesboro' and the public generally, that they are regularly engal4eti in alatightering small stock, ouch as Caiyes and Lambs, end can supply persons tidily with a ',rime article of either Veal ur Mutton. They will °IL r none but the' best articles for sale; end revecitully sottcit a awe of public patronage. highest market price paid fat' Calves and' Lambs. ' may 2641 WEAGLEY & Kula Z. JOHN A• HVSSONq, ATTORNEY A f LAW; AVING been admitted ' to Practice Lave at the sever d Courts In 'Franklin County Mitt. mess entrusted tolia care will he promptly attended to—Pint office addreas—Mercersburg, Pa, ' ' ' ' • '' inn ' lly- L u m lye & c . m}lll subscriber has for sale.Chei•tnut Shingles, IL Failings, Plastering Laths, Shingling Latbil, Pane Lumber from a half to one inch. ' All other sizes of Lumber furnished to other. Also Oak, Pine and Chestnut Wood by the lead for side on the ground'. He has also C E fid sale. • - ' ' ' 'A S MONN. . , FOAM SALE: , The apbseriber,efferii at Private Sale. 1 new Me- Cosnaiek Mowing Ma chine combined; No, *'cir 'as thi . 'purchaser may desire. A.liplyto LidY;Rusiell Sc Co., Waynesboro' mas,ar r tC2 ' T • JOHN W. GOOD. lr 'UST 'REP El V.t.U.O 4: , u11 stock . of :Lead .0 for 'shoemakers srid'estlii44oat litfrUZER,&. eft Alq/%l l # ' is • '4 rikesilult...L. me 9tf NEW GOODS! g,W GOODS COON 'STONE LOUSE UTOULD respectfny, inforM the public that ‘l' they have tiow opened at their new foom,on the south.west corner of the Diamond, in Waynsi. born', a large and we selected stock of 'Dry Goods, Groceries, - - Hardware and Cutlery, • lion,,Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goode of every description, Queens Ware, Cedarware, Shoes, Car pets, Oil Coths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush. 1 es, Fish, Salt, and ail kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are al, new and fresh antkhave-been=bought-for-cardrat — thwiats ---- dectine= in prices, ' We flatter ourselves that from our long experi ence in business, and a determination to sell_gcods at smal profits, we shall be able to offer unusual inducements to a buyers who desire to save MOOS ey. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and we assorted stock of sta.- , ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing • • Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords,Den ims, Stripes, Checks, Ginghams, Linin and Cott6n -Table Diapers, Crash for Towels,Calicoes, Detains, A Ipaccas, Triings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting and-Shntings,-Tickjngs,-Linens,_flannels;—W bite ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds 01 country produce such a sitacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs Dried Fruit, Rags, &c. Ma l9 —lB7O. J • R. WELSH At the well know stand under the Town Ball, his entire stock of goods would take this method of in forming the_ citizens of Waynesboro', PaG, and-vi cinity that I have just returned from the cities with a large and complete assortment of HATS, Paper, Pens, Come to we and get fits. I am ready. My stock is large. My styles numerous. solicit a share of I would res tronage. nany 26—'70] SPRING GOODS! Brown & Walter, MT. HOPE, T_TAVE just received and opened a large stock _U . . of ' ' Spring Goods, bought at loweit gold premium prices and will be sold as low as they can be purchased anywhere. Call and examine Mir stock before purchasing elsewhere. 'BROWN & WALTER. Mt. Hope, May s—tf. CONFECTIONARY 1 HE subscribers announce to the public that 1 they have opened a Bakery and Confectionary on Main street, Waynesboro', opposite the "Bow den House", where persona at all times can be sup plied with fresh Bread, Rolls, Pretzels. all kinds of Sweet Cakes, wholesale or retail. A full supply of Candies, Nuts, Fruits, etc., always on band.• ICE CREAM regularly 'supplied during the season. Having erected at considerable expense st . first close Bake House they feel confident that in this department of their business they can give general satisfaction. They therefore solicit a share of pub lic patronage. may s—tf SLEASMAN & MORT. . - PEACH •BOTTOM WM. H. FUNK ROOFING SLATE. A large supply of the best quality Poach Bottom Boding Slate on hand and for sale by L. EBERT, Jr., Cho mbersbu rg, Pa. ALSO, experienced workmen always ready to put on Roofs at short notice and in the very best man ner. (Every Riiof warranted.) Apply to J. EBERT, Jr., ap 2B— 3m Chambersburg, Pa. BEEP! BEEP Bills Payable within 30 Bays. The subscrilmr income the public that he still continues the Butchering business, and is prepared to supply persons as usual,:at the Basement of the Walker property, Main street, Waynesboro', on Monday,ll"huraday and Saturday cif each week, with a prime`article of - Beef, Veal and Mutton. All bills for meat must be paid within 30 Aar'. He will slatighter the best stock the market will siren], and by attention to Nuances hopes to merit a continuance of the public's patronage. may 12— tf T. .1, CUNNINGHAM. BARE WANTED! FORNEY & S•ONS Will pay the highest market price for 650 cords of Rock and Black Oak Bark delivered at their Tan netv in' Waynesboro'. Hides and Skins taken in arid weighed at the Cellar of 0. Ruthes Shoe Store, for Which the high est market price will be paid. ' "apt 21-1870 S. Aprime article of Family Flour from Amsterdam Mill, for sale,ia sacks, at reductell prices, 'at the Drug Store of Di. J. B. Amberson. Also of Lidy Frick dr, Co. He mill also deliv,er Flour by the bar rel. and Mill Stuff to any point desired. Orders, maybe left at Amberson's Drug Store, or • at the Post Mee. . • ; DAVID LO/AR. ' The subscriber is now prepared to enpply persops with a Priine asticki of Lime' for Whitewaiihiust. Plast ' erine,Arc. Terms reardneble. - . may Ig—tt • • JONAS SHOCKEY. NEW STORE. FINCY ',HESS GOODS, HAVING , CAPS, BOOTS, YiIESGRIPTiaN Envelop Ink, and Notions' _eneral D. SNIVELY SMITH WAYNESBORO' BIM flour and reed. LINE!: LIME! gEISER'S PATENT SELF-RESUIANG CHM HMI AD runs, No Implement more important to the farmer than a FIRST—CLASS GRAIN THRESHER AND CLEANER—for none pays Nra so well and speedi ly. The above ent,shoWs the ONLY GEISER MA CHINE now builiiiirder the immediate eye of , the old inventors themselves, With'all the • additional itn• provements 'nide during the past 18 years, and now withfirst.clase vorkmrn andmaterial this machine jiiiitiriltiride' high up above all of its 'class. As a Thresher it is equal to the hest, as'a Cleaner it is so periorto Soy existing inachiae. This is admitted by all honest competitors. 'lndeed -IFiST-The-onry machinelhat really can, by one operation,thorough ly thresh and ilean grain fit tor market;' 'But 'But the fact that brain 'direct from this machine Commands from 2 to - 3 cents a bushel more than giain direct from an - other machine; settles the question of its superiority, as a cleaner over all' others. Impartial judges at all the state and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competi tion withiother leading machines, always agree that it is more simple—more'easily Understood and op erated by thoie unskilled itiioachinery—more dura ble —threshing as much and yet cleaning better— with less power and More' comfort to hands than any other machine in use—and besidei all that is sold for less money according to capacity. Thes:e facts are further attested by the thoussitids of pur- Tisers. some of whnm the last 18 years. To supply the wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz: From a 2 Horse Railwai , or 3 Horse Lever Power, to a ten Horse Lever power, with prices ranging from $l9O to $390, without power. We also make the latest im proved triple-geared Horse Powers suitable for each size machine ranging from $9O to $135, and all fully ahO-fairly-warranted. For further infor mation send for Circular and Price List. ROM Responsible Agents wantetrin territory not intro duced. Address jan 21—tf] OMNIBUS LINE! MHE subscriber informs the public that he is now proprietor of the Buss line running daily be tween Waynesboro' and Greencastle, hereto ore run by Wolfersburger & Stoner. With goo horses :.nil a first-class four-horse Omnibus he 'is enabled tb convey passengers to and fro with amnion and convenience. SHOES, &c. His Buss will leave Wayneaboto' at 61 A. M arriving nt Greencastle at 8, making quick lime am sure connection with the first Passen rer train at 8 A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. M., ar riving at Waynesboro' at 6 45. He is himself Pro pnetor, .ontractor am river. Delivers Adams Express matter to and from Greencastle. All Ex press matter expressed the same morning a n d through to Waynesboro' the same day it utrives. Persons wishing to-send-goods-by — Expreis - will-do well by giving him a call. Persons wishing to go to Hagerstown should take this route. The train leaves at 9 15 making connection with the Wash ington County Railroad. aug 20 if J J. R. WOLFERSBERGER. L"encils, ndersi nod—would most respectfully in form the citizens of Waynesboro' ant) 'vicinity that he has opene,kl a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover & Wollr's Dry Goods em porium, and keeps constantly on hand a good 81.1 ply of COOK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc,. at prices to suit the times, All kinds of work done in his line w;th neatness and dispatch, such as roofiig, spouting and repairing. You will find it to yofir ii.terest to give him a rail before purchasing elsewhere. The sign is the Mg Red Coffee Pot Always on the Post. Thankful for past favors he hopes for a continuance of the same. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH IN ,PIKESVILLE! • Rotrzsrt & FIZANTZ intend doing a regular cash business, commencing the Ist day of April, 1870. They are determined to sell goods as cheep as they can be sold. All they ask is to give-them a trial. They are very thankful for past favors and hope a continuance of the same. ' mar24tf ROUZER & FRANTZ. Boot and Shoemaking! MBE . subscriber announces to 'the citizens of Waynesboro' and the public generally that he has commenced the Boot and Shoemaking business in the dwelling house af 1)r. I. N. Snively, (hack nuilding, up stairs) and thnt ha is prepared to put by work of 'all kinds to order at short notice, which he will guarantee to give'sntisfaction. He will use good material and employ the best workmen, and he reforo asks a share of the public's patronage. np 7—tf '.l. KO RD. The subncribers announce to their friends and the public that they have resumed the Butchering busi ness and will continue to furnish choich articles of Beef, Vent and Mutton in the Basement next door to the Waynesboro' Hotel on Monday and Thurs• day of ea cn week during the season. They return thanks for past patronage and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, may 12—tf HOOVER & HERTMAN. 1il?, subscriber announces to the public that he is now running a Wagon regularly between Waynesboro' and Greencastle, and is prepared to do all kinds of hauling on reasonable terms. He will be thankful for a share of public potronege. Orders left at the thug Store of A. S. Bonebrake will receide prcimpt attention. apr 28—tf D. W. MINER. 'MOS. J. FILBERT, 11IERCIIANT TAILOR, AND AGENT EOM SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE• WANTED.—I will exchange goods at a fair market price for BecoN,'LARD, Butter, Eggs, Cot ton' Bags, small Onions if delivered immediately, tsouP Beans, &c. W. A. 'MID. SO4PIit4EiNG. , CONCENTRATED LYE,. a full pound in a V box at 20 cattle. SAL SODA enlarge or small qioititides, sold low by Feb 3 • ' MARE FOR SALE. , A fine brown Brood Mare, c good wagon and pluw•leader. Enquire . oldie '" June 2tf" • ' PRINTER• • • - - POTATOES,. 'eookink potatoes for sale by CHOICE W. A. HEIP RYE-FLOITR, Coin - Meat and kfonainy, all fresh and gouJ, for sale by —i' 1) c ' - lib:lD St WAYNANT4 , i , GRAIN SEPARATOR THE GEInER MANUFACTURING CO., WAYNESBORO', Franklin Co., Penns Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON M. FREY NOTICE. BUTC.HERING: ACCOMMODATION WAGON. LA. S. [3:OKannEE IEALER IN 1 ) 4 1 7 4 4'5, Chemicals, PATENT rammextms, PREPARATiONS FOB THE HAM, OILS, PAINTS , VARNISHESESI &e. (b" Physicians dealt with at 20 per cent: discount. March 27,1868 See Hero Read -This : 1 -11 1'HE subscriber has just returned front the East with ;a large stock of Goods, such as • BOOTS. SHOES, GAITERS, BALMO= RALS and all kinds Boots and Shoes for Men and Boss, Women,_Misses and Children: which he is selling at prices that will please. HATS OF 'EVERY STY-LE for Men and Boys, Caps of all the leading styles to suit and fit any head. We baught our stock cheap and an determined fr seil - atcut ding Notions ! Notions ! Notions Z 'READ THE Lls7. Shirts and Drawers Gauntlets, Suspenders Driving . Gleves Piper Collars ___.Eur_top__G4 buck - . Gloves Sheep Skin Gloves Lisle Thread Gloves—Cot ton-Hai EH ose — Wool-knit Gloves Germantown Half Hose Butterflies Black Silk Ties Fancy Silk Ties Broad End Ties Ladies & Greets Pa cuffs Linen Handkerchiefs Pocket Books Poi tmoniei Brushes Pocket Knives Cloth Brushea ' Pen Knives Shaving Brushes Nail KniVes Hair Brushes Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes Perfumery Shoe Brgshes Albums , Combs - Pins and Needles Razors .Lead Pencils Gum Caps Slates Violin strings _ Ink Note Paper Pen Holders Envelopes Blacking Hair Oils Alernorandas Toys I harpet tacks Crochet Needles Fancy toys, &c &c. &c, &c. .and so fourth. ' GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, American, Swiss and English; Seth Thomas and o ther Clocks. Jewelry of every description for I.a. dies, Gents, Misses and Children at greatly reduced prices. Finger Rings, a large stork; plain Gold, Fancy Sett, Chased and Fancy Finger Rings; Silv er and other Plated Rings in great variety, watch chains, Guards, Ribons, Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve Buttons, Gold Pens and Pencils; watch chain hooks keys, &c. Trunks, Canes, Umbrellas, baskets, gate, Valises, Carpet Bags, R. R. Bags; Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff. Candies, Fruits; Raisens, Nuts and Confectionaries of all kinds. Come one; come all, and—buy.. Thankful for past favors he hopes by a desire- to please to merit E. 9)eral share of public patronage. EZEK lEL ELDEN. Oct. 8, 1869 CHEAP "COONET% BOOT AND SHOE STORE . • T" subscriber has just returned from the city and is now opening for examination a large and well selected- steck of Boots and Shove. Having had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and t.hoe trade, no doubt if you favor him with a call you will buy as he will sell cheap Emil warrant the work. ' All rips mended free of charge. Give "Cooney" a call. C. tUTHES. Sept 25-tf Boot , and Shoemaking. rpHE subscriber would inform the public that he 1 is at all times prepared to make to order Gents Coarse ur fine Boots, alai, coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, including the latest style of last ing Gaiters. Repairing. done at short notice, and iwasiires taken in private families if desired. Shop on Mast Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by J. Elden, as a flour and feed store. THOS: j. HOLLINGSWORTH. July 2p—tf • VOIG-HMIKING. TIRE subscriber announces to his friends and - 11 the public that he has purchased the Coach Factory formerly owned by Israel Heir, and is now engaged in the above business, on Main Street, at the East end of Waynesboro'.' - Having a -knowl edge of the business, and employing none but practical workmen, and by strict attention to busi- Deis he hopes to merit a share•of patronage- All kinds of new work on hand and' orders filled promptly. jan 14 tf . GEO. B. HAWKER. S2,S—THE FOLSOM IMPROVED Twen b-riva Dollar Family 'Sewing Machine: The cheap est First Clive Mat pine in the Market. Agents wanted in every Town. Liberal commission al; lowed. For terms Mid circabir, address, A. S. Ham- Wort. Gen. Agent, No. 700 Chestntit Sr; Phila. Pa may 5-3 m W, A. REID. $2. 4 000 A YEAR AND EXP.ENSES - To ngents to sell the celebrated WILSON SEW ING MACHINES. The best machine in the world. Stitch alike on boa sides. ONSI MACHINE WITHOUT Molar. For further particulars, address 2.5 N. 9th Philad'o,•Ya. (may 5-2 m —— • _ OLD IRON WANTED: The hig,heat caati price will be paid for Cast Iron Scraps delivered at the works of the f ly tf G EISER M. CO. WAYNESB - ORO', PA. _6op Hosiery Wool knit Half Hostel r- WholesaZe and Retail Dealer ft: tr TURNIT RE —AND— Carpet" Carpet GR.EENOASTLE PA. .1•01•111.0••• I. IL W, HI TDIOR , Would call the attention of all who are in need of 'Furniture Mattresses, Looking Glasses, Carpets, to the fact that he has a larger stock on hand, at his rooms en the southeast corner of Centre Square, than all Onillar establishments in the county com tiiried, ana that lie can and does offer inducements to Housekeepers and' others, in want of goods in his line, such as no other Caret Dealers d ! do. __ He has on hand upwards of, 100 BedsOads of 'over 25 different Myles, ranging in_price . from 4)5T:i .75 each. More than 50 Bureaus, of 25 different styles, from $7,50 to $75 each. Upwards of 600 Chairs, of all styles, from $1,25 to $35 each. Rocking Chairs from $1,50 to $3O. Full Chamber suits, solid Walnut, 'rem $6O to' $lOO each.. ' Cottage Suite, ___.from _l3ll to $9O each.. _ Tete-a•Tetes and Sofas,. from $2O to $6O each. Spring seat Parlor' Chairs, from $ 3O to $6O per Inilf dozen. Lounges from $7 to $35 each. Marble top Parlor Tables, solid Walnut, from $lO to $35 each. from $2 to $l3 each among which are 20 different styles. Also Extension, Breakfast, Dining and Hall Tables, in endless variety. Wardrobes, Bookcases, Writing Desks, Library Tables, Secretaries, • What Nots, Hat Racks, Piano Stools, Umbrella Stands, Camp, Office, Hall and Library Chairs. • Safes, t.ideboards, Sinks, Doughtrays, Cupboards, Washstands, Also, a large stock of all kinds of ' Mattrasses, such as Hair, Busk, Palm Leaf, Wool and 'traw, at prices rpm • to 40. Spring Mattresses, Siirihg Bed Botfoms. . Swinging and Rocking Cradles. The highest cash price paid for Carpet Rags. We have a large stock of Carpets always on hand such as Brussells, Ingrained, Stair, Hall s ' and all kinds of Mattings. and all kinds Floor Oil Cloth, it,lcw prices. LoOking Glasses, from plain Walnut Frames to Fancy Ovals in Arch Tops, in Guilt and Rose. wood. Alen, Childrens' Buggies and. Hobby Hors es, Picture Frames and Mouldings of all descrip tions, and at lower prices than can be had else where in the county. He also sells Wholesale to he traduTirli - of - whour he eqtreste to Lall - mrd - learn prices before purchasing elsewhere. WRag Car -pets-made-to-order. MOVIEHS AND: REAPERS FOR SALE. lanuary - 14—tf. - L-E a-L-E-E-D N -x* door to the Town Hall, has now on hand fino talsortment of— , - )LOCKS. , e4a • • AN4t A.) N.?ttp.1.4.1% Sele , :ted by himself with - great care, a large and well selected assortment o: ZAV4QVa z t of Swiss, English, and American Manufacture ; JEWELRY cheaper than ever before sold in Waynesboro , all the latest styles kept constantly on hand. Every variety of Cuff buttons. A fine assort ment of FINGER AND EAR RINGS Solid Gold. Engagement and ' WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thimbles and sheelds,' Castors, Forks, and Spoons, Salt Collars, and Butter Knives of the cel ebrated Roger Manufacture,at reduced rates. SPECTACLES ------ —..ce ma. - To suit eveTyboily's eves. New glasses put in old frames. Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry promptly and neatly repaired and warranted. ALEX. LEEDS, iifext oorso the Town Hall, under the Photograph Gallery July 31. Barbering garbpriug: ?FHB subscriber informs *he public that he cen t tinues the Barbering busine3s in the room nex door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and-is at all times pepitred to do hair cutting, shaving, shampooning etc. in the best style. - l'he patronage of the pub ie is respectfully solicited. W. A. PRICE. , Agg. 23 1867. For 44 uns, Penknitle Blades, Repairing Family Corn.Shellers, Call on J. H. JOHNSTON. may 28—tf Fresh Lime! THE subscribers have now for sale nt their Kilns, 3 miles East of WaYneshore', Frei& 'Wood. burnt Limo for Whitewashing. Plastering, Ste, which they are prepared u. deliver at short notice as cheap as the cheapest and good as the best. They will have a supply en hancl'iluring the season. 'apr.2l 3m 1 1-IESS & BROTIIER.. MILLINERY GOODS, ! TO THE LADIES! RS. C. L. ITOLLINEIERGER has just re 'I. cei*ed a full supply of new Mplinery goods La. les are invited to call and 'examine her stock. • a. it 28— tf ' FOR SALE. Four Family lioraesoll good leader& Enquire of the • • 'I. NUN 28-tf AWN M, GOOD. ANTIETAM FACTORY AND NILli69 ENV ''FIR GOO!) & METCALF! )09 ere prepaied furnish and make to order, . , tgash; • Doors, haw • Blinds, Brackets, Stairing, oulding, Scrolling, Flooring, Manilea, tVe., tte., —ALSO— Sawing, Plaining, Tristan and Oirinding. We are also prepared to do POST PORING, and-in-, shert_any line_ of ti uFi R E 2 BB. 7 ,!_ Wishing to enjoy the success apa spstaip the TR utation of the former proprietor. yve will try to or make anything for you, you want or need in our liner make i tas well as we can, and sell it as cheap t.s 903 can, with justice to you end us. Address ' GOOD & METCALF, Waynesboro r ! I GEORGE FRICK'S . STEIIII OVINE' VORIS, WAYNEaBORO', FRANKLINI CO., PA. MANUFACTURE PORTABLE ANDISTATIONARY STEAM ENGINES. JIAVING increased facilities for marufacturing Portable and Stationary steam Engines at snort notice, of sizes from two to one hundred and fifty /eine-power, I would call the attention of persons wanting portable engines for flit:carting grain, &c., as I am now prepared to furnish them at short notice: lam also prepared to furnish shaft. ings, pu'leys, &c., and all work in my line of bust. ness. Persons in, want of anything in my line will please call and examine my work before buyiLg elsewhere. For further particulars send for circular. sep 10 If] INTIM]. WOOLEN FACTORY. he undersigned leas leased the above named Woolen_lactory_ta_lotur W. Hera and „knit SHELLER who will continue the business under the inn name — tif — .MO. W. 13 R They will manufacture of the beat material and in good style a general variety of Woolen Gbods,, such as__ Blankets and Coverlets; Jeans, Cassirneres, Satinetts, Yarns, &e. Custom work promptly attended to lam thankful tor - the very liberal patronage ex tended to me, and respectfully solicit that the same may he continued to the new firm mar 31—tf ISEIW STORE! ItIiiGGULD, Md ILLIA At STE WA ET has been to the Cit 9 and laid itt a large supply of Ladies. Misses end Children's shoes, of the most fashionable styles. Men and liny's shoes, both coarse and line, Men's Congress Gaiters; also Straw Hats. The public are generally invited to come and examine for them selves. All wt o will buy of him will receive satis faction, as he will sew all rips gratis. He also keeps sugar, coffee, molasses and sirups, pepper," alspice and =anion ' mackerel, letter paper, envelopes, steel pens. pen holders, kerosene, &c., &c. A lot 'of the be leather on hand. Work manu factured to order at short notice and upon reason able terms He returns thanks to the public for past patron age and hopes to be Mk, to merit a continuance of the same. may 5, 1870 WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY . • • GEO. B. HNlNKER.hriving withdrawn i from the fi rm of Adams & Hawker, the subscriber informs the public that ho continues the Concbmak ing business m all its branches, at the old stand. lie. will at all times have a supply of new Buggies, different kinds, on hand; also second• handed ye.. hicks. Repairing done at short notice. He uses - the best'material and employs good mechanics. He returns his thanks to be public for their liberal pa tronage and by attention to business and a dispo sitiOn to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same ;n the future. jan 14 tf • JACOB ADAMS. IVIYNESBORO' LIVERY! THE subwaiber having purchased the interest a ,,. J. R. Wolfersberger in the Waynesboro' will continue the business at Bowden's Hotel Sta ble. Cam fortable conveyances and fine _traveling horses furnished at all hours. Parties conveyed to any point desired accompanied with a careful driver. An attentive Hostler will always be in attendance. Thankful for past favors he respectfully snlicits a share of the public's patronage in the future. sep 3-tf S. P. STONER. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, ATT9RINEY-AT-LAW, Wapieaboro% Pa., D RACTICES in the several courts of Franklin _ IL - and adjacent counties. N. B. seal Estate leased and sold and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. dcc le NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to the late firm of Frantz. & Snively, will please call upon the undersign ed. in whose hands the books and accounts have been left for igt lement and close their accounts by. note or uthezCs' e, between this and the first of A Aril next. feb 17—tf. House for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale a story ands Half Log House, which will answer for stable or other. out-buildings. ' may Off . JACOB CARBAUOIL WALL PAPER. A great variety of Patten:tie, Stile and Price of Wall and Celli,* Paper.: Also, Window Pap e& and Oil Blinds, at • pine AMIMRSON, BENEDIOT MATTUEVI ItIiTCALP. IN ay nesboro', Franklin Co./ Pa. SHELLER 1.1-8.--BA ER: Wm. STEWART I. N. sisIIV.ELY.