PATENTED SEPT. 21. 1889. gi AI Ef Et 0 V E.; - 44 PI la A Z Thcmerits-of-iltia-Madhineconaist„,--irt-part, , i._ attachment of curved knives to the arms of the cut ting-wheel. the shearing cut across the m outh-piece, _ tlie_grent power and directness of the blow, by which • treble the volume of material is ciiiiiffless pow er than is required by any other Machine; those combined with its durability and• simplicity of con struction, command public attention. Nothing lia ble to get out of order, but what n boy could remedy with a pocket wrench. County rights throughout the State of Pennsyl vania will be sold on the most reasonable terms, Persons desiring the right of said Machine will ad dress the undersigned. The above Machine is now on exhibition at the office of the Waynesboro' Manufacturing Company. Persons interested should call and examine it, for it is what every fanner should have. IL C. GILBERT, Ban.,E._aTounneß, Proprietor. • Agent.. Waynesboro',Pa. The World Renowned MEDICINE Drs. D. Fah rney & Son's CELEBRATED PREPARATION CLEANSING THE BLOOD. WILL CURE SCROFULA, CUTANEOUS DISEASES, ERY IPEIJAS. BOILS, SORE EYES. SCALD ,HEAD, PIMPLES, and BLOTCH-ES ON THE FACE, 'FETTER AFFECTIONS, pld and STUBBORN ULCERS, RHEtJ frIATIC AFFECTIONS, DYSPEP, SIA, COSTIVENESS, SICK HEADACHE. SALT RHEUM,JAUNDICE, GENERAL DE BILITY, CHILLS AND FEVER, FOUL STOMACH, TOGETHER with ALL OTH-" DISEASES ARISING FROM -IMPURE_ ND DISORDERED LIVER TRY ONE BOTTLE OR PACKAGE Anti be convinced that this medicine is no humbug Sold by all Druggists. CIia.ILTWIC3OM . . Drs. D. Faiuney & Son's Preparation for Cleans ing the Wood is COUNTER!? EI PE 1), The gen uine has the name "D. FA DUI\ EY & SON" on the front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and' the name of Drs D. r ahrney & Son's Preparation for Cleansing the Blood, Itoonshoro, Md., blown in each bottle. All others are COUNTERFEIT. Reg ( Ilia that it is Drs. I►. Fa lirnjy & Son's Celebrated Preparation for Cleansing the Blood that is so uni versally used, and so highly recommended; seal do not allow the Druggist to induce you to take any thing else. that they may say is just the saroe'or as good, because they make a large profit on it. PREPARED BY Drs. D. FAHRNEY (C; SON, BOONSBORO, MD., And Dr. P. D. Fahrney, Kedysville, Be sure to get the genuine. None genuine un less signes.l 1). FA BIZNEY & &)N. Sold by Dr J, B. A MBERSON of this place june 30- 6mosj PURR' Sif,\LE. MHE subscriber intending to quit farming will sell at public sale at his residence, on the road leading from Waynesboro' to the Forge, 3 miles from the former and 3 from the latter place, near Hopewell Mills, on TUESDAY. THE 2D DAY OF AtiGUST, the following personal property , to wit TWO WORK HORSES , one a Family Horse; 2 Colts, 1 one-year and 1 twc yeurling; 27 Head Horn Cattle, among which are 4 Mikh Cows, I Heifer springing, 1 Bull, the balance young cattle ; 2 Goats, 7 bead Hogs. among which aro 1 Chester Boar and two 3roud Sows, 1 with pigs, the other with pig ; ONE PLA.NTATION WAGON, 3-inch tread, 1 one-horse Wagon, 1 Cori, 1 Wood Bed, 1 pair Hay Carriages, I pair one-horse Lad ders. 1 set Drill W heels, 1 hand wagon, 1 Llaxbrake, Barshear PIOWN I Gap Plow. 2 harrows, 2 single and 3 double shovel plows, I Thrashing Machine, horse power and two shaker; 1 pat. hay rake, ono wheat fan, 1 jackscrew, 1 pair spreaders, log chain, butt and breast chains, single, double and treble trees, hay and dung forks, rakes, shovels and mat tock, 2 sets Breechbands, 2 sets Front Gears, I set Single Harness, 4 housings. collars, 'bridles, halters, cow chains, 1 4-horse Ike, I wagon saddle, 1 large sledge 1 set drill tools, 2 sets dung boards, 2 dung hooks, 2 harrow sleds, 75 bundles rye straw, I still House on the premises, can be used for house ma terial; also HOUSE FURNITURE I Cook Stove, Pipe and Fixtures, 1 Bureau, I Ta• ble, small rocking chair and child's high chair, two churns, 1 large wooden butter howl, 1 cellar cup. board, 3 lemon trees, hotbed shah, &c. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day when a credit of 7 months will be given on 'all sums of 4;5 and up ''wards. A BUM. DNARDORFF. july,l4-3t] G. V. MONO, Auct. LCOAI4 I MY, SIMPLICITY, DURABILITY. BUCKEYE LOCK-STICH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ! PLAIN FINISH, $32. The Buckeye machines are eleg i vatly finished, and extremely simple in constructioM„ They have the strongest and BRW - FITIDIND BR VIVI, which will not get cut of order, NOR Bares ItiKEDIJIR. They save thread, and for SPReD, EASE or oeinterros, and neat substantial sewing on both light and heavy material are not excelled. S]ITCH ALIKE ON BOTH t3IDES, will Ham, .Fiht. TUCK, BRAID. Garuza, etc., in short, do all the work any other firat.class shuttle machine will do, a,nd do it JUST as watt, while they COST BUT BALT TUB MIRY. The BUCKSYS is the only mimeo Shuttle M— achine sold for the price,*.e . qual to the best" is the testimony of experienced operators and judges of sewing machine. Call and examine at the cloth ing store of (co. Bender, Esq., 'or at the agent's res idence on Church street. mar 17 tf A. B. WAY - 1114NT, Agent. MEXICAN ROW! lIAS received as fresh . stock of goods, and is al- RIO. t daily making fddition to his stock. He Primettio Coffee, Browned Coff rri ee, rri Brown and Crushed Sugar, Loaf wugart, CID Powdered White Sugar, Carolina Rice, rim Syrupy, superior in quality and low in price, g o , P. Rico and N. Orleans Aklasses, Corn Starch, Chocolate, sweet do Pickles Catsup, Mason's Cracker 0. A. gall', Fine Salt, Sugar cured Hams. I offer the above nt reduced pric ing they are on the "rise" in theA Cove hand, so' good. When come WI cheese &i FRUIT Raisins, ons, Pat kinds FOR good an Strawbei Get tb GLASS WARE.—Look at our cheep goblets, dish es, castors, tumblersi - flaskumolassee cans, lamps chimneys, &c. We have the best and cheapest m town. QUE ENSWARE.- - an unrivaled assortment. full stock, lower in price than ever. Tea sets, cups and saucers, meat plates, soup do.,Tea, Dinner, and Breakfast do. We have the real - granite, nc-T-tlecep— don in the quality. We have the common ware. new stock. Are invited_teJook_al_our knives and forks, butcher kniiilarge spoons, common albata and silver plated tea and table spoons, clothes baskets, buckets tubs, market baskets, school do. NOTIONS.—ToiIet soaps. perfumery. combs, pocket books, pencils ink cup knot and note paper Superior Whale Oil, Ow Kerosene Oil, Uhemical Olive Soap, Barlow's Blue Indim ' Wick Yarn, • Besides_many_useful articles always on_harril. Country produce and "greenbacks" tiken in e xhange for goods. lam thankful tbr part pa tronage and solicit a continuation of tilt genie at the FAM I 1 4 .... Y GROCERY store. Waynesboro', June 2, 1870. ___ SECOND ARRIVAL! - PRICE & 110Effin, A large assortment of very cheep goods, fought at the late decline in prices, and consequent ly will he sold correspondingly low. The price of all kinds of goods having declined in the Eastern Markets, the subscribers assure their friends that they can offer them superior inducements this sea son. With a large stock to select from, and prices and qualities La pldwge, they invite all to come and see and judge for tnemselve.s. For desirable style of goons and durability of fa. Uric they pay particular attention, so that their cus tomers ern always rely on getting the worth of their money in purchasing from them. of articles and see if you are not in want of some herein specified Light and Black Alpaccas; Ginghams, Hernarnius, Pilot., Detains, . Checks, Alpacca Lustre, Cottonades, Baba iyes. Denims, ',nuns, Chaining, Ging httms. Chintzes, Poplins, Tamertines, Crash. 13raize, .N npkins, Percales, Towels, Hoop Skirts direct from the manufacturers, Arabs—a beautiful wrapping, Prints at 6,8, 10, 12k, Hosiery and Gloves, Feathers by the pound, Oil Cloths tor Table, Stand and Floor. Tubs. Churns and Buckets, Boxes, Kegs and Kee cers, Window Shades ant! fixtures, l‘hcese—a gonil article. Mackerel in $, and whole florre4, Cottonadee—a tine assortment, feather Mitte f,r garden Making, Roes, Spades and Rakes, Shovels. Forks and Broom's, Pukins, Jenne, Ermine Cloths. june 9-1870 T. Q, AMB,ERSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO', PA. WEI in Walker's building ono door East of the Bowden House. [lune 30.—tf FINE FINISH, $37 NOTICE, The subscriber notifies the public not to trespass upon his premises by bunting, fishing; or picking berries, as he is determined to enforce the law in the future -against all persons so trespassing. • june 30-3 t JOtEPti RIPPLE. LOST.. The subscriber a jackscrew on the 16th of June between the loot of the Mountain and Pikes- A liberal reward will be paid forks recove ry. DAVID R. FITZ. July 14-..3t. Bing Bone, Bone Spavin, Splint and Curb Remedy. A sure cure or money refunded. Each packwe contains ftill directions. Price $3. AU °Mem ad- dressed to pit J. A. HUGHES, july 14 Gm] Waynesboro', Pa. VV. A'. REID PURE SPICES, Call and examine. No ham HOUSEKEEPERS RECENTLY OPENED BY LOOK AT THIS ..~ .~, DR. J. A. HUGHES' NOTICE. k e to show. goods notwithstantl• ast. - • elms, a ways on He warrants them ir to the mountain, iyaters and crackers, .ONE.RY. Layer lies, Oranges, Lem liles,inuts of several, ORE A M.—We have ion, Orange, Vanilla,, Cinnamon, &c. ig Biscuit. SPRING GOODS nt tower prices than they have been for several • situ - which - wit-call-the attention_a_alLwito wish - I_ll'. A. 11EII:r. A-full assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, fur Men and Boys wear at A. B. & Co's. A full assortment of Delains and all kinds of sum mer goods for Ladies at A. B. & Co's. Bleached and Brown Muslim selling low at A. B. & Co.'s. A heavy stock of Ingrain, Imported, Rag and all kinds of Carpet at We hasle a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Queensware, Hardware, and tiro ce3ies to which we call your attention and feel con &lent that we can give you full satisfaction in re gard to price and quality. 1870, SPRING. New Goods! New Prices! MILLER & BEAVER Have just received their first supply of Spring and eutnmer Goods to which they invite the attention of ull who wish to purchase good Goods at greatly reduced figures. Their Spring stock is complete in every department, and having hnd the advantage of the recent decline in the Eastern Market they Batter themselves that they can compare figures with any house in the County. In the Dry Goods depart ment they have black and fancy Silks, plain and fancy • Detains, all colors Alpaccas and Empress Clothe, plain and figured Poplins, Chintz s, Lawn, Piques, Brilliants, plain and barred Cambrics, Nein gooks, Swisses, Ain Cloth, Cassimeres, (plain and fancy) Sattinetts. Jeans. Cottonades, Linens, &c. Their line of Notions is full and complete. Be low is appended a list of the leading articles Hosiery, Neck Ties, Gloves, Suspenders, • . Mitte l Switches, Corsets, Chignons, Collars, Banukerchiefs, Cuffs, Trimmings, Bows, Buttons. Their stock of Groceries, Hardware, 9ueensware, Cedarware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, &e., is large, and was selected to 'suit the trade. All they ask is an examination of their stuck to be convinced of the truth. May 12,1870. t•hcetings, tshirtings, Dinpars, vAmtiar FIALA% ETC, _...., . . • THE undersigned baying refitted end added all the lat/st improvements to his Mill, (formerly Anta's) announces to the public that he is now manufacturing a initialer article of F A 'ist . rL Y' F L 0 U J , which will be delivered ter person's at market prices._ile has also on hand a supply of MILL 8711 . . FF of all kinds, which he will wholesale or retail at the Mill, or deliver if tirsired, at the lowest market rates. Having refitted his Mill with the most improved machinery he feels that he is enabled to give geseinl satisfaction. His Flour in sacks can be had at Reid a Croce rarsvhere orders they be left. • ' 'the highest market price paid for WH EA T deliverred at the Mill. • COOPER STUFF wanted. mar 24—tf] DAVID PATTERSON. B UILDING LOTS for sale in Pikesville by 'PETER ROIJZER. 8 0 C Q M.0"4. • • 0 0 We are now receiving our first supply of CHEAP GOODS. A. B. & Co.'s. CU .0 loths and Mattings a large lot at A.B. & Co. s. Wall and Window Paper in great variety at A. B. &. Ladies and Misers Shoes cheap and good at A. B. & Co.'s. Give us a call.afj MBERS ON, BENEDICT & CO. june 2-1870. FAIRVIW MILL ! Juno 9 tf THE NOM% GLORY FOR '69. I_Ecwaale. at W. A, TRITLE'3 new Stove and Tin 'dtore. He has on hand a large stock ofifit3 a tilitT stoves, all of the late improved kinds. • There is added to the Morning of this year an oven, which is neat in appearance. It is a good Baker. You can heat Irons • Bako, Boil, Roast, Stew, and it does not interfere with the operations as a Parlor Stove, In regard to the ,blitst of some Stove — Dealers, who say that their particular stove takes legs coal and gives more heat than the Morninu Glory, you can put that kind of talk down as a Blow-well, as the Morning Glary has been sold ,(in this part of the country) for four years, and in that time I have put out over three hundred of them, and never had to take ono back because it would not do its work or it was not what I sold it for. Now that cannot be said of any other stove ever offered in this mar ket. That is the proof which is the stove. I have other styles or heating -stoves fos coal' or wood. Heating Furnaces put up and warranted. My Cook Stoves are of the best in market fur coal er wood, all warranted good Bett er s. Also a new Parlor Cook Stove, something that can't be excel'. ed. Call and see me. You will find•my stock'of Tin Sheet-Iron and other wares of the best kinds, and at low rates. — Orrlurniti - thyrbestebthes - Wringer in market.—= Also 'a good and cheap Washing Machine. Roofing and Spouting done of the best stock and at short notice. Job work of all kinds in my line done at low rates. The only place in !town where you can get your copper work done, being the only Copper smith in' t Oet 1] DLL J. BURNS AMBEBSON T. C. RESSER, Constantly on hand a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, &o. &0., Spices ground or unground; Kerosene, Perfumery, Toilet and Fancy Articles, 1870. We sell you but goods of the best quality and at prices satisfactory to all consumers. Special attention given to the compounding of prescriptions. Remember the "Corner Drug Store" and give us a call. J. BURNS AMBERSON, M. D. • ap. 14 • STOVER & WOLF'S STORE, East Main Street, Waynesboro', Pa. GOODS SOLD AS LOW AS ELSEWHERE. Just Received, a fine assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' oaaaa aooaa4 At*Greatly Reduced Prices. All coeds in Stock. Reduced to the lowest Prices of the day. Prints from 6 to 123 Centa for the best, and also all Colors. • Brown Kaoline, 1 yard wide, at in Ote„ and all other Goods accordingly cheat. We Invite Inspection. may 5, 1870 STOVER & WOLPF. A lc. BRANIBHOLTS, /1.1. - SURGEON DENTIST, • MECHANIC STREET, • WA YNEBOS Ro', PW. e p ace. W. A. TRITLE. T H E UG SEE," PROPRIETOR, ASSISTANT eto. etc. etc AL' D, D. RA BRIJ, NEW FIRM D. D. ItiNsELT, & SON nt the sign oßthelßt 13.111 Horn, will keep en .tantivon hand end foribal.: a large assoktinent of toves and Tinware. COOK STOVES ! (warranted to give satisfaction.). WiNsivrtatre Ironware, Bresswa re, Ja manned Ware House Furnishing -Goods t Tub 4, _liu_o_tcoto Churns, Knives and forks_ Spoons, Ladles. Large iron and Copper Icettleq, And other useful artteles at the sign of the RED FIoRS, Waynesbaro.', Ye., where a large as sortment of COOK STOVES, r . . NINE•PLATE STOVE,S - PARLOR STOVE,S COAL STOVES (to , of the latest improvements, the very best •in the market, at the Cheap Tin aud stove Store of D. B. RUSSELL & SON. EVERYBODY COME AND SEE THEAMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE BURNER, Sold at °Retail by D. B. RUSSELL & SOT, Sign of the Big Red Horn, Waynesboro', Pa TINW AR E. made of the beat Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "1311 g PLecil. MU:mini:L."' D. B. 111.1 SELL keeps constantly on hand a largo assortment of lionse Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. Washing Made Easy ! by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. M'Persons kr want of Stoves, Tinwa're, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by calling on D. B HENSEL!. & SON, Sign of the "BIG RED HORN," Waynesboro% Pe SAVE YOUR FRUIT I THE L. A. ()ELLICE DRY HOUSE., PATENTED ;.1 ANUAR.If mai% 1868. This is the beet Dry House ever offered to the public. It dries Fruit in half the tirnerequired by the old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly . The Fruit dried by it retaitts more of the natural flavor. It is easily managed. It saves fuel. • It is durable and portable. • -It bee 24 feet of drying surface. Call and see them:at the sign'of 601 • ; • • BIG RED lIOItN and least your ciders for the - - • March 24, 1870. • ===M JoIIN B. Meru Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray heir Its natural Vitality and Co A dressing 1;6uell is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color, with .the gloss' and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured ---- britsrmseNettiing — can restore th=e hair where the follicles are .destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can, be saved fbr usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the Lair froin turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous, and. injurious to , the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If warded merely for a no mg ese can • onn so esirable. .Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, 'giving it a rich, 'glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. ‘\, -1)0- 'repared by . C. Ayer & Co" PRACTICAL AND ANALYTIC-AL CHEMISTS, PHICE — SI:OO. A .-S.-BON-Eil MlCE,—Litugg gent. -- ._ WAYNBS 808,6' LLL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE On all safe class property at reasonable rates. W. S. AMBER:SON, President. SIMON LECRON, Vice President. .los. DOCGLA4, Secretary. Jos. _W_.-MILLER, Treasurer. DIRECF.ORS: t W. S. 'A r - ab - 6 , son , Simon Lecron, Lewis S. Forney, Jacob Carbaugh, Jos: Douglas, Jos. Price, &cob J. Miller, - - , Joe. W. Miller, Benj. F. Funk, D. B;Russell Levi rtanders, - Jacob S. Good. June 16, '7o] URSIN'US COLLEGE, Located at Freeland, Montgom ery county, Pa.. A First-IJlass Bog 'Mathematical and Classical Boarding School for YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, Under the immediate Tuition and M a nage. ment of the faculty of the Uodeye. TERMS MODERATE. or All necessary expenses, including Tuition, Boarding, Washing, Books, &c., not exceeding $230 a Year. • THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT Will be distinct from the Academic and will rifior all•the advantages of a full College course in the usual higher branches cf study, under the direction of a Faculty of six Professors 'The Academic Year for both Departmerv , t will be divided into the following three terms :—Tii.• school Opening with the Fall Term, September 1870 to December 22. Winter Term, January 4, 1871 to April 5. Spring Term, April 12, to Ju:y 7,-1871. Ur For further infortnntien apply to Rev. J. H. A. BONI BERGER, D. D., President of Ursinus Col'ege, FREELAND, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA. • jnly 30—tf.] NOTICE. The undersigned cautions the public against ere , - passing upon het premises by picking berries. hail ing, or otherwise, as she is tit terminad to endure the law in the future against all persons found trespassing. JANE PFOUTZ. june 30 5E . Notice is hereby given that application will, !•,, made .to the next begisbitine of Pennsylvania 4 .1 tne incorporation of the Waynesboro' Savings Ban.: , to be located at, Wayloesbpro', in Franklin: 'county, 'With aerieial banking anti discounting privileg.,. w4h kimpital„of twenty. thousand dollars, with th-i privilege to increase the, acne to the stun of ttv.i hundred thousand dollars. june 30 7 Saiosj' A Y er9s Evi;‘,630[1,441 LOWELL, MASS. WAYNESI3ORO', PA., I MT - M. 117 Mt. M .S 3 1/F"_X_SEM.33 -9 F ILLC F,,. DANIEL SNI Waynesboro', Pa The Academic Department: [FORMERLY FREELAND SEMINARY.] NOTICX.