$,OOO to 4,000 do. yellow at 11081114 cents, the imik at the latter price, and of a oar load Western mixed at 'lO5 -cente. RYE —Some 400 bushel, offered, but no sales made. Qaote at 105®115 cents for good to prime. • OATS—Continue steady and firm. Re. ceipte today 8,500 bushels, and sales 6,000 do, at 65@68 cents. WAYNESBORO' MUTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, WAYNESBORO', PA., X IV IS 'TS X% tS AGAINST LOBS OR DAMAGE. BY 11E' On all safe class property at reasonable rates OFFICERS: W. S. AMBERSON, Presidont.. SIMON'I.EnoIi, Vice President. Jos. DOUGLAS, Secretary. Sos. W. Mmtaut, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: W. S. Amberson, Lewis S. Forney, Jns. Dingle., Jacob J. Miller, D. B. Russell Jacob S. Good. DANIEL SNIVELY, Agent,, Waynesboro', Pa lleni F. Funk,. Levi :Sanders, June 16, '7o] SEGO' 1:0 Alt; RECENTLY OPENED BY - PRICE & 110EFLEICII, A lArge msortyaeot of very cheap goads, I ought at the late decline in prices, and consrquent- Iv wtil he sold correspondingly low. The price of : - l1 kinds of goods having declined in the Eastern Markets, the subscribers assure their friends that they can offer them superior' Inducements this sea son. With a birge stock to si l•et from, and prices and qualities 11 please, they invite all to come and s.•e and judge, tor tnenHel VtF. For - ilia•traLle f4yl,. of goons and durability of fa. brie they pay particular attention, Fo thn Fiheir cut , - Comers e:in 111Wil)13 rely on getting the worth of their money in purchasing horn them. LOOK AT THIS 2111_ ligt_ Kit _ETC • ITC of articles and see if you nre not in want of some herein aipecified Light arid Black Aipaccus, ]lrinamius, • Whims, All acca Lustre, behames. bawls, tiinghams, Offnatzes, Pop:ins, Tamertines, Crash, Itraize, Napkins, Percales, Towels, Hoop Skirts direct from the manufacturers, Arabs—a beauttful wrapping, Prints at 6,8, 10, 12/, Hosiery and Gloves, Feathers•by tl.e pound, 0.1 Cloths for Table, Stand and Floor. Tubs, Churns and Buckets, Boxes, Kegs and Kee fors, Win tow Shades am( fixtures, Cheese—a good article. Mackerel in and whale Barrels, Cottonades—u tine assortment, Leather Mitts far garden making, Hoes, Spades end Rakes, Shovels, Forks and 13rooms, Pukins, Jimns, Ermine Cloths. june 9-1870 NOTICE. The subscribers caution the public against ties passing upon their premises by fishing, hunting or otherwise, as they are determined to enforce the law hereafter against all persons so offending . . MARTIN FUN K, DAVID C. SHANK, SIMON LECRONK, june 16-31] JACOB CARI3MIUtt. NOTICE• '1 he subscriber cautions the public not to tres li ass upon his premises—the farm now occupied by Levi Young— by bunting, picking berried, or other •wise. Having been subjected to great annoyance from this cause he is determined in the future to un iforce the law against all poisons so trespassing. june 16— Sti CHRISTIAN SHUCKL Plour and Peed. Aprime article of Family Flour from Amsterdam Mill, for sale in sacks, at reduced prices, at the Drug Store of. Dr. J. 13. Ambersun. Also of Lidy Frick & Co. He will also deliver Flour by the bar rel, and Mill Stuff to any point desired. Orders, may be left at Amberson's Drug Store, or at the Post Office. DAVID LOHR. Mr C. BRACILBILL, PHOTOGRAPHER, B. Corner of the Diamond, WAYSE8B0110; PA., lIAS at all times a fine assortment of Picture Prarnes and Mouldings. Call and see speci muu pictures. june 9 tf. .1f OR 'SALE' The subscriber offers .at'Private Sale, I new Mc- Cormick Reaping and Mowing Ma le fano combined, N 0.2 or 3 as the purchaser may I desire. Apply to Lidy, Russell & Co., Waynesboro . mar 31.—tf - .1011 - W. ti 001). T UST RECEIVED—A full stock of Leather for t, shoemakers and saddlers, at . ROUZBR & FRANTZ'S, Pikestille. june 9tf B UILDING LO TS for bale in Pikes vilto by YETEIt IMUZI:EL _ )uste 9 tf MEXICAN ROW! -AB received a fresh dock Of goods, and is al trio.,l daily making addition to his stock. He PURE, SPICES, = c-4 Prime Rio Coffee, Browned Coffee, m m Brown. and Crushed Sugar, Loaf •wugar, CO Powdered White Sugar, Carolina Bike, rri Syrups, superior in quality and low in price, g o P. Rico and N. Orleans Melasses, Corn Starch, Chocolate, sweet do., .-19 Pickles, Catsup, Meson's Crackers and Cakes, re 3 G.. 94 Salt, Fine Salt,= . . Sugar cured Hams. I offer the above at .redneed prices, notwithstand ing they are on the "rise"'in the East.. Cove OYSTERS in 1 and 21b. cans, always on band, sold by the (in or dozen. lie warrants them good. Wilms you go to Picnics. or to the mountain, come, where you got good oysters and crackers, cheese &c. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. -- Layer Raisins, French Currants, Candies, Oranges, Lem ons, Dates, Citron, Prunes, Apples, nuts of several hinds. FOR BAKING AND-I-CE CREAM.—We have good and pure extracts of Lernm, ()range, Vanil la, Strawberry r essences of Lemon, Cinnamon, &c. Get the Eng, Soda for making Biscuit. Flown Lecron, Jacob Carbaugh, Joe. Price, Joe. W. Miller, GLASSWARE.—Look at our cheap goblets, ['fish es, castors, tumblers, flasks. molasses cans, lamps, chimneys, &c. We hava_tbe best and cheapest in town. 1 QUEEN MA RE.—An unrivalled assortment, full stock, lower in price than ever. Tea sets, cups and saucers, meat plates, soup do., Tea, Dinner, and Drtlakfast do. We have 'the real granite, no decep tion in the quality. m , have-the - corarnee ware. new-aria. Are invited to look at our knives and forks, butcher knives, large spoons, common a lbata and ,wilver plated tea and table spoons, clothes baskets, buckets tubs, market baskets, school do. NOTIONS.—ToiIet 2onps, perfumery, combs, pocket books, pencils ink cap letter and note paper Superior Whale Oil, nest Kerosene Oil, ,Chemical Olive Soap, Barlow's Blue Indigo, Wick Yarn, Besides many useful articles always on hand. Country produce and "greenbacks" taken in exchange for goods. I am t`ninkful fu• past pa tronage, and solicit a continuation of the same at the FAMILY GROCERY store. Waynesboro', June 2, 1970 •ECONOMY, SDIPLICITY, , DURABILITY. BUCKEYE LOCK-STICH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ! PLAIN FINISH, $32. FINE FINISH, $37 The Buckeye machines are elegantly finished, and extremely simple in construction. They have the strongest and Bap FEECING DE VICE, which will not get cut of order, volt BREAK NEEDLE,. They save thread, and for SPEED. EASE OF OPERATION, and neat substantial sewing on both light and heavy material are not excelled. S'l NTH ALIKE, ON 130TH SIDES, will Hsu, FELL, TUCK, Beam, GATHER, etc.. in Short, do rill the work any other first-class shuttle machine will do, and do it JUST AS WELL, while they COST BUT BALE' TUE aIoNRY. Ginghams, hints, Cheeks, Coaonades, Dewins, Chnnihrg, '6heetings, tr,hirtings, The BUCKEYE is the only LICENSED Shuttle Ma— chine sold for the price, '11(111 to 'the best" is the testimony 01 experienced operators aol judges of sewing machines. Call and examine at the cloth ing store of Geo. Bender, Esq., or at the agent's res idence on Church street. mar 17 tf '" A. E. wAyN ANT, Agent. 1111 HE undersigned having refitted and added roll 11 . the latest improvements to his Mill. (formerly Pr Antz's) announces to the public that he is now manufacturing a superior article of FA Al IL Y FLOUR, which will be delivered to persons at market prices. He has also on hand a supply of MILL STUFF of all kinds, which be will wholesale or retail at the Mill, or deliver if desired, at the lowest market rates. Having refitted his Mill with the most ipproved machinery he feels that he is enabled to give general satisfaction. liis•Flour in sacks can be had at lteid's Groce ry, where orders may be left. . The highest market price paid for WREAT delivered at the Mill. COOPER STUFF wanted. mar :i4—tfi DAVID PATTERSON. The subscriber cautions the public—both men and boys—not to trespass upon his premises, the farm of.D. B. Garver, by fishing, bathing, hunting, or otherwise, as be is determined to enforce the law in the tuture against all persons who fail to comply with this notice. June 9 3t ISAAC D. SiLOCKET. A K. .BRANISHOLTS, ° I7.ItGEON DENTIST. 1%1 WEAN 10 EMMET, WAYNDSB)RQ', PA. W. A. REID Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. HOUSEKEEPERS FAIRVIEW MILL ! FAMILY FLOUR, ETC. TO TI ESPA.MS'ERS. NOTICE. We are now receiving our first supply of SPRING GOODS nt lower prices than they' have been for several years, to which ws call the attention of all who wish to buY W. A. 11111.15. A full assortment of Clothe, Cassimeres, &c., fur Men and Boys wear at A. B. & Co's. A full assortment of Delains and all kinds of sum. mer goods for Ladies at A. B. & Cops. Bleached and Brown Muslins selling low at A. 13. & Co.'s. A heavy stock of Ingrain, I mported, Rag and all kinds of Carpet at A. B. & Co.'s. Cil Cloths and Mattings a large lot at A. 13. & Co. s. Wall and Window Paper in great variety at A. 13. & CO.'s. Ladies and Misses Shoes cheap and good at A. 13.& Co.'s. We have a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Queensware, Hardware, and Gro ceries to which we call your attention and feel con fident that we can give you full sbtisfactien in re gard to price and quality. Or Give us a call.da june 2-1870. _ 0. ' SPRING. IS7O. New Goods! New Prices! IMILLER eft BEAVER Have just received their first supply of Spring and ummer Geods to which they invite the.attention of ali who wish to purchase good Goods at gvatly reduced figures. Their Spring stock is complete in every department, and having had the advantage of the recent decline in the Eastern market they flatter themselves that they can compare figures with any house in the County. In the Dry Goods depart ment they hnve black and fancy Silks, plain and fancy Detains, all colors Alpaccas and Empress Cloths, plain and figured Poplins, Chintz e, Lawn, Piques, Drilliantr, plain and barred Cambrics,.Nain sooss, Swisses, Mutts, Cloth, Cassimeres, (plain and fancy) battinetts. Jeans, Cottonades, Linens, Ktc• Their line of Notions is full and complete. Be low is appended a list of the leading articles : Hosiery, Neck Tics, • Gloves, Suspenders, Mitts, :Switches, Corsets, Chignons, Collars, 11 a nt. kerchiefs, Trimmings, Bows, Muttons. Their stock of Groceries, Hardware, queensware, Cederware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, dr.e., is large, and was selected to suit the troth.. All they ask is an examination of their stuck to be convinced of the truth. hl ay 12,1870. Bills Payable within 30 Days. The subacriher informs the public. that be still continues the Butchering business, and is prepared to supply persons as usual, at the Basement of the Walker property, Main street, Waynesboro', on Monday, Thursday and !Saturday of each week, with a prime article of Beef, Veal and Mutton. , All bills for meat must to paid within 00 days. He will slaughter the best stock the market will afford. and by attention to tubeless hopes to merit a continuance of the public's patronage. may 12— tf • T. J. CU.NNINGHAM. Notire'is hereby given that letters of Adminis tration on the estate 01 George Bender, late of Way. nesburo', dee% have been granted. the undmigncd. All tersons knowing them: elves indebted to said estate will please make '4inmediate payment, and those having claims agtinst the same present them properly authenticated for Eet clement. A. F.. W A YNANT, may 2G.6t • Adininistrattr CHEAP GOODS. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. ' BEEP I BEEF' I iIiNTINISTRATOR'S iv 01TICE. THE'MORMIG WILY FOR '69. For sale ,at W. A, TIRITLE'S now Store and Tin store. lie has on hand a large stock of the above stoves, all of the late imrroved kinds. There is added to the Morning of this year an oven, Which is neat in appearance. It is a Bond Baker. You can heat Irons. Bake, Boil, Boast, Stew, and it does not interfere with the operations as a arlor Stove, In regard to the blast of some Stove Dealers, who say that their particular stove takes less coal and gives more bent than the Morning Glory. you ' can put that kind of talk down as a Blow-well, as the Wrning GI icy has been cold (id this part of the country) for four years; and in that time I have put out over three_hundrod_of_thein, and never had -to-take one back because it would not do its work or it was not what I sold it for. Now that cannot be said of any other stave ever offered in this mar ket. Thrt is the proof which is the stove. I have other styles or heating stoves for coal or wood. Heating Furnaces put up and warranted I My Cook Stoves are of the best in market for coal et wood, all warranted good Bakers. Also a. new 'Parlor Cook stove, something that can't he excell ed. Call and see me. You will find:my stock of Tin Sheet-Iron and other wares of'the best kinds, and at low rates. On hand, the best Clothes Wringer in market.— Also a good and cheap tVashina - Alachine. Roofing and Spouting done of the best stock anti at short notice. Job work of all kinds in my line done at low raies. The only place in town where you can get your copper work dune, being the only Copper smith in the place. (Jet 13 W. A. THYME. THE "CORNER llitil STORU," DR. J. BURNS 431BERSO1'i PROPRIETOR, W. C. BESSER, ASSISTANT. Conetintly on hand a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Oils, faints, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, &c. Spices ground or nugruund; Kerosene, Perfumery, Toilet and Fancy Articles, etc. etc. etc We sell you but goods of the best quality and at prices satisfactory to all consumers. Special attention given to the compounding of prescriptions. Hemember the "Corner Drug Store" and give us a call. J. BURNS AMBERSON, ap. 14 AL' - STOVER & WOLF'S STORE, East Main. Street, Waynesboro', Pa. GOODS SOLD AS LOW AS ELSEWZERE. Just Received, a fine assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' uaa(a cacJaaap At Greatly Reduced Prices. All Goods in Stock Reduced to the Lowest Prices of the day. Prints from 6 to 12/ Cents for the best, and • also all Colors. Brown Nuelins, 1 yard wide, at 124,- Cts., and oil other Goods accordingly cheap. We Invite Inspection. may 5, 1870 % STOVER & WOLFF. 'RHOS. J. FILBERT, MERCHANT WWI, - AND AGENT FOR SINGER'S SEWING INIACIIINE. D. 8. 817,ESRLD. NEW FIR ro D. Is. IiIISt. , ELT, & SON nt the sto et the Wg- Rml lion!, Will keep constantly nn ham: and lur sole o e—aysortment 01 Stoves and Tinware. COOK STOVES ! (warranted to give satistactiun•) Int - are Voßllntlre, Egr laNf?,wara, re, Japasimed Ware, ease Varnishing (bloods Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives and forks Spoons, Ladles, Large iron and(Topper het tieq, And other upe`u I nrttcles at the siGn et the BIG REDJElRS,2Way_ne,,baro', Pa , where a large• at sortment of COOK STOVES, , N IN E. PLA TE STOVES PA 111,0 ft BTO VE. S 'COAL STOVES &c of the latest improvement., the very best in the market, at the (Jhenp Tin and Stove Store B. B. 1111:isEll & sfNv • EVERYBODY COME AND SEE TL711 , 4 IMPROVED OREEITAL • BASE BURNER, ~~~~ Bold at Retai I by B.RussET,L & SO•, Sign of the Biz Heil Born, Vtlaynesbozo% Pa TENILVARE made of the l'a'st Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the • "lErola MT& 0 <IL X.7..c•mna..99 D• B. 121.1:“SELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No, I Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. Washing 10facle - E - asy ! by calling nt the sign of the "l3ig fled Born" and getl inn the hest Close Wringer ever made. F.?'Persons iu want of Stoves, Tinware, TIMM' Furnishing Goods. &c,, can get full value for their money by calling on D. IS 12 INSELL & SON, Sign of the "BIG HED HORN," Waynesboro', Po SAVE YOUR FRUIT I T at; L. A. OELLIG DRY HOUSE PATENTED .1 kNUARY 21ST, 11848..... This is the best Dry HOllB6 ever offered to lb , public. It dries Fruit in half the time required by the old metho.l. It dries uniformly and perfectly. The Fruit dried by it retains more of tho natural flavor. It is easily mans;ed. It saves Mel. It isthmian and portable. • It has feet of drying surface. - Gad and see them at the sign of the' ma RED II ITSI anti leavevour oriel. for teem Mare!), 24, 1870, AyerlSarsapdrilla, Jallnf B. 11173SXLI SONS PVECIIIIFING • Lou et ilea 100 1021 01:110ye, I, Is derived It Ca, 11'8 cm cc. many of which ore tent,'" marvellous. Onveteritto Cases of Scrofulous (Us. ease, where the syst"m seemed saturated with corruption, baye bCCIL 0 11 1 1. 0 111 1=11TIL li ll b S 3 121 1 1 t ti Won: ders,WhiCIIIVOITn , --zi- gravated by-the ocrotb -•,-: ,ous contamination tool they were painfully afflicting, have hero radically cured in such great number, in aluto,t e cut y : ec tion of the country, that the public s.,•arLely need to be informed of its virtues or u-e,. Scrofulous poison is one of the mn , q, deptruc tive enemies of-our race. oli,•n, this invem iot , t unfelt tenant of the organism andel .th 00 1110 eon- StitlltiOn i and Invites the attack or enferl,iing at fa tal dlSeaScs without exciting a stispieitei of its presence. 'Again, it scenic to breed int,s throughout the body, and then, on some 1 . 8 vorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or outer 01 its hideous forms either on the surface or among the vitals. in the latter, tubercles may Ito suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors termed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or tool ulcerations on some part of the body: Hence the occasional use of a bottle • of this lin o rsaparflla is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons af flicted with the following complaints generally find immediate relief, and, at length, cute, by the use of this RARSAFAREI, LA: St. Anilia nles Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Dlictim, Scald heed, Dinpworm, Sore Eyes, Sorc Ears, and other eruptions or visible terms of Serofttious disease. Also In the more con cealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy. Xu eralgia, and the various ulcerous affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and .27.Tereterial Dis egscs are cured by it, though a long time is re quired for subduing; these oh:Ablate Inalodies by any medicine. But longscmitintled use of this medicine will cure the complaint. Leueorrho or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations. and Fe»rato Diseases, are commonly soon rpliered and ulti mately cured by its pnritVing and invigmating effect. liiinnte directions for each i are ore ionna in our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when caused by accumulations of c• s. Matters in the blood yiold quicl.l to as also Lter-r Coninfrtints, 9it r pidiiy, Conyes tiOn or Inflontlil at ton of the Lieer,stul Jaun dice. when arising, as they cc ten do, free) the " rankling poisons in the blood. This SARSA PARILLA is a great re.doi er for the-tten; tit and vigor of the system. Tho , v, who are _pi:l - and 7,istless, Despond,mt. e,less, and troubled with Nervous . 4 1nprefiennions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness. will Mid innneiliate relief and con vincing evidence of its restorative power urea owe 1 „Masa., SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYW. A. BON EORAK Dingost, DT Esto , p ror,vr nt 111L'AV :Pt'S l P•••T '" rt , Nr .._/02.tiA)1 COON e 3 ST`JI'IE-3 oi. ::7!' 171 k T ni.11.1) rhspetttfay inform the 7 , Yvt. th.tt they havello.v /venal nt their he soh:I - we:est cortihr of the thattiond, to n latt.re nod ttre selected stock 0' .oDry Good Ne Groce.vics, tvare matt tin2 , :.^ry, • Iron, steel, Mitts, (709Ch-tll.lkers Goods, id every desei:pnon, Queen , ware, Cederw,7,•, ;th.,„ t; pen, ().i Coins, Paling, l/ Os. Vr.rrii-t.l !;rti. vs, Fkh, Saltond ad kind of Gonds Lela in a wei r l regninted store. Our goods are al' new and tier!! and have been bough . t.fefeash t the laU dedit.e iu jiri-es,. e flatter ourselves that from our long experi once in business, and a detm•rimnation 1.1 Hell c. mis at semi profits, we shall be abb. to etl..r nnu-u•ml inducement.; to it buyers. tvlm mbs.ore to s. ve mops cy. Please call and see for pmrselvei. We have a large and wo as4orto.l stock of sta ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cotiorytdrq, Cords, Den tgiipes, Cheeks, Ginghams. bin and ,Lott,in fable Diapers, Crash for Towels„Galicoes,Delains, Alpaecas, Triings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting• and Shaungs, TiokingS, Linens, rianni.ls, 'White tilooils, ("loves, flotery We are re ceiving.new goads every week and will sufq ly any article wanted that we nave not on hand in a„,,,tew days. We pay the highest marks: price for all kinus country produce such as Bacon,! aril, Butti,r, Egg: Dried Fruit, Rags, &c. May 19-1870. HAYING PURCHASE!) I , IIOM J. R . V/ ..;:'-' L. !"4.ii At the we'd know stand un.h , r t! r. 'l'owa If ~!I, euthe stuck of goods wou.tl t..k it.i. tr. thL/ L i Of 1,1- forming the ea..zetle of ‘A nynet-here', Pa., 'lrl'i vi cinity that I have just yet lkt i i tr,ini the cities vitth a large and euznplue assortment of HATS, t42iIDES, BOOKS OF EVERY DES'C?tiPTION, Paper, Pens, Notion gene ral y. Come to we. and get fits. I am ready. My stock is large. My suits rim:perm' I would respectfully solicit a toll. re of public pd. tronaue may 26—'70] SPRING GOOD Q i 0 Brown & Walter, MT. HOPE, AyE just received and opened a large stocl• Spring C-3120 Cit 512 bought at (detest gold premium prices are( will Is sold no low , no they eau en i,urehaol any %%bete. Call and exauttne our sb,ek rutch9.4o elsewhere Bile) N Ve' t. ft; It. Mt. Hop°, May 5,4 f. The suhscrilxm offm for sale a stt.ry and a ba' Log 1401.1,e, which will answer Pr staLlu or odic cat-hulhi ueigtl may 191 A great variety of PrlAorns, Styr , ' Otnl.Prk , . Wall and Coifing .Ca•pti.r. A 1,41, and 00 lilinde at - • june 3-tf AMIIURSON, ':'S PREPARED 111' Practical and Analytical Chemists Cloths, Cassimeres,— fill'itiT iiill3SS COOS, CAPS, 300 TS, Eaaveopen. reaccM, D. S . NIV - DLY SMITH Eiorase -for JACOB CATMAIIGIT WALL PAra„;tl. IM:1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers