(X 4 L EEDSO ,Pi.ott door ta the TOrrik.thdli its a* -„114 .Ikottd Alas. ►aeoitment of -, • T.r O L ' ' *lmbed by ti;nstilferiib great 'atm 4 , llasp apd mrel!.*ecoll,giesortnleM wavomaa, of ja w i aa jEes•lieh, and American Manntactart ; • JEWELRY cheaper than ever before soil in Waynesboro ,tbe latest sifts kept constantly on band. .Ently variety of Coil buttons. A ifinetassort • meet of • FINGER AND EAR RINGS. ' Boll& Gold. Engagement and WEDIPM RINGS, • Oliver Thimbles and sheelds; Cason, Forlts, and Spoone r Balt Cellars,.and Butter Knives of the cel ebrated Roger btanufaeture,al redneed rates. d SPE.OTACLES To feeticeveTybody!e eyes. ?Pew gltiesee poi in !Id Clocke. Watches. end Jewelry promptly end .teetty'repOm4 and toterramt4l. ALEX. LEtDB - , Next cem to the TowAllall t nruJerthi Photograph -410.3 , 1 J!AY I. • VIVO lat. 311Ell'iler_731M.151. DRUGS MEDICINES / IE4 - ON ?~tlC~~4~ ale• &e., Go' t( Fourtbman s Witrtesbeire 11/ay 24,1867. ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKSI SEA.' WALTER d: BRO. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERst TN leirtzr, Targh,lleariatores,t4t„ WE call attention to osir seitortment of the a bove, comprising the newest and. most 4p proved styles. livaing.the advantage at Waterpower, and a icing expariencein tire STONE, CUTTING BUSINESS, we are Olin) fill orders at•the shorteSt lortice ARO -on most reasonable terms. • Give us n hall at our, Yard. near Antietam Juno :ton, on the Vilayneebero' and Hagerstown Turn pia, two mites !tom theformer 'place. rest Office adorers, Waynesboro', P a . N. IL Orders can be left with John Walter and ill receive prompt Wanton. E. W. & BRO. April 3.—tf. liff "NW 'az mEt_ THE undersigned would infirm the public gen. erally that he nes purchased the Livery hens otore - owned by Franklin Weardey. and is lull prepared .to meet the wants of the eom , Ps.C- munity in bia line of business. . , • n. has had all his carriages neatly, re paired and refitted end his horses , are •ipet safe. gentle an&last travelers. Par ties eonltioyed to any point desired, ac eompanied by st emend driver. • °E we erne door west of Hotel, where as ateentive hostler will be in attendance at all how's el the night and day. Nts,efort will be spared to accommodate whc may pitreniza frun : Q' l6 ?if 11.PITNR. KEW Al' MILLER 4 BEAVER ! !VERY haierldst - iiceivedleheir first supply rf Fall and. Winter goods, to a hich they. JP vile the etterttion 'of the public. A mopg which Apr have a full assorVmeqt of ' • t l iattV C3K)C:43 Bilk Alpaccas, Brocade,' I.;asties; BoMbs One, striped Mohair, Buff Kicalie„Whltalbigue, - trictoria Lawn, Brilliant • kiwis)! nainsook; Black and Fancy ifide,—Cloths„-Cassimeirsi Ital. Cloth. Muslin, Tad ble Diapers, Torrling, Counterpanes, Cottensdes, Carpeting, Netting, Qil.floth for Table and Floor- Queensymare;. Cederware, Obliterate, D ptlery, Gro- ceries, a full line. Our assortmen t irt every dephrt meat is More Completi then keieteftite. and We are. offering every inducement to purchosersot the low- - est prices . . All we sek is a trial before phidhasing elsewhere.. We Will endeavor to, show seeds at such priers as will convince you of the fact. • We tender qua thanks to the community for their liberal patronage bestowed upon - us, and hope to Merit a continuance of the same For Bacon, Lard, Rutter, Eggs, Rags, &c., the highest market price will be paid in exchange for raerchandiiie.• • If you are in'watit Of WALL' PAPER, latest stylis;a4"style desired , etiaLbelluvisked i'i a few dOye notice by applyNt . at . Nov. 12, 1869 NIBU that he is now proprietor of the Buss line running daily be_ tween Waynesboro' and Greencastle, heretofore run by Wolfereburger dr. Istorter . .. With 'good horses and a first.pleas fonr-horse o,Mnibna.bo 'is enabled to convey p,aseengere to iind fro with comfort had Convenience. His Buss will leave Waynesboro' at 6i A. M., arriving at Greencastle at 8; making quick time and sure connection with the first Passenger train at 83 A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. lg., ar riving at Wayneaboro' at 6 45, ~ He is himself Pro prietor, Contractor and Drivpr. Deiiveril Adams Express matter to and from Greencastle.., Ail Hit press matter expressed the same warning through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrives. Persona wishing.to send goods by Express will (to well by giving him a call. Persona Wishing to go to Hagerstown shogld take this route. The train leaves.st 9 15 making connection . with theWaoh ington County Railroad. aug..2o-tfj---.1.-L-WOLF-ERSHERGER. - OA.VAIit ffEjunden3igned would roost papeetfully in ornuthe-eitifens-or-W-alffearai; an - a vicinity tat be has opened a new Tin !store, on East Main _street,oppotite.-Stovec=de.--Wolft- 1 / 2 -Dry--Goodarer w ,stand a hand st-- --t49 11 1 ,Jorturni-an4 - keeply good sup- PIY of - • COOK 8,1 COAL 'STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc,. at prices to suit the times. All kinds of work done in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as roefrig, Spouting and repairing. You will find it to your it.terest to give hint a call before purchasing elsewhere: The sign is the Big Red Colree Pot Always on the Post. Thankful for past firers he hopes for a continuance of - thesame. Yours Respectfully, nor 19 . • CLAYTON M. FREY. 4.r rival FORNEY & SONS IHVE jest returnee Beni the City with'a large assortment of Shoe Finding, Linings and Mol , rote:, at very low rates. • Highest prices paid for:Hides and Rine taken in and weighed at the Geller of Ruthes shoe store. • The highest market price will 4 - paid for 400 cords of Rock and Black Oak Dark . April 24-1880 . Fall and Winter Fashions. Nips. M. A. !UNDER has just arrived from Par ttais.and London with the latest designs, person. ally selected from the greatest novelties; also, the most elegant Trimmings to be secured in Paris. WES, RJBBONR, VELVETS, BRIDAL Pcomae ma JEWELRY, and.TRWIRD PAPER PATTHRNB, DRUB and CLOAK latißltie. Exclosivel,agent for Mrs. M. Work's celebrated er : tern fur cattily' Indies' dresses, sacques,basques, &c 11'. E. corner of Eleventh and Chestnut Ste.. Phila. sep 17-8 mos. CHEAP ` • COONEW • liT ' • BOOT AND SHOE STORE I THE subscriber has just returned from the city and is now opening for examination a large and wall selected stock'of Boots and Shoes. Having had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and thee trade, no doubt if you favor him with a call you will buy as he will sell cheap and warrant the work. • All ripe mended free of charge. Give ''Cooney" a call. C. RUTHES. sept 25-tf Boot and Shoemaking. .:1.1.••• MBE subscriber 'would inform the public that he is stall times prepared to make to order Gems Coarse or fine Boots, also coarse or fine Work for Ladies or Misses, including' the latest style of last ing Gaiters. Repairing done at short notice, and moasores taken in private families if desired. Shop on East Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by 3. Elden, as a flour and feed atom. ' • THOS. 110.LLSIGSWORTH. • duly 23—tf • Parheringl ftarleriegl pin subscriber informs she public that he con. tinnes the Barbering business in the room nest desk to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and is at all times pepared to do hair cutting, shaving. - shampooning ctc. in the best style.' The patronage of the pub. ia to respectfully solicited. W. A. PRICE. Attg.23 tBEr7' - 14ILLINERY• GOODS TO IrgE . LADIES! AT I RS. C. L. IiCILLINBERGER ham just re akeefoed a full reapply of new Millinery goods Ladies are invited to call and examine her stock. GOOD T.PIYLAR AEGALIAS supplied or the Material to make t h em furnished. , . Guns, , • rentnirt Blades, Repairing Family Corn:libellan t Call on J. 11. JORIENSTOIIII. mayl2B-10 ma] , SOAP-MAKING. CENTRATED LYE., ii full pound in a 11,./ box it Viands. SODA in large or mall quantitioafsoldLlow , • ' W, A. 4LEID., ?eh 3' - • , • • YE FLOE% , corn Meal .and Hominy, AU JR, fresh and fas)sele by 4i i WAY/4141% . Null' s ,rit?,;:lN)*,tc..9.rio.g..,lirooptlio4 P4TE'NZED 'lB6B. • ' STATE-AND . 0014NTY - R.IGHTSTOR SALE. A sitriss of trials of this nrchirie has - convineoL the inventor and' all pprsens whp have witnessed its optratiqns that it 41 superior tq any other in use in the following pott151101: It & B.'s. 'this machine la constructed so as in be, operated pitth — i - by hand. horse t Water or jiteam,ppweir hand 25 t 0 .30 poste can be bored pet day; by one-horse power from 100 to. 150 per day ; by two-horse 200 per day, and by water or steam power from 200 to 30Q per day. to-,150 is Milo a self-feeder. The subscriber is now prepared to dispose of State, and County Rightp for, the above valuable in. option. _ , Jane 19-rtf NEW STORE, • ' NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS F • I' ONEROUSE IXTOULD teepeetfuy inform the public the Vl' they have now opened at their new room,on the south•west corner of the Diamond, in Waynea• hero', a largo_ana we:elected-4 1,0 0, ;try Goods, t_ cries • mind Cutlery, • Iron, Steel, Nails, Coach makers Goods of every description, Queensware, Cedarware, Shoes, Car.. pets, Oil Coths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush. es, Fish, Salt, and ail kind of goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are al, new and fresh and have been bought_ for cash at the lay decline . in prices. We flatter ()woollies that from our long experi ence in business, and a determination to sell goods at sold profits, we shall be able to offer 'murals! inducements to, a buyers who desire to save mons ey. Please call and see for yol l reelves. • We have a large.and we assorted stock of sta ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, Cassiineres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades; Cords,Den nas, Stripes, Checks, (inghama, Linin and Cotton Table Diapers, Crash for Towels,Calicoes, Delains, A Ipaccae, . HALT IRESI GOODS, Triinge, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting and - Shirtings, Tickinga, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re ceiving new goods every week and will apply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. ' We pay the highest market price for all kinds o; country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, g gg e Dried Fruit, Bags, &o, Nov. 5. 1868. NEW FALL WINTER, • AT THE PIRA! OF STOVER & WOLFF (SUCCESSORS TO GEO. STOVER.) DRY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS, QIIEENSWARE 9 GROCERIES, ROOTS AND SHOE S* CUTLERY, CEDERWARE; OIL CLOTHS, 4&4). To which we invite the attention of all who want. to buy cheap goods. STOVER & WOLFF. Nov. 5. 1869. WAY NESOORO I. COACH FACTORY . •, rt F.O. B. HAWKER having withdrawn from Vithe firm of Adams & Hawker, the subscriber informs the public that he continues the Conlin:ink,. ing business in all its branches, at the old stand. He will at all times have a slipply of new Buggies, different kinds, on . band ; also second•handed ve• hides. Repsiripg done at short notice. He uses• the best material and empty - ye good mechanics. He returns his thanks to be public for their liberal pa tronage and by attention to business and a dispo sition to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same in the future. jan 14 tf ' JACOB ADAMS. oct 28 tf WAYNESBORO' LIBRE THE subscriber having purchased the interest 0,. J. It. Wolfireberger in the Wayneshoro'.Liveryf will continue the business at Bowden's Hotel Ste hle. Otudfortable.conveyances and fine traveling horses furnished at alt hours. Parties conveyed to any point desired accompanied with a careful driver. An attentive Hostler will alweys be is attendance. Thankful fill past favors be respectfully solicits a share of theputitic's patronage in the future.- ' sep 3—tf S. P. STONER. . _ _ IV.. O. MOLASSES.—The s u bscribers hove just reetivedOs prime loti?f New Orleans Molasses cur the ' Meg& 110.PF1.1011, LABOR SAVING QIIALITIEE BASE OF OPPERATfON-- SIMPLICITY OF OONSTIITTCTION A ddrpm AND GOODS, sTqNATI-lAN NULL, • R,tung, Franklan Cinit4tx, nis.urn4Ennm bIt:ALER IN DRVGO 2 PATENT IyiEDICZNES, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, OILS ; PAINTS, VARNISHESES! te. %fee. dealfwith at 20 per cent. discount. Wu7nesboro' Butel Building * wAylvEsppwr, • March r, 1868. Newest, Best, Cheapes, CLOT ING GEORGE BENDER ter Has reeentij , openel up an entire new stook of NW lE 6 ' ,111( .T111W: AND SUMMER CLOTAOME, All, of whieh has been obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JAil TT, Bal timore. • Every articsl sold is WARRANTED to be of the best custom make, and the material just what it is represente'd to be. A full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING COODS always on band, such as Under Clothing, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, dic. All we ask** that you give us one trial, and you will always by, for remember we do not keep badly made clothing and the goods are all of the latest style.. May 4 13r] CORNUCOPIA. Wayges,borol Bakery; Coifectionary • .„- OYSTER ,SALOON, TIM well known and popular I'testaurant••aud saloon formerly kept by Wm : B. Crouse. hat been leased by the undenfigned. Thelore devoting their entire time anti attiintion to the Vusiness area tering for their friends and the publimand ready to amply the luxuries of the season. Oir*TERS, CRABM, LD, er.o RS, TURTI. ES, 'VRIPE; CICKEVI. dtc., will be served up 'Cohort notice and by the- best of cooks.. In' fact , end in short, we ain't to keep a first elms , ' ettiog wise ' and to please the appetite of all who May favor us with, 4 call. At all times the best ALE can be bad on draught, for -proof of which tall and try tie or* Ole. We have a saloon fitted up evressly'for the • Thankful for the encouragement we have re. cohnul thus tar, we hopeto merit a atill greater share of public patronage. nor 20] tIPIINEIERGER &HOOVER.: , GEO. BENDER. Waynesboro 111.0,11TIWIMPIRINIR7 , 17"P rmasmcwerr••••••••l • ~.WlA O fetale and' Retail ,Dealerla • „ .4 2 • • • . , . . a r vet ... ,`GREENC - ASTLE PA. . • • • WhiT MORE, " ' Would call the ,attention pf all who are in need of Firrnittire Mattresses; Looking GlasSes, Carpeto, to the fait that be has a linter stock on bandies his , rdoins on the eoutheest corner of, Centre Square, than alteiniller edtablisinnontp•,in the county corn.. bine& and that hi can and does offer inducements to Housekeepers aid others. in want of goods ix his line, such as'no Other COpet . pcalers can do. • - He - bits 100 13pileteitdi of. ever 25 different etyles f • ranging In price feitin • • .115 to tFIR one& -' More Amp ALL'lliireikusi of 25 different otyles, from *7,50 to $75 each. $1,25 ,to 3b each• Rocking Chairs froni sl.flo to $311: . gpll Chamber kfuit6, solid. Walnut.; . tropt $OO to $2OO each. - Cottage , • from $3O to $9O eich.' , T e t, m or e tes Sofaa.• • • front 1.0,56F,1. each. Spring iient Parlor Chairs, from $:,10 to $6O per half doe Lounges front $ 7 to $35 each. Male top Parlor Nablesecholid Walnut, trout $lO to $35 each. Wood 'top parlor Tables, • from s2'to $l3 each. among which are 20 different styles, Al s o Bite:Won, Breakfast; Dining and Hall Tables, in endless variety, WArdrobes, Bookcases, Writing Desks, ' fAbrary 'Fables, Seerptaries, ' What Note, Hat Racks, riano Stools, Umbrella t'tands, Camp, Office,'Hall and Library Chairs ; ,' Safes, sideboards, Sinks, - poppia l ay", cppbo ! ,; do_, yvaoptands, alO r rge'aock of all kinds of Mattraisep, such' as ' Hair, Husk, Pahl' Leaf, Wool and - ' Straw, at , prices (corn4;4 to-. 540. ring Mattrak Springses, ring Bed 'Bottom winging , an oc mg radial,. The highest cash price paid for Carpet finis. Wq have a large stock of Carpets always op hand, such as lirussella, ingrained, Stair, HO and' all kinds of Mailings, hinds Floor Oil Cloth,lit_law..prices,...._. Looking Glasses, from plain Walndt Promo to . ' 'Asiii :c . , .p; • . •nd Ros .... • N so. hit -..; : TErlO2 • glitltirilj...... es, - Picture mines and *Mains of all doscrip t tione, and at biwer prices than can be had else, w h ere i n th e county. Re also .sells Wholesale to the trade, all of whom he requests to call and learn prices before puichasipa elsewhettk, nri tag Oar. pets madei to order MOWERS AND REAPERS FOR SALE. January 14-tf. LIFE IS UNCERTAIN',! PROCURE YOUR PICTURE, EITHER A PHOTOGRAPH, AMBROTYPE, OR ,FERREOTYPE, "DIAIVICONV , GALLERY. The undersigned having purchased Mr. Hamil ton's Gallery, is now prepared to make pictures in the highest style of the art. He will give special attention to large photographs for fretting.. FR,4111 . .P5, EASES, • 4-a, - We will always have on hand a fine assortment of Frames, to which we invite attention. • • Pictures taken in ologdy as well as clear weather. Particular attention in taking picturep of children. ' june 11—tf Cough Cold or A Sore Throat, Requires immediate attention, as neg ^k