Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, March 24, 1870, Image 2

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    ViLtAdr, nEcoitto,
:c . !Fost
isyl.Tbs.Bleebsoloa ) Bank bf 3 .40ifit too
reeumed.epecie payments. " •
Mir Gotland Bantel Siekles bee bees
Ss, sittstkid koY the United' Stabs' Senate as
*inter to Strait."
IrThe Sooiety of'the l Apiip of the POW
luso Will hold , ite,secood nnsnal• resOon in
rhiladel s hia on: te 9th of April
iiiiff•Croogrese has voted the, anti of $6,000
to the widow of the fate Edwin Stabton .
seat euivalent to a year ' s salcry (If by
Associate Judge of tie Sept*. toad.
nek-A bill bat bees introdueed in the
Uuittd States Stoke, stud referred to the
— ticturetrootatoitteerprovidisg V); the TeR llll W_
don of specie payments on she let day of
January next.
ft -Senator Bevels (colored) of Mississip
pi, delivered hie first speech. in the United
States Se '
nate•on Wediesdaylast in appeal•
lion to Representative Itibghatn's smetd4
!Rent to the Cieorgia bill. like speech is
Well spoken of by , the daily papent.
.01 . 1'The groat railroad bill, for , the furth
er development of the resturoes' of this
State, passed billy on Friday last, hy a large
majority., and now only awaits the signature
of the governor to hemnne a law.
GRAIN IN lOWA.--4 private letter from
Council Bluffs, lowa, to the Harrisburg
Telegraph, states that wheat on the 9th inst.,
was bringing in that market only 40 eenta
per bushel, and aoru SO cents.
11116"The - body - of - Captain - Williiune,-of-the
Oneida, was recovered from the wreck, end
the funeral honors were paid at ]Yokohama
on the ,Bth of February. There were impo.
Creierntativea otaii the great nations united
sing ifeSis
in 'their tribute to the memory of the noble
dead. , .
. 10167Yerger, the murderer of Colonel Creme,
voluntarily .returned to the jail . pt Jackson,
Miss., on Monday, from witiph he escaped
two weeks ago. in a mite to the Governor
he states that hit left prison only to 'gratify a
fancy for a few days' freedom, and ranker in
tended to shirk his trial.
The Torritoqal Qommittee of the
House of Representatives have solved the
question of 'what to do with o costly and
useless possessions ip Alaska b deciding to
recommend that it be annexed as country
to Wasbington Territory. A bill for this
' purpose will be reported to the Rouse as be.
log the most ecohomical manner of disposing
of what can at thy boat be only an °sponse.
• sta..A worn' an was senteneed last week, by
the Court_of Quarter Sessions, of Philadel
phia, to pay a fine of $5OO and costs, Anil
confinement in the Penitentiary at . bard
labor, for the term deem years, for falsely.
swearing against a gentleman whom she an;
cued of an outrage upon her. It was prow
en upon the trial that sbe made' a bUsinese
of blaelzmai)ing timid husbands, bat in the
present ease, she happened to get theowrong
pig by the ear."
.m..Rtobtnend, Va , is now in a "sea of
trouble." The Legislature, it Mme, passed
an aot giving tbe.Governor power to remove
the present blaynr and Police and put 'oth•
ers in their planes. ',The incumbents assert
that the act is not in actoordanne with the
Ueconstruction acts or the g,tate Coristite.
and refuse to give place to the new ap
pointees. 'Several , colisiOns have been the
reanit, one man killed' and several wounded.
`be difficulty is an unfortunate one, coining,
As it does, upon the hAeta of reconstruction,
and marring like a Wank blotch, the fair
promise of regenerated Virginia.
Avosnws Pcnip..—lt 'apparel that some
,of the subscribers to this' fund refuse to pay
heir subseriptions. More despicable con
duct than this cannot be well imagined, Thn
:Now York Star cries "Shame I" and sage ;
To "steal Pennies from a dead .man's eyea'l
is proverbial meanness, but to take money.
from the dead men's widow and orphans is
far meaner and more contemptible. The
terrible Avondale disaster last year was the
occasion of,a large subsoription in aid of the
wpmen and children left desolate by its ray-
ages. put it seems there are people small
enough to sithacribe without paying their
looney, even to such a cause; for list Mon.
day the Board of Minagers of the Belief
Association having the Avondale aubscrip
: tion hatid.)ldOpted a •resolution. instruct-,
idg the sepikary "commence 'pities against
all delinrepe .svbscriberl," giving twenty
days' notice i ) 0(ir o twp g . step No. enforce
cullec Hen?' •
_ We see it stated (stays the ,41finer's
.lourau/) in some of idle papers .that th.
passage, of the Tariff Bil Lat - the present •ses
sion of Congress is dottbtful: This impres
sion is sent out by the Panties of , the bill,
lied the friends.of rratection ought not to
give eredenco to ;t. 'The people will. emand
action op it at‘this session of Congress, and
Ise trill 'predict, beforehand, that if it 43.410
110 i Pitt , 4l!itt_few of the present members if
Congros,,thnproless to be friends of Itrn.
*motion, will hp returned The
popper this is noderptutid by literabera of
Congress, the better. 'r he people will 4;3
• tte fouled 'no this question r,py longer : . •
• •
8 44, Azioarkr.•:-lho .11161(if
'l4tie4 tOtOu4h the Oolimos of the itOoiti
,ake plata as follotra , ,
B. N. Brown, at,tiaboty. Milt gri4a.y
garoh 2§,•. '
Elizabeth Ramer, ht . Wayileihoro, Tnea.
diky :t9th' of March. . • , •
Hoary Oaks; Wok '
. Anita Comino.--We world
.retoind our
patrons thafthe 'first of Apt:il : ittapproaphing,
and at the gamer time iecinest that / they • • for
get not the Printer. We have'fieverel: han
dled dollars to Odle Te order :not" to
giaappio the 'Taper Alan" and other over
indulgent creditors, these indebted for sub
ebription, advertising, and. bill , printing, are
ealled'upon to Settle nig' '.Upon snob' we re.
ly. How , reran; gill disappoint nq Y
Fr Gersten Seedkikt,Ambetsbnii".
leirituninees Mesh 10 cents a line.
Imo'. be weather is sprinplike.
.811rFur Shelbark a go to
OrThe 41ye and,ulghte are now equal.
sahool for one of the wants
of our Borongh just now.
"trwilmit.- 7 A large 'quantity for mile.—
See advertieemeatof Benj..F. Funk.
APPLES..--ItElp hos apples at 22 cents a
pecic,'pippins st 25 do.
leirWhoopinpoongh syrup at the Corner
Drug Store. •
ra-Subseribers removing on the first of
April will please inform us of their wherea=
Cr After the net day of March no abate
ment of per oentage will be allowed in the
that I expeot fresh gull next Friday after-
list,.ollB,Taiats, Glass and Putty at the
best prines the market can afford r at the-Cor
ner Drng Store.
SMUG 000DB.-310813r13. Price 86
expect to receive their first empfdy of new
goods -I:leSt week. One of the firm is now
Tux Dims.—Those cheerful little min
strel harbingers of spring, the birds, have ar
rived, and are again making the morning air
voeal with their wild, sweet mud°.
f*ESITILLE BTORE.—We eall attention
to the advertisement of nessrs. Router Si.
Frantz. This ,firm is at all times well sup.
- Vied with snob goods in their line as will
meet the !ants of purohasers.
iss.The season of Phones cleaning," the
Worst in the callendar of time, is coming.—
Theretore look out for•savage matrons and
misses, and short rations,
Musselman has
be'n appointed Postmaster at Fairfield,
Adams county, vice John W. Sullivan, re
FAMILY FLOUR, Vzo.--We direct special
attention to the advertisement of Mr. David
Pattertfon in this issue. Mr. F. has already
acquired a roputatiou for the quality of his
THANKS.—Iion, C M. Duncan, of the
State Senate, will accept our Aspics for a
neatly bound volumne, intitled the• "Penn
sylvania Legislative Eland Bock," and other
favors. •
PRAYER MEETING.--A Union Tempera
ance Prayer Meeting will be held in the .
Presbyterian . Church on Thursday evening
ef.text week. The intention is to continue
these meetings in our different :Churehes
from time to time.
ENCOURAGING.—Notices from Feheorifiere
like the following are enoureging to pnb.
"Dear Sir.—Please find enclosed 40 for
my paper, and if more is due, as I have for
gotten, let me know. Often I think of stop-
ping some one of the papers, but the Recbrd
ie never thought of then. It has become a
necessity to my family and myself."
OXE —A specimen of ore taken from the
farm I Mr. Henry Summers, near Parkhill,
in this township, was left at our office thb
other day'. It)s pronounced by a gentleman
familiar with such matters *be a good sped.
men of hematite ore. It is said •to abound
there in considerable quantities.
Pußmq. SALE .--Lt will be seen by refer
ence to our advertising colomis tbat &fr. IL
Oaks' putposes discoutinniog business at
the Look Forge, and will sell on the 7th of
April his s atire stock,, consisting of lumber,
tools and, first class machinery. ' *clod
..wetittnen, blacksmiths and Uillehirdste should
not fail to attend as ail-articles offered will
he sold •withent reserve. .
Tapc,--14. Tuayir bas been a
oei Isere ler aevoisi dap that Abe Botulism
Peensylittp:a ),;on and 'Railroad Oonipaey
liorpose li'ocoaFkeatfou with the W..
fowl yia W4,yoesbone." ; -This ie. certainly
(sheeting - now1,10:t , 11 11q!,cliesa ekeriCtiign aq
to the grout* ijpoi,l-1? tad - 10-,llll4tscd., TAe
Csialnel.havt . P o OiOnliP9d o P 4 saong
Piz Low; M444.—The Harrisburg: 2:eie.
grap4 of a , reoent date gives the follaWing
account of a Unit man' who' ses,eritl' Wears
iiitee turned up in this place r , • ,
On Friday last, Mr. Georgaltalin or'Raien,
a fattier residing in: the ~vicinity ;of -Paper.
town, Ounilierland county, ritarted to the
South 'mountain early in the day, for the put.
pose of bringing' home a load of wood, telling
hie family be *bald return - about-noon.=
But noon came and Mr: Rohn' di d no t returni-•
Toward evening the family boanne.alarmed,
and Seareh was instituted for the redoing
man. Hie wagon was found, 66 berm au;
hitshed,"and securely tied on opposite sided
of the, road This Wagon Was prepared 'for
loading, and the ake which' had been usedin
cutting , several small eapplinge, returned
again to its, proper ; place beneath the wagon.
But Mr. Rohn ante nowhere to be-seen; The
now excited and 'dinned. neighbors followed
the foot-prints of a man along the north
aids of the mountain, but on reaching the
summit, the spew had diaappeated And it was
found utterly impossible to trace him any
Early on Saturday morning the Aoaroh was
renewed, but with no;: better success. It
was then determined to let the water out of
the Mount Holly dam on Sunday, and see if
the body was concealed there. But on Sat
urday night a dispatch was received from
Mr. Rohnolated at Waynesboto, Franklin
county, stating that he beCame bewildered
while in 'the mountain, and being unable to
- ficid — his way home, wandered on till be
found himself at the letter place.' There
seems to be no reason rot doubting the state.
meat of the gentleman himself in regard to
this singular occurrence. Re is a respecta
ble farmer, and nothing
,but a tempciravy ab
erration of mind could have. prompted his
strange conduct. The excitement in the
neighbOrhood during Friday night and 'Sat
urday was mostiniense.
A SURPRISE.-A. few days since a barrel
of tlour was dropped at the dopr of our real•
dance, which we afterwards learned was a
present from Mr. David Patterson,. of Fair
view Mill; in tliis facnorly of Sem=
ton, Pa. 'More than a year since he 'pur
chased of Mr. Samuel Frantz and took posses.
elan of his present desirable property: The
improvements added make it one of r
pleasant as well as the most desirable cowl
try seats in our valley. Mt. 'Patterson is a
full•bred Scotohman, native-born, and as such
is courteous and hospitable in the extreme.
Oa a recent visit there in, company with a
friend ample eviitenee of these native treits of
character on his part and on that of his ex
oellent lady were fully evinced.
In passing through his Mill we was struck
with' the improvements introduced. To a
large extent it has been refitted with new fix
tures and improved machinery, and in this
.respect is perhaps not excelled in the county.
Mr. Patterson is alive business man and be
lieves in 'keeping pace with the improve
ments of the• times , and lia - therefore well pre
pared for all business in his
COUNTEIMITB.—Ocir young friend, Mr.
S. S. Bowden, of this place, by authority
from the IL S. Treasury Department, is now
operating in'tbis. State and Maryland, in
structing *business men how to distinguish
between genuine and counterfeit bills.
Milliens - iifi — munterfeits, spurious and alter
ed bank notes, Goverment
. Bonds, &c., are
now in circulation throughout the country,
and are passing as current money among the
majority of business men, who are not judges;
the necessary result is, that such communi
ties meet with lesses.„ Mr. B. has in his
possession some of-41*-most dangerous, and
skillfully executed counterfeits ever issued.
13usinesa men generally should secure a
book, glass and instructions . from him. Ten
dollars Om expended may save the loss of
1115 r Better than premiums and medals, bet.
ter than Ribbons and Decorations, are the
rapidly increasing sake .of the BUOICEYE
SEWING MACHINES, and the favorable tea.
timony of those who use them. Will do all
kind of family sewing and tailoring, besides
stitching boot tops, and binding shoes in the
neatest and beat manner. Price within'dthe
range of everyboaes means. See adv't,
Tnu OLD "Tenwimss t "-7-The Oettya.
burg Compiler in alluding tct,tbe projected
completion of . the W. M. li.ailroad•
"And may the time not oome when the old
"Tapeworm" Railroad will be completed to
the top of the mountain, there connecting
with the Western Maryland ? That done,
and the link between New Oxford to York
built, another important route to the east
would be opened."
14611essrs. Jacob Huber and Henry
Feldman have taken possession of the 'Union
Uotel, and will aliays be prepared to enter•
tain their guests irothe best of style. Both
gentlemen have bad considerable experience
as landlords an 4 thoroughly understand their
business. They deserve their share of the
public patronage.—. Repository.
*Rev. J. H. Wagner, of Lancaster, Pa.,
formerly palm of the Reformed Church at
Hagerstown, ad,, has joined- the Catholic
hawsTuto.-..1 offer a new and beauti•
ful golden syrup at $l.OO- per gallon.. I
have handsome demarga augar, white sugar
of sevoral grades. Good Family Flour at
. • W. A. REID'S. •
iltirik • Conneatieut man got up in the iark
the other night and gave his little (laugh•
ter some beil•bng poison for `worms. It
ourt4 them: The , funeral was generally" at
tended. • •
aga.:lo:lolmlogana, a former.prow
ineuteitir;ea of Hageratawo, diad regard
); aged §l. yeara. •
Pia)" ugh the • kindness or
:10. 4 1tattiiiet.'Wii;tive ad the peritser liev,
eiat -ieriP4o,os" Welefet to one (not
ghite eldif titbitu rittid by our Cbam;
bersburg eateititioraries ; a'"Franklin Reposi• -
' toIB2C It .
•tore Oetohipt , eon's i" -
na an obit•
nary netted of Samuel Hammet t a young tau
of" more thee . trt,inary, promise, Speaking
or the Revere ,snireiingse*fierieueed in his
iast sickliest tile Writer ails, "With mind.
oabit and" beinpiiseel: tivthe, list, ife was never
heard to . ',,lntirinnr; but with 04unpn'Bure and,
elleerfuluess bora' his atilieticins without s
The Obituary of the Rev..Jrilirt LIND of
flOge'ratoren, is fall of intereAt to thePhtlir
tin !volley. His private virtues. dra' out
iti the course of Ms public duty 'we e e*-
toled by, all who knew him. Hie si rterity
and affestion ita a Pastor - were fah 5E4 , sp l
- preoitited. "Ilia mode of preaching was au it
ed is .. . ~ the mind . If• . 1 -,1:-
meat, and %o improve the :heart in the exer t
0190 of that love which itbo!inds more anti
more in 4nb IJ/edge:anti all Aidgment. * *
His exoellenee in prayer was
. generally felt
and acknowledged. He prayed with an uno.
don from the Rely one." •
The oirbninatatutes attending 1;19 last sp.. •
pearanee-irt-the-puipit left a very 'Solemn im
preasion in the hearts of his people. Heitatt
made an appointment for Communion at Ha•
geratown s
"The people met to attend upon his min
ietrations ;-13ut the hand of death was upon
him. Under the heavy pressure of disease
he went with much dithoulty to the .post of
duty, delivered, in fel words; his Mestere'
message, and , then administered to his people,
for the last. time, the seal of the covenant.—
The progress of his disease was' rapid."
From this grave subject we turn to the
marriages. We find a single one recorded,
_that of Mr. KENTos GsuPEn,-editor-of—the-
Staunton Spectator," to Miss Elenor, daugh
ter of Capt. Samuel Calhoun.—. Chambers:
burg then enjoyed a danciUg school, Mr. To- /
son and Calhoun, Crawford .and Gallatin for
F -
• e most
'test ent anti ice—President—respectively ;
Coegress, John Findlay and James Wilson ;
Senator; John Flanagan, etc, Archibald:
Fleming, Esq., well known to us, a noble gen
tleman of the old school, was then Sheriff of
Franklin County.—Frederiek Buok, Jr., of
Washington township, makes oath before
James Wood, 3. P., that Dr Daniel Doter,
of Greencastle, under the blessing of God,
cured him of a consumptive complaint of
seven years standing.
' This paper also gives, copied from the
Dem. Press of Philada., a tolerable full so
count of the receptioia of the "Nation's Guest'
General Layfayette, at Philadelphia. Brom
hie crossing the Delaware at Trenton until
be reached. Independence Hall, it was a com
plete ovation. He rode in a baronohe drawn
by "six noble cream coloured horses with
'dark manes and tails. The outriders were
on horses of the same colour, splendidly
eried end .caparisoned." Gov. Shalt so fol
lowed in a similar &treacle. "The road
sides were lined with people. So crowded
were the roads and so great the an;iety that
it was 7 O'clock before the General reached
the Arsenal at Frankford." The next morn.
lag the cavalcade was put•in motion Or the
city. When the cannon roared the "horses
all with one accord raised themselves on their
hind legs and sportively and proudly tossed
about their heads, their manes & tails. The
troops were drawn in a 40 acre field and oc
cupied it advantageously. * * The trades
and organized assimilations of the citizens par
ticipated." .
At Independence'Hall the presentation of
the society of the Cincinnati was very cor
dial, Layfayette several times repeating when
be heard the old familiar names, "Ahony
dear companion 1" One instance is men
tioned, that of a Colonel of Artillery in the
'Revolution, who when presented "took the
General More than -ones, in his arms, and,
burst into tears—we could hear' the words—
It is seven and forty years eines I saw:you."
It is worthy of nodes that notwithstand.
lug th 6 conviviality of the daylind gladness
of the night, "there waif pot so much as a
pane of glass broken, by &Sign, ittille City
& Liberties."
LADY'S VIIIEND.—The April number of
this popular magazine comes to us with the
freshness and life of spring.. In the steel
plate "ON Guanit," the alert watchfulness
of the dog contrasts finely with the repose
of the sleeping boy.. The Colored Fashion
Plate is gay and graceful as usual , and, the
profusion acid variety , of illustrations.of arti
cles of feminine use and adornment give the
ladies every opportunity to know how. to
dress well. Those who like to make for
themselves will find Assistance in the work
table 'department. Music, "Tapping at the
Gorden Gate." oThe stories Ire very. good.
Mut Moulton concludes the deeply interest•
ing serial, "Din HE FORGET, HER ?' Miss
Prescott carries on "TEE CASCANNOLSS'
AUNT" in her usual lively style. Hattie
Boyer's PcSononurGratle STORY" will bo
f6und espeoiaby attractive, and there is is
rich vpriety besides in prose and • poetry.--!,
Published by . Deacon.* Retersod; Sl9
nut' Street, Philailelptlia.' Price • $2.50 a
year (which also includes a large steel en
graving). Four copies, 86. Five copies
(and one Ostia), SS. "The .1 4 ady's Friend"
and i•Tbe Saturday Evening Post" (and one
ellfirtql°B/1 srs•°°'
• .
Goo. OaMen, of North Caro - lies, has mode.
a regnisition upon the President. for neaps,
to be used in one of the. counties it 'bat
State, irbieti be declares to be in a state of ,
Paper petticoats at Moon ssentp retail girl
the latest BODHatioOr in Bestow.
Wsl4o Alums,-There Seems to be , s
port ., of Mania.,in ()ogres*_ for tinkering; $'
'the national iinunees,.ndii the 11. T.: Her i 4
ahCitelOrilly those wfsb ail most igisof , ant
of the silkiest make tlin Most - noise aboist it;
Yet there if stsbjeat *hieh calls weirs nr.
gently lox* lrriasee Aire policy; Tba-denit
try will settle . tlipi.. naueial ;problem ....for it
self. The laws- Of 'trade, industry of the
people, wonderful resources of the country,
and our rapid groWthia wealth and popola.
tion will regulate Ilsq. 4,aat(des and currency
it Oogreag will -, let them slope. ,We ,are„ , ,
doinkwell enough-post. ,Yir : o are paying the
'debt , at the ,rate ofiseatif lundred uuliions
a year and are approximating si aPeoie basis.
Why, then ; -disturb tiiialitate' of •things ?
Too much
much as the pnistine:Ul,.sartn, qitaCks who
O rd° their patient's. 'to death. Let well
alone should be the motto every • member
• -ongres.
A Lucia FIND.;-;•.The 'Raisin; City News,
of a fate date tells a Story of a William Pat;
who recently "purchased-aid is dew improv
ing a lot near the eastern terminus of Twelfth
streets, discovered on his premises a treasure
of no trifling import. He web digging for
the foundation of a house, near the mote of
an old, tree that hid long ago been' out down.
Mr.-Pate-was freely using the spade, when
suddenly* struck something solid
. apd ap
parsetly immovable. Digging around the
object, it was soon brought to light. .
It proved to be a steel iron chest; rusty,
bat solid. It was at once removed from its
bed under the earth, andcrith some difficulty
opened. ' Imagine the surprise and delight
of Mr. P. on discovering 'therein, gold to the
amount of $5 620. With the gold , was also
found a note, and in the note was legibly
written 1
"Hidden frost the seldiersin 1864. If
never return, and this is discovered the find•
er will please devote half theemount to char.
itable 'or sm. and the balance he can kee.
for his own uee, I am an old' man, with
not a relative in 'llliseouri, WAITE."
The money has been placed in the bank .
Mr. P., we understand, intends fulfilling the
and especially gladly; no doubt, will .be ap
• FKMALE PERJURER.—Sarah Gore, a white
womaw, convicted in Philadelphia of perjury,
has been lined $5OO, and sentenced to the
penitentiary for seven years.: Judge Paxton,
in passing sentence, thus addressed the prix•
(nor: •
''Yon deliberately and falsely eharged a
respectable eitizmn with high crime—upon,
your person. And having made it, you bro't
him into this. court on trial, and upon that
trial you committed wilful, deliberate and
corrupt perjury, in ()vier to convict ,
Yon did all you could Itti consign au innocent
man for a long term of years to the. peniten
tiary, and to blast hitureratationlos ail time; -
Nor is this all. I have judicial knowledge
of the foot 'that you have made similar
charges against several other reeppotable cit
izens; for the purpose of eat ening money,
and that in some of these cues Yea have
been successful; but Mr. Wiener w.ould_not
submit to your demands. Be appeals te a
jury of his % feflow-citizens, and they have
vindicated him ; and he has also brought
'you to the bar .of justice, for which be de
serves the thanks of every geed citizen.
Your offense 'w one which can receive no
mercy here. While we give a 'burglar the
extreme penalty of the laiv, we can do no
Jess in a ease like this. A ,mao-liad better
have twenty burglars in his house than, one
such woman as yam A burglar may Steal
the property. of the citizen. You would rob
him of his good natue to make him infamous
in the community, as well as sow the seeds
of discord in his doniestiq relations.'
The jury in the Elowie murder •case et
Laramie City, Nebraska, rendered a verdict
of manslaughter the first degree, at 1.!.),
n'olo6k Saturday' night, having been up four
days and nizhts.' The ladice .of the jury
were much fatigued.
Mrs. Jennings, whose hushsnd le, serving
a term in - the Massachusetts State prison
for robbery, applied to have an interview
with him the other day,' but her request was
denied, it'd she went home and died:.
Since the tat of January 5,0117 . .e0105ed
persona from Virginia have passed over the
'Kenuesiee railroad, bound further smith.
• The • young ladies of an lowa town an
nOttnCe a' •'love-making and matiohoodOg
meeting, admisaioli 25q0."
The Alaska Mekutoneoutzecoats live in
Arcadian simplicity on the Atutoaooolaku•
ohargut river.
1 '
The Quakers are Urging the removal of
General Sheridan from the command of the
Indian country. .
A. school teaoher near Cireenfield t indiana,
struck one of hie scholars on. the :heitt .whe
an iron poker the otherday, freeitheWifeete
of which he died. The teacher„weiarreited.
A. drove of 485 turkeys from Ohio, intend
ed for the tobacco, plantations of Coneectiont,
passed through Baltimore, a few days ago.'
Somerset county made $580,000 wortk of
better last year:
..A,I::T.A: L .
Oo the 16th inst., by the Rev., A. Buhp.
men, Mr. IFACOB F. NEWMAN io
Oo the 17th ingtatit, by Abe'
' MILLER,, to Miss' BBBECQA,
,H: VIEI. • . .
~~ ~
•-'_T.137C31111 TCPAS.I3. •
. On the . loth inst., near Greencastle
5A:111.7117i SMITH, in the 81st year,Of hie
age. • .
On the 12th inst., in Meroersbnrg, Mrs.
ELIZABETH, wife of Mr. Cyrus Kennedy,
in the 26tb year of ber age.
Near Snow Hid, on the 12th inst,, Mrs.
MARY ROUSER, aged 76 years, 1 month .
and 28 days. . _
• Near Chatithersburg on the evening of the
11th of March; Mr. JOHN LANTZ, Sr;,,
formerly of cictinertownship, aged. 77 yeant,
3 months and 16 days. •
•• On the 4th nit., near Wiiyoosboro,' Mrs.
SUSAN SHOOK.Ey, daughter of Henry
Bukeoind fete mai biiiiii4er Ai!laic MIT
young,frieed bed alt Iha pinepetittiof life arid(
hapiiiieek le th 4 trerfa tbAtisnioi our Mei
fevoted: ,T'ottifg 'peop)tir;Wayelhtit the 'Lord)
saw for; gocni to Billie t bet; *bleb afoietion.
7tee.,atteedeCteith, 'in tettee 'entering, yet 'ef4k,
pets jx without otioeut, hti'vleg bet tole &
epee tb,e lictbie time sire desired to•
unite with the.peopte:orAlod.;,ilfid;' : :"viliCSiii..'
ceived by The Church."' Site resigned lief-
-self to the Mercy fit,Gtod: and' gave sati.ifac.
tied of her acceptance. Ihe:"'tho refentigsS
messenger of death called upon the, father,
brothers, sisters, young' htieb4riPaiid 'Ger
first-born„to.part with one of the ir : most •
loved; sod .oh hbtv solemn is thel,ereave&zent
of :Our loved ones 4,...5.1ay this be a wanting
to tie all that in the inidetttf life we are hr
dead .--i'Prepnre to Ineet:4l4 „
May the Lord in leirtdrientitrietrhea.
And receive thee unto rest,
And may we strive - thereto meet thee
With the sanctified• and, bleat.
From idbor.tieve. below, •
We *till gladly Meet thee thereciyhart
We from earth-to heaven go..
VARIETY of new Pottotns, common to beet
grades-at • UPDEGRAFF'd
A LARGE LOT assorted grades of Pritne Buf—
falo Robes, and 'a few XX Whole Robes, will
be sold cheap at UPDEGRAFF'S
' HAT, Fifa ' "
Opposite Washington House,
• Hagerstown, Md.
lUirlNly 4 able, 'Fitch, Squirrel, Firnich Sable ,
RI and a variety of common Furs; all stiles, an d
prices. Astrachan, Angora, Ermine, Swan, Down
and sable 'Frimthings;" Fut-trimmed Hoods, andr.
every other article in the Fir or Trimming line fag? - .
ladies' wear at UPDEGRAF F'S,
Fair PeAriciaTi• . •
Opposite Wastiingtou . House...
101.ESURRECTED, cleaned altered and
ed in the best manner et
)t - t4 {To ;min ov : ram
A WINt LEMAN who suffered. fur years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all t he et,
fects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of
suffering hninanity, send free to all who need it, the
receipt wad directions for making the simple'remedy
by which he was
. cured. .Befferers wishing to protit.
by the advertisers experience, can do so by address..
ing, iw perfect confidence,
may 141 Pion 42. Cedar street, • New York. .
THE Advertiser,' flaying been roamed to heelth
in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy after hav
ing suffered several years with a severe lung affec
tion, sit.' that dreadqiisesse, Consumption—is enx
ions Miura° known to histellow•suffereis the means.
of cure. . ,•
—To all vihailesixe it-,-ho will-send a-copy-of_ahs_
prescription used. (free of Chair's), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the some, which they
BIAONOHI7IB, etc. " The object of the advertiser in,
sending the Prescription. is to, benefit the afflicted,
and_spread informanonwhich he conceives to be in. -
valualate;. and -be hopes every sufierer wiil try his -
remedy, as it will cost them nothing; and may prover•
a, blessing.
Parties.wiabing the prescription, will please ad
dress . flay. ED.VV.AIID A. WILSON,
maylAi Wiliiimsburg,, Kinse Co., New York.
. E are maitufatcuring all the.popular Gloves.
Vif of the day, including the greet Dog Skin,
Glove., 200 t) Ladies and 3000 Gents have worn
these goods of OM owwmake. They will tell you,
they are the best gkive they ever wore, almost as.
neat as a kid glove and five times as' umble, and
mad. only at, UPDEGRA PH'S ,
.• Opposite the Washington i-louse_,_
Hagerstown,. Md.
_ itthr...A.Z-11...1Er11116t.
BALTIMORE, Monday-, March 21, 1.13,70.... •
—1114.11 A 1.) ,- STU /1'6.--The Flour 'market id..
very dull and heavy, though 'kuot t %tions' are
nominally unchanged 'We have only to re
port to-day taies of 200 bbls. Reward Street
Biota at. $5.371@5.0, and 150 bbls."ltleal"
Family at $7 75 per bbl. There 'is some
Flour wanted for. LitrepOol, at $5 'per bbl,.
for good Western and lioward.Street Extras,.
but holders at present are not disposed to 4 ,
'accept this price.' The City millers are firm
a; $6 for Rio brands. We quote asbefore,,
Howard Street Super,- 64.75(#)5.00.
Shipping Extra,ss.l2®s 25, Trade brands
litra, $ 5.87® 5.50, Family 66 2557.00.
W HEAT.— Prime would bring 'readily
128 cents, and possibly 1 to. 2 cents more.
Wo note sales of some I,soo.basbelt Mary
land red at 127®128 cents for good fair and
13,5®140, cents for prime.
CORN .-4.000 bushels damp, and mixed
white at 85®89 Gents ; 12,000 do. good , to.
prime do. at 90®92 cents; and 7,000, do.
yellow at 9.0 cents for infante, and' 92(gin-;
cents . for prime.
OATS—We quote steady at 53@)54 cents,
with sales of a few hutdred bushels.:,
CLOVES ED.—Bales of 51:11 , bushels
good sold at 0.20,, bat for prime and choice
lots 8.50 is generally asked. '
fianuai run* ETC.
. HE undersigned baying re fi tted and added all
. the latest improvements to his Mill, (formerly
r.ntz's) announces to the publio that he is now
manufacturing a superior' article of , NIL Y
FL.tri•UR . which will be delive ii
ged to persons
,at. markekpricea. He has also on hand a supply of
MIL L S TU,F F of all kiude, whiCh be will
. .wholesale'or retairat the Milt, oi - deliver irtlealred;
at the lowest market rates.' Hirritig - refitted' kin
Mill with the most improved. miehirferY he feels
that he ie enabled to give gerteretieltistactien. " ',:' tr .: 4 ,
His Flour m sackis can be hitrat 'Rein Grote- = l ''
ry; where orders maybe left. ' ..'• . ' : . • .1 , ,
The highest market 'price. paid for WitE 4 7"
delivered at 'the Mill. • : . ,
COOPER' STUFF wanted. . '
mar 24 , --tfl , ~ DAV,IO PATTERSON'.
Roma a Vas l% intend doing a mules cub
business, comme tieing. the Ist day of April, 1870:4
They are determined to eeltgoods, cheep as they
can be sold. , All they ask is to give them a tend..
They are logy thankful for past favors and hope ,
continuancepf the same.
.ingtou House,