NEW &TORE. wir GOODS! NEW GOV, COON tfil STONEROUBE - ttrntaarespeetrullY inform the public that. they have uow'oottned at their new mouton the Houth.weat corner-of-the Diamond, la— Wayinfs— .boro', a large anti well 'selected tirock of .dry Goods, Groceties, • flartlivare - _ led Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Male, Coach:lnakers:Uood'S of every description, Que - enthvaro, Cedarware, Shoes, Cal. - lists. Oil Cotifs, Paints, Ulnas, Oils, Varnish Brush. ,Fish, Salt, and all kind of goods kept - in a - welr regulated store. Our goods are all-new and fresh and have been bought fur melt the late decline -3n prices - . . • .. • 4 •• Wei:flatter oureelves-dtat Irma our tong, -_ezpori etta in Inisinesa, 'aid a 'tletermiliefion to sell geotli 'et small prOita, we shall be able to offer unusual intim:erne:net to all buyers who desire to save mote ey. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large end well assorted stock of eta. Oa and fancy Dry' tiouds, embaucing - cloths, Cassipieres-, attinetts, Jenne, Tweeds, Cuttonatles, Uurda, lien. lins, Stripes, Cheeks, Gingliams, binin and Cotter) Table Duipera, tut Tow els, s ilalicties, Detains, Alpaccoe, ' • ' FANCY DRESS COODS_, - Trimings,-Shawls,-BrovvriAmillileachati-rititatingtr &nil liturtings, Ticking., Linens, Flannels, White bloods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re , eeiving new goods every week and will 'aupplY any article wanted that we have not on hand in g few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds cl country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Buttiir, Eggr lined Fruit, Rags, drc• May 211,1868. Fo. CID .112 11 11F-IXit. 'FM MEDICINES, 111.1 p 111 Ed- -- 1p lA\ll 6l lj S 9 t 1 .1: e. at: e 9, Vourflunan s T.L.n% - , - r. j ‘ ,- -. ..:. ..1.?,.1D.=:1‘, Waynesboro', May 24,1867 ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS ! ra. WALTER at BRO. MANUFACTURERS AND UENLERa IN 411unumeale, 7'ombs, Headalunes, 4-c„ 4c., \ V F i:ov c : l i co attentionpriizig to o t e iur n a u g w a t o b r!m a e u nt , o i r' no t t lr n a p T ' proved baying Having tho advantage of Waterpower, and lung exiperienee in the STONE CUTTING I3USINIISS, we ere able to fill orders at the ehortcet notice and in most reasonable tern's. ' Clive us a cull at our YnrJ, near Antietam Junc tion, on the Way uebb.irii' cud ,Hagerstown pike, two miles 110111 thu tbrlllUt plate. rUbt °Mee , tadilreml, Why istioro', Pa. N. H. Or.ltrii can be left with John Walter and will receive prompt utturitiou. BRO. April 3—tf. " • Notice to tie Public ! r H E undersigned is running a Line of Stages J from Hugeretown to Liettyslturg, leaving former phial, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'. Mock, A. M., passing by Leitersburg, Wily/Iceboa t Monterey and Clermont Spnitge, Fountain lls le anu Fairfield, arriving at Gettysburg at bell past lour o'clotik and tutu g Irons Uettysburg Tues. dry, Thursday and • Atiturday, arriving ut Nugent. lona to wake couauctioa with the 5 o'clock truiu I•ur Ualtimure. • ' ANNA, WAHSEN., may 14-'69 GEO. W. WELSIi, ATTOUN EY AT LAW. (Oleo in therrown next door to the Port Mite, " • ' Doc, ia lour' DFAIIItNEY'S BLOOD SEA RC: 08. PAN A'ol ;;A . • Vali be hit 4 FA) tilt cum Nrs nov 20 • ' • Drug bwre. Newest, Best, Cheapest CLOTHING x Lam' 'iaEt3il ClCOl7*-Tle: CEORCE BENDER /Or Has recently °panel up an entire new titeekitr - —" . _ AND BIJMbIEn BLO7IIIIHg 9 All of which hattleen-virtairred-from-the justly celebrated house of A. JA.ftrtETT, Bal timore. Every article cold is WARRANTED to be of the best custom 'hake,' and the material just what it unrepresented to be. A lull' assortment of grENTB FURNIS4ING U013)18 alwayst,on hand; such-au Under Olothing e LU lova, Ha fitllcerchiefsi-114ins,-Gallttro f All Aiicask is, that you give us one trial, and you will always buy, for ',member we do not keep badly 'made clothing and the goods' are all of the latest 4%; le. GEC. OEN Opt. May 4-Iyl Waynesboro . - PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! LONDON " BLOOD PANACEA. The Greif, Alterative and Pawl Purifier, It is the most perfect vegetable compound of altera tives, tonics, diuretics and dlaphoretics, making it the most effective, invigorating, renovating, end blood 20 tho world. ;cure of-Sertortre.tor - Kiffrffer — Cutaneous Diseases, FItY• AN,DOIL(4,DIMPLEB and roues on the Face, Sone SCALD NAPO, TETI= AE' DNB, OLD and STURBoRN- -- CS, llllEUBlATlC strThrinTeallitetesi, SwsLitnes, MERCURIAL ; A 8 ES, GENERAL DEBILITY, (TAMS( and FLUTTERING RE 'LARY, CORSI] PI lON , lA, BYPD'ILD3 aid strittLtric IPIC7BWINPLAMBIATION of the le end KIDNEYB„FAINB in ;ACE, PROPEY, FEMALE COR- M!, ko, To the broken down s it gives life and energy by ' lug the lost poweridf nature, health. again Au'creeds the forgo-and pallid clieek,uf the— Irprlslng than its int-Infra -- I system. Persons all weak tress and Tit.sSitode, by using the PANACEA, at once become robnst and full of energy under its influence. —Lailles-who-hatee-peje-complexionsand-are dark about the eyes, blotches and _pimples on the face,rough skin or freckles, and are " out of spirits," should use a bottle or two of LONDON 111.000 PANACEA. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckles and blotches, and give yon animation, spnrkling eyes, flue Writs and a beautiful complexion. Try it. • rime 01.00 — P - Fr efottie. The n•mtie,, have LONDON BLOOD PANACEA, --- R. A. Fern, BALTIIfORZ, Mn., blown in the bottle, end my signature on the wrapper. .-----S— FOTITZ, Manufacturer and Proprietor. BALTIMORE, MD. For sale by druggists and storekeepers througbaut the Vatted States. For sale by J. BURNS AMMON, Drug rim Waynesboro'. - [nov 20-1 y W FIRM! CllllifiGli 111AKAGT. 'HE subscribers would inform the public that they have associated themselves together in the Carriage milking business, and that the business hereafter will be continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of . ADAMS & liswitea. They will have constantly on hand RUG. ow GIES of every deacription ; new and second-banded Vehicles of all kinds. LAT'ltepairing done at short notice. They employ none" but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in au: line will do well w giye OH ti call before purehasint, elsewhere. J A COD' A DA 10:.4,, GEORGE 13. 11A %.1, ER. Church &Nei, nearlS ,vv)sife 1 &e Ot, E Church Jan 26-41 Frosh FORNEY & SONS ' 1 - TUVE just returned fiom the City with a large assortment of rahoo Finding, Lininge and Mu row•o at very low rates. Highest prices paid .1 . .)! Hides end Skins taken in and weighed at the Geller of Ituthes talon afore. The iiigheNt market price will be paid for 400 cords of Hoek and Black Oak "lark April 24-1668. DR. 'l'. 1). FRENCH, • 3C)3OW I TISP r i II , • - T - NSERTN Benutilul and Durable teeth mountci. on Platina, odd and Vulcanite. Particular attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. NitroasOsi,lo Gas adnainiateFell for the ottrae lion of teeth without pain. tithes at his resnlence on Mechanic 6treet. Feb. lb CHEAT 4COONE3r• BOOT AND SHOE STORE! • 130 OT subscriber laaajust minuted from the city Land is now opening Liar ex . .amanation a large and well selected stock of Boots 'and Shoe,. y a w ing had a lone time to beCume acquainted with the loot and r hoe traalis, no doubt if you favor him With a call you will buy as be will sell cheap and warrant the work. All raps mended free of• charge. Gave "Gooney" a call, C. RUTH Sept 25-'4* ' ,Jos. IL C R 41342 UNDE'RTAKEI, t INrOlnig the public that ho . hao' conetnntly on hind Cuais uf all kinds,'"including the Pitts burg Excelonir CulEns, and a ,Feitait FREEZER, in which CorPres °ne i n be preteeiyed fur 'any length of time desired. He will be in readiness at shunt notice W chlivilf UOrpies to any point desired.• •,He uterus his thaislus to the public fur the liber al patronage heiebifoiss giiron him; and by strict at. lintion to business and fair dealing hopes tO tuurit a continuance of the same. Illoy 29 -If BgrbfgliagS. Barbering THI subscriber informs The public that be cou• dimes the Ustbeting business u the room ton. Juur to Mr. !{aid's teror.ory listoro. audio lit all times papered to do hair cutting, shaving, 'sbatopooning etc. in the bcitt sIyW. The iiiitiousge of WO :pub is is ruspectliilly solicited: W. A. PRICE. Aug 23 1807. ' Improved Titrafthing - Machine Daniel Geiser. B. E. Price. . - ;Farmers will please look at the great &fly:4l4W in Thrash ll . l g 04 rain with GEISERS' PATENT - 8k 11 GT (IA 11 Nit WIRITEP MR, CLEANER AND BAGGER. With the latest Improved Triple Geared gorge Power, driviii - eitlfir by Gear or No. lis a eight-horse Rower, with cast Iron thresher thine and wroughp iron 5,9i1 wood cylinder, six teen inches in diameter will tidily three inches hang. Trunk has ten inch rake crank arid ppm: relies is thirtY:fivea inches wide, arts delivers the straw on the second rake, those carry the straw out on their tops, and' deliver it the snicker; which will deliver about thirty-live feet beyond the seeder, on a stack fifteen hi nhiliirien feet high, and can be easily in in.'s id to carry the chaff with the sirs w, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and churl', remedies all den:trines m'cleaning grain'agatnst winoy weather. It bags the grain br reasonable niatiagemeht, suf ficiently clean for maket, and its capacity, untler'ordinary circumstances, id from twenty to body bush els per hour, using eignt horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable circumstance, it will thresh trout forty to fifty buifiels per hour, and with more ease and agreeableness td Bands than any other machine now in common use. The No. 2 Madhiue,fuify reptesentild in the aiiaile cut, to particularly adapted to the farmer's use; in intended to apply to sn'y coamiOn lever or railway power; weighs I,dOU pounds; has an iron threaLets Irame,_anel_c_ylinder. 12. inches in diameter and afl inches lung; delivers tile clean grain in bugs,_or_it - desired, in a hell bushel. It delivers the St - raw fifteen' feet - froni - thi - fe - e - Jer, or tr desired, can deliver the_ straw and chuirtotteihur; Will natant and clean, in 'fetd rain, ready ter market, hum lOU to 175 bushels of wheat, or hem 305 to still_hushele of oats per 'day. *ping tour or e.z horses, and the same number of minds; but. to force the mirk, undue giflltllltdiaillel34, good Vain, &C, didtrably_ffi9l_ll. rho Machine will timith and clean all kinds of grain gerietally_threnheiL common machine, and requiresno more 110550 power, but In many cases dues nut run so us. %ivy very well to a two-heise railviraY power Now here is what the Vernier and turasiiiirin in wants, a §eparator to go front fan; to farm, to thrash grain, with more satisfaction than any other separator now in use, and why is it 7 Because this separa tor has a soil regulating Blast, which_pretrents grain froni blowing into the email; and ulsti hat a sell reg. ulatingieutkir to feed the cleaner amid it has rollers aria (Mutes in the cleaner which prevents it Iruur ctiottaMg. Wily dues Mid tllletlill9 run' au'lijbt, and geoii so little truunie lit:cause there is less fric 11011 ih the Journals, and 1,1117 rakes alit fan are geared 64 that you have no trouh'e with Belts Inuaking end surpt,ig, causing dust tu lilt ilti tae wituat. Wliy dues a clean agoatsl the wind Because th e usual has oliect action on the grain and the cleaner is so well arranged Oita the wind has no chalice to — diliFtTlair - fliii-t - nito - tuti - hopper. Why-is it - built permanently on two wheels and the front - carriage - iTt ,- Ci-1 arate, ready to attach when rieeessar, 7 Bee inse it is hauril convenient in' the barn without the trout car riage You can turn the matfhine or run it kola plate to place inure easily,- Why has it nut gut Elevu. tuts like solne Uttitr IZIOIIIIIObI llecatise tins I:levelers-carry the filth back alternately into the cleaner which must evetitu,nly gu into the gu'od whelit Or ui the caulf: and all Know, thifillith_sh_oUll_be kept -iietiaraie-tur-feed,-6ic ,-we-inigat as well k e ep-shoveling-the—Vaiiings-irom-tintler-tour-halitl-fan-inna=tW hupper tine expect to get the grain clean. Wit, is this separator mere cleanly and satisfactory to work a- bout-tlnitt others 7 ifiltiratise the eau and 'Freak, aides u, e closed up tai prevent the wheel chill end dust twin coming out and scattering over the doer; causing waist an I giving much trouble with dirt and sore eyes, nir • 'TEE ttr Amy do with others Be Null's Pat. Post Boring Ilachinv, STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. A series of trials of this machine hag convince.: the inventor an 4 all persons who have witnessed it operations that it is superior to any other in tiro iu the following rertteulara This machine is constructed so as to be operated eitli c r by hand, horse, water or steam pone; By hand 25 to puntai coo be bored per day; by ono-boree power hem 100 to 150 per day ;by two-horse Power ibt) per day, and by Water or steam power from .4 . 0 . p to 300 per day. It is also a aell.feeder. Thu aubacribur is now prepared to dispose of Nate and county Rights for the above valuable in . veution. A thlress June 19-11 GROCERIES. C. 11. DICEEL rOULD respectfully announce • to his friend. Tv end the public generally that Vvit is prepared p gApOy all who need • SUGAR, SYRUPS, TOIJA6t/O: 'CIGARS, bYILE, TEAS, RICE, . SALT. BilOONI,"„ BUCKETS TWINE, - Aimee lull assortment, of Confectionaries,, Notions, • Stationery, etc. ' CORRtry Produce . taken in exchange for goods. Thankful fur past feyora ho respectfully connate a continuance of the saute. . Aug. 2,18117. PATENTED MARCH 24, 1868. LABOR SAVING QUALITIES BASK pr oprEuvrioN-- bimi.mettv OF CONtITRUOTION _ 17010 111 .4 Fahrney. JONATHAN NULL, Quilicy, frankitaUuunty, Pa. coaNucorm. Wqmsttoro' Bakery, Confectionary OYSTER SALOON. THE well known end popular .11esteurant and saloon formerly kept by Wm. U. Crow4q. has been leased by the undersigned. They aro devoting tt sir entire time and attention to the business of ca. terisig fOr their friends and the public, and ready to supply the !mimes or the season. 'OYSTERS, URA 13 4 , 'LOIISTE Its, TURTLES, TRIPE, CHICKENS, eac..'6lc., will be nerved 'up at short notice and by the best orcooks. In fact and iu short, we aim to k. ep a first class - Eating Hetfse and to 'please the appetite of all who may favor us with a call. At tames the best ALL Can be had on draught, for proof of which call and trylhe WU have a saloon fitted up expressly for the Ladieo. .Thankful for the encouragement, we . have re ceiveil thns far. lire hopelo Merit greaior share of public patroniee. nov 201 11ENNEDEROER& HOOVER, ITS, SOOTS, SHOES; - 6r - AiTlEk' --, ' - " BROGANS, 1 1910AE:RTs GLOVES, PLOCIPI3 JEWELRY, TOBACCOS, RUJJ'F' CAMPO TION A SPLENDID STOCK Just received and for sale cheap fot cash. anr IS E. dr J. ELDEN: r -7 r. - FAT4_42v:vp. l9 ~ Apvr PAN-A-CE-A ooza imit°ll' -szAncll "Dr. P. Palanefs celebrant' Blood Bracher or Panacea," is a medicine that we can recommend tq —to_those_who-are-afflicted c having-uaedirlarour-owsi _ _ family and furnished our - friends with the article;_ Ivo rub - therefore, Win experience say that it is medicine Ptemosaing rare medicinal prepertles._Beffig— a mild purgative. It to well to keep it always' in the family-where there are-children-or those Blade/Jr 'old" or !all , - sickne" It h' o eor o . ore c• noes. t a compounded from — tnedloine - Bnota, -- toarrailiarkeicla-sinid which aro said to be entirely free *Om Olson. Ws_ are personally aequainted with the proprietor who was our family Physician for several y4ers, and wci • were nt one time raised from a bed afatilictlon tinder bisfbillebaus treatment."—Chrfsfldn !amity • Cori-- " , "Fnananea Stoop_ BRARCTITIC—From our personal acqnalaranee with Dr. P. Fahrney, nail from the no. putatioh of the above named medicine in the eon:t abard ty where he livee, we can cheerfully mom , Mend ft to a filr trial to all'wl cr may heed - a Tor tho physioalmaladla one tality, eV:tithe great ' PANACEA for aILIMISCABeB shel l e fauna la the leaves — of tbelreo ul life.—.Projihenu Tatar:tan, . . , Sold by te. . our iiiiii an, " ‘n , Hitteheut & Gehr, - Ringgold ; -- Wm --- 137 - 11aby - Quinen - E; - .IT Small, Mont Alto ; L. J. Bell, Smithburg, Md., and Urt;Bgiets generally. , ,`/ I ~/ ~ L //{~~j~J oct 23 ly COACT -1 FACTORN. NEW FIR3I THE Subscribers respectfully announce to the public that they have purchased' of Meatus. Hess & Crouse their Coach Factory in Waynes boro', and purpose continuing the business in all its branches. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c., &c always on hand or made, to order, of the hest ma terial, and warranted. REPAIRING of all ki,oda dine at short notice. Being practical workmen they hope to receive a liberal share of public pa. Image. S. B. THOM PSON, May 22. 1.. P. THOMPSON. NEW MILLINERY STOP IN WAY NESBORO', Tllll subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens of Waynesboro', and vicinity that they have just ietorned horn Philadelphia with a floe anti fiishienafile assortment of Millinery goads, and are now prep 'red to accommodate the ladies in tarry thing in their line of business, and would therefore solicit a public share of patronage. We have con. stantly on hand stamped yokes, and bands fur em broidering or braiding, stamped aprons all sizes and patterns. HavinUs procured fixings fur stamping we are prepared to do clamping at any time and at shortest notice. 'Ladies, call and examine our stock. TerMs cheaper than can be found elsewhere ! STITOHINO DONE TO OHLEK. Houma on Main Street over Smith's furniture rooms. • Mrs. L. A. THITLE & M. M. HAMLIN. Oct 9 tr BARK IHE undersigned pay the highest market price for 400 cords of liark,,also- the highest tricolor- 11 I 1) S delivered at the Ha &vete Store of Geiser & Rinehart, in Waynesboro'. They alai' keep on hand all kinds of finished Leather, suck as Harness, Bridle, Fair Skirting, Fair Calfskin, Upper, Kips, Calfskins, Wang Lea ther, Sp inish Slaughter and Hemlock Sole, French Ualfskins and Linings of all kinds. tjaddlers and Shoemakers will find if to their in pew tu give them a call belore purchasing else- MIDDGUIt & WEDDLE. Quincy, met 12-tf MILLINERY GOODS ! TO THE LADIES: I}ts. C. L. HOLLINDERGE? has just re Inc'eil•ed a Tull supply of new Millinery Ladies are in Veil to call and examine her stock. 0001) TEMPLAg. REGALIAS supplied or the material to make them furnished. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Beak Rotate' And 4.nettranee Agent, Office in Walker's Building. Watplealturo', —Stf. JOHN A• 117ZSSIMG, ATTORNEY" Al` LAW, HAXING been admitted to Practice Law at the several Courts in Franklin County, all Wei. newt entrusted to hie care will be promptly attended to—Port ()thee address—Mercorsburg,?a. jan Ily • rrpsh Lime! IHE subscribers have now for rale at their Kilns, 3 miles Bast of Waynesboro'. Fresh Weed. burnt: Lime for Whitewashing. Plastering, &c. A supply will be kept on hand during the rumple which be sold on ximsnuablu tesuis. • • march 19 —tf 1 • '''BESd & BROTHER. TIIOS. J. FIELBERI.' 4 NERCEIAN'T TAILOR, AND Etazwr 'tom SINGER'S SEWING micslNE. WANTED.—Dacon, 1.2r41 , Hutto. Eggs Cot: tow Rap, &c., for which we will goo. the highwt'auukoi wide in wade. "REID & WAYSANT. Juno 19, 474, • WU% .NATION S, ,W*TCHEN• C 1 04451 FRUITS, &O. 'ANTES uct 23 If 474 • LEE & co.- Enormsins, , P6till 10610,4 thy t iiita ied , - 1] BRT:61,18 3ED 1861. PARKERSBURG, WEST Y.A. Your attention Is respectfully called to curesten• give BOUNDR' and MAOHINE WORKS situstetLon Kiltairdmatieet, near dm and U. R. H. Depot. Tim entire establishment, in all its deptattrienta is supplied with the most approved Machinery Mole and appliance, ta estuary to the matufactme of , 3141111i1N.ERI AND . moat „. • AND HEAVY OASTINOS, , > - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Our Work is of the beitiputilte tnittssri to-ma•-- tetlal end Workmanship. We are extensively engaged in manufacture of Portebie and'Stationary Steam Enginee r Steam Boilers ) Circular Saw Mille, Gang Saw Mille, Flouring Mill Machinery, Sorghum Sugar Mills, Shafting Pulleys And - We are prepared to do. COPPER, - BRASS, Sheet Iron Work Atad Pipe pITTINGO - ..facture salt paps iun alt the tippUrte. minces and inachmery_for making salt. )V9 siso manufacture - - = OFFICE &NOW:WEE STOVES. Pur office stoves are of the best quality, We, have also on hnd' POR'kABLE ENGINES, At all prices, adepte4 to the running of all kinds of THliEstinyq 44palivE4 ALSO, JACK SCES WS ' 4NI) STAVE .114011.1NRAY. As to our Stave Machines we respectfully refey Ile public to Messrs. Kimble & QhaHer, Pentisbo ro, 'West Vs : K excells all others ? They cannot be cmpassed. Iron Eailinge, Verandahs, - _._. ~_~, and to ma astioge o every seseri -DI Pit LiY-10 - 804QUI. — liESKS which_foneatuess,theapuet.s..and_dunibili no t surpassed. They are tituoininended by Prof. W. It. White, Blake t•itiperintetioesit of l'ioettiehuols of-Weet Va.,-und by-tile-Parlieraborg tiehool-Lipaid„ "I have exauilin.d NI. J. Lee 4 P9'o.. F 91334 Seats for echoohi, grid fixed heats for pritgarl 410-: partinente, Anautihrtpriu4 ylt .Packrpsburg, 'Wes; Va.,_l most choerlutly_ refouquend our Boards o Educdtion and idlers tutenisted t to windy etc Public school litutatui with thetn: W. WHITE, • - tif&lsup't-Poto-SchOodo,-Yilheoling,-W,-Va-P rAkKERS Dude, Nov. 7, , 1867. "M. J. Leese et Co., Dear elir :—ln answer as to how we are pleased with ybur /1;4/own! Iron t+ehoo' cake, we would state that - we=lrav elfera kines, but for cheapness, neatness and duttbility,. we give yours the preference to all otlierq. K 8. 110 K Yr. 1/116.110nti, Board of Education. fully concur in the above'. STEPHC.N BOAIIDM AN, 4up't Free Schoub!, Wood Co., W. Va. New ar.d tecond.hand Engirysi of all eizcs on hand and for sale at low mica. 0001) MA CHINEItY.__Nre wy.l reply to erp, quince by Mail and promise our b,es I ttletits to, pleserA purchasers, Witt-as - to quality end price 00 on oi address M. J. I.'E F r 3E di C 0.,. I'3llw/burg, West Vs. slept 41,1868. NEW GO(IDS, MILLER 4 BEAVER'S! THEY have just received their fi rst =poly oc• tsyrioir end ie! good., to wh i i,:h they in-, 1/I le the outfit:on of-the public. Among which' they, have a nisurtnrot, 4,1 , ,13).1EILIC 43-1;001:1S, Alpaccas, Brocade, Lustros, Borribuiine,stripa, Mohair, Buff l'crcalle, White Pique, 11;tcuiria Lawn, Brilliant. swiss Muli, Nairiteiok; Black and Fancy Kitts. Cloths, Catminiores, Ital. Cloth. Mus'in, ble Diapers, 'Fowling. Counterpanes, Cuttenades, Carpeting, Matting, Oil Cloth for Table and f loor, Queenswure, Cederwtre, Glassware, Cutle . ry, Oro.: caries, a full lino. Our assortment in every depart ment is more cumplete than heretofore, and we are offering every inducement to purchasers, at the co, prices. A 1 We ask is a trial before purchasing elsewhere. We will endeavor to show gckuth, at, such pikes as will convince you of the fict. We tender our thanks to the community for their liberal patronage bestowed upon us, and hope to, merit a continuance of the same. For Bacon, Lard. Butter, Dggs, Bags, &c., the blithest market price will be paid in exchrrigo for merchandise, It you uro in want of WALL .PAPER, its are M receipt of a Sample Book with all the latest styles; any style desired can be furnished in a few days notice by applying at • april 30, 1869] .;111W 1 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT THE FIRM OF STOVER & WOLFk' (SUCCESSORS TO GEO. STOVER.) DRY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLTLEI{Y, .cIf.DERWARE, OIL CLOTHS, &C., ttC. To which we invite tho attention of, all who want to buy cheap goods. 1111/t :30 W 69, STOVER & WOLFF: Lumber l Otc. 1111 HE subscriber has for sale CharVint Shingles'. J. Failings. Plastering Lathe, tiblogling Laths, Pine. Lumbar from a half to one Ugh. All other rises of Lamberluinished to order Also oa4Plas arid Chestnut Wood by the load for sale as tbot (round. Zia has also, L C c *saw.. Lb 23—tfl • A. tOs MONA, ' . , e a ention 01 7 : C. 00 I M M. & B.'s.