LOT Till NAB COMB REID. 'dlz WAYNAVE TT AV•E just 'Opetiej 'a well 'elected and fresh Xl.stoci iff 'Family Groceitea, to which they in 'vitt, the , attention of the public— in leading-articles they have . a lull line, viz; PURE SPICES; Brown and White Sugars, Prime Rio Cafe?, Black and Green Tea,— -_. Carolina Rice, " Syrups common, good, extra floe, • P. Rico and N. Orleans Molasses, prime; Corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate,-Pickles, Catsup, Cheese, Fish, Mason's -W e Crackew, best in town. Glassware & Queensware, Tumblers, Goblets, Dishes, Lamps and Lamp goods, good assortment, and low in price; Granite wat.e . in sets, dozen, or smaller quantities, handsome styles, and guaran teed to be of best quality; common dishes cups and saucers, cheap. Buckets, tubs, Broome, Baskets, Brushes, Ropes twirreTet Fresh — OYS ERS - iinit - frWsh MIL regularly re ceived throe hour the proper season. Canned Oys ters, Corn, Peas, Jellies in tumblers. Best Family Flour. Buckwheat, Corn Meal. Country Produce bought and highest market pri ces allowed. tar We hope by fair dealing ant keeping a full and fresh stock of goods to largely increase our sales Try us ! Try us !! February 4, 1869 ANTIBTIH FACTORY AND SAW MILL. HA VINO increased facilities for manufacturing ail kinds of building material, such as -Sash. Doi's, Frames, Shutters. Blinds, Flooring,, Weath erboarding, Moulding, Washboards, Chairlmarda, Cornice, Staking. Porticoes, &c., dtc. - 1 offer to furnish all !material is the public (building) of dry lumbar and substantial workmanship and at re ductd prices,-- -- The above material constantly on hand, or made to orier at the shortest notice. Al so [boring worked to order. Sawing by mill and circular saws of every description done. lam also prepared to furnish the two noted 'Bee Hives. Lang stroth (pat) and the Antietam Hive, the last of wh!eh is cheap, simple, and just the hive for corn imm bee—eullare. Gall, see and examine for Irmiewelf, or addreea D. F. GOOD, Factory near Waynesboro'. ftp 2--IF OR. JACOB FAURNEY'S BLOOD PURIFIER ! R..TA :Olt FA HRNEY, graduate of Jefferson ju At ell !cal College of Philadelphia. is the only regular Physician who makes the genuine Liquid Prep ars. ton. and is the Original inventor of it. I t is the Bost Family Medicine of the age, good for al l Chronic (Rainless, such as Sick-headache, Vcrofula Totter, Rheumatism. DyApepsia, Consumption, Liv - cr Complaints, - and rill diseases arising from impure Blood. Prepared only by JA tfuß FAH RIVE Y . , M. D. 9 Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by Dr. 'Amberson, Drriggiat. Waynes. tiro', Pa. may 14- 3 m. BEEF. BEEF. LHE enbseriber having leased the Basement tan der the Saddler Shop of John H. Sellers on West Main Street as a Bub her Shop, will be reg ularly eupplied with _prime Beef, Veal, &c. He is determined to sisughttr ..nene but • the best cat tle and small st (irk, and thus hopes to merit a lit rat patronage. I 11911. I.34 4 IIHVGIHAAM or 2111-4 ACCOMMODATION - WAGON. ITIHE subseedier haring put a Wagon and , pair 1 of horses on thgEoirdfietween Waynesboro and d:reencastle, infutoni the that /twig wail pre., pared to do all kinds of hauling regularly between th, two places, and this he will ba thankful for a share of the public's patronage. Orders le,t et the I.)•ug raof A. 8 Doaebrake will - reee ire prorrpt 118,31.110 n. apr2:l.fj , GEO.I9REVAN. NEW TINNING ESTABLIYAMaI T. tritE-sultiocribrs announces tr.the public that lie has cour-nenced,budirie as in tha leant sdPining Xtuttie!s•Stunt . Store, on User. Jilaitt trisect,' and -will tukpOppliegliwith lilidveq, Tomato, INN.::Howe and Bern: spQlttinfi. itotiGeg add all•iworic=io.liia line Bono at short.tretineadd *.npon reasonatile ttirma. , -v ,1 .rdejppufUNy solicits a share of public patronage. May Zl—lf U. W. fltEy. A. Y. WAYNANTb REID & WAYNANT JACONIPSLCKi - JASON 11414.. G. S. LIDY,- - - . - . • D. B. ROSSALL MACHINE SHOP LUMBER YARD ! THE sucscrihera having enlarged their shops and added the latest improved machinery for working Wood and Iron, are now prepared to do all kinds of Work in their Lino and are manufae, Luring the - - - -••---- Willoughby's Gam-Spring Grain and Far talizer Drill, Greatly-Improved; The-Cel. ebrated Brinkerhoff Cornsheller ; Gibson's Champion ‘Vashing Machine; John Rid dlesberger's Patent Lifting Jack's. THE PROPRIETORS - -OP-THE--'c WAYNESBORO' SASH AND DBCJA FLAMTAY having furnished their shops with the latest im proved Machinery for this Drench of Business, they are now prepared to ininu facture and tu rnish all kinds of BUILDING 'MATERIAL, such as Sash, Doors, Frames, Shutters, Blinds, Mould ings, some Eighteen Different Sty Ir_s •,_ _ Cor nice, Staking, I'orti coes, &c. &c., Floor log. Weath erboarding, and_ AU KINDS LUMBER, furnished at short notice. We_tender our thanks to the community fin. their liberal patronage bebtowed upon us and hope by strict attention to Business to merit a continuance of the same. Also agents for the sale of Do_dge_&-Stevenson's, Ktrby,_Yalley-Chief, - irnd World Combined Reap. ing and M. , wing Machines, and the celebrated Clipper Mower. may 7, 1869] LIDY, FDlcx & Co. ;.,,. cz, ..., al I=Ln == P h = . i , l i= 41 ,_ tv v. CD v. MI VAMI 0 CP4ml 4 t= on%O. Are nnw receiving a fresh supply of Spin.; and Summer goods, to ich we invite the attention of our customers and all who wish to Guy CHEAP GOODS. A full line of Ladle's wear at A fulllino of Mon's Wear.at AU kioJe of Carpet at Itlettings and Floor oil cloths at A. B. & Co.'s Oil El linda and fixtures at ' Wall and Window Paper at Full line of Drees Goods at Ladies and M inns summer Shoes at Call and ere our full assortment of goods of all kinds which•we promise to sell as ch4•op as any in the market. AMBERSON, BEN EDICT & CO., april 23 1869. FIRST ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER COODS! JUST RECEIVED BY E.*7 i.l TT 3 4 T WE take this method to inform our friends and the public generally that we have again re ceived from the Eastern cities a full supply of now and seasonable goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Cedar ware, .Nutiona, 1) ups. Groceries. P. in ts, Oils, Hardware, Medicines, Queensware. &c. &c. all of which will he sold at prices lo suit the times. We continue tn dieconi.t five per sent. all cash bills of ..ne dollar and over. A_ por...ial invitation is ex tcn:led to all to coin, and give our stock an exam • int.tion es we feel confident that we can give them satisfaction ' ' Thankful for paid •pittrotioge; we hope by ellen tisu to business and striving to please to merit a con tin weir Of public Lyon/. ' . HITECIREW, & GEHR, Ringgold. rip 30 • - • . _ . N. D. We still have or) tutorl s lot of Poplar Lurnber,whicb we will eall af reasonable prices . . h. & O.' • LAS WA We have for so a the' largest X„Xessoriasent efinaloware ever offeterl bare ' iuvue especial attention:to our Goblets sold 'e . g. thi, price Of gooJ .11`lie ladies will please call. We sell cheap. REID & IVAYNANT.:. way 2$ ti DR. J. BURNS ANIDEBSON, PROPRIETOR,_, .CO 'N 43. I • Ata.=Auld Lang Syne. ff my true loie Watisdcli to death, , . - ' Tra-la, tra•la.. - II tell her at her latest hreath tra-la, tra•la, tier race of life could not be run, Troia, tra-la, tra4a. - •- I'd buy some Drugs of Ambcrson At the. ihtig-13Uire_on__the—Comer,-..---,,-._ ---- Then three times three and tiger-too,----- Tra la, tra la, tra For what we know that they can do, Tra la. tea la, tra la, Vl' ith chorus loud, the vict'ry won • Tra Is, tra la tea la, By Drugs, I bought of A mberson At the Drug Store on the Corner. DRUBS—THE BEST AND 'PUREST AL ways on hand at PAINTS, CHEMICAL AND MINER AL Paint, White Lead and Colors, the best assort ment in town at FEROSENE, ' OILS, VARNISHES, DYES all kinds at BRUSHES, PAINT,VARNISH, SASH, HAIR and Tooth Br ushes at T RUSSES AND SUPPORTERS AT ATENT MEDICINES-ALL THE STAND!. U_ardTPatent_Matemes-of-thei - darat --- BRANDY, WHISKY, WINES AND RUM for medicinal use only, at UTRACTS, FOR FLAVORING, PERFU• IC mery and toilet articles generally at iipIYSICI ANS PRESCRIPTIONS C ARE= I fully compounded at "Thopirner Drug Store." july I 6 - W. A. TRITLE, • Manufacturer of Copper, Tin and Shed Iron Ware ) and dealer In all kinds of Stoves for Coal • or Wood. lie has now on hand a large stock of the best Cook Stoves in market. He is gelling 40 gal. Copper Kettles at $2O 30 " •• CI II J 5 • is 111 "' II 10 The shove kettles are stronger than you can get elsewhere and much cheaper. I am now putting up a NEW DRY HOUSE on the Hot Air Principe which comes — i — nuch lower in price than any offered before, and' is gotten up in good style, is strong and durable, takes but little wood, and does its work splendid. It is also a good Baker. Call and see it. ltictalic wise for Clothes lines cheap. •-- g''m en = The best Clothes Wringer in the World ! The best Force Pump in Market ! • Iron Wash Kettles. Tinned Iron Pots and Stew Pans, Copper and Braes ware Also a good stock of and Sheet Iron Ware. all of which is made of the best material. All kinds of Joh Work done in bis line. Don't fail to call and see f.tr yourselves as you will find many articles that you will want. Sep 11 ' A . B. & A. B. & Co.'s. A. B. & Co 'a. The Great External 'Remedy. For Man and Beast. A. 13. & Co.'s I likklVOlita 101011104Dt 11/0110t31 A. B. & Co 'a The reputation of this preparation Is so well mita). Batted, that little need be said in this connection. On MAN it has never failed to cure PAINFUL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, CONTRACTING MU& CLF,S, STIFFNESS AND PAINS IN THE JOINTS, STITCHES in the SIDE or Back, SPRA INS, BRUISES, BURNS, SW ELLINGS, CORNS and FROSTED FEET, Persons affected with Rheumatism can be effectually and permanently cured by using this wonderful preps. ration; ft penetrates to the nerve and bone immediately on being applied. On HORSES it will cure SCRATCHES SWEENEY, POLL-EVIL, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING SORES, SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, SPRAINED JOINTS, STIFFNESS OF THE STIFLES, &o. It will prevent HOLLOW HORN and WEAL BACK IN MILCH COWS. A B. & •Co.'s. A. B. Sc Co.'s. I have met with great entrees In bringing my Mixture within the reach of the Public. lam daily in receipt of letters from Physicians, Druggists, Merchants and Farmers, testifying to Its curative.powers. Ju'y 16-3 mos FOR RENT. A comfortable Prick Ileum on Main Street, Waynesboro. containing mix xooma with good Sta ble, Hog pen, &c. Poiseasion given immediately. Apply to JOS. H. MMUS. aug 13 tf The Board of School Directors of Washington die. trict will meet Lt the Westc in School House on rft unlay, septembcr 4th, fur the purpose of rontracting with 15 teachers fur the term of five months. By order of the Boer!, eug 1341;, GEO. UARBAUGII, Sec•ry. House and Lot 'tor' Sale 'TIE subscriber offvra at private sale his house 'and lot of &Mind, situate about a half mile East of thellnitin School House and two miles from An-, tietain Junction. The lot cant Mit five parities less' then. an acre. The itoprevemouts aro a log houioi and new TrairM Stab.e; bog pen: bake oven. Olsten , 4 1 314: There le also a variety of choice fruit trees on "the int,the whole•behig enclosed with good fencing. .11 the, k tio ve prep.:Ay is not sold privately' on or tiebre Saturday the . lllll (hit of Iseptomber npit it will" tin 4ifreired at' Public Said en that day ai 'I clock: At , , it: BAKER:`:. yLityi 16 ' • TDR VON In STOW WAYNESBORO', If I was bald without a hair, - Tra Is, tra Is, tra la, I'd laugh nt that, I would not care, 'l'ra la, tra ta, tra la, - I'd bring them back, yes,ecery. one, Tra la. tra la, tra la, By Drugs I bought of Ambetion At the Drug Store 011 the Corner,. If I was tanned to darkest dye, Tra la, Ira la, Ira la, - - I would not care, I would not cry, • Tm la, Ira la • tra la. • For soon a bleaching would be done Tra la, Ira la, Ira la - - By Drugs I'd buy of Amberson At the Thug k•toreon the Corner. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Sole Proprietor, BALTI3IORE, Yu Notice to Teachers. MOND AIM !VALI THE undersigned have just opened ;nether large and carefully selected stock of Spring Goods to which the attention of the community is directed, and all those in search of good, durable and pretty designs of all kinds of goods, will find it to their great advantage to call with the firm of PRICE:&. , III(EFLIICH who have purchased their goods on such terms that they can otrer superior indircemente to all who are DRY GOODS, Among their stock will, be found tho following load ing articles, beautiful designs and all qualities ond widths : Chintzes-,- Cessimeres, / Sheetings, Poplins, Cloths, At tisane, Plaids, Marseilles, Towlingo, Alpacas, ,Linens, Diapers, Delains, _ _ Ducks,— - - Islap_kins, Gingham, _ Warns,— -_ , - Crash, Law 119, Jeans, ____, Ostia burg, Percales, Twills, 'Pickings, Picini's, Pekins, ____ Pil. M usline, Challies, Coatings, Checks, Prints, Vestings, Gingham, 3P. 31E1 le" N" C3l- OF Carpets, • Oil Clothq, Window Shades, Paper Blinds, Baskets, Buckets, -Churns,— Bowls, Queens• ware and Glassware otall_descriptions, and a full line of Groceries, &c. Fruit Jam, a superior kind at PRII.E It 110EFLICH'S Harvest articles, Water Kegs, Shaking and Pitch Forks, Grain Rakes &c., at P. & H.'s. DRESS COOL. White and gray duck Linens, Linen Coatings at P. &. IL's Linen Coats, • Ready_made at P. & IL's. Sugars, Syrups, Rice, Coffees just received at P. & H '9. The subscriblrs tender their thanks to the com munity for their very liberal patroinge heretofore, and kindly ask a continuance of the same. PRICE & HOEFLICH. ap 30 EVERY BODY Come and see 114.--nm are the inws to accommodate you in all kinds a HATS, SHOES, TRUNKS, NOTIONS, LADIES —W e have on hand constantly all styles and kinds of lists, Ribbons, Ifc , for the summer and fall, and we are determined to sell them at'ex ceedingly short profits. We have also Bonnet Fri nips. GENTS—We can also accommodate you —in all styles and prices of Hats, Bhoes„ paper collars cud's, &c , die. Remember and give us a call be. fore buying elsewhere. We won't nor cannot be undersold and all of the best manufacture for one and all. BOYS—Urn want a nice Hat or a Pair of shoes here is the place. Have your parents send you here— cannot ba excelled anywhere in price or quality. So now come all families to the N. E. Corner of Diamond, IA aynesbor.i', Pa , for your Soaps, Hair oils, Perfumery,Starches, Indigo blue, put up in form of pepper box, Snuffs, Cigars & Tobacco, Can dies, Ink and paper, tauspenders. Canes and Um brellas, Ki.rosene, Lamp wicks and Burners We nnw invite you io call and 81:13 us whether you buy or not. Our btock is Inrtre and well seleeted. CLARENCE N. BEAVER. Resto:es gray and faded Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR, removes DaDdl uff, taus ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP. Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the hair grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant. WO sad $1,50 per Bottle. Each Bottle in $ leg Paper Bit. Prepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY &Cif ENEY? Druggists, ButFulo, N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. Sold by J. Burns Am':ent3n, Dmist, Waynos- For Guns, Penknife Blades, Repairing Family Cora Shellers, • Call on 3. 11.. JOHNSTON. may 28-10 mos] TAILORING! THE subscriber announces to his'frienis and the puhlic generally that ho has commenced the Tailoring Business the room 'bore U.N. Beaver's variety store, vr hero te is prepared to cut and make to order( Garments 'of - all kinds for Men and Hoyt. Latest City Fashionsvegularly remised.. Clive him a trial. - L H, IL4FLEIGIL juno I l —tf rirOLOVES. AO Intido of IILOVEn onband and made to order, Oents 'find Children's Wear, at UPDEGRAFVS. NOTIONS, &o. Matting, Rugs, CLOCKS, HOSIERY NEW FIRM! D. D:OURRE.t(ta & SON at the. sionlif the Rig Red' Horn , wilflieep'conatintly an hind'andfor sale a large assortment-of Stoves and rim-wart EVERYBODY- - ----- -- COME AND SEE TA% littrnOvibri ORIENTAL BASE BURNER; -- At the Min of thellig Rea Born, nntl_vou will be convinced that the Oriental is the best, the hand somest and the cheapest Base Burning Coal Stove in the WORLD for, the truth is mieity and will prevail: We can furnish tiny number of reforenees in testimony of the superiority of the ORIENTAL over all oth. era having been. improved with en OVEN TOP, Tho Oriental has a larger fire pot, ,a better crate' makes more heat with lei.s coal than the Morning Glory. The Oriental has taken the four first prrm• iums at the State Fairs of New York, and the large. Silver Meddle at the American Institute. and see_ at the sign of the _ ••-•-- _ "BIG RED IICIRN" i : - - Wayngqino', Pa., where you can get any kind of Stoves you want of D. B. RUSSELL Sr. SON, - who always keopo on hand and for sale Tinware made of the best' tin and by good worktrut. house urnishing goods dre. at the sign of the 810 .RED HORN. Sold at Retail by D. B. RUSSELL & Sign of the Big Rod Horn, Waynesboro', Pa COOK STOVES ! (warranted to give satififaction.) Tinware Iron ware, Br asswa rei Japanned Ware, Mouse Furnishing Goads Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives and forks Spoons, Ladles, . Large iron and Copper kettles And other weral oracles at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa , where a huge as sortment of COOK STOVES, • NINE-PLATE STOVES •• PARLOR STOVES COAL STOVES, &e of the latest improvemen ts, the very best in the market,-at the Cheap Tin and Stove Store of D. B. RUSSELL & SON. TINWARE made of the best Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "3Ellg; 3EIL()cSL MaCc)373nL.77 D. IL RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing (:Duds for sale cheap. Pure No. I Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. Washing Made Easy ! • by calling, at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. IrrPersans iu want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by cabing on I►. B SON, Sign of the "BIG RED HORN" Way flesh.; ro' , Pa SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! THE 1.. A. OELLI3 DRY HOUSE, PATENTED JANUARY 218 T, Isls. This is the , best Dry House ever r flared to tilt public. . It dyes Fruit in half the time ret,uired by the old Linetho.l. - -- - -- It dries uniformly. and perfectly. ho'Fruit dried by it.retairremare oft he natural flavor. DAir easily j mane ged. , It saves fuel. It lean-able and portable. It hair 2.4 feat of dritrig surface.. Call and see them at the,Siite of ihn , tuaitcn twitg ' and leaveyour orders for them lab 5 1t3119. 1 1111E1 "PALL ARRIVAL!" ronti.e.iluentr„ Warm, ih:adsulirneeceoivrottin.ifiugolslsa.gispiritimse coneiit; in pitrt, or fill tho tityles of Aten's and HATS AND OAPS-, Men's, Woman's, Mafia's, Boy's and eldWinces— and Slippers of every description. Ladies and —,-• . - Bonnet ?ramps, Trimmings, SundOwns and Hats, Press Hnop Skirts, Ilnir Nets, Hair Coilsdlositoje, Gloves, Parasols, San- Umbersllas. Fans, &c. - • Sabool, Blank and Mises. Banana& Boolts,Stallon. ery of all kinds; Notions and Fancy Goods. All at wltich w,ll be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Sept. 2O .1. R. WELSH CHAMBERSBURG, PA. ERE It 'St -removed - t heir .Boornson Quee n k fa, 'one door East of their fernier Room, mid are .mw prepared to give cue tomtits every advantage in selecting Carpets, end would respectfully call attention to our extensive stock, viz : FLOOR, TABLB A-ND- STAIR OIL-C.L.OTIPS.:- RUGS, DOOR MATS, &c. AII,Won,l Ingrain Varrets at ;se, 85c, 90e, $l.llO, $1 15, $'.25. *1.30, SL - 40, 55:50. OIL CLOTHS at 50c, 60c, 75c 9.1 c, and :31 00 per yard. OIL CLOTH RUGS, neat patterns or d very cheap. TABLE OIL CLOTHS, of all widths and patterns. SEA CRASS, Brush, Corot, Cano Brussels and Velvet Id or Mats Ail kinds of F. 111• cy Rugs, fur Bug.pcs, Sims, :gobs, ell!. Our Assortment of 0:1 raid Paper Window Shades is complete, compriting every randy of styles and pall , rns. Also, the most extensive assortment of Wall and Corner Brackets and Oval Prunes, all sizes, ever brought to Cliamberbburg, and at the Lowest Prices. We are now !manufacturing all grades of RAG CARPET, and prepared to fill orders in this line promptly. Or l'he highest price paid for UA R PM' RAGS! Cell and make an insi ir- • purchasing. Prices Right, - anti Fatiifaction Guaranteed"! J. 81EltER CO.,' Wird. Queen at., ncxt door to P. !-ierer's Furniture Ware Rooms, Chambersburg, Pa. April 23-3 m NEW GOODS! _ ?...IlEsulgcriber (successor to Fisher Sr. Logan) would announce to the publiit — tharbelias - re - . -- - ceived - and opened out a full stock of new goods, such as CLOTHS, CASSINI ER Es , V EtsT !NG'S, and all goods usually kept by Merchant 'Palters.— Pomona purchasing goods of him can have the cloth ing made to order promptly and forwarded to any point desired. He cordially invites his friends nod the public generally to call at the Washington House, Hagerstown, and examine his new stock. may 28 —tf BERKELY I OGA N. For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Ac dity of the Siomach, Loss of Appelit, Nausea, Hear!-burn, Jaundice, and ah diseases arisin4 from a disordered state of the Stomacn, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by SEWARD. BENTLEY & CHENEY Dniggists, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. Sn'tl by J. Barns Authorsr.n, Druggist. Witvn , s apr 16— Iy WILT.T% VT STEWART has been t .) the City and lii I in a large supply of lAadi. s, Mis4e4 end Children's Shoes, of the moat fashionable styles. Men and itny's Fq'hoes. both coarse and line, Men's Congress G liters ; also Straw lists. The publm are ffenerally invited to come and e xamine for them- selves. All wto will buy of bin will rt , ceire feel., 1,, as lie will sew all rips gratis Ilc als" keeps sugar. softie, inotisses and sirups, pepper, al-pie and cinnmon, mackerel, latter Taper, envelop.. steel pens, pen holders, kerosene, &e., 6.te. Call and examine his stock Win. ST W A RT. moil 23 1869 MITI% stAlecribers nnhoutice to tho ruble th at they have commenced the Blythe ling and \vi II regularly furnish prime Veal and - I ..mh, on - Monday a:.(1 9'hur:lay evening of each week r aring tile tottroa, at the Cellar m .xt door to Mullan 's Hotol, and Mg.) ott the s.llO day'. HOOVER & AR I'M AN. arty 21- if IFA 8 INGTON 110 U 8 1.; IF cor,:vp:R. wEcoN I) AND MARK ET ST 3 TLis H tit TittA I.eett reitint'y littttl lip in em, the Titbit N ate slilptied wit h the 11,1 the tit fitiltrtts anti the Ihr stippited with the eholoc.4l I.itittont. Traveller.4 writ ti rt it convenient to Ilift ft..ttrold Depot. ra:ty JOHN D. OcGiOLLIES"; ATTORNEY AND COUNBELLOR AT LAW, Will attend promptly a d faithfully to all Imaine , .3 entrusted to Lii4 Caro. Counael g,V,11 in El:gisao and German. golli:e in the ltnodes' b uWrng, 011 the corner of the Diamond. nov 20 If Aprinto article F Pk nr front Amst enfant - f.ealle in sac kA, rit r