*N r4V . 11! V I LLAGE ECOA liAras:ar aiiiiiidosetoo4 Friday, .111agudi 27, EIMK' ter - Fivwfburniptil Cbinette-wid shintliac. rive i! Misiouri, rat fie;d labor • new •117-- Wk. fish iy the stkeettLef-Sjsna. ; Citypj4owiti and takes her regular benahyt. . 116r2E-ileep women, at Martinsburg, died'froin the effects of fright caused by the Ku•KIUY 1n Robioson's Circus: Vir •Mountatn Boy and Lady Thorn trotted wt, Saratoga onificoday. Tiarlettlng-op-1 , 4 the end of the second heat was 100 to SO on Lady Thorn, hat Mountain BOY won in three straight heats, hie best time being 2 20. /0-John W. Geary was tau fa a log house near Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland Co., NW N in his bOth year, and in the very prime of a truly dignified and hon orable niaabood. tres,.The wealthy and successful business man, Stephen Girard mid: "Show me a newspaper well filled with home advertise• tnents, asd I will show you a community full of life `and enterprise. riir The Boston Travearr says that the bankers of Boston highly commend Secreta ry Boutwell's policy, and ezpeot that it gold and hoods are kept so near par as at present, specie payments will be resumed by July, 1870. -Supervisor Conklin it le maid has de• veloped immense frauds perpetrated in Ohio on the revenue over a year since. Warrants Lave been isened for the arrest of extensive N 9 hiskey_dealers_and_other_petsons implicate,' in that State, some of whom were until re• cently in the employ of the Government. iThe reunion of cffieerB at Gettysburg to lay out the prominent points of the battle, monuments, assembled in small force at the battle field on Monday. , One ex•eonfedorate and letters were read from Gen- erat - Lee andhi e mn — Firah - 101 I — disapproving of the idea. A programme was adopted for carrying ont the proposition. net.A Chinese immigration agent bas been in South Ctrolina for some weeks past, and has made contracts with a number of planters to furnish ,them with Chinese laborers by the first of the.new year. One rice planter has contracted for two hundred and fifty 401.1 106.1 t is estimated that the reduction of Government expenses occasioned by the dis missal of employees from the Treasury De partment,•exclusive of the Printing Bureau, already reaches $50,000 per month, With as surances of at least half as mach in addition in the course of a few months. IttirLate advices indicate that the Span. finds are in. a desperate strait in Cuba.-- Whipped on every hand, tbey will soon be compelled to leavo the island in possession of the natives. Will Cuba then annex herself to the United States, or will she become an independent State like unto Mexico ? vo.A..Miss Hill, niece of General A. P. Hill, of Virginia, was accidently shot and killed by her brother•in-law, Mr. G. W. Skinner, at his residence, in Washington county, Alabama, a few evenings ago. Mr. Skinner was about to" leave the house to spend the night with a sick neighbor, and was engaged in recapping his loaded pistol, when one of the barrels exploded., and the ball from it entered the side of the unfor tunate lady, killing bet instantly. flerA late Scranton despatch says all prospeot for an immediate resumption of mining operations in that section has fled.— The operators on Saturday made their most literal offer of wages, but the miners; in a body, hava decided not to work, and decline anything and everything but the sliding scale or basis spout. ‘Zt No further overtures will be made for some time. as operators have offered what they deem more than fair wages, and don't intend to make any more- concessions, but fight It out. It is conceded by all that negotiations are off and will remain so for an indefinite period. ge„.Tbe body of Martin Billmyor, of Northumberland county, who was convicted of illicit distilling at the; last term of the United States Cuurt, and confined in jail at Williamsport, was found back of the jail On Saturday last with his throat out. On account of abarration, of mind he had been allowed unusual liberty. by the jailor. He Lela-tile fatal knife in hie hand when found- DOTING Cu r. Now —The, New York .77ntes gives the following sensible advice to oonsurners.o€-eoal, and-we-earnestly urge it upda, du :readers : ' that the coal - comps . Ries of Syra cuse refuse to §oll pore than one ton of coal to Leuttutuer, At a Lippe, . people of Sy . noose sad every other, eity.would do well to refuse to hey wore than one eon of eetd,at a time. We know_.of.some oonsutoors to whom • the claffeteDee between s6aud , Slo a ton is tri fling, Nittilbitre. Ala allured 'their...coal:dealers this year to turoish Atm, according to their eutitim)dt.iirk . seasein, , with the winter's' sup ply. Theyy' have put their , refusal the ground of the cowwoo benefit Veal cannot well and 11 **itieett: t ii . l , o lo a s little awl lay io se little- sicitilt — tut ptasible, the tconop4sts might be wade sulfa.: 1 0 0 CAL ,XATT,ERS. AinatoOthitrilllOdidAtoek of Shake ire. eaveo at 0. S. siiiiitors of' a Waif," on pagf, MBES Hatl4.4,lLoffers at. private We ANOTIIER HELL —The Presbyteriaa con• gregatioa in this place) are aboat - purohating o bell for their tam church. ' i.Any puma *Ming to secure a pat• eat eaubbee complete eau get ono at-O N. Beaver's. earro keep fleas from biting, pull their teeth out. To preserve , your eyesight, buy your.Speeteelei at Alm Leed'a. ifilA meeting of the pemoorate of Wash ington Township, for the purpose of electing delegates to the Comity Convection, aeill be held in the Town liall on Saturday nest at 2 o'clock, P. lg.' Im,We are informed that Clarence N. Beaver has prima Cheese for-sale.. Families wishing any should give him a call. Unput Itoor.—The new Lutheran Church in this place is now under roof and the work men are engaged on the spirm The build ing is commodious and presents a fine ap pearan CC!. sB,,,Philadelphia city proper, is at present under a water panic, the water in ,the Schuyl kill being too low to work the machinery at Fairmount. See letter from our old corres pondent, '•Ralph," in another column. • '1 tre Birth o the "drought," cOntiones. Those of our pa= trove largely in arrears will greatly relieve and at the same , time oblige us, by. giving us "stamps''—iustead—of—promises.—Wo=liai—re been overstocked with the latter for a long time. o ler-ntg, Th einem , ere of our Band were made the recipients of a haride — Oble treat of ice cream and other et eroterae—b Messrs. flenneber er &_lloover, of the "Waynesboro' Bakery and Confection• ary." Such evideuces of musical , apprecia tion are commendable. PIC Nro.—We are requested to say that Waynesboro' .Lodge I. 0. O. F. will hold a Basket Pie Nio in Emanuel Miller's woods, on the turnpike about a halt mile from town, on Thursday the 23d day of September.— Members and all persons fdoodly_to the or. der are invited to attend. /114iBie and speak ers liave been engaged invite occasion. MILL BURNED —On Wednesday morning last the Brick Steam Mill at Mereersburg, belonging to the Messrs. liollingers, former ly Judge Carson's, with a Saw Mill, was en• tirely destroyed by fire. Our informant says the fire is suppqped to have been the result of accident. We have no particulars as to the amount of loss sustained. THE WEATHER.—The drought continues with the weather excessively warm. During last week the mercury in the shade ranged from 98 to 104. Notwithstanding the great heat and lack of rain the oorn•fietde present a remarkable appearance, having been dam• aged to only a limited extent. Plentiful showers would yet largely increase the yield of corn in our region. ROBINSON'S SHOW.—Acoooding to pre vious announcement through the Record, Robinson's great Circus and Menagerie ex hibited here on Thursday last, afternoon and evening. The attendance was unusually large, the large tent being crowded on both ocea• sins. The exhibitions were the best wit tamed here for many years. One feature commendable to Mr. R. was sobriety and good order on the part of the showmen. Pia Nte.—We are requested to announce that a Basket Pic Nio will be held by the Improved Order of Red Men, on Thursday the 16th day of September next, in the grove of Mr., John Lesber, half mile north of Waynesboro'. The, Waynesboro' Band will Discourse music on the occasion. Speakers have been invited; Gov. Geary among the number. A cordial invitation is extended to the publio. • === TERRIBLE ACCIDENT.--A terrible loci deni occurred in Lioking Creek Township, Fulton county, one day last week. The Ful ton Republicun saps : Two boys of Frank.' lin Sipes, aged 12 and 16 years, respeotive ly, were hauling bark ; the eldest boy was driving, and the youngest was walking by the side of the wagon. A few moments be fore the. ,acoident occurred, the eldest boy looked bank and saw his brother• walking by the side of the wagon', but when he - looked back' again, a Le* moments after Ward, be was lying in the road, and the wagon bad,paased over hie body. Whoa his brothorgot to him, he.ivaa dead. , Dann SENTENCII.—.Dr. Paul Sobi3eppe was denied a new trial, 'at the Comber!slid County Court, Vir lisle, on Friday limit, - and wssun that day sentenced `to be hanged.— It 'ODA* reotilleeted, -- the Doctor *AS' dn. , vieted - of the murder of' Apse ~Stelnecko3 f tt a previous term of Court, but sentence, vise deferred. -'lie madni statement denying/his 'oilt."...:•WtM l GOnld,:the . oeureOriet; • old man,•drOpP r e'd dead salheOiOnee'Op pe was pronounced Tay up arranges and shame "old Nick." SIDITMOD Or ADAM TiTina.- 7 r►tifiXigei4l litie,,..r,ogo Graham, in open (4001;;Iii ,1 reseed sentence . ot deitti ;: tipbigt; the; prisoner, Adam Tittts,"eono3o4 , lo4:.pl i oieß, guilty'of . tbe murder of:finnifaciuniifine4.l SbippeOburg, on -Weili4liti:l3oentb.ir-, 28th, 1888. Titus was nnel - efieetiid:: ing the , time_ocompied by tbe Judge in_ de" =II vring tho fatal and solemn words whiii dooniod-kith to be gallOvOi an al prOudly" AB= dioated -the law of right-and justice. h now only 'remake for Gov., Gdary to. fix— the day of exeeittlobi'and for Mani . Titue to prepare to meet an end brought on by errors of his owa oteatioo,_ . - ' urg St The following is the seetenoe de delivered by Judge Gtakatu to- the prisocters—z-- - "That you, Adam Titus, be taken to the Jail of Cumberland County by the Sheriff, and thence to the plane of execution in the yard or within the walls of the Jail there to be hanged by the neck until you are dead, afagtay gxed_bAyquwarcy_on. yokr_a9,l4Z__, The priabner_aroSe, and in a diatinot tone said that he wits willing to place his nee be fore the Great Judge. That he had been adjudged guilty -of murder in the first degree on evidence of 151ral - Fry, hie mother•in-law —a woman unworthy of belief; that be did not have Stimm's money; that Ire would give the public a statement in writing when he got composed.— Shippensburg Sentinel. FATaL ACCIDENT.—The citizens of Mer cersburg Were thrown into a great excitement, on Monday morning last, at this announce ment that a son of Mr. John Ihick, a - reei dent of that town, aged about ten years, had been killed. It appears the lad had - started in the morning, on horse baok, with one end of the hitchio_ stra fastened' around his waist ) for the purpose of.bringing.home from the_pasture_field the_cattle_ofillr—O. Louder bough ; and when a short distance from town the oattle whieh theiad was_driving_coming in contact with another Jot of cattle, Com menced'goring each other, when the boy, it is supposed, rode his horse amongst them for e — purpose — o separtiog — theal Kt all :v•, : is ii Es: •.9 • , ;. I 9 I: cattle, which caused him to take fright - and - sun oft- _throwing_tlie boy- and dragging, tramping and rolling over him several times, lacerating his body in a terrible manner. The horse was finally caught and the boy out loose, but died in a few moments afterwards. Terrible lesson to boys not to fasten themselves to horses.— Repository. COURT PROOREDINGB.-00 Monday morn ing was commenced the trial of John klar• moray, charged with murder of Frank Spital in the month of April last; an account of --which was given in the town papers at the time. The following is a list of the unites of the jurors, .empanelled t o try the case : Messrs. Samuel West, John Shope, Matthew Sharpe, G. W—Byera, John Kauffman, Wash ington Johnston, Jere Gordan, George Tay lor, John Gzell, I. E. Fagan, A. Reeser, and G. W. Bentz. Verdiet guilty of murder in the second degree. Motion for a new trial filed, on the grounds that the verdict was against the law and the evidence. A new trial was granted, when the prisoner plead guilty to the charge of manslaughter, , and was sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary.— Public Opinion. MOST A FIRE —Ou Wednesday about 3 o'clock in the , aftetooon an alarm of fire was given, and citizens under great excitement hurried to the residence of Jos IL Crabs, from the rear of which a cloud of smoke could be seen issuittc. The wash-house, iu close proximity to his cabinet-maker shop, was found to be on fire. The fiAmes had al ready reached and penetrated the shingle roofing. Fortunately, however, a cistern was at the door with sufficient water in it to ex tinguish the fire with little damage to the property. Bad the fire been discovered five minutes later the consequences might have proved disastrous indeed. Considering the nature of its surroundings and the scarcity of water, the escape was a, fortunate one to Mr. C. and others. The fire was occasioned by a pot of varnish igniting. PATENT GATE.—Our attention the other day was called' to one of Landis' Patent Gates, on the premises of Mr. Abrm. Frantz, near this place, which is certainly a great im provement upon others now in use., It is simple in construction, so much so that any ordinary mechanic can construct one at a cost of from four to six dollars. It has a rope attached to a pally by which a person can enter or pass out of an enclosure with. out dismounting•or getting out of a vehicle. The arrangement is such that the gate is made to,Open to or from tbo rider. Farmers or others in want of gates should • examine the one to which we - refer. Mr. John B. Whitmore, of Greeacastle, has purchased the right for its use io Franklin county. ARE You REGISTVIED.—Under the new Registry Law, all citizens who desire to vote in October must have their names on the :Registry. Voters will save themselves much inconvenience by going to the Assessor, and :having their'iames put on the list. The !lets of assessed voters have beep made - out and may be aeon, posted up at the •placie of holding elections or ft the Assesors. Let every voter examine tNe lkits of his district aolisce„that.his name ilon it, and ,it it is :not, have it placed there. Naturalised. sehr,Unlesz-they have been voting in the eimietiutiii* Years, Must proe s s. f ., • , eat, theii certificates of eatuializatt d "t he to he Assessor whin applicatiin is made for regis tration. 7 MUSICAL. • , Ist --- , brioki deligieed.for review in the Record must he asjdnessia , ici,itevisititersh, Ringgold, Washington CauniYi l ol: ?ran)! Mt,setyiti Mitiiiimr.—We like the ap. Pears* of thilliitiiinth bough we hold to a slight r-Prili4o-.7'...",el4o,4lo,tilaY:think—egainst peritldicale ibis aoes. It is claimed that they frequently de. leeittartheardirsary-sesder-es-regardir-7the-quality - of certain musical productions because it does not pay . t• e -. mg fr ' thowto wog ounv ea: --•— - The literary. articles of she monthly,_for August, ,are_ple..sittg and instructive in _their way ; of the gui4c—we-are inclined it be'dotsbillit• • iiiiitLThe ears on tha White MOttiThin road ware :delayed by en ow-on the 7tti,--inst. l and 150 people were compelled' to tines the night on Mount-Washington, suffering much from the severity (lib° weather. . FARM NOR SALE.-A farm situated 'about 4 wiles north-west of Waynesboro' on the Marsh Run, containing 200 acres. The ins provemetitis sar e a good two"-story Brick House, large stone Harm, and- all necessary out buildings. -Fur further partioulirs en quire at this office. IQL CREAIid.—A Rrime article can he had fheae warm evenings at Beaver's Hall, whieh will, be continued each evening.durieg the season FROM PHILADELPHIA. Philatia , August 23. WATERS WATER ! The Arabs, it ivetsid, call water "the gift of God,"=-.a beautiful idea, indeed !It is "the gift of God s " for without it we could not ex. ist. Tice people in this city are now in den. ger of being deprived altogether of the aque ous fluid, on account of the long-continued drought and defective machinery at the wa. evivorktr.--W-c-have-b-een-on-"h-alrettits for several weeks. No pavement-washing has-been—allowediand-nearly - all --- tba - large manufacturing establishments have been cow ,elled for want of the fluid, to_cease 0 , eratione. Ualebe we are immediately sup lied with• a ee t ions so. 11. of rain b • the all•wise Dispenser of allgoua, we Mali be io at very pitiable condition. Intense beat„we are informedby the devotees of aeieuee,pro duces imtueuse absorption. We have the Wf — tt, and — may we not, ea a conaequenee, look ior_the Our markets have never within the mem ory of the oldest inhabitant been better sup. plied with fruits of all kinds than this season. You must not think th a t I am tampe ring with your credulity when Isay that the daily arrivals of peaches for several weeks has been front fifty thousand to one hundred thousand baskets. The early crop were not very good, being small, but the boor qualities are now arriving. All other fruits, as well as vege- tables, ate extremely plenty. 'WOMAN'S RIptITS. • A labor Congress itas been in session. here during the past week. The inevitable Miss Anthony, of Now York, the champion of Wo man's rights, was on band, and ventilated her peculiar ideas in relation to the rights of womeo. She wants the right to vote and hold office, and no doubt would like to don the breeches also. When Napoleon (I mean thti_great Napoleon, not the scoundrel who -governs France now) was asked what Franco most needed, he replied, "Mothers." The want in this country to-day is not women politicians and office holders, but women trained and fitted to roar and educate ehil thee. This. is women's high and lofty mis sion, bait how few are capable of doing it properly—of training children for their God and country. Miss Sasan B. Anthony is a virago. She has a very glib tongue, and it never tires. What a pity she couldn't find a man when she was young. She might now be, if not a vow herself, the happy, sweet tempered mother of a voter. Her non-sue cess in winning the affections of the opposite sex in early life has soured her disposition wonderfully. Poor Susan WARM The mercury at 99 degrees, and no indi cvions of its Jailing. with the Fun broiling UP, and empty bathtubs. Whatshall we do? Adieu. Yours, &o. "RALPH." Many people aro prejudiced against the use ofin any form, but we can assure such that the Constitution , Bitters aro not objectionable on that account, for while they contain only pure whisky enough to keep them from changing, the combination of roots, barks and herbs are the real articles of merit that produces such wonderful effects. The thousands Who are using them can testi fy to the above facts, No one ever regretted buying a bottle of Seward's Cough Cure. SPECIAL. NOTICES. firSPRING AND SUMMER STI LES OF HATS FOR 1869, Comprising Silk, Felt, Wool and !Straw Goods for Men's, Boys and Children'. Wear just opening at ttA FF'S BAT AND GLovic FAcToar• 113?"8TR:AW HATS all sorts and siva for Men and Bev, cheap et 11PDEGRAFF% HAT AND (hove FAcrony. 'LADIES SUN U%IBRELLAS and PARA SOLS the cheapest in town. at UPDEGRA FP'S HAT AND GLOVD FACTORY. A in; noN GOODS.—A large lot of• Auc- tion Hata at half price. Come and see them if you want a cheap Hat, at UPDEGRAFF'S HAT AND GLOWS FACTOIIOI. Kir LA DIEIS MIITS.—.A. large stock on hand of all sizes our own make, at UPD,EGRAFF'S, , Oppesite Washington House, Hagerstown. Md. may 141 TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a vety simple remedy, after bay ing slated Several years - with a severe lung drat tion, an t that dread duets°, Consumption—hi anx ious to make known to his fellow-auffereris the Means of cure. To all who desire it, he tail vend a copy of the prescription used (free of charge) with the direc tions for preparing anti-using the same. which - they will find a suns CURS roe UONFLIMPTIOR. Arrows. limoxcUiTla, etc. Thu olject of the advertiser in sending the Prescription. is to benefit the afflicted. and opt mid information which he c.mceives to he in • valuable; and he, hop es eveiy. stifierer will try hit remedy, as it will costifieni nothing; and may pose a blessing. ..:Partisi wishing the pion/44km; will please ad dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, ma,l4] • Williamsburg, Kinga Cu., New York. zunolts or votritit. A OENI LEMAN whos4tlffpred fur year., fr4m Narver Datilly,y;frematufe Dbcay, and all the b yorithfilkindiseret#M, Willy for the 14ke'of sufferidgAmmanity,.aendifree , tO all who needit, the receipt and dlted)knis Infmakitig the simple rOthelly • by which he wail cure d' Iduffgreri wishing tOrrii,fit by, thwadvertireAl oxpiniensa,pan Jo so by 14ilreni.., ins, in 'perfect confidence/ - • • • - • OGDEN; ma 14 No. 42 Cedruusixect,,Naw_York On Wednesday, the 18th inst., by the Rev. L A. Goitreld, Mr, ADAM DROWN tei.blbe ANNIE DI, KAREL, both of Fay . By Rev. - IV - If: - V. .Flihaftwani en- the 17th alr,,at the'Rejetopt parsonage, Way. nesboro'•, Mr. CHRISTIAN F. KETZEL, to Mise'ELLEN•HEMPFIELD, both from the On the t9thloct„ same . place, by the same, Mr. J01:1$. T. GLASS, of Ba - tnittsburg, Md., to Miss LYDIA. S. ROll - of Leiiersburg, Md. At Bowden's lictel,.on the 25th inst., by Rev. ti. Storrehouse, Mr. WM. 1301V ERS, of' Leitersburg, \ldd., 40. Miss MARY U. VARNA - MX; of. Mr. Alfo, this county. Oa the let inst.; near Scotland, after a short illness Miss ELIZABETH DILLER, aged 75 years, 3 Months and igdayti, former ly of Philadelphia. - Near Quincy, on the 20th inst., Mr.SAM UEL REED, aged 73 years, 7 months and 2 days. In Quincy, Franklin county, Pa., on the 19th inst . ANNIE E., Youngest daughter of John and Annte E bliddower, aged 6 years, 3 months and 3 days. In this bereavement we deeply sympathize with the family, nevertheless knowing that their lose is Annie's eternal gain. Though young she was a faithful Sundayssehool sato). ar, and in herathe school has lost one of its brightest °cats , and her more ringing those beautiful wortlit: !.1 want to be an anger.= - But - in - thot - Sibbifth - T - mhTio - 1 among the re deemed children she is singing a sweeter _song to• day.- How-pleasant it is to know - the "of such is the kingdom of heaven " She was _the pet of the_family_and_her--very-tih sence gives it a sad and gloomy appearance; _but_while sadness way shroud-the home for awhile, and no whisper shalconae hem those pale lios of__Anttie's Mamma,: come hole;" yet, reethiuks I hear her whisper -from - above : - Pupa; - Alinnuc - 13rotheri Sis ter, come here and share with me the joys of life and glory. PHILADELPHIA Tuesday, August 24. FLOUli.—The Flour market i a without special change About 1,500 barrels were taken by the home consumers, ioeluding superfine at $5 25@5.50; astute at $5 50®. 6 12k: Northwest extra family :it $6 5 0 4:4.- 7.75, Pennsylvania do. do: at $6 50®7.25, Ohio do. do. at $6 75@i8; and faucy brands at $$ 25®10, accordino , to quality. Rye Flour has advanced, and .100 tamale sold at $6.50. . GRAIN --There i e more inquiry for Wheat, but prices are weak at the resent decline; sales of 1,500 bushels new Pennsyl vania red at $1 M.(01,57; .700 --- hnshels do. do at $1 52, 2,5()0 bushels Indiana red at $1.58, 2,800 bushels Delaware do, part at the elevators, at 61.52@)1.5 - 4 5,000 bushels Western do on private terms, and 504 bosh els fair Indiana white nit 81 55. fibre has again declined, sales of 1,400 bushels West ern at $l.lB. Corn is dull et adeerli;oe, sales of yellow at 51f701.2.0, 504 bushels white at $1.17, and 5,000 bushels Western raised at $1 14@118. Oats aces in good supply and dull, 4,000 bushel? sold at 55(060e. for new, and 66@i00 for old. Lot for Sale. ;Fa HE subscriber offers at private sale a Ifesirabra Building Lot, situate on licitirsburg often, 4 feet front, with a large frime stable, carriage phod, double hog pen with cern crib, good wagon-maker shop, choice trait, etc. thereon. (lug 27 3t] D. 11. II ‘FLEIGII PHOSPHATE AND GUANO. T have on hand at my Warehouse in Leitersburg, 50 tone reititizers for Fall imps of the best make, to which I call the attention of the Fanners of the vicinity of ‘Vaytweboro', before purchlsing. aug 2nisra .tOSEPIiUS GROUND. VALUABLE FARM PRIVATE SALE. rilliFo subscriber offers at private sale faint jcon taining 99 acres of firvtrotio hirnestorri Land in a Ligh stale of cultivation. lying in view of the road leading from Waynesboro' to Ringgold, 2 miles from the former place, with a large two story Stone House, Wash House with arched Cellar under it, large 'Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Ci.rn Crib, a large hay and grain shed. hog pen, wood house, black— smith shop, &c., thereon. This property is situated in a very pleasant neighborhood, adjoining lands of Joseph F. Rohrer, Daniel F. Good, SamuelTrati'z and others. There are also on the premises two never failing wells of water with pumps in therm, a fine apple orchard of choice fruit, peaches, cherries, &c. This property lies near good flouring mills, saw rait;s, blacksmith shops and stores. Persons wishing to view the property will ,be shown it by Christian Miller living on the premises, or by the subscriber bY whom the terms will he Made known. aug 2fi 4tJ - EMANUEL WM. BR. • Repository copy three times and send*bill to ad— vertiser. OMNIBUS LINE! /VIM subscriber infermiethe public that he is now J. proprietor of the-buss line running daily be— tween Waynesboro' and Greencastle, heretofore run by Wolfersourger dt Stoner. With good horses and a. first•class fuur•horse Omnibus he is enabled to eo ncey passengers to and fro with comfort and convenience. His Bum, will leave . Waynesboro' at si A. M., arriving at Greencastle at A, making quick lime and sure connection with the first Passenger train ut ei A. M. Leiters Greencastie at 5 o'clock, P. M., ar riving at Waynesboro' at 6 45. He is hiniselr prietor, Contractor and Driier. Delivers • Adams klxpreas matter te. and (ruin Greencastle. All Ex press matter expressed tl.e. same morning a n d through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrives. Persons wishing to send goods by Express, wilt do well try giving hint a'call. P'erionswitining - to go to Hagerstown Should take this route. The • train leaves at 9 15 making connectitm with the ~Washi— ngton County Railroad. uug2otfj J. R. WOLPERsBERGER. .13ACON.—qt fitis lot of Sugaucutod LlShouhkrs,, qui Sides Fos solo , . 23 i tf KEW at, WAYINT.B.M. . . E, &C.—Stated Haddock at 6 cm a ml. Good Meese at 25 cents a punuil. Fur sale by REID & WAYN CQo c i A FIRSTIATE MILL.PROPERtY TPit BA:4LE.. kilE i pubsitibei a Public Balk on triu: hiescisY, &pier au SW, 18H9, big ililualeo''9 miles bait bc;., Pa., on the big Antietam 1 t*.o,publicrOaaton4eS each other at the Mills' • The property consists of gout 22_aeres first-rate land, upon which are the fallotifirig iniproviimintir : • The well-known first.class Flouring Mill, known of the Hopewell Mill, with fottriutf,otattitie,.2. pair ii f burs and 1 pair chopping stones, 2 coter•dhot water filieetit'l7 - feethigh; with 22 feethead and fiiii;•thati rate .water-pdtypr:fitrhellill is in.toMplete running order; theinilihoriA Whig built lit airy. Patti: of the very best material, and in the most substantial manner. This Mill is regarded as one of the best in the County, being located very handsomely and in the midst of a very thickly settled neighborhood, commanding a large home trade and in one of the finest grain growing sections in the entire Cumber. land Valley. The other buildings are a good TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE with Basement and Cellar, log Barn, Tenement House with stable, a good Cooper shop, Wiiih House and other neces sary out butidings., There is alsoion the premises a tine orchard of the various kinds'. of fftlil trees, such as apples, peaches, cherries, &c. The subscriber - having fully made up his mind to retire from an active business life, will positively sell on the day name the above described valuable Mill property. Any person therefore wit) wishes to buy a property of thO-kitiamould do well to at tend this eale, as no duubt a great bargain will be obtained in the•purchase of the property. The sale will•take place on the premises at 1 o'- clock On the day, abate named. at which time the terms will be made knOwn by the undersigned. aug 13 ts • • . OEO, 131180 RE P U BLit 0' SALE ITALEIBLE TOWN PROPERTY. T • HE eubscriher will o ff er at Public Sale, on e SAT. lIRDAT TtlR 28tH DAY 01 AUGUST, 1869, his de• eirable town property, in which he now resides, sit uateti_on—West—Ma in—Streerv - VVaynesboro lot trouts 42 feet and has thereon a double two-story B RI CILDJULL ING-110 (with farge business loofa and open front) wash house, smoke house, wood house, large frame stable._ - carriage - bouseTgrc — iiiThouse, poultry house,cora crib, hog pen, &c. There is also a well of good water near the kitchen door, a good cistern, a tine garden , and a choice selection of frail trees on the. lot. Un der the building are large dry eellara and_a_natural_ Cave which - oreii om i — i eellai to the well. The abuse property was lately Witted and paint • ted inside and outside. -4UC.31515C10--- at the same time and pfaee he Wilt Offer for sale a lot of pound on Eact Main Street, fronting NI feet, with a twu.story Log House, weatherboarded, (now in the occupancy of J. D. Prick) with Kitchen and Bake•hoarse attached., a small stable„ good cis tern, a lot thriving (ilia trees, &c., there-on, the whole enclosed with good fe nce_ Sale to commence at I o'clock on said' day, when the terms will be made known by ly St , t ISEIM (MEM ME L plus hutieuticra having better lir successful op. cration during the last five years at Carligle, Pa., beta just been removed to Hanover, Pa., and will h•rncefirtls be known ae•"PLEASAN2 COLLEGE." A regular. Classical Institute. af fording every mirvantage of a First.clase. Academy,. has been added to.tbe tipsiness College, tahns ma king its facilities for althea as Claseiad 07 Unaineats Course, secor.d to nit. similar Institution in tho country. A full corps of competent and experienced, Imam tors will always compose the Faculty; as that young rmyn, or parents arid guardians having sons of words to educate, may feel'assired that and impartial justice will be done to all favoring the College with-their patronage. coL.L sas gif rawr The College Building is a fine thres-tatry bricly edifre,beautifully located near the aria of Belli axat treet, commanding a view ofform of the most charming and pietorescrie-lofideeoposin Ina State., StuJerjts fies:ct a' road will he aecounoda , ted with, boarding, &e., in private families, at mojerate rates. Next oessins will opeacm AtoredayrStPlember 13/he 149 error Nadler particulars write aral receive Cah alt gue; Asc. Thug Z.T. Im , ) 1 Valuable Farm AT PRIVATE SALE. . 1 0H1D.setlwerif , er ofCre at private sale his valwthre turn s:tuete :bboot 2 intlea from %Voyncithoro'. on she tEurpike h wling Cu Ilageestow.), containing 101 .1216CS7EIZEDS11„ more or kes, Litnestone Land, in a good stare sf cultivation. The imprerrementa are a LARDP; STO.N.EI DWELLiNtiI. IPOPISE, good Bonk Dam 93 feet long with Wagon Shed attached, corn (lilt, hog pen, and other necessary outbuildings, including spring house which can be (wetly iett byre small fam ily. The spring is un escelleet ot.e eorsvraient to tho,hewm, There is ale on the premises a tine or chard of Fruit trees. The terns will be made easy to suit it e purchaser. au;; 204; ' " I/ P:NRY W. FUNK% PUBLIC S ALE. THE subsbriber will sell at Publid Sale or, S . :VP: , LIRDAY The 4TII DAP rar' SEPTRSIBER, 1869% MR' property on Beet Main Wrcet, consisting of a lot stl ground 25 feet 3 inches front,- with a new two' story Brick Dwelling House, with frame "(hotter" attached 16 feet squire, Wood :shed, new Frame Stable, Hog Pon, cum Crib, Chicken Coop. &c., thereon, ali in good order. There is also a Cistern at the' house,• Well of good-water•near. the kitchen door and choice fruit on tho lot. Persona wishing to' view the property before tbe day of sale can call on the i•ubscriber. bale to commence a I o'clock on said day wbb the ternati will be made-known - • JOHN H. MILLER. G. V. Mou, aua. ang 13 tB] JIG. 31E 1;II3. "ILr • THE undersigned would inform tho public gen. orally teat they nave purchased the Livery here. tofore owned toy Franklin Weagloy, and are fully prepared to meet thowanta of the com munity in-Abele line-of business. gThey have had all their carriages neat ly repaired and refitted and their homes are safe,- gentle and fast travelers. Par.' • ties con*, int to 'any 'Point desired, ae. 7 companied by a careful driver. Office one door west of Bowdon's Hotel, where an attentive hostler will be in attendance at all hours of thinight:and day. . No effort will be spared to accommodate all who may patronise thorn aug 6 tf IfiERO FRIIIET4AII--. Ca HIS is• undoubtedly the best and most popular jar offered to the public. Mr. 0. L. Ryder Pres ident of the Ryder Nursery Association, anis, have used the "Hero" Jar for three' genii , for pre serving fruits of all kinds, wi h-entire succors. My fruit has received the tn•.st unqualified praise Apr Natural Flavor and Freshness." The best Jar in the market. CAI on us anti get thorn br the doz-n or Anglo REID & WAYNANT, mg '2B tr. BENJ.-FRANTZ. O. V.-Mima, Add. A. M. THIVIM Hailover, Pi., FUNK & GORDON.