VILLAGE RECORD. - • Friday, March 26, 1869.. - ingL.The Public Ciedit bill has been signed ' by the President, and is now a law. Ift,There are now in store in Chioago 1,- 427,080 bushels of whole: *-The depth of snow in the Maine woods Ef said to be seven feet on a level. *George Bergner, of the Telegraph, bee been appointed Poestinastet at flarrie• burg. Mff=fff:=Z= Ma-Fifteen hundred women of Centre county, Pa., have petitioned the courts there to grant no more liquor licensee. "so-The Senate of Georgia bee finally re jected the Fifteenth Amendment to the eon otitution. elk,„Tbe bill giving the- Baltimore — and Potomac Railroad the right of way and through the city of Washington has been siguerl by the President. VirPresident Grant bas directed that the military guard on duty -- at the Executive Mansion for several years past be .dispensed- geb — k.jlir 0., A. llorner — h - as - lieeb av i pointed Postmaster at Emmittsburg, vice James Ktiouir, removed 0:7 p rues, ot e et tolist arai, declared in a Conference held at Alexandria, Va., that tobacco was doing more harm to the church than whisky. 'Delaware has been c3nsistent to its record, and its Senate has rejected the con• stitutional amendment. Perhaps after Geor gia and Mississippi have ratified it, and all of the other States, the pea•patcb may be induced to do the same. zee-Hundreds of the soldiers of the regu lar army stationed in Dakota are married to Indian women; and these women make faith ful, virtuous and laborous wives, The sol diers rarely desert them, The President has approved the bill striking nut the word "wliite" fromall laws —in-force-in the-District - of - Columbia. This bill had bteu three times "pocketed" by President Johnson. The colored peopla of -- tire - i)isttict-are-trovr-upon-tire-Eamre-1 - 0-. ' a as other citizens, so far as regards sitting on juries and other similar privileges. rete..The debate on the Fifteenth Amend• went of the Constitution" wes•closed in the New York Assembly on Wednesday night. A vote was finally reached on the substitute to submit it to the people, which was voted down by a party vote—yeas 47, nays 72. The vote was then taken on the ratification of the original bill, and it was carried by a vote of i 2 to 47 It now goes to the Sen ate. iterCharles Wallace, editor of the War renton (Georgia) Clipper, was recently shot and instantly killed. Wallace applied for admission into the Masonic Lodge at War renton, and was black balled by Dr. G. W. Daiden, who promised not to oppose his ap plication. Wallace then attaeked Darden through the columns of his paper, denounc ing him es a liar and a villiarr As Wallace was passing Darden's office he shot him Prow his window with a rifle, the ball passing through Wallace's head, causing instant death. Oit the same night Dr. Darden was taken from the jail at Warrenton by a party of disguised men, taken some distance from town, and there shot to death. A BRAVE MINISTER —A minister was eon ductieg a marriage at Andersonville the other day, whoa the father of tho bride burst into the room and commanded him to desist. The clergyman refused, when the father shot him down with a charge of buckshot from a double barreled shot gun. Struggling up from the floor, mortally wounded, the min• inter said; "1 will finish this job," and pro• ceedcd with the ceremony, pronouncing the couple man anti wife., lle then fell exhaust ed and died. 2rOn Monday the Republican members of the Sedate had a meeting for consultation as to their action concerning the Tenure-of- Office law. Mr. Cookliog's proposition, to r.O ,pend•the law for four years, or during the anauluistrution of President Grant, was dis cussed, as also a resolution offered by Mr. Edmunds, declaring thlit the law ought not to be repealed Messrs. Morton, Grimes and Sprague withdrew from the meeting. declar ing that they. would not be bound by its ac tion. It was evident that a clear majority were in favor of Mr. Conkliog's proposition. This fact was the cause of the Senators a bove alluded to leaving, they - being in favor of the entire repeal of the law A resolu tion was adopted that the whole subject be recommitted to the Judiciary Committee, with a view to the modification of the law. A majority of the Senators oppose the total repeal of the law, but think that some pro• visa) may be added which will render it gen erally satisfactory. tam. Charles 113. Wilder, colored, is recom mended by the South Carolina delegation in. Congress, and endorsed by Postmaster Gee. rral Creswell, far th position of Postmaster 4t. Columbia, S 0 Mr. Wilder has filled beveral imports positions in South Carolina, and is uow a member of thc.: State ',aside. to e. 20.0 n Christmas Eve last, at Cumber land, Md., - a gang - orinffitiiii brake into 'the Colored Methodist Church in that city, where a Fair was being held by the members of the congregation, and, without any provocation, murdered a colored man named 'Wesley Ross, who was attending the Fair with . his wife and ohild. The assassins and their accom plices, ultra "nigger haters" - and:active part. inns, wore arrested, taken before a magis trate, and during their examination deliber ately walked out of the magistrate's office. The State's Attorney had them again taken into - custody, and George W. Sills and Johia McGirr were indicted by the Grand Jury of Allegheny county for murder, and another of the gang, Thomas Sammons,owas tried there on the charge of assault with intent t 6 kill, but was acquitted. With this feet be fore him, and it being evident that justice would not be awarded the alleged murderers, and a fair tiial had in Allegheny, the States Attorney bad the oases of McGirr and Sills removed to the Circuit Court of Washington aunt-y—w he re—t he—t an - by called, took place last week. Three witness es, who were standing ie the immediate vi cinity of the murdered - man, testified to have seen r•Sills cut Ross,' and to McGirr striking him immediately afterward, — and Jumping upon and trampling his body when he fell to the_flear_treutioss_o f_bleod_Upon--this-i disputable testimony the State rested its case. It will hardly be believed. in the face of pos itive testimon • as to the' _nitt of the it';. , oners, that a Washington county jury, after thirty minutes' deliberation, rendered a ver dict of .'not guilty," and let these ruffians a gain loose upon society. Mr. David B. My ers (white) testified that ,previous to the murder be met Sills and his gang in the vi cinity of the church, and he beard Sills say that "he would give the black - hell, and be would whip any white man who would take up for them ;" and after commit ting the deed, a Mrs. Miles (white) testifies that she beard Sills Eiast "that he had killed one nigger, and• he would kill another; he-w-ould-ki-1-1-them-alli - mye - by one, as fast as they would bring them to him." The vet. diet is a disgrace to the county and the State, and unworthy of the days in whichwe live. So says the Baltimore American. DETECTIVE SYSTEM —The detective po• lice of New York is, excited (says the Balt. American) over the reward paid for the New Windsor Bank robbery. Capt. John S. Young seized the robbers, with the help of several assistants, aria recovered the proper. ty of the bank, $133,000 in value. This he returned to the bank, received $16,000 for his trouble, and the robbers _suddenly disap peared. They signed an agreement In New York, waiving the formality of a requisition, and agreeing to go quietly into the'hands of the Baltimore police They were taken from New York on tbe_pretext of being brought to this city, but have not since been heard of, the officers having no.doubt permitted them to escape. The law of' - .New - York for bids a detective to take rewards without the consent of the Police Commissioners; but Captain Young has pocketed his $16,000 witbcut regard so much to law as to custom, and now resigns his place rather than obey the Board and acceuot for his rewards. But the Board refuse to let him resign, and have ordered charges of disobedience of orders and neglect of duty to be made against him. As IT WAS AND AS IT Is —The last offi cial act of President Johnson was to pocket the bill to strengthen the public credit, and the first bill signed by President Grant was , this bill. The last official recommendation to Congress on the national debt•from John- son was that the interest should be taken to pay the principal, and the first official decla- ration from Grant was that principal and interest must be paid to the•last farthing.— We aro sorry for Johnson to some extent, •but we rejoice in Grant. - AterPresident Grant has nominated Mrs. Van Lew to be postmistress .at Richmond. General Grant says Mrs Van Lew lost all the property she possessed and ran the risk of loosing her life in behalf of the Union cause during the - rebellion. She resided in Richnroad while the federal army was be- sieging that city, and frequently, furnished most valuable information to General Grant relative to the forces, positions, &c., of the Confederates including diagrams and valua ble documents, which were conveyed to the Union army by Mrs. Van Lew's two male slaves, in whose clothes were sewed up the communications intended for General Grant. as.,Some - idea of the magnitude of the American Cattle Trade may be derived from the following facts, gleaned from the Report of the Department of Agriculture for Jan uary . Beeves received in New York, 293,101. Beeves received in Chicago, 108,537. Beeves received in Bt. Lours, 40,000. Beeves received in Boston, 118,000. Total consumption in four cities, 559,- 638. HARD ON ANDY —An exchange says, "Baltimore', - which bad the first honor of firing upon loyal soldiers passing through her streets in 1861, to oppose Southern Rebels, has had the last honor of welcoming and dining the great reprobate of the age, Andrew Johnson." The heirs of Noah Webster amain $26,- 000 annually from the sole of his dictionary. A Methodist prayor•meetiog in Hartford. Ct., prayed that Gen. Grata might give up tobacco, _LOCAL MATTERS. ®'Nest Sunday will be "Easter Sun day. mg .Garden Seeds fresh and pure, at Bone brake's Drug Store: , - - - 4t* FOR RENT.--Six pleasant rooms with good Enquire at this office. 2€s.Give ne a gall at the Diamond. Gallery and have your.Pholograph taken - , * Ita•Senators Soott and Cameros bare en. - domed Geo. Eyster, Esq orObainbersburg, for Assistant-U.-S. Treasurer at Philadelphia: ScnooL.—Miss Maggie M. Reepper will open a _school for Girls - and Boys in the Western School Building on Monday neat. StirG rate pxoitement at the Diamond Gal lery. Photographs taken cheap by L. C. tairatiert S. Fine. formerly pas tor of the Presb•terian church of Chambers- burg died in Troy, blarch sth, from an af fection of the heart. ArroiNTED.—We are pleased to` notice that our esteemed friend, - A.ll:flizhiii, bas received the - appointment - of Post - Master for Westminster. Md. mossna., _ man was warned to a young lady in New Albany last week, and the same day eloped from her.—[Esehange. eloped until the next-day. THANIES.-Our representatives in the Leg islature, Mr. Duncan of the Senate and Mr. Walker of the House, will accept our thanks for interesting public documents. Ite,.Soon be here—cleaning up time. The women will be in their glory with mops, suds and "sioh," and masculine humanity will hare to hide its dimished head. COMING.-• The first of April,"settling-up time," -- is drawing near. Those who fail to liquidate large bills of indebtedness may be able to pay small ones. Among the latter class remember the PRINTER. _ORIGINAL —On &Pt page will be —found another interesting sketch from "Charley Speck," onr Colifornia correspondent, and "Bagging Education,' concluded. To the latter attention is directed, that of school teacters-espedially ENTERPRISE BUILDING ASSOCIATION.- A special meeting of the Association will be held on Monday evening next above Dick el's grocery. All members are earnestly re quested to attend. A-. S. BONEBRAKE, See. pro teriL. LOOF. OUT 1.-All persons indebted to C. H. Dicke], who fail to settle their accounts before the first day of April . will be called on by the man with a "big stick." No dodg ing him. QUINCY iIOTEL.-H. M. Jones bas again leased the Quincy Hotel, and took possesion of the property last week. Mr. J. is an ac commodating gentleman and a popular land lord. SNow.--7The weather during several days of this week was decidedly winterish. On Tuesday morning the ground was covered with snow to the depth of several inches, and the jinggle of sleigh bells for a short time was once more heard on our streets. LAST NOTICE.--Mr. Jno. Kugler, collect. or, requests us to announce that all persons in Washington township who shall fail to pay their school tak for 1868 before the first day of April next will subject themselves to an additional expense of five per cent. with the cost of collection by law added. ANNIVERSARY.—The Anniversary at Ja cobs Church will be held on the evenings of the_29th and 30th - ins . t: Should the weather prove unfavorahle it will be held the nest fair evenings. ,'Chas 11. Buhrman, whose store build ing and contents were sometime since de stroyed by fire, last week received from the- Adams county Mutual Fire Insurance Corn. pany $2.100. His additional lose, not cover ed by insurance, is estimated at about $lOOO. ECLIPSE.—On the ith of August next there will occur one of the most interesting eclipse of the sun that has or will occur in the United States for many years. The eclipse will not be total in this section, but will be nearly so or eleven digits in size. It will begin at 4.34 and end at G 26 in the after noon. REMOVALEV—Thoso of our subscribers who intend changing their residence this Spring, will please notify us of the fact, sending us their new address, so that the RECORD may promptly follow them. THE ELECTION.—We give below the re sult of the election for Borough and Town ship officers held on Friday last : Judge, Samuel Welty ; Inspectors, John Walter, Jobe W. Coon ; Justice of the Peace, D B. Russell; Assessor, H. M. Sibbett; School Directors, T. D. French, Geo. Rarbaugh ; Auditor, Alex. Leeds; Constable, tq. F. Horner. School Directors, (Township) 3eo. Carbaugh, Daniel Bonebralte ; Supervisors, Theodore Wicaoer, Henry Sumuiers, John Solveig, Wm. Johusson ; Auditor, Nicholas Booebrake ; Justice of the Peace, Thomas Bridgman ; Coustable, 11. A. Fisher. 116?" Salmon Fish (smoked) for sale at Reid's& Waynarit's Grocery. A BLACK Vitiarir. - -We learn froin tb • Repository that a negro named Adams, on Thursday last, outraged the persons of three white ladies near Cbambersbnrg, one of the victims not being quite thirteen years old.— These outrages- were committed at - different times during the day and in different locali ties. The brutal wretch was promptly ar rested and lodged in Fort Fletcher. The ex citement was naturally intense among the citizens and considerable difficulty' was ex. perienced in restraining the crowd that sure - i - oinided - the jail - from forcibly taking the prisoner thertfrom and lynching him, on the 'WC The Repo - r - y - says : The prisoner _is as blank as the ace of spades, about 5 feet 4 inches high, -of rather a- stout build' and - possesses - a most wicked countenance. He is a son of "Titus Adams," and has been "down the road" at least once. There are none who have more vindictive feelings against him than his own race, and if placed in their bands his puntilimenfivould: be _Swift and certain. A PETITION.-..-A petition signed by the School Directors and a number of citizens, asking the Legislature to - grant said Board Of Directors the power to borrow a certain Pub of money for the purpose of erecting a school building in Waynesboro', was pre sented in the Senate the other day by .Ifr D - ^^-11. and referred • Juneau, and referred to the committee on Education. A remonstrance having since been circulated, the friends of education and Lion, for more general circulation. If the matter has been properly represented we doubt not the prayer of the petitioners in be half of a new building will be granted The School Houses 1134 i —went tiao are dilapidated old structures, totaly inadequate for school purposes. A new school building is there. fore most essentially necessary. CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS. ---- At the recent session-of the Central Pennsylvania Conference of_the Churehheld—at Danville, the following appointments were made for Carlisle District: James earns, P E. Carlisle, First Church, H. C. Pardue, Carlisle Emory Church, to be supplied, Carlisle Mission, I. L. Chaudleri L illount J Mug Lantz; Chamberi hur t % Samuel Barnes: Shippensburg, IV. A. Houck, Shippensburg Circuit, John Lloyd; Newville and Rehoboth_,__W____EL--Keit-h, Mechanics burg, J. H. M'Garrah; Carlisle Circuit, J. A Rose, J. B Shayer, Duncannon, G. T. Gray, Newport, A. R. Miller, York, AV W. H. Norcross, Wnp,rhtsville, J. W_—_ole wine; Shrewsbury, W. A. M'Kee, A. H. Mensch; Castle Fm, J. A. M'Kindless, Han ' over and New Oxford, J A. Dixon, York Springs,J. N. Clark J. 13. Young; Gettys burg. H. C. CW4i — tri; Mont Alto, J. W. Feight, Waynesboro, J. A. DeMoyer; Green -castle, G D Pennepacker; Mercersburg, J H. S. Clarke; M'Counellsburg,, H, Lino, L. Rudisill, S L. Bowman, Professor at Dickin son College, T. P. Idie, President Irving Female College, Mechanicsburg, George A. Singer, Professor in Cumberland Valley In stitute, Mechanicsburg. RECEIPTS—For subscription for the last David H. Baker, Joseph Garver, H. W. Funk,- Samuel Lecrune, Christian Funk, H. SI. Jones, Caleb Corbett, Aaron Lowry, Theo. Wimmer, Samuel Gilbert, David,l-1. Bonebrake, 31artin Hoover, Jos Ituthrauff, Jacob Miller. of G , QUINCY ELECTION.- The election in Quin cy on Friday resulted in the choice of the following individuals for the,several town. ship offices : Judge, John Thompson, D. m. 43; In spectors, N Beadle, J. Mentzer; Assessor, Jacob Mono v Constable,'Lefi [leaner; Au ditor,— Adorn Essick ; Clerk, J. Waganian ; Superviiors, Levi Thumpson, John Bush man; School Directors, Jacob Mentzer, Sam uel Essick. PROHIBITORY LI t w —An act prohibiting the sale of spirituous or mault liquors in 'Waynesboro' or within ono mile thereof, has passed the House of Representatives. It has yet to be acted upon by the Senate. Of course this announcement will occasion re joicing in some quarters and indignation in others. What the effect will be upon our community should the act become a law, time will tell. POST MASTERS APPOINTED.—The follow ing is a list of Post Masters recently appoint ed for this county : Loudon, Wm. Burgess, vice J. 11. Jarratt, removed; Quincy, E. B Winger, vice W. B Ruby, removed; St Thomas, IV. 1). Dix, on, vice M. H. Keyser, removed ; Dry Run, W. H. H. 3lockey, vice G. E. Stewart, re signed, Fayetteville, W. N. Horner, vice Ja cob Oyler, resigned. BLOOD PANACEA.- S. A. Fontes Blood Panacea, advertised to another column, and for sale by Dr. J. Burns Amberson, Druggist, is highly commended as a family medicine by those who have used it. TURNED OuT.-A host of young doctors has recently been turoed out by Eastern Medical Colleges. 'This must be enconr• aging •news to the cabinet makers of the country. A gentleman in Orrstown, this county is the possessor at 26 sons and daughters, and there are prospects of still •'uoo more." Next to the President noi the Secretaries, Gen Sheridan is said to have more 'callers than any other mac in Washington . Acbuieh hi - Mexico. was etruok by lightning on the sth inst., and destroyed. One hundred , persons were buried in the ruins. John Fike, of Preston county, W. Ye, drowned himself in Little Sandy Creek on life sth inst. When found he had on big person $5,000 is money. • - - Superintendent Kennedy, of the police, reports that there are in New York city and Brooklyn 496 houses of prostitution, 107 assignation houses, 33 pretty waiter saloons, 2,107 prostitutes and 255 waiter girls. The wife of Mi. Wm, Prather, residing in tlearspring, Md , committed suicide on the 3d lost , by—shooting herself through the• head with a pistol. George Peabody's buildings in London now shelter - I:971 tioefileOp le. ikv! 4 ;AI =- 4 i i Li--=.l! PEULADELPHIA, Tuesday March 23. 1868. —FLOUR—SaIes of 1,800 bbls., flour most— ly lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota extra family 'at $6 6.24®7.181 per bbl., including -200 bbls. Ohio do. at $8,75®9.25, 300 bbls. Illinois do. at_l9 25®9_50;stuall-lota-oflane - at $10®12; extra at $6@6.50; and superfine at $5®5.50 Rye flour is steady; 100 bbls. sold at $7.50®7 75. In corn meal nothing __ - The offerings of wheat arc fair , and the de , mod very moderate; sales of 3,500 bushels at $1;60@1;65 for Red, $1 75 for Xmber, and $147@1.50 for No. 1 Spring. - 14 - e --- ts stead' at .1 5001.55 *! 111 al- els to arrive at the former rate. Corn is dull but there is not much offering; sales of 3,000 bushels yellow at 87@880. Oats are steady, with sales of Pennsylvania at 60gt68c., and Way -Thy v-est - ern at 74(D 40c. Je provision market is dull. and prices of most descriptions are drooping; sales of hams in pickle at 171 0 A and 200tierocs of lard 'at 19/c. Whisky is dull, with small sales at 93@980., tax paid TILANTING POPATOES.—We hive notv'oti I: hand and for sale, Goodrich, White Peach Mow, Blue Mercer, and a email lot Early Rose Po tatoes. Those wanting good seed will please givo us a call. viu ANTED.-Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Cot -1 V ton Rage, &c., for which we will give the highea. market price in trade. mar 26 REID &-W-A-I'N-A-N-T. nark Walkted. ( i — ai HE subscribers wart 500 cords of Bark, for which they will pay the highest cash, price.— They also continue to pay 'the highest prices for H ides delivered at their_Tanery-in-Waynesbero'.-- mar 26-61] FORNEY &. SONS. FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED gorse all Coltlo Powders. . This preparation, long andjavoraylp ,„.... - ~,,,,•. — lcnb - WriTTIII thoroughly re-invigorate. iil V), , '.t , . broken down and losv•spirited hams, t by strengthening and eleans:ng the ii 1 Stomach and Intestines. • • ___.„.• , ! It Is a sure preventive of all diseases -- :;"":'''' 4 Incident to this animal, such as LUNG .FEY ER. GLANDERS, YELLOW • WATER, II EA YES, et /LTG II S, MS- 4tOTL, TEMPER, FEVERS, FOGY DER, VA., LOSS OF APPETITE AND VlTALf"e.ik ENERGY, &c. Its use improves ...74 , 74,, A f. — the wind, increases the appetite— given / a scnooth and glooty skin—and ' tran+cormi tho mi.erable. skeleton 4 -. • ''" Inton ftuu-lookin:r and white I horse. v_ . . c . ~ :,••• L.-- To keepers of Cows this prepara. ) lion is invaluable. It is a sure pre ,itriAlt: , •,. ventive against Itinderpest, Hollow Ilorn. etc. It has been proven by , ~. , i~.df actual experiment to increase the • , , quantitrilrmilk and cream twenty lag- . --''... •'' 'per cent. and make the butter film and sweet. In fattening cattle. it gives them antnppetite, loosons their hide, and makes them thrive much faster. In all ilis^ases of Swim, such as Cough,, ricers in the Lung, Liver, &c., this articleact4 Fig a specific. By putting from one. half a paper to a paper in a barrel of AWill the above will b • evaill' 1 cated or entirely Prevellt ,ll . • If given P-6 in time, a certain preventis is and ' • cure for the Bog Cholera. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE. For sale by Druggigt Strr.elteepera throughout the United States, etlitutlu3 and South America. march 26-3 mos Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad• ministration on the Estate of Wm. Stover, late of Antrim township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Washington and Quincy townships. All persons knowing themseives indebted to said Estate will please mike immediate payment, and those haring claims will present them properly au thenticated to tither of the undersigned. GEO. STOVER, ? Adners WM. STOVER, S mar 19-60 NOTICE: MHE subsenbrr having purchased a wagon and I pair of horses for the purpose of haulirg be tween Waynesboro', and Greencastle, is prepared to haul to and horn the latter place regularly, and will be thankful for n share of public patronage. Ali orders lift at the Drug store of Dr, J. Burns A mbersan will be promptly attended to. march 19-G] ' J. KEEPERS. _ Fresh Lame: r HE subscribers have now f0r15310 at their Kilns, 1 . 3 mike East of Wariesboro', Fres3 Wood. burnt Lime for Whitewashing, Plastering, iSce, A supply will be kept on hand during the season which will be sold on reasonable term march 19—ts 11 ESS & BROTHER. DISSOLUTION. e• rrtHE co.partnership heretofore existing between 1 the undersigned in the Merchant Tailoring bu siness, was this day (March 16th, 1869) dissolved by mutual consent. The books of late firm era in the hands of Bcrkely Logan, upon whom all per. sons indebted are requested to call and make set tlement. - J A. FISHER, BERKELY LOGAN. The undersigned will continue tho business at the old stink!. lie returns his thanks to the public for pest patronage and hopes by attention to busi tiess and a disposition to please all to :nerd a con tibuance of tl.e same. Li F. RICE Ll' 1.0111:1 N. ling,erstown, March 19 —tf DR JACOB FA II RNEY'3 BLOOD PURIFIER ! TN consequence of opposition in my business 1 have reduced the price of my Medicine from One id.) tar to Sixty Cents; and $l,BO by the dozen.— AII orders pe.mptly attended to by sending to my address, 1236, kilsworth Street, Philadeiphia. f b 5 —3m CHOICE SEED POTATOES. rillHE subscriber anis at Private Sale about 150 1 . bushels Seed Potatoes. consi Cum of the follow ing varirVes : Harriron, Early Goodrich and W Peach Blow. A E. PRICE. mar 12-of ti r •oltit ^win!' at REID'S, REID & WAYNAN P. DR. J. BERNS AMBERSON *iirecEssok 140 'CURTIS, 2 . . F . (At the' Corner Drug Store,) WA_YNESBORO' - , Ph. Having purchased of J. F. Kurt: the stock and fixtures _of the_Corner Drug store, I will - continue the business at the old stand, and have constantly on hind a full assortment of all goods belonging to our line, viz : Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines Perfumery, Spices, - Lampe; Shades, Chimneys,- _ - - Toilet and Fancy articles. &c., &c., &c., &c Special attention given to compounding prescriptions. Retsremheril going elsewhere. 3. BURNS AMDERSON, M. D. feb 26-1869. 'LIFE IS UNCERTAIN!' PROCURE . YOUR PICTURE, EITHER A PHOTOGRAPH, AMBROTYPE, OR FERREOTYPE, At the "DIAMOND". GALLERY'. The undersigned having purchased Mr. Hamil ton's Geller. is now . epared to make picturesin_ the highest style of the art. 'He will give specie) attention to large photographs for framing. FRAME.% CASES, ¢C , We will always have on hand a fine assortment of Friimes, to which we invite attcntior. - Pictures takes iu cloudy as well-as—clear weath er. Having purchased all old Negatives in the lery,-cuplea can be had-at-any tine. .eoppying of old Daguerreotypes. Ambrotypes, &c.. will be made a sped iality—as these pictures aro fast fading, and can ho greatly improved by •being copied, hare it done before it is too late. It doe* not injure a picture at all, to take copies from it, -an.:-in-every-case—thdpictufer—wir— turned. N. IL Particular attention in taking pictnres of children. mar 12-tf] 1794 --1869 INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Cash Capital and Surplus January Ist, 1869, $2,348,323 39• ACTUAL SURPLUS. ~v er and above all Lia- bilitica, including Capital Stock. the I,A It- GES'Is of any Fire Insurance Compa . ny in ilia United stat c a, s a y* two, as shown by the official Report of the New York Insurance Superin• tentient for 1868. rirl.O°SES PAID sir ce organizition, crier TWENTY -MIT JON D01,1,A1-the LARGAKT Maw:wt. PAID by any Fire Insur.rnce Company in the United states save one. ARTHUR ti.COFFIN, Cnanrats PIATT, President. Vice President. Mathias Mars,t4ec'ry, Joseph Douglass, A trot, Waynesboro', Franklin Co,, Pa. mar 12-3 t PUBLIC SALE. WILL be sold at public sale at the residence of the subscriber, near the road leading from Hopewell to Tomstown, I miles from the forner and I mile from the latter place, on Saturday the 27th day of March, the following property, to wit : TWO WORK HORSES, both good leaders; 1 young Bull, 6 Shoats; 2 one horse Wagons, one is heavy and nearly new with bed ; 1 bershear, I double and I single shovel plow, single and double trees, 1 spreader, 1 set breech— bands, I set harness, collar., bridles and lines, a lot bay and fodder, about 50 bundles rye straw, 1 wheat fbn, a lot good manure, forks 1 extra manure hook. Also a general assortment of household articles, in- cluding stoves and furniture. Sale at 10 te4lock, when terms will be made known by PETER CORBETT. O. V. Mora, Auct. mar 12—ts] Eliztbeth Middour, 1 - - by her next friend, I David Mentzer, } Sheriff's Office, vs, 1 ..:Initrobersburg, Mar. 4, 'l3O. Henry Wallow. J NOTICE to Henry Mi :dour, late of Franklin county : You are hereby notified lo be and appear in the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Franklin, on the 12th day of April next. to show cause, if any you have, why ill:zabeth Middour should not be divorced from tho bonds of Matrimo ny entered into with you, according to the prayer of her petition filed in said court. JOSIAH FLETCHER, Sheriff. The undersigned examiner. appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, to take testimony in the above case and report the facts to the Court, will attend to the duties of his appoi.ament at his office, in WaynceborA on the 29th day of March, 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. M. nvir 12 —3t) GEO. W. WEI.I-1, Examiner . BARK WANTED I rill-1E undersigned will pay the highest market I price for 401) cords of Bark,—also the highest price for 11,1 S delivered at the Ha dware Store of Geiser & Rinehart, in Waynesboro'. They also keep on hand all kinds; of finished Leather, such an Harness, Bridle, Fair Bidding, Fair Calfskin, Upper, Ripe, Calfskins, Wang Lea th( r, Sp wish Slaughter aria Hemlock Sole, French Calf•kiria and Linings of all kin Is. Sad.lfers and Shoemakers will find it to their in• terest to give them a call before purchasing else where. • MIDIRIUIL & WEDDLE. Quincy. mar 12—tf Best Hives---Quimby's. A 8 the season is approlching when the Bee ti keepers will provide for new hives, they would do well to call at the residence of I/Arlie! Holsing er. where the subs•rber has a lot for sale, made of the best Ininber and by the best workmen, entirely new and well p tinted- Will tie sold chest). mir —3q D. D FAHRNEY. rnivATE SiLE. THE subscriber, residing near Hopewell, offers at, Private Sale, 2 .tood Y 0 UNG Id ARES, ono e firet•rate leader; 3 COLTS. 1 three years old, 1 two and 1 one year o'd. Alec Fresh Burnt time of a goat quality. 14.11111 Z. SI'IIENICLE. Varnishes. Brusher--- a —c—alt=befors— L. C. BRACKBILL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers