Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, November 27, 1868, Image 2

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'1EMT.,63. 1 X241111131 Mk 13 0) rit. CIO.
Friday, November 27, Wilk
affirGeneral Early is still in Canada, wears
fie gray, and has the Ithevantatism----1--
/Mir General Butler is said to be very ill
at his residence in Lowell, Mass., end fears
'are entertained ibet be may not recover.
t • Official - returns - of — the - vote - of--New
York make Seymour's majority 9,416, and
Hoffman% 27,24 G. - - '
atir-Two hundred persons froni Pennsyl
wania are-to settle - in Catoline — etrunty,
during the present year.
Ittir In consequence of successful counter
testing, 650:greenbacks are to be withdrawn
iron circulation.
MiirThe Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum was
destroyed by fire on Wednesdayiiiiitt - Sir
nromOn perished in thes - liatiel. '
itift..All die
racks have been sent to General Sheridan's
))Bx.The eruption of Mount Vereuvius is
increasing in violence and destructiveness: -
Hausa and farms havo been overwhelmed
by the flood of lava, and the destruction of
an entire village is threatened.
IharOn the first of January next the
Freedmen's RnipAu is—to °ln: _ • •
'work and reduce its organization to a hand
ful of officers, charged, with the care of the
schools-and-the-payment - of - bounties7 - 1 - n ' -
day this Bureau has done good service.
ItEk.Some one calculates that the expense
of flags, banners, fire-works "and-so-forth"
used by both parties during the late cam
paign, it aggregated, would more than pay
off the National debt. A bankrupt country
could not stand such a drain on its resour
ces as this voluntary expenditure includes.
*The soldiers and sailors of Manchu-
setts intend to be represented in Washington
Facetious, even - "the singers coming to the
front of the stage and joining in the plaudits.
He dined with the Union League and was
serenaded in the evening. On Saturday he
returned to Wailingtou.
Be_ Abraham Henderson, a carrier on the
Nevi York Sun, has not missed carrying his
route a single day in seventeen years, and
has made the comfortable sum of $lOO,OOO
by his occupation.
Itita..ll..Riyes Pollard, editor of the South-
On Opinion, was shot and killed on Tuesday
Morning last, in Richmond while passing
near his office, by James Grant.
The cause of the shooting was a publica
tion in the , Opinion reflecting on the charac
ter of a;" Briber of Grant's family.
Writ is said that an effort is to be made
at the next session of Congress by a whiskey
ring, having large amounts of whiskey on
hand, to increase the tax by raising it to the
old rate, $2 per gallon, thus makings profit
of $1.50 on the stockin store. Commissioner
Rollins thinks that Congress will not enter
tain such a proposition, as his report now in
preparation will show that the receipts from
the whiskey tax have been laygely in excess
under the workings of the newlaw of the re
ceipts for a corresponding period under the
old $2 law. It is also believed that the re
ceipts will reach the estimates el the Com
mittee of Ways and
;Rebel sympathising little Delaware,
on Saturday in the jail yard at New Castle
gave au ohibition in which seven- persons
convicted of various petty offences were tied
to the post and whipped. One man, seventy
years old, received twenty lashes on his' bare
back. lie cried bitterly daring the whole
time. Two boys, twelve years of age, were
flyged; receiving twenty lashes each. One
man was placed in the pillory and kept there
until ho wrs totally helpless from cold, and
then given twenty lashes. All of the crim
inals after receiving this barbarous punish
ment were returned to prison, to remain
there six months; after which they will each
have to wear a convict's dress in public for
another half year.
man named Twitchell, in Philadel
phia on Sunday evening last, murdered his
mother-in•law, Mts. Hill, beating her on the
bond with an iron poker and throwing her
- body out of a seCund story window. The
horrible deed was perpetrated it is supposed
OW the parties might get possession of the
deceased's estate. Twitchell nod his wife
were au once arrested and held for trial.
Thirty thousand factory girls arc erripl:q
eki lu L.tvrreuce, Mass.
osable recruits at Carlisle Bar:
Nifw YORK Gildniiiii. - -.-4he - Istew York
ers last week outdid all the-gamblitig - eichibi•
lions ever got up in this or perhaps any
other country. The principal stake used
was Erie Railroad stook; one
, side endeavor.
fug to depress, the other to raise- the price )
resulting of COUllet fir-immense - gain's and
losses. Mr. Drew, one of the principals, lost
a million end a half of dollars, while various
ot&rs lost from two hundred thousand
—Belmont, chairman of the democratic Na-,
-tional-Committee,--being--set-down - int-the - .
loser 'of the kat named sum. Nearly nll the
men engaged in these infatticitti gambling
transactions are prominent members of
churchetkleadersin wbat ° in called = refined
society, and looked up to as patterns of virtue
tad honesty ; and yet are daily guilty of the
same acts - labia ehertietarise the veriest
blackleg in the land, It is a great pity that
laws cannot be enacted which would consign
the devil's big agents to the penitentiary as
well as the small ones. .----,
' aus6The report of Gen. Geo. H. Thomas,
regarding affairs in the Department - of the
-Cumberland,gives-a-valuable - official — history
of the Ku-Klux Klan. The report draws a
gloomy picture of the - present condition-of
affairs in Tennessee and Kentucky. "It is
mortifying to acknowledge," says Gen. Thom
as, "that the State and local laws, and the
m ore poierful force of public opinion, do not
protect citizens of the Department from vio
lence. Indeed, crime is committed because
public opiniiin favors it." This is the langu-
age of a dispassionate official report,
of our most honored generals. .
The Tunes professes to give
the basis of settlement of the issues between
the United States and Great Britain. A
mixed commission, consisting of two mem
bers from eaeh nation, is to be appointed to
decide on all questions arising since 1853.
England's responsibility, as it regards the
Alabama matter, is to be refered to Prussia
for arbitrament.
wicked during the-war that he was not allow
ed an abiding place either Itt the North' or
1541thi1ias retired from the Dayton Ledger
Id resumed the practice of law. Having
'led as an e3itor• and as a politician. he will
os , try what virtue there is in him as a law
STILL LEGAL —Hanging for horse steal
s is sill the legal punishment in Virginia.
. man is to be executed in Chesterfield on
le_lBth of December for the crime of steal
g a horse. — Vas is manifestly unjust, and
a relic of barbarism the law should be
A Suarnim—The late big snow storm
ViiirSee sale of personal property by B
F. Stewart of Ringgold.
m.CharoberEburg has a military Comps
ny, "Thoilousum Guards."
'Take your watches to Alex. Leeds,
the watch-maker, and have them repaired
and warranted.
Toys,—A fine assortment of Christmas
Toys at the Bakery and Confectionary of
Elenneberger & Hoover.
TOWN PROPERTY.-Mr. John Spangler
offers at privet sale his house and lot on
North Street.' See advertisement.
'Spectacles, Clocks, watches, and Jewel
ry, ehearAr than ever at Alex. Leeds', the
watch maker.
HORSE FARRIER.—We invite special at-
tention to the advertisement of John Ben•
shoot, HOMO Farrier, in another column.
FOR SALE--Mr. E. B. Winger, nffers,for
Pale a desirable property in Quincy. See ad-
rir Alex. Leeds, the watch maker, needs
money. Will some of his friends who are ow
ing him be kind enough to call and settle
SOLD.—G. V. Meng, auctioneer, on Wed
nesday sold the house and lot on East Main
Street, belonging to the heirs of Geo. Celli
flower, dec'd , for the sum of $1621. Pur
chaser, Thos. Cunningham.
CALL ACCEPTED.—ReV. I. N. Flays, of
Middlespring, Cumberland Co. Pa , has ac
cepted a call from the Central Presbyterian
congregation of Chambersbnrg, and will en
ter upon his ministerial labors there in few
se-The stores in onr town yesterday were
closed and business suspended, but contrary
to custom no religious services.
Rev. Daniel Hartman in the evening de
livered an able temperance lecture in the N.
E. Church.
~Delegates from the several Lodges of
Good Templars in Cumberland Valley Dis
triot met io Convention in this place on
Wednesday evening, B. P. Chase, G. W. C.
T. being present. The convention is in ses
sion as wo go to puss, Thursday noon.
RAIN.--A heavy rain storm yesterday
morning carried away most of the snow and
had the effect to settle and much improve
the ocndition of the roads.
STRINGENT.-A 8 an evidence of the stria
g,oncy of the money market we will add our
receipts for subscription for the past week , :
John Row, (new subscriber)
and Toreh-Liglit - PiOcession in honor of the
election of Grant and Colfax came off in this
place on Thursday evening of last week.--.-
The Illumination was very general and cred
itable-to the-party, but the Procession, owing
- tostrabsence - of lamp and man
agement, was small compared with former
turn-outs: Judge Chas. L6e Aim'o - uf blade
a short address pertinent to the occasion, and
was followed by Sheriff Fletcher in some ap
The popular Brass Bands from Leiters
burg and Greencastle were prisiene and con
tributed much-to the-Interest of-the mica,-
Ono Marylander, overcome with "tangle
foot," and said to have been a "greyback"
during the Rebellion, was suddenly toppled
over by a citizen to whom he applied some
abnaeful epithets. Apart from this there was
no interruption or disturbance during the
evening. , . -
been requested to announce that the --- Deba-
first meeting, for this season, on Saturday
evening December 5t11,--at the Ridge—School -
Hoase. The pub/io generally, is most hearti
ly invited to attend, and Aimee desirous of
becoming members will be taken into the so
ciety. The object of the society is to im
prove its numbers in the art of oratory, to
make them familiar with polite literature,
and to give them a knowledge of Parliament
ary laws and usages. The young men in the
vicinity of Ringgold would find it to be of
great benefit to them if they would consent
rom one
to become members of the society, for. they
could then spend some of their leisure hours
in a manner which would fit them to become
more useful in society, and might. also ren
der them more entertaining and agreeable in
the family circle.
Remember, young friends, knowledge is
SNOW STORM.—The first onotr - istbriii of
gg zgi=gl I . e - tilgls co Cilir
oil Friday morning—last—until late in—the
evening, covering the ground on Saturday
morning to the depth of fourteen inches.—
The weather was mild and the snow grad
ually melted during the day, but for this thj
depth would have been at least two feet.—
Some of our oldest citizens say it was the
heaviest November fall of snow in their rec
GONE.--Maj. D. 11. Brotherton, sth U.
8. Infantry, who bad been among his friends
here on a six months furlough, on Tuesday
morning last left to join his regiment at Fort
Hays, - Kansas. - The Major's absence from
our - midst will not only be regretted by his
relations but by many warm friends and ac
quaintances, A gallant soldier and a social
and . 'agreeable gentleman. May ho be spared
to often re-visit home and frieads in the fu
DEBATE.—Question chosen for debate at
the next meeting of the Waynesboro%Lyce
um : " Shall woman be allowed to vote r
We expect that this will elicit an interest
ing diseumion, and should bring out a full
meeting of the Waynesboro' Building Asso
ciation will be held this (Friday) evening. at
which a report of the workings of the asso•
Motion since its organization will be submit
ted. The Association now holds its meet
ings in the room over Dickers Grocery.
ENCOURAGING.-A gentleman from Quin
cy township stepped ioto . our office on NVed
nesday and subscribed for the Record, pay
ing fur it a year in advance. This is cer
tainly encouraging in a finantial point of
view, and evinces a loosening up of money
matter in that direction.
TURNING ROUND. —At the late election
"Ilauvers District!' in Frederick county,
Aid., the old Jacksonian presinct, gave Gen.
Grant 2 majority. It is said this is the first
instance in the recollection of the oldest in
habitant when Baum& failed to give a Dem
ocratic majority.
NEW House. We observe that Mr. Jo
siah Fahrney is about completing the erec
tion of a handsome brick house on East Main
Street. It has been put up in accordance
with the modern style, with fiat tin roof.
Foa SALE.-A Perpetual Scholarship in
the "Eclectic Medical College of Penneylye.
nia," located in Philadelphia. We offer a
liberal inducement to any young man wish
ing to enter this institution.
Mono, Quincy, Pa. *
The Germans in the United States, accord•
log to the census of 1860, number 1,301,-
A Michigan' farmer has husked 100 bush
els of cure in eight hours, and won $25 pre
Three hundred thousand dollars' worth of
presents were given at a New York wedding
last week.
Cleveland, Ohio, is to have a hospital for
"women who have beJomo disgusted with
their husbands."
A Burlington shoe-peg factory—tho lar
gest in the country—transforms every day
four cords of wood into four hundred bushels
of shoe pegs.
It is eaid that the coal mines of Allegany
county, Md., min alone supply ten million
tons annually for a thousand - yeare, without
exhausting her vast fields,
_ _
If any of our readers are prematurely gray,
or are troubled with falling of the hair,
dandruff or itching of the healp, they have
only to use Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia, and
their trouble will soon be over. The prop
aration is not only a restorer of gray hair,
but one of- the most elegant hair dressings
we have ever seem It-also by softeninguutb=
invigorating the hair, prevents premature
baldness and in many cases restores hair to
bald heads.
A Washiogton correspondent Writes : "It
is a singular fact that no President of the
- United — Stares, — up — tti - the present time, has
had a_ child bora in the White lionse."— lie
adds : It is understood the fact will not exist
long after the 4th of March next.
Tikes claims to be-w- lland ofzmilk-
honey," because you can get cows there for
$4O a dozen:-
wo old bachelors of Indianapolis made a
novel bet on the election. The loser was
either to ninny within six. week - % or forfeit
Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and
CO - *gal Feli ity — The humane views of benevo
lent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses- incident
to Youth, and Earl Manhood, gent-in—sealed letter
envelopes, tree of charge Address, HOWARD
ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa.- - -
june 19-Iy.
A Clergyman, while residing in South America
as a missionary, discovered a sale and simple rem
edy for the,pare of Nervous Weakness, Early De
cay, Diseases of the Urinary and seminal Organs,
and the whole train of disorders brought on by bane
ful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been
Lured by this noble lemedy. Prompted by a desire
to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send
the receipt for preparing and
,using this medicine,
in a sealed envelope, to anyone who needsil s
Fite of - Charge.
Station D, Bible Muse,
oct 30-3mo] New York City.
Comprising Mink Sable, German, Russian and
American Fitch, Siberian and French Squirrele,
Canada and French Mink, French and Belgian Sa
ble, for Ladies and Misses; Beaver. Otter, Sway 's
Down, Er nine and bable Trimmings on hand and
any width cut to order in a few moments notice.
-Fur "-•vvviiti-11_043, in velvet and silk; Muff and
Cope Tassels Sisk, Lamb and Ennuis
-11r — MiiterUanr .7716ialTn -
Furs altered, repired and renewed into the latest
styles in the most improved manner at Updegratf's
U EAT FUR AND Grove Ficronv, where van be
found on hand or made to ordtr in a few hours,
Ladies Dog Skin, Buck, Goat, Sneep and Leather
Gloves and Mitts, unsurpassed_for neatness, Jura.
,bility and cheapness, on hand of or own make.—
Gents Fur Collars, Fur Gloves, Lamb Felt and
Flannel Lined Gloves, buck,-Sheep, Gard, Leath
er and the great Dog Skin Glove Also Buffalo
Robes, Sleigh and Buggy Blankets, (six different
patterns) Grey Blankets and Horse blankets, an
immense stock selected and manufactured express
ly for our Winter trade for '6B and 69.
Hat, Fur and Glove Manufacturers,
Opposite Washington House.
Hagerstown, Oct. 30, 1868.
{rte=. fir .111 d 9,1 I,W.e/r4
On the 19th inst., at the residence of and
by,Rev. J. Keller .Biller, Mr. MICHAEL.
W. DOSH, of Guilford township, to MISS
township, this Co.
his ~[..1,74. rip =IR
At Welsh Run, in this county, on the 15th
iost , of congestion of the brain, Mr. JOON
WOLFF, aged 56 years, 5 months and 7
On the 28th of September, in Green town:
ship, Mr. JOHN SPOON HOUR, aged 84
years 5 months.
On the 28th ult., Mrs. ROS.AN NA, eon,
sort of John Spowshour, dco'd, aged 74 years,
6 months and 12 days.
Fir4A. Rio •=viii ii-714
PHILADELPHIA Monday Nov 23.-1868.
-FLOUR.—The Flour market presents na
new feature. Sales of 1200 bbls., including
lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota extra family
at 67 50®8 25, the latter figure for choice
lots; Indiana winter wheat at $9 50; Penn
sylvania and Ohio winter wheat do. at $9.•
75@10,50; fancy at sll®l2 75, and extra
at $6®6.75. Rye Flour is scarce, and com
mands $7.25@7.75. Nothing doing in Corn
Meal. We quote Pennsylvania at $5 25.
GRAlN.'—Prime Wheat meets a fair de
mand at full prices, but other descriptions
are dull. The sales reach 4700 bush , at
$1.10®2.10 for fair and prime red,-aud $2.-
15 for Indiana amber. Rye has advanced,
and may be quoted 2to 3 l bush. higher.
Sales of 800 bush. Pennsylvania and West.
ern at $152@155, Corn rules very ir
regularly. Sales of 2000 bush. old yellow
which is in light supply at $1.20®125;
1000 bush. new do. at 95c.@$1; and 1500
bush. Western mixed at $1.22®1.24. Oats
are unchanged. Sales of 3000 bush. at 67-
®7lc. for Western and Pennsylvania, and
6U®6se. for Delaware, according to quali
Ap. 17- Sm. J. £4. JOHNSTON
Notice to Farmers and Others.
THE subscriber having had many years expe
'lions as a Horse Farrier, would announce
to Farmers and others that ho is prepared to
treat successfully Bingbone and Bonespavin, and
other di-eases to which the horse is subject. All
cases of boneapavin cured or no charges made.--
Persons having sweenyed horses can rely on hav
ing them cured. Residence miles East on Mon
terey springs. JOHN BEISISHOO F.
nov 27-3m'
VIBE subscriber intending to leave this commit
riitv, will sell at public sale at his residence. in
Ringgold, Washington county. on Wednesday,
D. conher 2d, the fallowing property, to wit:
1 Side Saddle end Bridle. Household and Kitch •
en Furniture, consiating of 2 earful. cupboards, .
bureau, I wardrobe, 4 bedsteads—two cottage and
one single-1 set parlor chairs. 1 set dining chairs,
1 sink, 1 new doughtray, 3 looking glaises, 1 toilet
stand, 2 wash stands, 1 new dining table, 1 cook
stove and fixtures, 1 writing . dcsk, candle moulds,l
largo fat press. shovels, axes, saws, &c. 1 large
chicken coop; Cooper Fixtures,conaisting of 1 stave
jointer, 1 grindstone in good order, I set tools, tress
hoops, shaving horses ; earthen, stone and tinware,
vinegar barrels, and mat y other articles too numer
ous t o mention. rirklale to commence at 1 o'clock
on said day when the terms will he made known by
tov 27 Is B. F• WIT WART,
PRICE & 110EFLIell
Announce to the - community generally that they
have received their
Eteond trappiy„ef
Air t:tri6' of Dry godde,
Groceries, Queeneware, Cederware, &e.,
and matte an erainination of their — --
assortment of goods:
Government Orerooats, (Cavalry
- and - Infant ry - YBhiuseeinil - Blat - lER
at- - _ . Price &-Elociiich'is.
for Ladies and Misses
at Price & Redlich's.
- -
styles at- P. & El's.
Plaid, Plain and Fancy flannels--
I at P. & H's.
Buffalo Robes
P. &
Beautiful line Of Dregs goods--
Large - lot of Qtriefiswariti---=------
at P. &
Iduo—Heavy Boots, and. Gum Shoes for
Cheese, PErue Coffee, Sugars, hash
, P. Ze jrg.
libueSi and - a splendid article at Syrups
Chinchilla Cloths for Ladies Sacks
P. & Ws.
Winter Queen shawls
Joelmorton and Waterloo shawls
P. & H's.
Woolen Circulars and Shoulder shawls
P.& H's.
--BenverOvei u tiag
Muffs, Capes, Victorious
Ladies Vests
Gents Underclothing
Buck Nits, Gloves and a great variety
of other gloves
Heavy Drab, and. Ma Oords and
Blankets Grey, and White
Thibet Shawls
nov 27 1868
will he sold_ at public sale on Saturday,
1.11 the 12th of December, a House and Lot, situated
in the thriving village of Quincy, Pa., whereby a
Rail. Road is about being located. The house is a
well painted and papered, suited for two families if
desired, having 8 rooms, 4 on each floor with corn—
tnodious Basement, so arranged that there can IL
easily made a nice shop or saloon in front part—a
well of water near the door. There are also a va—
riety of fruit trees and grape vines started on said
lot. Further information can be had by calling on
oz addressing the undersigned, in Quincy. 'Sale
at 1 o'clock on said day when terms will be made
Rov 27 is
11"InE subscriber offers at "Private Sale a House
and Lot of (hound, situated on North t 4 treet,
Waynesboro'. The lot is 85 feet front and 95. feet
deep. The house is a
ING, roughciuted, with Back Building. Near the
door is a good Bakeoven under roof and a Cistern
with pump in it. There are also on the lot a new
Hog l'en, 14 thrifty Peach Trees, 2 young Apple
Trees and 1 Grave Vine. Persons wishing to pur•
chose can apply to the subscriber fur further infor
nov 27-4 t
Auditor's Notice,
THE undersigned appointed,hy the proper court,
auditor to distribute the balance in the hands
of W. S. Amberson, assignee of Michael M. Stow
er, to and among the creditors of said Stoner, will
perform the duties of his appointment, at the office
of D. 11. Russell, in Waynesboro', on Monday the
tlst day of December, 1868, at la o'clock, A. M,
nov 27-3t] E. J. BONDRAKE, Aueitor.
r:),URSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court
W . of Franklin County, October term, .1868, the un
dersigned wit offer at public sale, in front of Bow—
den's Hotel, Waynesboro', Pl., at 1 o'clock,on Sat
urday, the 12th day of December, 1668, all the in -
terest and title of Margaret Hoover, dec'd., in and
to that House and Lot in Waynesboro', bounded by
lands f Lydia Price, Noah Snyder, and others, be -
ing one half interest therein. 'Perms Cash.
A. H. HUBER Admr.
of Margaret Hoover, deed.
The other half ofsaid property belonging to the heirs
of Catharine Bault, deed., will he sold at the same
tiMe, so that the title will 'au complete for the prop—
el ty. Terms of this half made known on thy of
sale. A. B. HUBEI?,
nov 20 3t for Heirs.
1868! 1868!
Hat and Fur Emporium
No. 36, Main Street,
ill BE largest stock of Ladies Furs in the Cum.
Berland Valley, embracing Hudson Bay, Rus.
sian and Mink Sable, French Mink, S,berian and
American Squirrel, lierman and American Fitch,
water Mink, Beaver, and in fact everything in the
Fur line. A first class store. large st,,ek, splendid
assortment, and EXTREMELY . LOW PRICES
as an inducement 14 persons from a distance to
come and purchase my goods, has ens bled me to
build up the largest Fur trade in the great Cumb.
Valley._ Look around at the other piaci:. add than
call and see fee yourselves.
nov 20
Thu Board of Directors of the Ist National Bank
Waynesboro', have this dny decltred a dividend of
.per cent. for the past six months, payable on and
after the 25th halt. JNO. PHILIPS, Cashier.
nov 20 31
THE subscriber offers at Private Sale 5 BUILD
-ING LW'S at the West end of Main Street,
Waynesboro'. Front 413 feet. Depth 160 feet.
For terms, &c,, apply to
nov f.'o - V.
amongst - which are 10 fat hogs, 2 Sows, 1 fall-bred
Chester Boar, 42 alioatis, the balance small pigs; 1
four-inch tread Wagon with two wheels newly tir
ed, 1 three-inch tread Wagon, 1 new two-horse
Wagon, 1 Spring Wagon l 1 log-do., 1 cart, 1-new ,
Carriage, 1 wood ladders, 1 corn bed, 1 pair
hay carriages, 1 pair hay ladders ;
( 6 eiser's patent) and truck, all in good order; 1
McCormick Reaper, 1 Grain Drill, 3 three-horse,3
two horse, 6 double and - 3 - single shovel plows, 3
new harrows, 2 sets breechbands,
4 sets front gears,
6 sets plow gears, 2 sets single harness, 8 fly-nets,
8 housens, 1 wagon saddle, 11 halters with Fur
ley's chars, 2 four and 1 six horse line, 8 bridles,
14 collars, 1 Cylinder Cider Mill and tripple-gear.
- eil - horse - power, all in good ord,r; 1 --- wheat - fan with.
improvements, 1 Dry House, (Reamer's patent) 1
sleigh and string bells, single, double and hippie
trees, carrying, breast, butt, log, cow and fifth chains
and spreaders, rakes, forks,
shovels. iron,
mattock, 1 bag wagon with iron wheels, 3 sets of
dung boards two of which are new; a lot oak plank
2i and 3 inch, 1 water trough, 1 log sled, 1 har
row sled, 30 grain bags, 1 bay knife, 1 duiig hook,
1 large chop chest, check and breast straps, 3 bush.
baskets, I large water tank, 28. good barrels, one I
grindstone, a lot planes and augers, a lot, old iron,
1 screw plate, 1. saddler bench, 1 meat hogshead, 2
feed troughs, 3 water kegs, 1 new jackscrew, 1 pair
1---41 0 TEI Y—H-A-Y .
P. & H's
P. fk. 11's.
P. & Irs.
P. & H's.
P. &. WS.
P. & H's.
P. & H's
THE subscriber intending to reduce his stock,
will offe- at public bale, near tne road leading:
from Waynesboro' to Quincy, one half mile south,
of the Nunnery Mill, on
P. & H's.
P. &. H's.
4of which are good milch cows, 4 fine steers, one
young bull, the balance young cattle; 9 head Shoat*
REAPER, Lself•raker) 1 Grain Drill, 1 Corn SW.
(broadtread) one nearly new, with new bed, stand,.
girds and sideboards, 1 two-horse Wagon with bed..
1 Spring Wagon,
for one or two horses; 1 Trotting Buggy, Plows,.
Harrows, 1 Corn 'Coverer, 1 pair Rail Carriages, 2;
sets Front Gears, collars and bridles, 1 patent Hay
Fork, a lot cider barrels, and many ether articles
not mentioned,
J. It. SMITH, Am,t.
ti ale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when•
a credit of 10 months will be given,
The undersigned, Executors of the late Wilßani,
B. Mchtee, will sell at Public 'ale, in front of the
Court House, in Hagerstown,
the FARM and MOTTNTAIN LAND oisaid dec'cl.,
lying is Washington and Frederick Counties, Ma-
No. 1-,-- flint VALUABLE and WELL-IMPROV
ED FARM, lying on the road leading from Lei
terbburg to Smithburg, three miles from the formes
and one mile from the. latter place, coittainihi;
from Four to Six 'Acres being 'well Timbered.—
This Fenn lies in the midst of the nest Wheat pro
clueing district in Maryland, and for a long series
of years has borne a well sui,tiined reputation for
the quantity and quality of its cereal productions.
It has easy access by good roads to the markets of
Hagerstown and the Antietam Mills, and is with
in one mile cf the Line of the Western Maryland
Railroad. The imßrovern-aits conaLt of a con-
Spring-House, Wash. House, Smoke-House, are.,,
aid a tine STONE and FRAME HANK BARN.
with Corn Cribs, Wagon Shed, Hog Pen, dre, all
in good condition and of converiient arrangement.
Near the House is a never-failing Sprang of the
finest Limestone Water, affording superior facilities
for watering stock both wu.ter and summer. There
is also a fine stream of Water running thro' most
of the fields, ani an
The entire Farm is under good foncing, most of
which is post-and rah, comparatively new, aai of
the most substantial construction.
No. 2. A lot of Mountain Land, lying i miles
East of Smithburg, near the road leading to Sahli-
adjoining lands of Dr. E. Bishop and George Gar
dolour, and well timbered,
No. 3. L , t of Mountain Land, lying about 2
miles Batt of Suitthhurg, near the road leading to
hiechanicstown, containing _ . _
adjoining lands of Jos. Suites heirs, John Stotler
and David Hoover, and covered with a very fine
quality of chestnut anti other timber.
No. 4. Lot of Mountaul Land lying in Frederick
county, 2 miles East of Smithburg, on the Fred
erick road, adjoining lands of Andrew Derchtel and
W illiam W oltt, and containing
more or less.
The Farm will be shown persons desiring to,view
it, by Mr. Jacob Nerdy, the present tr nom, am! the
mount un laud by Mr. Adam Vog le, living in Smith
TERMS OE SA LE. —One-third of the purchase
money on the Ist Ain il next, when possession
w ill be giveit ; the balance in two equal annual pay
merits with interest from that day, the purchasers
giving that notes with approved security for the do
f, net} pay in( nts. On the final payment, good and,
sufficient Oeeds Will be given.
The crops in the ground on No. 1 are reserved
with the privilege r..f cutting, housing and threshing
the same. W A LTER B. MoATEE,
R- SIIFCKLES, Auct. Executors.
AHE subscriber intending to quit farming, will
sell at Public Sale Olt . - - •
fit - WS - residence; mike eaotb of Ringgold, the fol;
lowing proprty, to wit i
(all good leaders) one of them a black Canadiad
stallion; 1 large Durham Dull-,
-28-11-FAIO—HORN—CA-Triilki - -
amongst which are 3 good mileh cows' 0 hegira,
the balance •"- 7-
household and kitchon furniture, as follows : 2 bed-.
steads, 1 clock, I dining table, G. choice, a lot crocks.
30 yds new imported carpet, a lot rag carpet, one
lounge, 1 parlor stove, 1 parlor.cook stove, 1 dress
er, and many other articles too numerous to mew-
Sale to commence at 'o'clock on said day when
a credit of 8 months will he given on all sums of
$.lO and upwards,purchAsers giving their notes with
approved security, and if not paid within ten do)
after maturity interest will be charged from date.—
Sums under $.14). cash.. No goods. to be removed,
until settled for. BENJAMIN F RICK.
IPldia SAILE.,
the following property, to wit
all good work borsee ;
nov 20 —tsl
151 ACRES of First-Rate
Limestone LAND;
laaville, containing
2og ACRES,
0. V. Mont, A uct.