i'IROCERIES. f•.zczEL 11l 0I: LI) respeeuully announce to his friends eriii the public generally that he is prepared to oulTly all who need COFFEE, SUGAR„ SYRUPS, FISH. , TOBACCO. CIGARS, -TEAS, — RICE; BROOM, BUCKETS TWINES, ':7----Alucru-401 - 6N - trelnefit C onfectionaries,_ - Notions,_ sritg, - . Stationery,' etc. -- emountry Produce , _ trtki , n— in exchange for goods:- In connection %silt, U Grocery business he also keeps ./oLOI R to: , 1 / - . 1 11:3) STUFF, than which there can be_ s que welt:caper; Thlultful fur past favors ho respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. -- REM= SIEREEt & CO. tlave just returned tram the Eastern cities, where thi•; have purchased quite an extensive addition to acir - tr/i ILO F invite the public to call and • IBC their new sapply of Goods, which consist of f.NGLISII AND —AMERICAN CARPETS, Imp. Three-Ply, Extra Venitian, Twilled an-d ' desirable - Pat terns, wc h:wc• a line of li - s'W: l i - rice(' INGRAIN Hemp faul other CARPET/NG ; COCOA and CHINA N A TTI ; OILCLOTHS, &c. Superior HALL AND STAIR .qARPETS, 117771 EXTRA BORDERING. Drng-gets. Felts, Brutsel and Velvet Rugs, Door Mats, tiu,ssocits, &c. RA CARPETS mad e to order. kii,hest cash price paid fur CARPET RAGS. WINDOW SHADES. We have a large assortment in this line—entire ly new patterns, very handsome and cheap—rang ing from GO cents upwards. We also have RIFF'S PATENT WINDOW SHADE FIX ' TURES, self-acting, a groat improvement on the old style of Fixture. It Is quite a novelty ' • come and see them cl'crate. ‘V_l3 have, also, a full lino of STAIR RODS. toni.4ling,ly low . prices, and it will be to the interest of those who vash_to_purchase-in:thatAine—to—viait their e,tablishment, at West Queen .streef,next door to IL .S'icrer's Mammoth Furniture EqabllAntent. ChumberAwrg, Pa. June 12-6 m. ri) , Z 200,0 M CUSTOMERS IN FOUR YEARS. Ila ng the largest capital, most experienced buy erz, f. , :lensive trade of ally concern in the Dol lar :;:e.le husine:§, vve GUARANVBE SATISFACTION in every inbtaoce. anti also the !c.l selection of (: , 00da ever otrereil at ONE DOLLAR EACH . I . r o oth , ..r concern ha.? rtny silent" Where?)Cr our .4- 4)l.‘r Moth) : 9gents - wantedin city rind T D [1::S trtte , .! r:wzr , ted to Ir 2, our po Oar club kin , :l3oj I) y and Fancy Goods ea , tors, silver plated (E , t LI;11-0:e , 1 ?8114 ) A pt.. , 113 10111 a chock ,te,:cnbing an gi r t! .1.-; 1.. 10 ets ;20 for ;1 0 for til 1,0 t.., ; jot) to, x;10; sod by mail. Free pre,s ,tor lip, (worth 50 pEr cent Inure than t 11E:3 . other concern,) according to size lit n trial club, or not, itti not fail I. a circular, N ktz• ss.b; shouta :InT he efts ed with New )IJ, .;. , !Istr y sales or bogus •croa Uoulpan• it as It gof the 2,ort. ,E vs'l`M AN & IcENISAI,I" (33 Hanover Sheet, 13osi on, Mess. tviiitflßLE WORKS ! AI LT F. k't OZ& ., IIB2CO. \ISF.NiAIIIi.I3I?B ANI) liE \ I,EtV 4 iN s.,,Tombs, fleadBloncs, 4e.., 4-c., 1: can atto,tion to our assortment of the n- W'P hove, comprising the newtst and most up. moved styles 111.ving the advantage of Water-power, and 'a long experience in the STONE,CUTTINCT' JiINESS, nc are to fill imle,s at th-; Jim-test notice and uu iiicm4 reasonable term-. (;:‘ a call at our 5 ird, near Antietam June -1101), on the Wayne , horo' and lhigerstawn Turn pike, 1 , .v0 miles l-oin the limner place. Po s t•effice aJaEre s, I .\'tty n•horo'. . 13. Or kr, rail he left with John Waller and vvil; weeive proinvt attention. E. w. CV, 1.3 I? 21pril :3 tf. TIKE Ling.. -p t :Er c. lly,ssEß would recpertrully announce e , to the cinz , na of IVa3 nesboro' and vicitiLty that Fite Ftill intends to carry on the Millinray bus iness in all its I/ranches, and don't intend quitting bas been reported," lint experts to carry on more e tensively than ever. She also intends car ryntg on MANTUA M , %KING in connection with her other business; having had considerable expel , ience in both she thtWrs herell that she will be alto to give sath-fartion to all. Pt:turning thanks for liberal patnwage given her herotolore,slie hopes for a ronttnuance of the same in the future. March 'at— tf Presh Arrival I'OII'NEY & SONS II"Vr. ' just returned horn ibe City withlame. aftsortitiont of Shoe Finding, Linings and Mo rocco at very Into inks. Highest prices paid for Irides and t''ltitia talicti in and weighed at the Ocher of Lathes shoe store. The highest market price will be paid for 400 cords of Nock and Jilack Oak Bark. April 24-186 S. but and Shoe Store- IN7 11,LIAM STE . WART would respectfully. V inform the pubic that he has ermined at Ito, residence in Ringgold: a well 4 ch,cted lot of Ladies, Misses and Cltildren'svhoes, also Are Ws and 13,,y's high coarse slioes,:isdlies Polio-11 Boot tees, fancy Bout Ices, aud'bull:Uulnmrnls, Childs Os Shots of all deseription ; oho a I tut and Boy's whiet, he will sell at :.-11)rt profits for cash lie eke, taintinueP to manufseturo Boots and tihnea to Lod, r, and:4,step.: I, thanks to his (us tOmetp in l z ,, i,er,d-fa Et , •:r- and burs a cam tioukhce I,,hA t .tr:+:ti•to a. 1.,•• • • f 1 --9.4 t II 13. lIATNICK AIE_T T 11 - E - B - 11 S T. Separator and cleaner, the best sheller ever offered bo the Public. Also OIPSAN'E. , PATENT Cl,ll'l'l-18 WASHER. Warranted to give satis faction or no sale, They are r repared to do all kinds of Job Work, Repairs, .tc., in their line of busine.s, done at the shortest notice and on reas. onable terms. They hive also on hand a large lot of the best Lumber t4r sale cheap, and have opened a regular LUMBER YARD of alt kinds of Lumber, which they will Noll very cheap for cash only.— Persons in want of anything in our line will please give us a call. We will give satisfaction. Jan 31.—tf. LIDY, FRICK & CO. FIIIIT"FALL ARRIVAL!" tXTELSH has just received a full assortment of V V Goods, in his line of business. His stock consists in part, of.all the latest styles of men's and boys • EBY SHUBERT 1116 DE! CONSIDER YOUR INTEREST AND BUY WHERE YOU AIC BUY THE CHEAPEST! All Cash Bills of. One Dollar and over, die• - Counted five per cent. Having just received our first supply of fall and winter goods we invite our customers and - the - pub= We - generally to call and examine both stock, and prices, as we feel confident that they will compete' with those of any sianlar establishment in town or country. We will not in bombast say that"we sell cheaper than the cheapest" but we will sell as cheap as any end discount 5 per cent. for' cash. '1 hose who.promise impossibilities will disappoint you. Give us a chance, by calling,..to_proxe_what-w&„ sig. Our stock consists-of the following classes: Dry Goode-, Cedarware, shoes, • - 'Groceries, - Tinware, - Drugs, - Notions, Hats, Medicines, Bardsvara, Caps, - Queensware, Boots, Paints, floor and table oil cloths, carpets, - tic stock Ordiers goods is full and Well assorted - in styles and prices. For men and boys we have cloths, cassimeres, cassinetts, kerseys and jeans, all styles and prices. —l4 'e -hope,---by- attention - to - bushire - se-Thiletirbiliiit to please, to merit a continuance of the patronage which has boon so liberally bestowed. HITESHE W & GEHR, Sept 25 ly Ringgold, Washington Co., Md. NO. 16: NO. 16. NEW 0-61)13: Having just returned fiom the Eastern cities with another new supply of Goods which have been purchased at extremely low figures, I will offer them at reduced prices for GASH. The Stock received comprises in-part:— - Celebrita Elgin WATCEES which nre adjusted to heat and cold. SWISS WATCHES of every description in Gold and Silver Cams, suitable for fiadieo and Gentlemen. Eight-day and 24-hour CLOMS in bronze and Fancy Ciasos. CASTORS, a_ke_BAskets,,lce_Piteh9rs,Butter—Dishes, Rodger Bros. SPOONS and FORKS. Also, a fine and well selected assortment of JEWELRY of the LATEST STYLES at reduced prices. • • Call and examine this stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am offering greater inducements to purchasers than any other Jeweler in the County May 15.-Iy. C. C, FORCE No. 16 West Wash., St. Hagerstown. . T_Y ._E lll P GENTS DRESS GOODS., JAMES A. FISHER'S F.ktSHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT- Washington House Building, Hagerstown, Maryland. NEW STOCK OP SPRING GOODS I am daily receiving fresh supplies of the. latest patterns of GENTS DR LSE GOODS, anal as I buy from old dealers of theirir;rern Cit es am enabled to sell at a corresponding reduction of rates My stock is full and complete, all I dose is an inspection of My Goods, All ciases of good.i thu Llly kept in a first class Gentlemen's furnishing house of the latest sty les constantly on hand. My motto is, 'Cheaper than the cheapest, Better than the best.' Give me a c all. May 22 1868. JAS. A. FISsIER. MACHINE SHOP AND LUINIBER YARD ! iDF, FRICK & CO., would inform the Public generally, that they have taken the establish• went and businebs, lately o vned by Lidy Lee rone, (formerly 'Vin. Flanagan,) and are now ma n u I aetu ring GRAIN DRILLS, of the latest improvements and warant them to give sahsnction. Also Brinkerhoff's Celebradto Valeta CORN SHELLER, HATS AND CAPS, Alen's, Women's, 'Misses, Boy's and Children's BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES • an•d Slippers of every description. Ladies and Misses 123 Ta Ei;t3 a Bonnet Frainoz, Trimmings, Sundowns and Hats, Dress Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Hair Culls, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umbersllas, Fans, &c. School, [Hank and Miscellaneous Books, Station ery of all kinds; Notions and Fang Goods. All of which w,ll be sold as cheep as the cheapest. Sept, 20— J. IL. WELSH NEW 14' lltin I CAKRIitI U KIN G: THE subscribers would inform the public that the) , have associated themselves together in the Carriage making business, an 1 that the business hereafter will be continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of ilmots & ilewitmt. They will have constantly on hand BUG CABS of every description ; new andi.4.7,,:sw second-handed Vehicles of all kinds. Repairing dune at short'uotice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in ow line will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewnetc. JACOB A I.lAirW, or,ORGE 11. 11A VI;K Ell. Church Slrrfl near 4 31vsift 144 U E 7 Church Jun '4, t 1 THE WORLD MOVES W. A. RE ID TaAKES pleasure in informing the public that be 4 has opened the fullest and largest stock. of- Cll3423:COCtilthaLlartlZSEis The fairest and richest NEW SUGARS, Best stock of COFFES, Finest flavored TEAS, Rrigh - r - syrWN:ll. — hitilasses and I' "Rico do, &c., he has been able to offer in Waynesboro'. Fl ,ww • The fattest Mackerel, 'white, sound and choice Shad and Herring in salt or ice. • COVE OYSTERS. The best oysters in the world, !Tatuxent," and 'McMurray" brands, by the can or wholesale. ORACKEIta.7-- Farina, Mushroom, Cream, Tea cakes, oyster. and water crackers; fresh from JAS. MASON & CO., Factory, which enjoys the most favorable reputa ion in the ,•—• -- • FRESH BREAD. Received daily from &rites Bakery FAMILY FLOUR, The well known "Willow Grove in and bbls. aper sacks ; at Mill Prices. CONFECTIONARIES AND FRUIT. Candies, Pruens, Figs, Dates, Fresh • Currants. Oranges, Lemons, Lemon and Raspberry—by-raps- GLASSWARE, LAMPS, BLC Bought at Factory prices, and fullest stock in town „Surt-B urner,—Ch imneys i -wicks, Hand some QUEENS WARE Best grnni:e in sets or single piece. C. ,C.:ware tow. VARIETIES. Buckets, Tube, sugar buckets and boxes, baskets brooms, whisks. Fancy Soaps, Pocket Books, Sta tionery, &c. rir Country Produce taken in exchange for goods,!or cash paid for leading articles. Cash buyers will find it to their interest to call. Thankful for the increased patronage of the past year, I hope for a continuance of the same. May 1,11 2 - ----- . r ,... : . 414,44AdAtirmetribe • w to lit , ; „i, IP' v. VARRAT, tY PAN-A-CE-A , j ..D aezi ,„. '4.o() P SZAR C Tall ost V - Lt R IS . ... 2 b. ~ ..lir .- - - VitiellMAPoo99 t o ."Dr. P. Fahrney's celebrated Blood Searcher or Panacea," 1s a medicine that lye can recommend to to those who aro afflicted, having used it In our own family and furnished our friends with the article; wo can, therefore, from experience say that it is a medicine possessing rare medicinal properties. ,Being a mild ptirgative It is well to keerrit always in tho family 'Where there are children ei• those subject to colds or other sickness. It is compounded from medicinal Roots, Leaves, Barks, Seeds and Berries, which are said to be entirely free from poison. We are personally acquainted with the proprietor who was our faintly Physician for several years, and wo were at one time raised from a bed otaftliction under his judicious treatment."—Christian Family Com panion. "FAnnicm's BLOOD SnAnorrnm—From our personal acquaintance with Dr. P. Fahrney, and from the re putation of the above named medicine in the com munity where he lives, we can cheerfully recom mend it to a fair trial to all who may need a l'amtens for the _day L, Tient maladies of Tortality, Inltillbe great oyE -- in .v atPaxtete or all dise as es shall of tbotive of lifo.—Prophetic Watchman. Sold Ely g iH.MAN, lottoe , BY 6z , W holesale Druggists, Chicago, 111. B. A Fahnestock tSon & Co, Wholesale Druggists, Pittsburg, Pa., And by druggists generally. None genuine without the proprietor's signature, thus : Oefaw, 7 *.t , oct 2,3 ly lif GOODS! ,SEW GOODS! E& J. ELDEN have just received a splendid . stock of New Goods, sonsisting of Hats and Caps of the latest styles, Boots and Shoos of all kinds. A nice lot of Button Gaiters for Ladies• or Misses. A FINE STOOK OF NOTIONS, Such as Paper C lllars and Culls for Ladies or Gen tlemen, Hosiery, Gloves of all kinds for Fall of Win ter ; Neckties of the latiest styles; Suspenders, deeper than ever, Pocket Books at any price from 10 cts. to $2..50. Note Paper and envelopes, steel pens, Ink, Nazis, strops, Penknives and pocket cut lery, a fine assortment ; Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers, Photo. Albums. Combs, Brushes of all kinds; in fact everything pertaining to fancy No; tions. ST ONEBREAKER SITLEDICINES, FRANTZ' PEARL POLISHING POWDERS. CONSTANTINE' S PERSIAN HEALING SOAP Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, Baskets, Mats, Rugs, ite. CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, a splendid assortment ; sieve Buttons from 10 cents per pair upward; Gold Pens and Pencils,_ Watch Guards, Chains. Keys, Books, Spectacks;ioggles and everything pertaining to the Jewelry Business. A large lot of empty store Boxes for sale cheap. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. All those in want of anything in our line would do well to give us a call, for we aro determined to roll CHEAP for cash. Thankful for past favors we would ask a contin. mince of the same. ELDEN. sop la G - 1 - 0. W. WELSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omen in the Town Hall BuiMing, next door to he Post Office. Doc, 13 leG7• H. STONER, DEALER .IN DRUGS_; - ., Chemicals, PATENT MEDICINES,- REPAHATIONS-FOR-THE-HAIR F - OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHESES, dire, &c. -0--- r'Phy=sicians - dealt with at 20 per cent. dikount. March 27, 1869. COACH FACTORY. NEW FIRM THE Subscribers respectfully announce to_ the public that they bare purchased of Messrs. Hess & Crouse their Coach Factory in Waynes boro', and purpose continuing the business in all its branches. CA RRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c., &c always on hand or made to order, of the hest ma terial, and warranted. REPAIRING of all kinds done at short notice. Being practical worktfien they hope to receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. S. S. THOMPSON, May 22. L. P. THOMPSON. D R. D. A. STOUFFER, DENTIST. PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN GREENCASTLE, PA, Will perform with care and attention all operations in Dentistry AT PRICES AS REASONABLE AS ELSE WHERE rar'Special attention paid to Extracting, Filling and Inserting Teeth. • Dental Rooms in Nathaniel Martin's residence. May l—ly. ALLEN TINGLING. JOUR REARIOK. TINGLING & REA.RICK. Every day receiving 'Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, ' NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETTS, hc. &c. all of whith will be sold at the very Lowest city pri ces. No. 13 Pub. Square, Hagerstown, Md. May 15,1801 Jos. H. CRESS, UNDERTAKER, INFORMS the public that he has constantly on ',fund Coffins of all kinds, including the Pitts burg Excelsior Coffins, and a Patent FREEZER, in which Corpses can be preserved for any length of time desired. He will be in readiness at short notice to convey Corpses to any point desired. lie returns his thanks to the public for the liber 7 al patronage heretofore given him,, and by strict at tention to business and fair dealing hopes to merit a continuance of the same. May 29 —tf • Barbering i Barbering; PHE subscriber informs the public that he ten . tinues the Barbering business in the room next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and is at all times pepared to do hair cutting, shaving, shampooning. ctc. in the best style. The pattonago of the pub ic Is respectfully solicited. IV, A. PRICE. Aug. 23 1867. PRIITV BEEP• HE subscriber informs the public that he con dimes the Butchering business and will supply his customers and others with a prime article of fresh Beef Veal and Lamb, as usual, during the Season, from the Seller adjoining the Waynesboro' THOS. J. CUNNINGHAM, Hotel. • ' May B—tf. DR. JOHN H. RIPPLE having permanently located in this place; offers his professional services to the community. Office it the ethic room of the_Wayneaboro' Hotel. April 24 tf. WAYNESBORO', PA. Newest, Best, Cheapest CLOTHING ref %mull chorriiiiiiirt GEORGE BENDER Mr Eras recently opened uff ei entire new stock - Mil 1E 26 JUL 11'1T 1111.1 r. AND - SUMMER O - T M All of been n obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JARRETT, Bal timore. - Every article sold is WARRANTED to be of the beet custom make, and the material just what it lare.resented to be. A bill assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS always on hand, such as Under Clothing, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &c. All we ask is, that you give us one trial, and you will always buy, for remember we do not keep badly made clothing and the goods are alLotthe -latest-sty le. GEO. BENDER. ___MayA=Ly_j_ Waynesboro. FRESR SUPPLY 210,Taire - r•IIIpJ- y NV' r o e rm now pr epared a to accommodate our cust._ n a p s public- generally with, all goods in our line such BOOTS- AND SHOES, BATS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, • GLOVES., &v..- Segars, Spices, and Nuts. SOAPS, HAIR OILS, PERFUMERY, Stationary Clocks, made at the celebrated factory cf Seth Thomas, and warranted. Watches of all kinds kept on hand and for sale. Jewelry consisting of LADIES FINE SETTS IN GOLD AND PLATED JEWELRY ALSO LA DIES FANCY JET SETTS. Sleeve Butt ons from 10 cts. per pair upwards d fine lot of fancy setts; sleeve Bator's for Gents %set Ladies. Gents Solid Gold Fancy Breast Pins and Watch chains, field, Silver and Steel, also Silver watch guards. lsiPMloir Cll.l NZ 3. Brazillian Pebble, Steel and ilver frames also Dou ble Sighted glasses and Nose Glassea. Trunks, Valieses, Umbrellas, Canes, Kerosene. oil, Crackers, Baskets, Mats, Sic • Clocks apd Watches repaire at short notice. Old gold and silver taken inexchange for goods. April 24-1808. E. & .1. ELDEN Lliway sTGADLE fiIHE subscriber would inform Ms patrons and I the public generally that ho has recently largA ly increased his Livery stock, and is now prepared to accommodate thost wishing to hire with either ' IOW HORSES Oil VEHICLES at the shortest notice, all • hours. Persons desiring Horses and !Juggles, fur riding, would do well to give him!). call, as his stock has been selected wit t great care as regards gentleness arid fast traveling. His vehicles ALL NEW, fashionable, and . ride easy, having been bought with a view to accommodate 'the public. arParties conveyed to any point desired, ac companied by a careful driver. Persons wishing Horses or Buggies, night or day, will please • pply at his father's Saddle and Harness Shop, Main Strect, 2 doors west of the "Bawden House," where an attentive Ostler will always be in Attendance. 4p. 17. FRANKLIN WEAGLEY. DR. T. D. FRENCH, **admit 31:13M1%7'7L'IIST, INSERTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mountet. on Matins, Gold and Vulcanite. Particular attention given to the ,preservation of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the =tree tion o tee th without pain. Office at his residence on Mechanic Street. Feb. 8. • LIVERY! LIVERY rrIHE subscribers announce to the public that J. they still continue the Livery business. Hav ing recently added both horses and vehicles to their stock they are now better prepared than ever to accommodate persons wanting fine riding and driving horses and com fortable conveyances. An attentive Os tler always in attendance and parties Con veyed to any point desire , l, night or day. caPassengers conveyed daily to and from Green atstle Their Buss leaves at 6,/ A. M. and returns 7,P.M. WOLFERSBEARGER & STONER. Aug, 30-tf. TITION. J. FILBERICT, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND AGENT FOR SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE Jane 1 fi, '6B. JOSEPH ,DOUG.LAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Office in Walker's Building, Waynesboro', Nana WY, El- tr. _LIME! LIME / Persons wanting fresh Lime can be supplied by calling on the subscriber. june 19—ti ALEX HAMILTON. FLAVORING . EttraEte Vanilla, Lemon and Orange Concentrated, perfect in purity and delicacy oft awn.. ti - t rtstrN EIMMICEREI It has an able corps of twelve Professors, and ev _ollghtlekeilment_ofilledicine-and-SvgerriEr-thor Coffee, Confection* Fruits WAYNERBORO', .11LIKERY., HENN EBERGER & ,HOOVER vvOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Waynesboro', and the public generally that they have opened their Bakery, Confectionary and Refreshment saloons, on East Main Strtet, two doors from Dr. John Oellig's office, and are now prepared to furnish families with Bread punctually. We will also supply wedding parties with the choi cest Cakes on the shortest notice. Having refitted up a room for the Ladies we hope that they will en courage us, and as we keep no strong drinks they can rely upon it that the best of order will be strict ly observed, oysters, Ice Cream, and every thing nice in their season can be had at all times. Ho ping that ov strict attention to business and a desire to please, the citizens will give us their support.' April 24—tf. H. dr. H. The great Cumberland Valley Hat and Fur Em porium, the fashionable resort of Ladies and Gentle men visiting Chambersburg, is at J. L. DECHEIMS, 36 south Front Street The largest assortment of Hats, Caps and La dies Furs west of Philadelphia, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at prices to suit the times. A va riety in the way of a full set of Ladies Furs at ON LY FIVE DOLLARS, and a.good article at that After visiting other places call a nil see if we can not sell cheaper goods than can be had elsewhere. Chambcrsburg Nov. 22, I 867 HAVE their fall stock now ready for sale. and are prepared to sell at extremely low prices, as they have thoroughly canvassed New York and oth er eastern markets, and having bought most of their stock frorp first hands enables them to sell as cheap as the cheapest. , •Theirmotto is," not to be under sold by any establishment, anywhere. Their stock embraces almost everything belonging to the DRY GOODS AND NOTION BUSINESS We also Wholesale all goods -at the lowest city jobbing prices. Sept 18 METCALFE & IHTESHEW. CEirEAP "COONEV•77 BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! THE subscriber has just returned from the city and is now opening for examination a large and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes. Having had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and i.t t oe trade, no doubt if you favor him with a call you will buy as he will sell cheap end warrant the work. MI rips mended free of charge. Give "Cooney" a call. , C. BUTHES. sept 25-ti Boot and Shoemaking. THE subscriber would inform the public that he is at all times repared to make to order Gents Coarse or fine Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, including the latest style of last ing Gaiters. Reps Ling done at short notice, and measures taken in private families if desired and the work delivered. THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTH. May 8--tf. rtITY SWEET PO - TATO.P.,--I will receive kieverY Friday P. M., throughout the lwasou the beet'Sweet Potatoes direct. from the Eastern market, 'apt lg 'fig. W • .4_ItEID. IntEloAl.t --- 7 ------ 'fftWlNOr MACHINE: PATENTED IN AMERICA AND EUROPE. A: F. Masco* Improved Gold Medal DMA, 'Fbresd Sewing Machine combines the GREATEST SIMPLICITY IN CONSTRIIC; TION, with the OBIATUT BARD, OBSTAINTY arkd DU• mown IN, opinituent.- - • . , . _ The original of this machine, which was placed on exhibition with soma' forty - others, in the Max chanica' Fair, in Boston, in 1860, was pronounced superior to all others, and-received the highest prize., A Gold Medal, the only one Conferred on any' ink • ventor - of Bewing__Machihes-was-awarded-to-tlichi— ventor. The GOLD Mithei mikes less noise than any oth-, er two.thread Machine while in operation. The trouble often experienced in setting the neily,_- - dleitt - othermacithies iszavekledliirtESTla tturhee... die is set without difficulty. - This is a features of great value, as every operator well knows; This is the most simple and reliable timallnead=" Sewing Machine in the world. The power of its driving machinery having been greatly mcreased, has increased its speed in opera , - don, and better-adapted—it-to-the heavier classes—of work. Several other improvements have been made, such as the •manner of holding the spool—regulating the tension—operating the treadle; etc.,—each adding to the value of the machine. . EVERY MACHINE 1.0 WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR. It is put up Li every variety of style desired; from $4.3 to $lOO. The Gold Medal Machiue wilt doraoyoftike_fol., lowing kinds of work' TUCKING; QUILTING; -- FELLING; EMBROIDERING; ARAIDING, ST ITCHING, SIN,DING~ HEMMING, 4c. 4c.. If you want a "Machine" that excels all the rest, Secure the "GOLD MEDAL." for that is the best, Though, may "Anachines!_in_the-rnarket-therrix-- With this for UTILITY, none will compare, • It does all the work with such ease,—and so nice,— Whoe'er shall possess it, will sure get a prize ; It has points of merit in no other we've seen,— Then purchase the best, The , Golg I'ledal Machine.'• M.-C.-DEATRICH Agent for Franklin County. CEE ECLECTIC BIEDLIAL COLLEGE Or' PENNSYLVANIA, This College holds three sessions each year.•— The first session commences October Bth, and con, tinues-until - the - end - cri January: the second session, commences February Ist, and continues until the. beginning of May: the third session continues, throughout the summer months. --" • t 1 -- ,„ specimens, herbarium, chemic'df"alf"ijipag morbid apparatus, microscopes instruments of the latest invention for physical examination and diagnosis will be provided.. Splendid Hospital and. Clinical Instruction are afforded : free tickets to all our City Hospitals aro provided: Dissecting_ Material abundant at a nom-. inal cost. Perpetual Scholarships are sold fu- sBoa Sena for circular. The Meek Dledical Journal of Pennsylvania,, Published monthly, contains 98 pages of origina matter. Price $2 per annum, The largest, finest and most progressive Medical Journal in the United- States. Splendid inducements to the getter - up of Clubs. Beautiful premium. engravings, valued at s3,giv en to every subscriber, Specimen copies sent-free T on-applicatiom---- Address JOHN BUCHANAN, 227 Northinvellth Street, Philadelphia, Pa May 1, 1868. 15671 LADIE'S FURS! • HUDSON BAY 11 , 00Lp ROBES! COONS KIN ROBES! HATS AND CAPS! New Goods! New Goods! NETCALFE & HITESHEW. No. 27, Front Street, CH AMBERSBURG, 18631