READ THIS' spin undmaigned take plesetne in announcing to the public generally that they-are row pre. pared to offer goods at prices corresponding to those previous to the war, and which will be good news" to all. _ Now that we have I lid in one of the largest and best selected stocks of goods we are ready to allow them and convince them that prices—have "come - . Come and see the bandeome line of XI M I L Xi $3 SS Gl* CO Cik 1:0 Sl' Consisting of Reps, Poplins, Espinglino. Poplin Elmo, all wool delaina. Alpaccas, Mo hairs, French Merinos, &c. The above goods in various CoFora, Black and Cosi - therm &0., Blankets, Napkins, Towels, Nubias, Overcoats, Blonsos, Drawers, Buokskin Gloves, Kid Gloves, all Colors. A FULL — LINE-OF 110SIER-Y, LAMBS WOOL HOSE MARINO HOSE, CHILDRENS FANCY HOSE, FURS, CAPES AND MUFFS Fine Boots, Ladies Morocco Shoes, Ladies Calfskin Shoes, Gum Shoes. PRICE & HOEFLTCH• oct 9,, '614. • Zbi o 111. 1.11 6.11: Ike IN Di DRUGS MEDICINES, CD 1111. W. NW numrs, „ Ste. &c., to Fourthman s :mlial=rcm. EiZ3'U3Z>UZIEMO Waynesboro', May 24, 1867 LAND FOR SALE. MBE subseriter afore at Private Sale BO acres 1 of laud, note or less, adjoining the Borough of Waynesboro', lying along the Ohansbersburg road. Tho lend will ho sold together or divided into joie to suit purchasers. ovt 23 JOHN FUNK, (of U.) . Overcoatings, Coverlo46- -- Table Cloths, Sbawle, Uodershirts, SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! A. OELLIG THE 1. DRY HOUSE PATENTED JANUARY 21ST, 1868. This ja the best Dry House ever offered to the public It dries Fruit in half the time required by the old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly. The Fruit dried by it retains more of the natural flavor. It is easily managed. , - r saves ue . It is durable and portable. It has 24 feet of drying surface. • It w;11 dry apples twice a day. Call and see them at the sign of the , BIG RED HORN and leave,your orders for them' COOK STOVES: Tinware, Ironware, Brasswa re, Japanned 'ware, Tubs, Buck ete, Churns, Knives and forks, Spoons, Ladles, Large iron and Copper kettles And other useful arttclee at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa., where a large as of COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVE,S PARLOR STOVE S of the latest improvementß, the very best in the market, at .the Cheap Tin and stove Store 01 1). B. RUSSSELI.. TINWARE made of the best Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "Bra Xl.c)cl. 3E-1can:3.079 B. B. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 KeroserClll and a large assortment of damps. Washing Made Easy ! by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the hest Close Wringer ever made. la' !lemma. iu want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c., can get full value frr their money by on D. 13 1H7' , 5E1.1,, Sign of the "1310 RED HORN " W nynesboro', Pa EVERYBODY COME AND SEE aIIPROVED ORIENTAL BASE BURNER, At the sign of the Big Red Horn, end woe will be convinced that the Oriental is the best, the hand somest and the cheapest Bate Burring Coal stove in the WORLD for truth is migiry and will prevail. We have the 41orning Glory in our store so that you can judge for yourselves. D. U RUSSELL sells the No., 9 at $23, No 10 at $27, No. 11 at 30, No. 12 at $l4 The Oriental has a larger fire pot, a hatter grate' makes more heat with bra coal than the Morning Glory. The Oriental has taken the four first prem iums at the State Fairs of New York, and the large• Silver Meddle at the American Institute . and see at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN", Waynestmo', Pa., where you can get any kind of Stoves you want of D.B. RUSSELL, who always keeps on hand and hr sale Tinware made of the beet tin and by good werkmsn. House furnishing goods die. at the sign of the BIGRED HORN. Sold at Retail by D. B.RUSSELL, Sign of the Big Rod Horn, Waynesboro', -Pa COA L STOVES, &c Improved Thrashing Machine ! Daniel Geiser. Be E. Price. Farmers will please look at the great advantage in Thrashing - - • _ with-- - - ~_.„,_____-. 7 . ___, -7-_ GEFSERS' 'PA TEIN T SELP-REGULATIM Gitita SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND BAGGER. Vith the latest Improved Triple Geared Horse Power, driven either by Gear or Belt No. 1 is a eight-horse power, with cast iron thresher frame and wrought iron and wood cylinder, six leen-inehesin-tilametor-hud_thirty three inches long. Trunk has ten -inch rake crank and seven rakes is thirty-five inches wide, and delivers the straw on the second rake, these carry tWI - Cc rat on . ctr tops, and deliver it the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily minagid to carry the chaff' with the straw, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk an:l fin sides being closed, to confine the straw and clip'', remedies all difficulties in cleaning grain against windy weather. It bags the grain bf reasonable management, suf ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to forty bush els per hour, using eight horses ani the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable circumstance, it will thresh from firty to fifty bushels per hour, and with more ease and agreeableness to hands than any other - machine n - ow - tn eoiuinon use. The No. 2 Machine, fully represented in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the farmer's use; in intiended-to-apply-io-any-eominorylever-or-railway-power;-weighs--1,300 pounds; has an iron threshers - frames and-cylinder, 12A inches in diameter and 28 inches.long; delivers the clean grain in bags, or if desired, in ahi If bushel. It delivers the straw fifteen feet from the feeder, or if desired, can deliver the straw and chid together; will thresh and clean, in good grain, ready for market, from 100 to 175 bushels of wheat, or from 300 to 600 bushels of oats per day, using four or six horses, and the same number of nands; but to force the work, under most favorable circumstances, good grain, dre.,'will thresh and clean considerably more. The Machine will thresh and clean all kinds of grain generally threshed with the. common machine, and requires_no more horsepower, but in many cases does not run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power Now here is what the Farmer and thrasherman wants, a Separator to go from farm to farm, to thrash in, with more satisfaction than any other separator now in use, and why is it ? Because this sePara . B :st which_ revents _rain frTirchlovring - intcrthe - ehulf, and-alsa-has-trselfreg- ulating feeder to feed the cleaner and it has rollers an com ain t..e c caner wis preven s i rom choaking. Why does this machine run so light, and give so little trouble 1, Because there is less fric• lion in the Journals, and the rakes mil fan are geared_ so that you have no troubre with Belts breaking and slipping, causing dust to fall into the wheat.. Why does it clean against the wind 1 Because the blest has direct action on the grain and the cleaner is so well arranged that the wind has no chance to drive the dirt into the hopper. Why is it built permanently on two wheels and the front carriage sep arate, ready to attach when necessary 1 Dec also it is more convenient inlthe barn without the front car riage. You can turn the machine or run it from place to place more easily. Why has it not got Eleva tors like some other machines"! Because the Elevators carry the filth back alternately into the cleaner which must eventually go into the good wheat or in the chaff, and all know, tharfilih should be kept separate for feed, &c, we might as well keep shoveling the Tailings from under our hand fan into ,the hopper aria expect to get the grain clean. Why is this separator more cleanly and satisfactory to work a bout than others I Because the Fan and Trunk sides are closed up to prevent the wheat chaff and dust from coining out and scattering over the a ,or, causing . waist an•i giving much trouble with dirt and sore eyes, &a. Why do Thrasherinen get more work with these separators thin they do with others 1 Be cause this separator has all thesea7Nantages and many more, which makes it a separator suitable and n paying one for all farmers and Thrashermen that have grain to thrash, whilst in most cases farmers must suit themselves to the machine, because the machine will not suit i-self to the farmer In short - • —.no durable, reliable, simple and most agreeable to work about; and the only: sep• • " —niter all -- -tTaneeP arator that will . clean and big the grain sufficiently clean for market under all circurnsMices. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is nu huinbaa, and judging from the high recommenda 'ion of farmers that are using them, we must come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mers want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its meritsifiir which we hope they will give us an opportunity, as we are willing to he responsible if it does not-perform as represented in this Circular. A reduction of 2 per cent. on all order.; handed in on or before the first of Ipril 180. ' Shop Prices of Machines range from 8215, to ,8 - 540. rfr We warrant the machines to be as above represented; also against any reasonable defects of material workmanship, &c. Geiser, Price & Co., Monotactores. vlr YNESBORO', FRANIKLIN CO , PA. Null's. Pat. Post Boring Machine. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. A series of trials of this machine hne convince': the inventor and ell persons who have witnessed its operations that it is superior to any other in use in the following particulars : This machine is constructed an as to be operated either by hand, horse, water or steam potter. By hand 25 to 30 poets can be bored per day; by one-horse power from 100 to 150 per day ; by two-horse power-200 per day, and by wat. ror steam power from 200 to 300 per day. It is also a sell feeder. The subscriber is now prepared to dispose of State and County Rights for the above valuable in vention. . A ddress Jane 1 9—tf DR. JOHN A. HATTON. [Trani the Philadelphia Dental College. - datttiraw I> MI IST UL" ISi T. " NITROUS OXIDE GAS used to EXTRAC 7' TEETH WITHOUT PAIN, Or when patients desire it. he will use the NARCOTIC SPRAY. a prem.'s of Freez ing the Gums. rifi r Operatiae Dentistry done in a seien tific manner. He will insert Artificial Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, Platina or Vulcanite, and warranted to give satisfaction. Office, IVert4 Carlisle street, nearly opposite the Adams Hcuse. Greencastle. July 3—tf , GII NS; GUNS PENKNIFE BLADES. Ap. 17-Gm. - J. It. JOHN /31'0N O. Holmes at the store of PRIME N. A.UNERBON, BENEDICT a: Cu. PATENTED MARCH 24, 1868 LABOR SAVING QUALITIES EASE OF OPER ATION bINIPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION. J. F. Oiler. - Josiah Fahruev DANIEL GEISER, Proprietor. JONATHAN NULL, Quincy, Franklin County, Pa. NEW MILLINERY STORE. IN WAY NESBOROI. T HE subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens. of Waynesboro', and vicinity that they have just returned from Philadelphia with a floe and fa'shionable assortment of Millinery goods,. and are now prepared • to accommodate the ladies in any thing in their line of tusiness, and would thereTuro solicit a public share of patronage. We have cone stantly on hand stamped yokes, and bands for em broidering or braiding, stamped aprons all sizes and patterns. Ravings procured fixings for stamping we aro prepared to do stomping at any time and at shortest notice. Ladies, call and examine our stock. Terms cheaper than can be found elsewhere ! STITCHING DONE 'l'o 0111• Ell. Booms on Main Street over Smith's furniture rooms. Mrs. L. A. TRITLE & M. M. HAMLIN. oct fl tf P riifess I 6n al. R. J. BURNS AMBERSON having perman ently located in this place, offers his profession al services to the community. Calle promptly at tended to stall hours. Unice in A. S. Bonebrake's Drug Store, one door went of the Waynesboro' No te!. April 17—tf. RING'S %%VI hajz r i e GRAY HAIR. This Is theASlDnosiAthatiting made. . , . , • .-..... ~ -; . . ' :--- ;••••;‘,... .. ',,f f 4 .;'.."- This Is the Care that hey . • , In thoA.nono34.l, that lung made. ' .. ' :,;- - TILs la 'letfan7 . -- ho sis•bald and. '4 • -- . Who now haw raven locks, they say. - 17._ t ~ ": i Ile well the Cure that tay _ •^ - 1•. • ..., ‘i lu the Anuttisi.t that Elul, ma de. ......, !.., 4 ~,......7: This le tho Malden, handsome and ^:r,.... ray, ..:.-. Who married the man once bald and f..• ''' • • Who IV/ 1r has raven loeks; they say': - •.. ~.' , • Ile u•a• , l the A3l L:1:061.1 that Rims ~, • . r 7.: - made.- -• __ -- - • -, - - This;.ir,t l ,PlVlOPAlTl:riT(;„Willol:l37Bto h llleClranln I'f::' - To tt l e Y ittan once bald =VI gr.ay, _ "..O llntleho-now-lets raven-hrekei-_-ther_-_,_ .4 say, e . ,: I:• lla ran f loIoi1;1 lhoCriitllt la ,i.k,‘ tt,ttl.sltilain,m,, r e. _ This in tl:e nen thnt rings Away To nronse tin, peoplo sad and gny (Unto thin•fnet, whielt here does Ivy-- U you 7ronla 7, ot to lirzld or ftelly, ese the ...t.itzutost.t that Pow 'mote. ~~~~ E. N. T1M3 1 33 & CT, PROPRIETORS, PETERBOROI, 80101 by J. F. KURTZ and F. FOUIETHMAN Wnynesboro', and by Druggists generally. eb. 14—ly THE MORNING GLORY F 0 R 1808. This Stove has been in use in this part of the country for three years and has given more entifac. tion than any other Base Burning Stove offered. I can refer to One Hundred and Fifty persons to whom I sold these stoves and every one says it is the best m ove they ever saw or used. I sold One Hundred and Seventeen of-these stoves last season, and from the or tem now receiNed for them I have no doubt but that I will sell more that last sonsond, Come end see my stock of Stoves. You will f lue a largo stock of the best Coal Stoves ever ofrered for sale. I have now in store three other new Bose Burning Stoves, "The luniaii," "The Revolving Light" and the "Empire," all first class stoves. PERFECTION AT LAST. The public have long desired a perfect cook stove fur coal. I now Imo found that stove. THE CALORIFIC is With doubt the best Coqk Stove in market for either Anthracite or LlitumiLous Coal. Call and see it. W. A, TRITLE, Manufacturer of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and dealer in all kinds of Sloves for Coal or Wood. He has now - on hand a large :stock of the best Cook Stoves in market. lie is selling 40 gal. Copper Kettles at s'2o 30 " u • • 15 18. " " t. a s 10 The above kettles are stronger than you can met elsewhere and much cheaper. I em now putting up tt NEW DRY.HO:US,E on the Hot Air Principle which comes much lower in price than any offered before, and is gotten up in good style, is strong and durable, takes but little wood, and does its work splendid. It is also a good Baker. Cal I and see it. Metalic wire for Clothes lines cheap. The best Clothes Wringer in the World ! The . best Force Pump in Market 7 . Iron Wash Kettles. 'Plane.] Irun Pots and. Stow Pans, Copper and Brass want Also a good stock Of TlO and Sheet Iron Ware, all of which is made of the hest material. All kinds of Job Work done in hi+ line. Don't fail to call and see fir yourselves as you will find many articles that you will wan I. Sep 11 STRAY 110 G. CAlqg ito the premises cl" the subscriber about the first-of September last a white hog about 15 tuontha old, with alit in the hit ear. 'TLe owner is requested to prove property. ply charges and take it away. SURINIEIIB. oct 10 31 • G OOD sugar al Me J. , S C ENG TN EMS, Foundry, Machinists aud Blacksmiths -- Esr'OHO MO PARKERSBURG, WEST VA. Your attehtion is respectfully called to our esten• FOUNDRY and MACHINE WORKS. situated on Kanawha-street-otea - r-the - L3rand - 0; IL Depot. Tne entire establishment, in all its departments :is- supplied-raith,theJnot.4 - a ppro_ved-Atachirtzry:tort..ler,7, and appliances tucessary to the 111:11 ufactute of ~IIA.CIIINIHRY A N D...LIG T - AND II lAVY-CAST I-NGE - 01? EVEitY [PI' lON. Our Work is of the hest quality both as to ma. tetial and Workman,,bip We_ut ire_rxtettsieely_eaung_eiLio in iAt ram lire _of_ , Portable and Stationary titcutu Eu F iucs, — Sicani Boilers, Oirculat Sate Gang-Sate _ Flouring Milt Mucitincry,-- SA-glint]) Sugar ill Ils, Sit:aunt , Pulleys „ And Rangers, ea re• pre naTpd to- do-P• (701'11;1'1c _ _„ • 131IASS- r Sheet Iron IVbilc Arrd F ITTI and to manufacture 'salt pans and all the app fiances and naschtnery for making sal. We a monuraeture OFFICE AND 0 TII Fm STOVES. Our office stoves are of the best quility. We have also on hand PORTA BLE ENGINES, At all prices, adapte to t ie running n a 11.1 8 u 31.4CH1 N ALSO, JACK SURE WS ' AND $ T. 4 VE MACIIINES As to our Steve Machines we respectfully refer the public to Illtasrs. Kimble & Pennsbo ro', -West Va. It excella all others. They (Maria be - nurpasscd. - - Iron Railings,_Verandalts, Garden Vases, Brass and Iron Castings of every description.- We would also call the attention of S'eltool 0111+ core and othcri interested to our ED SC 11 OOL DESICS, which for neatness, e.heapne-s. and durability. 'are not Sur passed. - They-ore recommended — by - Prof. W. R. White, State Superintendent of F'ree Schools of West VI , and by the l'orker.d ure School 11,,aid, " vivo ex-a • • , • partments. manufactured at Parker:mm. West Va , I rno4t cheerfully recommend our 110374,3 of Eduction and others interested, to supply our Public School Houses with them. W. R. wiirr.r., Gen% Suit Free Schools, Wheeling, W. Va." PiltKErtg HMG, Nov. 7, 1887 "M. J. !Arse & Co.. Dear Sir anEwer as t 4 how we are pleased with your Improved Iron tSehooi Desks, we would state that we have us d several kinds, but fOr cheitpm nentne,:s 'grid tblitty, we give yours the preLreneo to all others. S: - F: zsll K. EL DORFMAN, Board of Education. I fol:y cor.cur in the above ‘STEPII EN BOAIIDti N, New recant!, hand Engin. s, ef all biz. s o hand:and far sale at low rates. GOOD MACHINERY. We will reply to en , guinea by mail and rrotnise our bestellorts--toplease purchasers, both as to quality and price. . Call on or [Wass - M.J. LEESE & Co., Parker:lnirg, West Va sept 4, I BGE4 PUBLIC SALE Real and Personal ProperAy BELONGING TO TIIE . FI OF HESS & EDZIV/EE.T. 0 WING to the tit - dining health of one 01 th e firm, and they belt g desirous et closing ent their business,. will sell at public sale on Wednel. day, the llth of Nivemher, near the town of Quin cy, situ ded twelve silos :•outh east of Ch mber.burg, Franklin Co., Pa., their Foundry nil Shop. The shop being a two • tory frame Itui'd mg, including smith shops, sand shed, It .sk 1-111 , 11. containing an eight horse-power lingtne with nwtv fire box boiler, two iron Lathes, one tying a thirteen foot lathe, (Charles 11.8mith's make) with an teen inch universal chuck attached, two drill,' fAie of which is an upright one key c.rmt niathi:Je, cry wheel F, grind stone, &c. NVood w rkn g chincry, cousit ting of one plann , r, two cirmai upright and weqd 'I he ahoy:: being drove with wrought shafting arid ct,,t palls, s. The Foundry contains an Iron Cupola and pa t, rn of every deerrip'ion, nmong w arc Ise! tie, stove, and va militia pulley itntioras and it.l,; cif cr y I. seription and till other r tures !whinging t) a Fowl dry and Machine shop. Also 1 ttsl: 1' OF' t-1)11 . 1 If TOOLS. If the shove 11.)-1 Estate and Machinery are not sold on day of sale; it will be sold iu separate 10,-; to suit purchasers,, It desired the dwelling a.joining tvh eb form•rly• belonged to it will he sold lea!, it. Also at the same limo end plies will he said lot of Hollow -Warr, among whi h are I'2 ten.plate and 2 coil Keyes, GU iron kettles of ditt rent.. 87..4s from 30 gal. down to shoot lOU skin, to of d,t• ferent sivss, '25 cook pots with Ii Is, upwanis of :let) smoothing Irons and a lot of other castings, such 3 1 screw cakes, egg and Bread pins, i-ma II wagon wheels, wagon boxes, oven doors, and a lot at arstor Castings; twa tire benders, one Illozh :net one with rolls, two ring mrou'rels. jut w a lot of Plough postings, Moats. an: self s tarps Her, (some h 0 Set-) ,one new self sharpener pl. it; h, a lot anew wrought iron, and a lot of old wrought iron and cast a raps. Pine and Oak lumber. a Int of Pine wood, TWO HORSE SPllliSti VA(it)N, nearly new, with harness, a lot of - other articles not ncermarf to mention. The shop being located tri n rich conotrY along the banks of the Ant irinm with the advantages at the wa•er power, and being but two miles di&tan,t from Munt Alto Iron Wotks and quite cluee to the proposed railroad from Scotland to Waynesboro', tnakee a desirable location for the btrdness. Any person wanting any further Inform won. will* 'areas either of the undersigned, Quincy Pa. Sole to commence at ft o'clock on finid day when• a credit 0(84, months will be given on all pi Nis! prepay sold exceeding t.lO. fl. E. WERTZ, net. fdr. JAC()IS 1113:48,. oct 9 ts 3 JOSEPH. F. E.'4.VIERT. LW Repoeibry, Chamterg., Nerrtld, tisgerstowa, Examiner, Lancaster, copy 3t and send . bt Its to this PUBL - - SALE. liE subeteriber will ;I l k public c os:, i n pp"... t q f vile, on Tucedity tltc I at .f Nro-nzlier,' 1868, a lot of ground containin I • land, with a TLy•O AND A RALF STOU „0 trs 11. in good repair, a Shop, a well good writer; good frint,euch ne apples', poem n I peachee there— on. Pertoone wi..hing to view the` roperty the' day of B ale can do ro i"y callin . yin the preserr. occupant, Jacob Stull. sate to corn \ encri at t clock on said day when t , rart\ be ni.ole known by . 14. Ti, • Agent SoettiA kr.' I,En. U. V. Mutsu, -Nucl. ut t 23 'PI