1 , 40 111 1 / CoB 4 l'4' GRAY HAIR. *slift2.3lilaptuAtbAkt44Knuido: • . i •• t i - This la tho Car that lay In the AMBROSIA that Ring MlKlork Thle In the Idea who was bald and gray, ow Who n ham raven Meka;they say: Ire need the Care that My In the /mimosa that Mug mad!". • This fi the Malden, handaoine and gay, Who marriedl the man onee-bahliiint gran Who - novv - hurraren - loeka, they say, Re toed the lainnosta .that ging made. - •-,„ This is the Parson, who, by the way, • Married g the maiden, handsome and ' a it To the man once bald and gray, ( , y. . But who now has raven Locke, they 4: 4 ' .'". • Bemuse he used the Cure that ler . ' . ' ‘", ', In the AwnßostA that Ring made . . - • This is the Belt that ring's sway To arouse the people sad and gay Unto this fact, which hero does lay— you would not he Mid or pry, Use the .Axiatoem that Rugg made. E. M. TUBBS & CO., PROPRIETORS. PETERRORO', N.H. Sold by J. F. KURTZ and F, FOURTHMAN. Waynesboro', and by Druggists generally. Eeb. 14-Iy. FIRST ARRIVAL NEW GOOD PRICE & HOEPLICH'S 1868. They take pleasure in announcing to the com munity that they ha•e opened their first selection of Spring goods, and now is the time for all those who wish to select desirable and cheap goods to give them a call. Their assortments is larger than heretofore which will enable persons to make easy selections. Come and see, and judge for your. selves, The undersigned return thanks for pret - qous pa 4ronage and hope for a continuance of the same. April 3, 1888. PRICE &-HOEFLICH. AI.I. Wool, Homemade and City Rag, Cottage. 11LHemp, Stair and Girthing Carpets. H ONEY— a nice atilt le . S YRUPS and New Orleans Molasses el ORSETS— Mrs. Foye neat fitting Corsets, also k jFrench Corsets. R AKES, Spades, Shovels and Hoes. CASSIMMES rind Cloths, a .fine assortment fur Spring 1868. T UBS, Churns, Buckets, Pails and Bowls U-LOOR and Table Oil Cloths, Window shades and Patures. ' R ISTORI Hoop Skirts also Misses skirts D RIED PEACHES-=,-Pared and unpared C HEESE—An excellent article. m ATTING—For Iloors t l.4 and 6 4 wide C OTTENADES, Linens, Cords, Deming QUEENSWARE—A large neat talent just re ceivoa. DELAINI9, Ginghams, Reps, - Poplins and Piques. CHECKS Ginghams, Hickory and Chambry. •- - RAKERS—A new lot just opened:. Call of which can be had at the atoree Ap. 3.1 PRICE & 130EFLICH. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE IST Nat. Bank of Waynesboro' Pa., April 6th 180 S RESOURCES. Loans Pnil Discounts, U. S. Bonds to secure circulation ) U. S. Bonds on hand, P. & A. Tel Stock, Due from Banks, Expenses, •' Legal Tenders and Frac. Currency, Compound Int. Notes, National Bank Notes, State Bank Notes, • Circulation, Rev. Stamps, small coin anu cash items. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, 'Circulation, Deposits, Due to Banks, Outplus anti Profits $228,855,52 The above statement is just and true w the beet of my knowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIPS Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of April, 1868. .l. F. li.UHTZ, N. April 10-:--6w. "Fish ! Fish !! Fish !! ! T HE subscliher would -inform -the -public -tlikt he will'be-aupplied regularly during the Idea tion with fresh'ind saltftsli of all kinds, at the ,Btl - under/the arm of Dr...).Uenl.. amyl,. Persona. supplied wholesale or retail and all.fish gultanteed So. 1. Baconltakettt-in :exchange at the highest market mice. • •. .I).XXIM B N/VINVY. . • A ptil.3,-04f. P. IDIOIRED h AT,Maw , Street,' V harnbersburg, JUIPa. is a sure sign that you araaear Ake _Vtieup and Fashionable Ant Emporium of DECHER7; riLINGr'S - $49.969 94 75,400,00 42,600,00 300,00 9,320,90 135,40 34 578 70 5,11000 9,930,00 50,00 1,095 00 365,58 $228,855,52 $72,000,00 67,500,00 71,251,05 2,1,62,02 120;41,45 H. x. STONER, DEALER IN DRUGS - ; - Ch e icals, PATENT MEDICINES, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, OILS, PAINTS, VARNSIIIESEN dm. ice. VrThysicians dealt with at 20 per cent. discount. Waynesboro' Motel Building, M arch 27, 13E8 FUTORY PRICK PRICE OF SASH. Bxlo per doz. 61.00 10x12 " " 1.35 10x14 " " 1.45 10x15 " " 1.50 9x12 " " 130 9x14 " g.' 1.40 9x15 " « 150 All othersizes proportionately. • PRICE OF DOORS made inch and three-eights thick, and from 6 feet to 6 feet 4 inches high, 2 feet 10 in ches to 3 feet wide. 4 pannel square 83.50 4 " bevel or moulded 4.00 6 " square 3.75 6 44 bevel or moulded 4.25 Batton doors from $2.00 to 2 50 All other sizesyroportionately. Price of Window Frames, complete frame, sill, sash, striping, facing and seining, all included. Frames from 6 to 8 inches wide. Inch frame for 8 by 10 sash 12 light $3.25 a 44_- tt 10 by 12 44 " " 3.75 44 44 " 10 by 14 " "• " 400 2 inch " Bby 10 " " " 3.75 " 44 44 10 x 12 64 " " 4.50 " fl 10 x 15 " " 475 2 14 " 9 x 12 " " 41 440 " a 9 x 15 " " " 4.60 Jamb easeing from 40 eta. to $l.OO extra. Price of Door Frames . and:Doors. Frame, 8111, Door, Facing, all included, complete. . Inch Frame, Batton Door $4.50 to $5.00 " " " Transiem 5.00 to 5.75. 2 in., Frame Pannel Door 6.75 to 7 25. " " « " Transiem 7.50 to 8.00. Door Frames complete will vary according, to quality, size and finish. Price of Shutters an A Blinds. For Bxlo Windows $3.00. " 10x12 4.00. " 10114 . (c . 4.25. " 9x12 ' 3 90. " 9x14 " 415. 9x15 " • 4.50. For Blinds from 25 cts to 40 ets extra. FOT half BlindP; 11.011 . 20 to 40 - extra. Moulded Wcishboards common peillundred feet $3";50 $5.00. Washboards with shoe $6.50. 'Face incperhundred from $2.00 to $5 00.., Banisters common , per foot .35 04- ; ' 4l - Lattice 41 " •40 to 50. o3ring per thousand. •Ilrestherboarding ,(" 46 . D. F. GOOD., - -April 2. Ntiar Waynestoro% Fa, MEI WAYNESBORO', PA. linproved Machine ' Daniel•licitiO. IL E. Price. farmers *lll please look at the great advantage In Thrashing Grain with QEISER S' PATENT' SEURBGELATINGIIAII SHPARATORI ri) DfA ;.`ii 31 ;VII i/b :TI - tre) zi 011 With the latest Improved Triple-Geared Horse Power, driven either by Gear or Belt No. 1 is a eight-horse power r with cast iron thresher_frame_and_wrought_iron and wood cylinder, six teen-irsetfeslrFdtameter and thirty-three inches long. Trunk hag ten-inch rake crank and seven rakes is thirty-five inches wide, and delivers the straw on the second rake, these carry the straw out on their lops, and deliver it zo the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily managed to carry the chaff--with-thestm-w; - ortlef • =• itra separate place. The and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and chaff, remedies all difficulties in cleaning grain against winoy weather. It bags the grain by reasonable management, suf ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances,is from twenty to forty bush els per hour, using eight horses'and -the-same number of hands; but to force the Work under favorable circumstance, it will thresh from forty to fifty bushels per hour, and with more ease and agreeableness to hands than any other machine now in common use. The No. 2 Machine,fully represented uthe above cut, is particularly adapted to the farmer's use; in intended to apply to any common lever or railway power; weighs 1 , 300 pounds; has an - iron thresers_ frame, and cylinder, 12i inches in diameter and SS inches 14,m-delivers - the - clean grain in hags. or if_ _desired,in-a-half busbel.—lt-delivers - tho - strawfifteen feet fiteritler, or if desired, can deliver the straw and chafflogether; will thresh and clean, in good grain„read_y-for-market; - from - 10016 - 17 5- biishels iof - wherAor_fromAnct_tooALo=b_ushels-of-oate-per=dayy.using-fourorsix - horsesVatrirtheiram - e - nambi r r - or ids;ut to force the work, under most favorable circumstances, good grain, &c. will thresh and clean considerably more. The Machine will threah and clean all kinds of grain generally threshed with the common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cases does-not run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power Now here is what the Farmer and thrasherman wants, a Separator to go from firm to farm, to thrash grain, with more satisfaction than any other separator now in use, and why is it Because this separa tor has a self regulating Blast, which prevents grain from blowing into the chaff, and also has a self reg ulating feeder to feed the cleaner and it has rollers and combs in the cleaner which prevents it from choakmg. Why does this machine run so light, and give so little trouble' Because there is less frig tion in the Journals, and the rakes and tan are geared so that you have no trouble with Belts breaking and slipping, causing dust to fall into the Wheat. Why does it clean against the wind 1 Because the blast I : • . • a 1 .• e-grain-and-the - chmiteris so we It - iirtangeatinitlutm)c 4 n drive the dirt into the hopper. Why is it built permanently on two wheels and the front carnage sep arate, ready to attach when necessary ? Because it is more convenient in the barn without the front car riage. You can turn the machine or run it from place to place more easily, Why has it not got Eleva tors like some other machines? Because the Elevators carry the filth back alternately into the cleaner which must eventually go into the good wheat or in the chaff, and all know, that filth should he kept separate for feed, &c., we might as well keep shoveling the Tailings from under our band fan into the hopper and expect to get the grain clean. Why is - this separator more cleanly and satisfactory to Work a bout than others 1 Because the Fan and Trunk Sides are closed up to prevent the wheat chaff and dust from coming out an d sca tterin g over the floor, causing_ waist and giving much trouble'with dirt and sore eyes, &c. Why do Thrashermen get more work with these separators than they do with others 1 Be cause this separator has all these advantages and many more, which makes it a separator suitable and a paying one for all farmers and Thraehermen that have grain to thrash, whilst in most cases farmers must suit themselves to the machine, because the machine will not suit itself to the farmer. In short, this is the cheapest, most durable, reliable, simple and most' agreeable to work about; and the only sep arator that will clean and bag the grain sufficiently clean for market under all circumstances. Farmers can rest assuretYthat this machine is nu humbug, and judging from the high recommende r tion of fanners that are using them, we must come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mere want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, for which we hope they will give us an opportunity, as we are willing to be responsible if it does not perform as represented in this Circular. A reduction of 2 per cent. on all orders handed in on or before the first of April, 1868. Shop Prices of Machines range from 8215, to 8540. rPF'We warrant the machines to be as above represented; also against any reasonable defects of material workmanship, &c. Geiser, Price & Co., Manntart ANTIETAM" MARBLE WORKSI IL WALTER iik_BßO. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Monuments, Tombs, Readstoms, .4-c„ 4-c., WE call attention to our assortment of the a hove, comprising the newest and most ap proved styles. Having the advantage of Water•power, and a long experience in the STONE CUTTING BUSINESS, we are able to fill orders at the shortest notice and on most reasonable terms. Give-us a call at our Yard, near Antietam June. lion, on the Waynebboro' and Hagerstown Turn pike, two miles from the former place. Post Office address, Wayn.mboro', Pa . N. B. Orders can be left will, John Waite, and will receive prompt attention. H. W. & 13HO. April 3—tf. NULL'S PATENT Post-Boring Machine. PATENTED MARCH 21, 1868. T HE subscriber informs the public' that he is new.prepared to build the above machine to or ter also to dispose of State and County rights.— This machine can be safely recommended to fann ers and fence -makers as one of the greatest labor saving.machtnes of the kind now in use. It can be worked by hand-power, one man turning out ready for fencing, 25 to 30 posts per day ; with one-horse power 100 posts per day ; a large power from 150 to 200 pasts per day ; water-power 45 to 50 per hrnr. The rrachine has been thoroughly tested and is recommended to operate as above sta ted. Price $lOO. Address .1 . JONATHAN NULL. April 3—tf. ' ' Quincy,Pa.• • N. B. Agents wanted to sell rights J. N. AGENTS WANT E FOR MEN or OUR DAY • • Or the Lives and Deeds of Generals, Statesmen, Orators and Political headers now on the Stage of Action, including GRANT, SHERMAN, COLFAX, - Sam- NPR. STANTON, INRERIDAN, YATES. CURTIN. 'FREI'S BELI4: FENTON, DUCEINGHADE, WILSON, GRERLRY, WADE, MORTON PHILIPP, F/LDEAGHT, CHAS; LO.HAN,, STEvass, BUItCHER. SEWARD,. Hourmer,i, Dm. Hew- LIK, Pusailionst, HOWARD, AND OTHERS, with over Forty Life-like Portraits of Living Men. Sold only by Agents. Great Inducements. Send for Circu lars. 7EIGLER, MoCRTEDY 4r. Co. 614 Arch St., P4iltsdelphia,.Pa. April 3.3 w. • GEO.• W. WELSH, ATTOBNEY AT LAW. _ Office in the Town Hall Building, next door to the Post Office. . 8ee.13. 18E17. '" • • Barbera lig .Barbeil TH 11' sphgcriber informs rhe•pablict. that he con. tirtues the Barbering business in the room next door to Mr. Reid's , Grocery Store, and id at all times peparod to do hair cutting, shaving, shatnpoonine i etc. in the best style. The punohlge of the pu' nspectfully Aug 22 5867• Ts—coca ciatd RE/ OS DANIEL. GEISER, Proprietor. i res. - AYNESBORO', FRANKLIN.OO., PA. Keep mutant!) , on hard a well•aelected consisting in part of Oak, Walnut, Hickory and Ash, Dressed Flooring, Weather— boarding, Shingles, Lath, Palings, White Pine and Hemlock Joist end Scantling, Also. manufacture to order, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and every description of CORNICE. MI kinds of SAWING, PLANING, TURNING &c., promptly _attended to. Highest market prices paid for HICKORY, ASH ANT) WALNUT . LOGS. LUMBER YARDS Adjoining their AuntcutacraAr. Wontrs anti Where all kinds of Dri 11, Plow, Reaper and other C rsTIN S, are kept on ha nj or made to - order, at slim t notice. 000D.'FAR jB;EI.LS also on band at the following prices N. 3 OLD METAL WANTED, Poi. which the highest 'prices will be'paid in eash or trade. ' March It is the best &twee over offered to agents! Ooe or two days will secures a good Sewing Machine, Watch, Silk Dress Recover, or some other article of equal value, Free of Co t ! Agents wanted everywhere, male and fern Ile, for the best One Dollar Pawnbroker's Elalein the court. tr . E'end in Circular. S. C. TH OMPEON &CO.. • 36 Hanover Streett-Boston, Mass, Dee. 27-3 m. LUMBER WANTED: . • -• ;TAME subscribers will pay the 'hi g hest...gash' price r ,, r Lum'.r. to hn delivered this season, and will iso•watt a lo n a lot for next...saloon 'WlVE 4,c0. $ F '6 • INSURE , VOUR STOCg THE ratiScriber;Agent , for: the rhea , Weetirn Hotnelusuranceand Detective Co.. announces to the public:that be istnow Ip:spared to 'take in • &leaflet upon hors , s;eattle and other live stork a - gainat theft. death and accident. Persona having villuablestook , woul.l'do'well to -give hies a oil!, learnterrnsAr. itierCh 20L-If. W. :P,RIC Ei j. F. Oiler. JO!ah Falkrney. CROWELL & DAUSON, GREENCASTLE, PA.) STOCK OF LUM BEE, FOUNDRY, . - . I'.•R. WOLFERSDETZGEIe ItiffePWe have just received our now stock of DRY GOODS, HOOTS AND SHOES,. GROCERIES, NOTIONS, QUEENSWARE, CAR!'ETING9, HARDWARE, To which we call the attention of all who wish to buy cheap goods. AM BERSON, BENEDICT & CO, Mar. 27 CARPETS all kinds cheap at the store of Amagason BICORD/OT & CO. QERM NT° WIN WOOL, all colors at the stcse of AMBEESON BENEDICT & CO. HITE an itton-1 AMBERSON BESSIDICT & CO. store of QUEENSWAIM a full line cheap at the store of Attnanson BENEDICT & CO. OIL CLOTH for the Floor, Table, Stairs, at the store of AINESIISON BENEDIC T & CO. WIND3W CURTAIN Oil Cloth. all styles, at the elore of AMBSENON BENSDICT & CO. 'TONEY—N.S. IL. new at the store of .timaertsoti BENEDICT & CO F .lBll, large lot of fresh Madrel at the store o A MIIERBON MN EDICT & CO.- SHOES, Ladies, Misses, Boys, all kinds at the store of Mimeses HavizeicT &-Co March s 27. • ONLY AGENT FOR Mason & Hamlin's CABINET ORGAN S SCR GREENCASTLE, PA. Va. HESE celebrated Instruments' are unequaled I,ff frr musical capacity, and richness anal volume of tone, end beauty of mechanism. They vary in prices—dependent on their size and material of their cases—from $75 to $lOOO. Mr. Clipinger will sell them at the manufacturer's prices, and will deliver them at the house of the purchaser. Ho gives the manufacturer's warrant for five years. By. btiying through him, freight and other charges will be sav ed. . Office No it, North Carlisle et. 4 Greencastle Pa. Feb. 21-3 m Millwiighttng. Va HE subscriber would inform the public that he is-prepared to do MIII Wright work of all kinds. Repairing done at /hod notice. Millers and Mill owners will do well to give him a call. Address, GEO. W. KEAGY, Much 3m. Quincy, Pa. 1000 Bushels Seed Potatoes Offered for sale by the Ryder Nercrey Association The undersigned is auffinrizid to receive orders at the same prices as at their office for EARLY GOODRICH, HARRISON, Cuzco, White Peach Blow, Northern Pinrh Blow, New Jersey Peach Blow, N. Y. Seedling bt (leer, Early June etc. All-true to name—and entirely free from (Incase. March 20—tf. %V. A. REID. BUTCHERING. rrIIIE euhretiter inform! the public that he con tinuer the Butchering husinette and will hcs pleased to supply cifzene with a choice article of Veal and Lamb in sermon. The highest CASH prices paid for calves. March 27 tf. JOHN FOIiIiTHMAN TO TILE LADIES ! C. RESSER would respectfully announce • to the citizens of 'Waynesboro' and vicinity that she still intends to carry on the Millinery bus iness in all its branches and don't intend quitting "as has been reported," bUt expects to carry on more extensively than ever. She alio intends car rying on MANTUA MAKING in connection 'With her other business; having had considerable expe rience in both she fl item herself that she will he able to give satitt.ction to all. Returning thanks for liberal Patronage given her heretofore, she hopes for a continuance of tho Sante in the future. • March 20— tf. SUR',V EYING.. MITE underaigned, having had considerable ex .". perieneo as a practical &surveyor, takes this method of informing the patine generilly, that ne is Prepared to do all kinds of surveying, laying out, and dividing up hinds at short netiee, and upon reasonable term.. lands, far past favors. he hopes by eare,and attention to merit the patronage of the public. " A. 11. STOLER. - ____ ____. FR . - 7 LINE! THE subscribers inform he pohlic thlt they now have for sale a supply of fresh wood burnt Lime for Plastering, Whitewashing, &e., of' super Mr quality, which they will continue to keep on, hand thliing the maim, J. & JON. M. HESS. Mardi-20-3m., . _ - . ki.extritskivxxxxxfolimika.txxAcelos. R I T. J. FILBERT, X DRAPER, IR t r ttlas ennataatly for ;aka full assortment 1, ild GOODS . /or Ventlemen's Ware. . a - - eLategt City Fashions always on hand. ! Waynesboro', Pa .. . t 5001 X i N ri , e-VKVNt*M.X7 X' UV! X 2. ttei c6r3 c:::1 c= t:=3 e•eo OIL CLOTHS, Zlze COOK STOVE Tinware, tionware, Brosorware. Mouse Finrniohing (Ideas Tubs,- „. _ 'Buckets, _. _.. _. Churns, - ---' -. ; -- .. - .. Knivesives au 3 forks, ' Spoons, . bllet, ••• ---- . - - Large iron and - Copper kettles Ana other weal °Melee at the sign of the MO tiEll HORN, Waynesboro', Pa, where a large as- Borttnent of COOK STOVES, - - . N INE PLATE STOVE,S PARLOR STOVF,S COAL STOVES, ,tc. of Ihe latest improVemen to, the very beat in the market, at the Cheap Tin and Stove Store of D. D. ItU.SSSEI.D. TINWARE made of the bast Tin in the rnatket, and warranted at tho sign of the "-'313118 Re c 1 MCC) D. D. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortnirnt of House Furnishing Goods for sale elm.. Pure No. 1 Ikerosime_aiLantLa_lar• assortment of Lamps. Washing Made Easy ! by calling at the sign of the "Big Rod Born" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. rrPersona iu want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goads, &c. &c,, can get full value -for their money by calling on -R SHI71;: -- 7 Sign of die "BIG' R ED - HORN." Way-neel/oro4L-Pe EVERYBODY COME AND SEE ORIENTAL BASE BURNER, At the sign of the Big Red limn, and you will be convinced that the Oriental is — the hest, the hand somest and the cheapest Base Burring Coal Stove in the WORLD for truth is mighty and will prevail. We have the Morning Glory in out etere so that you con judge for yourselves. D. H. IIUSSI3I.I, sells the No., 9. at $23, No. 10 at $27, No. I t at 30, No. 12ot $l4 Thu Oriental has a larger fire pot, a better grate, makes more heat with less coal than the Mornir:g Glory. The Oriental has taken the four first prom iume at the State Fairs of New York, and the largo Silver Meddle at the American Institute. and see at the sign of the 4 , 13 I* REP RO N", Waynebbarolltra,i—whers you can get any kind ;of Stoves you want of , L. 13. RUSSELL, who always keeps on hnna and for sale Tinware made of tho beat tin and by good wnrkin.n. lions,: furnishing goods &c. at the sion of the 131(E D 11 0 R N THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL Base Burning Coal Stoves, • and Parlor Furnaces, Have received Four First Clove 'Premiums et the Near 'fork State and other Poin t Alin, the greet aliNfilL MEDAL at the Foie of ' she American Institute held intim City of New York, .11.5f14. THEY ARE PERPETUAL BURNERS, ONLY ONE FIRE BEING REQUIRED TO BI MADE DURING THE SEASON. THEY ARE PERFECT VENTILATORS OF • . THE APARTMENT. gr, TUERE CAN BE NO ESCAPE OF GAS FRO TIIERE CAN BE NO CLINKER OR SLAG TO ' .013STRUCT. THE FIRE WILL REUAIN FOR DAYS WITS OUT ATTLIWTIOII. ILLI73XLNATrIII IS EQT.T.A, TO AN "OPEN FIRE." THEY ARC POWERFUL HEATERS AND - SET PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO MILD WEATHER. 'VIM ART TUE MOST ECONOMIC:II STOVES AND FURNACES EVER MADE. - Tin ' FURNACE -W.TW., ITRA.Ti!%f3ATTSFAB TOF.ILY, BOTTI 927 UPPERATP"A LOWER Room; ADDITIOYAL ,F(JEL. Eight Sizes of, the Stoves, and Throe Wes of the Parlor Furnaces. .Mantifaetured and for Sale to the Trade by 'ERRY & CO., ORIENTAL STOVE WORIS, Sul& at Retail by EU, Album. D. 13.,HUSSELL, Sijn o retie B . Red Horn, . ro,' P 9. x. March 20 Japanned ware,