Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, February 07, 1868, Image 4
E NI p 1 ra.: SHUTTLE MACHIN'S. PATENTED FEBRUARY 14, ZsLIPAteoM, NO. 021 tiCIIETRET I'll! LADE'LPHI.4. This !Machine is constructed on anew prindple of meebanipm, pepvcksing many rare anol valuable im provements, having been examined by the most pro found experts, and pronounced SIM PIAUI- T and PhIi,FECTION COWAN ED. he following are the principett ohjeztions urged agctnht Severn; Machines : I. Exeemsive fatigue to the operator. 2. I.ishtfity to get mita order. 3. Expense, trouble. and lose of time in re 4. Incaprcityto sew every ilt seription of inntotal. 6. Disagree:dile noise while in operation, The Empire Sewing Maclaine is Exempt from all these Objections. -- It has fl straight needle, perpendicular action, mak. the LOCK . or su urr !Ai STITCH, which will nril her R ll' nor R.l V and is alike on both shies; pertorms perfect se -:rin4 on every deFeription of ma fo,m Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, n uh linen, cotton or silk thread, from the coarsest the tine number. T HEMS,FELI.B,II , IND§, BRATD;k, TUCKS QUILTS, ITS, EIIS. li - rring neither CAM nor COG WEN F.MIIIATICALLY A NOISF.LESS MACLIINE .411 varieties of CAIN SET MACtirom _from $6O up- Particular attention is called to ram and von Ntat:oinciuring Ntrichme, foa l'ailoring, `•hoe nttiep - , Coach Trimming, i.gee. 1 advants -105 art.. rloplicity ilumilolity, rapidity, 0, sadapta ,'.ll L, nll I , l'/wheys of maroshicturirig, f tnak:e u,:rh•ct work eta •iil inalerial. It is eapeci II desirs t'llettt 1 Bather, 'end 1t ver) ?tin. fn it is the most perfect 111111IlliaCiuring niacidne the • N U. k.; , :ery machine- guaranteed. EMPIRE B. M. CO., 9`21. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. tor:nted.] F anyr GIIINFLLO, Agent Mar. t— 24mos VALUABLE IMPROVEMENT! (311 HE subsrtiliors infortn the pnblic thr t t 3. they hove porckaa i th& Night of "the Hey- stone Portable alld Floe.' Fence," p a tent e d April 30, 1°67, from whom individual or Town ship it otbtB; to o obtained at resonable rates. tet is rec,.ipm.mdel (or trel gth anti Jura bony. It cell be taken down and pm under'shelter sad yr iln taken out foal put up with remarhable =fa - 7 -- -rtit - f - is , ..hil - heved—te-be-t be cheapest and most servweable of all the portable lances yet offered to pre,' ug. D-t( "ms'sr R It I V A I. or _vi Nit recrivea a large-assortment of goods, A, I 4ln vri-plr,-ol -to -offt.r -renter irt•!Nc 1h In 1,, n t( nt rt:tllleed 12r11 . 04, .111 I ask la nn V•. k :k m 1 pikes, and they will NEM= N'ir4 i1,P, , N%. "di .i.:•:rtis w,l Ei: I.: G.' F . :: .', ID E Es?. Ili A MI S.'•:', , (::--t, Dilta , ft . ", 3 , 1 ZZ, I 3.-A, 6 - 4 LASS C LOT 11, 11:21. 41& Purl :IC?. Sc. C. eivc., T tcn•le my thenks to the comm unity f.. r th e t r ierll patronage and I:.,pti to merit a contuotanee of the grime. Oct. 11 IStri THE CR IS STILL THEY COME, 3. A. FI IS E )1' the Wathiri;tnn iiou9e Alercharat Tailor ing Establishment, rev jai•; crivt. , l anottirr ::tick of Cootie, for MEN AN!) BOY'S WEAR, Enc2,l6!:, ['roach rind A morienn TIE MI Pi, A Eit Es. E lv gli e .h nu d tr-nvh" 'DUE t•lt Sri.. and . Farley V HS !I will I" romix to order or .old to putt ~:.rint.r.4.l A OA , k Clocking n:' 1:11 , 1 I,atezit Also, 1 fuit Etc , Ck of FURNISHING GOODS, Such pentlers. Glovos, flail !logo, Silk awl Linen Fine Nhirts, I niler shirt , I/call/sq.-4 Neck. 11.38 of all Styles, 1.1,e lute style Linen anti Parer C 0119314, all Styles it 11 hi ! , e nt prievAp suit the tim..g. ('ltst.ito• or.; con KiVC money try, cnilittg - mitt exaniittititz Illy purchasing elsostatere. I. A. LSI ER, Douse, I.Vest • Wrwtiii.gtun 15. it , t;;'. 11.-tgl•rql.rwn, rOII.SALE- r§ - 7,F1 sulvioriller. °tr. rs at pronto miloa tram W ll vm s boto; 0 !r0!: of Irrnd contr. !mitt; 65 ACRES tie Ttte improver:l()4i rre n dot.ble, T.OU fl() 1;.zi.;,1S \NK 15.%107, a goo:1 livt•!I o lVfl ler, l'etiant is nu m., Hou ye , if lativmith b hop, and taii. r Itccoel.-ary improve inebtg. ROlikat 1' cILV AN EV. )ct IS— -I"? . 4l7sbePliaDg3 tf. :, milccrilier inform; the public that he con tin lIPS t 11 ft !ill' (wring b illette+ in this room r ie3 doer eat; Grocery Store, and is st, all times reporril to do hair cutting , shriving, shamponning, ct•:. in the twst style. The pationage of the is t. specttully ti clicited Aug 23 ISG7. DIES Sack (.lochs at 1;OR :1 CRke of fine Soap, you must go ,‘ K "8 Dress 600.18 awlkind..tthe R tore AMBRItgoN, BENEDICT & Co g ) IrI:II[2O.‘TINGS at PttrCr. & IfoFFLICTI . L. OAt. —A Parlor Cook t..itoWe for bur rung coal. for sale by W. A. REID Nov 15 OD L;vy Sugar at 4_5 40., CL 77 11 C9 .00.111, No. 10, West Washington Street, DEALER IN WATUIiEs', CLOCKS, 1 we Gold Jewelry, Silver Pinted Wave, OPECTACLItiE 4 , &(. ADAMS At HAWKER .1. W. ri111.1.1',11 W.A. PRICE PRICE k Ifocrmort's R l' ID' 2, liageistown T DI WAN T WOOL! WOOL! • The highest Market Tries will be paid In CASH for bonitos as well as cans WOOL, delivered at their Mill, by the CRAIIII - RBSURQ Woo•an M A XIMAOTUa ins CONLPA NV. Arrangement, made to Teceire hkrge lota at dintint points fur shipment, A full assortment of tine Common all Wool PLAIN AMU FANCY OSSA INIERES, TWEEDS, 'FLANNELS BLANKETS CLOTHS, YARNS, constantly on hand and for sale, nt tho lowest Fhil- Rdelphat and New York pricos, to dealer for cash nt nsnal terms, or given in exchange for Wool. June, 28-Iyl .1.4). AUSTIN, Pres' %21XildeM1140104021111111AMIEWIIMEN r 4 - 4` It - L - B - ERT; ---- —24- gbg N DRAPER, illan mutant% for sale a full assortment of - (MODS Jar Gentlemen's ware. r - Latest City Fashions always on hand. 41 , d Waynesboro' d Pa - • P": Z4I.474X4N4NtIaItNOMMOINIX.NIZXXXXizi _ ___ _ . _ 11®! THIS WA V' .FOR • .13 A It GAINS !" AT OW is the time to buy goods from E. & J. El den cheap for cash, on account of the great re duction in prices of goods in the Eastern markets 11/e.stre prepared to furnish our customers and the public generally with all kinds of goods in our line at the LOWEST CASH PRICES• Come one, come elf, and buy ypur Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Trunks, Clocks, Baskets, Mats, &c., &c. A splendid assortment of Watches, Gold Pens., and Jewelry jitsf received and will be sold at ex tremely low prices. Now is the time We will be pleased to show our goods to all and a call will sat isfy the most ineretiodeus that we can sell cheap. tales (Hocks and Jewelry Repair od at short xtotiao April 19, 1967.) E. J. ELDEN . . I,lll' LES T TIE subscriber cvnald inform his patrons and the public genioAlly (tire( he has recently large• to accommodate those wishing to hire with either UNE AID VERICLISI _T_Ar at the shortest notke, all .Ar t hours. Pers-ons (I ,, siring Horses or Ting r giel, l;ir riding or driving, would do well to Vive him a call, na his stock has been selected with gut rant as regards gentioneas and fast trav eling. rehielea ALL, fashionable, and Tide early, laving harm bonAht with a view to accommodate the public. ell" Parties conveyed to any point desired, ne '7-m7,Tc!) - l'ert.otts, wishing if etheff or 'Buggies, night or ay, Witt itleaso artily at his father's Saddle and Harness :3h:tit, Main t'tseet, ' doors west of the "Bowden House," whore ati tattenttve Ostler will alway-t l,e in ttllerilinitee. FRANKLIN WEAtILL V. A o g 110. 9 --tr. NEW FALL 6.3iEl 97[ 1 , fti P''(l) I IJSS GEORGE STOVER HAS RETURNA,O FROM PRILA.DET, Pll lA. WITH A SITITI,I7 OP. DRY GOCtiitS itr, CC St am, r Ipvt4- CI) 1.11-1 NOTIO, QUBENSWARE GROCERIEs, Ate— To which he invites the attention• of of his patrons and the public renttrally. ectoho, 1 gf; UIRST "FALL ElltiVlM" r.i.sti h.s just received ei full nimortmOnt of VI! Goods, in his line of husines.. tlis stock -consists in inift,--tirt.lthalktent - -styles-vfnen - 'lLand boys , HATS .AND CAPS, Mon 's, Women's, Misses, Boy's nod Children's BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES, and Slippers of eYery description. TAW ies and Issas (L) La .10r Ua 1`.3 Bonnet Framer, Trimmings, Sundowns and Hats, Dress Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Hair Gulls, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, bun timberellas. Fans, &c. School, 13Innk and Miacellaneouii Books, Station ery of all kinds; Notions and Fancy Goods. MI of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest.. bept. 20— J. R. ♦V ELSII 0 It is tho best chance ever offered to agents! One or two days will secure a good Sewing- Machine, Watch, Silk Dray Revo'ver, or some other article of equal value, Free of Co• t ! Agents wanted everywhere, male and female. for the beat One Dollar Pawnbroker's Sale in the coun ur Send for Circular. S. C. T 0 PSON 'Sr. CO. 315 Hanover bltrcet," Boston, Altos, Dee, 27—`3m. TREE BEST IN AMERICA ! YJEL'IE - 31011E1 SEPAR Patented April 12, 1 S 64 - imutfeb rua ry 28, 1865. Farmers con rest assured that thin Machine is no humbug, and judging from the many high recom mendations of many farmers who are using them, we have cone to the conclusion that it is the very Mnehl N 3013-3, tave-art-orport-unity-t4-tess--4 One man, without any assistance, can feed, turn and shell seventy ara—Bustrels per day. The follocsing is the report of the Judgas on this ll:whine, at the great trial of Agriculture 1 Tinple: ments, held nt Auburn, N.Y., in July, 1866, under the auspices of the Ness Mork Agricultural Society : 'Among the Machines on Exhibition, was n Hand Corn Sheller. Separator and Cleaner, exhibited by Jacob nrinkerhotT, Auburn, N. Y. We have carefully examined and thoroughly tested this Machire, and hove no hesitation in pronouncing it the best Corn Sheller we ever saw. It readily adapts itself to ears ()luny six. an() sha c, ehells eb•an, and with _rent ra.itlit • ant : : PRM •o 1 • a se f- arates - t c corn morn the cob, and the chaff from the - cern, and delivers the corn readyfor market ; and it requires hat the labor of one person to operate it. The whole aiTtir is simple in constinction. and dur able." JOHN STANTON GOLD, Prea. N. Y. State AO Society. 'BENJAMIN P. JOHNSON, Seery N.Y. State AO Society. SOLON RTBINtION, AO New York Tribune, S. ED WARDS TODD, Ag'l Editor Ne — x — r York - Th:os. - Dated Anamtiv, N. T., July, 1866. [Copy of Letter from U. S. Agent for the Paris Universal Exposition.] "341..1. Daman Rimer—Dear : My Advisory Committee, appointed to select implements for exhi bition at the Universal. Exposition, in Paris, in 1867, have selected and recommended to me your Corn Sheller, as the boat in America. , I have accepted their report, and will forward your Sheller, if delivered here, ready for shipment. On or before January I, 1867. Yours truly." .1. U. VERLIY, U. S. Agent, Ste. undersigned having secured the right for Franklin County, Pa., and M..ryland, a portion of the Territory will tie eold on liberal terms. Good and responsible agents wanted to sell the above Ma chine who will be supplied on application. Retail price of Ms.thine •§125-Uo._ For_further_inibrmation roltiree. GILBERT. N. B. We Aro also-manufacturing ORA IN bralLs, Corn Shollira. Washing Machines, straw Cutters, tice., rind are prepared to Jo all kinds of REPAIRING at short notice and in a workmanlike ECM= N0v.29,1867 improved Thrashing Machine.' Farmers will please loek :at the great aal vantage in Thrashing GEISERS' PATET SELPTEGULATiNG GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND BAGGER. WA the latest Improved Triple- Geared Horse Power, drive7z either by Gear or Belt Thiq Machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and tnroshing, being permanently li veil on two wheels. One man can easily move or shift it about, eo that it is net half trouble in a barn floor as rie common thrasher and shaker. It is also easily put in operation. It is simple, easily managed, •eliabie durable, compact arid cleanly to work by when in operation, not making near the dust as the common, msoliine or other Separators. Farmers can rest assured that tbk machine is no hunibug, and judging from the high .recommenda tion of fanners that are using thorn, I must coma to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mers want and will have as soon as they hale an opportunity to nipprfteittte and attest its merits, for hich I hope they will give mu an opportunity, as I am willing to be responsible if it does not perform, as TereSCllled in this Circular. No. l is a eight-horse power, with cast iron thresher frimo and wrought iron and wood cylinder, six, teen inches in diameter and thirty-three inches long. Trunk tau teleitich rake crank end seven rakes ie.thirty-live-Uiches.wide.,,l,delivers.thci -straw on the secoild rnke, these curry the straw out on their tops, and deliver it en the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-five feellicyonqltheleeder fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily managed to our); the chaff with the straw, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and chat!', remedies all difficulties in cleaning grain against winny weather. It bags the grain b• reasonable management, suf ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to forty hushe els per hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorabl circumstance, it wall thresh from forty to fifty bushels per'hour, and with more ease and u.greeableiless to hands than any other machine now In common use. The No. 2 Machine, fully resesonted in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the farmer's use; in intended to apply to any common lever or railway power; weighs 1,300 pounds; has an iron threshes from, and cylinder, 12i inches in diameter and 38 inches long; delivers the clean grain in bags, orafr desired, in a half bushel. It delivers the straw flacon feet from the reciter, or if desired, can deliver tha straw and chair together; will thresh and clean, in good grain, ready for market, from 100 to 175 bushels nofwheat, or from 300 to 500 bushels of oats per day, using four or horses, and the same number of dhas; but to force tho work, under most favorable circumstances, good g. gin, Atc.,.will thresh and cloa n considerably more. The Machine will threah and clean all kinds 'of grain generally threshed with the Common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cares does not run so hard. It wiil apply very well to a two-horse railway power Shop Prices of Machines range from 6210 ito 8525. lia"l warrant the machines to be as above represented; also against any reasonable defects tit' materi workmanship, 6ce. Itrilaviog now taken a room to keep Repair Castings on hand, I have also selected and am prepared to furnish a variety of other agricultural implements, the latest and host improved, and such as are best adapted to the wants•of the farmers of this part of the country : Such as the 'lagers!. town (Miller's) Clover Stemmer, Huller and Cloanor, which is proving by its own merits to be - one of the best machines of the kind now in use. The {awe improved BUCKEYE REAPER AND MO W ER combined, with Dropper, and the Mower alone. 'The American flay Fork and Knife combined. Hay Rakes, loodder Cutters, Cider Mills, &c. &e. &c., which I will furnish on short notice and warrant them to answer the purposes for which they ant intended. far Orders solicited and promptly attended to. For further particulars, circulars, &c. address IDANI EL GEISER, Waynesboro', 'Franklin CO. Penn'a. May 4,,1830] -*;"s- :t. )cj HELLER, AND CLEANER A TOR ON rai n sv itia LIDY dr. LECZWN. NEW 'LEATHER AND. FINDING. STORE ! roriNtir & SONS, would inform _Eddie public that they have received another.sup ply of geode at their new teether and Finding Store, =bracing anion g other articles, the ing: ole Loather, Rough Skirting, Hemlock and Spanish ole, Calf Skins, French Calf do., Sheep do.,French and Mona Morocco, Lining Skns, all kinds, Lasts, every style and size, Threads, Boot Webing, Laces i Galloons, Size Stieks,7 — Measure Straps, Deer Bones, Burnishes, Heel Shaves, Last Hoops, Peg Floats, Double Cutters, Welt Knives Nails and Tacks, Wax, Clamps, ---- Crimp,Trodrds,Bristkir - Laating Irong Files, Ink Powders, and Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, Pegs, Knives, Pinchers, Hammers, various kinds; Rasps and Files, Auls and Handles, Collis Irons, Long and Shoulder Sticks, Eyeletts and Eyelett Punches, Strip Auls, And all other articles nsually_kept in such stores. Highest cash price paid for Hides and !Skins.— Feb. 8.. FORREY & BONI& i PLENDID ARRIVAL OF • DRY GOODS AT & A. YLNGLING'S, No. 13, Pub Square, under Herald Office. We invite the_attention of buyers to examine our well selected stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &0., purchased since the decline at greatly reduced pri ces. •As we have had the advantage of selecting our Stock from both Marketi, (New York and Phila..) we are prepared to defy competition in Style Quality and Prices. We ask the especial attention of customers to our large Stock of Prints, Brown at t ieac ed MTTMLINS Domestic GINGHAMS (very cheap,) FLANNELS, Red. White and Yel low, do.. Barred, Shaker and Domitt do. Canton and all othergradea• Sacqueing do. all styles, FANCY SHA W BREAKFAST DO, WORSTED DO., FANCY CLOAKINGS, NUBI I.HOOD. RAL MORALS, REPALLANT CLOTHES. I epertment comprises t 3 : • °L ooils•_siz• • - SILKS, Colored and Black, REPP A-LPACA. POPLIN Silk Poplins all 'Shades, English Merinoes, Empress Cloth 7, Double Width Mouslins, "7.7 app, Coburgs, (Cheap,) Plain Poplins, Striped Do., Delains ; French Merinoes, ko. We would call especial attention to_Our Mourn ing Goods Department, which is completit. compri sing every. kind of BLACK GOODS kept in a first class Dry Goode Bo JP& such as BLACK FRENCH ME RINOES , Black English Do., Black Alpacas Black COBURGS, Black SILKS, Bomhrtzineir, ':amine PoLANAIsE, Rs'pp Poplins, Canton Cloths. Our stock of • Men an d Bo T's Wear such as Cloths, Cassinaeres Pattinetts Tweet's, Jenne. Kerseys, Full Linseys, &O". Also, a full lino of Notice, 1-11siery, Gloves, Trimmings. Corsets,F. Hull & G'o's Celebrated 1-100 P SKIRTS &e.. &c., Nov. 8 1887, 10.000 FORDS OF BUTTER ! THEquantity of butter made in this country let too small. It can be increased 10.000 pounds' by the use of Nixon's iforse and Cattle Powders flood for all diseases of Manes Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. 1.301 d by J. F. KURTZ, Wayn e sboro rgr Head those certificates, hundreds of whin could be published : Four or five years ngn, J. S. NIXON compound ed a Horse and Cattle Powder. and asked int to try it. I was the first farmer to whom it was giiren and the first one to use it for stock. I found it full ly equal to what Mr. Nixon said of it, and hoe used itextensively since, and heartily recommeut, it to farmers as a sure thing in fattening stock of vs. kinds and a capital Powtle , . for Horses. M ICH AU. E BERSOLE. Charnbersburg, Deember .865, Ain. J. S. l'irson.—To the multitude in this pos tien of our State,who have used your Cattle Powders no commendation is necessary. Its beneficial erl fccts have been fairly tested, and hence its unboune dod popularity. I have used it for my horses au cows for several years past, and cannot afford to do Without it. It keeps all kind of cattle in good con. dition, loosens the skin, smoothes the hair, and sharpens their appetites. As apreventive from dis- ease. I regard it as invaluable. Yours, Ste., REV. H. S. SCHNECK. Chanthersburg, Apru, 1886. 14a. .S. NixoN Dear Sir :---I gave your Hors and Cable Powder a fair trial with all my stock Hones and cattle, sad it improved them wonderfu ly. It speedily increased the richness of the milk of my cows, and improved the condition of my stock gree tly. I can cordially recommend it as the host thing of the kind I have ever known or tried. for all kinds of stock, and it should be kept in every stable. • Yours truly. A. K. McCLURE, Ed. Repository. TEt SURE CURE ARMT ITCII, CAMP ITCH', BARBER'S ITCR, RING WORM, TETTZII, and a Skin diseases, certainly cured by NIXON'S Glycerine Ointment. Sold by ' , J. K. KURTZ. Waynesboro . -.4., '"lgrixon's East India Tincture. The best medicine for Internal and External pain Perfectly safe under all circumstances. Every fam ily should have it. 127" If you, have pains, two NIXON'S East India Tincturc. B®' If you have Skin diaeases,-use NIX ON'S Glycerine Ointment. ierff you bavo horses or cattle that don't brive, use NIXON'S Herne and Cr . t.tee Po odors. • Chetreterebwrg, Feb. 8--tv, H. & A YINGLING W. W. WAIKER. T. J• KILL. OKO. W. WALKER. Walker; sinA ' - BUOCESSORSTO 1,...,1103401N WHOSALE AND RETAIL DEALER/IRJ STAPL & FANCY 'GNOMON 1,.. 1 • wrN s - AND LIQUOR S,' Glais; tiecaks, iiiireod and WII- low . Ware, LIME, CEME:s.IT AND FERTILIZERS, HAGISIIIITOSTI, Ma, . June 14-Iy. 7 - ir k RIMS dr HALF RIMS N. C. and Fe- Z., V 1110 M" Hefting, Shad, Mackerel and emok'd erring. for sale by WALKER, NILL 4 CO. Hagerstown. 10 0 " " BROWN SUGAR. SO do. atan 4ardWhite Sugars, in store and for sale WALKER, NILL & CO. Hagerstown. O BBLS SYRUPS in store and for sale by eJV WALKER, 2IILL & CO. -V BAGS COFFE - ifeaa sale by "n WALKER, CO ; Hagerstown. Hagerstown. 300 SACKS G. A., American aml Dairy Salt for sale y IVA_LIC4ft, NILL &CO agerstown. IDITRR Ortard Brandy,' do. Port, Mader, et • Ir IT, Malaga and Champagne Wines, PI store and for sale by WALKER, HILL & CO. Hagerstown. - mAGNIFICENT stock of Queenstrare, China Ware, Glass Ware and Cutlery, forests by WALKER, NILL & CO, Hagerstown ATICE Cream, Farina, Pearl, Mushroom, Gra ham, Water, Soda, Sugar, Jumbles, Ginger and Boston Cream Crackers, in store and for sale by W A LKER, NELL & CO. PLENDID stock Of Wain ancr Willow Ware in store and for sale by WALKER DULL & CO. H agrlstoarn 17. 4 , - L T MITE Lead, Linseed Oil, Labile& ling, Her V ' ncas and Fish Oil, in store,end for sale by - WALKER, NILL & CU. • WALKER, NILL & 00, Hrgerstoven. 1-00 KEGS NAILS ,itzu,tEnrizaiTlLLilyarj, Hagerstown. HO V ELB, Spates, Hoes, Traces, Halter Chains &c. &c. In stem a . • • WALKER, NILL & CC. Hagerstown TIERCES Sugar Cured Canvassed Hams in iistore and for sale by WALKER, DULL % Co Hagerstown. - DAWN Lira and all kinds of Country ProJnoo -DAWN by IVALKER,ruLL h Co; June 14—ly Till LMIN ARRIVAL GE ER BEY MK iiC J, F. KURTZ VIVISHES to infrinn the good citizens of Way- If V nesboro' and ficinity, that he bas just receiv ed from the East a large and full assortment of fresh Drugs,-Idedicinea, Oils, Paints, Dye Bluffs Window Glass, Patty, Brushes, &c. &c., which he is prepared to seras cheap as they can be had at any other house in the town, anal which, in regard to quality, cannot be excelled. He h‘a also on hand large assortment of it , .TOILET ARTICLES comprising in part the following article., viz Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau de Cologne, endless in variety, Extracts for the handkerchief, Fine English Pomades, Bandolines, Bear's Oil, . Fine and Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Nail gg • • Combs, &o. For Culinary purposes he has .Corn Starch, Pearl Barley, Pearl Sago. Flavoring Extracts, vis : Lemon, Vanilla, Strawbory, Raspberry, Pine Ar t ple, Orange, Banana. Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, drc. Fresh Spices, Black Pepper and all eta er articles in that line. Ito has also something so please the CHILDREN . A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of China ware. IPAst.toaat He has Drake's Plantation Bitters. Hofliand's German do. Sand's Sarsaparilla, Bull's do. Hiteshew's Cough Syrup, cc Diarrhoea Cordial . Frey's Vormifuge, Vermifuges, doz. kinds, Pills—W righ t's Judron's, Spaulding's, Ayer's, Brandreth's, Alone's, McLane's, liver, Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup- Dr. Parishe's do. Keroseoe Oil, Lamps and China, neys always on hand. Thankful for kind favors already bestowed upon hum, he solicits a continuance of the same, hoping tnat by trying to picaeo ho may win the confidence of the-people. As much cars taken in waiting up on adults as children- Physicians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded et all hours. J. F. KURTZ. August 19, 1864. SIGNS. lIMITZ, M. D. ) k ltS FRANTZ At SNIVELS having assocci• ted • themselves in the practice of Medicine an d urgery wnuld state that they aro well I 'pared to treat ..It mo , '•ieat and surgical cases. I •sons int det . ,:ed try e.mcr of the above will please n .fte early settlement to the time of their association . is they wish to close their old books. Otrize in Dr. Fruntz's residence in the ro n for. =Hy occupied ea a store room by Mr. 1, lietver. April 14—tf. largest assortment of CARPETe in town at the stare M(8311E10'6, BIIIIIIIMT 4G CO, PRIME N. 0. Molasses at the store of . l IMESIIBOII, Hammier dc Cr. PENKNIFE BLADES,—CaII at J. ff. John ston's. D0c.13--4m; BIC IL 1 2 , 10 th and paper Blinds attlie atom V~ ot AILELENS9.NINIFMT & Gu Hair " I. N. BNIVELT,Id. D