r}srsaa.~..tst,~. subFeriber will sell sit public sale at his es. ta idence, 3 miles 6outhwest of ‘Vaynestalro'. on the old Hagerstown road, and near Salem Church, cis Thursday the 27th () February the folluuuug pasunal property, to wit; 5 WOREC HORSES, three of which are guod leaders; I yearling Cult; 4 HEM) LULLS COWS, - -- -- 4 young 1-loifins which will be fresh about the first of Aril, 3 head young, Cattle, I Bull, I; 6110 3 ;s, bow with_9 figs; TWO 'FARM WAGONS one four-inch, the other two-inch tread, 1 two horse Wagon, 1 Now Jersey Reaper and Mower com bined, 1 new Graiu Lrill, (tidy & Lecron'a make) 1 good Spring Bake, Threshing Machine arid Id °rile Powor, about 80 R. strap; 1 new Wood Bed, 1 pair Hoy Catriages, 2 dime-horse P10w.,2 two liorae Plows, 1 good Cutting Box ; 3 Boole Bhov. el Plow., 2 new single Shovel Plows, 2 new Bar rows, one three-horse and one two-horse, 1 set 111LACidg261.11.11 TOOLS, - tioub:6. single and treble trees, jockey sticks, 2 sets llreechbands, 2 seta Front Chars, 4 housens, G sets Plow Gears, 5 new Fly nets, 1 wagon saddle, 2 plow lines, 6 blind bridles, 5 halters, cow chain., 2 barn shovels, 1 pair spreaders, fifth chain, log, chain, 2 sots butt traces, 1 set breast chains, 1 Windmill, rakes and forks, two pitch forks, two dung forks, 1 dung Look, two sets dung buarde, 1 new copper kettle, about 300 EBLS. CORN, - about 500 lbe Pork, Lard by the pound, A pplebutt er by the crock, about 2,000 :Staves and Heading, a— bout 4 TONS OF HAY, and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'— clock on aaid d.ky when the terms will be made known. - _ _ ISAAC FOX. Jon. 24—ts P . Briut SIAIL., Vent undersigned will offer at Fablie Sale, -at— toe residence. near Frantz's Church, between Ringgold and Waynesboro,' of Mimdau Me MA day of February next, the following porsonil prop erty, t.o Wit ; HEAD HORSES , mime of which axe excellent plow leadcra.and oth. era superior for saddle or hartie6i, 8 HEAD CATTLE, Buil and 1 Fat Steer, 12 Head Hogs ; S Wag onsTone-a-lourvirrch—rre-a-diirlyrne w, Fwood be ea, one nearly new, 1 one.horse Wagon, 3 ear• shear Plows, ,2 sing le and two double :Shovel Plow 2 Harrows, 2 long ladders, 6 sets Horse Gears and 1 sets breeching, collars. bridles, lines, forks, rakes, •hovels, barrels, tubs, cider barrels, meat benches chum. meat vessel, together Vk ith HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of Bureau,: :lutes, bedhlead and bedding, Stoves and pipe, Chairs, Tables, Etc. and a lot old HAY BY THE TON, end many other articles usually kept on firma.— The terms of sale are—Un all sums of $5 and up wards a credit of six months vr ill be given by the .parchssers giving their notes with - approved secu rity, and if not paid within ton days after_maturi_ty ist.erest to. be paid from day of sale. 6ale to com mence at 10 o'clock, A. M Jaa.24—ts PUBLIC SALE. ClSH.E_utheesibererilliAlLat—roblic—gale—st—iti 11_ residence, three quarters of a mile went of Mt. Hope, on the road leading to Brown'n Mill, on Sat etrda the lith da a Feb;•uar , the following ,er- sonarproperty to wit 3 WORK HORSIS, on• of which is a b.oci slam wall foal ; I two-year ling Colt; 2 VRE.BII 511 LOU 00W8, Bull 1 heifer; 1 PLANATTION 1 Spring Wegon pertly new, 1 Wood fled, 1 Pair Hey Corriere, 1 Grain Duill, 1 spring Sake, fl IICANNY REAPER, 1 Thrashing Machine and horse power, 1 , Clover huller, 1 Gum Belt 60 ft. long, 1 leach r belt, 1 hay Enk and 4 pulleys, 90 ft. new rope, 1 new dinner table, 2 grain cradles, 2 mowing scythes, I saw for cleaning apple trees, Riot old Iron. 2 axes, 2 fifth chains. 6 new single trees, 1 new feed trough, 2 sets Breechbands, 2 sets front gears, 4 H01181:115, 4 di. met:.+, 4 blind bridles, a lot collars, 3 set., Plow Gears, butt and breast chains, 1 Bar,-hear Plow, 1 Harrow, 2 single shovel plows, 2 double shovel Plows, 1 tar can, 1 jsol.screve, Corn Coverer, 4 halters and t:baine, 1 aix•:horse end 1 four-horse line, 2 poets. 2 lopes, 1 three-horse tree, double tree, 2 lathier, OS ft. lche, 1 mattock, I SEPARATOR, • op with horse power; new saddler beach, awl other ar ticles not neccessary to rnentiun. Sale to cont inence at 9 o ‘ cloclrion said day when the tonna he wads known by JOHN P. HESS. Jan. 17—us. a v. atJll4l Auer. GLOVE HEAD QUARTERS. _ METCALFE & HII'ESHEW, No 27, Front Street, ad Door South of Centre SqUare, le, head quartets for Gloves of every description. Tzay have the lauest btock outside of the city, ern bracius FORTY-FIVE DIFFERENT' STYLE Gloves and Gsuutlets, Fine Battier " Seal skin Goal. " t 4 Buckskin gloves." sud Mitten.; n short , a full line of Skin Glol,ida of every dbaer.p tron can be found at METCALFE & I.IiTEz...IIEV4"B. Jan 17 • W E.1.11M. THE undersigned would respectfully call the at• tention of the Public to their stock of .1; 10 11711.1NTIC . PMT 1 .5.1 r. 30, embracing all cuticles of Furniture usually manu factured by cabinet iu.kers. We will also give our attention to MAICENG 9 and hope b . / 6 tiict attention to business to . merit a liberal shard ut public patronage. All orders for Furniture or Coffins attended a, w ith dispatch: Uur Furniture Room.; enn be lomid on a till attest, up stairs, in Willaimb Ineg Dull Shop. J. 91..9,1'. HEIN DE December 21—tf. PUBLIO SALM 1 AVILL be offiqed et Public Sale, in front of John Mu Ilan's Hotel, lit'aynesboro,' l'n., nt 2 o'clock P. M., on the 2511 e da.9 ifJanuary 18ee, a fine tract of Muuntain Lou], tnuate in Hamilton Ban Townthip, Adams Cu., Pa., contralto) 7. Ins; B HUNDRED ANL/ TIIIRrYTOUR ACRES of land, ne.tt tneAbure. Tiir. tract is eazy of access by a 'good road leading from the road to Mt. Alto Old -Forge, nod is dilatant about 7 1 tuilea from Waynt s . bow'. Pa. About GO acrca am well set with choice Pine timber, and balance in Chestnut, Rock Oak and Hickory. Tertl/6 made lino vu on day of tale by J , t•ll S 11,r. .1 au. 17 - ty. rzcz G. V. Mow, Auct WILLIAM WILT,B WAGON, Ml2===3 GROCERIES C. .71 . DXCHEL OU LD respectfully announce to his friend' If and the public generally that he is pr epnret to supply all quo nced COI.' FEE, SUG A R, SY It U PS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SPICES, TEAS, RICE, 111Z0014, 12UCKET8 TWIN MI, SALT. Also n full assortment of Confectio - naries, •- Notions, Stationery, etc. Country Produce Taken in exchange for goods. In connection with the Grocery business be also keeps FLOUR and-PEED STUFF, than which there can be none better nor cheaper. Thankful for p let favors he respect fully solicits a continuance of the same. Aug. IS*7. rIIHE "EUREKA" SMUT AND &EPA -1 RAT ING MACHINE. PATENTED FEBRUARY,23, 1867. . • na. A Ik" S . , Mole Agent Fur Franklin, Ferry, Cumberland, Bedford and - Fulton Counties, Pa and Washington and Frederick Counties, Md. This Macine is put before the public upon its own merit.ii. It is the most complete machine of the kind now in use, and is guarented to all purchasers. In ,no case will pay be required until the machine has been thoroughly tested sad sad. faction given. For M. lIA Merrer.burg, Po. N. B —The subscriber also, builds and repairs MII.L.b of all kinds at short notice and upon - the most approved plans. Cast Iron and Turbine Wit ter %‘, heels, Burs, Doulting Cloths, Flour Packers, Belting, Proof btaffs and all kinds of Mill Furnish ings furnished at the lowest cash prices. A ll work and goods warrant ed. M. H. Juae ly.t 111 E - AV 1' 111, 11 ! 111 - 1 - 1 - G TF "THE 'subscribers would inform the public that they have associated themselves together in the Carriage tn•ktttg bublue.s, and that the business hereat ter will be continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm 01 A D• 113 aSt liswasa. They will have constantly on hand BUG- CilEB of every description ; new and %4:44:. coed—handed--V-e-nrclea rltepairing done at short notice, They employ [tune but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in our lino will do vrell.to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere: - JACOB ADAMS, GEORGE B. BA Mi KER, __Church_SirceLmeady_mP nif t.it E Church Jan 26 tl FREE ilillIBITION! t'a VNYITES his cuatorne'ra and the public general -I.ly to call and examine his inlet of pp ode just o pened. COFFEE, TEAS, N. 0. sad I% B. MO.LABSES, No 1 MACKREL, CODFISH sad a fia?l lila of leadlog artiolas. SPICES Bought at tha utast celebrated Spice Milli ud•tisar ranted PURII. Delm.eies and llakbas artiaer af chJiceatj quali ties. CRANI3ERRIES, PRUNES, Fr. CURRANTS, CANNED FRUIT, Peaches,Pine A pplep Strawberries, GREEN CORN, Le. N. Y. F. CHEESE-all winter. MASON'S CRACKERS—Water, lluib room, Cream. butar, C:2)ZT 0-LASSWAIIE! Phan and fied Granite Tea Sets, cups and eau carat plates, &c. of the lite.t Fruit taticli, (Gloss) Butur.:, (w1,.1) p!ain rem] cut goblets, tumbler., d c. Prebentatiau cup: and fancy China f r the Hull dals. - Ca• digs, Dates, Nuts, nod Toys to oct k! the; young. Curve otm, come all. WRynesborti, Dec. 6 1 C 7 L1V,M8.7". LIVE1 1 3.7' 1 TIIE subscribers noontime ti the public P•at they still euuti:jieo the Lhery Wei:lees. Bay ing recently udd-.1 both horses end %elocla s to th, it stuck they are IP , % V better in pared than • ever to accommodate persons wanting 41.1 . *lr tine riding an I d living borers and coin. ',,ruble con V. pxnces. Au attentive Os ••'•.y ~ let always in atteniance,atid parties con veyed to any paint &kite t, night Jr day. c :Passmgers cmteeyed dat'y to and from Green at,tle Their Ilti.,:lcav,.:, a:. 6 .1. M. and returns 7, P. M. WOLFERSBERGER & STONER. Aug, 3U-0: ‘, 4 7Y RU l' S—6 (304 and Ci.e4p,a t '0 Gto. VV. WELSH, ATTORNEY A'l' LAW. Office in tho Town Hall Duillng, next door to the Poet Office. Dee. 13.18G7. GI 1 i:(245. awl plain !ilottirez rTittho store of Ast.th:tts ni,l3sse, & SUGARS, SYRUPS, RAISENS, NW: A. REID REII,'S A NOTICE FOR ALL TO READ TIH "161 . 111 A GlAhr." is the Cljpest andthe Best Buse Burning pS i toec Worcthe I THE N 0.9 M. G. sells n r 40.5, and is:nearly 59 Ihs. hen vier then the No, 0 Oriental, and is larger than the No 10 or No.ll , which sells at five to six dollars more than the No. 9M. G. Again, the morn ing Glory is the üblv stove thutprcuks up its cinder end passes them off with the ashes. This is done by means of the /Bill Grate. This grate:.is not in eny other stove, nor can any ether EiOV43 UST mill grate is insured for fives ears, now, in the Oriental stove, When you tnuvt takeout cinder you have to open a door on top of tbe fire-pot end with a poker rake them up and pass them nut through this door Vt ry nice that, provided some of the hot cinder falls on your vice carpet. 'Oriental Book, page 3 says that you must take off your pipe during the season from the stove and remove the ashes &c., which have accumulated in the back flue." An ...titer nice job in a nidh room. Now, nothing of this kind have you to do in the Morning Olory. W. A. TBITLE is the only agent in Waynes boro' fur the sale of the M. 0. stove. He has sold since the 28th day of Sept., 50 of these stoves. The M. G. has taken since lE36G all first class Premiums over all other Base Burning stoves. Call and see the at ove in operation and learn what the stove is, for yourselves, then you can judge which is the best stove. Trip.ting that in this xposure I have done no injustice I leave it for the public to judge as to which of these stoves shall receive their patronage. CELEBRATED BASE BURNING STOVE TIRE MORNING GLORY! from the same quantity of coal is much greater than at a low temperature, hence-but - a swat quan tity of fuel is neccessary to be undegoing the pro cear-of-combu st he — et - tiro — outer aurface of the Morning Glory i■ radiating surface. Add to this the surface of ebye - IT heated by rays of light through the mica windows, and you have the secret of the great heating properties of the Morning Glory with a small amount of fuel. gerFor ealo at W. A. Titma's Tin and Stove Store. lie h as a largo stock of Stoves Tinware and nih sr goods in his line, which.be will sell cheap. You will find the best COOK. NINE PLATE and COAL STOVES in market. Also on band Brass, Copper and Iron Kettles. His Copper Kettles are better than are offered for sale clslssliere, and cheap er, as he mikes them, and can sellat shorter profits Also the best CISTERN PUMP in market, i strung, simple durable and cheap, is insured not to freeze. Call and see it. All !Ands of repairs dons. in Tin, Copper or Sheet iron. Don't fail to call as you will find a large stock of goods. tiert. 6.-7 mos. • W. A. TRITLE. COURT! Next 1113nclay Court Commences biErcALF.ie, & iirrEstim, NO • 27, ra•ONT STREET, 3d Door Soma of Cen ii c Square, CHAIIIIERSI3URG, P.l , Have s well assisted stock of Dry Cools, No tions, Oari ate, Oil Cloths, and all goods belonging to the Dry Goods and Notion business, all of which will be sold at greltle reduced prices, on and sPet mit Monday,, 20111 inst., in order to tnaks room for tigring goods. Those having business in Chain• bersburg would do well to buy their goods of Met calfe & H itt chew as they can easily make their ex lances and good wages-1y en doing, as they aro de termined to gisa m Ire f,,r the same Homey than any tabu Dry G,,od. }louse in I :arid eraburg • & AII:FERIA ILEPOP,T OF THE ISl' Nat. Bank of \VuyLesboro Pa„ Jan th 18GS. EESCUI CE:,3. Lonna and Diarounts $28,00,49 15. S. Bonds W becure circulation, 7.5,400 00 S, lion is on hued, • 4 1,(00m0 I'. & A. Tel Stock, :300.00 1) ue fann Banks, :17491 09 Mint Phila. 200,00 lagal Tender Notes. _ S 510 00 Compound lot N0te5,5.020 00 • National Bank Notes, 1,415 00 ,te Bank Now:, 4R,00 Illy. blampi and Cash Berns 450,03 Li BILITILs Capitil Stock, Depos:ls. Unp.itl ivi:lerlF, Due to 1.3 inks, Suril!us att.! Profits 'rite rtbme st.dem-nt is just, and true to the best of my knowledge a n d JOHN I'H:LITS Sworn and suliseribett before me this Mb day (I January. INfi3. 3. I'. NL'lll Z, N. I'. yall hearts M ulna when they can got Ilsvve• j go Cern Starch, Silvvr Clop.; Stnrch (for 'Lc Liundry,) Farina, Baker.; Chocolate, Norfolk do, Co ua.nnd a multitude of urticlos Jur family use, cheap at Rile& 13 Rouses for Sale. TAUT.: RUIISCri c offers nt Private Sale, upon ensy 14. teiuns, 2 BRUN' 1-1011:SES, On Mechanic Siret t, Waynesboro', with six Rnims anal n itt 'ln eneli, A I.l'X 11 I ILTO.N. an. '2l If EVERYBODY THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE 131TRNEII, At the sign of the Big Red Iforn, and you will bp convinced that the Oriental is the hest, the hand somest and the cheapest Base Burning Coal Steep in the for truth is mighty and will prevail. We have the Morning Glory in our store so that you can judge for yourselves. 1). IL ItUBSELLIseIIa tho No. 9 at. $23, No. 10 al $27, No. 11 at 09, No. )2 at $34. Th. Oriental has a larger fire pot, a better grate, mak es more hcat with lels coal than the Morning Glory. The Oriental Ins taken the four first prem iums at the state Fairsof New York, and the Inge :Mae r Mrdello ot lie A inriican Institute. Come arid imp at the sign of the . "BIG RED HORN", 'W ayncsbno'. l'a., where you cnn get any ;kind cf Stoves ycu want of D.ll. Wiz:SELL, who alweye keeps on hand and for sale Tinware made (Attie beet tin er.dby .good workman. (louse furnishing goods &c. et the sign of the DIGREDHO N THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL Base Burning Coal Stoves, • and Parlor Furnaces, Have received Four First Class Premiums nt the New York State and other Fain,. ANN the great SI [NEIL lIIEDAL at the Fair of the American Institute held In the City of Now York, 1N654. THEY. ARE PERPETUAL BURNERS, ONLY ONE FIRE BEING REQUIRED TO B 1 MADE DURING THE SEASON. THEY ARM PERFECT VENTILATORS OF THE APARTMENT. TILERE_CAILBE_NO_ESCAPILOY_GAS_ERW THEM. THERE CAN BR NO CLINKER OR SLA TO` TIM FIRE WILL REMAIN FOR DAYS WITS _ OUT ATTENTION. WIZ ILLUMINATION IS EQUAL TO AN 'MIRY ARE POIVIi:RFUL HEATERS AND INT PERFECTLY ADA PTICI) TO THEY A Ell TIIR MOST ECONOMICAL STOVIIk3 AND FURNACES Wing MADE. nia FURNACHt WILL 'HEAT, RATIEFAO TORILY, BOTH AN TIPPER AND A LOWER ROOM, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL FUEL. Elea dine of the Stores, end Three Sires of rho Parlor Furnaces. IlLoattictured and for Sale to the Trade by PERRY & Co., ORIENTAL STOVE WORKS, Bold et Retail by COOK STOVES: Tlisware, Howse Fivritakbing Geods An I ether userel eriteles.nt the sign of the BIG RED 11011 N, Wsynegbero . ,,Ps, where a large at sertinent of COOK STOVES, NINE PLATE STOVE,S ''''' (;0 AL STOVES, &e. of the latest improvem. , n t., the very lwst in the inurket, at the Glivap Tin and Stove Store nr 1). 11.11i66E1.1,. T NVTA it E made of the hest Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "Mi.g" 2EIL<(:SIL 2E3Eorace-7' 1) 13. RUSSELL keeps constan tly . on hand a largo m.sortin at of lions , : Funus'ung Goo Is I , r sde (Amp. Pure NO. 1 Iteros 011 and a large m•smtmont of Lamps. 5 . :09.12121 `%rasllil . l Made Easy by calling at the sign of the "Wg Red Horn" and getting the hvst Close Wringer over made. C 7 3'Personb iu want of Stov,s, Tinware, llou , e Furnishing, Goods, &c &e.,, can get full vainc for their !limey by cul ing on D. it RC 4 SET.L. Sign of the "BIG RED HORN " Way inebboro', Pa 0.1 15 ono of) or 500,00 51 073 23 247,00 909 44 I ',395,44 O 9 125.21 1)R. T. 1). FRENCH • ;41r,,,;:-.F.t, T NSERT:i lleauliful and Durable teeth mounted Platina, Gold and Vulcanite. Particular attention given to the preservation of tho natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the ex tree nail o tee th without pain. (Vice at his residence on Mechanic Street. Fel'. 8. NG - 1 41 . . c Loon, h... an patterns and tlyto at the blow CI 21:kILZ::s0N, DEMMICT & COME AND SEE WOR - LD O[JST RUC' OFL*r 'IR9:' MILD WILLTIIIM Plo: 413 'Utica St" Albany, n. 1.1. RU 4 ;SELL Sign of the Big Had Horn, Waynesboro,' Pa Iromware, Brasslvare v Jap•z2nueiti ware, IOEM' 'MI SP , Pnics & liosvucu'u. SECOND AR,RIVAL Grea - ClfteductioninPrices! PRICE & HOEFLICH'Ss, Where they have received the finest assortment of goods of all hinds that have been brought to Waynesboro' since the war. iiought at a low price and will be sold accordingly. The eta scri..crs kindly ask the citizens of Waynere boro' and vicinity to call and examine their goods. and feel assured that they wilt concur in the a bove statement. Silks, Alpaca Rcps, Pique cloths, Mohair Reps Mcrines, Delains.Coburga, All-wool Delains in all kliades and qualities. Cloths, Cassitneres. Cords, Satineis,Jc a ns,T weeds, all varieties, with host of all kinds of poodc at Oct. 4 Dila. PIUCE & 110EILICWS B iz EA K FA ST . Long . 12 J Square Shawls, t 4 ithilin6litivvle lr ants Eacks, nt -1'111(2k: & ft OEFLICIez! 11,13 N DID Gras from- t Ine .C 1 nrybekn: lug b Old ell Factoly & G UM Blank( te a nice article for a rainy any ,t 'n. v HIT Wool and:.Gr i e , y l l3l . tiLikt il a : at i,ic 11.8. 11" AN H AT TA N. Ut unn ctown Factory . YnEnB ill at Placa Ilurntcc's. 4 Prot? cactimuts I'NxcE & If 6 - Erza n's N W kStyl‘s of Hurl) skirts nt ri.icE a HuErt.En's 13 A LmonALs a I ery chrnl,l i juat received at Pirlca & funnicii's l i wN and Boys B ld s Isoo,l:ainestlilsoseel and murals Shoes and C;aitera at PRICE & Hoitrucu's ENI D E Rag Claryp 11 iti a c t E 1 ronv Icieg THE U ck re) at ICE h 11 oartlcres B lieli.:sli IN G loves act! Gr i n . t i l i c h n taat ridews 1.4 A DIE Sack Cloths at & Hot:suer' P. GYM Shoes awl Santini' nt HI _ frourtioE'r 18071 LADIES FURa! HUDSON BA1"4 - OLFF ROBES ! COON - SE - IN - 11 - 011ES1 BATS AND CAPS! rho great Cumberland-Valley - Eat - end Fur Em.; prim, the fashionable resort of Ladies and Gentle. mon visiting Chamber sburg, is at J. L. DECIIERT'S, 36 ;south Front Street The jargest assortme lit of fiats, Caps , and Ls -11-iesLritra-west—of—P-Uatledphia,__W_li OR RETAIL, nt prices to suit.the times. A va riety in the way of a full set of Ladle's Furs at ON LY '1 VE DOLLARS, and n good article at that - Alter visiting - other-places-call-a-n.l-see-if—we—can not sell cheaper goods than etnhe had elsewhere. Charnbersburg Nov. 27, 18G7. br3 V t i 9 rei = rri I= , We have just, reuivell OUT Dew stock of DIZV GOODS, BOOTS P;";.D S!.lol>z, (;RO(.:K/iIES N OTI ON S, C.l IF'F.TiNG: , H 11ZDIVA To which we call the attention of all wh wish to buy cheap condi. AMBERSON, BEN EDICT & D R. JOHN A. HATTON, [iron the", Pl.ila D,•ntal Ck , re - e, lIENTIS T. GREENCASTLE. PA. Nitrous Oxide GaR. itz--e..1 to • EXTRACT TEF;TIf Wll'llol7l' rAiv, Or %Own ritiviog dvsirt• it. he will NA CO VIC 1-'l2 kV. a pr , coss of Fteez.: , r; tie t.r .(l perative Dentistry done to a ,:itai• tile 111111 ner lie 1 , 011 insert A rii!leis! Teeth mounted on Gold Silver, Platinl or Vu canite, and Warr, It •d to give sati-Lartiuti. (Mice, Nn., tit Nestit Car!isle street, Le trly op polite the Attains House. N0v.22 —6 n. Shat el and Sandals of Pawn .S: 110;:sti.trie.t. LATF.;"I' urrivainti(Ptv tottlg at the stole 1/ AM! IthON. 13 EN tur=t 1863! q' z 'n CA'D OIL ULnfltS, &c NE Vi STORE. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! COON "i STONE kr ©USE NV num) rcspectfally infom the p•Mie they have now opened et their new roori,on ho southwest corner of the Diamond, is 1t ny.e4- Juio', a large and well seketed stock of Dry G90d,:4, Grocerieg, • EAartiWittre, and CntZevy % ion, Steel, Nails, Coach-rnikors Gods of every description, queensware, OedarwarP, Slrws, Oar pets. Oil Cloths, Pain is, Glass, Oils, Varnish tiro sn• cs, Fish, Salt, anl all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated attn.). Our g mds are ail new and fresh and have Lten bought I,r ca-sh at tlia lati decline in prices. Vile Ritter ousnlves that frofn our long ey.peri ence in business, bird a determination to sell g, uds at small profits, we bit:di be able to offer unusual inducements to all buyrrs who (.awe to s,Ve uwu r•y.. Please call and hec fir youiscl (`3. \Vu have a large and welt assorted stock of sta ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, Cassinieres, Stitt iriett6, Jeans, l'vvvells, (;(0.11,1,14.:A, D('11- 1111, Stripf . : 4, Lams. I s::11:1 D o nper.4 2 Ura Towels. t;an.:oc,, Ira ccas, t ' ,, 1 1. 1 f!tii;DA , Trinthigs, Shawls, lirOVVII and 1.11-nrlird and Shirting's, 'Pickings, lanai a, Ftdoic t , UtiVuitl, I 14)vt'9 ffusicry and . ...Vidor,. arc it ceiving new goads every week and veil? article wanted that vie have not en hand 11/ a I, w days. We pny the highest Innrket price for a I kint.s cf country ptudure such as lincosi, I 'rd, Dried rriitt, It igs, Ac. I 'it ?8„ 1 c 7. • T)1: I). A. - 81'0U1 FE R, I;~. PER3IANENTLY LOCATEM IN G E'E NCASTI, E. PA "IA VING taken thorough rod , s , in Irtic tion in I)crital ari"l.Ce aid !11. ' 1 , 1.4 k years f•X periunt e, is pre 9red w qlctir, •*, /don with rare -iirTfitr - otran. a nd sots of Teeth in itintod and insurird on tho plate. tity style, which is lictutiful nioro c ,„ : ,- fortably worn at price, wli:ch di fy Crrinvetrti rn. roduntfrd or. G or Silver. Ilav Ind; Luc, f Ur. Richards Ether or Marc, tic ~bran:., ri of freezing Um. gums, Pro , es an excelloid having Teeth extracted. Pain sea rci ly is fit , is nd-always-art trout Ox dr Gas 111 ,, gricto-I.ll..etriody I,:r -wonk ne vei arid neurii gig. No cli.ci4c cr twice a year, and fi.lt d soon zi a ( asit V I:4 forni&tl Thus aII Tecili in Ay 1 , ler ettenticn is pid to children's ter th (I,•n 3.111.11 neglected by parents), also, ti e pr. -•'IN '1!1011 of i(.l natural organ by filling. Di t•t t I/MIC arm $ ref& nice, oiler t . C.lis cc. by iiammi:l, Dentist.. NVedt 13a:Liiur (Ictobvr I 1 i 867 V ALU AB LE 8 M ALL I.P.M. P 0 11 .1t I x9ll offers at Pro:.-1,2. ..3,11.t. his folo cohtairtin„; 9:3 :terra and p •r at land, about one hall . milli Notla r.f 15r"..r70e..1.0r0' the Quincy road. Ttas tan.' .1.1 r•.:„s• 1. rting sun 2lni is in the hes. khel •1••er, a:1 been lulled t I.e,ela 12 acre.. wttl.ia eto.,th , t the amount of ltdl bus. to rto a , re au . port GI it 13..1 200; there is about If,oo bus. of r „. ,„ ry r the lutlati«•, 1 6 ICh wol be pit in toe ,• •1.;;;. The fences pre pert., •o ‘,, Orchard and al,a a :law clot ot ;;:t. fruit just befimitig to bar. .t • elrgant water, a go et c o.uf , fare Barn, Cartiage II t;,• It. a good shed ftr Tot , o pierce liflund ru Frauldia t Town au:! to :4'1 . 1114 in tit, :ud.thaor't c / I Ica I la all Clear I . have alqo 2 ; 10;v: .1 ...1- :kr au:- tsin lan.] that I tvdl w.th it if •1 .C..- erence to the :Wove pr •r 1 t, - 1•1.;1.• r. • Bezore in Vt arle,lioro', ar Nie .1 . r 1. 1 rtsides on sail pup••rty. t; J. Nov. 29 —tf tifeityie,..z I M , , a; y .11 Wed Pr‘ " rf• e. A.O - 8 ; t 7;.• fr n : recefit'..7 or u i I) an entire rev PATS AND SUMMEIt , 3 Pi f j , LT 0 uP All of which bits been olitainct,l from the j lit colebr.itcd house of A. JAILRETI', 1.341- timore. E tery nr iiele sold is vt...inn.t.YTEr: to be of cu,totn in :itc, aua the watenal just wh't ali.,..pre-t2ritea to A lull ass itt.rii nt of GENTS FURNIs LN, (; GOODS always .0;1 h.ut.l , such .1$ lithler (doves. II ,thliteryltieft, I lom., (.;ullars. All we ask is, tlll.l you eivii U nor Iti it, ant vou silt nt.c '7l LuY, tor tve do not acct, o. l 3lrAnt.te clutiting an t :Ire ntl 0.0 - d Fi v ° ad s r.a d. I,lolEtail p > ;!10 I r les .kitver:•J :It Pie rt, re cif ."...;tuvor & Quit) •S. or r t tho Ilqr , l l cr:iro :flare 0.) •i-er .SC; Ellitiel.art. in W.P. •••shor4) . . g IN' p 1 id for 300 cord t. , be dell% crvd at qoiraw. Nov, 15 —if. GEO. AIIDDOtig. II ÜBARB and Veilables--throu7hoiCtiti - 3 at AlAy 17 ,i) •ti 11_ ,,vnrxl,uiu