a..m. o l ~.inaxrw-wi 111,1:11G14'i ItECOIT II thlAy. 3nbustry 31, ARCS. te*.The Stets of lowa is taut nfilebt, with nhotti $11)e,"00 in the Treasury. There n ether State in the Uniun egiinlly tor ,r ton tto ealoretl git!ltan haincli Watson, dc . vo nod three hontirod raw oysters )n Potts. Ville, Pit , h t M ohday' evening% 110 ()coil pied au hoof at 2 1 a half iu the eating. • , 't4+„,A grand ennvention of ex• State prix , o s is to be Leld in iNewNYork city on tt 3 22( of February next. Vall.indigharu *ill ja• Lally preside. bar A gr - ent majority of the totlimiann ConNcntion Intl signed a yetition to Congro,..s for,tfie removal of Gen. Hancock and the f.3tatt officials. Star Secretary Stanton sa3s that no der- Inttelics have been received at the IVar Ue tartttrent relating to sulToriog amoug the iiocpa at:A hisk a, Et i a.,A meeting of the Lincoln Monument Association was held at Springfield, 111., en ri'huriday, and it was resolved to erect a mom urnent casting, two- hundred thousand dol lars. tiCKETS —«'. It. Scribner, of its. 878, Broadway New York, was the boi• der of the number that drew the $41),000 prize-in-the Riverside Institute distribution. the second prize of 820,000 was drawn_ by -- Mr. It tiotnerby, of Boston, Mars Zilitr - Ohl Gideon Wells wanted to disburse forty-;even millions for the navy this year, but-Congress prctur,tly let hirer know he would get no :Inch a ppklot istiou, whereupon ho fel! down to twenty, lour iniiliona. 'strikes us one-fourth of that t um ought to be —E - t - fli cicn f Ville School Directuss.cf Bethel town -stip, hilriat Coubty, recently turned out of school two colored children, although the teacher gave. them a good character and was willing to teach them. These directors would no doubt sooner go to in white an➢ than to heaven with Mack. ---rm. The New Yurk Tiines significantly saNs "There is no doubt now that Con- /revs is quite as determined in its purposes as President Jobtason in his. It $7 i I 1 14 -1) e t matted' by no egeney whatever. And the fact that it hart power to carry out anti en force its will Is making itself felt in. every deputtnent or the Government, in a. way That will not l'pe fully understood till it hay o.uni leted its work." sirGeteral flostard, in response to a tcsolu ion or inquiry of tie' senate, states that he has issued orders for the elosiok, up ( f the ( Iry 4s, et the Freedmen 4 ll Burilau in Maryland after the 15:11 of February nest, but that large numbers of prominent citizens Of the State, Including a delegation from a large educational association' in 13 ti have made verbal representat'ons to hom deprecating in the Stroncpt terms the pro posed discontinuanCe. A WIZ) AND lIEAN . 'Y Ronnutr.—The house if John Benninghoff near Titus ville, Pa., was entertd al) ul i :hi 1' M., on the 16th, by Rene men disonsed by handker• chief& over their laces, and robbed of over $:0),000, of which 810,000 was in bonds, and the balance in turrenry. The thieves pre, ated revolvers to the heads of tbe in mates, and tied Mr. Benningiteff, his wife, two sons, a hired titan and girl, and taking, the key: from Mr Benuinglioffs pocket, they opened the safe and extracted the above movie; after *limit they sat down and waited 'talon hour for d the return of Jos( ph Benninghoff, another son, who had in his house one of Lillie's patent butglari roof safes, containing a large amount Of 'limey. lle did no, return until they had left, taking titth then three horf-cs and a cutter. Thst„,The Hamilton (Ohio) tie/T:7Th an houuced the death of Nanny Cooley, or the age of 108 years and 17 days. She was botn io VirOniri in December, 1759, and em igrated to Kentucky *bile still young. She inarrieti til(t j William Cooley, who had been a revolutionary soldier. They :moved to Ohio when it teas a wilderness, Fettling upon the banks of Four 11ilif Creek. Iler itus limit', who was tamiliarly known as "Uvelo Bill '.!ooley," was never known to owe a man a (foliar, never allowed nny one to become in• dated to hint, and would tot receive paper money 1 . 4 a• any of the products of Lid fain] His trite, who lung survived him, resew:bled him in the fact that she never contracted a deb.: ',Nits. Cooley received a pension du ring her life on pcount of her hnsband'S eerviecS in the Revolution: She leaves no deseendaunt, awl it is not known that the had any relatives in Ohio. Kirin the Eigth District of Ohio on Mon day, the Republidans elected Gen. John 13eat ty as their Representative io Congress in the t)lme of the late Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Beat ty's mnjority is over 1,000. In 18*66, when igr. Hamilton' Was elected., the District gave 1, 1 802 Republican mnjority. In 1867, on the Gover..or's voto (c h e last election), it gave 246 Republican majority. The graveyards wit! in the Metropolitan duerict of L'rndon 'cover 587 acres of ground And hold :no ithan ball a 'willed of dead. OM= LOCAL MATFERS. tints IlioisTur.—Ttio tellowieg public sales of personal proOtty advertised in the Record will mine off as follows : P. &. I) Lour, miles south of Wnpnev hole', on the, Abrw Barr, .February 31: !sane Slineboy, , near IlripeUrell Februai y 71n. ,Tuhn F. Doss, near Mt, [lope, February Stb. Tvi:cs, ptjor Frutate's Church, Feb ruary 10th. ,Sontuel 11. Darr, on bite Marsh Euro, four tuilcs from Woynosburti', February 13th and 14th. • W. S Amberson, IVeyneaboro', February Daniel Tritle, at Mt. Hope, February 20th. John now, near Quincy, February 25th. Isaac Fos, 3 wiles South of ►Waynesboro', near Salem Church, Februnty 27th. REctsivED.— We acknowledge the receipt of $,. from Chas. Mullis, Ell., Philadelphia. FLOUR. —Persous wiAiug to buy J. Hoo ver's Family „ftottr, can obtain it from W. A Reid put up in and bbl. paper sacks. AT 110 31-E-.- Col, A. K. McClure arrived at i ris homein CliamberAurg, from Montana ,on Friday het. Minx' Setts.—Speeial attention ii di• rected to the public sales by Isaac Shockey, Esrt., and John Rowe of Quincy townokip, 1 - t - tYWicu - rid in our advertising columns PROPERTY SOLD.-A few days silica Geo. Bauder, E.q., disposed of his house and a couple acres of ground, known as the Flan agan property, near the °litholie Grave Yard, to Mr. Peter ()deer, for the sum of 83100. ThisA.The WayneolLooLltuilaing_Apeoeia— tion—sill meet at the Town Half on Wei ricsday evening neat to transact business of importance. A general attendance is request ed. EIII= Soi.D.-=- The hi;ass and lot on Main Street, belonging to• Mr. John Fisher, was soli at public sale on Saturday last for the arm of 82051---P-urebattetT-M - iss Martha r rot ier ton. SALK BANK STOCK —G. V. Meng, tionecr, on Sorority lost, sold 20 shares of Stock in Ibe First National bank of Way -neeboro'TlYeloWging to Mr. Geo. FOE, for $ll5, $116.25, $ll5 35. - • asidlifrro —.Daring Wednesday several inches of snow fell in this section; affording those Who can enjoy It another season of toad sleighing S Arobettron, assignee of M. M Stotler, will again offer at public sale ou rho lith February, a ntock drugs, F tore furniture eud fixtures. Eel adrertiss• went. 1/Ecruttr.-IVo have been request. ad to announce that tho lien. Chas Lee Ar mour, will deliver a Lecture in the Town h alt to•tnorrow (Saturday) craning. Sub ject "Over the Plates and Among the Gold Fields of Colorado:" Rr•.l.rarous.—Roricals tiro al present in progress in tho Lutheran Church at Quincy Kid at the Blue Rock School Bowe, the funnier is conducted by Rev. A, Buhrtnan any the latter by Rev.-C. V. Wilson, of tihe SI: I; Church, DF.I.INQUESTS —We have commented dud will continue to forward accounts to those who are largely in arrears for subscription at this office, and hope that they 'will respond promptly and favorably. Wo have several payments to wake within the neal couple of months, Thom who have neglected their accounts will therefore greatly relieve us by pr 'raptly paying over their arrearages, no,Col 11 it.ger, the Representative from this county, we 'observe has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives having in view the payment of losses sustained border counties during the war. Indiana has paid her citizens for !ores thus sustained, and justice demands that our commonwealth should do likewise. SEN-Ctindletnas Day, or feast in honor of the pn►ifieatioa of the Virgin D ry, comes on Sunday next, Ppularly i is now known as ground hog day, and tl weather wise predicate that if the day is clear winter vrifl coo tinue i • weeks longer, while if the day bu cloudy Po that the ground hog cannot see his shadow, he will remain out and the win ter be limkero I),tverts —There at•e tunny .per• sons who either take no paper at all, or else take cue from a distant city, and when they wish to see what is transpiring in their own neighborhood, they beg or steal the local pa per from some citiZen mote liberal than them selves. Many men of this kind are engaged in business and frequently grumble because people do not patronize "home industry" when they practice tho very thing of which they complain. IMPORTANT TO SOLDIERS.—By a recent decision of the Court of Claims, the mem. bars of the following Pennsylvania regiments are entitled to $lOO bounty: 26th, 27th, 28th, 26th and 71st also, all persons who enlisted between April 15th and July ,22d, 18G1, and were discharged upon surgeons' certificates of dirmbility and receivel no bounty. VENTIIATtoN.--Tho groat iinporle . Leo of ventilation in our sitting and sleeping rooms, in our schools and public hulls, is not FOR ciently nppreciated. It was well sot forth is reeent lecture by n Cleveland professor.— It is startling to !emu the an oust of catbou ic acid emitted from the lungs of one pert.on, or from a single as burner;. enough to pet s,ou the whole ntmospliere of a good B:2ed room in a very brief period of time. How many persona think that whiter temperature demands the exclusion of frebli air to make their apartment's more warm nod comforta ble, when the fact, that in the cold season, we consume more oxygen and consequently inhale a greater. quantity of the poisonous carbonic acid gas, should lead to a .directly opposite course. A bed room in winter re quires more 'retaliation than in-summer, and the non-obseivanee of this fact, will readily account 'for the awful diseases to tvhieh frail humanity is subject. We wonder if many of our readers are aware of the poisonous ex halations incident to a congregation of their _ in ball rooms, churches and lecture balls 'lf they have not fully considered the vast; importanceof thorough ventilatioo, let theta take these undeniable facts home to their serious thoughts. A per son in health has eighteen breathings per minute, and thirty-five hogsheads of air pass through the lungs in twenty-four boars; — ol' this, from three to file per cleat, or about two auda half hogefreade, is exhaled as carbonic acid gas, and thus ono person would- render two or three hogsbeadi of air unfit for bresth• ing_tgain.--Let-e - very - yertiet auTsious ffFt - lte proservationl of his health take care that the windows of the dormitories are dropped a little, oven during the winter nights. There is far less danger of taking cold than there is of inhaling the noxious atmosphere, vrbich saps the health, undermines the constitution and embitters life with suffering and disease whieh might - lra're beeu avoided. Tun Barn.—The Waynesboro' Nand, organized about three months sinoa, rtirder the leadership of Prof. Dock, appearod on our streets few evenings since and favored eitizans_with reverel pieces of choice mu sic. Considering the short Limo they . have o-Firso-ti-ec-th-eir-s-tyle of play inT ; - toe. even judges of music by eurprise. The pro• gross the merubert have made in gm abort a time is certainly creditable to them, and speaks well for their Leader. A Band is a town is--a-great'enn - v - aiWice on public oce—a- aions, and nothing give. a community more life, especially during pleasant summer even. inge. Now is the time our young friends need encouragrosnt, and if Oitll - 3110 will sid their when aid is needed it will sot be long before we can boast of e Band second to none in the county. FROMM To DaAru•—We, are pained to loarn,that an Wednesday evening last, Mr. Jacob Mickley, er., an old and much re• spected eitixon of Franklin township, was froteu to death.. lie had been tet Mrs. Ilrough's above llilitown, and on return• ing, undertook to moss some fields in order to reach home sooner. Boing_a- very old man, it is supposed he 'nouns exhausted and fell, and being unable to regain his feet perished from cold' Ms loss will be deeply felt by his immediate friends. Ile ffitA aged 87 years Lttionth and ..11). days.— Getttfeburg &name/. RAILItOAD ELT.CTION.—In Colambiti, op the 18th inst., the following gentlemen wore elected Directors of the Gettysburg Rail road Company : President W. G. Cam. Directors—C. S. Maltby, S. W. Collom, Win. 13ittingers, Philip Small, Wtn. McConkey 11. N. North, Henry 3] usselman i J. L, Pin • kerton, Geo. W. McClellan, John McFar land, D. MeConsugliy, James D. CM. NEW FIRM —We direct attention to the advertisement of Messrs Lidy, Frick & Co., who have taken tto establishment lately owned by Lidy & Lecron, and are nor man ufacturing Drills, Corn S110110:8, Patent :trams - Ilttrarers, 0..1 - 4 1 1;,411aVert - -riagi.r opened a regular Lumber Yard for public convenience. ElrFulton County Buckwheat ]flour for Salo at Roid'a Grodry. THE ANTI-0011TRAC3TION BILL —The fol lowing is a copy of the anti-contraction bill as it goes to the President t Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the United States of A merica' in Congress assembled, That from and after the passage of this act the author ity of the Secretary of the Treasury to make any reduction of the currency, by retiring or cancelling 'Jelled States 'lace, shall be, and is hereby, suspended; but nothing here in contained shall prevent the cancellation en e tructien of tuutilatel United States notes and t e replacing of the same with notes of the same character and amount. GRANT'S ARRIVAL IN RICEIMOND.—The Richmond Register of Tuesday has the for lowing concerning Gen. Grant's recent visit to that city: The General`commaricling the armies of the United Stales, who is at this) moment looked upon as the foremost man of ---------- all the world, arrived very quietly in the At the M. E. Personage Jan. 3(i lby Rev, city yesterday, and put up at the private D. Sheffer, Mr. PETER A. II A M.l l / 1 K residence of his brothenic.law, Dr. Sharp of Washington county Md., to Miss MAT- Ile came unhearalded, and was, therefore,pTl J, GONDER, of Mifflin co., Pa. not received with a display of banners • At the residence of Richard Addlesber the beating of drums, pomp and vanities that ger on the 16th inst., by the same, J. IV. aro distasteful to a modest man like our sue- SMITII, of if egerstown, Md., to Miss EM cessful General. Attired in the simple garb MA F. ADDLIiSBERGER, of this place. of a citizen, he could not bo distinguished siumm ,„„„..— from the common - mortals who surrounded him as ho left the ears and pasti.ed through the hurrying crowd. On the 21st inst., in Quincy, twp , Mr Or D11111:11RIII.A.—SO CZ. change says that diphtheria in its early stage may ho recognized by any persev of ordinary capacity by two marked symptoms—the sen sation of a hone or bard substance in the throat, rendeting swallowing - difficult and paiulul, and a marked factor, unpleasant ,mall of the brenthohe result or its pave 'factive tendency. On the appearance of these simptcons, ir the patient is old enough to do ko, giro a piece of guar camphor of the s:za of a inurrowlat pea and I;ft it be retaivad iu the mouth, swallowing slowly the. saliva charged with it until it is all gone. In an hour or so give another, cud at the end of nuother hour a third; a fourth will not u,nally be required ; but if the pain nod unpleasant breath are not relieved, it taffy be it ierl two or three times morn - , at a little longer interval, say two or three hours. If the ehPld is yottig, powder the camphor, which can he easily dove by adding 'a drop or two of spi.xits of alcohol to it, and with an equal quantity of r.twdered lout sugar, or better, powdered rock candy, nod blow it through a quill or rubs into its throat, depressing the tongue with. the, haft of a spoon. Hung Himself Oo Sunday moruing last, as Shetiff Shantz was Inking his rounds to uti!ock his prison ers, wilco he cause 'to the cell of George Illig ho found him standing with his back to the grated doors. The Sheriff had nu suspicion at the time of anything very unusual having occurred, nod calling George by name, ask ed him why he waa standing there. Reedy ing.no_answer he-put-his -hand through- the door,and touched him, when his suspicion was aroused that somethiug was wrong. lie pulled open the door, when the body came swinging out with it, suspended from the top of the door by a piece of sheeting which _had-be-e tt—t-w le I o d—i u-t-o—a—repe-- nud—q uito ti cad. Asmistauce win called, the i body is ken down, mud an inquest held by Coroner Bentz. Ou investigation being made, it was found that Illig bad tried to escape, but was' unable to carry out his plans. Ile was very depressed in spirits from the time of his an rest (which was on the charge, of stealing sleighs, &t-e.,) and was ftrrn in the belief that ho would be sent to the Penitentiary fur fit -teen or twent %ears. Ile lift a few—noes -behind-himi - whict, tra - ci - evi - i en y •eeo writ e o the dark, bidding farewell to all, aek• iog God to forgive him. On Sunday about noon bin body wee taken to tho Altuebouse for interment. Any one whorentrotobers biro in Lebanon, two or three yearn baok—a fine looking and apparently a highly respectable young man—cannot but be touabcd with pity over bin melancholy end. In tho spirit . .hatity.b, whinh all unfortuaates a be judged, let us, believe tbat bis offenees were the offspring of a diseased mind rather than a bad boat t.—Lebonors Courier. A bill has been introdueed in the N - Yolk — Legislature prcriAiTig — tb - iit - if Jt unlawful for oue first counsin so engage agree to marry another first oonain of same consanguinity. Any person viol& the proposed law may be punished by of not moro tban 11,000, or—imprisoom , for not longer then one year, or both fino Tbo East Baltimore Annual Conferene, ibe_Methodiet Episeopal_Churob will--b, its eleventh annual session in Baltimore, be ginning 02 the eleventh of.ftlereh This oonference embraces / es ite teiritery the northern a nd westere pextioes of bleryland, and the ceuirsl end southern parts of this 1 Stele. IM==ll bit. John llenry, of Charlotte, Ye., t'ao loot survivor save one of the obildren of Pat rick Bury, and the owner of the cld family seat and burial place of tho 'groat orator, died on the 7th instant, in the 721_ year 61 his age. Emrne A. Tours, egad 23, died sud denly in the streets of New York last Bun. day a week, while on her wey to °buret], A post•inorten] eritnitielien showed that her death had been caused by tight lacing. A Lettter from !Tanana gives a fearful Re count of the raveues . of the cholera. There has been as many sa three hundred mem a dity,%early, halt of whioh proved fatal. On the 10th instant, there were fifty-two eases nr twenty-one (lentils. 11r. 'leery Butley, of Lo'don, has 'ent uitto tons of tract,l to the Young lloo's Christian Association of Chicago. Tho Mississippi Conyerition has passed resolution thanking, the Senate of tho United States for tlicir "right,pus act in •replaeing lion. E M. Stanton in his proper position as Secretary of War. The farm-bouse, barn and ont-buildings on the farm of John Brown of Northfield,, , 44, - — I ogictli: or with 20 head of cattle, 30 head of sheep and 00 tons of hay.. A proposition bas been presented to Con• gross by n member from Ohio, to cell the right to manufacture liquor for the United States for 1575,000,000. James Buchanan will be 77 years old on the 12th of April, 1368. 11e was born on the 12th of April, 1791. The Pennsylvania Legislature on Wednes day, elected ten. W. W. Irwin, of Beaver county ) State Treashrer fir the eniuing year Because John 0. Breekiuridge declines to ask for pardon, the city counsel of Louisville (Ey ,) by resolution, requests the Govern. !bent to invite this traitor back. By direetinn of the President, Major tlen• eral Popo has been assigned to the command of the Dopartruent of the Lakes, headquar ters at Detroit, Michigan. 4 , The Houston (Temay) .7elegrop4 exeban. nes with a South Carolina paper which rea ches it through the -- postofrice wrapped in thousand dollar Confederate,specie bonds. ri'MX.M ..11.14"1".421.1=1.. Jiro) kvfr * 1 1 .1011 N COOK; agod 82 years, 3 mos, nud 4 . , wys -. At lib raiienen, in •tllls pinee, on the 17th just , Itlr, 11.1011tY RICK.ENBAIJU [l, aged 70 yairs and 20 dap. !li4 IP 0131 A lia ili ()Tiff, EN:. 1tt333. 2' 2 1t01 . 2. itcs/ia. 2 ti(MATCD 1 SCIII:1 ! ! KIIIATCH ! ! ! In frum 10 to 48 hours. Wheaton's Ointment cures The itch Moaton's Oiutubutt cures Salt Ilheu:n, Wheaton's °lament cures Te nor. Whom:lob's Ointment cures Barbera' Itch ' Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Sores. NVheator's-Uintinent cures Every kind of II mot like Magic Price, 50 cents a box by mail, GO cents. Ad, dress WELIKB At. PO 1"I'DII, No. t7O Washing. ton Street,llestou, Mud. l'or sale by all Druggists. farLADIES FURS, BUFFALO ROBES, AND BL ANIfETS AT COST. Thu undiirsigned intending to rota odd an d enlarge , their Store Room, will close out at first cost : 3 setaid elegant MINK SABLE, 8 rata of SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, 2 ("cram FITCH CAPES, 15 seta LADIES FUR* from $6 to $l5 par eet, 5 Fur turned HOODS, Buffalo RUBES end L Fancy Buggy and sleigh Illank-eta, 8 Fur Cape, Collar' and Gloves, 7 Horse Corers, and a lot of Heavy Grey Blankets. Also, a let of Winter Caps, Glove", clec„ 'rho above are nil goods of this season's produc tion, and will be mold at coat to avoid handling tvhilo improving our store room. _ UPDEGRAFF'S, Bat, Fur and Glove Manufactory, Opposite 'k Vashington Houle. - Will pay in cash the bigeat price for all kind. ' of FURS, Muskrat, Mink, Coon, Oppoisuca, Hagerstown, Jan. 24 1868. .R E D II A T 1 3 3 PERPETUAL MOTION. I t 3 Ladies SUN UMBRELLAS, New Style PAR ALSO, RAIN UMBRELLAS, ere. A complete stock et UPDEGRAFF'S ' Hat, Cane and Useharella - Storas, Ilagere town IMEALX:LIiir.3O'MISS Tuebday, Jan. 28, '67:— Flour.—The Flour market is remarkably quiet, there being no inquiry except for the supply of the home oocautuers 10 bblr _Ja., including superfine at $7.25® 8 25 for home; extras, $8.25®9.25; North west extra family at $10®11.50; Penna. and Ohio . do. do., at $1.0,50®12 25, and fancy.lota at higher figures. Itye Flour and Corn Meal are inactive, and no sales of oitki d :1/4)}11)": bbeeneported: Grain.—The Whae.t market is firmer and them is a good demand for priroe. °"' ue . xr °TICS is hereby given that' letters testaments ry to the estate of Barbara Dana r, late. of Washington Township, de e'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All person. knowing theraselree indebted to said Baste will please rake immediate psyment and those having claims present them tally authenticated for settlement - Jan. 21—ivr. ISA A C SFIOGKEY, Eft. PUBLIC SALE. VHF. undersigned, assignee of M. M. toner will offal. a t Public lisle , at the store roam faunally , o e cur iod M. M.lBtoner, on .Afxrday the 17/A day of February 1868, A. STOCK. OF DRUGS, Store Furniture and Fixtures. A large amount of the refuse stook hes been disposed of. By an in— vestment of a few hundred'dollars the stock would be comrete. The zoom can be had en a liesie of three years. Belo lo commence at 1 o'cloOk on said day whin the terms will he made known by W. 8: A M B ERISON, G. V. Mona, Atilt. Jan. 31—ta PUBLIC SALE • _ r )1_ IJIE enbaeriber will sell at public sale, near hia residence, 3 mhos oast of Waynesboro', neva- I opowel/ Mills, oh Friday the Ws day of Feb ruar y siezi,lll9 following psnional property b wit : 2 IRTREAUB, 3 STOVES, 2 bcdN and bedding, 2 dismal, 12 chair. 1 settee, 2 tables 2 stand', 1 corner cupboard, 1 eight day clock, 2 Looking Omen, I doughtray, 1 copper ket tle, Iron pot., tinware, coveslote, quilts, table clothe, flannel, finnan &s., a lot of pork and beef. Also a lot of WHEAT, RYE, CORN AND OATS, and JnarlXßl.k/V-1 4 00 M 49440. rpr,lpwatl,2anantion-,,,13a4n, to comma Once at 10 o'clock on said day, when a reaspnable credit will be given by ISAAC SHOCKEY, Eer. Jen. 31—ts. 0. V. Motto, Mica. MLR sau rpHE RE .will 'be aold it Public Sale at the retai -1 dance of the aubacriber, abxut 1 miles North east of Quincy, near the road leading to the Mt. Al to Iron Work.. on 76esday Me 2blA of Farm:ry e the following personal . property to wit : 2 WORN HORSES , 2 Coils, l rising two years and the other 1 yesr; 2 IYIILICHCOWS, I of which will bo fresh about tbo day of gale, 17 hold Young Cattle, 4 hold of Sheep, 1 good Brood `Sow; I Narrow-Tread Farms Wagon, 1 Wood Bail 1 pair Hay Carriages, 1 pair I•horse hay heddrrs. 1 good threc•horao pluw, 1 horrors, 1 shovel plow. 1 CORN COVERER, Spreaders, double and single trees. 1 tot harness, 1 act dung boarda, 1 act front gears, collars, tridles and halters, cow chains, 1 piir breast chains, 1 pair utt triers, CORN BY T}l BBL. OATS BY BIT. and many other urticlus not neccessary to mention. Sale to commence at It) o'clock on said day when a reasonablc credit will be given. JOHN ROW. Jan. 31—t4. (;. V. Mos% A uct. - _ _ Mi A YNESBOIIO' MARBLE YARD. MEALS & BRO. On Main Street, Waynesboro', Pa., next door to the "tiovrden HUilbe'," where they are prepared to furnish all kinds of work. in their line, such as MONUMENTS , TOMBS , HEADSTONES ,- MANTLES , etc . c., at the shortest notice, ant as cheap as the cheap.. eat. Give un a call. nynesboni, J an. '2l tf, r- IVIACHIND SHOP LUMBER YARD jI DY, FRICK & CO„ wouLl Worn) the Puhli , ; gentraily, that they have tailion the catabdAh• meat and bugitiesiv, lately oNned by Lidy tf Lit roue, (formarly Wu/. Flursagait.) and aro uiauufaetutiag GRAIN DRILLS, of the latni improvement.' eud VrnnUlt LiWin to give satialf.ction. Alva liziakerhulrg UulabrAted Patent CORN SHELLER, Separator and cleaner, the hest Sheller ever offered to the Public. Also OIPSAN'S PATENV CLUTHSWASIIER. Warranted to give sake faction Or no sale, They are prepared to do alt kinds of Job Work, Repairs, liCoo ii/ their line of Innincee, done et the shortest natice and on real. onablelerras. They have aloe on band a large lot of the beet Lumber for sale cheap, and have opened a regular LUMBER YARD of all kinds of Lumber, which they will sell very cheep for cash oialy.— Person., iu want of anything in our line will please give us a call. We will, give satisfaction. Jan 21 —tf. LIDY, FRICK & CO. PEBLIC SAVE. Vara: subscriber intending to gait farming will a sell at Public sale, at his residence on the Marsh Run, four miles from Waynesboro' and six from Greencastle, on the road leading from the turnpike to the Pr'larsh Store, one mile from the former and two from the latter, on Thursday and Friday, ISM and 1 4th day: of February, the folluning property VIZ : II MAD GOOD USK P of which are work horses, three of them brood mazes with foal ; b colt's, 1 three years old, 2 two years old and 2 one year old ; 19 IIEAD CATTLE ! 5 of which are mulch cows, one fresh, the balance springers, 1 large Durham Bull, 4 large' Steers, 3 fine Leiters, the balance young cattle; a lot of sheep 36 HEAL OF HUGS , among whi are 2 brood oows, the balance atazk hogs; 2 PARS WAGONS, 1 heavy 4 inch and 1 three inch log Wagon, 1 new two home :Spring Wagon, 1 one and two•horat Carriage, 1 Mower and Reaper, ( Lie Illi=improved-)--- rain sn , 1 spring Rake, latest improved, 1 four-horse sled, 2 pair flay Carriers, 1 pair Wood Ladder:, l Wheat Fan, 1 Rolling screen, 4 Bar-- ehear Plows, 2 three-horse and 3 trro•horee, 3 Har rows, all new, 4 double ?Shovel Plows, 2 single Shovel Plows, 2 Corn Coverers, 1 Jackscrew, I ough lock and cleric, log chains, filth chains. spreader., 3 double trees, :30 grain bags, 1 hag wagon, 2 beim shovel., S hay burls, grail/land shaking forks, man ure forks and hooks, 1 hay knife, 2 grain cradles, 6 naowin: ac then 10 r . • an ago , I licelliarrow. 6lleigh and bells, $ sets Breochbands, 4 sets Front Gears, nearly new ; 8 sets Plow Bears, 6 Fly -nets, 9 collars, • blind bridles 6 blousons, 3 riding bridles, 1 Riding Saddle, 1 wagon saddle, 1 six-horse, line and Whip, 11 bead halters and chains, 1 pair !heck lines, 1 sot Deggy Harness, 19 cow chains, f`w bretat and butt haino,-1-henry lock chain-, 1 fita BL&CKSMITII TOOLS ; 1 largo gtindstono and 1 small onc, .60 BAR,RELS or CORN, 00 Locust Poste, 200 lest Dry W*'nut Board', ratteelto and shovels ' sledges and diging into, aloe eed potstoes, 1 hey fJr:t and pulleys, llO fret mod ,p - o, 1 buggy — Vcde, about 16 TONS TIMOTHY -BAY , ions 76 acres Grain in the groani;_elso_the-follerr, .ig household article., viz : 1 Gook Sove, I Tin plate Stare, 3 tables, a lot benches, a lot Tinware, applebutter by the crock, 1 ptir largo steelyards, about 25 yda ,carpet, and many other articles too numerous to mention Sale to commence at 9' a'• clock an said clam when due atteztlance and a credit of 12 months will be given on all sums of •5 and upe anis, Uudar 415 the csah will be required. Jan. 21--ts. SAMUEL 11, BARR. 0. V . WONG, Auet. PUBLIC SALO! HE subscriber intending to quit farming, Will 1411 soil at Pubt is Sale, it his residence, at Mt. Mope, in Quincy township, on Thursday the 20th grey of FehrUary next, the fnilowing personal property, to veil: I goad work and FAMILY HORSE , 10 HEAD OF CATTLE . 3 of vrhich,are good Mild] Cotr , r,2 large Dowser Hcifi•r., 1 Devon dull, 4 head young cattle, I haled Hogs ; 1 FARM WAGON, 4-inch tread, 13 and 4 horse wagon 2.in-h tread. good Spring wagon, 1 standing top Buggy. 1 spring rake, I set new Ilay C.sriers, 1 Wheat Fan, 2 Nt• new Breechbands, 2 blind bridles, 2 collars, 2 Dy ne's, all new ; backhand and backing strap■ for a one-hems wagon. 2 pair butt chains, l pair breast chains, 2 new halters and chnins,l get Buggy har ness, 2 two horse plows, 1 llarrovr 1 Shovel Plow, 1 Corn Coverer, I two..horsi spreader, 2 double:l trebol and 6 single trees, I manure hook: 1 Tons Timothy Hay 1 grain shovel, a lot rakes an] forke,lo cow ch,ina, 2 sets dung boards, 1 dung sled. a lot oak lumber, such as I-inch boards, 1* inch plank. 1 wheelbar row, 2 mattocks, 1 crosscut saw. 1 new axe, maul and wedges, tar.can, a lot tools, ouch as augers, saws new grindstone and (rune, a lot grain be ;s, grain cradle and mowing scythe, a lot brio= handles, 2 long ladders, 1 log chain ; /20 BARRELS OF CORN ; One number 0 Cook stove, 1 Parlor Wood Stove 1 large meat •essel, benches, boxes and barrels, barrel slacked lime for whitewashing, 1 bedstead, 2 wash stands. 26 yds carpet, a lot books, 1 ellat gun, I now rifle, a lot empty bottles, a lot window blind., Potatoes by the bushel, shoulder. and Mee by the pound, R chairs, crocks, jugs, tinware, and many o- ther articles too numerous to mention, dale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day, when the terms will be made known by _ Jan. 24—to PUBLIC SALE. rriliE subscribers intending to move Wsst, wiil sell at public sale, et their residence, on the tam of Abrehsin Barr, 1 arias south ot Waynes boro', near Good's Sash and Door Factory, on Mon day tie 3d day of February next, tho following prupertf , to Wit : THREE BROOD MARES with foal, taro of which are faniily beasts, end or.e wagon and plow leader; 1 extra Mitch Cuw, 12 bead of flogs; 1 Wagon fur ono or 2 horses, 1 Reeks-, way buggy, I :sleign, 1 pair Ilay 'Carriages, '2 nets of idr 4 Lechbands 4 sets Now fiesta, I act single_har nose, 1 riding and t side saddle collars bridles and bakers, 1 %lies:lb:m.lw, I single alaw , el plow, 1 set blacksini'll tools, iron by t horn shovels and f ir k,,, I hand Cider Pres.., 1 sausage Nlacliiire; Mao 3 Bureaus, to.vo nearly it ,w; 4 sets chairs, throat, sets nearly new, 4 rocking chairs, 5 be':teads, 2 wr.. nog drake, 2 safes, 3 lialling-reef tables, I kitchen ta ble, 3 clucks, 2 vitiks, 3 c.,eats, about 75 yd eaglet -2 doughtraya, taii•plato stove and' pipe, 1 coal. stove, 1 parlor wood ur coal st ive and pipe, I Cook stove and fixtures, about 800 lbs bacon, Isrd by the quirensware, tinware, crock'', potatuvis by the bushel, barrel., tube and buckets, 1 iron kettle, and other attic:ea too limner° us to mention. er Sulu to coin. melee at 9 o'clock on said tiny when the terms will be made known by P. LOWE & DANIEL LOWE. January G. V .lluNn. DANIEL TRITLE. G. V. Mous, Auct.