apa t=s estra VirWe have just received our sew stook of DRY GOODS, 1300T8 AND SHOES, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, QUEENS WA RE, HARDWARE, To Which we call the attention of all who wish to buy cheap emds. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. VA LUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOit SALE! Frll E auhseribrr ofFers at Private Sni" his propere ty on Church hire Waynesboro,' consibting• o TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE _ _ and_lot of-grounil,-with good Wish House, and other ue ceessary iinprovenients, the whole being i n good re pair. 'There is also on th lot 'dullee variety of taut trees. If not di , posed offal - ore the Ist day •of January 1868, it will he offered at Public Sale on that day, and if not Sold -will-then-be ()tiered for rent to the hiehee , t. bi,tder, Persons wi-Ling to ( )(amine tho property will please call on Geu. liethkr, Elsq . who wi I show I. to them JtMEPII DER. Dec. 6 ti TOR RENT. HE. tie , itable Mill Property situated one mile writ of lVnynesboro% known OS Weslim,ton tilari~no-wtfti•nd n.. „on rrneonable terms. This property has four run of stone with an the ° late improvements found in Alin progenies. Any per son wishing to 'mpg° in the buiiiie-a will do well by calling at once up in the umlersigot.d. Oct tf. MU 611.13 ERT. GROCERIES, C. 1!. DICK EL lOULD respectfully announce Willis hien& and the public generally that he is prepared to rupply ell who need COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS, FISH, TOBACCO, CIGARS, TEAS, RICE, . BROOM, BUCKETS TWINES, SALT. Also a full assortment of Confectionaries, Notions, Stationery, etc. Country Produce --- Taken in exchange for goods. In connection with the Grocery business he also keeps FLOUR and PEED STUFF, than which there can be none better nor cheaper. Thankful for plst favors he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. Aug. 2, 1867. T"RE "EUREKA" SMUT AND SEPA RATING MACHINE. PATENTED FEBRIJA EY, 23, 1867. . lIAYS, Sole Agent For Franklin, Perry, Cumberland, Lierlfrrd find Fulton Counties, Pa, and WasbingtErn and Frederick Chanties', Md. This Macine is put before the public upon its own merits. It is the most complete machine of the kind Pow in use, and is guaranted to all turehasers. In NO case will pay be required until the machine has been thoroughly tested and sari: faction given. For C%ircuiar ad,ress M. 11A YS, Meat er:burg, N. B —The subscriber also builds and repairs 1 , 111.1.8 ofall kinds at short notice and upon the most approved plans. Cost Iron and Turbine Wri ter Wheels, Burs, I:oulting Cloths, Flour Packers, Belting, Proof staffs arid all kinds of Mill Furnish ings furnished at the lowest cash prices. All work end goods warranted. M. H. Juno 24. Iy. .11.1 W F liit M I MAKINV: THE subscribers would inform the public that they have at satiated themselves together in the Carriage making business, an 1 that the business hereafter will he continued at Jacob Adams' old stand unties the firm of A nsus & )(swim. They will have constantly on hand "BUG- DIES of every description ; new and 1 ; ; second-handed Vehicles of ull kinds. .K. 116.1 1. Er Repairing done at short notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in our line will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. JA COll A DA GEORGE 13. liA. VI. K ER, Chureh Street, neatly YET :fifL Lit 3t. E ChsucA Jam.2B—if A New Books larEveryboly should road H. M Crider's Hu morous Poem on bahool Masters. Sent by Mail, on receipt of 75 cents• Address letiDER &bn Pablishers, Dec. 6-4 t Z;:1 OIL Cl.[) NIS, &c Sitpr4, Pa A NOTICE' FOB.. ALL TO HEAD I 1 1 116110BNING GLORY!" is the Cheapest and the Best Base Burning Stove Leforeete Futile 1 THE No. 0 M. G. sells at $25, and is nearly Si) lbs. heavier than thneNo, 9 Oriental, and is larger' than the No 10 or No. 1 ,which sells at flu, to six dullars t more than the No. 9M. G. Again, the morn ing Glory is Me only stove that breaks up its cinder and passe sthem off with the ashes. Thw is done by means of its 1114 Graf e. Th is grate is not in any o the r stove, nor can any other store use it— This mill grate is insured for five yeari, now, in the Oriental stove, when you must take out tinder you have to open a door on top of the fire•pot and with a poker rake them up and pass them out through this door Very nice that, provided some of the hot cinder falls on your nice carpet. "Oriental Book, page, says that you must take off your pipe during the season from the stove and remove the ashes &c., which have accumulated in the back flue." An (Aber n ice job in a nice room. Plow, nothing of this kind have you to do in the Morning Glory. W. A. TRITLE is the only agent in Waynes•. hero' for the sale of the M. (I. stove. He has sold since the 28th day of Sept., 50 of these stoves. The M. G. has taken since 1860 all first class Premiums over all other Base Burning stoves. Call and see the stove in operation and learn what the stove is, for yourselves, then you can judge which is the best stove. Trusting that in this exposure I have done no injustice I leave it for the public to judge as to which of these stoves shall receive their patronage. CE LEK . TUE The Morning Glory isn perpetual burner, having R magazine or reservoir for reserve coal, which is re quire., to be fi l ed but once a day, and if the proper sized coal is wed it is not necees-ary ‘to rekindle the fire during the entire winter. (No clinker will remain in these stoves. - nor will them he any trouhle from slate, or other impurities in the c oal, the fire being always at the base of the coal, the impurities are left in the ashes and ground out by the "M ill-gr tie.") THERE'S NO ESCAPE OF GAS OR DUST ECONOMN OF FUEL ! The combustion of fuel being. pe:rfect and at a high temperature, the amount of heat produced from t he-same-q u 3 nti-ty—eF-c — OTE — r than at a low temperature, hence but a small quan• tity of fuel is neeeessary to be undegoing the pro cess of combustion at one time. The et.tira outer surface of the Morning Glory is radiating sur face. Add to this the surface of • hj. eta heated by rays of ht through the mic • windows, and you have the reret of the great heat ing properties of the Shining Glory wilt,' a small are amount of fuel. vi/- Fur sale at ,W'. A. TRITLE'S Tin and Stove Store. He has a large stock of Stoves Tinw are and oth er goods in his line, which he will se II cheep. You will find the best COOK. NINE PLATE and COAL STOVES in market. Also on band Brass, Copper and Iron Kettles. His Copper Kettles are better than are offered for sale elsawher e, and cheap. rr, as he makes them, and can sell at shorter profits. Aso the best CIS'T'ERN PUMP in market, i a. strong, simple durable and cheap, is insured not to freeze. Call and see it. All lands of repairs done in Tin. Copper or Sheetiron. Don't fail to call as you will find a large stock of goods. Sept. 6-7 mos. W. A. TRITLE. LIVERY ! LIVERY TILE subscribers announee to the public that they still continue the Livery business. Hav ing recently added both horses and vehicles to their stock they are now better prepared than 11.1 ever to accommodate persons wanting fine riding and driving horses and corn ortable conveyances. An attentive OS. der always in_attendance__and_pa rties con veyed to any point desire I, night or day. caPassengers conveyed daily to and from Green atstle Their Buss leaves at fil A. M. and retnrna 7, P. M. ". WOLFERSBERGER & STONER. Aug, 30-tf._______ NEW FIRM. THE undersigned would respectfully call the at tuition of the Public to their stock of PEIZT.R.TX"rt.TEL3II2 9 embracing all atticles of Furniture usually manu factured by cabinet makeria. We will also give eur attention to COFFIN MAKING, and hope by strict attention to business to merit a liberal share of public patronage. All orders for Furniture or Coffins attended to with dispatch.— Our Furniture Rome can he found on Main Street, up stairs, in Willaims nine g ati's Drill Shop. J.M. &E. BENDER,. December 21—tf. rri HE undersigned will offer for Rent at public I outcry on Tuesday the 31st day of' December, 1867, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the Store 6tand in Mt. Hope, Quincy township,4 miles Iroin Waynesboro', on the road leading to Chambersburg, known as the "Mount /Iva Store" for many years. Largo Brick Houma, with large store Room. Back Room, large Senor, two large ware•rooms. The house is roomy for one family. :tabling, hog pen, garden, large let, &c. Thera is a Merchant Mill in the village which is surrounded by a rich neighborhood, six public roads leading to the place. Per one wishing to engage in the business of perchandizing will do well to attend this sale. Possession given on the first day of April, 186 d for one two or throe years Pee. 13-3 t. SAMUEL PFOUI7.. ' • STRAY BULL. STRAYED away torn the premises of the sub ecriber on Saturday evening the 30th inst , a Red Bull, about 3 years old, gentle disposif.i4.47,. ny person giving such information as will lead to his recovery will be liberally rewarded. ,Dec. 6-3 w. A 11101.13 UIR. 1.0 BALES ecarnlera Wain Bogs or more and for sale cheap by WALKER, :NEILL & Co .13a,gaitown. O VERCOATINGS MICR & HoEFLICIes. EVERYBODY COME AND SEE TILE IMPROVED , ORIENTAL B ASE BURNER, At the sign of the Big Red Horn, ond vow will be convinced th at the Oriental in the best, the hen& sinned and the cheaperd Dace Hurting Coal Btoiro in the, WORLD for truth is rnigley at d will prt veil. We have l.the Morning Glory in our ttorc so that you can judge for yourselves. 1). a. :RUSSELL. sells the No. 9 at $23, No. 10 at $24. 11 at 30,'N0. 12 at $34. The 011000 has a larger fire pot, , a better grate, makes more heat with lets coal than the Morning Glory . The Utichtal has taken the four first prem. iums at the State*Fairs of New York, and the large Silver Mt dine at the American Ini.titute. Como and ace at the sign of the "'BIG RED HORN", Waynesboro', Pa., where you can get any kind of Stoves you want of . . . D. B. ItUBSELL, who always keep on bond and for sale Tinware made of the best tin and by good workman. House furn ishing geode dec. at the sign of the BIG RED HORN. THRY - ARE - PHRPETTJAL 13URNERS, ONLY ONE FIRM MANG REQUIRED TO MADE DURING TllE SEASON. TIIEY ARE PERFECT VENTILATORS OF TILL' APARTMENT. CAN BE NO ESCAPE OF GAS FROM T 11&, TERM! CAN BR NO CLTNICHR OR SLAG , TO 013STItUUT MI FIRE WILL RF,MAIII FOR DAYS WITH- OUT A'PTUNTION. TMN ILLUMINATION IS EQUAL -TO-AN • " MS_' nit SUZY ARR POWERFUL HEATERS AND YbT PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO MILD WEATHER. THEY ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL/ STOYES_AND FURNACES EVER MADE. TUN FURNACE WILL lIRAT,.SA.TIBMG. TORILY, BOTH AN UPPER AND A. LOWER ROOM, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL FUEL. Night Siges of the Stoves, und Three Sees •f tin Parlor Furnaces Manufactured and for Sale to the Trade by PERRY & CO" ORIENTAL STOVE WORKS, No. 113 Hodson at, AlbatOr. Sold at Retail by D. B. RUSSELL, Sign of tho Dig Red Ho rn, Waynesboro,' Pa COOK STOVES irtaware, Ironware, c., , Brassware, .., Japanned ware, House Furnishing Goods And other useful artteles nt the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa, where a large as sortment of COOK STOVES, NINE PLATE STOVE,S PARLOR. STOVE, S • COAL STOVES, &e. of the latest improvements. the very best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and titove store of D. 13. 11t•E1,1.,. TIN ur A R ,E made of the heat 'fin in the market, and warranted it the sign of the “1311 w 11-©d 3E3E4DxzI.” D. 13. RU:SSELL keeps constantly on hand 'a large nssort:n- , nt of House Furnishing Goods for sal.. cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large aFsortmerit of Larnp3. Washing. Made. Easy ! • by cogirig nt the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever mile. CPersons in want of Stoves, Tinware, House I . ''utnishing Goods, &c. &c, can get full value Piz thcir money by caking on D. B Sign of the ''BIG RED HORN " Waynesboro', Po Oct 25 Hides Wanted. Tuin subscriber will ry the highest cash price for Hides delivered et the a tore of &over &- Wingert, quincy. or ht the Hardware Ntore of Messrs. Geiser & Rlaine'iart, in ‘Vayitesboro'. The higest cosh p:ice will else be paid :JOU cords of Bars, to be delivered at Quincy - . Nov, Is—tf. GEO. MIDDOU R. STIIAT STEER. `l - 4 TRAYED from the 6 h vitym-,overal months C a l since. a Heil Mute &Mei nith a star on his fore head, about 2 years o A liberal reward will ho paid fer such Ir/format' n ns will lead to his reeovc ry. JACO LI CARBAULIii. Dee. 13-3 w. COAL STOVE —A Parlor Cook Store for I ur• !tin coal. for sale by W.. 1. 141.1.) , Not•. (5 THE subscriber offers et Private Sale his firm containing 43 acres and some perches of clear land, about one half mile North of Waynesboro', on the Quincy road. This land all lays to the mor ning sun and is in the best kind of order, has all been limed except 12 acres within 18 months to the amount of 100 bus. to the acre and part of it had 200; there is about 1600 bus. of lime now ready for the balance, which will be put on in the spring.— The fences on the pn perty ore g‘Arnl,a good bearing Orchard and also a new one of 100 trees of choice fruit just begining to bear, a nevi r-lailing wel l of elegant water, a good comfoilable house, 9 tolerable fare Barn, Carriage house, Hog pen, Cenierib3, and a good died for hielf - i`rtis is one of the choicest pievii's el land in Franklin Ponn ty, convenient to Town and to Mills in the neighborhood. The land is ell clear I have alto 23 neres of elegant Moun tain land that I will sell with it if desired. Foriref erence to the above property, please call on Mr. Geo Besore in W anesboro', or Mr. Johnißrentlinger who resides on said property. G..f. lIALSLIiY. Nov. 29 —tf PUBLIC SALE• WILL B E sold at public Bale on Friday the 20th of Dee, next, near Pikesville, on the road !eliding from the turnpike to Ringgold, the follow inglproperty to wit: S HEAL) uk' WORK Hon. SES, 6 HEAD O.F UArl . E,3 of which are milch cows, 1. young Bull, 1 young Helfer, 5 Shoats, 1 3 and 4 florae Wagon, 3 inch tread, 1 good Rock away Buggy, 1 Gam-spring Brill, good as new; 1 pair hay carriages, 1 Corn Sheller, 1 Wheat Fan, 2 pair Breech Bands, 2-pair front gears, 1 pair plow gears, Collars, Bridles and Butters, 2 sets good If ar mee, 1 pair new Check Lines, 1 new Buggy polo, Libman Hand Cart, 1 jackscrew, 1 rough lock, 2 log chains, 1 brier hook, l grain cradle and - mow ing scythe,-thovels and picks, rakes and forks, 1 manure hook, 1 cutting box, lot iron 1 3 horse p10w,•2 double and 2 single shovel plows corn coverer, 1 spinning wheel and reel, 1 sausage cutter, 1 new meat tub, 1 water Keg, 1 churn, let barrels, 2 hand saws,l dinner bell , string of Sleigh Bells, 1 leather truk, 5 TONS GOOD TIMOTHY HAY, 5 loads corn fodder, 25 barrels corn, I new saddle and bridle, treble, double, mil single trees, 2 pair spreader, double link but and blest chains. 1 good .robe, 1 wagon bed, half bhshel measure, 1 Sewing Machine, 1 Accordin, 1 ten plate vlove, good as new; 10 grain bags, and many articles not fleeces ea ry to mention, sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when a err dit of nine months will be given on all sums 01 and upwards under 45 the cash will„be required. Nov; 29 ts. ELIZABETH STOUFFER. MMI PUBLIC SALE. ayes, Ili ILL be offered at public sale, on Saturday V . V the 2181 day of Decembernext. th, large two tinny brick house and lot of pound belonging to the heirs or Michael Stoner, d , c'd., situated on Main Street, adjoining the W nesboro' Bold. '1 here is a fine *qui.° Warn in_said-house-and — the — location for businets is not surpaqsed by any in Waynes boro: 1111101 at the tho dr of lie If no t sold en said day, tc,will be I fft real for rent. Sale to-commence nt 1 o'clock, when the terms will be made known b'y .101.31.11 3 11 S. BTON Executor. Cts C). Nov. 28—to No. 10, West Washington Street, Fine Gold Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Penknife Blades. THE subscriber has now on hand an evsor of Penknife Blades. Persona wantij put in knives me requested to give s hiT Nov. 8 —4t JOHN H. Jf" iyty eauT LAST cot, IINST N T ICE. r pers one indel.ted., to L. S. Forney or L. 8 Forney & Sons, 11 Note or Book Account, nra rrquested to ca 11 and sett le the same on or before the Ist day of Janu my next, otherwise they will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Nov. 29-4 w. L. S. FOIIN EY. Newest, Best s Cheapest CLOTITING CEORCE BENDER Mt Has recently opcnoi up an entire now stook of . 11;Ez' ZER_ MC INV Eing- I,' IL 0 I li 1 IA ,r 6 , AU of which has been obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JARRETT, Bal timore. Every article sold is WARRANTED to be of the best custom make, and the material just what it isreprescnted to be. A lull arsortment of GENTS FITRNISIING COODS always on hand, such as Under Clothing, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Hose , Collars, &e. MI we ask is, that you give us one trial, and you will always buy, fur remember we do not keep 'hailly made - clothing and the goods are ail of the latest sty le May, 4 7 lyj DR. T. D. FRENCH, XT.IaINT iS7W, NSERTS Beautiful nuil Durable teeth mounted j on Platina, Gohl„and Vuicanite. Particular attention giten to the preservation of the natural teeth. Nitrols Oxide Gas administered for the ex trac- Irm o tee th without Office at his residence cm Mechanic Street. Feb. 8• BRIk:J. FRANTZ, M. D. 116 FRANTZ & EzN I VEL.Y having assocci _Ur ted themsolvos in the practice of illetlicins an d surgery would et .rt - that they are well I ;pared tar treat il• tno lies' and surgical cases. / •sons i n t det .ed to e..ner of tho above will please n .ke early aettl.atent to the time of their association as th e y wish to close their old, books. min Dr. Frantz's rosidonre in the ro n for away occupied as a store room by Mr. I, But. r. April PO It SAIL f.k V. 'tutu; Auct DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, &C. llagonitown AND SUMMER G1:0. BONDER Wny n emburo : t. N. fINIVEN.Y.N. D SECOND ARRIVAL. Great Reduction in Prices! PRICE & 110EFLICIFS, Where they haVe received the finest assortment of goods of all kinds that have been brought to Waynesboro' since tho war. Bought at a low price and will be sold accordingly. Thu sulrtcribers kindly ask the citizens of Waynest bore' and vicinity to call and examine their goods. and feel assured that they will concur in the a bove statement. Bilks, Alpaca Rem - Pique cloths, Mohair Epps Marines, Belding. Coburgs, Dela Intl in all shades and qualities. Cloths, Cassimeres. Cords, litatinets,Jr Linea' weeds, all eerie ties, with a heat of all kinds of goods at Oct. 4 1861. PRICE & 110EPLIIIIPS B REAKFAST shawl', Long anti Pgunio PI ENDID Goods from tbo Chambers] nrg Woolen Factory at Fates - Iloaerdeles. G UM D lank( is a nice article fora rainy day at Fates & llosweri 's. NIV HITE Wool and GTe li y iti ll es lar i rti vr l II men's. ANIIATTAN. Germantown Factory Yarns at PLUCE & Deism:Cs. A l.O 'l' of Pretty eassi mere at farce & Roman's. NEW E.; tyles of Hoop shirts at Purer & II OEFL ICll'd B ALM ORAY,:S a very cheap lot just received at Pares & llogtructr's. E.P 4 andDay A a ls il o a l a . t n a d a te a s d A S I I Z I N and Childress kittoes arid Gaiters at ' Palos & /lositden's JOMEMADE Rag Cafroqii-at— PRICE & Iftssuraeu'a FRE It Mackrel at 1211-m s llomicrz's B UCKSKIN Gloves and Gauntlets at Placa& llorrYtrerftr - _7:. LADIES Sack Cloths at Pest: & HUMILICII . I3. G um Shoes and Sandals a t PIIICR & Ilurandcn'e. 1867! _LAUIES FURS! HUDSON BAY WOLFF ROBES ! - COONSKIN R OBES ! l'he greet Cumberland Valley Hat and Fur Em porium, the fashionable resort of Indies and Gentle. men-visiting-Chnmbersburg, at J, 36--z-outifFiffit-131 The largest assortment of 11 ats, Clips and ft die's Furs west of Philadelphia, WHOI.EdALF. OR RucAtt., at prices to suit the times. A ca• riety in the way of a. full set olladie's Fursut ON. LY FIVE; DOLLARS, arid a good article at that After visiting other places call n n,l see if we can not sell cheaper goods than earths hid elsewhere. Chiturbershurg Nov. 22, 1867. bladei , coll. 11INSTON. NEW GOODS AT OLD PRICES 2 METCALFE& FIITESHEW CIIAIIBEUSBURG, have just retuned horn flew phia with one of the largest ns•orted stocks of Dry Goods and Notions over brought lei Chambersburg We aro selling most of our stock at such prices as ranged previous to the war. I lere they are: Calicoes, good for Comforts, only 6+ Calicoes very good for 8 to 10 Calicoes bed made only , 121 Delaines good (best old styles) only 121 Delaines, beautiful uew rdy es, only 181 Delaines, heat MO e, on 20 " Canton Flannel, cr ood, only 16 Muslin, heavy, one yard wide, nillY 12 1 Spool Cotton, best waxed, 2UO yds. Best 81r.irt Braids 8 CARPETS, CARPETS. 'Those blau'iful wool striped Carpets 85 All wool imported, only $1 00 A full assortment of thirputs of every ,doacriptiun at very low prices. 13 , EiMe.61 -C),C1).3:).63 A full' line of Dress Goolg of every dcscri ption 011. CLOTRS for table arid floor in gront variety; in short you will find a full annorthient of every article belong ing to the Dry Goods line. Nov 151 METCALFE h IfITES:IE 3 . ! W- MILL R NEW GOOR:i VVING roceired a large, a•norinu•nt of goods, I orn prepared to olh•r greater in r Ic °merits than heretofore at redriced priceg. Ali I ask is an exuminntion of the t.tock and pikes, oud they will occur with the above. ➢DUV GOODS, IitYIIO:NS, • 41),C lIEENPSWA-11,1E, CEDER:WARE, 1 tenJer my than!ts. to the community for tluir liberal pnrouuge unJ hope 10 merit a coatinuat cc of the same. • Oct. 111867. .1. W. I.l' f , yAWES Sauk. t.loths at r P.actt F OR a cake of fine Soap, you mustrco ur r: u rve sir*RUPS=G:w 1 antlCLeap a REID'S 00 TO Frna II Shawls: - Intim ts sacks, nt Pates & I Isznautt's 1156N , 2 //44 TS AND bAPS! ARRIVAL or GROCER I EX, (MITT LEM', G LASS %V ALICE, OIL CLIDTEZ, CA 11PETi NG, Ga.: f~., a~sE~:.~ KEW.T L 7 A-:1 AND MEUE.2 (.61311H GEORGE STOVER EIAS RETURNM) FROM PR OA DEL PIRA WITI-1 A SUPPLY OF' DRY GOODS v. 21318 tit) CUD r]lir Med EM3 ZM:t CD) ._ '‘2.i g NOTIONS, QIJERNSWARE GROCERIES, ,II:f• To, which lie incites the attention of of' his patrons anti the pui:lin penorally. October, 1 fo; NEW STORE. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! COON & STONE.HOUSE: \AT ()ULU respectfully inform the rash:: that y they hat•C How opened at their new room,au the south.tve:t corner of the Dtnmond, itt 11 ayrwe• lano', a large and-vrell-welixt-eA-titoeKTof Dry tooth, • tblroceries, hard 'are and Cutlery, lran, - 9teel,- oils, Conch 2 rnakerg Gouda of every description, Queensware, Cedarware, Shoes, Car pets, Oil Clo Pis, Piyiinte,Glass, Oils, Varnish Rana.- es, Fish, Bal6-a-ndall kind of (Goods kept in a well regulated store- Our goods are ail new cud fresh and have been bought for cash at the lab decline in prices. We Hatter ourselves that from our long experi ence in business, mind a determination to sell geode at small profits, we shall be able to offer unusual inducements to all buyers who desire to 99 1 '0 !non.. ey.--Plent.e call-arid see for yourselves. We have a large and well assorted stock of sta ple and fancy Dry Lioods, embracing Cloths, Cassimeres, Jeans, TwereN, (;_ottotlndesrl:ortilTlieir,-- Sattincf ts ims, Strip K, (.1 11 inghams, Li nm and lUotton Tuble Di;npers, Urneh tar Towels, I alit:nes, Detains, A Ipaceas, FINUY DRESS GOUDS, 'Printings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting and Stnitings, Tickings, Linens, Plantsls, IVhite Goods, Gloves, Hosiery nod Notions. We aro re. milling new goods every week and_ will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand Hi a lew days. . We pay the highest'rnarket price for ad country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, Egas Dried Fruit, Rags, &c, Oct 18„ 1867. D RS. FETTERHOFF & FORREST DENTISTS, Nu. 18 S'outli Alain Street, Next door to Nixou's I)rug titor t (up Stair , C Al4lll EILS Li RAI. 1 1 A , Have entered into el - partnership in the Pr ,ctie. n br o i-try in all its I•'anchea: anti feel anti f-t.t r. , ,t fur Pietitnesa, Durability and Perfect Adaptation their work cannot be surpassed. NITROUS OXIDE GAS &U., used to extract Teeth wit hout pain. IVill giro t•pecial attention to r..guiatioa an:l preserving tho Natural Teeth. ( 1 11A120ES Mi WE HATE and Teeth examined FREE CH A tine of thorn will be nt the Hallo House, arden cmo.te, on the first Mirriddy to Wednesday of each month,arid-at-St—Thornas on--tho--eta-cond—Mon-ducy" arid Tuesday of each month Oct. 25. i 857. --- - - D R. D. A. STOUFFER; DENTIST. ' 4,11 / 4 4.14i. PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN GREENCA.S'I'LE, PA. T A VING taken a thorough course ot Anqtriin . tion in Dental science and ;more than fixc yeant experience, is prepared to practice hid protes• sign wilh care anti rail iltion. Double and Arigi, .etS Of Teeth inotin.i'd and insured on the •444_3!!1 pia: e, city ;•,ty It, which is beau:in/I and niON C,inl fai..l)4,l:VOrfl at prices n inch dc fy c.:mpetition.Teeth , ranucted un G. 1.1 or :Si.vor. HaraJg one Alf Dr- Richards Ether or N Ircati; t-,;.rays , o Nopa•cri ct 11e*7.M. , the gums, proves an fII .t .. 1 ild ir e having Te 4. 4 1.1 extractv‘l. iy er f. it. . :encra ily Itkrrt, and ahvly-C - ari'c I prefer it t 1., N - taus (laid,: Gna ig r ooto—Eiortricity is 111.`i1 for weak netveil and neurii.gii. d o ch.irge fir evr1:11 motion of Tetth. lit. ye your Teeth ezunwed on,:e cr txrico a Pear, and f Itv i ;14 s(1011 as a cvi t ty finned. 'hue nil Teeth rn4y be saved. Particu lar htfrntion is p lid to children's teeth (too untvh imitlect..ll by parents), also, the pre-airvatt,in at tho cutursl o r g a n by filling. Dental rooms in N, thantel 'Martin's re4leocu . once occupied by Dr Dentiat, ltaittature trtret t Ocrollt, II '867. Fotisailvy Isratl Machi;ae f.k:atnio :,z, FaivATa sazce,. 11 F.SSRS Hess & Emmert inlendinz tho ofr•r n t Private 8-,le then F‘mliJry. and Machine 81.,nr :Ind all Its contents, Invented near Quincy, Franklin Co, Pn. For Infurnmtion. ‘l,l,lrpsd IIEBS & EMMMIT, - Nnv. B —tf. Quincy, Franklin Co., Pa. L ADIES Dress Gal hi of a.l kind.: it the Ftnre of AISBUSIZDN, BENR.DIOI& CD 0 E IIoO.ITING6 ut 1 Al FST a rri ,ai:lSr tv Goods at lila atnie u 1 J AHLIEHBON. BENEDICT ef. CO. iyilliii A. ith aid Vegetables—throul&iiiiit; — itopasrm, tit IZEID'S. May 17 L'ILOOIt Oil Clotho. nil p,.tterne and style at tha store cf Basignarc & PRICC & lIOFFLIOH'L.