Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, October 18, 1867, Image 2
'RIME RECORD. avair mei Esc:ix:to Firldly, Oetober ISp 1.867. • VIM REstiLT —The popular vote cast et the ;ate election in this State, falls nearly one Luidred tbettisanil short of the vote for Gov -emir last tall. The official 'vote fo i l edge Shur:mood (Denuyto the Supreme Bench is put down at 794 The Legislature will be Republican as heretofore. • The majority for Gen. Hays (Rep.) for Governor of Ohio is about 8000, with a small Democratic majority on joint ballot inH the Legislature. Indiana-has gone Republican as usual acid: ItWit also by upwards of 20,000 majority. f 0 TUE ELFCTION—OrexcnAr..,The follow ing is the official vote of the late election in this county: SUPIEM .1111)06 F 5 fi a' wood )VilliaTe Sharawood's mnj. 189 ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Amistrong Puzjorg Armstrong 4 B mad. )3j A ssEmpLy. Winger ahively McGowan Frank IVinger's maj. over McGowan 106 Winger's maj. ever Frank 220 TREASTIREII inner Greenawalt Skinner'ethaj. COMMISSIONER F henafield Etter Shenafield's ninj. DIRECTOR Of Poo Gdlin lacitky maj Jury COWOSSIONETI iloyd Imbrie Boyd's ma,i. Avnlron Mower W itherow Mower's maj ME= YETA...ow FEVER.—Another appeal to the p - utlie, in briralf of tic u-fferers—by—y ello fever 1,t . .n New Orleans, is made by tho New fork Executive Committee having that mat ter in charge, The city hospitals have be come so crowded that there is no space left for the lurther accommodation of the sick: the number of orphans created by the pesti. lence is so great that the orphan asylums are crowded to their utmost capacity; nurses, medicines and food are nee.ied for the sick and convalescent. The disease is spreading instead of abating, and now it has reached the most dersely popu'ated portion of the city. Ice, an ;ndespeosableremedial agent, - 1 as advanced from $l. 50 to $3 per hundred poulils, and as the disease l. r )greesses it seems to become more malignant. The Com. ask for immediate pecuniary aid from every per son. Twilve thousand human beings are perishing for want of help, and it must not be withheld ' DEATH WAIMANTS ISPCED.-GO l 7. Geary has issued his warrant directing Neal Dc. veney—wbo was concieted by the Luzern. Bounty eourt,of having murdered his wife, Catharine Pereney, on the 23d of July last —to be hung on Tuesday, the 12th day of No vember. „ A warrant was also issued for the execution of Lena Miller, of Clearfiuld county, to take place on Wednesday, the 13th of November. Mrs Miller was convicted of the murder of her husband, Xavier Miller, by administering poison at divers times between June 38,1866, and July 12, 1866, by mingling arsenic with coffee, fruit and food, causing his death on the 12th of July, 1867. In these instances His Excellency has not adhered to the custom of having executions take place on Friday. riPAt Smithfield, Jefferson county, Va., a few days ago, two officers of the Freed men's Bureau, who bad visited that vicinity for the purpose of establishing a school for the colored people, were attacked by a par. ty of the unreconstrroted of that lushly, who shouted for Jeff, Davis, cursed the "Yankees," and discharged their pistols at (hem. President Johnson's policy is work ing well there, as the Rebels aro becoming more defiant daily. B4AUREGARD VISITS A. J.— Bcauregarcl had an interview with the President on Tues day for the purpose of making an applica tion for the restoration of his lands near Memphis, which he alleges are occupied by aogroes and Yankee schoolteachers, who are using his property without rendering him en equivalent. It is thought Mr. Johnson will graciously grant his request. The next application from the redoubtable General will probably be for the government to corn. pausal* him for his . losses during the Rebel- - •••••• - Gen. Joe !Looker ie in' Seitzorland LOCAL MATTERS. CORN WANTED.—See advertisement of D. H. Garver. Wirlodge Bond, of Baltimore, is The U. mon candidate for Goveinor in Maryland. .11EcervED.—We acknowledge the receipt of $2 from A. D. Bane,_ Fraaklio, Ilargaa 111'. VALUABLE ESTATE.—TO43Ofrow (Safer day) the valuable farm and lawn property of W. W. Walksr will be sold. Woon.—,A loud or two of good wood will die triketiit this Offloi iv pitynlint for sub scription if delivered soon." , MILL sot RENT —The Washifigtou 19111 PPEeII.7, near this plsee,.is offered for rent in another column by IL C. REcErvEn.---Geo Bender, Esq., has re ceived his Fall and Winter supply of Ready wade Clothing. Call and see bin]. R,(162 3,733 -NEAT Goops.—We neglected noticing in our last issue the fact that Messrs Coon 4, Stonehouse had opened out an extensive supply of new Fall and Winter goods. Call and examine their stock. FARM FOR SALE.—We direct special at tention to the advertisement of a valuable farm for sale, in to-day's paper, by Mr. 4. S. Moan, of Quincy township. 8,969 8,956 3,773 8,743 .I•;XTENBION.—Ao experimental survey of a route between Hagerstown and Williams port is being made for an extension of the Fituaklin It aitroad to the latter place. pi Rev. Samuel othilips, fortmer/y of Chambertburg, has become pastor of the Virst German Reformed Church in Balti more. Too SLOW.—The patron who leaves his newspaper account unsettled for a half do zen or snore years, is either very careless or very mean, and in _either case deserves a black mark. A CORRECTION —ln noticing the sale of the farm belonging to the heirs of Henry Stan, dad', in our las:, issue, the price per acre should have been $ll5 25 - instead of $lO5 25 1 Bed the Mountain land $5O 25 instead of $5 24. FADL AND WINTER GOODS.-011r friend Fisher, Merchant Tailor, in the Washington House, Hagerstown, has opene tensive Fall and Winter goods, His advertisement will appear-in onr next issue. 233 - Rotts.—We give eow t e names of the Jurors from Washington and Quincy townships for October Court, commencing on Monday the 28th ; Grand Jurors.--Wm. Flagle, David Mil ler, David Miller of LIDO. Traverse Jurore. —Wm. Cioiner, A. D. Dowd, Henry Good, Geo. Lowry, James MeDvany, Abraham Sta mp, Geo. B. Weis'ling, ELm Winger.— Second Week.—Geo. Benedict, Samuel Es sick, David floeflich, Jr., John Lantz, An. drew Shank, Charles West. NOXIINATIONB,—The Union Republican County Convention met in Hagerstown on the Sth, and nominated the following ticket For Clerk of the Court, Samuel F. Zeig ler, Register of Wills, Wm. Logan. State Senator, Chas. Lee Armour. For the House of Delegates, A. R. Appleman, David E Price, Chas. Ardinger, Robert S. Roach, Henry J. Lowman. County Commissioners, Samuel I. Piper, John A. Miller, Michael Yeesler, Nicholas Beard, Michael Wartholow. Sheriff, Robert C Thornsburg. States At torney, James P. Matthews. Judge of Or; phans' Court, Joseph Reneh, Peter B. Small, Eli Mobley. Surveyor, James Brown. POLITICAL PROSCRIPTION,—We aro in formed on reliable authority that a number of the workmen employed at the Mont Al to Iron works, in this county, have been discharged, since the election - , — for -voting the Democrario ticket. Tho present mana gers do not seem to pay any respect to the political preferences of their laborers, nor do they exhibit any inclination to obey the instructions of the owners of the works, who have distinctly informed them that they desire the men to be left free to vote their own sentiments, without interfirence from any quarter.— Valley Spirit. e are authorized by one of the man agers referred to, to say that the above charge is a palpable falsehood. Not ono hand_ has been discharged since the election, nor even such an intimation made to any one. FATAL ACClDENT.—Yesterday morning our community was shocked by the an• nouns:lament that a little girl, only daughter of Mr. Geo. Frick, aged about eight years, had met with almost instant death under the fol. lowing circumstances. It appears she was playing in company with other children near the Connecting Shaft between Mr. Frick'e Foundry and the 3121311in° shops of Messrs Geiser, Price & Co., when her clothing was naught by the shaft and before she. could be rescued was so horribly mangled as to cause almost instant death. Death so sudden and under such distressing circumstances has cast a gloom over our community, and the partrits and other friends in their affliction will. have the heart-felt sympathy of citizens generally. Coatnio.—The "Diamond" Minstrels, no companied 3y the Long Brothers and Sister, will be in thia place this evening and to-mor row evening. Rale entertainments may be anticipated. FARM toa SALZ.-Mr. Robert MeMany offers rialuablo farm at Private See in an other column. DEM . OORATIC VALEBiCATION.-7-011r Dem- mac friends celebrated their victory in this place on Monday evening br-a Torch. Light Procession. Owing we presume to ' a want of time to make the necessary ar rangements,"the affair was rather a slim one. About 7 o'clock the procession formed and marched through the different streets, at thg heath of which was a couple of wagons with I ropes attached and drawn by Scale of the ' stoutet men of the party, The crowd, most ly- boys,.followe'd with a number of well ex• eouted transparencies and . flaming torches.— After about a half bout's marehing and lug, ty cheering, the procession was halted in front of the speakers stand, and the Hon F. M. Kitntnell was introduced to the crowd.— Mr. Kimmell's remarks were somewhat ex tended and elicited considerable applause He-was followed by Geo, W. Brewer, Esq., in a speech occupying about one hour. He was also greeted with applause and frequent cheering during the delivery of his address. At the conclusion of Mr. Brewer's speech, a profusion of fire-balls were.ptoduced and the programme of the evening thus ended. A number of years have elapsed since our friends have had such an opportunity afford ed them for rejoicing, an,' we was glad to see _tha_v-v_ening_pass_ao_pleasetatly_ . antLjoyfully_, to them as it did, BUILDING.- A spirit of improvement seems of late to be manifesting itself in our town. We understand Mr. L. S. Vorney has recently disposed of a number of build ing lots fronting on West or Leitersburg street, and that a half dozen or more house' will be put up there in a short time, some of which are already in course of erection. POr several years our citizens have been sadly deficient in this respect, scarcely averaging One building per year. At the present price of property and rates of rents such invest rnents must prove profitable, and we doubt not others will see the propriety of purchas ing lots and building. As the election with its attendant excitement is now over, citizens should renew the efforts lately made for the formation of a Building Association, A well-regulated association of this kind would stimulate and-encourage a spirit of enterprise and thus contribute much to the business - - - prosperity of our town, and at the same time enable many in moderato circumstances to secure homes, which they cannot do under existing circumstances. In such associa lions the foundation of competency and for- tune - ma out an -ex- -..., Myerstown, Lebanon county, Pa., on Toes- Gorrto TO VIRGINIA.—The Hagerstown day evening,- the 24th -of September. The - Mail of last week says : For several days opening sermon was delivered in the Ger iaLt_h_erei_ha_v_e_been-a-great-man-y—arrival• marrßefcrrtried -- ch - urchTb - y - IL - svT - Eritigler, _ of York, Pa. After preaching, the Wnven in Hagerstown of Lancaster and York court tion was organized by the election of Rev. ty farmers, on their way up the. Valley of Daniel Ziegler, of York, Pa., President; Virginia, in the search for farms. They are Rev. J. G. gritehey; of Lancaster, Rev Prof. all of that substantial, industrious and intel. El. Rust, of Tiffin, Ohio, Elders, George Be ligent class of agriculturists who have made sore, of Franklin county, and'Rudolph F. Felker, of Dauphin county, Vice Presidents, the eastern counties of Pennsylvania a gar. den spot, and many of them are accompanied by their wives, whose judgement in tbe se lection of a farm.they very justly place a high estimate upOn. The great - proportion have arrived in the oars of the C. V. Rail road, but on Friday - last a largo wagon, ox. pressly fitted up for the occasion, and drawn by six splendid grey horses, passed through town with about a score of purchasers and their wives aboard, Virginians will be hen efitted by the introduction of this population ••aa••• ESCAPED FROM JAlL.—Joseph Worthing ton, confined'in our county jail awating trial for stealing carpeting from the German Re formed Church of this place, escaped on Thursday night last, in the following inie nious manfier. Procuring an old pair 'of pants, he stuffed them and layibg them in his bed, concealed himself in the yard. In the evening when the Sheriff -went to Shut up the prisoners he looked into Worthing ton's cell, and seeing the stuffed paddy in bed, supposed it was the prisoner, locked the cell and went away, thinking all was right. On opening the celrin the morning the de. ception was discovered, and on an examine- Hon , of the yard it was found that Worthing ton had pulled out the pump sto3k, with the' aid of which be succeeded in scaling the wall and gaining his liberty. Ile is still at large, and when last heard from lie was in the vi cinity of Boonsboro, Md., where ho robbed a shoe store, but eluded the pursuit of the officers who went after him.—Repository. SWEET POTATOES.—Wo are under obli gations to Mr. John Morgal of this vicinity, for a present of a quantity of the finest Sweet Potatoes of the season, Barmuta, Nan se mond and Early Jersey. Mr. Morgal raised-this season from I of an acre one hun dred and twenty-seren bushels. One of the number left at this office weighed two pounds and thirteen ounces. ,When served up they are said to equal in ,flavor the Eastern pots toe. it 01111........-..........-- Letters have een received in Washington from Thadcleue tevens, in which he declares his intention to urge upon Congress in No vember two great measures essential to the safety of the country. The first is a general impeachment law defining the offences upon which an officer may be impeached ; and ex pressly declaring that no officer shall con tinue to exercise the power of his office dur- , ins his trial. The second law will providt that under the authority of the Consti ion and upon the principles of the De , nation of Independence, no State shall have po •. to prohibit citizens of the United States, whatever their race, Dolor Or religion, from voting for President or Congressmen. This law will establish impartial suffrage through out the Union. Leading Republicans affirm that Stevens will be sustained by Congress. • For the Record. A 'Woolly übsaeal Ourang Outang. The writer of the following article was very much amused, recently, on reading the "Hain effusions from the pea of a itooolty headed' Ourang Ourang. This Ourang tang, or wild man of the woods, was captured down South during the war by some_ of our patriotic heroes, and is naw on exhibition at the office of the Maryland Free Press, IThe keeper of this fe`reeloWs and grizzly eta , • nial is Andrew G. Boyd.' Node admitted to the exhibition, except idiots, thieves, and rebels, who compose the order of the 'Nights of the Golden Circle,' W.e are credibly in• formed that at times ho is seized with parox ysms of anger frightful to behold, He heats and foams at the mouth, and vomits forth his vanouLin-a most appalling meaner,- A captain's commission ii the so called (Jonfed erste Army was bestowed upon him by that 01%1f-traitor, Jeff Davis'. He then wielded the sword, as be now does the pen, in a most idiotic wanner, beast that he is, and writes Mitorial articles in that foul - sheet, the Free Press. He has stigmatized us as a tPeda gogie ass.' But surely, with greater pro, priety and truthfulness the epithet might, he applied to himself of a demagOgio (ass'. Besides, it is only his 'l se dixit, his deola retie') withaut proof. We would not deign to notice this foul mouthed 'blackguard, were it not that we feel somewhat as we do when a puny insignificant cur, follows at our heels, snapping and showing his teeth. This rebel Editor has accused us of residing "in -Pars on - -Wigh - treetOrritingd not the pleasure of his acquaintance. But he certainly must bo a gentleman, other wise this unhung rebel would not cast aspersions on his character. For the highest eulogiums of so vile a creature would be detrnetion,_ and vice versa. This Editor evidences that his brains aro in his heels, else he could comprehend a plain statement of facts • • • -reference was made to northern trai tors and - imbeciles, it applied exclusively and emphatically to the Conierlerate- Capper,- hearl-Johnion- Truitorg, such asses as A, G. Boyd included The imbecility of this 'grey back' Editor, is further evidenced in his mutilation of the language of our article Ile is very desirous of ascertaininirthe plan of W. Hanson, Teacher Washington Town: - ship. in Parson Wightman's kingdom; For his edification we cheerfully comply with his wishes. It is briefly this;—Let all such execrable villains, and blood thirsty rebels,' as Andrew G. Boyd, be made tot. suffer as did our heroic soldiers, the horrors of an Andcrsonvillo or Libby prison, and then-- hang them high as flantan! This is the plan. Ilow do you like ii? W. HANSON. Teacher, Washington Township. Reformed Convention at Myers town, Pa• Pursuant to a call issued some time ago, out — Milmn - d - red and twenty five .e ego es —upwards of forty of whom were 51inisters of the German Reformed Chereh—met in ,y, and Rev. W. A. Good, of Jerks county, Rev N. Gehr, of Philadelphia, and Rev. J. S. Weisz, of Lycoming (Kindly. Secietaries; and Elder, John Wiest, of Philadelphia,Treas urer. The opening prayer was ofered by Rev. George W. Glesscer, of Frederick City, Md. The object of the convention was to con sult in regard to the present Liturgical movement, inaugurated by the comparative ly few ministers of the German Reformed ()birch, and to protest at the next meeting of Synod against the introduction of a doc trine and form of worship entirely foreign to the customs of the German Reformed Church and the doctrines contained in the Heidel• berg Ceechism. The proceedings of the Convention were characterized by great so lemnity and a deep religious feeling altogeth er worthy of t'ae occasion which had brought together so largo a body of intelligent and earnest admirers of the church, who seem determined, by the help of Gcd, to stand by the old landmarks, and to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. It is not intended to give a detailed ac count of the proceedings of the convention, inasmuch as- a full report will be published in pa mphle t form..—S uffine_i t_to_say,_ th at_ a series of resolutions, setting forth the griev. anees complained of, were unanimously adop tad, and a committee appointed to present the same to Synod at the proper time. It is very evident that the laity every where are aroused to the dangers which threaten our Reformed Zion, and that they will.never submit to have foisted upon them an Order of worship or system of religion which interposes a priest or tyrannical flier. archy between the repentant sinner and the Lord Jesus Christ. The convention closed its sessions at n late hour on Wednesday evening, greatly ebeored and encouraged, with the assurance that the spirit of Christ, the great head of the Church was present, and that our Reformed Church will yet be saved from the evils if Ritualism and the blighting curse of a religion having the 'form of godliness,' but lacking every el ement of its, vital• power. URSINUS, —lfarrisbnrg Telegraph, at Bth. ,The notorious Rebel General Imboden applied for registration in Richmond last week under President Johnson's recent am. peaty proclamation, but was rejected. ne„,Sh rmao cannot be used as a tool by the President. He endorses Grant's posi. tioo, is in political sympathy with' him, and expresses himself strongly against Secretary Stanton's suspension. 11611 - Tho Supreme Court of Pennsylvania will now stand Read, Agnew, and Strong, wtto have voted with the- Republicans, and . Thompson and Sharswood, Democrats. FATAL SEIOOTING.--A disturbance occur red at French's circus, at Eaton, Preble county, Ohio, on Monday nigh t• last, during which a man named Wm. Thomas fired at the riog-rnaster, the ball missing him ? struck a young lady in the heart, instantly . killing her. • FraouttwoE, Oct. 15—Ilvenim—Garibal. di has sent out another address from Caprera, in which he earoostly calls upon the whole Italisunation to ann. TURIN, Oot. 15*-Evening.—Mazzini has issued a manifesto, in which he exhorts the Italian patriots in Rome to rise, and proolaim a republic. _ _ I.ORENOE,—Eiinin - g.—Many people hero believe that General La biarmora, who is in command on the Papal frontier, will ofde his troops to cross the Jine and Ns. copy the_ Pontificia, territory , and possibly march on Rome. FLORENCE, Oct 15—Evening.—Exciting news from the South has just been received. A. battle. has been fought near Noela, In the province of Frosinono, between the Garibald ian volunteers and the Pontificia! troops. A strong detachment of Papal Zouaves were sent frau) Rome during the latter part of lest week, to prevent the junction of the in surgent bands in Frosinone with under Menotti, who was reported to be in that province. They • were unsucoessful in accomplishing this object, and were obliged to meat the united forces of the insurgents, under com mand of General Menotti, Garibaldi, in per son. A desperate fight took place near the town of Verona.. Tho Papal - Zouolves were badly beaten, losing heavily in killed and wounded. The Garibaldians lost five killed fifteen wounded. No report is given of Abe' num 'era o t ose engaged on either side. BOW TO CURE INTEmpERANoE.—The-fel lowing we take from &hada" Night, and to those who ought to profit by it, we would say, try it: A correspondent writes as follows: "At the s_e of tweet ,three three or four years since) I was in the habit of drinking from seventy to forty glasses of liquor or ale a day, which at first produced an effect , scarcely noticeable to my most intimate friends. At last I began to think thati was on the road to ruin, and resolved to quit• drinkin7. One resolution follovvin_ another but all to no purpose. When I began to look around fur a substitute, and after trying (many things, all of which seemed to he of no use, a friend to whom I made known my condition adi — Fited me to talfo a drink of sweet milk whenever .I felt the oraving appetite for strong drink. I did so, and found my self in a few days able to refuse the .most polite invitation to 'take a drink.' Beside this, I took good care to keep out of the way of those who were fond of their glass, and today I am able to stand any temptation in the way of drinkrag more than one or two drink' at a time, and sometimes go for weeks without taking any." - NV A SUINOTON, - Oct. 13 —Representative Boutwell is here, and in conversation says he has not abandoned one iota of his purpose to follow up impeachment, which, it was alleged in-eertain-quarters, w o a-Id-be-stopped-Towing -1 to the recent elections. lie says he is as strong as ever in his oonviotion that impeach ment is absolutely necessary, and is deter ed-to_proseoute_it_to_the end. Virionsin—latly-liaa-a-tioard-t-wo-inahe tong. while her husband hat, not a hair on his head. SPECIAL rti OTI CF 4 , . Itch I Itcsb. I 1tc333. II I SCRATCH SCRATCH ! SCRATCH I ! In front 10 to 48 hems. Whenton's Ointment cuxes The Itch WLeaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum, Wheaton'e Ointment cures 'Fetter. Wheaton'e Ointment cures Barbers' Itch Wheaton's Ointment cures COd Sores. Wheatm's Ointment cures Every kind of Humor like IVlngia Price. 50 cents a box; by mail, I'o cents. Ad, dress WEEKS & POUTER, No. 170 Washing ton Street, Boston, Mass. For sale by all Druggists. viir SIGN OF TfIE RED HAT. 150 150 COMPS fITION DEFIED. 150 15p, Ladies Genuine KID GLOVES Ametican Man ufacture at 150 cents. During the last year we have sold largo numbers of these Gloves in all size and colours and safely say they are not surpassed by other Rid Gloves sold, to be had only nt OPDEG RA F Glove Factors , Opposite the W.tsbington House tlagerst.•wa Tilt RED HAT. 10 13 20 COMPARISON INVI ['ED. 10 15 20 STRAW HATS. A full assortment ref new Sp r ing Styles of sTRA W H HTS, Guyaquill- , Legliorns. Canton, Braids, lolackinau3, Millag.lß, Palm Leafs, &c. &c., from 10 cents up at UPDEGRAFP,S HAT F ACTotti — Opposite the - Washington-House—flqgerstown Vir — SIGN OF THE RED 2150 75 OPPOSITION COURTED. 25 50 15 CANES.—We have a new lot of Firm Imported Caner, Plain Bone F•nie.hed and Carved. Hickory, Heed, and Bamboo Canes from 25 cents up. Those who want a Stiff of 1317ViCe, convenience,comfort, Beauty or Fashlon simuld call at UPDEGIIAFF'S Hat, Cane and Umbrella titore, Hagerstown -- ar SIGN OF ME KED El A.T: 12 3 PERPETUAL MOTION. I 1,3 Ladle.' SUN UMBRELLAS, New Style PA R ASO..S., RAIN UMBRELLAS, Arc. A: complete stock at Hat, Cane and Cmbarella Stara; Harrstown. W -11 EC M "1" 0 AC 13 . ' On the Bth inst., near Welsh Run, Mr. MICHAEL WINGER, aged 62 years and iclays, .STV: 4° M PEIMADELPIIIA, Tuesday, Oct. 15—P. M. —Flour and Lleal —Trade in Flour contin• nes quiet, but with a continuation of light receipts and stocks, holders ore firm in their views. A limited inquiry has prevailed for shipment, and the home consumers purchas ed 5000 bbls. in lots for immediate use at $7 50®8 50 bbl. for superfine; 88.50® 10 for old stock and fresh ground extra; Northwest extra family at $lO 75®.12; Peon sylvania and Ohio do. do. at $ll 50®13, and fancy at CB 50®15, as in quality. Rye Flour is steady, with sales of 150 bbls at $8.75(0..- - IVe quote Brandywine Corn Meal at $7,25. GRAIN.—The offerings of Wheat have been small, and priine lots in fair demand at full prices. Sales of 10,000 bush. red at 62 40@2 . 15 39 bush , the latter for, choice amber, and 1000 bush. California at $3 25 1000 WO. Southern Rye sold on secret terms. We quote Pennsylvania at $1 70@- 1 7419 bush. Coro has been in good de. wand, at an advance. Sales of 10,000 bush. pillow at $150®1.53, and 8000 bush. % astern mixed at 111.-50: Oats move slowly with salea of &fawn' and Pennsylvania at 70®78a., P i BUSHELS bORN••-6- The oubecri• Vher will pay the highest mark prig t or . 50110 ittishbls of mutt bi'de ' llye ' rel at trirl Oct, 18=3*. - • •-' _1)41.1. GARN ER _ . THE aubscriaer ofr•re at private sale 2i miles from Waynesboro.' a tract of land containing 65 ACRES of limestone land. The improvements are a double LOG HOUSE, BANK BARN, a good well of water, Tenent House, wash house, billing House, lactomith Shop, and other inceecisary improve ments. ROBERT McILV A N.E.Y.,_2 tf. - • jrEHSONS Who giioe their notei at the sale of the subscriber, on the 20th of February last, are notified that said notes sill be duo on the 20th mst., and have been left at the store of Amborson, Benedict & Co. Immediate payment is requested. Oct 18— tf. ttAMUEI. DAYWAL r• defirable Mill Property situated ono mile THE - Waynesboro', known as Washington Mills, is now offered for rent, on reasonable terms. This property has four run of stone with all the late improvement's found in Mill properties. Any per. sun wishing to engage in the business will do well by calling at once upon the undersigned. tact —tf. . H. WIER OAS-I—commenced a prosecution a gainst Jonx McCundAtio, Joint MoAtsw, undAst ST Chant, and Tnoe. MCAFICS, for being implicated in the larceny of two barrels of Whisky from me, I take this opportunity of certifying that k. after a fall and careful investigaiton of the facto in said prosecution I believe that the above named per sons-are entirely innocent of the charge and that I was mistaken in including them in the Prosecution. IsAAU ROLM - W.3li E1:113._,, Attest, DANIRI A TOLIIICLM. Mercersburg Oct, 18--3 t. THE Morning Glory stove is Cheaper than any other stove in market'. Tho No. 9 Morning Glory cosh', $25.00 and ia larger than the No, 10 Oriental which costs $28,00; also is as large as the No. 11 Oriental whielt costs $ . 12.00. It has the mill grate nr.l is the only stove .that breakes up the clinkers. The grate is insured fin. 5 years. It took the Premiun at Pittaburg tho o ther day over nll others. They sell rapidly. W. A, THULE has sold since the 28th of Sept. 98 of them. lie is tho only agent for the sale of them in Waynesboro', Oct.lB—tf H E subscriber will sell .at public sale on Thurs .& day, the 28th of November, Farm, situated in 4uincy Tuvienship, Franklin Co., c mtaining 4111=3EMAIMINNisql— more or less, lying on the Mentzer Gap Road, lead, ing_from--Quincy-to - Monterey Springs, adjoining the lands of Alex Hamilton, Solomon Harbaugh„ Geo7Gossart - a - mt - others, - The-improvem-ent,c-ixte-a— one and a half story Log Barn, and other e . neccessnry Buildings. The. above Lend consists of Limestone and iron Ore Land. On said farm there, is an Iron Ore Mine pronounced to he the best quality Eby him Masters) in the state. The most of the above Land has been limed and is in a good state of cultivation with a good ()rebore containing a fine selection of dif ferent kinds of fruit. The property will be sold in. whole or divided to suit purchasers. Sale to com mence at 12 o'clock onsaid day, when the terms will he made eifily by the Undersigned. Oct.lB—ts, A. 8. MONN. Repository please olpy, end send bill to this of, fice, MATEn MD'S 3 GEORGE STOVER fIAS RETURNED FRO 31 GROCERIES, UPDEORAFF'S Ear To which he invites the attention of of his patrons .and the public. generally. Octnbe,lB. 1} 1 .117 - U A RTERLY REPORT OF THE 181' NE AT. BAIN Oh' W ANN ESl3olto.' • October 7 th, 1867. RE,SOURC ES. Capital Stock Cuculatiou Dr positra Due to Banks Surplus outl Potts $214.523,51 The above statement is just and true to the beat of my knowledge anJ beliet. JOHN PHILIPS, sworn and subscribed bectre me, July 9 1867. Oct.ll - _„ J. F. KUlt l'Z, N. I'. u . c . rfiF•TrT7pri. . - : 3 0 11 C E. FOR RENT. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC• PIJIM SKI/ DWELLING HOUSE, NEW FALL 4,10 PIIIA WITH A SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS MB 4EO 11:11 '3llr ON ;.• 1 L5,..4 Cr.) 0 IOTIOAS, QUEEII►JWARE Loans and Discounts $38,92377 U. S. Bonds to scour° circulation 75,490 un U. S. Bonds on hand ' 41,1.50,00 P. and A. Tel.,stock :300,11t1 Duo from Banks 29,091,74 U. S. Mint Ptlila 100,011 Expense and 'fax acct 1,200 27 Legal Tender Nola 14 215,00 Corn. Interebt Notee Nat. Currency titate Bank otos Frac Curreccy Heir. btamps and cash Rona LI I MUMS 12,010,00 4:390,00 54 00 162,35 626,68 $214,52a,5t 75,000 00 67.500,00 59,460,20 2,134,70 I 1,41:6 ,91