Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, August 16, 1867, Image 3
"BEYOND .70E MISSISSPPI:" ide history of the Neu States and ritories, from the Great River . to,the.Greq t , Ocean._ BY ALBERT D.RICIRARDSCYN: , ' • - ter NO ' Copies sold in one Month. 'fe an dventur on rrairies, Mountains and ' 2 44: oast. With over 200 Descriptive and *rcP c: Views of the Scenery, Cities, Lands, w rcPk and, Curiosities of the New States tones. Ave emigrants and settlers in the "Far za History of that vast and fertil region an invaluable assistance, supplying as it nt long felt of a full, authentic and relia to climate, soil, products, means of travel- eITS WANTED.—Sond for Circulars and terms, and atoll description of tho work, aldress NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 507 Minor St., Philadelphia, Pa. 16-4 t. 1..;. As RUGS MEDICINES, r ADD M. 3111. MEVS, &el. &c..., 0111' "alL' • jp.,, ,presboro', flay 24, 1867 RE SHUTTLE MACHINE. PATENTED FEBRUARY 14, 1860 SRO; " 4.N0. 921 CHESTNUT ST., 'BILADELP.HIA. This Machine is constructed on a new principle of lhanisrn, possessing many rare and valuable im rements, having been examined by the most pro id experts, and pronounced to be SIMPLICI and PERFECTION COMBINED. 'he following are the principal objections urged :net Sewing Machines : • • Excessive•fatigue to the operator. 1. Liability to get out of order. a Expense, trouble, and loss of time in repairing. 4 Incapacity to sew every son tion of material. 45: Disagreeable noise w Ile in o •ration. 'Le Empire Sewing Mac ine is Exempt from all these Objections. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, mak es the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP nor RAVEL, and is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of ma terial, from Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, with linen, cotton or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. IT HEMS,FELLS, BINDS, BRAIDS, TUCKS, QUILTS, PL A ITS, G A TH ERS. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE. • All varieties of CABINET MACHINESfrom $6ll wa evards. , . 'Particular attention is cnlled'to our NEW and ntstiovEn Manufacturing Machine, for Tailoring, tihoe-Fitting, Coach Trimming, &c. Its advents- Atts are simplicity, durability, rapidity, easy adap.a ,,4ceeto all branches of manufacturing. It makes perfect work on all material. It is especially &sir- Ole in sewing Patent Leather, and is very still. In liort, it is the most perfect manufacturing machine n the market. N. D. Every machine guaranteed. EMPIRE S. M. CO., . 92.1 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 'Agents wanted.] Faarts. GR.NeLLo, Agent. Mar. I-24moa; ' ftOCEItIES. • C. H. DICE E L LD respectfully announc: to his friends • and the public generally that he ii prepared supply all who need f 'COFFEE, SUGAR, SYII-17P3, TOBACCO. CIGARS, .SPICES, 610% BROOMS, 1117CKT3, T WINES, Ssortment of ionaries, Notions, .ntry Produce • aken in exchange for goods. la connection ith the Grocery husinees he also keeps FLOUR ,l ',RED STUFF, than which there can be none Iter nor cheaper. eankful for pea favors he res; aineance of the..same. c . 2, :€67. TEAS, Stationery, etc. atfully solicits FAMILY* GROCERY I MI. A: REID, SUCCESSOR TO Hostetter, Reid & Co. Co A rs liL to S h t i h s e si a Q t a t i rjo g n oo of ds b i n u y s; /( 441 ( 71 41 received, *iv: - 4-744 TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, • SYRUPS, MOLASSES, KEROSCENE OIL, GLASS AND QUEENWARE, WOODEN WARE, . PURE SPICES, NOTIONS, LAMPS, S. C. HAMS, BACON, SALT, MASON'S CRACKERS. Steamed Cove and Spiced Oysters. The "celebrated A. FIELD Brand" in 1 lb. and 2-Ih-Os-ns IVI-IJ-11R-A-Y l B-13 lt,-Oy stersune Oysters, an x r. x T thing for Pic Nic and Private Parties. All sold by. the case, dozen, or single can. MB' ]IE @Mil ALAIE a. [-Eresh-Eishl to the Fish trade. Shad and Herring by the bbl or half bbl. Shore Mackerel by the bbl , halves and quarters. He keeps everything usually found in a well reg ulated Grocery,,all of which will be sold at a very - small - advancc7fer - ensn-onl Come to "Mexican Row." His best bow to his customers for the liberal en couragement heretofore extended to him. May 17, 1867.] W. A. REID. P. 8, Highest market price paid for Country Produce, such as Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Lard, &c., in exchange for goods, or bought for cash, ' Strawberry Plants. rranosE who aro fond o f eating strawherzies_ J. 'Alen the eoemoh ie Lowe ehoula it iv prcreno as much ground as they can spare for that vurpose; then purchase plants •of D. D, Fahrnay of this place. Persons at a distance can enclose $5 in a letter and received 100 plants by return mail. Ber. ries, exhibited at the store of W. A. Reid, weighed 4 ounce enc./el-32 to the pound . Better bearers can not be found. A piece 60x70 feet produced some 3 bushels of berries for first crop They sho - tild be planted from 18 to 24 inches avert. Will return investment in one year. None but first rate plants sold. W. A. Reid will receive all orders for these plants. P. S. Can be planted till October if watered dur• ing dry wet:Wier. D. D. FAHRNEY. Waynesboro' July 5" 1867. J.W. MILLER'S ARRIVAL OF Spring & Summer Goods! TT AV INC returned from the Eastern Cities with a ehniae assortment of goods belonging to their nur, such as DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, QUEEN'S WARE, UEDA RWA RE GROCERIES, CUTLERY, GLASSWARE, &C , &C. I tender my thanks to the community for their liberal patronage and hope to merit a continuance of the same. J. W. M, April 19, 1867. Beef ! Prime Beef ! fiIHE subscriber would inform the public that he A- still continues the Butchering businet•s and will be prepared to supply persons with a prime ar t•clo of Beef on MONDAY and THURSDAY of cacti week durtng the season, at the cellar adjoin ing the "Waynesboro' Hotel," also on the same days at his residence near Pikesville. THOMAS .1. CUNNINGHAM. July 19—tf. • WAYNESI3ORO' LIVERY! /ÜBE subscriber takes this method to intorm the I public that he purposes continuing the Livery business autl is now well supplied with comfortable conveyances and fine traveling Horses for • -Nc- ; (6, either riding 01 driving. Parties convoy irt ed to any point desired, A share of pub kWi lic pltronage is respectfully solicited.— &Nit, -; Persons desiring horses or conveyances will please apply at the "W aynesboro Ho. el." JOHN RICHARDSON. April tf. WE LE-TRIED REMEDIES RuasELL'a ITCII OINTMENT, an immediate and ccr• Grin cure, Itis also a sure remedy for scratches on horses. ItussuLL's SA.LT RHEUM COLN - IMF:NT, is Unequal. ed, 50 cts RUSSELL.% PILE OINTMENT' cures after all oth er remedies have failed. $1 00 These ointments are certain, snfe and reliable rps cities, as thousands have and are daily certifying. For sale by all Druggists and medicine dealers. General Mind at PIM:HOT BRUEN Si HO BART, Wholesale Druggists, 214 Fulton st., (near Greenwich), New "Ir ork. Sent by mail; Itch. 40c.; S. R. 65c.; Pile, 1,50. April 26-4 m. SOMETHING WONDERFUL FOIL THE MILLON, all may be ricb, wine and happy. Awaits wantsil. Encbiss stamp fot particulars. 11. CIMP, 142 Bleecker St, New York, (April 26-3 m, CK uu,l Drab Cord at I PLOCE 454 SECOI 'URI VAIA-And with it we a nnoune reduction in price of Dry Goods, groceries, &c, PEE' & HOIIIIICIII. The attention of the community i directed to the splendid assortment of Cassimeres, Cloths, Tweeds, Jeans, Denims, Cottonades, Linen Goods, Cor duroys, Velvets, &c. Also a fine variety of Mozambiques, Penang, Rops, PlaiJg, Alpaccas, Ginghams. Lawns, Prints., with a largo stock of itirot Qt , — tud Cedarwa u, all of tVhicl ~.roc cries, Quecnsware, :vet:arse - re, the undersigned are offering very cheap.' The subscribers tender their thanks to thi com munity generally. for their liberal patronage and kindly ask a continuance of the same. PRICE iSt June 7,,1867. UTIVTOWN 11A6l I" WELSH has just received a full assortment o; Goods, in his line of business. His stock consists in part, of all the latest styles of men's and boys ATS • ; - CAT_ Men's, Women's, Misse's Aoy's and Children's • and Slippers of every desei iprioa. Ladies anti Alisseb 173 CI) EJ' ZE,.It a. Bonnet Frames, Trimmings, Sundoarns and Hats, Dress Trimmings, Hoop skirts, Hair Nets, Hair Coils, Hosiery, (Roves, Parasols, Sun Umberellas. -Fun—n-: cu ar_atten ton-pal School, Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Station. ery of all kinds; Notions and Fancy Goods. All of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest June 14—tf. - J. It. WELSH. Hagerstown, Md. June 10. Dry Goods Down Twenty-five per Cent ! 11. & A. YINGLING STILL A iIEAD AND LEADING OFF IN E have just retorned from the Eastern Cities . y with our second supply ofSummer Dry Goods, purchased at prices 25 per cent less than has been -broystrt - rm - ratity - rra *Tux, TUTU MoVablrf/: we aka now selling Good yd, wide Muslin (Bleached) at 14 fC it CC Do. (Unbleached) • 15 Calicoes, (Fair colors) 10-12 Whale Bone Corsetta $l,OO Good Hoop Skirts 75ets, 1;00 Cottenades 20—to 50ets Our stock of Cloths, Cassimers, Ladies Cloak ings, Cottenades, Linen Ducks and. Drills, Dress Goods, Notions, Hosiery, - Gloves, 'Trimmings, Floor and Table Oil Cloths. Mattings. &c.. are complete and we defy competition in style, quality, and &rims June 14. '67 H & A. YINGLING. THE subscaer has•just received a most exten sive assortment of new spring & summer goods, embrcing all the West styles or Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, Sacques. Black and Colored Cloths ? Shawls, Gentlemen and Boys' Clothing, Domestic Goods, Blankets, Carpets, Balmoral all d Hoop Skirts, &c., &c. The extent and variety of our Stock can only be appreciated by personal examination, which is so licited. Purchasers may save 15 . t030 per cent. oy examining this stock, as great bargains will be giv. en. S. OGILBY. Hagerstown, May 31. - - TIIL PATENT H ER 0 rruit. Jars— All Glass and defy all competition ; for sille at the sign of the Big Red Horn. Also Fisher's Patent Self-Sealing Tin Fruit Cans, made and sold by D. B. RUSSELL, the only authorized person in 'Waynesboro' to make and sell said cans. Also all other kinds of good Fruit Jars at the sign of the "Big Red Horn."— D. 13. 111.J.SEL L has on hand and fur sale the very best of Ice Cream Freezete; TINWARE of every de rcription made of the best tm in the market and warranted at the Cheap TIN AND STove Slum: of Juiy s—tf] D. B. RUSSELL. QU/NOT FOUNDRY VET E tale leave to inform the pu Llic Chit we in tend commuing the Foundry anJ Machine business near Quincy, Pa. We are Prepared ,o do all kinds of repairing at shOrt notice. also inn' gear ing. cast and wroughtirrmAtifting. sto‘tes, iron ket tles, oven doors, shoe sera porq, stove hooks, &c„ &e. W e D l, O build an improved buggy and wagon Jack. horse powers, bevi I jack, wood saws, iron ash hop pers, i ron bottom plate for ashbarrels. iron fencing; knd railing Ina , =e , to order. Old irJu bought or to rten in exchange for new tv,)rk, • HE*3 EVIVIERT Grafitti Opening al all the Varieties of.prr Goods, Gio- cries, dze. Ladies Dress Goods of the latest novelties consisting of De!sines, IMIRII - IrtER NEW DRY GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, COPPER KETTLES, IRON KETTLES, BR !iSS KETTLES. PORCELAIN KETTLES, FIELD BUCKETS, FISHING RODS, Water Coolers, AND MACHINE SOOT ! _o_ DENTAL CARD. DR IL rORREST, BETURNS his thanks to the citizens of Chain liersburg and the public generally for the pa tronage hi has hitherto retteived, and would respect fully inform his patrons and friends that he has re m:mid his No. 27, Main Street, nex t door. to McClintock's liiti store. 14 Forrest being a graduate of the Pennsylvania Coll , : e of DEIVTA.E. SURGERY, and haling been in p rtice for several years, is thoroughly experienc ed in •very thing that conies within the province of first • ass Dental operations• - _ --- Dr F. having furnished his office with one of - =MLA ent Improved Appatus L manufacture of perfectly pule NITROUS lIAS would announce that ho will be at prepared to administer this popular +lra' esthetic t for th EXTRACTION of Teeth without Pain. All DE TAL OPERATIONS will be per formed Ed Dr. Forrest's booms, No. 27, Main Street Chambersburi, Pa. [May 10-Iy. Newast,' Best, Cheapest gOTHINq , iIOT TIX] clicovwx-srs CEaRCE BENDER stock of MI of whi e justly_ coleb timore. Every art - e sold is WARRANTED to .be of the best cus I make, and the material just 'what it isrepresent, to be. A Lull arsi meet of GENTS FURNISHING COODS alw s on hand, such as Under Clothing, Gloves, Hand "rchiefs, Hose , Collars, &c. All wo ask' 5, that, you give us one trial, and you will alwa# buy, for remember we do not keep tialy made Wilting and — the goods are -alturjtimm utast style. - May HO! bleilitr.S WAY PIirCESTI • 7 TV 73 TIIC time to vuy _ den cheap for cash, on account of the great re duction in prices of goods in the Eastern markets We are prepared to furnish our customers and the public generally with all kinds of goods in our line at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Come one, come all, and buy your Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Trunks, Clocks, Baskets, Mats, &c., &c. A splendid assortment of Watches, Gold Pens, and Jewelry just received and will be sold at ex tremely low prices. Now is the time. We will be pleased to show our goods to all and a call will sat sfy the most incredulous that wia can sell cheap. • lierWatehes Clocks and Jewelry Repair ed at short notice. April 19, 1967.) E. dr. J. ELDtN. liE "EUREKA" SMUT AND SE PA IRATING MACHINE. PATENTED FEBRGA RY, 23, 1867. M. HAYS, Sole Agent Fur Franklin, Perry, Cumberland, Bedford and Fulton Counties, Pa and Washington and Frederick .Counlies, .3/d. This Mechlin is put before the public upon its own merits. It is the most complete machine of the kind now in use, and is guaranted to all lurehasers. In 110 Cafe will pay be required until the machine has been thoroughly tested and stab faction given. For Circular ad.:ress M. HAYS, Men erbhurg, Pa. N. B —Thesubscriber also builds and repairs MILLS ofall kinds at short notice and upon the most approved plans. Cast Iron and Turbine Wa ter Wheels, Burs, !Mulling Cloths, Flour Packers, Belting, Proof Staffs and all kinds of Mill Furnish ings furnished at the lowest cash prices. All work and goods warranted. M. 11. June 24.- ly. GRAND EXHIBITION of Sprint , Styles of HATS and CAPS at a CIIEII7'S, Big Red Hat, Chambersburg, Pa. DIG RED HA I 1 1 —St. Cloud, Jerome, Baulevado, Label, Howard, Broad Brim, Planters, &c. at D.ECHER7'S, Main Street ChaWiersburg. I_ - )IG RED HAT, Main Street, Cltamberaburg, DPa, is a sure sign that y , u are near the Cheap and Fashionable Hat Emporium of ..P.ECHOR 7, CI . 'MAW G3CiDS in endleslif:ivariety and very ClCheop, at the Cumberland Valley Hot Fhnpor ium of 13 ECHE U7'. A NY MAN, Woman or Child in Chainher.4burg 1 - ican show you the way to the Cheap Hat Store of 'DECHERT. Big Pad Hat, Citambeisburg, Pa. May 24 ly. gilIE Board of Directors of the •Cliambersburg I Woolen 54 , inuf,cturing Company, bavo declar ed a send annual Dividend of FOUR PER. CENT, on the special Capital stock of said camp toy, pay• able on the first of July next, being the fractional part of the year t Ithat date. Transfer books closed on and altcr the 15th rust. F. DYsoN, Sck.'y. CARPEES ! CARPETS ! Jusr received at hietcalfe & Hiteshevv's, High colored Wool striped carpet. Pike $1 00, such as has been selling for $1.25.. All wool in grain beautiful styles, from $1 25 to $1,62. April VAT: • . el I 11. T - t~ir DR. BEAN'S eeently 33 ' JIM_ 31E 3W- AND SUMMER. has been obtained from the ,a.ted house of A. JAIMETT, Bal- GEO. BENDER. Waynesboro j 4. FOR RGA INS NOTICE J. C. AUSTIN, Pres't. Juno 28-2 t. NEW STORE NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! COON c4c STONEMOUSE WOULD respectfully Worm the public that they have, now opened at their new room, on the southwest corner of the Diamond, in Waynes boro', a large and Roll selected stock of Dry Goods, - Groceries, hardware and Ctittleat; - - , , Iron, Steel, Nails, Coach-matters Gr description, Queensware, Cerlarwarr pets, Oil Cloths, Paints, Glass, Oils, ee, Fish, Salt, and all kind of Good' regulated store. Our goods are all ni and have been bought for cash at thi in prices. ilVe natter ourselves that from me enco in business, and a determination at small profits, we shall be able to inducementa to all buyers who desire cy. Please call and see for yourselvi We have a large and well asserted pie and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, Casshn Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonaili ime, Stripes, Checks, Gingham, Lin Table D'opers, Urash for Towels,Cal Alpaccas, DRESS GOODS Trimings, Shawls, Brown and BleaChed Shootings and Shirtinp,s, Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re• coiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we Lade not on hand m a few days. We pay the highest mallet price - for all kinds of ouniry - produce - sue h-as-Racom-hard i -Bu-Eter, , Eggs , Dried Fruit, Rags, &c, May 1867. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Waynesboro', Franklin Co. l'a. Capital paid in 875.000, Collections made promptly` d re - mitrei ••esrates - of — Exchange on-Neer Yolk.- Directors :-WV. S. Amberson, Alex. Hamilton. George liescro, George Jacobs. Daniel M Ekloy John Puke, Henry Good, James H. Clayton, Joseph Price. Correspondents :—Tho First National Bank of Philadelphia. and oth National Bank of N ew York W. t. AmBERSON. Pres . t. Jtio. Cash• -C,' PAy-SIA (100 D Levy Sugar at S YRUPS—Good and CLeap at REID . S, QUEENSWARE—A new lot of beautiful styles itllLr& - C - .11-E-A-M—CA-KES--Nice for Tea,-at - - z E I D' HUBARB and Vegetables-- Inoturhout the A,senson, at I REID'S. May 17 fIARDEN AND PLOWEIt—K e EDS—A fresh Vjassortarent received this (Thy, and sold at 8 cte a paper by W. A. REID. March 8, 1867. iA1.11101E1311%)rn 10 cent' nt k„,, A p Pam & CIOUNTER PA NES nod , 13018 pron Ala I PRING Balmorals at - 0' Ap. 5] & ILLFLine.4. p...imnts for n Head J Ap.s.] Poicg &11 or FLlon's, BAGS. —2i and 3 bu. bade, also ba ping at A p. 5 2 ceAntps s.]fo coffee at Pnicc & HoF.rucit's CHEESE Aprils a . t Puma & Hocnacu's Teache rs Wanted. 'THE gcliool Directors of Waynesboro' desire to employ 5 competent t, , richers to take charge of the public schools in said Borough. Schools to open on Monday, Sept. 9th, for a term of 6 mouths. for which liberal eateries will be paid. By order of the Board. Jos. W. Miller, Scc'ry Aug. 9.7:31. Cattle for Sale. T f .- NNE rubaniber Mien at Private :Sale 30 heal of FINE STOCK CATTLE, come of which arc in condition to make good Bed A UAL E. PRICE. Aug. 9-4 t. leresh Limo. subscriber Informs the publie lira he b-r, • I now for sale a kiln of fresh Lime for 1L II 0.4.- wa.,hing, Plastering, &c., whiJi will be dlsp.Ne.,l of at reasonoble rates. AARON FUNK. Aug. 9—t. A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOV iIi. ERY EUR Restoring the Sight of the Agei, =lll=ll bERVI.Mi TEE PERFECT 6.11;111 The Concave-convex, Costal SPECTACLES introduced t rough ine a short lime since, have pro• ecd superior to any other Glasses in use. Hundre Is of persons who have tried them, mill testify to their superiority aver the old ones in use. The Concave convex Glasses are giound from pure crystal in such a manner that the focus is d's tributed over the entire sUrlack They thexel;:re at ford a clear and distinct vision to the eye, in %%hat ever dire( tion tt may be turned, whereas the old dutali le COlnex glass. s require a direct sight through their eentr,s. THE CONCAVE-CONVEX SiLASSES are paVerned after the Ehore of the cornea of - the human eye; they give a door nod healthy 10. t to the eye, and prevent it Gunn becoming thed or dint. AA , Let her used by day light or lamplight. they :Meer leave that übpleasant feeling in the eyes, whi so common from the use 01 the old ttyle Persons who aft-r reading or sewing feel t bur eye:: growing dun and ern &thing, are advi:.ed to try tacse new and improved CONCAVE-CONVEX GLASSES. They can be used a long Urne chaug'ng to a higher I,olNer. Also constantly on hand :=P,CG'TACLES to suit all o her eldicietteic4 ut the sight, such as near-siglit edners, weaknjss, akin, cataract. 4.lce Ev ery parr of :Spectacles being adjusted by an tivw_ meter %%Melt gives the enact piwer of the eye, Is wurrautel to suit. NEW _SLASSES SET IN OLD FILLIES AT skiour .NOTICE. C C. FORCE, No, i n, West Wash hig tun z;t. Hagerstown, Augu3t,2, 1867. L ADIES Dress Goals of all kinds It the - store of AafaW.RSON, BENEZOCT & CO. L ATFST arrival of New lino Is at the store of Alaik:LtbOU. OEN &Wel' Se Cu, RGAINS. BARGAINS, BARGAINS, Metcalfe & IfficslieNv's, Wo hive just selected from uur,stock uptiares of 500 EIEZZINTANTSi. °minority goods of almost every description,whieh we intend selling. this month. without regard to cost or their two value in order to make room far a fulL strrek of 1.111 - gdadsr We will also sell at greatly reduced prices our totals of every •entiroistock of Summer goo is as we are ;It:termiti c, Shoes, Car- ed not to carry any over if possible. We keep up Varnish Brush- or stock of staple goods the year round, therefore Itt•kept in a well can supply our trade at all tinvis at the lowest mar low and fresh ket rates re late decline We have tbe•ageney ftr the sale of ail goods - i1..' 1 manufactured by the Chambersburg WlS'oluri Man. I,lti, tr long expert.- ufacturilig Company, therefore can supply dealers m to sell gn.ods at Mill prices. t oiler unusual lla'Cioods of every description belonging to the ' • r° to - save anon Dry Goods and Notion line - Jobbed to Merchants 7es. at City Jobbing prices. ' I stock f sta- METCALFE & lIITESIIEW. , ig Aug. 2, 1857. , - .er s, X—X M Mt_ XDr - 7 ig. " - Its, 'orris, lien- Compound Syrup of lin nd Cotton BLACKBERRY HOOT. lic es, Delains , EMI DR. D. A. sicouv.FEr.z.; DENTIST, GREENUASTI,r, P.l I extracted without pain. Offirn Cilp 1.--lu•"gPr'fi building, nearly opprisite !Ms' ; tel, where he will attend to Dentistry wit'i care and attention. ()Id Gold and Ir.:111/er plates taken in part pay for new ones. Teeth insetted from a eingt tooth to a f ill set, iivitned for ono year. inn 18-Iy. Mt HOPE sway.] A Chance for Bargains! Dry Goods, Hardware, Queenswarr, and other gaud ; neually_kept in country stores, at rya tva r city pri era. lie will also wholesale h:s en• 1.1 any person wishing to engage in the tannin with it very liberal percentage off: For hu,inehs there is perhaps no baler country stand. 9ny person vviFL ing to. nga go in inerehandizlng would do well toes I and his Slode and learn i?i4 tennis. Po t, tAliee-a REID'S Aug 9.- REID' S , IL'y r) I L;ll)L__Lii the f U 1111 C genera Hy ,that )/E! il 11, recently lnrge• ly inereised his Livery stock, and i.i nu•.v pn'pli t:il to accoatramlate those wilting to hire with either 4 G' ". 11 tilri) APB V 'AIL! "11 -P•f , ' -,- :-.:Yt c•"...•'•";• - "i" , at the shortest notice, all —_—______ 1.- l aerio - r 3 rtrerri ii'illi . C/tng, would do well to give hitn n call, as his stock has !wen selected. with grt at, care as regards get.Cettess and fa , t tray- cling._ _ having been bougtd with a view t,, ac'cotnotctrli+ _ _ _ the public. 4.1" . ''. Parties conveyed to any point desired, i.c• crania-Inlet , by a cart l'u! driver. 'Per-oh-; wy-hing tor , es or 13r.gzies, night or day, will 'Arrw apiti . ty at fatber'4 t•zadd It. and I I UT111.,.4 2 ,! , ; , ,rg el the tq1 , :.,1,nt House," e!f , re 1.1) utt u.•••• t; i, . • .1 RANI.; LiN Vt . 111 , :l.F, August 9.--tf. , i)nk 1 ,. , ,.., • 1 1:_,Tfr. 1 ..) .1_ ILI "1 t , 1' .73.7 4 r i.11 1 1.4t) 1144diAlti E puldie S. tboy h rvr , I,u r. h.a ti St(011. - l'ort 1001 l t . 1•111;• , , -. pril :10, I :•;67, 'runt wt , o n I rolrevlo or T.•t%:, *ow l, t ,tttw ui.y t •,•,1 al ktiry wcoinint.;. , l,.. I h,r • tie It cAtt be I.:diet' clumi 11, r , arid :P2 - I`tl Lii:en out ..n,l pin 11, , L , t , fa , ' ity. I t ii s(•rvi,vab;c: .1 all t.c port e. ILc petbltc. - Aug. 9-!f COACH AKI N .J; 773112; to tho thlt they are carrying mi the ail tho. 0;1 •IT I. ,), Et.,t Nhtin :Str« , l, and have [any for 5.:1.; a li ,a pit idilA(rr;,•s HUI !: co..v and ar f 5. ccond-handol, which they writ of upn , rl the nvtn.t re wow trrrn;, rt7,d io he vs Te p ref , en t...A. Ilrrp.r.irintn of :Ili hittu, done upon roas,,ltabl,- ternnz. :r tf noti , hr an„ the hest materill u-ed and only tr.o l,e-t tnochuo umployed. '11(.3r ft el c.ndirlt•nt tt.t.i: won, will give Ea tisf tetion. and relkretfully soli. it a - 1,, of the pulrlt.; patrunige April _l2 n _I ) t;itify the r,•ko out th , ir 1).1:4 ,h,l pr,•••;•••11 ......talcurient h . ) the 17th tiar n: ,u.. 0 Au". 9 -2 fi 0 La ri..A A sELEe, r School for yo , .ng la'ics and gentlemen. c,,m— mcnes `211.1 1867. An limn ::c~ricsl in the curriculum of an A c TEV.T:: —slo 00 Plin QUA 1 - Z.1•1 - .P.. N. B. Vocal &.•., out extra cla_trgc. .1 11.;. 9.- t f. A Plinio arnta: of Corn and Oats by the izu Chestnut woad hy ALEX 11.AY,ILTON. April sth-ti. - - r lli1.: A Sonz'/ P. (ireetzat::alt ofrers him n caudidat , e fur the n',ll. .f Ut) N l'l THE A 157 ✓IZ ini'jeet to the cleci,z ,, ri .1. the 13- ioun Norn;nati:lg euaNc , r,:ion. C : 11 . 1 ,7 ;1 0 51; z re ( h,7 6 ,;, , T y 7 ; hett:rna and 43 •'. at tiro4 tyre r f & CO. C . lit: OK ar.,l plain Alvttinz. at the etoce or A3m.n. , ; )N, Bo:NI:01nT & p 17.111E1 N. O. hluia , scs at the store of 4- 4 sIt..K.RSON, 13.ENEDIoT tfts CO. IL Cloth rtn,l paper Minds at thc btore .11 A meeasos, t.ILN, Co, 1311A1)LEV's I,k ty ii•hy z.,1,1,t. p. 5 1 • Vittut Oz. llos.7:-.TrW4 AUGUST IST,aBO7. to be had at No. 15, Main Street, cummEnFouna, PA. DIARROEA. AND DYSENTERY uft=== bscriber woull Ii I rm h ‘AL).I7I•i & (• . ' 1`..1 C'kE WAVNF,':,IIOI“)' P.l, C. v, WILSO:•‘:, PH::,"p11 P 0 a S. A Y- ''.l--.3 )1 tron and