Tinware, Kronwart, Bra swilrf, Hoarse rilrnishing Goods And 61.1*r useful -oracles at the sign of the BIG RED fIoRN, Wnytteshoro', ?e ovhote_a large ae-. tortatent of.. COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVES, PARLOB: STOVES, COAL STOVES, &o of the latest improveThrn to, the very beat in the aritut, at the Uncap Tin and Stove Store of P.'B. RUSSSELL. WARE nutle_of_the_bust! at the sign of the "Xlig; Rod. 3E3ComminL." D. B. TZT;BIII . .T. keeps constantly on hand n tinge moo tilvlit of Ilon:;0 Fmmshirrg (read' sale cheap.. Pure Na. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large t-boltment of Lamps. Washing Made Easy ! 1 v callityr at the glom of the "I.li getting the brit Close %Vt.lnger ever made. r,-rem , r,s in want of Stoves, Tlnwrie, house Turoishing (inch's, &c. Sze,, can get full value for their looney by caliing, on P. B RE.I.L.110101 . !!* • Waynesboro', Po • • Feb. 15 W M! C I ARRIIG MAKING 11 E tlib.icrthers weuhi tho .üblic that - they.havo associated themselves tpget or in the Cartiago making business, an I that (he titsiness hereafter Mill be continued at Jacob Adams' old t taml under the firm of A PAMS & A WKER. They Mill haVe COTIS tialtfy on hand BUG , nseri_pnarise-w - -nni serond•lrcndccj Vc•lcicks of nil kinds O r— Repaiiing done , rit shnrt notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the bestmateriel. Persons wanting anything in our line will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. JA 0013 ADAMS, C1 , 101;GE 8..11 W eltun:le S'freet ready it! at E rAuich -• IFSIraaL TI i E pubccriber would inform his patrons and the public gettetally that he has recently large• ly his Livery sto;:lt, and is now prepared to ite..ownto,hito tluire , Ai-hing to hire with either VERICLE3i at the :hottest notice, all =•'..'4 hours. l'..rsons deoiring Horses or Bug gies, lortiding or dtiving, would do well to give him a call, ns his stock has been selected with great care as regards gentleness and fast tray ding. I i, VOlieleq ALL fafphionable, and rile easy, MT= Parties conveyed to any point desired, ac coin panied by a , ctirt ful dr her. Peron wkliing I lor , vs nr Buggies, night or day, will please app!y nt hi, lather's :Saddle and Harness Nlinp, Main .`'feet, 2 doors wert of the "Bowden House," where an attentive t - )t Ivr will niwnyii he in attendance. FRANKLIN NVEAUi.EV. September 21--tf. COOK STOVES, LirCA LT, AT Tritle's Stove, Tin and Copper Store ! E has a large stock of Stoves and TIYIIII TE on hand, which he will eel I cheap. PIICCS to t.IIIA Ott 11111 a. Ilk stock embraces the best of Cook. Ninc-plate aridCoalalovc,. C O OK STOVE'S FOR COAL OR WOOD • 0 O_D 8.4 E-1: - S - , - largo-Ovens, and tate a tong stick of wood. 1 - 2 r LE,2. is g,ookl, strong and- made of the best Tin. Brass and Iron Kettles, Brass Dippers, Bake rails and Tinned Iron Ware, also Um :TEST CISTERN PUMPiN MARKET, i4,tron g . simple. durable and cheap. Prier. sl‘2 .11. sured not to Freeze. Don't fail to give him a call Old Castings takvn in exchange for St wee or ware, next dour to Miller's Dry Good Store. February 8,186 G. "41'1:?!'ileteeril Z4 , IZ innet.trelN 'E. FILBERT, D. AYER, Niko eonotantly for sale a full assortment of 3 G 0()Db for Gentlemen's ware. ~%; -.,.Latest City Fashtons always on hand. WayneBboro', Pa N'N: r 4 x,14 VC:i3 KNNZN74IIX'ZX OTJN TY TREASURER aiFTE undersigned, a resident of the Borough of M ere( rahunr, offers himself as a candidate fir the office of COUNTY TREASURER, eui•ject to flit, derision of the next Union Republican Conven tion of Franklin County. JAMES C. PATTON Mercersburg. March..ls, 1867, ic. • • ' r\ - BALER Seamless Grain Bags in store aril kf for sale, cheap by WALKER, IVILL & Co Hagerstown SOMETHING. NEW., HALEIVS Family Scales. two sizes of 12 &25 1711)11g enuncity, weighing by ounces, cooly to un deistand and warranted to weigh correct; • Also, an Improved Cherry Seeder :has ,boon in, use for the last five venrs and never failed t.. give ern it° satisfaction. It will seed a bushel of Cherries in 26 minutes. Sold by May 3t—tf f;FTATiit .in PIVET-T RP. uituuuti ,Pn ic m & Hosnacu 't TIRETTY Parasols at Plot), ,C..wd at • ' 1 ; .1. „ Plttat, kfloarbmes Dad Shouldgra for 'sale j..)by A "It E I D. J une Japanned NT are, li,ll W. A. TR ITLE Pump; & FrdErracu's .I* . pol4il ' Tfrasitiiti:'MaMibit: farmers will please look a - t, the kreiti-4dvitntitttelnli'likasking: •v • 4 '‘ Grain ,wit! - . G E I'S.ER'S ' P ATENT SELP-RIGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOL WA the latest Improved Tipie-G-eareel :Morse :Power, rl,6= -- by Gem'. or, Belt. This Machitze is conveniently arranged for hauling and threshing, being :peimanently fixed en two -Iv we - se-man-can-ems y-move-tor-s ki t-it-a out,-so-t ntd —ls-not- in ro e-m--a_ r_a• _ commit thrasher and shaker. It is also easily put in open:Mon. It is simple, eenily managed, •eliable, durable, compact and cleanly to work by when in operation, uo; making neuritic dust as common• machine or other Separators. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is no humbug, • and judging Item the high recommenda• lion of farinii"es that are using them, I must come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mers Will he vircia it):10 -- appreeinto'lind • ttest te7 for which I hOpe they will girl nuo an ofpartunity, as 1 Co. he responsible if it does not perform as represented in thCireular. No. 1 ' is a eigi ,00rse power, with cast iron thresher frame and, wicnight iron and-wi.rod-cylintley,-sic teen inches in diameter and thirty three inches long.. Trunk has ten inch rake'crank , :ihtfAtewen rakes, is thirty-five inches wide, and delivers the .straw on' the sown I I'3l l 6lthese carry the straw Out on their tops, and deliver it on the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-fiveleet beyond the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily managed tri - earrY tan clialf with the strt w, or•deleuci-jt in a separate place. The ttunk, and fan sides being closed, to confine tli straw and child*, remedies all difficulties in emitting 'grain against wittily Weather. It bags the gain reasonable manage cut, suf ficiently clean fir market, and its capacity, under ordinary circuinst istees,. is from twenty ti y bush els per hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work un favorable circumstance, it will thresh from fotv_to tiny busticla per hour, and with more ease and agreeableness to hands than any other machine now in common use. The No. 2 Machine, fully reptesented in the above cut, is particularly Vapted to the tanner's use; is intemkshtn-a ; p ly=to=riarreommorr-lever-er=rai I tya-ypo w er;=weig_ll.--1,30 o=pAttattl-s;-bas. _an_iren_tarettt.j_ frame, and cylinder, 1:11 inches in diameter fool 48 inches to. g; delivers tile clean grain in bags, or if desired, in a ball bushel. 1t (taw, rs the straw fifteen feet Irma the s rerth,-r-ror-il .Itaired-,-can-tteliver-the_ i-traw and chaff together; will thresh atid Clean, in good grain, ready for market, from 100 to 175 bushels of wheat, or !rem 300 to 510 bushels of oats per day, using four or s, horses, and the same number el hands; but to force the work, under most favorable 'circumstances, good g min, dec., will thresh and clean considerably more. The Machine will three,' and clean all kinds of grain generally noshed with the common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cases doba not run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power Shop PriceS - - of Machines range from. 82 10,, to -3525. nos tom - 61scrx,i4nst - cruy rea.sona - bie-trefects •of inaterig- .IFr - warrant — ti workmanship, &c rr---iinv-ing-,rsow-takern-p.-T-Oam-to_keep gs on hand, I have also selected anil am prepared to furnish ri variety-of other agricultural impleMents, the latest and best iniproved, and such as are best adapted to the wants of the farmers or this part of the country : Such as the angers town (Miller's) Clover Stemmer, Huller and Cleaner, which is proving by its own merits to be one of the best machines of the kind now in use. The latest improved BUCKEYE RE ts.P.ER AND MO W. ER combined, With Dropper, and the Mower atone. The American slay Fork and Knife combined, Hay Rakes, Fodder Cutters, Cider Mills, &c. &c. &c., which I will furnish on short notice and warrant them to rinewq the purposes for which they are intended. ; L3'Orders solicited and promptly attended to. Fur further p - artialirs,:circulars; ate. nedresi D (NIEL .ikla MEM, May 4, ISTG.] Waynesboro', Fiaakiin Co. I'eun'a. Still the Latest, Alen Most Important to Maws Is that I have removed my Merchant Tailoring and Furnishing Store from my old k tarp]. one door we qt of eteer.ensive ttat and Fur Stole of iTpdegratf & 6on, to the new ly fitted room in the Washington lions°, one doe East of Mr. Op. ir)v's Store, %here I have now in stork one of the best selected stocks of Gernnin and Domestic cLor IIS, UASSIIII4LES, Stc.; that can be found in the city of Hagerstown dr Conn ty. These goods have all been F,:lected with . great care, especially adapted to the Fashionable ns well as the Plain lire s, and at prices that cannot fail to Wease alt. All thoroughly shrunk before made up uud satisficlion guaranteed. I have also a stock of • HEAVY COTTON GOODS FOR NEN AND BOY'S wEAP,, OF THE BENT M11:13. Linen Pu6ks and Plain Linens, end a fun stock Plain and Mixed Uassirneres for Boy's Wear, and as cheap as ran - be sold hi the town or county. will be made to 'order or bold by the yard or pattern to suit bulers. AU work gunrariVed to fit or To sale.. My stock of Gam's FurniNhing Goods rs large and , eomplele of eve y thing in that line, and at prices to suit the I haven's° the Agency for the sale of the celebra ted improved Singer Family Sewing Nubian, and nm prepred to competo with every other Ma chine sold in the town or country, and fur sample of Machines please cull at my-ttore.., - I return my thanks to my enstomersarufthe pub lic generally for their potrnince extended - me and h,ipo a coldinulneo of the same, . • Don't forget—The place is rho Wash ingtOn House ei:ehaii t Taihning'EFtatifibiiment: 'Wrishirg ton street. Hagerstown, Md. .1. A, FISHER, May 3, 1867. VALUABLE' FR - O,P EMT it PRIVATE .- SALE. - rrHE subscriber offbrs at Private Sale his vain a bie property,._ situated., on Main' Street. known as the ""Waynesboro' Brevery,'' including Dwelling Houec, good Stabling, &c.— For terms, &c. npply to jan 18—tI] s GEO. FO!:TRTIIM NOTICE. rii'VHE subscriber intorno:Thu eitawns of War es. 1 biro' that he intends to - run his Mill Wagon to town with Flour and Mill atult, and can supply persons with either article any Any in the' week, cheap at cash prices. Orders for Flour or 't.ufican ho left at the Post !Nice. DAVID DODR. laiministrator's Notice. IitTOTIUE: is hereby given, that Lettersi of Admin. IN nitration, on the &tate of Thomas Smith, late ut Waynesboro, deed, have been granted to the undersignell All :portions kuowing, themselves indebted to said Estate, will „please nit+e immediate payment. and these haVing Chums present them properly authenti- cated for settlement, , May 31-4 t: GtOtGE STOVER, Adm'r, vvult the annexed. NOTICE. T HE State Tax due en Nationitl 1; aril. Stock for. 1867 is nott..iii the bawls of the County ' rersurer for collection, ani if not Foil before the Ist day of August. there viiii 'be or, additional rp. per cm t.. (Lied, Ail those who have stock will fint.i, that if they call at , the Treasurer's ofII:e, in rho:, Court House, Chambeithurg, an& 'NY . ' the some,' will rave 10:per pent on the whole amount, as til,t. JJa Bit btock Te.,r, is ,collectectas State, treonrti,,sub jeet to the ,oilditional f 0 per cent hy.l „let, of Sep. ,tembor. 1867, Jane 20— 6t .] . LEANER AND BAGGER. ,vcn eit e as a ove represenre ~. 4 ~~ ~ ~,r,~ NEW SPRING Axil) Sill',/iNEinrIBBVI GEORGE STOVER RAS RETURNM FROM IPHITADE.I. PIRA WPM A SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS : app .73E7 Z 3 LI-- • 5 CD -LW EM a NOTIONS, QUEENSiVIRE GIOCUIFS I . sat- To *hick he- tha itt , A :the otteption,of of his patrons and the pullip wenerally. October 26. 186 a , . QUINCY,- rOUNDRY AND , . • MACHINE SHOP r • . . • WE take leave to inform the pu brie tJvrt. we in terud—continuing the Foundry and Machine btisiness near QuincY; Pa: We are Prepared io do all kinds of repairing at short naticernaleo ing, cast and wrought iron shafting, stoves, iron ket tles, oven doors, shoe scrapers, stove hr ots, &c„ &c, 'We also build an improved buggy and wagon Jack. horse powers, bevil pia,Od Bala, iron, ash' pers, iron bottom plate'for ash barrels, iron- fencing knd made to order.. Ohi iron bought or ta ken in exchange for new work; - • ' •'• • ', -11.tisS'& E.NINIZIZT Oct. 2fi.— : -tf.. - BARBERING ! BARBERING ! r'liE subsCriber would inform•hisc witomera nd the public generally that ho purposes ,contin uing•the Ilarhering 'business, riert door to the New Grocery, havinr purrhosed - the interest of C. C. lihqual'in-ihe Shop, and is now prepared to do hair entiing,'Atiuvirtg, shainpooning, etc., in the heel style. The patronage of the public is res.peetfuliy collard. ' ' " WM: A PRICE. March,2;'lBGG. DR. FRENCH, fin , • INEllTSt.lte'ritiftif and Diihitilei•leatti' nionnted on,l'latigd, Gold ' - ) rotictilar attention gPie'n;td'ttio . preservation o. the.rniterat tCeth: N.itrousOsiile Goa administeteil foi the ex ttnc tpe of teeth yi,ithout'pain. - • • .otlice at his residence on Mechhnic Sirect. Feb. 8. THE PROBLEM SOLVED 'AT LAST. The teitmaiithelLoNikritig P!iMr**lneelSird J ~,gold and silver is- to call at the J ewelry or 14,* • ;11 C. FORCA - • • ''"" Who haajliet returtled l tho c o,ity with . a , apd beautiful assortment of - Goods which fie otters t e ie4ucT4 ?riots, conailting.4.4,odias' and .3214potte- . • . " t r Ht"- : ' GOLD AND ' merieln and Swiss --W ATGRES,. _ it'ETS V; PfNB; • - ' .• CfrATALINN; and V EST'elt:\ INA also, a large assortment of Silver and „: - Wafe,Sudh as Dinner and _„ • aea,CASTOR.s, Cnko llask— eta, Coffee- URNS, Napkin RINGS, Ice and Urimm • PITCHERS, tter - '- - - DIST-TBS.'But Ler , • SALT .4- ertila 4.115, TEA, TABLE AND DasinT SRbdiNTS, &a. &a. A large astorpnent aflho CEII3- ,isit-vrra • • SET El THOMAS' CLOCKS• Ems - Persons mit - please remember tbht here' they 'On 1114a' large assortment SA' StUrai ~ , Combs, &o. &o. . . . nT 7I3II ER , • .( '.. t'or Culinary purposes he has Corn Starch, Pearl STEEL AN D ' • , Barley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz : PLATED Lemon, Vanilla , Strawbery, Raspberry, Pine A p- SPECTACLBS and EYE• GLASSES..; "ple, Orange; Bana'ns, Celery, Pear, - Peaehi - Nut- M'Particuler attention paid to the REPAIRING' meg, &c. Fresh Spices, Black Pepper and 'ell °ta m- ATrtrns: rr AII Wnt..l ___:• :L . _ _ - , t - i 0. - - - • Opt line .. Ho. has also something to for ONE YEAR N. B.— The bighest.cash price paid for_ OLD Sth- VEIL and , 0. 0. rimcs t , - At the 'Old Slatul of Thee. A. 1361111 t, ' four (leers Enit'oitlio Washington House, Iray-17-=11 , 3 - 67.—1y. Hagerstown, Id. TOALLWIIOVALUE Their Eye-Sight ! C 5 „ 30' CD M. CI ouLD rest), etfully nrinounen to the eit , zens of IV nynesborn' and vicinity, th it he has re ceived n large m•sot totem of the celebrated Concave, Convex,. Crystal Spectacles, in aril,t,3ilver, and fide , Steel Frames. These Wass: es ate the bei.t in use, ground of pure Crptal after lie shape of the cornea of the eye, they streagilion rand-ret!si±r.K.e-the-&ightrauil-will-not-tire=tho-eye-hy candle light as other gla.ses so often do. —A-Isa,the-trow-style-double'llieus glasses so valua ble for persons whose siaht is impaired for distant objects. BY the aid of these ghts.es, which have a double focus the lower to rend, the upper to see at a distance, the use of two pair otgifis.tis is rendered unnecessary- Remember they are not the old sty , le 'out of a hoe improvement, not split but _only 'one le ns both purposes. NI I tl< ED Ci .AIAS ES for weak, and concave for • .th - ted - errs. Glasser, eet . peen:colas adjusted to the eye with an optumeter. 1111 - 16r - Fi' _ . G ASsES, and everytlontrcrinining to thisbra,elt of business. All SpectaCles are warranted ,to suit the Eye. ''Call and examine my stock . _ _ , C. C. FOR '_.;E, (Old Stand of Thos. A. 'Mull.) 4 doers East of the Washington House. Hagerstown, May 3-3 in. CAPT. MILLER'S Celebrated. Ointment ! A . suro cute for Rini:bone, Spavino, ifoof Evil, Wind Galls Old Sores, or any En• largement on a Horse. Thiirnintment is so well known by the,rapmers in this community, that it is not necessary for me to say anything about its good qualities, further than that it has proved itself to be the BEST PRE PA. RATION ever offered to the public for the cute of the above diseases. I wish to inform the public that I have Forel need from Mr. Miller the recipe for ma king this "Celebrated Ointment." end am now man nficturing it at my house at Mt. Hope, where per. sons wishing it can be supplied. It is also for sale by J, F, K Waynesboro', Agent, DANIEL TRITLE, ?thy 10—If 11 A It S II ALL (c.: . K. E L L E It (Successors to F. J. PQSE'Y,) WATC II ES, JEWELRY - AND SI LV E It- WARE No, 13 Washington Street, HAGERSTONVN, MD. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Hagerstown, M y 21, tf. MRS. C. L. HOLLINBERGER • T rAs removed her , Millinery Store to the house ju, formerly occupied by Dr. Lechler, on Church Street. tins} the first !tom Coon & Stonehouse's Dry Goods Store. Hie hav just returned from Philndelpbia and is now opening n splendid assortment of summer styles of tlto lateif, pat; eras, BOnnefS,ltatit aF every style.' - Ribbons, awl all kinds of Trimmings usually kept iri . Millinery Store. Thankful for past favots anil hopes a oontian once of the same. April 26-tf. To the Republican Voters of Franklin County. E,N.L'ofrtlomß A y o G n E D o n b a y: t fo l. r e m g r e r n o c c r c n a ls n upr n o ,ra t al thecei earnest solicitation of a number of friends, I again offer Myself as candidate far 'County Treasunir," subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. Any aid you cau consistently give me in affecting my nomination. will be gratefully appreciated. Very Truly Yours.. - WM. FIJEA2LE. Quince, March 29, 1867, to Willow Grove Mill r HE subscrits r inforriis the Citizens of Waynes• bori;' that he will heteatte'r run his Mill Wagon regularly lo town. Persons eitipplied with Flour, Meal and Mill i". 3 tuff: Orders can he litft at the Post Office, with 1 inhergon Benedict & Co , at Miller's 6tore,or with John, Walter. All enters promptly e'; the eas'a to &company rach n(der. Mil 24'—tf. ,JACOI3 ,HOOVER. D. A. STOIEJIFFER, DENTIST. GREENCASTLE; PA. • • , MEETH extracted without pain. Miro in ,Clip• pengor's building, nearly opposite H 3. telovherelo will attend to. Dentistry,witl cure and attention, • Old; Gold and Silver plates taken in putt pay for new ones. Teeth inserted from a stugl - tooth to -- a full set. itrtured for one your. - jan - I[ 4 loll . a •cakordline Soap, you must ms I U R;VS !aria lot of Floor Oil Cloths, all widthi just Opc hitt at PRICE & HOZPLICH'S. A .ril 5. gfair atticlo of Vamp Sup r at Wi__ce s nyz w a g t ! , p ? Pam dor 1 N EW crop New Orleans clolasocti at, 5 . 1 Pw: % & Hccriaarni - KNIV ES.Stilenna• • Mustora Spoons; Opitticr and Cxeam 1,1111- GOLD, DEALER I,N In LATE AIM 1111G8,.!141,1C1111114ANCI;:!lilll0; iC =BEE J, F. KURTZ wISHES to Inform the tood citizens of Way nesboro' and vicinity, that he has just receiv ed from the East a large and full assortment of fresh. Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stu ff s Window Glass, Putty, Brushes, &c. &c., which he is prepared to sell as cheap as-they cart be had at any other house in the town, and which, in regard to quality, cannot be excelled..ile 11.8 also. on hand large assortment TOILET AUTIOttES comprising in part the following articles, viz Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau de Cologne, endless in variety, Extracts for the handkerchief, Fitie griglighTornadtts, Bandolines -- Bear's Oil, Fine and Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Nail , g Hair " les, an • LETS, cr_mticles in please the CHILDREN. A fine stock of Toys of all ki' ds, a large supply of China ware. Vint aiat Meo cl_tolia fa Et . Ile has Drake's Plantation Bitters, Hoffia.nd's German do. Sand's Sarsaparilla, Bull's do. Hitesbew's Cough Syrup, " Diarrhoea Cordial, Frey's Vertuiluge, Vermifuges, doz. kinds, erudron i s, Spaulding's, • Ayers -- Branureth's, Morse's, , . Nichatie';•., liv - er; Urs WirislOw's gobthing Sryiut - r Dr. Parishe's do. Keroseoe Oth, Lamps and (Aim, nepi alwayk oh' hand: , . . „. Thankful for hand favors dimly bestowed upon him, he solicits n'eontintrnice, of tirtrsumir,hoping rust by irying to ple'ase ha may win the confidence, of the peopk. As much care taken in waiting up on uouits as children Phusicians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully ompitunkleil at all hours. J. F. KURTZ._ Miguet 19,1864. ---- 0 , . GOOD NEWS To every Man, Woman and Child. The great reduction io prices at the Waynesboro' new 11 AT AND 81.10 E MPOItIUM. First class goods alimost.as cheap as ever.' Ti is a'personol invitation to the reader to ex amine my lArgest and most complete stock of timing - a nil summer goods ever offered in tins little Borough Also the best make of Clocks and Trueks- Totocen, Seprg, Lamp Chimneys, Wicks, • s, °se. erosene, indigo,' Soap Lye, Paper.' Lead Pencils, Pens Soda, Ginger, Variety of Soaps, Cloves, Cinamon, Extracts, Hair Oils, Pepper, ;Matches, Lilly White, Hague Balls, Pearl and Silver Infant Powder, I Gloss Starch., Shoe blackning and Varnish, Candies. A !monde, Mill ll and NA , indoor Filborts,Pea Nuts, Brushes, Oak, Bushel, Clothes •Carres, Umbrellas, Chip and Market Baskets,. Shoo Strings, Essence of Coffee, Stonebtakers'Liniment and Pain Killer, and many other Trinkets. The Memlie Shoe Solo, to keep the dampness from the feet *honk! never be lest sight of. Retail pries, 25. ' Also shop rights sold .at the low rate et *lt!, and The sole furnished at a price which will pay a large percentage, liemenibtr the plaice directly opposite the Town Hall. on the Diam.•nd, Ladies and Misses call.arid 'rep the nice trimmed, and, untrimmed Hats.: , Qh, I con sell them so cheap. April 12] ! J, BEAVER STONER & STONER, D4UGGISTS,- - ARE receiving fresh artidills in thelr lido of,btl vinces frciro the Cities weekly, which enables them to offer and sell at n fair pricey with . the' vontage of the reduction of the eastern market , — Their stock is large and increasing proportionally . to-the reduction of the whoh sale prices-.---,They have for sale Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye b!uffs,'Pruiis, Confectionary, with all articles u ually kept in drug stows— Thankful for the patronage heretofore received, re- Tectiully a-k'an increase as well as a continuance of public favors. M. M. STON DR, M. H.STUN Eli. Waynest'Orei, AUSild 10, 186 H. NE W ITIHE undersigned would respectfully call the at tention of the Public to their stock of Niqui=l.l%trimitnam, embracing all articles of Furniture usually, manu factured by cabinet makers. Wo will also give our attention tu - _ . _ _ corium rolc.A.xcxNa, and hope by atrict attention to bUNIIICSS to nierit liberal altar° .ot ,public. patronage. All orders for Furtliture'or UetTins attended to with dispatch.— Our Furnittirelt,omq can be found on Main 6lrcet, up stairs, in Willaitaia El mega n's Will Shop. J, M, at F. BENDER, December , BENJ. BitAN'TZ, M. D. T. N. BNIVKLY, NI. D. TARS FUMY TZ & SNIDELY having associa- L i fted thelnsel , o)s iq the.pracliecr . of Medicine and urgery would at that they are well prepared to treat, al and surgical cases. Persons in Jet sed to ...net of the above ivillplease make early se.ttlaMeet to the time of their association o -as.they wish tc Close their Old books: . Ofil:e in Dr. Prantz!s residence •in the room for tierly..occupied' au a Store loom by Mr.' 1, Deaver: ';CARPETS ! CARPETS ! s received at Metcalfe &'nigh ej colored Wool striped carpet, Puke $1 00;such as has been selling for $1.25. AU Wool ingrain beautiful styles, from $L.25 to $1,62: April 6.'67. tiL t; 4 1J11...y u. , 6 te6 .. ,z • • vy 140; . ,.. tamem jlt A ULLA / to: asuve .S..4tto as , Ap• f!.l Plwcs dr. Hossuott's Ci HEETINGS; all widths at (4 Ap. fid PstcF. liosswert's. L INEN ,Nspkirts tte • • Pstes ac ITossmcit's ItHE 41uthtitkul butter MA 'too Ite'On`be ideieV by the lite bt iVixotes' Horse Otiodlot elfdisetteee of Hte libge.. Bold by I Read thesecert cc:WAIF Four or tiva gearivngai . J. S. NlXON , cotpe:4 , ed a Horse and Cattle Powder. and asked rot . try it. I was the first farmer to whum it Wee and the,firin one to"tise it tin;etock.' I fiend - - . ly ,what, 1 0 /.ln„, Niitou sad cif It, and used dextrinsively airice,, and' beittil'y, readitimi it to farriers sea ruse thing' fatteninjt atocif of eII kinds and rietipitial l'otivde- tot 1-limes. • MICHAEL EIJERSOLE. Charav:.ttuig t becOobei.,• i 865: in this pori tion of our State,who haryo usettitoui Cattle Powder; no commendation is necessary. Its beneficial ef fects have keen ruirb: witted, and' hence its unboun4 ded popularity. I have used it for My horses and cows lor Several years Past,-and cannot - afford to do without it. It keeps all kind of cattle in good con ditiun, lootwns, the skin; .smoothes the hair, and sharpens their ape titer.' As npreveniive from dis ease. I regard it as invaluable. Yuurs,&c., REV.- li. S. 61..31 - INECK. Chambersburg, April, 1866, Ma. J. S. Dear Sir : , —lgavo ycfur Homo and Cattle Powder a fair hid with all my stock, Horses and cattli, and It improved them wonderful ly. It speedily increased the richness'sl the milk Of my cows, and improved the condition of my stock greatly. 1-can-cordially-recommend it as the best thing cf the kind I have ever known or tried, for all kinds of stock, and it shOuld bo kept in every stable. • Yours truly, • A. K. McOLURE, Ed. Reposiiory-.- THE SURE CUR E. AMIT Tyco, CAMP ITca, BARBER'S ITCP,, Z ETTER, and a_ Skin diseinteo. certainly cured by NIXON'S Glycerine Ointment. J. K7 - "K URT7, Sold by _ Nixon's-East_ India - Tincture. - The best 'tnedirine for Internal a n4llExternal pair Perfectly safe under all eircutustanct it. Every fam— ily should have it. tar' if you har .- e pain's, use NIXON'S East India Tincture. Stir If you have Skin- diseases, use NIX ON'S Glycerine Ointment. you have horses or cattle that don's thrive, use NIX/IN's }torso end Cattle Powders. Chansbersburg, Feb. 8---Iv. LOW riGuitEst NEW GOODS. IMBEIV ON, 11131 EDICT & CO. Are now Receiving a Lar g e Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ittUEENSIWARE, HARDWARE. We mill the attention of our, customers and' the community to our new stock of goods which are DOW• .• • cheaper than they hate been for five years. , Our. goods havo been,. bought at-low priers and we think we can Bell ihora4 suieall buyers. Give us a call, A lIBERSON, TIME DICT & Co. April 5, 1867. ' NEW LEATHER AND FINDING STORE ! I'EMS S. FORNEY Sr. SONS, would inform , t itze Public that they have received another sup ply of geods at their new Leather and Finding store, ombr;rcing among other articles the follow ing : Sole Leather, Rough Skirting, Hemlock and • Spanish Sole, CLl.lfSkins, French Calf do., Sheep do., French and Mens Morocco, Liniug.Skius, all kinds, Lasts, every style and size, Threads, Boot Webing, Laces, .Galloons, Silo Sticks, Measure Straps, Deer Bones, Burnishes, Heel Shaves, Last Hoops, Peg Floats, Double Cutters, Welt Knives, Nails and Tacks, Wax, Clamps, Crirop Boards, Bubbers, Bristles, Lasting , Irons, Files, Ink Powders, Sand Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, Pegs, . Knives, Pinchers, Ilattiniers,:vnrionis kinds;.:Rasps and Files, Auls and Bandies, Collis.lrons, Lung,and Shoulder Sticks, Byeletta and F.yelett Punches, drip Anis, And all °thee articles usually kept in such stores. • Highest cash prio paid for Hides and 'Skim.— , Feb. 8. FO.RNEY & SONS. Ais.• • H ( •SE PAINTING ! •GEORGE & A. D. MO4GANTITALL having associated themrelves in Co.partnership .the mintin g , Graining and Gisiing businet , s, znform the public that they Prepared toll° hduse painting with,neetness and despatch and upon.rea ;enable tends. Persons having any work in •their Hhe will dowel! to give them a call.before making mgagements elsewhere. MORGANTITALL &SON. March 29 tf, in -I . l 4a.countlY:i9:: , e Cnil 10.000 painuld.r. Ind .Cattle - Powders. - EC , Cattle 4 Sheep .und J. .1%-KUIVI'Z; • ~ , ' ;Wayn 7 des, hundreilkolwhich - OR SIB