Beef ! Piime Beef ! THE subscriber would inform the public that he still continues the Butchering business and will be prepared to supply persons With ifrirne or• tele of Beef on MONDAY and THURESDAt of each Week during the season, at the _cellaradjoin— ing the “Waynesboro' Hotel," also on the same days at his residence near Pikesville. THOMAS J. CUNNINGHAM. July 19—tf. resh Beef! subscriber informs the public that he is • occupying the Seller Under Mr. Bender's Store, where a prime article of Beef can in TUESDAY and FRIDAY morning of _ik. All orders left with F. Betden or Chas Letorier will be promptly attended to. The highest cash price paid for fat cattle. July 19-3t] DANIEL GILDS. 186 7 , It& .EIL. lir SI S 3 3:71 . A Tremendous Arrival of New Goads at Metcalfe & Hiteshew's, NO. 15 CIIAMBERSBURG, PA:- WE have just returned horn the East and are now opening a very large stock of Dry Goods anal - Notions - of - ev ery - descriptionT — We - have - W - hite ant Checked Matting 1 and 1 yds wide; Carpets of every description, very cheap; best quality white and colored Shawls, all seizes, Ladies liat4. a nice assortment. There has been a decline in Muslins! Now is the time and this is the place to buy lyd wide good Muslin for 15 cc--- 9 < neously while in motion, to•secure close movvin rough ground This is a new thing in the mow ing line, to which the attention o' farmers is partic ularly directed. WM, E. FLANAGAN, -_-_-_- rr HE largest assortment of C A. 2 PETS in 1 . town at the store of A IatESSON, BENEDICT & CO. RAND EXHIBITION of Spring Styles o G }FATS and CA PS at DECHERT'S, Big Red Hat, Chambersburg, Pa. BIG RED HA 1 !—St.Clontl, Jerome, Baulevade, Label, Howard, Broad Brim,Planters, Are. at DECHERT'S, • Main Street Chambersburg. DIG' RED HAT, Main Street, Chambersburg, 1111Ps, is a sure sign that y , m are near the Cheap and Fashionable Hat Emporium of STRAW DUDS in endless variety and very Cheap, at the Cutnberland Valley Hat Empor ium of DECIIERT. ANY MAN, Woman or Child m Cliambersburg ean show you the way to the. Cheap Hat Store of DZCIIERT. Big Red Hat, Chambersburg, Pa. May 24 Iy. LOOR Oil Cloths, all patterns and style at the I' store of ANDERSON, BENEDICT & CO. CHECK and plain Matting at the store of AMDERSON,BENEDICY & CO, pRIME N. 0. Molasses at the store of ANDERSON, BENEDICT & CO. OIL Cloth anJ paper Blinds at the store of . ANDERSON, BENEDICT & CO. L ADIES Dress Goods of ail kinds it the store of ANDERSON, BENEDICT & CO. T J AIPST arrival of New floods at the store of ANDERSON. BENEDICT & Co. CURTAIN Fixtures of all kinds at the store of ANDERSON. BENEDICT & CO. Lightning Rods I MHE subscribers would inform the public that 1 they have made extensive preparations for put ting up Lightning Rods during the season, and for this purpose expect to visit farmers and others gen erally in this section. One of the firm has had ma ny years experience in the business. The public can therefore rely upon having their work well and .s.atistactorily done. No humbugging, _ _ April 26-tf. SASH, DOOR, SHUTTER, BLIND AND FLOORING FACTORY MANUFACTURING to order and otherwise, 01 kinds .4* Building material at moderate pri ces, Also sawing of earry description, by mill and circular saws, at the Antietam Factory. April 19-3in.] D. F. GOOD. N. 13. Saw loge of every description wanted. for which we will pay the highest price. D. F. G. Willow Grove Mill. THE subscriber informs the citizens of Wayne's bore' that he' will hereafter run his Mill Wagon regularly-to town. Persons supplied with Flour. Meal and Mill Stuff. Orders can he left at the Poet Office, with Amberson Benedict & Co at Miller's Store,or with John Walter. All orders promptly tilled, the cash to accompany .tach order. May 24—tf. JACOB HOOVER. DR. D. A. STOUFFER, DENTIST. GREENCASTLE, PA. T, : EETII extracted without pain. O ffi ce in Clip, penger's building, nearly opposite Adams' 113 te where ho will attend to Dentistry wit t care and attention. Old Gold and silver plates taken in part pay for new ones. Teeth inserted from a situp tooth to a fill set, insured for one year. _ ion IS-Iy. FOR n cake of tine boar, you must Kt , to KURTZ'S MAIN-STREET oil in ever co DECIIE.RT', RAUSE & DtATRICH. ----31"711[71G-- 3111:31°1- AND 'MEDICINES, 0 AL AEA Mil • PLAIWirS, dlree &c., Go to Fourthman's pit;3•103(4g. - v_it4),[c4.•-1-w- , ,y(11.1x.,t1i.w_11!1 Way_nesbor_o_'_,_Aftly_24,ls6l WIRE- S H LITTLE MACHINE.- PATENTED - FEBRUARY SALESROOM, NO, 921 CHESTNUT ST., PHIL - A - DELP lIIA. t' ac neavrons ru riTs amaznew_pnncip e-o mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable im provements,havinu been examined by almost pro found experts, and pronounced to bn SIMPLICI TY and PERFECTION COMBINED. The following are the principal objections urged agatnst Sewing Machines : 1. Excessive fatigue to the operator. 2. Liability to get out of order. ' 3. Expense, trouble, and loss of time in repairing. 4. Incapaciti to sew every dtscription of material. 5. Disagreeable noise while in operation. The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from all these Objections. _lt_has a straight needle. perpendicular action, mak es the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP nor RAVEL. and is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every devcriplion of MIT of - ca-ITfrom-fieather-to-the-finest-Isiansook_lll_uslin, with linen, cotton or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. IT HEMS, FELLS, BINDS, BRAIDS, TUCKS, QUILTS, PLAITS, GATHERS. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL anti the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE. All varieties of CABINET MACHINES from $6O up wards. LV'Particular attention is called to' our NEW and ratraovno Manufacturing Machine, for Tailoring, Shoe• Fitting, Coach Trimming, &c. Its advanta ges are simplicity, durability, rapidity, easy adapta tion to all branches of manufacturing. It makes perfect work on all material. It is especially desir able in sewing Patent Leather, aqd is very still. In short, it is the most perfect manufacturing machine in the market. N. 13. Everif machine guaranteed. EMP/RE El, M. CO., 921 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. WAgents wanted.] FRANK. GRANELLO, Agent. Mar. 1-2.1m05. B ROWN sugars from lOcts. up at PRICE & HONFLICH a S LI HAD, Herring and Maekrel at" PRICE & HOEFLICH'S . F LOOR Matting at Paws &, Hosrmen's W HITE Embroidered goods ar Puma & HOEFLICIftI B EAUTIFUL Organdie Lawna at PRICE & HOEFLICII7B T AMISE Cloth at CHIP and Straw Hats at Puma & Hosmen's WANTED! WANTED WOOL! WOOL! The highest Market Price will be paid in CASH for commoN as well as FINN woos, delivered at their Mill, by the CIIAMRICREITIURG Woo•.SN MANCFACTUR INO COMPANY. Arrangements made to receive large lots at distant points for shipment. A full assortment of fine Common all Wool PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, YARNS, &e., constantly on hand and for sale, at the lowest Fhil adelphia and New York prices, to dealers for cash or usual terms, or given in exchange for Wogl. June 28—lyi J. U. AUSTIN, Pres.'. COACH MAKING ! THE subscribers announce to the rublic that they are carrying on the coach-making busi ness in all its branches, at the old stand, on East Main Street, and have now for sale a fine stock of CARRIAGES and BUGGIES, new and second-handed, which they wilt dispose of Tr:Gtt.-..:. upon the most reasocrible terms, end warranted to be as repreprosented. Repairing of all kinds done at short notice and upon ronvonable terms. None but the best material used and only the best mechan ics employed. They feel confident that their work will give anti4faction, and respectfully solicit a share of the public'patronoge. April COUNTY' TREASURER. A T the solicitation of a number of my friends, a l _antionnce myself a candidate fur the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Union Nominating County. Convention. FItEIYK. U. SNIVET. Y. Shady Grove, April 5, '67, tc. 141860 - PRICE & HORFLICIt'S HESS .& CROUSS. W. W. WALIAIIR. T. J. NALL. ONO. ,IV. WALK 511. Walker, Nill & Co., SUCCESSORS TO A. U. HAGER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE & FEU GROCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS, Glass, queens, Wood and low Ware, _ LIME, CEMENT AND FERTILIZERS, HAGI9REROWN, June 14=-Iy. OA BETA & HALF BULB N. C. and Po. Vtomac Herring, Shad, Mackerel and srook'd 111 erring, for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO. Hagerstown. 100 BULB BROWN SUGAR. 30 do. sten. lard White Sugars, in store and for sale WALKER, NILL & CO. by Hagerstown. 50 EELS SYRUPS in store and for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO. Hagerstown. OFFEE in store and for sale by • WALKER, NILL & CO; Hagerstown for As sale A i . v A A m L e i r i ia , jtiz 300 Salt Hagerstown. IDURR Ortard Brandy, , do. Port, Maderia, Sher ry, Malaga and Champagne Wines, 11 more and for sale by WALKELNILL & CO. Hagerstown•„ • • A-GNIFICENT-stoek-of'QueenswareTChina In Waro, Glass Ware and Cutlery, for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO, Hagerstown ICE Cream, Farina, Pearl, Mushroom, Gra. ham, Water, Soda, Sugar, Jumbles, Ginger and oston Cream Crackers. in store and for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO. Hagerstown. PLENDID stoeli•of Wooden and Willow Ware atoie and for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO. Hagerstown NV HITE Lead, Linseed Oil, Lubricating, Hu ll nese and Fist" Oil. in Mere and for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO. Hagerstown. BBLS - COAL Ollnin - store - and - for - sate - by - WALKER, NILL & CO. Hagerstown. "1 0 0 KEGS NA ILS in store and for sato by WALKER, N ILL & CO. Hagerstown. 0 , OHOVELS, Spades, Hoes, Traces, Halter Chains iSr.d. &c., in store and for salejy _•_ _ _ WALKER, NILL & CO. Hagerstown. 11 - E - 110EEfWir distore And for into by - WA LKER;•NILL & Co si4- Hagerstown. BACON Lard and all kinds of Country Produce wanted by WALKkR,NILL & Co. June 14-Iy. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE IST NAT. BANK OF IVAYNESBORO'. July t, 1857. RESOURCES. • Loans • and Diacounta D. 8. Bonds to secure circulation U. 8. Bonds on hand P. and A. Tel. Stock Due from Banks Legal Tender Notes National Currency • State Bank Notes Frac. Currency and cash items .3:M1T1.1T1E63. Capital Stock Circulation Deposites Dividends unpaid Due to Banks Surplus and Profits $206,699,72 The above statement is just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 'JOHN PHILIPS, Cash. Sworn and subscribed before me, July 3d, 1867. July 5-6 t) J. F. ICUR'FZ, N. P. Strawberry Plants. THOSE who are fond -o f eating strawberries when the season is here should not fail to prepare as much ground as they can spare for that nurpose; then purchase plants of I). D, Fahrney of this place. Persons at a distance can enclose $5 in a letter and received 100 plants by return mail. Bet , ries, exhibited at the store of W. A. Reid, weighed ounce each !-32 to the pound. Better bearers can not be found. A piece 60x70 feet produced some_3_bushela of berries for first crop They 'Mould be planted from 18 to 24 inches apart, — Will return. investment in one year. None but first rate plena, sold. W. A. Reid will receive all orders for there plants. P. S. Can be planted till October if watered due. ing dry weather. D. 1). FAHRNEY, Waynesboro' July 5, 1867.' J. W. MILLER'S ARRIVAL OF Spring & Summer Goods! rirr AVIN G returned from the Eastern Cities with a choice emortment9l goads belonging to their ins, such au DRY GOoDS, NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE, CEDARWARE GRocERIES. CUTLERY, GLASS WARE, &C 1 &C. I tender my thanks to the community for their liberal patronage and hope to merit a continuance of the same. J. W. M, April 19, 1867. WAYNESBORO' LIVERY! ITIHE subscriber takes this method to intorm the 1 public that he purposes continuing the Livery business and is now well supplied with comfortable conveyances and fine traveling Horses for v jak i either riding of driving. Parties convey. Zun i ed to any point desired. A share of pub lic pstronage is respectfully solicited.- 4:. Persons desiring horses or conveyances a ill please apply of the" Waynesboro Ho. JOHN 121011 A 111.1.1014. April hi—tf. FOR SALE A Prime arnete of Corn anti Oats by the quanti lity. Also Chestnut wood by the load. April sth-tf. TREASURER— Sam'l 1%. Greenawalt o ff ers him. wires a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER subject to the deridion of the U. inon Nominating Convention. elombereburg, May 17. • 1 $41,286. - 50 , 75,40000 40,300,00 300,00 17,060,41 28,340,00 .---- 3,665,00 $206,699,72 $75,000,60 67,500,00 53,170,33 846,50 758,28 0,424,61 ALEX HAMILTON. DENTAL CARD. DR. H. FORREST, nETURNS his thanks. lb the citizens of Chant- It l bersburg and the public generally for the pa tronage he has hitherto received, and would respect fully inform his patrons and friends that he has re moved his office to No. 27, Main Street, next door. to McClintock's hat store. Dr. Forrest being a graduate of toe Pepnsylvania College of DENTAL SURGERY, dad having been in practice for'several years, is thoroughly experienc ed in every thing that cornea within the province of first class Dental operations. Dr. F..having furnished his Office with one of DR. BEAN'S Patent Improved Appatus for the manufacture 9f perfectly pure NITROUS OXIDE GAS would announce that he will be at all times prepared to administer this popular Anaesthetic fot , the EXTRACTION of Teeth without Pain. All DENTAL OPERATIONS will be per formed at Dr. Forrest's Rooms, No. 27, Mein Street, Chambersburg, Pa. jMay 10-Iy. P - 011 TH E subscriber will sell at public sale, on Throe day the let day of August, 1867, at Shultz's Mill, in Hsrbaugh'e Valley, Frederick county; Md ~ the Real Estate of J. C. Shultz. dec'd; consisting of 275 ACRES-LAND more or less, which will be laid off and offered in lots. Lot No. 1, containing 56 acres, is the Home stead. This tract consists of 30 acres of clear hind in a good state of oultivation,:an excellent Meadow and Orchard, Dwelling Houses, including a good • GRISTMILL and SAW RILL. The main Dwelling House is a good two-story weather-boarded house, well finished, and in com plete repair, with all needful appertenances. The other lots are either under cultivation or well set with good timber. The lands will be sold to the kithest bidders on the following conditions, viz: One-third cash, the remainder in two annual paymentsi—with—interest— bearing notes and approved securities. Possession to be given with a lull title when conditions are complied with. A. BUHRMAN, Executor. duly 5-3tl J. M. SMITH, Auct. Newest, Best, Cheapest FT , . is 4= * a Co•libli P le ai , 41 GEORGE BENDER z Has recently openel up an entire new stock of Miii - JIM_ IC 1\167" lIIIG AND SUMMER H.o7Aohlg, All of which has been obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JARRETT, Bal timore. Emery article sold is WARRANTED to be of the beet custom make, and the material just what it isrepresented to be. A lull amorypent of GENTS FURNISHING COODS always on hand, such as Under Clothing, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &e. All we ask is, that you give us one trial, and you will always buy; for remember %ye do not,keep badly made clothing and the Raids am all of the I atestAt.v le. GEO. BENDER. May 4-Iy] Waynesboro . HO! THIS WAY BARGAINS! NOW is the timo to buy goods from E. & J. El. den cheap fiir call), on account of the - great re. duction in prices of goods in the Eastern markets We aro prepared to furnish our customers and the public generally with all kinds of goods in our line at the , LOWEST CASH PRICES. Come one, come all. and buy your Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Trunks, Clocks, Baskets, Mats, &c., &c. A splendid assortment of Watches, Gold Pens, and Jewelry just received and will be sold at ex tremely low prices. Now is the time. We will he pleased to show our goods to all and a call will sat sfy the most incredulous that we can sell cheap. stay-Watohes Cloaks and Jewelry Repair ed at short notice: April 19, 1967.) T" "EUREKA" SMUT AND SEPA RATING MACHINE. PATENTED FEBRUA RY,23, 1867. •111. 111AIPS, Sole Agent Fur Franklin, Perry, Cumberland. Bedford and Fulton Counties, Pa , and Washington and Frederick Counties, Md. This Machine is put before the public upon its awn merits. It is the most complete machine of the kind now "in use, and is guaranted to all purchasers. In no case will pay be required until the machine has been thoroughly tested and sell faction given. For Circular ad ;rem 'M. HAY _ , . Merren•bur Pa. N. B.—The subscriber also builds an repairs MILLS ofall kinds at short notice and pon the most approved plans. Cost Iron ml rbino Wa ter Wheels, Burs, Itoulting Clotl our Packers, Belting, Proof Stairs and all kintleof Mill Furnish ings furnished at the lowest cash prices. All work and goods warranted. , M. IL June 24.-Iy. DISSOLUTION. THE Co-partnership between Lidy & Dicke l in the Gloms; Flour and Feed business ! ,wos dis• Ro kid by mutu II consent on the 20th ult. The business will he continued by the undersigned, in whose hands rho books and accounts have been placed for settlement. Those inaebted aro . request. ed to call and make immediate payment. J uly :5 3or, U. H. DICKEL SECOND ARRIVAL-=And vrifb it me announce reduction in price of Dry Goode, groceries, &c, The attention of the community le respectfully directed to the splendid assortinent,nl Cassimeres, Cloths, Tweeds, Jeans, Denims, Cottonades, Linen Goods, Cot dump, Velvets, &e. Also a firm variety of Mozambique*, De!sines, Reps, Plaids, Alpacas's, • Gingham!, Lawns, Prints, with a large stock of , Groceries, Queensware, and C edarware, all of which ,the undersigned are - offering very cheep. The_subscribers-tender—their—thanks-to-the-corn. -munity—generaily—for — thotr — liberal patronage and kindly ask a continuance of the same. PRICE & HCEFLICH. Junb 7, 1867. AT TIIB 'TOWN HALL t." WELSH has just received a full assortment of Goods, In his line of business. His stock consists in part, of all the latest styles of men's and boys Men's, Women's, Mien's, Boy's and Children's BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES, and Slippers o EM3 .2E) ES' SIP_ Mi___W_Eß3_ 0 _ Bonnet Frames, Trimmings, Rundowns and Hals, Dress Trimmiigs, Hoop Skirts, Heir Nets, Hair Coils, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umberellas, Fans, &c. chooliVanic-innl-Miscellaneous-Dooks ; SUM ion ory of all kinds. Notions and Fancy Goods. --A4ll=obschicilkbe,soltLaiholum-itasAhe,cheapesi I — Junel4—tf. J. R.-W ELS H__ INSURANCE - AGENCY. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, respectfully Informs the public that he has established an Insurance A gency for Insurance of atl kinla in the best compan ies and at reasonable rate. FIRE INSURANCE—In the A'ortli America, and the Enterprise of Philadelphia, Home of New York and the Cumberiand Palley Mutts/ of Cum berland Co, Pa. I.IFE INSURANCE—in the Etna of Hanford American ot Philadelphia, and the Equitable of New York. INSURANCE from-accident causing Death or Diaabilit y, in the traveler's lusurance Company of Hartford, a valuable Insurance for Travellers and working men of all trades. Also Insurance on Horses, Mules, Cattle, and Sheep, against, Theft, Death, or Accident, rapidly coming into general use by farmers and stock rais ers. Explanations and rates given and pampldu ts fur nishecl by. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, June. 14—If.] General Insurance Agent. Hagerstown, Md. June 10. Dry Goods Down Twenty five per Cent ! H. A; A. YINGLING STILL. AHEAD AND LEADING OFF IN LOW PRICEV ! WE have just returned from the Eastern Cities with our second supply of klu mmer Dry Goods, purchased at prices 25 per cent teas than has been brought in this ni lrket this season. We are now selling Good yd, wide Muslin (Bleached) at 14 “ It " Do. .(Unbleached) 15 Calicoes, (Fair colors) 10-12 Whale Bone Corset ts $l,OO Good Hoop Skirts 75cts, 1,00 Cottenades - 20—to 50cts Our stock of Cloths, Casiiiners, Ladies Mak ings, Cottenades, Linen Ducks and Drills, Dress Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Trimmings, Floor and Table Oil Cloths. Meetings. &c.. are complete and we defy competition in style,quality and prices June 14.'67 H & A. YINGLING. PRE riuhsCr.ber has just received a most erten ' sive assortment of new spring & anmmer goods, embrcing all the West styles or Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, Bovines. Black and Colored Cloths, Sha ads, Gentlemen and Boys' Clothing, Domestic Goods, Blankets, Carpets, Balmoral all d Hoop Skirts, &c., &c.. - - - The extent and variety of our Stock can only be appreciated by personal- examination. which is so licited. Purchasers may save 15 to3o per cent. ny examining this stock, as great bargains will be giv- E. &J. ELDEN. I en. S. OGILI3Y. Hagerstown, May 31. • --------- THE PATENT All Ginits and defy all competition; for elle nt the sign of the Big Red Horn. Also Fisher's Patent Self• Sealing Tin Fruit Cans, made and sold by D. 13. RusKELL, the only authorized person in Waynesboro' to make and sell slid cans. Also all ether kinds of good Fruit Jars at. the sign of the "Big Red Hern."-= D. 11. RUCISELL has on hand and for sale the very, best of TINWARE of every Ile. rcription mule of the beet tin in the market and warranted nt the ehcap Ttv AND Scorn Swint; of July 5--tf] I). B. 111.7.18E1,1.• Grand Opening et all the Varieties of Dry Goods, Gro• aeries, Ate. ?mu & Raman. Ladies Dress _Good of the latest novelties. consisting of • HATS AND CAPS, every excirp ion. a TIM OBIT PIE ! NEW DRY GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. HERO Fruit Jars— COPPER KETTLES. IRON KETTLES, BRASS KETPLES, PORCELAIN KETTLES ; FIELD BUCK ETS .c . / FISHING RODS, Water Coolers, leo Croam French.; FAMILY • GROCERY I A: REID g - SUCCESSOR TO Hostetter, Reid & Co. CALLS the attention of buy- irA l Vera to hie stook of goods just !(‘- -- 1- 1 . 1 \ 67! received, vis : 7 . 1 ,Me TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS, - MOLASSES, OSCENE_OIL GLASS AND QUEENSWARB, PURE SPICES, NOTIONS, LA.IIIP_S, S. C HAMS, BACON, CHEESE, SALT, XASON'P CRACKERS. Steamed (eve and Spiced Oysters. .3ittelebratrol A . PlEl,D_Brandin_Lll3—an 2lb Cans. MCMURRAY'S Balt. Oysters. Lunch ysters, an-x Parties . . All sold by the case, dozen, or single can. 311 E " X Sliii 31E-X or ••11A111;VQ , 1:10}t to the Fish trade. Hackers{-by-the-bbl,,-Italves-and-varters He keeps everything usually found in a well reg ulated Grocery, all of which will Le sold at a very small advance, for CABII only. Come to "Mexican Row. " His best bow to Kis customers for ihe liberal en couragement heretofore extended to hiln. May 17, 1867.] W. A. REID. P. B. _Highest market price paid for Country Produce, such as Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Lard, &c., in exchange for goofs, or bought for cash, LATEST ARRIVAL 01 1 GROtERIES. -0- LIDY & DICKEL AVING just received from the Eastern Mark- Liets a fresh supply of Groceries, etc., they aro now prepared to sell at reduced prices. Their stock embraces in part the following Syrups; Cheese, Sugars, Coffees, Molasses, Chocolate, Spices, ground and unground, Baking articles of all kinds, warranted fresh and of the hest quality Koresene Lamps, shades, wicks and chimneys. Also No 1 Kerosene Oil. oLTa CD U 3 ...4a. CD3 Cn M M 0 H.B. Navy, Nat. Leaf, Fine Cut, and all the lies. Con., Brands or Chewing anti Smelting Spuns, Tobaccos of sixteen difFerent Linis Oye.she Salt and Fish. G. A. Bale, Dairy, large and small sack, Madre No 1 and 3 by the barrel. Confections. Cakes and Candies, Water and Su. Crackers, Oranges, Lemons, Raisons, Figs, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts. Pea Nuts, Pepper. Tomato Catsup, _ Pepper Sauce, Brown"s Troches, Babbitts Soap, • Harrison's '- Dobbin's Electric- Soap, Castile Soap, Barlow'• Paper Collars, Robert's, Embrocation, • Hoover's Ink, Matches, Gun Caps, Mue.hine Twist . Block Cotton Thread, Needles and Pins, Singer Machine Needles. Shoe Strings, steel Pens, Pen !folders, Lon' Co t.: - Ladies ma Corn' s, Hair Oils, Peru Nerve and Bono Liniment, Cocoa Nuts. And connected with the Grocery we have and Fond which wo will deliver at' Mill prices. larThe highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Country Produce. Vi o aro thankful f.r past favors, anal by strict at tention to bu iness and a dci , iro to please all, hopo to recoivo a liberal share of the public's patroitage, for wo feel confident that our goods and prices will comParir favorably with those of isny other house. LIDY ear. DIL/h.EL• May lt—tf. ; Saturrutad W.wartal;rq. Pi 8 THS MiLLtori, all ma bo rich, wior nr d heeppy .. . Ag nts !ranted. Endow stamp fat particulay. , . ft: C. np; 142 sfileocker IStla York, . ; - [Aril 213—.9414 lar at tent io Tens—Young tryecn Impetinl, Oolong, Sundries. Shoe Blacking, " Brushes, }torso " Wh't wash brushes, Washboards, Clothes lines, Corn Brooms. Hickory '• Pained Buckets, Brdss Hooped " Bushel Baskets, Clothes " Ladies Tray.Baslota- Chip Baskets, &c. STATIONMIY. Envelopes, .Note Paper, Fools Cap, Fancy Soaps, Gaßaser ••• Rc O' i Prep: red Coffee, LIStIVIICC P'rey's H. Powders, Carpet ricks, Powder and Shot Sewing Silk, S. S. Spool Cotton. Darning 'Needles, Hair Pins, Le id Pencils, Pocket Knives, Conti a, illy Whitt+,