Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, May 31, 1867, Image 2

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InTA.TirDir EOM 1130.Et.C11
Friday, play 31, 1807.
ur S arra tt 's trial, whioh was to have ta
ken plaeo on Monday in Washington before
the oivial authorities, has been postponed
until Juno 10, in order to proenre the itten
ilanao of importont witnesses.
161rThe Copperheads am congratulating
themselves on their solid column of 'seventy
one thousand voters in Kentucky. The
country willWto remember that Ken
tucky sent just about reventy-one thousand
muskets into the Confoilerate army.
OrA largo number of American priests
bare gon to Rome to celebrate the 1800th
anniversary of the Martyrdom of Peter, and
carry out funds for the Pope's empty pocket.
13it,hop Woodie r of Philadelphia, carries over
thirty thousand dollars io gold, besides many
rare presents for the Holy rather.
t is egain — rumored from Waihington
that the removal of General 6heridan from
the command of the Fifth Military District,
the.vacancy is contemplated by the Frei.
dent. Of Mr. Johnson's many unpopular
actions this would not be the least, and it
wcnld not only be unpopular, but, we be
ubjust. To remove Sheridan now
would be as wild an_act_asif_the_erder__hai
been issued when he rode down the Shenan
doah Valloyio turn defeat into victory at
aas.The news from Mexico ia important.
On Monday. Secretary Seward received des
patches, which are confirmed from several
ale defeating the Imperialiats,and the capture
of the Austrian Archduke Maximilian, Mi
ramon, and other Imperialist, officers, Maxi•
lien surrentleg unconditionally. A
Matemoras despatch says that President In
re a has_
- or dered_th a t=bl imillian=and=the
Generals surrentlering with 'him b e shot.
A New Oilcans despatch states that Juarez,
in response to an appeal from United States
Minister Campbell in b4alf of Maximilian,
recounts the grievances of the Liberals, at
the hands of the French and Maximilian,
and declines to promise his safety in the e
..._ vent .otlis_capturo...___ALthe_latestiancounts_
the Liberal's were moving upon the City o
Mexico and Vera Craw,
.71111:END or nn —Tile MN.
rtalt says: The Emperor of Austria was
probably a little premature when be asApred
us, a few days ego, through the omen ca
ble, of the safety of his brother. Before
that time, in all huntrait probability tilaximil
lan had knelt, with bandaged eyes, on an-un-
covered coffin, the target for a squad of Mox
clad-la -tags-and - chattering bad
-Spanish., -
The Latin kingdom of Napoleon has fallen,
crrying with it loss and sorrow to the house
of Hapsburg. The mirage of an American
empire has dies avec), we hope forever- The
end in tragical and mornful; but it seems, af
ter all, to be the triumph of severe justice,
bloody and savage thongh it be. From the
tenor of our despatches it is almost certain
that the execution of the unhappy Emperor
followed his capture with signal rapidity.
Maximillian has himself recognized this bru
tal common law by ordering the execution
of native Mexican general officers simply for
defending with arms their native land. Can
he, at best but a foreign adventurer, expect
a different treatment? He mine to Mexico
merely out of over-powering ambition, wheth
er his own or anotherg matters not, to seize
a government by robbery. He has played
and lost.
This country Will regard his fate with deep
pity and commiseration. A gentleman and
a brave soldier, the dignity an•i chivalrous
_ demeanor of his closing hours have challen
ged oar admiration and won our sympathy,
He faced his dark fate manfully, feeling hon
or to be more precious than life, and a stain
worse than a wound. His name will never
go down to prositeritj linked with millinery
and mantua making. lie would have scorn
ed to have found life under a petticoat. How
ever bad his cause, an opposed to all our
ideas, it is to be-said for him that he has
borne himielf with fortitude and undaunted
- - courage. He has lived like an emperor, and
to the last Ming defiance in the teeth of
. Death.
SS-The distress of the South is shown in
the fact that Virgins raised $40,000 for the
comfort of Jeff. Davis and his family. Not th
Carolina contributed $20,000 or $30,000 for
a monument for the rebel dead. The State
of illississippi appropriated $20,000 to test
the constitutionality of the reconstruction
act. Memphis can raise large sums of money
to get tournaments, and, indeed, whenever
there is an occasion for honoting the rebel
dead, or of testifying regard to living traitor?,
there seems to be no lack of funds, and no
'difficulty in raising what is required. This
to ray the least, is a little zemarkah:e.
ite'llorreo Ureerey and John Minor
Botts.hove both made public explanations
about their signine. Jeff. Davie bail bonds.
The former said he did it because the cone
sot for the prisoner deemed it important,
ouch he does know their reasons. Mr.
3olts wanted to exert a harmonising iaflu
•euve and hhow l,iy Anagnanimity toward
I:.tia, nba bad ti.rowu hint into prison
n jai mt . ca u. o.
ONE or Tua Swum bp Blau Puma :
Political economists (says the ..I.lhrrisburg
Telegraph) are pestling. tliemsblves to 'as
certaia and counteract, if' possible, the came
of the present high piece', not only of the
necessaries of life, but of other products and
of real estate, There is not much to be gain
ed in, such an investigation by cyphering.
It has but ono secret, and a fact is all that
Is necessary to divulge it. Our high vices
are caused by the desire of tiro persons to
live off the labor of one, or to put it in plain
er language, while one hundred men ia
community at e toiling, digging, mining,
ploughingi-sowing, reaping and tnanufaottr
ring, there are two hundred tiiie who are
speculating, graspieg and holding the pro •
ends of the miner, garnering what the far.
met reaps, svarebouseing what• the manu
facturer produces, and, solemnly folding their
arms, awaiting a panic in the market to sell
or buy, or oaleulating on the ceoese;t:es of
the consumer to tax him to the fullest extent
of his ability. Such is the disposition of A
merioan tradeand - merchandisiogatahis time,
and it is folly to disguise the fact that it is
bearing the business and financial interests
- of-the-country to-diffatulties-from=whioh_the
nation cannot escape without being roughly
_handled. The government cannot remedy
these evils. Legislation is impotent to con
tol the iaflueucea which
Secretary of the Treasury has not the pow
er, nor does any one man alone possess she
ability to cope with those who are engaged
in these speculations, in thii disposition to
live from the labors of others. These com
binations are too formidable -to- be reached
and counteracted by ordinary means, Their
- sure - ean - only - bee — efficate - d by reaction, and
the remedy can only be reached by passing
throughithe most dreadful revulsions in trade.
Unless lie disposition to speculate•ie arres
ted-. unless the feverish desire for the accu
mulation of sudden wealth, to live from the
labor of others, is at once counteraeted by-a
healthy action in legitimate trade, by fair
production and a satisfaction with just prof.
ite, we must have a fearfully destructive fi
nancial revolution. Whatever the Govern
ment may do to relieve the people will Ix of
I no avail, unless the people, in the particular
1 -t-o-which w e allude, reform themselves
What is needed is more producers, more bon
' est labor, more extetsive tilling of - thes - oil
more mining = and=let=s = s~eetrlation ;= The=se =
cret of the starvation in the South is that
the great mass of the white men there are
'loo proud, too lazy and, in some respects,
too Ignorant to work. Our 'hard times' in
the North aro traceable to the fact that too ma
ny of us ate too fond of speculation, too
prone to fold our arms in sublime indiffer
ence or criminal idleness (call it sy what
term you please,) waiting for something to
_turncup.__The!turnirtg up' inky _be fatal..
Honest labor, produotion without specula
tion, can only avert such a fatality,
11111-Farma, in some portions of Texas,
yield from 150 to 300 bushels of sweet po
tatoes,'of excellent quality, to the acre.
The Release of Jeff Davis.
[From the London Star, May, 15
Jefferspn Davis is again a free man. After
a detention of just two years, the authorit
ies of the United States have restored — to
liberty one of the most unaerupu'oue and im
placable enemies, one of the least excusable
rebels, whoever helped to plunge a country
into civil war. Nominally Davis is released
on bail, to come up for trial next November;
-but in reality it may, we presume, be taken
that the ex-President of the Southern confed
eration is relieved of all further responsibil
ity for his polities! offences. The United
States have hero once again - given an. exam
ple of magnanimity and mercy by which the
Old World may well profit. They have giv•
en an example of political wisdom, too.—
Jefferson Davis, executed on the scaffold as
a traitor, might have left a bitter and even a
dangerous name behind him;efferson Davis
contemptuously dismissed to the obsecurity
of private life will soon fade oat of memory
altogether, * * * We do not rite . thus from
any wish to throw additions On
fallen man. But it is a duty 'we owe to a
great cause and to tru - b, to remind England
that this is the man who was the idol of
what are called our governing classes three
years ago —the man .in answer to whose
appeal journals and speakers in this country
clamored for war against our own kindred,
and against the principals of human liberty
and the Christian doctrine of human rights
While men of Sul", too, are crying out
even now for the It e blood of some petty and
powerless Irish rebels, it is right to show how
grievous were the crimes of Davis against the
United States, and how the United States
have punished them. We are glad that
Davis is set free. ills life has been happily
for mankind, a failure, and the best thing
that can be hoped for him is that the world
may soon forget him, and history only give
a few passing lines to his name.
The strict observance of the statute pro.
bibiting the sale of liquor on Sundays, which
we found prevalent yesterday in all our walks,
made a marked change in the appearance of
the stracts As showers were dropping at
intervals after the hour of noon, the usual
corner loungers dispersed themselves under
awnings, while the class of people who have
been in the habit of spending their Sabbaths
in bar-rooms were compelled to join the cor
ner standers or go to their homes. Nowhere
did our reporters see a tsvern open, either
in front or roar; not a child or man, did he
see with pitcher of ale or noggin of whiskey.
The closing of the drinkeries seemed to be
universal. It will remain for another week
or two to test the temper of the people of
Philadelphia as to the question of submission
to the new edict.— Gazett of' Ifonclay.
While tbo North is paying the enormous
public debt that has accumniated in the ef
fort to prove that there is no awls thing as
treason, while from all parts of the South
misery has stretched 'its gaunt bands towards'
us to beg for support, while we' have freely
opened, our treasure to prevent their star
ving, we see but little inclination on the part
of the leading Southern people to make an
equal effort, On the contrary, fifty Woes
and dollars has been presented to Jeff Davis,
,which he is about to invest in a summer res
idence near Montreal, where be can cooly
watch the follies of the Nothern people and
ponder 'over the fact that in the great Repub
lic there is no such crime as treason.--11? P.
Lawr-Norton.—Peraous indebted to W.
Brotherton wilt Hod an important
among the new aavertiaementain
W. M. 11. R.—We nolo:14nd the. work
grading that tart of the - Western Marylsod
railroad between nageratown and the Mona
. • •
tain has been commenced.
,A Pimag,—A Purse found on Main Street,
'containing soma money and other valuable's,
has been left at this office. The owner can
get it by describing contents and payiug for
this notice.
akar W. St A. Yingling, Dry Goodi mon
Hagerstown, baveopened out another supply
of new goods. There advertisement will ap
pear neat week.
A RELII—A short time since we were
shown - an Inilk&Totoahawk which has been
in the posession of the Suowberger family of
this vicinity for about one hundred years.
Tin Fnutr.—Me regret t o learn 'that
much of the fruit in this region, such as
cherries, pears, peacbes,,eto., have beem ve
ry much damaged by the late frosts and hea-
vy rains. he prospect — for an apple crop
is good however.
CONFECTIONERY.—We Cali Ppeoiai atten•
Lion to the advertisment of Mr. S J. Strite,
who has opened out a first ohms Confection
ery and 'Bakery in Greencastle. Persons
from this section visiting that place are re
quested to not forget friend Strite's establish
MoConmtor.'S REAPER.—We direct the
attention_of_Farmets to this advertisment of
Mr. Flanagan who is agent for the sale of
McCormick's improved belt-raking Reaper,
and also for his two-wheeled Mower, some
thing new and said to answer the purpose
Tun ettors.—Tho weather for the past
Mrcdays has been of-a-m-oshielightful-char=i
actor. — Vegetation of all kinds is growing
rapidly. The earlier wheat is already be
ginning to head. An aged farmer in this vi
cinity remarked the other day that he had
not witnessed in the last forty years better
prospects for a good wheat harvest. Our
prayer is that his anticipations may be fully
- WOMEN- F-ACTORY. , -e couple__Of_weeks
since we visited Chambereburg and whilst
there curiosity prompted us to visit their
much•talked of Woolen Faotory. Wo was
surprised to find the Company driving the
manufacturing business so extensively, from
eighty to one hundred bands, male and fe
male, being in its employ. The machinery
in the building is of the finest order, and
their goods embracing eassimeres, all quali
ties-and-sty I f—th iv- do—not
surpass those purchased in the_ Eastern_ eit,
les. Being a home manufactory merchants
and the people of the country generally
should patronize it.
Tuu Cotionuy—The Blind Family, con
sisting of three brothers and one sister :gave
a concert of vocal and instrumental music in
the Town , Ball on Saturday evening last,
which is represented as one of the finest en
tertaintuerits.of the kind given here for .nany
years. Three of the number are entirely
blind being destitute of eye balls, ihO fourth .
being blind of one eye. These unfortunate
brothers and sister are certainly deserving of
public patronage and we are gratified to be
able to state that Waynesboro' gave them „a
fall house.
QUERY.—Have our School Directors a.
bandoned the idea of a public building for
school purp ores? We hope not, fer the
condition of our school houses at present
render such a step a public necessity.
A friend ,who is interested in the cause
education suggests that a stock company be
formed to purchase the ground and put up
a building sufficiently large for the accom
modation of both town and country. The
id eti 'lwo' think a - good - one-and-if-a-few—en ter
prising citizens could be induced to take the
matter in hand it would succeed. Waynes
boro' being noted as a healthy locality there
is no reason why a permanent and flourish
ing institution of learning might not be kept
up if the necesary provisions were made for
it. Such an institution would vastly benefit
the community at large Wan educational as
well as a p6iiniary point of view.
SiiirP. T. Barnum's (patent) Elastic Strap
and Buckles for pants, Vests and Drawers
is a little invention which will commend itself
to every gentleman who desires good fitting
clothes without feeling restrained in his
movements, and to persons who tear the
straps and buckles from their garments it
will be worth double the cost. These straps
are very durable, teat; and of a variety of
styles, colors and price, to suit all. An
agency for the sale of them bore would be
very profitable. See advertisement-
NARY Dnop.—We understand Smiths
burg, Washington county, does not contain
a public bar or restaurant licensed to sell
spiritous or malt liquors. The Good Temp
must be revolutionizing things down
that way. This state of affairs •must be
truly hard on the sixties.
Puorarre.—A cow belonging to J. S.
Hershey, of Manor township, Lancaster coun
ty, has given birth to five calves withiu the
past year. - So says tbs Eximiner.
rr'we loarufrotu the Spirit that 0. W.
Ashccitn, Esq., rebeody appointed Collector
of Would Revenue far this district, intone'
_collecting the revenue falai of e3il3 enCity
personally and will visit the country at stated
periods for...that purpose,
By the burning of two stables, the prop.
oily of Abram Wartviolc; about five . wales
from Riaboond, Ytt , on the night of the
Mai instriot, ( sitteen hoistisV:inelticling -fwo
floe stallions and several valuable mares, were
burnet . l to death.
~.~ao- '___ _.~..._
13ro IlatmL—Thirty-five thaw:land her
ring were taken-at one haul from the looks
of the Chesapeake and Delaware'Catmal, at
Delaware City, on Monday morning. It hi
estimated as many (weaved on account of the
tide being viry high- ,
One of the welathiest and ablest lawyers
in New York bus instituted suit> for divorce
from his wife, who is one of the most noted
women for beauty and accomplishments in
the city. The suit is based on inhuman
conduct to the gentleman's mother.--
A second shook of an earthquake visited
Nebraska City on the morning of the 8d
inat q --It was-longer and trions_violent_than
that of April 24th. Stovepipes were tumbled
down, bedsteads moved and houses 'rooked
like ships at sea. It is getting to be very
Ono of the wealthiest and ablest lawyers
in New York 'has instituted suit for divorce
from his wife, who is ono of the moat note,'
women for beauty an accomplishments in
the city. The suit is based on "inhuman
conduct" to the gentleman's mother.
The richest member of the Connecticut
Senate is an Irishman, whose property is val
ued at $2,500,000, and whose daily income
is $l,OOO, He made his money from an oil
farm in Pennsylvania, which be purchased
_for 52,50_0.
The Richmond Whig has gone over into
the Radical camp. This is Mc first fruits
of the Wilson catnpsigo, and it comes quick
and with startling effect.
—On-the-SunAay-preco*l-Iling—Eater a- col
lection of $85,000 in aid of the Pope was ta
keu-up-ifl-the Catholic • oh nreh exAmnposin
thcrdTocese - of - Phiriihia.
James W, Campbell, sheriff of Jefferson
county, Va.,and the man who hung John
Blown, die at Charlestown,. Nest Virginia,
A subscription is on foot in_Kcatucky to
purchase a home for the family of tho trai.
tor John C. Brookinridge.
Ninv M - 21 - Y - 2 '
Brooklin, yesteidav, gave high to four chil
dron, weighing in the aggregate 24 pounds
Mother and children doing well.
John E. Hayes Esq., of the Savannah
(Ga.) Republican, who was sentenced to fine
and imprisonment for libeling a _Rebel, has
been pardoned.
They have a beautiful young lady in Mem
phis seven feet high.
You're - a - queerehickenhas - the — ben—said
when she hatched out a duck.
150 160 COMPE TITION DEFIED. 150 160
Ladies Genuine KID GLOVES American Man.
ufacture at 150 cents. During the last year we have
sold large numbers of these Gloves in all sizes and
colours and safely say they are not surpassed by
other Kid Gloves sold, to be had only et
UPDEGRAFF'S Glove Factory,
Opposite tho Washington House Uageret .wn .
10 15 20 COMPARISON INVITED. 10 15 20
STRAW HATS. A full assortment of new Spring
Styles of STRAW II %TS, Guysquill• , Leghorn..
Canton, Braids, Mackinaws, Mnlagns, Palm Leafs,
&c., from 10 cent. up at UPDEGRAFF,S
Opposite the Washington House Hagerstown.
25 60 75 OPPOSITION COURTED. 26 60 75
CANES.—We have a new lota Fine Imported
Caner, Plain Bone Ftnlshed and Carved. Hickory,
Reed, and Bamboo Canes from 25 cents up. Those
who want a staff of service, convenience, comfort,
Beauty or Fashion should call at UPDEGRA FF'S
Hat, Cane and Umbrella Store, Hagerstown
Ladieß SUN UMBREI:LA.S, New Style PAR
ASObS, RAIN UMBRELLAS, Arc. A complete
stock at UPDEGRAFF'S
Hut, Cane and tmharella Store, angers town
Oa tho 21st inst., at the residence of Sam
uel Bovery, Esq., in Clearopring, by the Rev.
W..A."Harris , Dr. L. M. II'OLFF to Miss
V Lai = 0 n-1118 1,C40_71 , , =
At. the residence of Geo.. Bender, Esq.,
this place, on the 23d inst., Mrs. NANCY
McCONNEL, aged. 86 years, 5 months and
17 days.
In Bucyrus, Ohio. on the 12th inst., Mr.
SAMUEL LYDAY, fotrnetly of this place,
aged 59 years, I month and - 12 days
In this place, on the 25th inst., WILLIAM
B. ROSS, aged 6 years, I 0 months and 5
7a.83E1-313.70 6 1 1 131..
28, 1867,—The Flour market continues in
the same apathetic condition. The inquiry
is entirely from the home consumers, who
operate very sparingly, only taking enough
for present mecessities. Sales of 900 barrels
at s9®lo for superfine; $10®11.25 for ex
tras; $12.50®14 25 for northwest extra fam
ily, including 500 barrels on terms kept se
cret; 513®15 for Pennsylvania and Ohio dQ.
do; $16®16 50 for California, and $16.50®
17 50 for fancy brands, according to quality.
Rye Flour is selling in a small way at 0.50
®8.75 bbl. No transactions , were repot ,
ted in Corn Meal.
The Wheat market is quiet, and prices
have,a decidedly downward tendency. There
is a moderate. inquiry for prime lots, but
other grades are unsettled; sales of Pennsy!.
mita red at $3@3:27. Rye ranges from $l.
70 to s7llllbushol. Corn is in good demand,
and holders are firm in their- views, but the
transactions are-oomparatively.light; sales of
4,000 busbcls yellow, afloat, 01.21, 2000:
bushels 40, , ,in the Cars, at 81. 22') 500 bah-,
els white,- in the oars, At $1.1,. Oats are'
inactive; but pricesitouiain; without, quotable=
change; sale's of 1,000 bushels l'Antsylvaula
at 820. , • • 1•
Tnn Directors of the Find National Bank of
Waynesboro' have declared a Semi-annual
Dividend of 6 per cent for the last six months, pay
able on demand, JOHN PHILIPS, Cash.
, • •• • NOTICE. ' LAS T
'TIER - SONS' indebted to the -subscriber by. note
1 or book account are notified that all such notes
and accounts have been Itift in the bands of John
Richardeon for collectientod if payment is not made
within twenty days-suit will be brought
hilly 31—te. W. H. BROTHERTON.
N - 0 - TI - C - E .
MITE subscriber having been subjected to cons!]-*
erablii annoyance of late by parties passing to
and fro through hii groin fields,notifies such persons,
not-to tterspass upon his premises in the future, as
he will he compelled to enforce the law against all
who fail to comply with this notice.
they 31-31. . ISAAC EOM •
Adminixtratoes Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that'Lettere of Admin
istration, on the Estate of Thomas !Smith, fate
of Waynesboro, dee'd, have been granted to tyo
All persons knowing themselves indebted to Bei,
Estate, will please make immediate payment. an,
those having claims present them properly authenti
rated for settlement.
May 31-3 t.
.Adm'r, with the Will annexed
j u LA I
SHALER'S Family Scales, two sizes of 12 & 25
bbs capacity, weighing by ounces, easly to un
derstand and warranted to weigh correct:
Also an Improved Cherry seeder which has been
in use for the last five years and never failed to give
entire eatisfoctiou. It will seed a bushel of Cherries
in_2s_minutes, Sold by
May 31--tl. ' GEISER &
186 7 ,
WE 411. lir 13 53 X) .
A Tremendous Arrival of Now Goods a
Metcalfe & Hitesv's,
NO. 15, - DIAIN - STRI
WE have•juet returned from the Eeet and are
now opening a very large stock of Dry Goods
and Notions of every description, We have White
and Checked Matting 1 and 11 yde wide; Carpets
of every description, very cheap; best quality white
and colored Fhawls, all seizes, Ladies Hate. a nice
assortment. There has been a decline in Muslins.
Now is the time and this is the place to buy
lyd wide good Muslin for 15
I .11 fair -48 41 10
Our Mock of Muslim; is full embracing 25 differ
ent Brands. Chambereburg Woolen Manufactur
ing Co.'s goods always on hand. In short weclaim
to have thO largest stock of goods in the county and
defy any Bowe to beat us in low prices; therefore
you can rely on having the pleasure of selecting
from the largest stock at the lowest piece
N. B. Goods of every - desoription Wholesaled
et City jobbing prices.
No. 3. North Carlisle streeti
GREEiwAsTt.x, Pa.
Having purchased the establishment lately owned
by Sint° & Cushwa, is prepared to snpply all kinds
of confections and Bakery at the shortest notice.--
His stock comprises
• Lemons,.
TTie Candies are [manufactured. expressly for his
eitablihment, hich he will
,sell at wholesale and
retail, Orders from a distance promptly attended
fitted up, enjoining the store•ronm where he-will be
happy to serve it up every evening.
May :11-3t.
Elastic) Strap and. Buckle,
This little invention is just out, and as it is no
"humbug" is meeting with a rapid sale. It-can-be
opplied in a moment to any garment, by any person,
causing it to fit perfectly,
Its elasticity prevents tearing the straps and buck
les off the clothes, and also allows perfelt freedom
of the body while working or takkg exercise.
For sale by tailors and the trade generally. Send
25 cts. fin- strap, circulars, terms to agents and the
trade, to the _
BARNUM E. S. & B. Co.
650 Broadway, New York
Agent., Wantad in every county.
May 31-3 m:
Im . proved. for 1867•
THE subscrber would inform° farmers generaly
that he is still acting as Agent for the McCor
mick's Celebrated Self-Raking Reaper, and has now
a supply en hand. As improved it is unequaled. for
,all conditions of heavy or lodged grain and the
only perfect self-raker in use. Call and examine
and judge for you-selves. •
Also McCormick's Two 'Mumma Mow= with
Flexible Cutter Bar, Lifting Leaver and Leaver for
Fitting the Cutting Edge to any angle instanta
neously while in motion, to secure close mowing on
rough ground This is a new thing in the mow
ing line, to which the attention o' farmers is partic
ularly directed. WM, E. FLANAGAN.
May 31—tf.
MBE largest assortment of CARPETS in
town at the store of . ' _
UI.OOR Oil Cloths, all patterns and style at the
CHECK end plain Matting at the store of
Astasteson, Bitnarncrr & CO.
pRIME N. 0. Molasses at the store of
OIL Cloth and paper Blinds at the store of
AIMEE/30N, Bantam . & CO.
L ADIES -Drees Goods of all kinds At the same of
UTOOLD respectfully inform the palic that
they ttbsPr opened - at their new room, on
tie southwest corner of the Diamond, in Wares
ro', a large and vrelrielected Era of • " , -
Dry Goods,
• Hardware: •
and - Cutlery,
Iron, Steel; Nara, r'Clutek-nurilets Goode of every
description, Queenaware, Cedsrware,. Shoes,
pets, Oil Cloths; Paints; Glass, Oils; Waugh Brush
es, Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well
regulated store. Our goods are all new and fresh
and have been bought for cash at the late decline
We natter ourselves that-from our long experi:,_
ence in business, and a determination to sell pod-47
at small profits, we shall be able to. offer' unusual
inducements to all buyers who desire to save mon
ey. Please call.and see for t yourselyes..
We have a large and well snorted Stock of sta
ple and fancy Dry Goods, emlitacing
Cloths, .Cassimeres,
Trimings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting@
and Shirtings, Tickinga, Linens, Flannels, White
Goods; Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. Wk . are re•
ceiving new goods every week and will supPTY , RY
article wanted that we have not on hand in a feON,
We pay the hi
HE eager:bar has just r' irteil a most ellen
sive assortment of new aping t Runnier goody,
emlireing all the la.est styles or ladies Dress
Goods, Cloaks, Socqucs. Black and I ;olored Cloths,
t:ha tvl - Gentle men_and—Lto • rrirlfdlin Lo nest
Goods, Blankets, Carpets, Balmoial — iiiird - Hoop
Phe-extent-and-variety or our Stock caniailp_be__
appreciated by personal examination, which is so
licited. Purchasers may'save 15. to3o per cent. oy
_examining_this shick, as great bargltiq will be giv
en. S. OGTLBY.
Hagerstown, May 31.
GRAND EXHIBITION of spring Styles of
Big Red Rat, Chamberaburg, Pa.
DIG RED HA n-st. Clowl, Jerome, Baulevade,
Cabe], Howard, Broad Brim , Planters, dm at
.' • Street Chamberabur..
BIG RED HAT, Main Street, Chambersburg,
Pa, is a sure sign that you are near the Cheap
and Fashionable Hat Emporium of •
TRAW G DODS in endless variety and very
OCheap, at the Cumberland Valley - Hat Empor
ium of DECHERT. •
ANY MAN ? Woman or Child in Chamberaburg
can show you the way to the Cheap Hat Store
Big Red Hat, Chamberaburg, Pa.
May 24-Iy.
1/11IE subseriber offers at Private Salo his vain a
bie property, situated on Main Street. known
es the • •
"Waynesboro' Brewery,"
including Dwelling Houee, good Stabling, dcc.—
For terms, dec. apply to
jan 18—tf] GZO. FOURTHMAN.
THE subscribers week] inform the public that
they have mode extensive preparations for put
ting up Lightning Rods during the season, and for
this purpose expect to visit farmers and others gen
erally in this section. One of the firm has had ma
ny years experience in the busirievs. The public
can therefore rely upon having their work well tin&
satisfactorily done. No humbugging.
April 26—tf.
N uts,
&c., &c.
THE undersigned, having thordughly studied the
subject and having in the last five years lad
considerable experience as a practical Surveyor, is
prepared to do all kinds of surveying, laying out
and divi ling up lands at short notice and on reason
able terms Persona entrusting him with work may
refit assured that he w ill spare no pains to render
his' work accurate and satisfactory. Residence in
Waynesboro', Pa. A. B. STOLER.
April, 5-3 m,
be rich, wise acd happy. Agents wanted. Enclose
stamp foi particulars. H. CAMP, 142 Bleecker St,.
New York, [April 26-3 m,
INSERTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mounted
on Mauna, Gold and Vulcanite.
Particular attention given to the preservation o.
the natural teeth.
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the extrac
tion of teeth without pain.
Otlice at his residence on Mechanic Street.
Feb. S.
A T the solicitation of a number of my frienJs. I
11,...annoence nirelf a candidate Ca the office of
County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the
Union Nominating County Convention. . •
Ira 5, '67. tc.
milE undersigned, a resident of the Borough of
plercersburg. offers himself as a candidate lir
the office of COUNTY TREASURER, sithject to
the decision of the neat Union Republican Ctinven
tion of Franklin County.
riIEETI-t extracted Without pain. O 1 re in Clip
penger's building, nearly opposite Adams' lb
tilt, where ho will attend to „Dentistry Witt care.and
attention. Old Gott and Silver plates taken in . part
pay for now-ones. Teeth inserted front a tangle
tooth to a fill set. insured for 00 . e . r?tr.
• • •
jail 18-Iy. • . -
Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords, Den
ims, Stripes, Checks, pinghams, Linin and Cotton
Table D i apers, Crash fot Towels, Calicoes, Detains,
Jighest !Untied price for all kinds of
country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs,
Dried Fruit, Rags, &c.
,May 31, 1867.
ATFST arrival of Nev GooJe at the store of
& Co. -
tures (Willi kinds at the store of
Lightning Rods 1
F •1k 0-0 IslzioA
shady Grove. A
Titercenbrzg; March 15, 1867.1 c.