Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, January 11, 1867, Image 2

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E30 : 160E1 IBCIINV...OO`=.
y; January It, HUM
C., T 3 MIL te Mal Mt WC SS •
Or The following are our tern r subscription
adrertising and job work, to which wi strictly
adhere whilst lha present "WA? prices"t tinue :
Per Annum, if paid within the year,
" after the year,
Per Square of ten lines, three times, ' $1.50
" •each subsequent insertion; 35
administrator's and Executor's notices. Ow, 2.50
A - fiber.' deduction made to yearly advertisers.'
• JOB WORK •‘' • \-
QUarrer-Shect Rand-Bills, (25 to 30) $2.00
Half - " " " 0 1.50
Whole " ' " 111 •"
f;i "For 4lf job work end focal stivertisink terms
nvariably cash. W. RLAIR ;
Editor and Propritior.
rilitlvx.s - .--Alr
'iona-te l -w-ill-tieeept-o-u-r-tlra-nks, fur--a-copy - of!
the Report of ihe Superintendent of Common
Schools, fur Cle year ending June 4, 1866.
ANOTIIER VETO.—Andy Johnson has ve•
toed the District 'of Columbia suffrage bill.
As he is powerless for harm in this respect,
of course it amounts to nothing.
P. S. The bill has since passed both
"louses by a two-thirds vote and hai become
a law. .
A Coop EXAMPLE —A member of the
last New Jersey Legislature has just been
convicted of selling his vote, and sentenced
cu vne year's imprisonment and to be forever
precluded from holding office. This exam:
ple of N. Jersey (says a cotemparary) in puP•
Is•,nn a earrupt an. mercenary legislator
might be imitated-with profit to honest legis-
_lttLie n—i-o—nratty- - : t Irer — S - t a tee. l:iKen_Leuns-yl -1
vwia, we Ere Eorry Eo say has great need of I
the Inw's rebtraint and punishment of this)
_rn-ous--a pfd gt ovri n re.
ThePc corrupt scoundrels are confined to
- no parry, and every inmost awn °fall parties
should feel the itn, of Co
m ot
eting and eleratin stanar,
. 0 1 /eh
Many uau go tci
it flueuee and their
Phan rromote their own rert,
without. regal(' to the
To the TtiL,
way i pthat
at interests,
its of questions or
constituentti cdo rnade_l
We hope that — irli parties way
_1) cceseiLy
at none may hesitate, out of fear of injur
ing "the party,'' in exposing corrupt repre
sentatires SO that t, vm;s4B puma welt:arca
fy "huh the rascals nak - e - d - th - rough - the laud."
The:press, if it were the -sentinel that it
should be could do much to prevent selfbh
legislation, but in too many crises-editors-are
as mercenary as legislators. Alter all, it
. is
to the people that we must look for the Cot.•
reetion of what is complained of. They
13110u1.i narrowly wa t eir _ representatives
and see that — they prove representatives in
reality as well as in name; and when a repre
sentative proves false or venial, he should be
vi.-ited with a f unishment that would deter
others from following his example. We
must have purity in our law-makers and our
law-cxccutors, if the Republic is to stand.
grin the House of Representatives on
Monday the interest of the session centered
in the impeachment resolutions offered by
Mt. Ashley, of Ohio. The State of Ohio be
ing reached on the call for rar6TutionS, Mr.
Ashley introduced his morin as a privileged
q uestion. The preamble impe'aches Andrew
Johnson, Vice President, and acting Presi
dent of the United States. of high crimes and ,
misdemeanors; in, that he usurped power
and violated laws; that he' had made corrupt
use - of-the_appointing power, the pardoning
power, and the veto power; that he bad cor
ruptly disposed of the public property of the
United States; that ho had corruptly inter,
feted in elections, and was•guilty of :other
hi\~•l,,; crimes and misdemeanors. The resolu•
time then instruct fife Committee• on the
Judiciary to inquire whether, in the die•
charge of his power and duties, Andrew
• Johnson, Vice President, and acting Presi
dent of •the United States, was guilty of sets
designed to subvert the Government of the .
United States, or tiny other Department
thereof, and .whether he bad been guilty of
suoli acts as in taw would be denominated
high crimes and misdemeanors, which re
quired the interposition of the House nd
then gives the committee power to send foi.
, persons and papers. Mr. Spalding, of Ohio,
endeavored to have the resolution laid on the
table, buethe House, rejected the motion by
a vote of yeah 34, nays 104, Under tit° ao•
tion of the previous question the resolution
was then adopted, years 106, nays 36, amore
than two•thirds majority. •
ile-Notwithstanding the provisions of the
civil I.hrs bill and of the Constitution,
,larylaaid by her statutes - and courts main
tains slavery in a practical form within her
borders. , Children continuo to be taken
from their parents and reduced to practical
slavery ender the apprentice system appli
cable to persons of color. Negroes con
victed of offenses which would send a white
man to prison are sold into slavery for a term
. 0' years. The Maryland courts having di
ctated the civil rights bill unconstitutional.
are now practicing under the statutes which
permit slavery in the form abovementioned.
rii"Jerome Glosson, ofTilllatnsport,
has been arrested on the Oiarge of killing
1) Clinton Rental, a notor ous lobe!, in the
Tee ts o that place, in 1864, B bold
iu $:?,,01/0 buil.
— .l\lcConaugliy, of State
CON° ft ESF. —The Rettolutbns recently pass
ed .hy Congress for an investigation of Presi
dent t l °boson's actions and his impeachment
if found guilty of the high crim,s with which
be is'oharged, will very naturidly excite the
ire of the'unreconstructed-throughout rebel
dom, whilst the loyalists of the °ono try,bot
North and South, will commend the antic
of our fearless and patriotic Ifepresentatives.
It is esignificant raFt • that the persecuted
sons of the South who were loyal to the gov•
ernment during tha rebellion, .have 'all the
while, with one accord, commended: the an
tion of the radical members of Congress.—
They maintained the right when. the "hel
lion Was first inaugurated and still adhere to
it, despite all• persecutions and outrages,
Memphis end New' Orleans included. But
what is equally significant on the other hand
is,•that those in the loyal states who sympa.
thized with-the traitors during the progress
The rebel journals throughout - the South de
nounce Cougressiand applaud Andy John
son. The copperhead jotirnals of the'North
do the same. The former are opposed_ to the
Constitutional Amdttdments, and the latter
equally so. The belligerents from , the two
extreems arc certainly in a blissful state of
ltairaon_y_ansi_cencord in this respect. Take'
for instance the Valley Spirit and compare
its arguments with tiler contained in the
Richmond _lnquirer or any other Southern
paper in the interest of the Rebels during
thEtaz, and se2 . if - they do not accord in
sentiment so far as the President, Congress
and Reconstruction is concerned. The pass
f the resolutions referred to must '11011)2_
fore, incur for Congress the displeasure of
both and the usual amount of harmless rut
a ud bluster
THE CoNsPluivroßs.—Although DO deft
Ait - e - actiorr - has yet be - en — tal - en — itrrtre - ease — o
r. 11.1u&d, Spangler, Arnold and O'Laughlin,
the assassination conspirators, it is not
probable; according to a report in legal cir•
cles, says a Washington despatch, that they
will, in consequence of the late decision of
the Supreme Court against military commis•
' slops, be brougli,t hither by the Government
from the Dry Tortugas, and delivered to a
civil tribunal for a determination of the case.
- ` 7 - The Judiciary Ceumitte of the Ilouse
of Representatives, to whieh the impeac
went resolutions have been referred is one of
the stron_est committees in Conress. A.-
mon_ its members are such able and resol
Republicans as Lions. James F. "Wilson, of
lawn; George S. Neville, of Massachusetts
Francis Thomas, of Maryland; Thomas IVil•
Hams, of Pennsylvania, and William Lawrence
of Ohio.
'Three hundred murders of freedmen
bare occurred in Georgia within a little more
than ayear that have been brought to the
arta - Mb of the civil courts of that State, bo•
sides no one knows-bow-many More that have
;been wholly unnoticed. Of these three hun
dred murderers, duly complained of, only six
have been even as much as arrested by the
civil authorities, and not one has been duly
convicted and punished? Yet Georgia is the
best and n:ost orderly specimen of all John
son's reconstructed States.
:Er Judge Pearson, of Harrisburg, has de
cided that the Town Conncil of Harrisburg
had no right to appropriate money to enter.-
lain the President and suit at the expense
of the tax-payers of Harrisburg, as they did
when President Johnson took his western
tom.. The question was brought before the
Court by several heavy tax payers, who did
not wish to pay for the suppers and liquor
consumed on that occasion.
PAID - TO_ REBELS —During the last month
of Decernher, , one million-of dollars was paid
toSout-I;ern claimants, for cotton—captured
nd confiscated by United States, troops
ring the war, and which they claimed was
legally taken from the owners. Of course,
more than half, at least three fourths, and
probably more, was paid to blatant rebels
and their sympathizers.
tar The Maryland Senate has concurred in
a resolution of the House appointing a joint
committee of ten to report a bill for the call
of a Constitutional Convention, and propos
ing a similar eothmittee to report a bill for
the enfranchisement and restitution of cer
tain citizens of the State to their full rights
of citizenship.
TRIAL FOR MURDER : --The trial of John
Boyle for the murder of the Squibb L.mily
of York county, was commenced on Wed
nesday last. It was difficult to obtain a jury,
the whole panel of seventy names being ex
hausted before the , required number (12)
were accepted.
My-Reuben Lorash, of Lehigh county, ob
tained a verdict iu damages of 86,207,85,
from the East Pennsylvania railroad com
pany, forsetti9g fire to his bane, in the fall
of 1863. The case was tried at Mauch Chunk,
last week.
serThe British Government has com
muted the sentences of the Fenian prisoners
from death to twenty years' imprisonment.
tarA band of rebel outlaws are burning
freedmen's dwellings and driving them from
Tennessee. They are in. the "reconstruct ;
ing business" evidently.
Thaddeus Stevens waa born in Vermont.
James Gordan Bennett, editor of the New
York Herald, is nyears old.
Pork is retailing here at $9.
REC`43zzli..") .41Ve acknowledge. the 1 eceio
of 02,60 from T. Nicodemns, Elkhart, 111..
DEAD.—George Jones, (colored) forma
ly of this vicinity, died recently at Elkhart,
111. '
PUBLIC SALE.—We oall attention to - the
public sale of valuable 'personal property, by
Mr. Fourthrnan, in another column.
Fos SALE.-It will be seen by reference
to our advertising columns• that the Buena
Vista Spring property on the South Moun
tain, will be offered for rent if not sold at
public sale on %.e 26th inst.
• VALUABLE STOCK, ETC.-17e.diteet
atteraion to the public sale of valuable
pefsonal .roperty advertised b. John [Teller,
of Quincy township, •in another column
RECEIPTS.—The ladies counebted with the
Presbyterian Church realizedjrom their Fair
and Concerts the hitasetuo suns of $5OO,
which is to be applieetowards furnishing
the new church.
JOB Wonx:—Persous• wanting sale bills
and other
.posters printed, large or small, will
find us at all times ready to supply them at
short notice and at reasonable - rates, our se
lection of type for this purpose beingample.
INJURED —Geo. W. Wolfe, constable of
Mercersburg, was very seitously injured on
New Year's Eve by being struck with a 1 , 71al••
• Le_hatula of Thos,--41-oefl-kh. Tarn
keeps i Saloon, and the constable was en-
SPREADING'-A Lodge of Goon Templars
was organized at Greencastle on Thursday e
tre-tfiTirlast—Frntu—atl nee - nun ts " - ha • • -
e rs" are numerous there and few places in
more need of such an organization.
, YEN ENTERTAINMENT.—The young men
Gf this place composiog the Social Orches
tra propose giving an entertainment at the
Town Hull, to•morrow (Saturday) evening,
to consist of Music and , Stage Plays. They
will he assisted by Prof. Monier, of Ohm
liersburg. •NV e bespeak 'fia - r — our poidg
friends a full house. - -
ABUSING StaiscnniEris —T h e Valley
Spirit says WO continue abu4ing subscribers
-11-6—wou!t—pa-y--uphe—G6p , p,ctri--/-obrse ;
editor' rOfe - ts -- tlianTa
ed an old Democrat of this p'face, by publiib
ing his name, who was too poor to pay. If
guilty of an abuse in this respect we are cot.•
tainly not alone. ------
terThe Pastor of .the German Reformed
Church, Rev—l. 11-. Brown, of Mercersbutg,
was made the recipic - nt of a fine Sewing Ma
chine on Christmas day, from the lady mem•
_ -
CONVICTS —The Sheriff .of Hagerstown
last week started for the Baltimore Peniten
4ary with twelve eoti ts, „five white and
five catered males, and two colored feMales.
They embraced all grades, from the chicken
thief to the horse thief', the terms of impris
onment varying from fiftaen months to five
years. Parties in this place who have late,b,
beep making too free with neighbors fowTs
should take warning.
• 2M-The Indian Doctor, known asihe suc
cessful Lung, Throat, Heart and Blood I'hy
sician, will be in Waynesbora', Pa., at Gil
bert's Hotel. on Thursday, Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, Jan, I7th, 18th, 19th and 20th,
where'he can be consulted on all marmot of
Diseases of the Eyes, •Ears, Heart, Throat.
and Blood.
Confidence in him cannot be misplaced.—
Best of certificates shown from persons in
Penna., that have been treated by him and
_cure J.
DEciss.F.D.—W. 1301, , druggist
of Hagerstown, died nt the residence of his
mother, in that place, on the 4th ihst., in the
28th year of his age. Of the deceased the
Rerald says:—Mr. Bell has died in the early
p rime of manhood free from the vices, and
adorned with most of the virtues of his race.
In the brief ann*als of his life he showed him
self a kind and devoted son, an afectionato
and sympathizing brother and an upright,
honest, pure minded man.
Rum's Dothan.—Mr. Tie°, of Hagerstown
passed though Harrisburg the other gay, in
charge of two boys, aged five and seven, who
wore lacing taken to the "Homo for the
Friendless" in l3altimore. The Ttlegrogh
sayst—These were the last of a once respect.
able an d wealthy iamily. The parents,
through the too free use arum, squandered
their property and are now really destitute,
although still addicted to the almost con
stant use of the cup. In order to save the
little boys from the fearful consequences of
being cast upon the cold charities of - the
world, a place. was secured for them in the
Home for the Friendless, where they will be
properly cued for, and shi 134.1 from such
evil influences as those to high they would
be otherwise exposed.
fifirMen wearing the uniform of a LTni
ted States soldier tr sailor _pre not safe in
any Of the cities of the South, if found a
lone at night in the streets. Next to a
freetimab the whipped rebels hate a federal
soldier. • •
Eight panthers were killed is Centre coun
ty Lac week.
JORDRS.—The following are the Jurors
selected -hem Washington and Quincy town.
ships, for Court, einumeneing at Chambers•
burg on Monday the' * 2lat instant:
Grand Jurors.—Geo. Cook, T. E. COolc,
Geo. Hoover, David Lohr, Josi Alt 31 etitzer,
Samuel Rinthart, Jr., Geo. Smith. Traverse
Jurors.—J. 11. Clayton, D. M. Deatrielt,
John Duey, Benj. Funk, Jos. Illiddour, Jag.
McFerren, Washington McGinley, W. 11.
Potter, Daniel Price, Jos. Rock', Jos. Ripple,
Jeromo_Beaver, 1%1, J Burns, Henry Baer.
Geo. Besoro, J. D. Benedict, Samuel Frantz,
"Martin Geiser, John W. Good, Simon Lee
roue, Jos Miller, of Juo., Samuel Nicode.
mus,,D. 13. Russell, Isaac Sliockey, of J.,
John P. Study, John Shocker, of C. S. B.
To DEAt.tas.—A wise enactment
,was pas.
set.' by the last-Legislature, - which may not
he generally known. It provides that any
.person ',who shall receive or buy from min•
ors or__unknown,or_irresponsible ( parties, any
sera • iron, bras:, Inad_o_r_metal,sh-aLI-be-se-n
-teneed to pay fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars, and undergo an imprisonment of not
more than one year, or both, or either."—
This makes it criminal to buy j or receive from
Each parties, irrespective of whether it was
stolen or not, and removes from children the
temptation to'pilfer.
GONE TO ROME.-One secular paper of
Hagerstown, Aid , recently announced, that
the ltev Andrew Stewart and wile had been
received into the Roman Catholic Church
at that place. It is ailed, that they form.
erly resided at BurkettsOle, Md. From
this latter fact we infer tl6t the Reverend
gentleman referred to &list be the Rev. Mo
ses A. Stewart, of the Reformed Church.—
Ruifror-had - it - tlcat such a transition had tak
en place in his case, and to those who have
been familiar with his idiosyncracies for
years pas , le even WI no occasion sur
prise All we have to say is, we wish him
uo harm, but hope he -has at last found his
oper spiritual-home and will be happy in
HARRISBURG, Jan. 7.—Gen. E. C. Wil
liams has been appointed, by the Joint Leg
islative Committee in charge of the inaugur
ation, as Cheif Marshal of the occasion. He
is a soldier who won a fair distinction during
the hlexican, and late war, and will discharge
his duties with ability.
He has issued an order inviting the Boys
in Blue from all parts of the city, existing
military organizations, civic associations, and
-firemen-of-Pennsylvania, to take part ►n the
inau ,, aration ceremonies._
San Francisco reports the almost teal des-
truction b' fire, of the ci of Yorkaharna,
-Japan T ou—November 26. 'l' e 089 is set
down at four millions of dollars. All the
buildings of the foreign consulates were des
Two boxes were discharged at Boston on
New Year's day among the cargo of the
steamer Saxon,of Philadelphia. one of which
contained the dead bodies' of a man and
woman, apparently about-30 years of age,
each with their throats cut, and the other
containing the body of a large man without
any marks of violence upon it. There is a
complete-mystery -about the matter.
At Pleasant Mills, New Jersey, Lives the old •
est John Smith. Lila age is 1 lryears. and
his faculties are not dim, nor his natural
ira 4 Another warrant has been issued a
gainst Judge Daniel I.r*Magrudrr, the Cit
cuit Court of Anne Arrundel county, Md ,
for violatieu, of the civil rights bill, in' sen
tencing four negroes convicted of larceny to
he sold for one year. - Judge M. has been
held to bail in 62,000 on can't case.
Zeirllon. Thaddeus Stevens was presented on
Christmas day with a very handsome dress
ing gown purchased at the fair for tire Sold
leis Home in Baltimore by a number of U.
Ilion citizens.
A Cuiro (Illinois) paier says that if there
was one perbon fin- every two rats in th a t city
it would be as populo,us as New York.
Tliere' were 896,000,000 of gold in the
U. S. treasury vaults at the end of last
No smoking is allowed on Sumlays in the
streets of Memphis, Tenn.
The United States authorities has-e— thus
far buried 341,770 Union Soldiers.
AGentlemiin who suffered for years from Net.-
. wing Debility, Prematutc Decny, and all the
effects of youthtul indiscretion, will, for the salte of
suffering humnr.ity, send free to nil who need it,
the recipe and directions for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing
o p rofit by the advertisers experience, can_ do so by
addressing JOAN B. OGDEN,
Dcc. 14-3m.] No. 13 Chambers et, N. Y.
Will Cure the Itchin 48 Hours.
Also cures SALT RII EU NI, IJI,CE Itza; CH Th•
Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By
tielaling-0,0 cents to WEEKS & PO I . rElt, Sole
Agents, 170 Washington street,Bvston,it will be for
warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the
United Slates. - June B—ly.
keep constantly on hand and manufacture to order
,C.I.,DVE6 of all tlegcriptions. they have all sized
and colors of Nu! Buck; 1..; oat, 6heep, Cloth,
IN °oleo anti Cot 1141 Gra ves.
01,01' F FACTORY,
Opposite WaAttngtotel louse.
ITagersiptvn. Novetnittir 2, 18116.
Comprising CAPES ,{331.1,AR5, DEII7IIAS
CUFFS, MUFFS, HOODS, FUR 'l' 10 MN' N if,tlS
&C., &U, a complete bock, embracing all the
styles popular to the trade, are now ready for in•
ispectunt and sale at" 4 UPDEGRAFF'S
Hat, Fur end Glove Factory, ,
Opposite IVashingten Heave.
N. II—FURS cleansed altered and repaired.
lingers!own, Novernt or 2, 1866.
We have now ready our F.ull Stick of HATS and
CAPS, embracing all the styles, Shapes Colors,
Are., popular to the trade for Men and
PORT MONIES, FLAGS, &e, , &c., at
Hat, Fur and Glove Manufactory.
Hagerstown, November 2, 1€166.
Sleigh Blankets ' at UP DEG A FF'S
Hat, G love and Fur Factory. Opposite Washing
ton Howe.
Hagetstuwn, November 2, IROI3.
THE ~ga°~'A~.
At the Lutheran Parsonage, in this - plitee.
on the 29th ult., by the Rey. A. 13uhrman,
On the3d inot., by the Rev. A Colley,
at his residence, Mr. ROBERT 11 CRUN-
IcAELTON, to 111iss SUSAN 'E. BAKER,
all of Franklin county, Pa.
____lUT 3FX 2EI nil 0:=0 NZ 3i3.
On the 30th ult., near Blue Rock Miss
MARY MILLER, aged 7.l..yeUra and. 10
Of/ the 22d ult., at-the_res(clenee, of her
son-in•law, near Fayettiiville,.......
ftINE SNYDER, aged 72 years.
On the ult, at . Dry Run, Mrs. MA-
RY ANN, wife.of James Ferguson, Esq.,
aged 47 yearn, '2 mouths arid 5 days.
Near Jacobs' Church, on the 29th ult.,
EVE MAMA, consort of Sam el Felgly,
aged 69 years, 7 months and 26 d ys.
Near this place, on Tuesday last, Mrs.
ANN FUNK, wife of Mr. Hear G. Funk,
in the 42 year of' her ago. The remains of
this estimable lady were followed to their
last resting place, the burying grouud at
tached to the Union Church, on Thnrsday
by a large - concourse of sorrowing friends and
7 —The offerings reached 1,800 head, atnong
-which we noticed some extra fine Cattle,
which were soon taken at from 16 to 17e if 3
lb. Cotranon continued quite, notwithstand
ing they are off oed at extremely low rates,
say from sup to 13e ref lb as to quality.—
Prime range from 14 up to 15e.
SHEEP —Total receipts, 5,000 head, sales
at 6®7c, `trt' lb gross, according to quality.
I.l.oG,b'.—There has been an active inquiry
during the past week, and prices are a shade
better. Supplies have been taken almost as
fast as they arrived at prices ranging from
58} to 591 "19 100 Its net. The receipts at
the Union Nerds to-day were 3,102 head.
PIJILADELPIITA, Jan. 8 —The Flour mar•
ket continues quiet, but with a centinultion
of light receipts and stocks, • Prices were
rm y maintainer. ie •eman. was entire.
ly confined to the wants of home ennsurnerl,
who purchased G@7oo bbls in lots, at $8 25.
ci8.754 bbl for superfine; 89@)1.0.75 for
extra; $ll 50013 50 for common and choice
Northviestern extra, family; 12@14 25 fnr
Pennsylvania and Ohio do ; 14.50@1.7 for
fancy brands, according to quality. 'Eye
Flour may be quoted at $7 2-519 bbl. No-.
thing - doing in Coro
The markct is poorly supplied with prime
Wheat, and this is the only description for
which there is any-inquiry.—We-quote-Penn
sylvania red at $2 750'0.10, Southern do. at
•$.3.10@3 20, and-white at $3 20@3 40
'3,000 bus. California sold - at $3.25, an 400
bus t-the-same-figure.--R-ye-i-s-held
at $1 20(1.35 for Southern, Western and
Pennsylvania. There was a good itftiu iry for
Corn at yesterday's figures. Sales of 7.000
bus new yelloy et $l, including 3,500 bush
on term pesecret. Oats were in better
t demant , and prices advanced 2e /17) bus
Sales o ,010 bus at' 58@G0C fo r S o uth
ern and Penns lvania. Nothing doing in
Barley and Malt
:loverseed move:: slowly, with small sales
at B @ B 75 V6l 1114 Timothy ranges from
$3 sto 3.75, and Flaxseed from $3 DO to
Apples Wanted.
Ivoli4criber will pay the highest cash price
for choice pplea.
Jan. 11—tf. BENJ. F. fiTE WART.
i i ] v e e r n s dietethere
Assigneesiw in
no of
f ° ll . e r i h e' n n g d i : o h lt r h e eh Y u n g
S. Troxel. nn final settlement of the trust a small
distribution . of about one half per cent. to crelbtors.
which can be had by calling' at the First Notionll
Bank Waynewmro. Cr , tlitets will call for their
shares as the as•ilfr yes will ask for discharge by the
court at next term. • JOHN PHILIPS,
Jan, 4—tit. Assignees of E. S. Trove!.
TTIE sulwriTher wiM offer at Public. Sale nn SAT
URDAY, FEBRUARY 2D, 18G7, nt his resi
denre, in Waynesboro', the following
[erty, to wit:, 4 HEAD OF
1 Cow, 1 Heifer heavy with Cn!f.
vara, u‘a.a.44?
one Plantation, one three-horse, one two-horse and
one Spring Wagon, with top, 1, Buggy, I Sleigh, 2
three-horse Barshear Plows 2 Harrows, I Cultiva
tor, 3 ilouble,Shuvel Plows, I single Shovel Pluw,
Grain Dell;
1 Self-raking Reaper,
I pair Ifny enninges, 1 Feat! Trough,, 1 Wl' eat
Fan, Rakes Forks. and many other articles not ne
cessary to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'-
clock on said day when a credit of six mouths will
be given on all sums of $5 and upwnr,lB.
UEORGE Fo 01171-1 NT AN.
G. V. More, Auct.
Jan. 11-t,
HIS celebrated . watering place, situlted on the
1 ---
turnpike 'lending frum Waynesboro', Pennsyl
vania, to Emrnittshurz, Md., 4i miles frum the for
, :nu place, containing about
about thirty acres under cultivation, will be off:,red
at Public rule nt o'clock P. M., on Saturday the
2filh day of Jaquary, at Bowden's Hotel in
Waynesboro'. There is no more i'etdrable invest
ment to be eitered to the capitalist, as it contains
all advn [angel' r' (plait° to places of this description.
if not sold will be offered for rent to the highest bid
der on same day.
For terms et;lvtire of LE VI SANDE:RS.
Jan. 11—:)t. G. V. Musa, duct
THE undersigned intending to relinquish farm=
ing will sell et Public Sale, at his"residenco, on
the road leading from Furikstown to Quincy, two
miles f•ona the !unmet place and one from the latter '
FEBRUARY nest, the hillowing personal proper .
.ty, id wit :
81E1D OP OOHS', 9'
15 Head of Cattle,
five of which aro Mulch CQVVS. four of thorn - Heifers,
which will be fre-h by time of solo, one large Fat
130ef; 3 Breeding Sows, heavy with pig, 13 head of
2 threc-hich PLANTATION WAGONS, 1 Rudd
Wagon with Ited.and_Cover,-nearly new; 1 pair'
Hay Liditers, 1 pniLliay
hie and 4 Single shovel Plows, 2 new Harrow
tieble, double and single trees, 3 fifth-chains d
spreaders, 2 four-horse spreaders, 1 Whvelbar
cow chains, 6 head halters and chains, 5 fly-n ts,
sulky wheels,
I Patent Cider Mill and Press, 1 Sleigh, 1 pair
Scales, r Ace, forks,2 sets Breechbands, 4 sets Front
Gears, 6 sets Plow Gears, 1 sik . and I four-horse
line, 4 pair butt and 2 pair breast chains, 3 large log
chains, 2 scoop shovels, I digging iron, cro*bar,
mattock, 8 good Cider Barrels, 1 meat bench,, grain
cradle, I well rope, a . lot Wild Cherry and Apple
Boards, a lot flags, 1 new Fodder Cutter, 3 Lone
Ladders wagon tyre and hubrings; 1 Cook Stove,
Kitchen Cupboard, 1 twenty•four hour Clock,. 1
new Dining 'Pablo, 3• Iledsteads, large Meat Vessel,
together with many other. articles too numerous to
mention. li'Sale to commence at 8 o'clock on
said day.wh.rn a credit•of 12 months will be• given
-on-all bums of $l.O and u wards.
Jan. li—ts
January 7, 1867,
Rills and Notes discounted
U. S. Bends to secure circulation
S. lie da - titl - 0 thi'r7UTN,securittei--
on hand
Due from lianlo
Cash on hand
V:apital stock
Surplus and Profits
Circulating Notes
Due to Depositors
Due to Banks '
Dividends unpaid
-- — 5208,756,45
The above statement is- just and true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
Sworn and subscribed before me, Jan. 7. 1867.
Jan. 11-6t] J. F KURTZ, N. P.
X.. Inue.
Ak. 1-11. en• 1P.1V0'1745313.ti-XTE,
ered_and introduced_abou t twenty-years ago by
lir. IS. CheL)psus, an err:merit Egyptian ioysiciau.
lie had long seen and felt the want of some ream
ed which would strike at the root of Ifni disease,
and so prevent much of the suffering which the hu
man family was then compelled to endure.
This great question was presented to' his minA
every day in vivid colors as he moved among the
sick and dying, ern' observed the inefficiency of
nearly ail the remedies then in use. Thus he *as
lead to think and experiment; and after ten years of
study and labor,,fie presented to his fellow-m a n th e
wonderful Zingari Bitters. The t fleet of this prep
aration in the prevention and cure of disease, was
so marvel,/ ii. and asininsh;ml, that the most flatter
ing marl. / 4 of royal tavor were hest,,wed. upon h;rn
who diseovcreo tt. ilis name woe pl iced upon the
Roil of Nobles. slut a gold medal with the filler s ..
ing S. Cheopsus. the Public Ben..
factor—was presented to him by the Viceroy.
The preparation has been we,l in several epideru.
ics of cholera, both 110 a prewntive arid curative
measure, and with great • success, that it has bee n
introduced into nearly all the general hospitals of
the old world. The old saying that an ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with,
marvellous lone to cholera, and therefore any r •m.
ray that will protect us against this tenible dteeaae
should tecly and persistently used.
All pat i 010 ,2 . - now agree that the cholera Pola-rn
acts on I t-t through the bond, and that any
elm bination witch acts on the ex , rrtery organs.
and keeps them to work . ing order, must prevent a
sufficient accumulation of the poison to exert its
terrible effects on 'the organism This is true not
only of el)oh.ra, but nf , rearly AB other maladies, es
pecially the forms of lever.
The Zingari Bitters is just such' a rernekly ne the
above conditions require. It acts on the organs of
ex retion and secretion, keeping up a perfect bal
ance between thrill. This Bitters is composed en
tirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that
every organ is aetel upon and patio tone. Its lasts
is pleasant and its etTecti prompt and lasting.
• Numerous cases of the following diseases have
been cured ny it: Coolers, Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever Ague, Nervous
DehPity, Anaemia, Dysyepsia, Flatulency, Colic,
crofula, dc. ('Price $1 per quart bottle.
Principal Depot at the Walnut street wharf, Har
risburg, ea. Sold by Druggists, liotelkeepers emit
Grocers. F. RA 117'ER, Solo -Proprietor.
- For sale at the "Waynesboro' Hotel," by V. B.
Guaira; Agent. Ljunc22-Iy.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa
mentary to the Estate of John H ess, Ben., late
of Washingtoa Township, dec'd have been granted
to the undersigned.
All Orson,: knowing themselves inJebted to Raid
Estate will please make immediate paymert; and
those having claims will present them properly aa.
thenticated for settlement.
Dec. 21—Bt
R 1 , 1 fir Rent in liamittenband Township,
1 Adams County, two hundred acres clear land.
apply to W. W. WALICtit.
Jun. 4.
BREA:DI4IG 1100 s;
rri HE subcrilter off•rs for sale 4 Sews and 2 Boar
Pigs, all Berk• hire tweed. Fanners wanting a
choice quotity of breeding hogs should give kijai
p — pie T s u . buy
Dec 29-3 t
UT -
n4mb(r, PiPfnu and
Dec. 2.8 3 t.
Art r i l e
H oararimi r ßina & Co.
IQ A KING ifolaamo, nleo 9 - 00:10 fl-I:74,[vrups at
lutd C;JUI11131 o.lton nt
40. Plum, &Ice's
1 111 IS anti Gr iy Woo; Blanliets
Ntv 2.i ] & HoErucies.
G. V. Musa, Auct
75,400,0 U
17 L,OO