TIIE LITST ARK EIS % MINIM. Flirt SONS. Fs KURTZ urisffEs to Inform the good citigene of Way nesbey and vicinity, that he has juoieceiv• pd from the East a large and full assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs Window Masa, Petty, Brushes, &c. &a., which hi id prepared to sell as cheap as they - can be had at nny other honso in the town, and which, in regard quality, cannot be excelled. lie h Onirand a largo assortment of TOILET A MIMES comprising in part the following articles, vis : Toilet Waters, all kinds, Ean de Cologne 'endless in variety, ,Extracts for the handkerchief, Fine English Pomades, . Bandolines, Bear's Oil, • Fine and Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Nail 66 Combs, &e. &e. Far culinary purposes he has Corn Starch, Pearl Barley. Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz: , VarrithrTStra wbery,-Ilaspborry„-Pine-Ap ple, Orange, Banan , , Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg. &c. Fresh Spices, Black Pepper end all oth er articles in that line. He has also something to please the CHILDREN ._ A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of CLina ware. P'ateixt lierodlicatkess. Hellas ' Drake's Plantation Bitters, llofflaud's German do. Sand's Sarsaparilla, Bull's do. ffiteshew's Cough Syrrp, 66 Diarrhoea Cordial, Frey's Verudluge, Vermifuges, doz. kinds, Judron's, Spaulding's, Ayer's, Branureth's, 'Morse's, 101 11 0 't ., liven Irv; Winslow's Soothing Syrup. 1)r. P ar i a hs: 7 s do. Kilroseoc Oil, Lamps apd Chim, treys always ten hand. Thankful for kind favOrs already bestowed upon him, he solicits a etmtintrtnee of the same, hoping that by trying to please he may win the confidence of the people. As much care taken in waiting up. on adults as children. Phricians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compounds.' as hours. . J. P. KURTZ. 'August '&0, 1864. 'lt is WISDOM and ECONOMY to insure in the liLsT COMPANIEF, and there is none better than the Old insurance Co.of North America." 1794. Incorporated 1794. INSURANCE :COMPANY OF North America, PHILADELPHIA. THE Abstract of the 142nd Semi-Annual State ment, showing the condition of the Company on the 2nd day of Janu.iry, 1805, shouts the Total A,sets to be $1,715,171 71 . L 747 71 , Yenrs :successful Business Eximrience! 1 - x7`T he 1 rompt Payment of $17,500,000 OA Losse MA Reputation fox Honorable thailtng Unswpass £'A nil Cnsh Assets exceeding g 1,700 000,00,! Claim the lief trenees of rho public fur this, the Uld cst Insurance 'Company in America. EXTORS: Arthur G. , Coffin, Wm. Welch, John Mason, • Sane! W. Jones, IL 1). Wood, G. L. liarrison Jahn L. Brown, Wm. E. Bowen F. IL Core, Claws. Taylor, Jas N. Dicbsott Ed. 'nutter Ambrose VV bite, b. M. Wain, ELI. S Clarke Wm. Cummings, 'l'. Charlton 11 enry ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pre t. PLATT• Sec ry. Nov. 24—Cm] Jos. DoroLAR, A g't. Waynesboro' X. , 1866. THE GREAT ZINGARI BITTERS. au.re , I=2)reevreiatimre OF CHOLERA I THI3 WONDERFUL REMEDY was &cov eyed and introduced abou t twenty years ago by Dr. S. Eheopsus, an eminent Egyptian physician. • He had long seen and f• It the want of some rem• edy which would *alike at the root of the e b emase , and so prevent much of the suffering which the he nein finally was then compelled to endure. This great question was presented to his mind every day in vivid colors as I e moved among the sick and dying, end observed she inefliciency of nearly nil the ITInedIPS then in use. Thus he was lead to think and experiment; and after ten - years of study and labor, he presev.ted to his fellow-man the wonderful Zingari nit t ers. The • ffect of this prep. aration in the prevention and cure of disease, was so marvellous and astonishing, that the most flatter ing marks of royal raver were bentowed uporn him who discovt red it. His name wus pheied upon the R o il of Nobles, and a gold medal with the follow ing inscription-14. $. Oheopsus. the Public Ilene fat tor— was presented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used in several epidem, iee of cholera, both as a preventive and curative measure, and w;th great success, that it has been introduced into nearly, all the general hospitals of the old world. The old saying that an ounce of Ito:claim' is worth a pound of cure, applies with mareellous force to cholera, and therefore tiny rem city that will protect us against this terrible tureen "should he beefy and persistently used. • An pathologists now agree that thetholera potent Heist on the •y-tern through the blood, and that arty con bination which acts on the ex-retory organs and keeps theni in working order, Must prevent *a sufficient necumulation of the poison to exert it terrible effects on the organism. This is true LOI only of cholera, but of nearly all other maladies, ens pectially the different forms of lever. The Zimnri Hitters is just such a remedy - is tlx attire edirditions require. It acts on the organs oI eZ •retion and secretion, keeping up a perfect bal ance between them. Thiel Bitters is composed en tirety of, rears wadi:tabs, so nicely concocted that every organ is aetel upon and lout in tone. Its taste Jr; pleasant and its err:ets - 1 ronipt And lasting. ' .1% warren; coses'of the following diseases have been cured'oy it: Coolers. , Dtarrhoea, Dysentery: Typ . hted and Fever, Fever * Ape. Nervous - 1;e: ri!y. A qaen 2s. Dvsyepsia, Flatulency,- for fain; &c. ClP'Price $1 per luau Principal Dv patsat the Walnut street wharf, nirburg,Pa.' Pa. -bum oy Druggista.,liotelkeepets ane - F. HA HTER. tole Proprietor. ,• or sale at the CVs eyuesboso' Hotel," by 'V. B. jts Adam- Ljune22-Iy. 1 . Y21/..r.00 ..a. , “/ • .1:•bla Altuusbagibsigg Ririp wilitig is. ip 12,i up. • *IC 14 II? ; • " /lair " Newest, Best, Cheapest CLOTHING IN TU E ccovrzierw GEORGE BENDER Or has reneney opeoel up an entire now stock of MI IQs MIL It NW-AM AND . SUMMER BLOT AIN©, All of *fah has been obtained' from the justly celebrated hotise of A. JARIigTT, Bal timore. Every ankle sold is WARRANTED to he of the best custom make, and the material just what it is represented to be. A lull atonement of GENTS 'FERN'S YUNG GOODS always on hand, such as Under Clothing, Cloves. Handkerchiefs, Close, Collars, &c. All we ask is, that you give uc one trial, and on-will-aliroys-lety,fouemenot_hee. badly made clothing and the good.' are all of the tatebt rev le. GEO. SENDER. May4—lyl Wa ynesboro'. * MIST OF THE SEASON! NEW FALL GOODS NEICALFE & lIITESUEIVS, CHAVIDERSBURG, No. 15 Main Street 3d Door South of the Diamond. . . 117 ithoatonwneo are e ee no t w o itnherecrieinpileor; our d the NEW FALL ST.OOK. Is would be useless for us to attempt to describe our goo& and prices as the suck is too large and varied for a deseripWn. But we will .only • esy to those who wHnt to ewe money in buying ail article com• mg under the head of Dry Goods, Notions, Car pets, Cloth, Oil - Window Shades, Fancy Baskets, Stocking Yarn, &c., &c., to call at our Establishment where you will find a stock of $35,000. All of wh'eb will be sold at a small advance. Re number too we show particular advantages to buy ers from a distance; • •, 'NI - ETC:IIXE dc ,HITESIitW. • Cha'mbersbitirr Sept. 14, 1866. N. 13. Gdoils jobbed to Merchants it city whole sale prices• HIV GOON! NEW GOODS! E. & J. ELDEN HAVE just received their new stock of gools fur the fall and winter trade, consisting of . Hats and Caps., Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Baskets, Mats• and Poils, also a fresh supply of Notio 8, consisting in part o 1 Sin , .enders, liandlterchiela. t:ents Cotton and 1111 l est ie Hose, 1;11ot:8,N:eat les, per Collars., itruArk or all kinds, Penknives Razors, Photograph taunts, Portmonsies,Contes 'briar Pipes ' Fans, Foolscap and Letter P..per. Envelopes, Steel Pens. Pencils, wire., Babuet's Soap, Toilet and ...Shaving Soaps, Perfuntely and Hair Oil; a trash supply .of Itetrourey's Turkish Eandolenia n flair it le greatest belt unfit r and %stunt of the ago. Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Candies, Raison% Popp'il Corn, Prepared Coffee, Essence, 'Move Polish, Barlow's Indigo. Blacking and Brushes, Match es, Powder and Shot, Watches. Clocks and Jew elry, together with lienton's Gold Pens. 11&•Watelres, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired Thankful for past favors we solicit a continuance of public patronage, feeling confident that our goods and prices will compare favorably VI WI those of env other h ouse . E. &. J. ELDEN. ()cf. 5, 1866 •INTIATIM • Wood Working and ESTABLISHMENT AND MILLS • Scontinuing the manufacturing of aII kii.ds of Building Material, such as SASH, Doors, Shutters, Winds; . FACING, MOULDINGS, Door-Frames, Window-Framea, FLOORINO;t0. '&0. MB ZilkT 1I By mill and circular saws of every description.— Asking a continuation of favors. I promise still to 4011 on us equitable terms as possible, considering limes and prices. Fur further particulars apply to Lhs subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 mites Southeast of Waynesboro'. AIM 1, 1864. . D. F. GOOD. USEFUL - FOR ALL! rpHE Grover & Baker Sewing Machines of de -1 fermi kinds. both family and lock stitchoit ' dims prices and for the different kinds of work, viz: Tailors; Saddlers. Ind Coach Aiken, and -tor lam 41 3 .' sewing geneaelly, ale keid': , acinstantly on hand :Ind for sale at i n; 160112 neit'derwle Stoner% Drug .atone, where' On operator will at iiii.times show 'how ifie work is done. Havl g obtained the agency flu part of Franklin Co, Fa.. aiso -Waiihington, Fred 7 ' wick and Allegheny,courities isOld., I am prepai. red to itirnish machines in any, of Ursa counties. • Kir 11--stf) . HENRY 81:11,1. _ QUILTIS;IIa - unterpanes, &c., at ; • -• ,• • - Piton & Roirumes. A !act of,County Bacon at Patckstit IMtWN `ci OR PO,ffiPAOU rollirl 2 °T. FOR. 111:3itsES., PRICE 25 CENTS A PAPER, OR $1 A BO • 111101 imininielillo *se tiowaiit,'diiitalithit 1 short peried'therhaVe been'befora this' phtiliiida a sufficient guarantee of their great popularity. and the decided benefits deriSed twin their use. They are confidenti a l receipt:minded not only as a preventive, but rait,ti ie . Cure' for all diftiateir Norse, incident to the orrie - Co* or Mg. se Diskrnper, eseneter. ' Yellow Wafer, Heaves, Lon of Appetite. sVe By their use the'Horse'S'apiletitti is improved; arid derarigementoif the ilLteitive orgahs correct:lL Silt won% the sick., and glvitig to the coat a sleek and sal iiii ig oppearance,,and may he used, with perfect safety at all times, as it contain() -no ingredients which can injure a horse . , whether sicker well. • These powders atio . posposs pectiliar`iiroknieli in increasing ~ tue qUattiits •of 'mini .cow4l', tiie hhy giving them as, importonch and value Which should place them in the bands of all interested. For fattening cattle they are invaluable. In all diseases to which the 'Hog is subject, as 'AC63'I3III the Lungs and Liver; etc.; we guarantee their effi ciency, if. once fairly tried: u-- GREATEST Lona-Emir IN UisE BELL'S WHITE. PRICE 25 CEINITs A BOTTLE. , 4 Powerful Oleayinus Compound for the Cure of Rheuneitism, Strains, bprains, Numbness of the Limbs, ►t minds, erostil rev, m i d Hamill bpimns, bu e Belle, Pull evil 11)W1 - 1 hulloes, bareliing of all kinds and in faa every Disease fur wlneb an thu brseation is applies!) a. The Cleanest and Cheoped Linimen i Vac It is extensively used in' many parts or the coun try, and being a cUmpounti 01 thif most v.ilt.able and t Mentions remedies. the pn•prictor tecummentis it wan the utmust cuittidence as a safe and certain remedy. uld in Way nosb , ro' by F. FOURTUYAN, and by ihUggiti di and atorckeep,os Prepared by W. L. Apabecary, (Graduate of l'hilaritlpttia College of Pharmacy) "ti age / awn :I, April 20 1 y s T 11,-E GREIT EMP01111131! FOR Hats, Shoes, Trunks and. Clocks, Tobacco, &gars, Candies, &c. &c , FOR THE LEAST ,AIONEY BEAVER„ The founder of this en terprise in Waynesboro?, A. D. 1851, has again fa. lett Lip a new town. Tte shelves mid drawers are with an enure new stock °title latest style:.- t etus are stubborn things and selling superior and cheap gocds for so n 14111) yoars has oath& d the citi zens of Waynesboro', and the community? in getter •,that some things an he done as well as Lth rrs," and notwithstanding the psvphecita and kind wishes of nay neighbors, the house still stands, with the original motto still Boating, o'er it, and not a sin gle star eraced. Come then old and new friends and buy from .1. Beaver Remember his place on the east comer of the sqoare. next door to blulien . * Rotel and .Dr. Ott- Jig's of f ice. LEAVER'S EMPORIUM. June 22,1866. STLOLL r 'IIE subscriber would inform his patrons and I the public gener.illy that he has recently large• ly increased his Livery stock, and is now pr. pared to accommodate those wishing to hire with either ' 4W 4lig 1011SES WHEW git the shortest nuti. e s all hours, P•lsions desiring tiorsos or Bug gies, for riding or driving, would do well ice bun a call, ns his stuck has b e en selected with greut care as reptils gentleness at cling. His vehicles s.t.t. s'w, fashionable, and ride easy, having been hsrgut with a yaw to accinninodate. the Ls?" Parties conveyed to any point desired, ec• eunipanied by a meat driver. one wt-hing tiornes or linggies,night or day, will 'dingo nip y ut his hatter a caddie and Harucrs rshop, Main btaeut, 2 doors west of the "130Wileu House," where an attentive Halt z will always be in attendance. FRANKLIN 11 EAULK Y. ' 21--tf. THE PHRENAKOSMIAN INSTITUTE, .4 Select Classical School for young Ladies and Gentlemen, at Green atstie„ .Pa: J.ITONG HUGHES, A. a Principal: Fall and Winter Session will commence Sep. 8. Igo. TUI T 1 0 For Primary course per term of 20 Weeks $ 0 1,(0 " Advanced English course " 10.00 ." Classical course 15,00 Muir on Piano. Organ of Guitar 24 Lap including. u.e of 'imminent* 12 50 " Vocal Music per session '5,00 Board can be secured with the Principal or in private families. rirsend for a Circular. Aug 3 tf. AT TIM "TOUN HAIL!" has just received a full assortment of Goods, in his line of busingss. Ills i•tock consists in pad, of all the latest s tylesHof metes and boys HATS AND CAPS, Mee's, Wonienis, Misses, Boy's end Childreit's BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES , rind Shyers of every dere? iptio3.., Wks and Misses Ml CD 5:3 1 3Z7 Uci .c 12 3 EMS - Bennet Frames, Trimmings, Sundowns and Hat a Dress Trimmings; Hoop rskirts, Hair Nets, tlai -4.li4lsi'Dosiery, Wove.; Parasols, Butt Umberellas • Fans, ike‘ • • school,l3lank and Mineßancour Hooks, Station. ei3 , of all• kinds; Notions and Fancy Hoods. All of which will brsuld is'elicap'as the cheaper — June I—tf. . - J. R. W CUSH. MONTH moN ! AGENTS wan .$ ted tuusix entirely yew articles, just out. Address o.l'. (MICE Y. City BuiWtng, 110- defer& Maine. Dee. 22—ty , - BAKINLi Molasses, also some tins 'neaps at r Paws 4A "aartaco's. 111101191/ZER% CELEBRATED LEATHER . role tho as so • • Rovasy t do esocarr. . . ' • -r_••• , • Intillirov,ed 7h,easlitittil Mitehifiemi - • 4 Farmers will please leek at the great adsquitige lit Thrasiiiing: Grain swift - ::0.I§ S' PATENt '-• 8 Bll4li GTLA TINVG II AIN SE tAIt:AIO 11, OLEAIVER AND BAGGER: With, the latest Improved Triple- Geared Horse Power, driven either . by Gear-or — This Machine is conveniently. arranged for 4aulini and threshing, being .permanently axed on two wheels. ale man can easily move or shift it about, scr, that it is riot halt trouble ui a Vara Mier as a continua thrash.l arid shaker. It is Wen easily put in o?eration. I,t is simple, easily managedi,•cliside, durable, compact and cleanly to *ark by whan in operation, nut making near the dust as the,conunon.- machine or other Separating. . . Favuerseati rest ruptured that this mat.hMe is nu humhuz, and jotiging from the high reCominenla inn of formers that are using tilt in, 1 must c"me to the cunclueio u that it is the very Alm:lonic that far inerti. want and will have as si.ciu asfahey hove an, opportunity to • applicant) tlll4 iattelig us' tuerits,•tor which 1 hope they wilt give me an ofportudity, as A. can willing to lie responsible tt it - tioes nut permits; a&representeil in this Urcuter. No. 1 IS u eight.horse power, with cast iron thresher frame and wrought iron and wood cylinder, six teen inches indiameter clod thirty three inches long. Trunk has ten inch rake crank and seven rakes, is thirty•five inches wide, and deliver* the straw oil the second rake, these carry the straw out un tope, and deliver it on the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-fire faet hayund the leafier, on a slack inseam to. eighteen that high, and can be easily wrung al to carry the chaff with the itra w, or deliv'er tt an a Separate place. The ti unk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw•aaid ehalti remedies sit dila. uities in c caning grain against wii uy weather. It bags the grain bf reawnabie management, ruJ &newly clean lot market, and Its capacity, midi: ordinary circumstances, is hum twenty, to linty bush els per hour, using eight horses mid the-sante •nunitierol biit to force the Work tinder &rarebits circustitunce,-it.witl thresh trunaftaity•xo idly bushels per huur, and with mote Case and' agreeableness to fruit's tizariliny attiOctitaahirie how'tivcontirion tie. The No. 2 Machine, fully repiesented in the above Out, is particularly adripted.,to the farmer's intended to apply to aiycbainum lever or railway poweri weighs Lao°, pounds;.-hus an iron thresher frame, and cylinder, 12i . Indies in diameter dAS inches long; delivers the clean Armin in bags, or if desired, in aba If bushel. delivers the straw Within feet from the feeder, or if desired,, wn deliver the pulite and chuff togeihiiii will thrash end 'clean; in goad grain, ready for market, from lOU to 175 bushels.. of wheat, or trout $l)0 It! 510'biaidiehilisf 'cits per day, using four Or six horses, and the Lane number of hands. i ! work , nit to force th work , under moil favittahlti circumstances, good grain, &v.., will thresh and clean ci•hinderalily : The Machine will thresh and clean all kinds of grain generally threshed with the common ttkachnie; and ;mires no 'here horse powiir, but in ninny cases does not rtpi so hard. '• ft, will appiy 'rely well to a twohorte railway pa wet Shop Prices of Mael,ilaos. range•from 8210, to 8525. ry'l" - i warrant the machines to be as above represented; also against any, reasenahle defects of material . wcaktuatialliv, 4x. • ariluving now ttken a room to keep Itepair f.Jaatings on hand, I have also selected end em prepared to furtvsh a variety of other agricultural implements. the latest and best improved, add such us sire best adapted t b &LIP wants of the dormers of this part of the country : Such as the 11,sitera tows \ Miller's), elov. r Stemmer. I.lu.iler. mad Uleaner„ which, is proving by its Qum merits, to he one of the hest marl 'of the kind now Ilk use. The lato,t improved BUUIY E NE, %Prat AM) MO W - ER combined, with DropperAtiiti the .11ower moue. The Atnendan slay Flick and finite combined, tiny Rakes, Fodder Cutlers, Cider Mills, &e. which 1 will Minisix on sliort notice and warralit them to answer the purposes for which they are intonded. ' .• Lirl/rders-sulicited and prompt)/ atteudpd to, Vur cuAth l er particulars. circulars, 4c. n011'44;11_ P411.111.1E1a GEISER, Waynesboro', Fraiiklin Uo. l'ociu'a. May 4, 1866:3 Frasnesifore' AND MACHINE GEtSER'S P.ITENT SELF:REGIMAttNti GRIN SEE!ARAI'OR 4 , CLEANER AND BAG GER, AND THE LATESP IMPROVED THRESHER. AND TRIPPLE-OENIZEL) HURT POWERS, DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR, OK MELT, ALL FUHN.ISHEI) COMPLETE READY; TO PUT GN WAGONS. I, the undersigned, desire taceit the attention of Farakm sod Threlhormen of rranklin and adjpin ing My:hit : to thig machine. f i t has been before the public fur a number of years, during which time i• hos even general satisfaction, end the pitentee has made sena very important improvements which rent der it still more Compete, bfith fur c'ean sepirating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught arid fast threshing.. I take pleasure iii recommending it to toe public 'Luoyang test it will give the beg saiitt• faction. I efn franufactuiltig taro sizes, viz : The liaList. iii eight.hom s power ain't wilt thresh and clean from '2OO to 500 bushels per•uag. The *newt sine. Sete the dic,ve w hi c h N I h i p zeccc i o the machine, also lull description, price, 80.,o( machine. Persona tgistiaug machines should send in their orders in reasonable tuna Ohmura their being tilled. twuav-a4-414*-It-a-aal-al4-4-A - 471 . 1Du-a-211 . . AND MAN UFAU WINES OF YRUI.J. lam mannfactwing different ems of Sugircane Mills (0 - be (liven . either by water, steam or horse power) anal Bvaporators and fixturea for 11141illig Syrup; unio -Portable twit Stationary Steam. - I %r l ßilles for. driving Mills, Threih-iig Machined, Sawing %Natio, dcc. I sin fully prepared to mike the above to order and on short noticet also UsA I,V SUM.' PLY AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, VAST ATB Wit I .S.,LIOINI KB r rLss, Stones and Plow castings,also cast ierni and wrought iron, pipe for steam orwater, and Brass castings of every 'description; in a word, ll sin prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry anti machine bilek• Having supplied myself with the latest imeuved machinery, such aa Lathes, Boring, Planing end Brining, Machines,'persons cati r rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory mantles. jam also prepared to manufacture to order inn:binary fur wood. stir% as '!boding and Ilr.r..ing ma• chines icr flouring, Surface, Tenant and Muo.lding machines, are. • I also oiler. to the public a new and valuable improvement in my. steam engines, made within the last year, viz: kW the economising of fuel, and the regulation of speed, winch renders my new engines tar superior to the old engines. All my machines ate sold wider warrantee. My hums are all experi enced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I net perfectly sale in War' ranting all my work. am also prepared to do repairing in wcrkman like manner, on the shortest notice. • Orders solicited and promptly attended to. All cadets sent in for repairing must ue accompanied with the cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of machine, address Or DANIEL Osman, Proprietor of Territory and so Aut NEW LEATHER AND FINDING STORE ! LEWIS S. FORNEY & SONS, would inform the public that they have this day associated themselves in the burliness of Tauitfg and Cuiryinu. besides hive also connected with the'above btistness a Leather and Finding - store, at the house of L Forney.. where they will keep constantly on hand an'assortinent, as fUlhArl Sole Leather, Bough Skirting, Hemlock and Sole,lCailSkins,French Cali do-, Sheep do., French nod Mess Morocco, Lining Skies, all kinds, lasts, every style and size, rlateads, Boot Webing, Laces, Galloons, Size Sticks; Measure Straps, Peer Bones, Burnishes. Heel Shaves, Last }loops, - Peg Floats. Double Cutters, Welt Knives, Nails and Tucks. Wax, Clamps, Crimp Boards, Blabbers, Bristles, Lusting Irons, Files, Ink Posiders. Sand Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, Pegs, Knives, Pinchers, Bummers, 'various kindsi-Raspe and Files, Auls and Bundles; Collis Irons, .Leng and Shoulder Sticks, EYeletts and Byelett Punches, Strip Auls, anavrathtir articles usually kept:l6lll=h stores. Migbest caali price paid fur . hides ,sad lakins !so 500 cords bark"wauted. • Mar. 16— ly.l . FORNEY & SONS. CORSET Springs at • • Paso alloirticas% Nu .1 fresh Mackerel at • 'lll' ?arca 4 Ming& E==M LQ- ;11.1 Foundry SHOP. GEORGE PRIM., icitos of orders. NV aynebboro.' Franklin Co. Pa. SOLIIIIIS . All SENS illllli 08E141 DOUGLAS. Licensed Claim Agent, 0 invite,. attention to the following laws recently matted for your Lomat, ,1.4. Act ul ►uly 28th, 1866, additional Bounty to soldiers of 1864 'O2 a n d '63. 2nd. "buippicinuntary . Pension Act, Juno 6th, 1866, increaeing pansions'ul Invalids •to sl's, $•.O ••r $25 per mouth. and giving pensions to Eatheia, Brothers and Staters. 3rd. Peilaion Act, July 25th, 1866, giving $2 r month additional fur each child of soldiers wid • ow under 16 years of ago, also to orphan . children tlth. Act of July 26th, 186 K, 'Bourittaiiial Yen* sinus to colored solals and heirs. sth. thatuny and annuity to• soldiers of 1812. cud their wid Ave, by Act of Pennsylvat•ia Legis• latuie of March 30, Ir 6, also claims fur cos:zinnia lion of radons, other pensions, Bounty and Artemis pay, claims in tinartermaster and Commiesarr General Departments,:&c:, sc. polka that 1 ant authorized to collect claims foiati persons. no m tier what mate they .reside in, except Me Stale gratuity above named. VISVPH DOUGLAS, Attorney and Claim Agent. A ugust 24, Om. • CODIZ *Na SEM vs. VH, the undersigned, having opcnod a Boot and Shoe Shop, up stains, in Heireer's Hall, are prepared to make Boots or shoes forour friends. .md customers at - the shortest notice. blending dyne neat and strong., Die books. We don't know how to elite or make figures. rit Umber is cub e • C. C. RBOYUA - • B. W. PthICIPLUTON. Knot 10-4. BITE mart, blankets it tax* Alt liorme4 i' ' -,,,'-:.; ' • ;L?.7. , i,..• . 3,-;:: ; `,..., '.'. - .... ) :$1.1, , ..; ..... til• ,6 - „ 4 .' ''i fif- v. C • ' 2, i; ; ' I.! • ..:--; 4 , ,-,1 ;..-': ' ' :-.' 't :' 5 • : -.'- .1 ' ' ',:' ," .;:f ~ 7., ti ; Aid+ F. rOUR-THICAN .poichaseat thebrtiti *Ore -of - Dr. A. Bayer, futtabilf kept by'tail, the attention, of the citizens of %V gyre -biro' and. viciniiq to 'end well selected •staek Of • 111BDICINES i 4 comprisinmeverythinK,foniniin ,ttrDriiit, My stock coninsti in part of • • • Paints. Varnishes, Dye Stuffs,. . . Chen:l 7 4a%, Perftitneljr,. 'Thump Soaps, • Pitney Articles, Brushes, • Glass, Putiy, White Lead, Carbon and Paregon Oil s FOREIGN AtiI',DOMESTIC FRUITS CLIEFBTIItid; Soaberger Scotch, and Rappen Snuffs. iltiranit; Principe dart. Common , Cigars,. are — W inea and Liquo*a for Akedittionl'pnr , -' Pe'rres, Cuitubtick and orre:i scription of Toilet Articles: ijeitirumy,aimedetertien to rreeitre tfeeititnt Purest articles of Drugs end l'inelljeinink Adu is : i sure the pubticthat;they will find .hezi 'Ortiy such as can kg r.ciietk . Orr. , rtikchosing for Cash t AND Selling a t small Profits-!' k °frier qty, goods at one *ice arta that the 'very ; lowest.... ~ • • . tar itYsicifine.Prefra - riptions coraßoundeti with, care. March 24, 186,6, I SAU 1111WIllill "grim that are trantirm the hest snot:cheapest. C- cycolk.irify EitcyVei tbs, IS tit the market will do wet' by. cailmg qt W. TIIITLVS . T AND STOVE STORE. Thee you will fiii the LAM:Msg . stock of z.toves : and Tin-warn in Waynesboro', The g!..anscritrer, tenders to ; the Community his, thanks for past patronage: iNittlAnpre for a Continu ation of the ramp. CalPenit, fiver , what intitice: ments.he ofil•rs fa. you to infest. , fur itt •rur. deta ince, with him, you will beAerphEvlivith with fairness You, will:4d a good stock of • • Brass and (li,pper Pippers; i - grasi - Ladles Sheet-iron ware, Iron Wasli Kettles, Iron, Uread rays, Brass Kettles, IRfe. All kinds of. Coppoi mirk done and repliya made. Yon will find among his stuck of stoves those spleni. did Cook titovcs, the iagara and - C(s'ft), inatico They h.tvo in extra tame oven, extended fire-boxi taking a long sties of weal, syparp top, good draft, • and in ail good 'Bakers. In fact just the stove a goat: housekeeper wishes. Don't forget to call apd examine his stock; will pay. Next door to the Post Office. Feb i,fi] W. A. TRITI.E NEV FIRM: LIRRIIGE MAKIACI TILE subscribers would infirm the public' ;that the, have associated themselves together in the Carriage making business, ant that the business hereafter will be continued at Jacob Adams' ofd stand under thri tutu of ADAMS & Hewett. They will have constantly on hand BUG GIES of every description ; new and secondliantled Vehicles of all kinde..4......0r ®` Repairing done at short notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons Plat/tin anything hvour line will 'to welt to give as a call before purchasing elsewhere. JACOB ADAMS, GEORGE B. lid VI KER. Church Sired nearly .mt:sife fb.! M E' fAurth lan .6 • It VA ILIUM:IPa PROPERTY„ • FOR SALE, • ,HE subscriber °firs st Private Sale his 4dua• ble . property. situated 2,} miles East . of Way nesboro , coat lining 21 acres, with good water . power. The improvements are a fine threentoiy BRICK HOUSE., good Bank Barn, and other necessary outbuildings.. also a Grist Mill with one pair alms and one pair choppers, good Saw Mill, all it OW repair. Thera is an abundance of choice fruit 'on the memises.-- , It is one of the most desirable properties of the kind in the county. For further-particulars arply to or address the undersigned. = Amr:3l-3m. JOHN L. METCALF. ra,thionable lVliliinery OQDS PIISS X, C. RESSEI W GULP inform lye lady friends of Wo.Ynes* bOre-antt vicinity that she-h a s just returned frOin Philad e lphia with a cc:riptide- assortment of filabionable Millinery Geode, embracing among o. thee articles, BOBAItETS , Alfa IitONNET M 11& MAW'S of every description; Ladle, art invited to call and examine her new sty l es . • Besidence on Mechanit tltrect, first hoses mitt& 5 5 4 of the -Visi*logion Inn." (h j . S7I"4U" F 13 4 s cake Ff An% Soap. yoq gaq s. go to , Ziiriek,. ' • Linseed 011,, Fiala Oil,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers