gir, HUG • EA "l' tt ,TV • 4i •A WIR ONIUmt OF THE CUMBERLAND.VALLEY; LO i cAtEEVAT • CHAMBERSBURO, PENN'A. .`. _." _ a_ ~ ~ S. L.'DECHEI-R i r •. .• WOULD inform his numerous friends and ens timers that he has just returned from the East with an extensive assortment of Foreign" and Domestic,Ladies Furs, embracing Hudson Ray, Russia kd Mink Sable, German and American Fitch, Siberian Squirrel. Water and French Mink, &c., &c., which he is dieting at very low rates.. EIS ASSORTMENT OF and magnificent Store Room, cannot be equaled in 'the State. Call and examine his stock, at his store on Main street, Chamberebdrgi.Pa. Sign of the BIG BED HAT: November 2, 1866. THE VERY LATEST, And mast Important to Mankind, is that 3. A.FIS[IER, Merchant Tailor, has . just received the Largest Stook of CLOTHS, CASSIbIFARES • and VESTINGS in the tOWD or county, By either Jew or Gentile, and • don't except even Feniana or Carthageniane, or any other man ; an] if you • don't believe it, call and ace for yourselves. 1 will make them to order ip oho most Fashionable and substantial manner,roy sell them by the Yard or Pattern to suit bu3ers;' CHEAP for CASH.— All work guaranteed to fit or no rud!., Also, a com plete stook of Gent's Furnishing Goods. It - is not necessary to enumerate the articles, as it is Weil known that you can, always find a LARGE STOCK of FURNISAING GOODS on - hand at my store. I teturn thanks to my Wends and the public gen • erally for their liberal patronage-extended to me,and hope by close attention to business to receive a con tinuance o£ the same. .1. A. FISHER. Opposite the Washington House, • West Washington st., Hagerstoirn, Md. S.—The Celebrated SINGER SE WING M.l - always on hand, Inith amilyi and the Manufacturing Machine. J. A, F. May 18, 1866 QUINCY FOttN.DRT • AND MACHINE 'SHOP -0,-._ E take leave to infinm the public that wo in tend continuing the Foundry and Machide business near Quincy, Pa. We ails prepared to do all kinds of repairing at short notice, also mill gear ing, cast and wrought iron shafting, stoves, iron ket ties, mien' doors, shoe scrapers, stove hooks, &c., &c. We also bUild an improved buggy and wagon hick, horse powers, bevi I jack, wood. saws, iron ash hop pers, iron bottom plate for ash bar rels, iron fencing end railing made to order. Old iron bought or ta ken in exchange for new work,' HERS & EMMERT. Oct. 2q—tE SALE! THE undereigned intending to retire front trsi- 1 ness, wi 11 offer for sale the well known' Waynesboro" Hotel, in Waynesboro', on reasonable terms. If not sold before Saturday, December the lei, it will •then be offered at Public Sale on that day at 1 o'clock.— Possession given immediately if desired. GILBE RT. Oct. 26----Cs IHag. Herald; Star, Gettysburg;. Repository, Cbambersburg, copy 4t and send bill to this (Ace for collection. PRIVATE SALE! MITE subscriber will sell at Private Sale a lam containing 230 ACRES of riad land, lying within six miles of Frederik. Frederick County, Md., 120 acres cleared, ballance in fine timber. Price $l5OO. On this farm is a good DWELLING MOINE. good Stabling, well of water at the door, with run ning water in all the fields. The timber will . pay fur the farm three times. Apply to JOSEPH PAIGN. Frederick, Maryland. Oct. 26--3 t VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE ! j,TIRE subsciiber will sell at Public See, on Sat urclaitha 2 &II thy, Ibiteemti er , n,ri , t BRICK HOITNE and Lot of Ground situated on East %lain Street, belonging to' the heirs of John Gilbert, Jr. dec'd.— The property has all necessary improvements in good repair. Ei'Sale to commence at I , o!clock on, said day, when the terms will 'he made known by . Nov. 2—ts. • • H. C. GILBERT. BLANKETS ELA KETS 100 i:DALii=us BIET43I•FE & lIITESIIEW'S. ALL sizes 9-4 10-9 11-4 12.4 13-4 . also cradle Blankets different sizes. all who wont cheap Islankets go to No 15 Main street, Chembi seism's. Oct. 12—tf. - - NEGEZCZ'AZZ2ltiOriatlllinleZatitlMMX 24 ' ' J. *3 I.BERT, 1,4 DRAPER. t Hatrionstantly fir sale a full assortment ofd • GOODS Jar ,Gentkmen's ware. , 4 ,..pirLatest City Fashions always on hand. 0 Lit ' .Waynesboro', Pa. v N zorileadut4apawronixxxxxxx 44 . . . MILLI ZIERY ... . , . GOODS.. ' ~ ‘l l lll3. O..I.I4IjLI.INBERGER. Main Street, 11 • g p i mpitt,,, di. ..Bowden klouse," is nt till time iumi led with the intearstyles et Millinery- titnide -'%II:ETCALPV 4E-lirr.E B l -1 1 1 W go_ Basli_ivory_ 47 - -ium°_ nth? :the :,:year • ruund, purchase guuds ...easrinertefuto bawd tresh•sock and Wiwt ewes all (nu .ANAUSIVYnu "ij aAk i - 6 4 ; ... KUILTZ'is f 11119 Se ' I* ' 'g°'"). . , _ f rlErtitnekrat. 4 Hornitg-jult. iccuw liotneT n • Rigs , ' Cu: 4.11•0tt0...4.•ar ' P • ; .11 AND D 1 0111 Mil t - 2 311 "V't lanffl GEOIi . GE srroV.V4R BAS RI:TURN:EP FROM P[ II PITIA WITH A SUPPLY OF DRY. GOODS S 111310 '3IL" EM 3 FAX QD gAS NOTIONS, QUEBNSWARI ANJ) j To which he invites the attention of of his patrons and the public generally. October 26, 1866. PUBLIC SIVLE. TITE• undersigned will sell at Public Sale, at his residence about 2 miles from Waynesboro' ' o t. near the r nd leading to Quincy, on SATURDAY THE lOT kIDAY OF PiOVEMBER, 1866, the following raonal property to wit: I FINE YOUNG HORSE. well calculated fur saddle or harness ' 1 COW' that will be,fresh about Christmas. 2 fat Hogs, 1 Wag on for one or•two horses, 1 spring Wagon, 1 new , wagon bed, 1 pair of hay Carriers, 1 new shifting top Buggy and spread, 1 Carriage for one or, two liaises, 1 hand Cart; 2. sets Breechbands, nearly new, Plow Gears,Collars, Bridles Halters,. lines, set spring wagon Gears, 1 set of new silver phited Harness. t Saddle, nearly new, 2 Fly nets, 2. Har rows, I three-horse Plow, (Moats' make) single and double shovel Plows,eingle Trees, double Trees; 1 Basket Slay, 1 large string of Bells; 1 Wheat Fan; grain bags, rakes end ,forks, about 50 BUSHELS OF RYE, and other articles not mentioned. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock oasaid day when the terms will be made known by ISRAEL HESS. - 'Ocb 26—ts VI. Mcige, A uct. PUBLIC SALE. Tsubseriker will sell at Pubric Salo at his AL residence, adjoining Ringgold, on, the Leiters burg road, ON THURSDAY TAR 15TH or NovEntsat, 1866, the following property, to wit :. 2 WORE( HORSES two-yearling Colt, 8 HEAD OF CATTLE; two, of which are Mulch Cows and one large_:Devon BtiII;.• 32 Nei d.lif s liogs,, among which are two brood sows; 1 three-horse Fop Wagon, 2 pair Wood Ladders, Plows -and Harreiws; 3 BisOcyaMower nearly' new, a lot„ Wagon and Plow Gears, shovels, forks and rakes, 1 log chain, cow chains; 100 BARRELS OF. CORN, 600 Bundles of Cornfod.ler, 100 Bundles Rye Straw; 1 Stove and pipe, 1 Table, 1 Cupboard, and other articles not neceseary to mention, Also 32 ACRES OF MOUNT/UN LAND which will be divided into four lots, situated about 3 miles from Smithburg, adjoining lends of Geo. Winters; .Hen ry Colliflosver, Horatio N. Horn and others. Also one acre of ground adjoining Cavetown wiit a email Stone House and a Lilac Kiln thereon: Sale to commence at 10 , o'clock on.saitl day when the terms will be mule known' by Oct 28— ts], EPHRAIM HAMMAKER. (11JARTERLY REPORT OF THE IST tZNAT. BANK OF WAYNESBORO'. • October Ist, 1866. RESOURCES 'BiIIs and Notes discounted $41,626.50 -U,S—tionds_to_secure circ_aloticon , , 75,000,00 U. S. Securities on band Due from National Banks Expense Account Legal 'Fonder .and other Cal ls LLADQI.ITIEB Capital stock Circulation Deposits , Due to Ranks Unpaid Dividends Profits Interest and Burp lus- ' $202,959 65 The above statement is just and true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIPS, Cash. Sworn and subscribed beam, me, Oct. 2. 186& Oct. 5,-6t] J. P. KI;RTZ, N. P. PUBLIC SALE. THERE.wiII be offered at Public Sale on Sat. ureic§ November 16th, 1866, )pon the prem. lees the property owned and occupied by the late Rev'. P. Reecorl, situated upon Church street • in Waynesboro!, consisting of a lot containing A GOOD TWO-STORY. HOUSE, stabling &c., &c. The terms will be made known upon the day of sale, or previously, by calling upon the undersigned at his residence in this place: L-Valle to commence at 10 o'clock. C. JP. THOMAS, Ader Wm. ADAMS, Auct. Oct. 12 —la DR 'l' 1). FRENCH, - EM I MOT INSERTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mounted on Platina, Gold and Vulcanite. Particular attention ghen to the preservation of the natural teeth. Teeth extracted without pain through the ieflu• ems of Nitrous Oxide Gas. Office at his residence on Mechanic Street. • Oct. 12—ti. FORTHE-SEASON.-We am in unular re ceipt on every Friday afternoon of - FRESH FINLAND. OYSTERS . . in srund condition andof heft qualities. and sold at short profits. Orden, respectfully -enlicited from II CRAM` men 14 oysters and other goods in their line; which still be- filled promptly and sat isfactorily- ••t ty" Sweet' .Potatoes -on -hand -.and-for sale thiotieout flier'seiison; ' Oct 19. • Ifotmerran, grip r3t Co. BARBERING-I BARBERING I ?rm subgcriber_would-infinm'his customers n - nd - L. the public generally , that her- purposes •centin ; sting the lierimring-budineis, nest • door to the New o..ocery, having purchased the interest of V. 0. lihoynal in the. Shop and is new PriParedlo do hair coding, shsving,': shanipoenong. utc., in the best style. The plitionage of the public 'is respectfully AblicitctL. March 2, 1866.... . 7 # :-; -• • ft R fir= 1 1. 4 4. eA • Ait n - tv a kat WINTER GOODS. .... reduced VINO returned:lmM 'the' Surbeiki cities ••i'ith a large ano choice somortmeni.or goods at uced prices I am prepared to offer much greater inducements than heretofore in price and quality. Oursiock embraces . . Dry • Goods, Queensware,\ Vet. darwafe and Otaceries. n If& L A DES. Bilks; all Wool Repp, French ,Morincs,Saxony burg, all Wool Delaineri, Printed Delaines, Alpae• cos ' Barathea, all Wool Plaid, Poplins, Cloaking Cloths, Shawls, Breakfast Shawls;Barmorills;:Ging. ham, Hoop Skirts, Collars, Ruffling, Hosiery, A inure Delaihes., Linen /Idris i.htikbroidered Brocade Mo. hair, Kidd & Silk Gloves, &c. 7 i[e) 114 a-(r's 41 French Cloth, Bleck doe Skin Cassinterce, Pan ercassimeres, t4ilk Vesting,' Over• Coating, Union Oath, Satinets, Jeans, Meltons, Under Shirts and Drawers, Back a n d Ringwood Gloves, Berlin, Gloves, Suspenders, Shiit•Fronts, Collara, Neckties, Cuffs &c. DOMESTIC GOODS: Furniture Checks, Red Ticking, fine Bleached and Unbleached Table Diaper, fine Linen Touting, Bleached and Unbleached 'Pawling, Napkins,aleach ed and Unbleached Muslim Sheeting 6.4 and 10.4 nankees,Prints,Umbrellas Flannels, Matting, Girth ing. Ingrain and - Rag Carpet, Oil Cloth, 4 4 and 6.4 Stair Oil Cloth, White and Colored: Blankets. QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE. CEDAR- Tuba, Churns, Duckete, Mikes- and Forks, 7a ble and Tea Spoons—Carry Combs, Horse Cardit, 'and Brushes, white wash- and shoe Brushes, Bath. Brick, 6yrup, Molasses, Rio Coffee, TobiOCos, se• gars, Teas, Spires, Concentrated Lye Bit. of Log wood', Corn Starch, Ess. Coffee . Babbitt and Fancy Soap, kercsiene and Tanner Oil, nary Salt, 'No Extra Shore Mackerel, White Flab, Baker's No. I Chocko'ato, Tor, .!kc. The 'abocie stock embraces all the latest styles of goods, which have bean purchased with great care with a view to suit in quality and style the tastes of all. ask is a call and exaMination of our stock to• Convince those-wistting_to purchase that we are enabled to sell as cheap as any. house elsewhere, I tender my thanks to the community for their liberal patronage and hope to receive a contin uation of public patronage. S. W. M. October 5., 1866. • STOVES TINWARE, Anti a lams supply of .house furnitrhing goods at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN," Waynesboro', Pa,, where a large assortmentoof • COok °Stoves, • Nine Plate Stoves, Parlor-Stoves, Coal Stoves, &e., of the latest improvements, the best . in 'the niatket to be hod at the cheap Tin and Stove Store of • D.ll. RUSSELL. TINWARE. A !arse assortment of Tinware of every description. made orthe - liiictiti - in - th - e - mark - er - a - nd - warranted, at the sign of the 43,150,00 17,012,04 544,52 25,626,61 "Min "JEL4e , c2. Sara:L.9" D. B. Russell keeps corstantly on hand and for sale a general assortment of the very best house furnishing goods. 'Jnpaned wars, tin toys'and fancy articles. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil, and a large assortment of Lamps of the latest style and improvement for safe cheep. WASHING MADE EASY By calling at the sign of the "1110 RUB HORN' and getting one of the best Clothes Wringers ever made. $202,959;65 75,000,00 67 150,00 60,098,52 1,752,92 47,50 8,910,71 Persons in want of good stones, or geod tinware or hoaae furnishing goods generally, will do well by calling on D. B. MIASMA, Sign of the . "l3lo RED HORN," Waynesboro', Pa. Pep 21i, 1816. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Waynesboro, Franklin Co. Pa. Capital paid in 875.000. - Collections made promptly and remitted for at lowest rates of Exchange on- New York. Directors :—W. S. A mberson, Alex. Hamilton, George Bosom, George Jacobs. Daniel Mickley John Price, Henry Good, James H. Clayton, Joseph Price.- • • - Correapnndents :-,-The First National Bank of Philadelphia and 9th National Blink of New York. W. 8. 41111ER-rN, Pres't. Jso. PERLIPP, C3Ol. $1.500 PEA YEA l i! We want. agents evewhere to sell our, IMPROVED :PO Sewing. Machines. Three mew kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above sal ary or large commikions paid. The ens machine, sold in United tStutetLfor less than $4O, which are Tully licensed by Howe, Wheek 4.' Wilson, Groves \ 4- -er. Singer . 4. Co.. and Baelselder. .411 other chest machinrs are, infringements .and the selkr or tune a liable to arreet, fi ne.and imprisonment.-:- Circular ree. ' Address, or call upon Shaw & Clerk. Bit ford, Maine, or Chietgo, Brinell. • . Dec. 22—ly ' HEW. jRANTZ, K. D. 1. S. 1011 V ELY, K. D. DTARS FRANTZ & SNIVBLY having aisocla ted theme'elves in the practice of Medicine and Surgery -would at ite gest therare -well prepared to treat ali'medical and surgical cases: Persons in dcbniit to either of thei r shore willplease make early settlement to the tittle of their associaiion, as they wish to close their old hooka. Office in Pr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly necupied as a store room by;hlr._l,33mkrer._ rwut.T.JARS-. EISER4, 'RINE fl ART have just. received Itheii24l suppfy of Iforters Patitiir Air-fight erignium Fruit Jars, snit id be the. 'best in Ilse -i -,Abw_llll6iffer sujiply . FreshCratent. OP PALL AND • :) WAIL A.ND ; s !ft!l 1... .„, ATTRLDREAP CORNER "OF t r,, & Houma, in the 'tiny ere ,large Inn] infidesnne Ito* o 1 New Fell Goode just received him the rest , The arm tentier their thanks. to tho community for their very liberal patronage, and now ask them to call and see their present assortment of desirable FALL GOODS, which they feel confident that they 140 pronounce cheap compared to former prices and quality We ask the ladies to eall and 'look over the array ,o Silks, • . • Poplins, " Merinos, Delo-ins. Plaid goods, Coburg,. Twills, The gentlemen are directed to *e beautiful line of. Casaimerea Fancy, Cass imerea Plain, Satinet*, Fllstaitie, Tweeds, Jeans, Flannels With a complete linh oP B9ote, - . *Shoes, Geitere, drum Shoes, Gum Sandate and Buskins. Ladies Buffalo Over Skoog, Ladies will Ocoee notice oar fine assortment of, l3radleYri Hoop' Skirts, . 8a1E1301.0, Skirts for Misses & Children Shaker.aad Ballardrale Flannels, Opera, Army and Grey Fiannaln) Wool and Cotton Yams, all colors, Colored and White Cotton Flannels, Nees 'Undershirts and Drawers, Man's Roundabouts LaMos Breakfast Shawls, ' Long and equare Shawls Fanny Blankets, Hors e Blankets,hips, Blaakete, Carlin , Rail Road Bags, , , Baskets. Butter Print, Brooms; Coffee, Sugar, Spices, &o Grain Saga, . . yagging, &O. The subscribers kindly ask the community to call and see their handsome stock of goods now open end will vouch that persons will be convinced that quiets. have fallen, ' and greatly too, and to con vince yourselves of the facts just drop in and make ate inspection of goods, and prices . PRICE & HOEFLICH. Sep 28, 1866. COAL OIL LAMPS. THR subscriber begs leave to call the attertion og the public to the fact that he has now on hand the finest and cheapest movement of COAL Off. LAMPS ever taw& its Waynesboro', , elso a splendil lot of CHIMNIES. 'He is also agent for Spear's patent Fruit Preserving Solution,. for Canning Fruit and Vegetables without Sealing or the arse of air.tiglit-eamr or jars. For curing Ci der it has na quad as it imparts no fiareign taste Whatever. tine bottle will preserve 128 [ha - Fruit ro 418' gallons cider. J. F. KURTZ. , :Arr. 7,—tfi STONER tt STONER, ARE rrreiving fresh articles in theh rate of bu einess from the Cities weekly, which enables them to iiirer'end sell iit'n'faiir price, with the ad wimp Of the reduction of the eastern Market Their stock is large and increasing proportionally to the -.reduction of the wholesale prices. They bavv.for lakeDnigs, Mvdicines. - 'Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils. Dye. &nee, Fruits, Confectionary. with all articles u unity kept in drug. stereo/ Thankful for the patronage heretofore received, re- SpretfullY increase as well as a continuanen of public favors. . M. M..STO NE R, M. H. STONER., Waynesborp'„, f l ugust ,10, 4168. CILIULAS I. CILIUSI . . _ : , 17IRTII Chains, Spres.lers Butf•Chsins, ;Mu t Traces,. and other Uhaitti.iraitile-by the subscri• her out of the test material.'end alwuys on hand at his shop, East end of WaynoshonA • •'i ,Aur.l3l-71f:7* - - 1;.'SC1111 1 1)1(NECIM LNES'.Morinoestd at .• , •Puit's iiir.Purlett. • Alpacas, . Mobsir Repo Cashmeres. AIImo! Detains Cloths & Vcstin ge. Chiliten's Shol3* Gam Cloth, Taros, ' • Kege Bo whfr, Spoons, Ladles, Teas, Rica, Chocolate, . . 17 ,31.49. i. i 3C 4 3101 itnit-qIC I I. 3 i'r 1 :;1:2 - 1 --;-p*J t. 1..', - "A , szeptri - ze6s , , A. It 6: C. NEW r.A zL,L GOUTS!! ANDERSON. MEET & CO. Are now receiving thei SECONIS AEitiCkRT MENT X)XL le Cit• CO) ola . A fall stock a Ladlee Dress Goods: DRESS TRIMMING% DRESS Burrows, DRESS CORD. D LAINES r -TISSUES, ars, Cain!Nies, M lins, Gloves, Hosiery, Shaker% Swiss Edg:e and' Inheiting. MI liiida'or KIEN %Inn: monis, . OASSIMBRES, . • BOOTS AND SHOES, • GLOVES, COLLARS AND HOSIERY, CLOTHS, VESTING'S, TWEEDS, CORD, JEANS; DENIMS. ' - Also a full stack of GROCERIES! SUGAR, COFFEE', SYRUPS, TEAS, FISH, ' CHEESE, and all kinds of Gfacetioa UMSI9IIII, MINK ITC. QUEENSIVARE. QUEENSWARE, HARD WARE HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE; HARDWARE;. NOTIONS, • NOTIONS, - CARPETS: CFW.(JK MATTING, 'PLAIN MA.TTING,. VENITIAN, INGRAIN, ~ STAIR,. HEMP, - $A G. . We respectfully request our,cttatomers and all P. there, wishing to buy or look at a good assortment, to call and examine our stock; knowing th/t, goods are lower now than they. have - been - for some years, and believing they, will not bp lower for sorne time to come, we feel assured-we can givo sotisfnetion.l AM likattiOlY, OgNEDICT dt, Co. • !Sept. 21, 1860.. . . • BACON.--Wci °Sir !Oreille this Joy , a choice, lot of flacon: Sugar Cured Hama. Coon ...try Iditlesan.l Copystyy , Shoulders. hini 4 - 1866. . at, Co.. .QPERNI3III..—A good article for gale • acy 8] — 7" ----- tiosTartp --- St „i t ir,O , 4 . llilll „,, Eiti; 7 .1816 : 1 ; •F. , Hits - tater" Reid lc Co. • lOtl D.Ltimpettraibr oniron*c to their ens 117 tomeri and the, pablie gener`allY 'that they hire just reeeVred s new ,and complete stock of pods in their line, purchased at the last decline ' sad which they °Sr at, psi* prices. • Their stock noclufs , . A „ ((7.7(t7-4 Embracing. in part RIO COFFEE, P. R. SUGAR, SUGAR ® 1.0, 12, WHITE SUGAR, PULV. REST SYRUPS, PRIME BAK bIOLAS3B3, 11 MOLASSES 0 50 CENTS, TEA-11., IMP., &MK, SUGAR CURED HA MS, CEI RE SFI -D1 A SON '8 CRACKERS. Queens ware of. the newest and most beauttNl patterns, t inihStis and otherwise. Common ware, good 80.101b041' eta p dee' n mama*. SPICES, &c .—G round Ginger, Pepper, A Ispice. Cloves, Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper,, Mustard, &c. These are, all pure and ground expressly for ourselves. V. Soda, Ct. Tarter, Enhena, Dried Currants, and . Other' Baking articles of best .quality. Pepper Sum Tomato Catsup, Pickets, Cider Vinegar. • WotlliE)i WAl4l3.—Duckets, 'Tubs, Bozaa, acc, PlBll. 7 4lacherer. all grades, -.: Shad, P. Herring, Front our eonnectiqn with Market ears runnier to the Eastern cities, we ieceilfe regularly VEGETABLES, FRESH FISH, FRUITS, &c. Everything in this line in their proper season. We will order good■ of this•class for parties and deliver them at short est notice. Co!inky Produce bought and the highest market price paid. Terms positively Cash. N. B. Th - anktul for thelitierlil - sha - re - of - custom we have received, we trust by, fair dealing, and earnest efforts to please and accommodate, to in crease our trade still further. HOSTETTER, REID & CO LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J• W. Bradley's celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC . (01t, DOMBLOItING) SKIRT. THE wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Eliptic Skirt will be exporienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm• Chairs, for Promenade and House brew, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and_ conyoni ently as a silk or Muslin Dress, an invaluable qual ity in crinoline;. not found in any Single Spring Skirt. ,A Lady having Enjoyed the Pleasure, Comfort and Great Convenience of wearing the Duplex E- Hulk:Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will Never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are supp• rior to all others. They will not bend orbreak like the Single Spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordinary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The Hoops. are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double). covered; preventing them trom wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, &c. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the Fash ion Magazines as the Ems:mesa SLUT OS Tit RAM. lONABLIE WoRLD. enjoy the following inestimable advantages is Crinoline, viz.: superior quality, perfect manufac ture, stylish shape and 'finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, enquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic. or Double Spring Skirt, and bay sure you get the genuine-article. - CAUTION.—To 'guard against nreosiviort he particular to rotates that skirts offered as "Durum"' have the red ink stamp, viz.. "J. W. Bradley's Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring," upen the waistband— none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will adroit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the reeret.of their flexibility and strength, and a curnhinatiOn not to. be found in any other :" , kirt. FOR SALE iii all stores whore MST CLAIM Skirts are sold' throughout the Unitid Sintis and else. where ' 'Manufactured by the Sole Owners oftho Patent, MIS-TS, .BRADLEY-41, - CARY, - 27 Chamber it.. 79 dt SI lieade Sts., N*L octotwr - Ili kl P, Elictur, and beautiful Caitcora las 124 kiteuts. Good (Jr ,t 0 tents at ' - • , May IS. • • 11! 'mem & Hyttsaiies. • 1.71 T riftyr beet iu use melit by ' IiQWZATTZU ituD.diteu. .lu7v 20. • • • :. simotmvut. of gliceuawar , taw& ac Hitartlcit. and Glassware
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers