VILLAGE RECORI). virrAor mr amp 130, Friday, Novepilokr 141060: tr St ii.,311*.*837- ta r Tittinle*lng iii oltt teenl!.. 6 / okiirsrtlsiti and job work, to *ilia iii "tali *nth ithibtth S _ Uß promeot!'wo IPTION:I't, ptfittli" will SCR Per Aitituiti o If peid *Min the year, - - -7 1 1 44X1 after the year, 2.50 ADVER'fISING, Per Ri otter' lines; tbrre times, $1.60 " 4 . each subreqUent ingertion,, , Istithinistrator's and Executor's notices. 13w, 2.60 it liberal deduction mode to yearly_ Advertioura. JOB WORK • Quarter-Sheet Hand•Bilha, (25 to 35) . fete Half . " 44 44 `• 3.50 Wluili " :.. is IT 6.60 ia'For all job work itni tomel m 1401118111- tains invtiriably cath. W. BLAIR, rditor and Proprietor. . , sigi..Gov. Curtin, according to the Reposi tory, bas appointed Thursday, November 29th, as a day of Thanksgiving. Tit E g LETT torts —E:ections were held in twelve States on Tuesday last, vim—Massa phnsetts, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, Michigan, Illinois, Wis consin, Minnesota, Kansas and Nevada.:— These States elect aitutryone Congressmen. In the present Congress they—stand-thus:— Union 70—Democrats 21. Tun, RESULT.—Of the twelve States which held 'elections on Tuesday last the unionists carry ten and the Conservatives two, Mary land and tittle Delaware. The Union men lose Irn 'lb( ACr M: *land and they, with sheriff. Thompson, were arrested and taken before Judge Demi, am) on their refusal to give bail to keep the peace to wards the old Police Soar(' and all peacea• b!e' eiesens, were committed to jail,. where they remained. op to yesterday mornleg.=;-- The American sty :—The law has triumph ed over the great political conspiracy to ig nore the Constitution and violate the laws of Maryland. The attempLon the• part of the Governor of the State to inaugurate a reign of terror in the city, with its accompanying violence and bloodshed, has 'signally failetir and no exerro has been afforded him to bring in the troops of the Government to aid him in the accomplisitmeOt of his ambitious pare poses. He seemed to tinges that we' had ctourta to appeal to in the emergeney forced upon us, and a Judge who could take cogni t ranee-of-sueh-efforts - to - ineite - riot - and - ditior , der—a Judge, alst., who bad the nerve ami .manhood to check the usurpation of power even on the putt of so high a civil function rry. Governors are amenable to the law as well as private citizens, though they may at times arrogantly presume that their acts must be unquestioned, and that It is treason to the State to dispute their commands.— They should not forgot that they are in re. , ality the servants of the people, and . not their wasters; and that the power that is given to them mast be exercised only for the public good, and not for their private emolument and the satisfaction of their personal animos i-ies. JOHN BROWN 'g fetter from Red Bluff, California, says "As she is culled, the wife of the 'groat John Brovrn still resides here, pleasantly' situated, and surrounded with pleasrint" ealeforfable influ ences. She has won the' esteem and confi dence of the people, and commands the ad miration of-all parties, irrespective of puha- eal opinion. Her home has been freed from debt and undJt her own vino and fig tree :Lithe:lives, with none to molest or make her afraid. SI o has three daughters, *ho hate been engaged in teaching school. They are said to be very intelligent ladies. The eld est has yeceitod many ealls-to go bask South and , help to educate the race her father died to benefit She feels it somewhat her duty ; end will probably go. Since living bete, Mrs. Brown has received aid from England; and many lettere expressing high regard for her husband ' s memory. She has made this place her permanent home, :and intends to spend ber days among thii People." • i.15"1t appears that the health of the French Emperor bas'benu declining for soma time. A despatch was received from the Prussian Braining in . Paris that there was no hope of recovery fin-Napoleon, and that ie death ;m4 le hourly expected, the fact ' 4 *li only OW k.e,l4,6eurflt,.•':. ~,,; . rlAtaander H. Stephens, the es.-Viee. kresident Of.thelebel Confederacy, bas is.' -_ , aumed - m 4etter denying ,the atitemeut that - he , Ai‘Ored lite' adoption Of. : the.:.l3onatitutitmal, amendment, and advising itie4tkiight Leg's /*Enrol' o f ttittot" .- it promptly. • • === nIIMILIATIMVIiiIISOUTEL —The free .lq of the North: fought and conquered he inewrCetionary to preserve* nation. 'They 'went tb war because Ovation forced to titii . soj bufthey 'feta • with no vita= dictive feeling - Ind no ptirpolreief Conquest . Thity determined%) put &Wit ittellioni and to sweepswq the caste systenkinAithich re bellion hid its origin and its strength. The contest on this part of • the North bad no sectiOriarspiiii in It, and - tin desire for any rule over the country except tbat,legitimato ly obtained by the WoAcing of free' institu eons-. The-seine 'reasons that actuated -the loyal defenders of the tnion against. the as saults of secessionists actuate them now on the question of reconstruction. If the late rebels have any,,,humble pie to eat, it is a-pie of their own cooking. They were whipped not for the sake of giving them a whipping; but to save the country, its u nity, and its liberty; and they are to be made to submit to snob terms or conditions before icing allowed to resume their former rela tions to the Federal Government, as may be fairly deemed necessary to secure the Re public against any return of their hereides and madness. This being the feet, how ab surd the talk about what the South will or will not accept', about conciliating the_Southr and about listening to the ravings of the still fanatical and exacting chivalry. The South must consent to whatever the majori ty of the people who have conquered it may deem, essential to the safety of the Republic. The interest and wishes of the South ere not primarily to be regarded. IMPORTANT Iv. Tnnone.—A clothing house of Lancaster, having made inquires of the Treasnay Department, relative to the revenue tau on clothing, received the follow ing answer, which will be found of interest to persona engaged in the tailoring. busi ness: TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE - COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, WASHINGTON, October 30th, 18613 Gentlemen :—Your letter of the 26th inst. relate to the liabilitieeef tailors, has• been re ceived. In reply I have ter say that under the act of June 30th, 180, is amended , by the act of March 3d, 1805; the tax on clothing, &o , was six per cent, advalorem. And a tailor exclusively engages in manufacturing to or der, as etsrom work, whose pi oducts, *Iola& tog materials, did not. exceed $l,OOO, was exempt from duty. Under the act of Jane 30th, 1864, as a mended by the act of July 13th, 1866, the tax is two per cent., and a tailor exclusively engaged in manufacturing to order, as cus tom work, whose work, exclusive• of mate lin], does not exceed $l,OOO Fer annum, is exempt from duty. When the . wok exceeds in value annually $l,OOO, the party manufacturing to order as above, can have no claim to the exemp under section 94, but is liable to a , tax of 7 per cent. ad valovent on the entire amo. , t of his manufactures, wale's he may be entitled to ezemptiotis under the provisions of sec tion 93 of said act. The tax on clothing is in all eases' oa• the entire value of the same, inelndisg meter': labor and profits, and not on the inereas 'value given to the materials by making, or, in other words, an labor alone. This is the ease when a toiler makes. clothing from ma terial./ ferrrished lire by his customer, as well as when he furnishes the materials himself. In-this-ease-he-has - the - right — to charge the tax to the customer furnishing the material. Yours, respectfully, • THOMAS lIAILLASD. Dep. (lomusissioner. IN ttAtr, —On Satterday the whole 'Em pire Club of Baltimore were arrested and put in Jail. They were composed, Bars tbrs des. patch, of' Swann's old Plug Ugly ioughs,and were in Bennett's auction rooms loading mus kets.. The chief of police was , fi red upon, bttt made the arrest; From six to nine thou sato' stand of fire arms were croptured, which hsd doubtless been secreted by the friends of the President and Swann for another New Orleans massacre. METEORIC SROltElf.—Dies of science pre• diet a large meteoric shower about the 13th of November. So look °tit for the meteors; the eight will be free to all . who• are wide a wake* on that evening. MMUS ELECTED.-4lon. Fteneis Thom as, years ago the. Democratic "war-horse" in Maryland received a haedsome Union ma jority on Tuesday in the Congressional Dis trict .composed of Washington, Frederick, Carroll'and Allegheney. Maxtoo.—According to late advices Max. imilion left tho•oity of Mexico _on the 234 ult , resigning, verbally, in favor of General Bosnia°. It was thought he would at once leave for Europe. " Gan. Castelnau roadbed the city of Meld. co soon after Maximilian left, and took 'pos. session of the palace and assumed the reins of Government: Sarno Brady Hotel -property, in Harris burg, with all its furniture and fixtures, was sold on theist inst., to David H. llitchin son. The price paid:Was $40,000.- IferThe largest buckilteat crop ever rais ed in Pennsylvania § in the opinion of Loney, was raised this year.. The Yermont_Legislature has vilified the constitutional Amendment by a rote of 1.90 .3013 to )111131.! `4l: ditigh ter of.itie tats Johit of- Ten , mum*, is thiiiifb Ortnrotoriotie War' York ' zounterfeiter: t - There itire*Tirti tatildeed -. and thirty'nino persons in the Beaver-county jail LOCAL bIATTERS, itzqi , tiktr.—=We acknowlrm4sti:Oititifeipi of $2 from D. E. Price, bit: jib_ MEE! Igrfn 'direct special attaiiticia•tO4,he nableiown props _ _r_ty_tirertisett-lo another column by Joo. Philips, Esq. lir. gr. Geo, Davison, of Grceabastle, has relic - tbe dutieic Of Collentoillif Infer. nal Revento of this district. -His- successor has .not been announced., . , , - te-JAcot,BalcriEtt,_Yunkst9we s is in ar• rears to this office for sithseription to the mount of $12.00. Came Jacob,. toe the mark like'an honest man. • FARM SOLD.--ginnttel Proate lifts dispo sed of hts farm near Mt. Elope,,Ouinay town ship, containing 108 acres, to Daniel Tritle of ibis place, for the sum of $llO per acre. J. F. Oiler, of Ali place, has disposed of his two-story brick house in Quincy, and other property, to John Singer for the sum of 02500. TOWN PROPENTY St:MD.—The brick house and lot of ground on West Main Street, be longing to Mrs. M. M. McFerren, was sold on Sitr - ndillast for the sum of $2350, Pttrehaeer, W. 'll. Punk. ELECTED.--We observe that our former townsman, Maj. E. S. Trowel, at the late e lection in West Virginia, was elected Clerk of the Courts of Berkley county by several hundred majority. QUINCT POUT MAS I rEII.-Z-We gated . a eouple weeks ago that John R. Smith had been appOinted Poet Master of Quint's , . We since loan tbat Mr. Samuel Searist has re calved, the appointment 'and been commis sioned. Mr. S. is a gentleman well qualified for the °trice. LARGE QUINCE.---MTS. Nary Spronkle, of Fountain Dale, Adams county, sends us a Quince which weighs one pound and meas ures 13 inches , around. In the quince line this specimen from Adams is eettaialy hard to beat. Tag TtiEEMAPII.—We understand' the work of potting up tbepoliw for tile. Atlan tic and Great Western Telegraph COmpaoy is progressing rapidly. .The work had• been completed , an Far as Hagerstown a few days sicce, and we understand the parties are ex pected to-reach this plase in *day or two. REAL r9TATI3 SaLti-'—The tract of land belonging to the heirs of Henry Miller, deed, containing fifty eight Berea was sold at pub , He sale on Toe9drty for the sum of Si 12.62 per pore, Purchaser, Henry Shank. FINE EXIIIBITION.—POIIitOE ' d Tableaux .1 the Old 'World was exhibited in the Town Ball on Tuesday ana•Wednchday evening to large audiences. The painting is certainly the finest ever exhibited in our town. The exhibitions gave general satisfaction. . NEWSPAPER CrIAIME.-- Our young friend, W. W. Crooke,.of the Greencastle Pilot has disposed of that •est . abliehmen4 to John R. Gaff, Esq., of Cbambersburg, formerly of this vieinit Air. Gaff is a gentlemen of more than ordinary edneational attainments and h well trtalified to make the Pilot an en tertaining and useful family, journal. The people of Greencastle and vicinity should encourage bin efforts by a liberal aubsezip tion and advertising patronage. PAMICIO observe that Messrs. Hamilton, Forney and Filbert, of this place, have recently had their dwellings handsome ly painted. The style is quite an improve. went upon that heiotofore adopted Kann our citizens, giving the building a richer and more glossy appearance, and which is said to , be more lasting than the common mode of staining and penciling. Nothing adds so much to the appearance of a town as. neatly painted buildings, and we trust the spirit of this respect lust commenced may continue, if not for appearance sake as a matter. of economy. MATRIMONIAL.-A cotempotarynliscoura. 0 as follows on the matrimonial market The matrimonial market about this time in the year is pretty firm in this locality,son• sideriog the former . quotatioas. The differ. ent qualities of stock thrown upon the Mar ket makes the "fluctuations" frequent.— "Sweet sixteens" aro active, but not up to the demand, and ",sa off" at previous fi gures. Lasses of "twenty' "brisk," and sales are noted "lively." Misses "of ago" weak, and tally "up" to the demand. Unmarried aunts are on the .decline. Old maids are -active, and the market stocked. Bachelors, in swallow-tailed coats, seedy and disconsolate. Spruce bachelors, of thirty, steady, with a prospect of a few sales.. Young and fascia acing "swells" in good demand, and sales arc quoted at "handsome figures." • Editors firm. The market closes very brisk, with heavy stocks on haad. Isoiltivr..—A correspondent of the Phil adelphia Press remarks that it is great in justice to Judas - to compare him with., An drew Johnson._ Judas did not go travelling round the'country on his thirty pieces of,sil ver;- but went and-hung himself "like a phi; Manna," and gave up, his , spirit. Johnson _"- will do. •, Four negroes were executed in Prince (3isoige's county, on Friday last, for the tnuriler of gr.,Wm. Lyle, a relpectabie zee of ilie•cOuoty: Ik was done-far. the pur• pose of robbing many They confessed ir, as' wcil - ttR twiny other alums. Daltld. tedi, Nov. 8.--The. parole granted toNlTOffetsbiOavia, some monthitgoi giving hitii the * lurvitege:Of the ground of the fortress luiing theilayi has been •eatet% dud; through Botictittire-Olehaeney, in reintiVz ing . atl surveillance over hikti and the guards rooms in Catroil - Hall at night. to this effect have been 'fiat from .Cleneral. : ant eotn,! % . mandane of the fort. This deprites his fin prisonment of - anything liku,severil t , and paving the way, as is generally presumed,ror his filial parole and tetease. ' All the ftuuids over, him, both dating day end night,. beiug .:retnoved, lie now ebfayit, perfectly tintrAmmeled,,libertLand every pp. Bible mettnazof comfort and, pleasure while held as a ptisoner in the fort: It is said that be has elipiessed great grid. ideation at this adroit of the Govetninetit, aid already contemplates vacating Cairo!! Hall and taking Op -his residence with Mis. is the casomates assigned her shortly alit. her arrival here. ' A WISII FULFILLED.--'a man named John Eck, living near Pricetown. Berks Co., some time.ago offered his house for bale; for some unknown eause it was not sold. He then made the following declaration : "That ho wished it would burn down over his head." On Sunday morning list the hose was disonered to be on fire, when some of the neighbors rushed up stairs, when strange to say, they found Dir. Eck dead, he having received a stroke of the palsy a few moments before the fire. Through the superhuman efforts of the neighbors the body' was con voyed to the yard before the house was in ruins. Thus was his impious' wish fulfill ed. ELECTIONS ' IN TENNESSEN —Louisville, Nov. S..—Bitaur Patterson (Radical) has been elected State Senator from Sumner and Smith enunties, over Bailie Peyton (Conser. vative)• by over 100 majority. ' Wright (Radical,) has been elected Rep reientative from Sumner county, over Bon ham (Conservative) by 45 majority: Clements (Radical)i formerly a member of Congress, has been• elected Representative from Sumner, Smith and Macon counties, over Carroll (Conservative). - A Lost& StNTIINCE.—A nateX horseliiief .has just been sentenced to five years in the penitentiary of Wisconsin, whose criminal earner- is remarkable. Though only twenty seven years old, he has hid passed upon him sentences for crimes committed in France, England, Canada and America, amounting in the fifty•sit years of confice. me At a recent' rat taint in Piekway county, Ohio, 15,671 rats were killed There. is to be a grand pie-nie at 'Circleville, at which three premiums will be given to the • town ships producing the greatest number of tails of rats slain is each. towuehip of Pick•way. eounty. The premiums amount respective ly to $5OO, $3OO awl $2OO. 8441 DAY'S WORK.—Ms. ta. W. D. East• man, of Delmar, Tioga, county, now in his sSth year, dug with a hook, last Saturday, 120 bushels of potatoes! Besides this he shot BiX squirrels and one weasel!. Young meo, when you beat this send us your pho tographs•.„ Those whir visit Jeff. Davis say that his health is very bad. Why should not a man with as bad a conscious as Davis have,had• health? • Squirrels are unusually plenty this fall in all parts of We State, SPECIAL NOTICES. Xtcs.l3. i Itp33. I itoix t SCRATCHA-SCRATCR-I-SCRITCIII WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Can the 'Min 48 nom Also ewes SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHM EL UNS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 10 cents. Fur sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POT'l'ER,' Sole Agents, 170 Washington street,Hoston,it will be for warded by mail, free of pelage, to any part of. the United Stases. June 8-Iy. AkirOLOVE MANUFACTORY GLOVE MANUFACTORY I UPDEURAFF'S keep constantly on hand and manufacture to order GLOVES of nll descriptions, they have all Niue and color/ df Kid- Gloves, Buck, Goat, Sheep, Cloth, Wooleu and Cotton Gloves. GLOVE FACTORY, Opposite Washington House. Hagerstown, November 2, 1866. VirLADIES FURS 1 LADIES FURS! LADIES FURS ! Comprising C APES. C.M.I.A RS, BERTHAS. CUFFS, MUFFS, HOODS, FUR TRIMMINGS, &U., &C a complete Stock, embracing all the styles popular to the trade, are now ready for in• , epeetion and sale at UPDEG RA FF'S Hat, Fur end Glove Factory, Opposite Washington House. N. B —CuRa cleansed •altered and repaired. Hagerstown, November 2, 1800. rp-FALL AND WINTER STYLE OF HATS AND GAPS FOR 1960. We hare now rea.'y our Full Stock of HATS and CAPS, embracing all the styles, Shapes, Colors, &c., popular to the trade for Men and Boy's.— CANES, UMBRELLAS, .POCKET' BOOKS, PORT MONIES, FLAGS, &c , &c.. at UPDEGRAFF'S • Hat, Fur and Glove Manufactory. Hagerstown, November 2, 1866. • WINTER OF 1866.—BUFFALO ROBES, FUR GLOVES, FUR COLLARS, Boggy and Sleigh Blankets, at UPDEGRAFF'S Hat, Glove and Fur Factory. , Opposito Washing ton House. Haginstown, November 2, 1866. ¶VII ALZaT.AIk:EL. On the 28th ult., by Rev. L. S. Crone, Mr. AUGUSTUS VARNIOLE, of Mount Alto, to Mies ELIZABETH SHAFFER, of Altodale. On the Ist init., by the same. Mr. PAUI. RITTER, to Mies HANAIEE FIOUK, both of Quincy township.' - On the 28th 'tilt.; bY'Rev. IV. Eyster. Mr. J. DALLAS FRY, to Mjßs ETTIE WEAGLY, 'both of this county. On the 30th ult., by the Rev. S. N dar, assisted by Rev. T.'G Apple, Mr GEO.- A. GROSS, of Harrisburg, to bliss MARY. A , daughter of A., B. _Wingert!, &1.,' of Greencastle. .. • • • - . Uo the•Blst ult. st.W.elsh • Run,'.b'y Rev. T. 0. Apple,, Mr. D. M, NISVANDgi.t, to MissiMAltY.KyrE - 'WOLFF, Welsh Run: Oa, thO 25th Rev S.1:1;06, Mr. WILLIABI_SEILOAMER, to - Mies WIT BANNA: WitiTMORS, both of WO* township. rty r J z; 0 WIC 313 i:"... 9 , I .on . AO lee 44081110,i Are. IlL4z4llB#l LONVII,V;:,roliot of Ptiri tie 1/61, 7 1;iy; fit' the ast year ileheriiigiii"' On—the- gOth JOHN. FIEIN'II,EOIA?.f, Sr., aged TO jears,4 air! 14 7 . days. . • Near It . ieggehl-on the -20th Alit IL. 1101431 AN, sou of Matthias' and L. ciiitdalluffiiii;ligea feute , mouth and 16 dnye Itti 'die - ithe died. hbi 'griliV Cloned, - Another darling:puede 'dandy -. Beneath the sod he'd • , There .peaceful, be his resting keit. In heaven avecaritplaie ivas found; An empty. Croarn,teae lying there, We're turned to earth etrangerevyed lu search of'one the Cif3titi to *eat'. They fell on him *e toted No tVeli4 . . • They fell oii dice to good for eattht The surnmontrearde. he died to us, But angels sang in heaven a birth. , L. H. B. PHILADELPHIA Nov. 6.The Flour mar ket was quiet to•daY, and thete . *as leis in quiry from the home consinneri, but with a combination of light receipts and stocks, hold. ers were firm in their. views. There was no demand for shipment or speculation, and only 1,300 bbls were taken, in*ts, for the supply of thalami trade, at vices ranging from $8 to $9 '49 bbl for superfine, 89.50®- 12 for extras 13®14 for NotthWeit extra family, incl u ding 1 , 000 MAR within. this range; 51415@15.50 lor Pennsylvania and Western do.. add $15.75®16 75 • fat 'fancy brands, with sales of 100 bbls at 68+ Corn Meal is not inquired after. ;. .. • : There was a good , inquiry for Wheat, but the offerings were small, and prices firmly maintainedi.sales of 700 bushels Pennsylva nia and Southern red at 83.21®3,21; 3 ; 000 bushels spring at $2 - 15; and white at 'B3 40- ®3.50, Rye commands 81 8519 bushel for Southern. There is a firmer feeling in the Corn market, and holders.are asking an ad vance, but buyers. come - forward. slowly.— Sales of 2 , 000 hnsbeis yeltowat 81.25®fAe Oats were moderately active, and prices were lower. Sides of 11,000 - lan:shell). at 65c for Southern and 66e lot PefirtsYlvanitur Noth ing doin in barley;.'l,ooo bushels Malt sold at SAW' . Cloversced; is selling in tt• small way at 88.25®9'per 64 =fir 7 •Td" IMie. Flaxseed ranges from othy sold at 83.20 to 3- 25, Waynesboro' . Market: Uorreckd Weekly by HOSTETTER, REID & 00. WA YINESBORO , Nov. 91 /866 ;;CP . Baum I(Hame) 20 15 ' 4. Sides 15 08 " Shoulders 15 04 Liao 13 04 '• 138ANs 1.00a150 OS Demo i APPLES 0.05 70 Gans ARMS 0.40: 00 DRIED Psaouse 20 • 00 ` " Calmat is 12 Berms EGGS SOAP RAGS OLD PAPAS TALLOW FEATHERS SEED ONIONS CLorsassszr V AMIABLE. TOWN PROPERTY PUBLIC SALE. RE subscriber will offSr at Pbhlic Salo, on Sat T urday the 21th day 01 November, 1866, a Two- Story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, (nearly new} on• Church ant etopposite the Union• Church, Wash House r Smoke House and Bake oven under one roof. There is also on the lot a good IrrEILAMMIEI Carriage House. flog Pen, and other out-buildines, all in good repair. A large Cistern at the door with pump in it and a well of good water adjoining the property. Being situatsd on the corner of a public Alley makes it a desirable property. Thera is also a variety of tho most choice grafted fruit on the lot. rirk3ale to commence at •1 o'clock on said day . when the terms will be made known JOHN PHILIPS, - 0. V. Moan, Auet. Nov: if -: ts, PUBLIC SALE. TBE subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on SATUR D AY TH E 17TH DAY OF NOVEM BER, 1965, the following dcecribed Real Estate, sit uated in Washington Township, within half a mile of the Waynesboro' and Greencastle Turnpike, ad joining lands of Robert MciliFamy, Samu I Bacr and others, consisting of about 10 ACRES of good quality limestone land, known as the Mona Property," with 2 TWO-STORY LOG HOUSES, in good repair, gond Log Barn, and other Decent.. ry out-buildings thereon, also algood well of water near the door and cistern at both houses. There is also on the premises a tine • YOUNG ORCIIIRD of choice fruit such as apples, pears, peaches, &c. — ALSO'!" at the same time and place will be offered the fol lowing personal property, to wit: 4 HEAD HORSES, two of which aro fine brood mares with foal, both good lender:; one fine riding horse, t firielt, 4 head of Mulch Cows, 18 HEAD OF YOUNG CATTLE 10 FAT HOGS, 25 HEAD OF STOCK HOGS; 1 Buggy, 1 one•hor-e Wagon, Plows and Harrows, Wagon and Plow Gears, nearly new; 10 Scapa of Beta, 3 ten-plate Stoves, 1 Cook Stove, • •,C.or.ri by the Barrel, Potatoes by the bushel, the one-half' of 50 acres Grain in the•Grounil. a lot of 113 y and Cornfodder, and mind other art.cles not necessary to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day when a credit of 12 months will he given on all - sums of $lO and %wards. • DA Di IEI4 MY ER& Nov. 2.-trr • . G. V. Mora, Auct. 00.YOGWANT A GOOD FARM. . . ;IPTlHE,lleira4of deo Wile., deed, will offer tbo • Hoover Fariii"Lt Selo On rriday clockthe 16th, 1860, mi the ' premises, at 10 o'- clock A: ' ' ":- . : ; THE 0ct...20-4t. • • • - 7. . , jl*CM:ft& HITEHEW; Chainbet#l4% ail selling Calicos irnns:l4 41 k , , -": - ,!. ,• CARD i l iiiliilAethid 8 • iiikkli "Sared on iiispart,'., , ' VA . „.• , haw *it . lid rio fated - Altai of the .candi: '. --. dated forthe Mike d repres siallireittf Ititrituril van! ' by 'belittlers Republicith patty in the Leg..." islatt e Distritt composed of the Crinntiiii of Frank:- - ha a d Perry - ,, add twiedOleettid:l6 this honorable , position, by the pertialitylite a Majority of the voter ^ in, said,Ristriet, adopts thldtheihod of acknowledg 7 ' rot Sliriense `of &third& ts4,thinse Whcise Toted ha received. And being eteeedingly anxious do hid paiti - thietiiiiiisitf theDietriet - faitbdthraird , hiliteiv.i2... , rfe. ably, on all questions Pertaining to the interests of his constituents, is therefore'dierfsethiltilly of-thd fact, that his esefutnetis for the good of those he hiiii" ' the honor in part tolepreeent, may- heiteitl7 : -Ini ...." jutted, if hot tot Illy destroyed, by any-Movement - irk the part of a portion of his Republican lHends;wbiott Would bind of attempt to bind idirrid ifirshiii: at . theAthrine,ofertl,rnan A fir of any theastlie which hieor might . be tl . :rquiii, liiiiiiy ether :Vernon -of ''' hie doestituenct: . - ' '.: :. • k ' '.V . ' .... `' ' ': Therefore, he reitaidi thh titclienteni pal itsiiitil.-- 4 lion by the Etlitcwoillusileposifor' insituct_for_____ I rnited•Stathi filenathr4ssi unitise ,add: tifidalled ,for. In the call "Pidslishidlit the.7iefiasitor.o Of thel:th, addtesssed- to' the, Chairman- of the = Union Count Committee, the language is as follows .1— "Once betrayed, the Union .men naturally feel the keenest interests in the choice of ,naturally Then again, in the dame paper, in the issue of the 24th that, demi •atticle • headed "Senatorial County Corivenebth'," the editor says among other things, "Betrayed by - Cooper, again betrayed by Cowan." , Now it'would seem that the Editor of the .Repoi- , itory is, laboring. by the foregoing, extracts of this' Fall and article alluded to, to convince; the Union Republicans not only of this District, but through: out the - State, that any and all the distinguished . gentlemen needed for the position of U. S. Senator, , except his own choice, would • betray ,the parkii.-- Now let ns see who they are: THADDEUS STEVEMS, the .able and fearless statesman, the acknowledged !eider of the Repub licans in the National House of Representatives. SIMON Cattedos, who has formany years Occu pied the honorable position of U. 8.• Senator, dis charging his every duty with an eye single to dm interests of this Commonwealth andothe coon tifat large, and who was honored. by that great and good , man ARRAS/AS Wend., with, a seat in his Cabinet,. as Secretary of Was. 11 is Excellency, AHDREW G. CURTIN, present Gov. ernor of the Commonwealth, and for whom the ed-• itor of the Repository desires to instruct. s, Hon.--- Gaon the isble and eloquent advocate, m and out or thirgress. bi:Repablieaii ,principles and measures. lens W. Foru', who with his signal ability , as, an orator an 1 writ, r, contributed as nineh as any' other man. to build up the 'Republican party, and to achieve its many victories. These are the gentlemen rt Alba figs that Jiatin • ished position, Who of these men if elected, would "betray" the Union men of this or, any oth er District'! , Let the editor of the Repositdry an . swen In the article referred to; the editor and Writer, in icineleding, saye;,!..l3ett let not the decided pie— . trances °line people be smothered, uhile' the Leg— islators go lo barter their votes for personatadiunfeemant or Legislative success." • The tinders): - monition comei with bad grace from the , e di tor of .the Repositar y ,twraseript: In other wordy. men who live in Imperial glass housesi - Ought not to be the first to throw stones. And new to conclude,.[ aver that this mode of 'ir.structing a Representative on , the sheation of U nited States Senator, is unprecedented, and un known by •the RepUblican party ofthis District, and I believe thidughout the State. • That such a course is sought with danger to the success of the party in this District, none can da ny. It was enisidered unwise by the Conventions that nominated the writer of this Card, because it would have defeated the ticket. - Il is obviously un wise to instruct AO the election, in this close Die. trict, because it must produce the same result - in fu tire elections. That the people of this District; are intensely 'in.- terested in measures pertaining to coiriPensation for losses during the rebellion, and by instrdcting ortr this Senatorial question, they. Will dispel every hope , of being reimbursed or indemnified, or of getting. their claims legally adjudicated. . That with these views, as one of the RePtesenta— fives of this District, who was elected without any pledges on this question, LIMO do what 'conceive to be just and proper in the premises, toward all the candidates, giving that man my vote, whom the current elevens" shall- dictate tamp judgment the one of ,the many worthy. Union Republican. gentlemen named. for that position; who I shall then regard will'beit subserve 'the interests of the party, the commonwealth, and the country at largo, =and I shall do so regardless of fear or favor, and without the most distant idea of the party being be— trayed; P. ts : STU M. BA.UGIL C'harneers 6u rg,. Oct. 29 t 866. Nevem:am-2 PRIVATE, SALE!, . , IHE subscriber ofFre at Private' , Sale - the follow-- ing Real Estate, situated in Tomstown i eon dating of one acre of ground, with a two-story WEATHER-BOARDED` HOUSE, which hqs been occupied as a Tavern, good Barn, Walsh House, Hog Pen, and other necessary out buildings thereon. Alcoa one and• is half acre lot, adjoining lands of Jacob Ifitter and others.' A lap 5 acres of land adjoining lands of Win. Penes, and others Also &Mores of Mountain land,, adjoinigg lands of Alex Hamilton and others. For terms, &c. apply to the undersigned. Nov. 2—Bt. ALEX. KNEPPER. NEW FIRM! MUM MIN G! subscribere would inform the public that they have associated themselves together in the Carriage making butiness, an I that the bneiness hereafter wil Ibe continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of ADAMS & Hawicsn. They will have constantly on hand BUG GIES of every description ; new and second handed Vehicles of all kind's. ®"Repairing done at short notice, They, employ none but good mechanics and use the beat material. Persons wanting anything in our line will do well to give us a call bens purchasing elsewhere. JACOB ADAMS, GEORGE B. HA, WKER. Church Simi nearly .7t s i'e the M E Chunk Jan 2e - tt VA 14 UABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers at Private Sale Ws value blepn,perty, situated 2} miles East of Way nesbersi , Pa., eon; kin ing 21 acres, with good wolf or power. The improvements are a fine tbrae-story BRICK HOUSE, good Bank Barn, and other nonunion out-buildings, also a Grist Mill with one pair of bars and one pair choppers, good Saw Mill, all is good repair. There is an abundance of choice fruit on. the • promises.— it is one of the most desirable properties of the kind in the county. Focfurther particulars apply to or address:the:andnisigltell- Aug. 31-3 in • JOHN' L, METCALF.' STATES ONION HOTEL Leb. Valley Pcyl i va lg ots R. it. Depots, HARRISBURG PA. - W. R. , KREPS, , P*Opiretor, - Successor to L.l3'.:'Kurtz. Noy 9, 1966.... ' B.AKINU Mulassefi, alatx:soniejiue Syrups at _ Pitiqk itro c p ISUATE I) IJEA , Tor i l ia at the ai'. 7 .'jt:f'" •-' Rotzea t4noisgelf....
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers