Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, May 11, 1866, Image 3
DOGS MEMCINES,! TTAVING purchased the Dreg Store of Dr. J. A. Royer, formerly kept by himself, would call the attention of the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity to his large, and well selected stoclLof DUGS, MEDIUM, &E. comprising everything forma in the Drug trade.-- My stock consists in pad of Drugs, Paints, OHS, Varnishes, " Dye Stuffs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Fancy ArOolea, :Brushes, Glass,Putty. White Lead, Zinck, Linseed Oil, . • Fish Oil, and Paregon Oil, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS CffbngTHAS•i Snaberger Scotch and Ilappee Snuffs. Hyiana, Principe and Common Cigars, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal pur poses, Cosmetics and every de scription of Toilet Articles. lising'my utmost exertion to secure the Beet and Purest articles of Drugs and Medicines, I can as sure the public that they will find here only.such as_can_be relied_on. lasing • AND • Selling at small Profits I offer my goods at one price and that the very dourest. Aar Physicians' Pleecriptions compounded with We. March 24, 1966 Newest, Best, Cheapest CLOTHING likk Me = 1r 4, 1 -40- 1 ir -41 GEORGE BENDER Kr- Has , recently opene3 up an entire new stock of ° Mr IP JUL X 111111 deir AND SUMMER BLTITLIAE, All of which has boon obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JARRETT, 13al timore. Every article sold is WARRANTED to be of the best custom 'make, and the material just what it is represented to be. A tull assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS always on hand, such as Under Clothing, Cloves. Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &c. All we ask is, that you give us one trial, and you will always buy, for remember we do not keep badly made clothing and the goods are all of the latebt stile. _ • GEO. BENDER, May 4—ly] Waynesboro'. PUBLIC SALE. WILL be sold at Public Hale, in Waynesboro, on MONDAY THE 28T11 DAY OF MAY, 1866, that valuable property lying and being in Washington township, Franklin Co, Pa., .pleas antly situated on the south Mountain, on the turn pike, 6 miles from Wayue.boro', containing about 78 acres of. land, more or less, a portion of which is cleared, known as the BUENA VISTA COLD SPRINGS, now occupied by. Mrs. A. C. Funk. This is the most desirable location for an inland watering place in this whole region of country, being a high, heal thy, cool mind shady retreat, with a commanding view of the surrounding scenery. The atmosphere is peculiarly bracing—with Battling Pool of the ciddest water found anywhere on the Mountain, together with a valuable MINERAL SPRING, within p ' , pada of the house, well calculated to Platers health end vigor to the invalid. The int procomottio un th► pore consist of a large FILM TAVERN HOUSE, rissoliffut OtioiilK, limmther la convenienily toots lawn It maw Mill sOieli 100 **Wm MO yittil• of Eho how", ilit) la. Kai #frimninif tion MIA twit tut af-i fah14.41 Pit NN Mani INE NI NINNY of ill I NO** ANN thilli“hil_hilli-Nhple4l4- 7 114Vililhi - • -1 eNII. , A ei&o,lmaiet folo tit r _ glosi, siii pookowi el, it* /tree elf Jima tarmaso elrloYokligm 'At • ivbett thr memo will ba mado ktomaio by J 0141; Plt 1)4)111/1,4M, Haul gob* Apent, 141 d, MuNu, Abof, Aas....a.a^sterroorermamticr , tit4k - lt* wt. it Honing joot Al 4 ft • #l4moitkoto. limo y.... 44 tikl44. fiLt *tip tiwoo tomt 11. tit 14, Improved Th,rashing Machine ! Farmers will pleaSe look at the great advantage in Thrashing Grain with GEISERS' PATENT Snif-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND BAGGER. With the latest Improved Triple-Geared Horse Power, dfilleireith-e-f-ty-Geaf-,67-Bett: This Machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and threshing, being permanently fixed on two wheels. One man can easily move or shift it about, so that it is-not half trouble in a barn floor as a common thrasher and shaker. It is also easily put in operation. It is simple, easily managed, 'eliable, durable, compact and cleanly to work by when in operation, not making near the dust as the common machine or other Separators. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is no humbug, and judging from the high recommenda• Lion of farmers that are using them, I must come• to,the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mers want and will have as soon as they have an' opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, for w hichli hope they will give me an opportunity, as I am willing to be responsible if it does not perform as represented in this Circular. No. 1 is a eight•horse power, with cast iron thresher frame and wrought iron and wood cylinder, six teen inches in diameter and thirty three inches long. Trunk has ten inch rake crank and seven rakes, is thirty-five incheit wide, and delivers the straw on the second rake, these carry the straw out on their tops, and deliver it on - the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily managed to carry the chaff with the straw, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw 'and chaff, remedies all difficulties in cleaning grain against winay weather. It bags the grain by reasonable management, suf ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to forty bush els per hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable circumstance, it will thresh from forty to fifty bushels per liour, and with more ease and agreeableness to hands than any other machine now in common use. The No. 2 Machine, fully represented in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the farmei's use; k intended to apply to - any common lever or railway power; weighs 1,300 pounds; has an iron thresher frame, and cylinder, 123 inches in diameter at.d 38 inches long; delivers the clean grain in bags, or if desired, in aha it bushel. It delivers the straw fifteen feet from the feeder, or if desired, can deliver the straw and chaff togethei; will thresh and clean, in good grain, ready for market, from 100 to 175 bushels of wheat; or from 300 to 5(.0 bushels of oats per day, using ti ur or six horses, and the same number of hands; but to force the work, under most favorable circumstances, good• grain, dec., will thresh and clean considerably more. The Machine will threah and clean all kinds of grain generally threshed with the common machine, and requires no more horse 1 ewer, but in many cases does not run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power • Shop Prices of Machines range from 8210, to 8525. 1i"1 warrant the machines to Le as above represented; also against any reasonable defects of material workmanshi y &c. or Having now taken a room to keep Repair Castings on hand, I have also selected and am prepared to furnish a variety of other agricultural implements, the latest and best improved, and such as are best adapted to the wants of the farmers of this part of the country : as the Hagers town-(Miller's)-Clover-StemmerTHulter—orfirele-aner, which is proving by s its own merits to be one of the best machines of the kind now in use. The latest improved BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOW ER combined, with Dropper, and the Mower alone. The American Hay Fork and Knife combined; Hay Rakes, Fodder. Cutters, Cider Mills, &c. &c. &E., which I will furnish on short notice and warrant them to answer the purposes for which they are intended. Ur Orders solicited and promptly attended to. For further particulars, circulars, &c. address DANIEL lIWEISEII, Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Peon'a. May 4,1866. J Waynesboro' AND MACHINE GEISER'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND BAG GER, AND THE LATEST IMPROVED THRESHER AND TRIPPLE-GEAREO HORSE POWERS, DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR OR BELT, ALI. FURNISHED COMPLETE, READY TO PUT ON WAGONS. I, the undersigned, desire to call the attention of Farmers and Threshermen of Franklin and adjoin ing counties to this machine. It has been before the public for a number of years, during which time i hos given general satisfaction, and the patentee has made some very important improvements which rent der it still more complete, both for clean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in recommending it to the public knowing that it will give the best antis• faction. lam manufacturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight-horse power and will thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushels per clay. The sm all size. See the above which fully represents the machine, also full description, price, &c., of machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders in reasonable time to insure their being tilled. aaaaaafaa aca.TA,iar-aa I am manufbcturing different sizes of Sugarcane Mills (to be driven either by water, steam or horse power) and Evaporators and fixtures for making Syrup; also Portable and Stationary Steam Engines for driving Mills, Threshing Machines, Sawing Woou, &c. I am fully prepared to make the above to order and on short notice; also GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER-WHEELS. IRON KETTLES &c, Stoves and Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam orwater, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I em prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner. I am also prepared to manufacture to order machinery for wood, such as Tonging and 'Gra ing ma chines for flooring, Surface. Tenons and Mo.ilding machines. dr.c. I also offer to the public a new and valuable improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: forlite economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My bands are all experi enced workmen in this line of business, and I use all god material, so that I am perfectly safe in war ranting all my work. lam also prepared to do repairing in worknian like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must se accompanied with the cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of machine, address Or DANIEL. Onsza, Proprietor of Territory. anti so .etlS THE HARVESTER OF SM. lairs COMBED REAM &EER, WE call the attrution of farmers to this justly celebrated Harvester. As a combined Ma chine, we can safely say is has no equal. It is a perfect Wailer as a Reaper, and Mower as a Mow- The "Russel" is a double wheeled machine with folding cutter bar. The Reaper is so .constructed that by removing a single bolt the platform, reel. Ace—, swings to the rear, thus_making—itas conveni ent to pass through a gnte or over a bridge as a wa. von. It also has thetDropper attachment, which for several reasons is much• preferred to a self-rike. The "Russel" claims to be superior in the following essential...poi:its, viz: Lightness of draft,. in the regulation.of. the _speed of the reel, application of power, durability and general finish. These Machines are manufactured al Masstion, Ohio, by superior workmen. Those wishing a good Machine, and all ,lovers of complete mechanism, are invited to give it al examination and judge for themselves. • We hope to have it on extukition in Waynesboro' in a few days. C. V. WILSON, Agent, llreeneastle, Pa. Mny 47t0 U. S. Ta,x.,llTo-iice. HE onhi r aribur_notifteitlie—Taxpnyers-of—,. , Thaler], Antrim and Quincy townships,thst he figs Commenced making the Annual Assessment of lokome Tax for 180, also for Buggies, - Witches kg. tot, 1868, and Licenses. • Persons are requested Mt him their idstements in readiness when called _UI/00. He can he seen in Raturdny of each,week . , St the grocery stone of'Mi,ssrs. Hostetter. Reid & Hob A. D. GORDON, Ass% Assessor, Bth Div, .16th Dis. 441 41 AND MANUFACTURERS OF SYRUP I Poundry SHOP, GEORGE FRICK; icitor of orders, Waynesboro,' Franklin Co. Pa Fashionable Millinery GOODS! MISS M- C. RESSER OUp inform her lady friends of Vk'nynes ", horo and vicinity that she has just returned from Philadelphia with a ccmp!ete assortment of fashionable Millinery Unods, embracing among o ther articles, BONN ETS AND BONNET TRIM MINGS of every description. Ladies are invitud to call and examine her new styles. Residence nn Mechanic Street, first hnuss.north east of th'e "Washington Inn?! [Ap 27—ti Pro t,honotar y. K• da S t l e l.ei r lEN:loolnl'oAtaYryl.o6ußbiewritlltoliteheadeccoisnidoin of the Union Convention. , tap. 27 Prothonotary. "EIN'.;OTTRAGED by numerous friends, I offer jUjmyself as a candidate fur the uffici of Prothon tory of -Franklin County, subject to the decision of the Union County Convention; 1310 A. HYSrING. tilcrcerHhurg, April 27 tc. • NOTICE. 41 LL persons knowing themselves in lebtell to - The ulArrsiagned for kle(lioino :nilanoe i -will-please-psy-M,.Bonobrake within y Airtys„who will rsceipt for the some. op 27- 41] Sweetpotatoa Plants: ripHE sultscribor would Wham th.tao wanting Sweetpotatoe Plants that lie is now pr.'p•na I to furnish the finest variety, known as the '•Jersey Yellow," at reasonable rates ~ M. C ATItIL'IL iLLER 3 S LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER 4YOrn returned from the Easter.i cities jiwith a large and choice assortment of Dry Goods, Queensware, Cc darware, Hardware and • Groceries, • . , which I am prepared to offei - With nmeh greater in ducements than heretofore, prices 'being mttch re duced. RADOEV MIMS. Silks, all wool' Detainee, Printed Dela hies, A Ipaceete Challies, Ginghams, if oop Skirts, Collars. (mag ic) Ruffling, Hosiery, Cloaking Cloth, Repp Mo hair, ...P_opline GENT'S GOODS : Fancy and Plain Caasimerea, Black Cloth, Italian Cloth, Tricot Clothe, Vestings, Shirt Fronts col lars, Neck Ties, Cuffs, Blo'y Linen, Linen Check, Union Shirts. DOMESTIC GOODS: Furniture Checks, Bed Ticking . , fine Bleached Ta• tile Diaper, Blenched .and Unbleached Cbtton Ta ble Diaper, fine Linen Towling, Napkins, Ameri can 'Fowling, Bleached and Unbleached Muslino, Umbrellas, Carpetting—all wool, Ingrain and Rag; Oil Cloth, stair and floor. QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE. CEDAR WARE ARDW ARE ,iT übs, Churns, Buckcts,lCnives and Forks, Table and Tea Spoons—curry combs, horse cards and brushes. GROCERIES. Syrups, Molasses, Sugare, Rio Coffee, Tobaccos, Cigars, Teas, Spiccs, Concentrated Lye, Ex't of Logwood, Corn Starch, Ex. of Coffee, habitues Soap, Fancy Soaps, Kerosene Oil and Tanner 111. The above stock embraces-all the latest styles of goods, which have been purchased with grent care and with a view to suit in quality and t•tyle the tastes of all. All me - nsk is a call and examination of_our_prescnt large stack to -convince those' -wish '• . •tirelrase-tltai-we--two-enablet-fo-s• • • as any house elsewhere By strict attention to businees and a, desire to please in all respects I hope to receive a ,'eontinua -.- tiTfin e pu iis patronage April 20, 1866. FAIOLIIONABLE RENORT Ars M'S, CJ11.43,a3a3c•eana131.3.3ra Pa Tir AS fitted up the finest Hat Store this eide the 1 - 1 Eastern Cities. and is selling at greatly roduo ed prices His stock embraces all the latest styles of Fine Black Light Felt, Wb't Planteroke Farmers who wear the Broad Brim, old style Ru sin Hat con find a superior article that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Hats for old and young men, boys and children, of curry style and quality, at prices to suit all. igr Store Room on Main street. opposite 'Ryder & Bros Dry Goods House, Chambersburg, Pa, April 20 —ly. GREAT REJOICING I Oh Bow glad the Citizens of Franklin County are to know that METCALF% & HITESIIEW, ARE selling goods at "0 1 . , D PRICER ." Calicoes at 10 cents. The same quality sold a month ago at 25 cents. Ca icoes for 124. very gond, test colors, new styles; " " 18g. the hest that is made. Muelins " 12i yd. wide, good. GC 44 15 vety heavy. " " 20 one yd wide. splendid. " 25 ets first that is made. Delnins " 18. f " good quality. " " 25 " new and beautiful Ityles, best in the market. All Wool Deloins 24 cents. Nover sold cheopei 200 yds. Spool Cotton for 5 cents onty, sny num be, or color. We keep a full assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths Straw Mot tit,g. white and checkered: Table Oil Cloths, Stair Oil Cloths; a ,beautiful asiortment of Oil Vs inflow Shades, new'styles, mitlin short every thing belonging to the Dry Goode and Notions' vu moss, all of which we aro selling at 'greatly reduc ed prices. pa—Remember this is tne place goods are selling so cheap. . _ April 6,1866, N, H. You who want the best Stewing Machine in use go,to Metcalfe & Hiteshevv and buy hiliger's improved. Or.RZ Z:11 digifititativie4olo.ld 041 T. J. FILBERT, L ‘, . • DRAPER. as eons an 1y fur sale assori Weill of; I.7"Lotest City kgshions alwiys on hand. rt Waynesboro', Pa. • 49%6 ' 4 14 A 01...1.51 4 041410 LV,V4I' J. A. ROYER. BAUULN.— We cdfei iur VAN MN tiny a caosee Int of Hoc it,iStigrr Corm! &lams, Coon ' try Sides and Cuuniry Shouldorn. May 4, 1P66. ' Commit, Item & Co. F oR caltofof -foie Soap, you moat go to h.l FOR LATEST STYLES OF J. L. DECHERT. MANS STREET', Silk, Derby, Freud' Belt, Planter, White Planter, Fre n ch CHAMBERSBURG, METCALFE & HITESHEW. BELL'S .ALTATIVE PAIZORr' , • •COnilition• Powd ers • • FOR HORSES, CATTLE AND SWINE PRICE 25 CENTS A PAPER, OR $1 AltoX THE intinense sales.of these' pOwders during the short period they have been before the a sufficient guarantee of.their, great popularity. and the decided benefits derived from their use. They are confidently recommended not•nnly as a preventive, bpt ed ri.tcomplite cure for all diseases incident• to the finite, Cots or H'og. as Distemper, Founder, Yellow Water, Heaves, Lou of Appetite, 4e. • By their use the Horse's appetite is impreyed, and derangement of the digestive organs ceerected.,_of. tening the skin, and giving to the coat "a sleek and• shining appearance, and' may be used with perfect safety at all times, as it contains no ingredients Which can injure a horse, whether sick or well. These powders also possess peculiat• properties in increasing the quantity of milk in cows, thereby giving them ar. idipostairee and value which should place them in the hands of all interested. For futtening•cattle they am invaluable. In all diseases to which the Flog is subject, its illceni in the Lubgs and Liver, etc., we guarantee—their—al ciency, if once fairly tried.. ' ' • - - o---- GREAT-EST_LumniT IN USE BELL'S WHITE OIL. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE A Powerful Oleaginus Compound for the Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, Numbness of the Limbs, Wounds, Frosted Feet and Hands - - --Spavine, Saddle Galls, Poll Evil. Ring !Smith's, Swelling of all kinds and in fact every Disease for which nn Em brocation is applicab'e. The Cleanest and Cheapest Liniment in.Use'' h is extensively used iii many parts of the coun try, and being a compound of the most valuable and efficacious remedies, the proprietor recommends it with the utmost confidence as a safe and certain remedy. _ bold in Waynerblro' by F. Foorritsurrt, and by Druggirits and Storekeepers generally. Prepared by W. D. Bell, Apothecary, (Graduate of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy ) Hagerstown, April 20— ly FOR SALE. THE subscriber Offers at Private Sale the follow ing described Real Estate, situated 2 miles Southeast of Waynesboro', on the road lending from Antietam Junction to Ringgold, to wit: A Tract of first quality Limestone land, containing THIRTY-NINE ACRES and 28 Perches, adjoining lands of Rev. D. F. Good David Stotler, and other lands of the subscriber.—'— The improvements are a T WO-STORY LOG HOUSE IMiM Wagon Shed. Corn Crib and Granaries attached, Stone Blacksmith Shop and all other neeessary wttl 0t: good water near the door, and-a fine young orchard of choice fruit trees on the premises. There is also on the above premises a one and a half stury LI3ID3LIQIU3 LT—CCI)UrcLEI with Basement, a Log Stabie, Smoke House and other necessary out buildings, add a fine young or chard, embracing a variety of the choicest fruit trees a well of water and cistern near the t'oor. The above ie a desirable property and well calcu lated for a pechnnic. Persons wishing to view the property can call on the subscriber living, near it. March 30—tf.] Allllll , l. HA 11R. N. 13. lithe above property is not sold privately on or before the Ist day of August nest, it will then he offered at pi' lic sale. A. B. - FIRST NATIONAL BANK Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Pa. Capital paid in 875.000. Collections made promptly and remitted for at lowest rates of Exchange on New York. Directors :—W . S. A mberson, . A lex. , George Beam, George Jacobs. Dan? Ali. kley, John PwicO, Henry Good, James 11. CI yton, Joseph Price. Correspondents :—The Firet National i3ank of Philadelphia and 9th National Bank of New York W. S. A magmas , Prat: J NO. PHILIPP, Cash• NINTH QUARTERLY REPORT Of the condition of the First National Bank of Waynksboro', April 2d, 1866. RESOURCES Notes and Bills discounted :$6l .916 12 U. 8 Bonds to secure circula tion U. 8. Bonds and other U.S. securities on hand 39.500.00 Due from National Banks 16,711:13 " " other Banks 82 65 Cash in Legs!tender Notes 39.733.50 " " Nat. Bank Notes 4 310 00 " " State Bank Notes . 285 00 Rev. :.itamps and cash items 441 96 Expenses and 'nixes paid 1.167 f's Over Drafts 8.73 -.-$231..140.74 BILITMS. $75 000 00 . 67 055.00 78 044 90 1 99902 ,9.447.82 Capital paid in Circulation outstanding Duo to Depositors Due to other Hanks Profits and surplus •Tlie above btalement is just and trua to the best of my I,nowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIP, Ca 111. Sworn and subscribed be'ore me, Aron 2. 1866. Ap.6-6t] J. P. KLJRTZ, N. Public. NEW LIVERY! 1 IHE subscriber would infirm his friends and the public generally. that ho has opened a Lively at the VVaynesboro Hotel; where he can be seen.— Hp has a fine selection of , VESICLES AND lIIORSES to hire on the most accornm dating terms, with or ye:Bo - int drivers. Passengers conveyed to and from a I points at all hours of the day or night. A liber al share of public favor is ipilicited. In his absence V. B: When will se t as hi s nen % May 4-6 tn . JOHN RICHA RDriOr` . NEW TOWN ! NEW STORE 1 . NEW FIRM! NEW GOObS ri VERY two weeks at HOMER 11- SHOCK. 11 1 4EY'S, Pikesville We flatter ourselves that we can tell es cheap as any store in the county and pny as high cash prices for all kinds o: country pro duce, viz: Runge. 36 Dam A POLES 10 LI Ws 13 Etran ED Ili lIIICRItI NB - 25 1,4413 I:ALI.OLY 1 1 ? MACK Blilintya 15 ,10 Remittals,' 20 4 Fluorite 1 KAMM - 11.1 B CALPEIKI 11 rirAll we ask is for the public to give us a trial. Our stock consists of all kinds of goods. Mar 16—If.] • ROUZFat & KHOCICtIY. INE Nu. 1 freali - Mnckeral nt -4 .- Palos & Humour rpliE BEST "lIQOP glilitTa" and the Urged j• n.snrt silent in the Suite, at nug 4] titivorm's. ar, a new ;an Beautiful and durable teeth inseried mounted on gold, silver, vulcanite or amber bipe. Particular attention given to the•preservalion of • the natural teeth 011ive (until futher notice) the ibst twii uer6e o each month at the Photographic (litlviy of Mr. J. B. lianiilton. in Muni:Arno', the N I lapfce of .thj time. at Brown's Hotel, in rayellvile, Satisraction guarantied in all ofo•ro :ions. 75.000 00 April 13 --$232.146.74 NEW SPRING •141 0 EMEENI7D3II GEORGE STOVER HAS RETURNED FROM Pfl [LA D 1 L. FRIA WITH A SUPPLY OF illy got. -4;s NOTIONS T 4MMIVii: - GROCERIES, Pie. To which he - invites the attention of of his patrons and the public generally. • March 30, 18.66. Teeth Extracted without Pain I, DR. T. 11 FRENCH, 30 153.1.4 r "MX OM', XTR ACTS Teeth without pain _non Wednesday and Friday of je each week, or on any other day of the week if thirty minutes notice is given. Through the influence of Nitrous Oxide Gas the most a greeable sensation is produced during the operation Those who have had teeth extracted through tbe influence of the Gas declare they till not have a tooth extracted in any other manner. In Eff sTrt),,\ LEL r HE subscriber would inform his patrons end. I the public generally that, he hos recently large ly increased his Livery stork, and i now ' prepared to accommodate those wishing to hire with either - DOES ADD VELE at tire shortest notice, all 1 - hours. Persons desiring Horses or Rug gles, for riding or driving, would do well to give him n call, as his stock has been selected with great care as,regards genCencsa and fast tray., cling. His vehicles srr c-w, fashionable, and ride cas:, , , having been bought with a view to accommodate the public. I Parties conveyed to say point desired, ac companied by a carefu' driver. Per ona wishing llon•es or Buggies, night or clay, will please apply at his father's.tgaddle and Harness Shop, Main Stseet, 2 doors west of the "Bawden House," where an attentive Ostler will always be in attendance. April 27—tf BM. FRANTZ, M. D.. 1- N. RNIVELY, AI. D. DFRAN'I'Z & SNIVELY having associa ted themselves in the prnctiei of Medicine and' Surgery would st.te Ow they are wull prepared to treat all medical and sinrcical cases. Persons in. debted to either of the above will please make early settlement to the time of their association, as they wish to close their old beaks. Office in. Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly occupied as store room by Mr. 1. Beaver._ April 14,--tf BARBERING I BARBERING ! • MIIE subscriber would inform hie easterners and I the public generally that he purposes contin uing the Barbering businese, nest door to the New Grocery, having purchased the interest of C. C. Hhoyual in the Shop and, is nowprapared to do heir •cutting, sllaving, shamponning. etc., in the best style. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. ,W Vi. A PRICE. March. 9, 1866. .14.1 . riIHE subscribers notify pergons 110 to' t v.:spat:4 upon ilittir priquisrg I),lig. hattAlM.: hula itig, as tliuy,iiitcaid W enfb,oe , -tho law Itg•iiirst hlk perionis whp w.ih this noticu i.t 111.3 ,future:. - : AURA. STOUFFER. April 20 . D. R. nAlt lot of 'Country - tia...tio. Sr, • H othrLicaz •