J; W. MILLER'S LATEST ARRIVAL Or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. -....-.0-----... AWING returned from the Eastern cities .ULwith a large and choice assortment of Dry Goods, Queensware, Ce ' darware, HardwAre and Groceries, which I am prepared to offer with much greater in ducements than heretofore, prices being much re duced. LADIES' (GADS. Silks, all wool Delaines, Printed Delaines, A Ipaccas Chatlies Ginghams , Hoop Skirts, Collars. (mag ic) Ruffling, Hosiery, Cloaking Cloth, Repp mo• heir, Poplins, Armure Delaines, Linen Hdk'fs. GENT'S. GOODS: Fancy and Plain Cassimeres, Black Cloth, Italian Cloth. Tricot Cloths, Vestings, Shirt Fronts col lars, Neck Ties, Culls, Blay Linen, Linen Check, Union Shirts. DOMESTIC GOODS: Furniture Checks, Bed Ticking, eine Bleached Ta• b'e Diaper, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Ta ble Diaper, fine Linen 'Fowling, Napkins, Ameri can 'Fowling, Bleached and, Unbleached'llluslins, Umbrellas, Carietting— all wool, Ingrain and Rag; Oil Cloth, stair and Boor. UEENSWARE „ übt7Chtiri s, - 13-ueketsilCraves-an Forks, Table and Tea Spoons—curry combs horse cards and brushes. GROCERIES. Syrups, Molasses, Sugare, Rio Coffee, Tobaccos, Cigars, Teas, spices, Concentrated Lye, Ex't of Logwood, Corn Starch, Ex. of Coffee, Babbet's Soap, Fancy Soaps, Kerosene Oit and Tanner The above stock embraces all the latest styles of goods, which have bean purchased with great care and with a view to suit in quality and style the tastes of all. All we ask is a call and examination of t•ur present large stock to convince those wish ing to purchase that we are enabled to sell as cheap as any house elsewhere • By strict attention to business and a desire to, please in all respects 1 hop to receive a continua tion of public patronage. J. W. M. April 20. 1866. FASUIONABLE ItESOBT FOR LATEST STYLES OF HOS [IND CAP& 3. L. DECRERT, MAIN STREET, Claa,mxi:beixambriXiNg - 3Pet lIAS fitted up the finest Hat Store this*side the Eastern Cities and is felling at greatly reJuc ed prices His stock embraces all the West styles of Flue Silk, Derby, Fren.eb Felt, Black Planter, Light French . 6 Felt, Whit Planter ,&e • Farmers who wear the Broad Brim, old style Ru• sia Hat can find a superior article that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Hats for old and young men, boys and children, of cv.ry style and quality, at prices to suit all. MP" Store Room on Main street. opposite Eyster• & Bros. Dry Goods House, Chambersburg. Ps. April 20 —1 y. GREAT REJOICING 1 Oh ! Row glad the Citizens of Franklin County arc to know that METCALFE at; MITESHEW, CHAMBERSBURG. A'RE selling goods at "OLD PRICES;' Calicoes at 10 cents. The same quality sold a month ago et 25 cents. Ca moss for 12k, very good, that colors, new styles; " 18i, the best that is made. Mullins " 12k j yd. wide, good. 15 " very heavy. " 20 one yd wide, splendid. " " 25 eta , heat that is made. Delsine " 18 " good quality. • 25 ." new and beautiful styles, best in the market. All Wool Detains 27i cents. Never sold chenper. 200 yds. Spool Cotton for 5 cents only, any num ber or rotor. . We keep a full assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths Straw Mat hite and checkered; Table Oil Cloths, Stair Oil Cloths; a beautiful assortment of Oil V% Wow shades, new styles, and in short every • thing belonging to the Dry Goods and Notions' nu einem, all of which we areselling at greatly reduc-• led prices. frE'Rernembe F this is the place goods are selling so chenp. METCALFE & HITESHE W. April 6,1866. N. B. You who want the best Sewing Machine in use gO to Metcalfe & Hiteshew and buy Singer's improved. Last N.otice. 1 1 1L7 OTIOE is hereby given that it the accounts 11 standing open in the Books of Israel liner, ore statsett:val before she first of May next ensuing, suit will be.teought without respect to psrsolis. HENRY „. 1.1.k.E1t. ap Molassesalso some fine Syrup at blOitk Palos & ADIEg Cori;iis and Elitiliepipriiiigkirtiit Paica & HosrLzen's C O !itiET bpritigs at RE, CEDAR- LA SW White Planter, Pa= ee Hoentess'.3 Z: rAL" a s:3IIP • APRIL 13TH 1866. A. B. 6. CO. NEW SPRING. GOODS!! BERSON, BBNEDICT & CO. Are now receiving their ELS_T_A_S DRY GI- C:1 0 1:1 SI . A full stock of Ladies' Dress Goods. DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESs HINTON% DRESS CORD, DELA INES, TISSUES, Collars, Catubrics, Mullins, Gloves, Hosiery, Shakers, Swiss Edge and Inserting. All kinds of lahrs CO 'TON ADES, CASSIMERES, BOOTS AND SHOES, GLOVES. COLLARS AND HOSIERY, CLOTHS, VESTINGS, TWEEDS, CORD, JEANS, DENIMS. Also a full stock of GROCERIES! SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUPS, TEAS. FISH, CHEESE, and all kinds of Groceries ETC. QUEENSWA RE, QUEENS WA RE, HARDWARE. HARDWARE, Q UEENS WARE, HARD WARE; NOTIONS. AO TWA'S, CARPETS: CHECK MATTING,' PLAIN MATTING, • YEN ITIAN, INGRA IN, STAIR, II 141 P, . RAG. We reerwctrillly request our customers and all n. there, wishing to buy or ;ook at a god assortment. to call and examine our stock ; knowing th goods .are lower now than they have been for some year*, and believing they will not be lower for some time to come, we feel assured we can give snisfaetion. •AMBER6OIII, BENEDICT & CO. April 13, 1866 QUILTS, Counterpanes, &e., at • - Patax & Hnanten's 111 PE N you we smoke o fine &gar, go to WTINTZI4 A D... basso' (mune of Queengware PRICE & Hot/lames, BELL'S ALTERATIVE OR Condition Powders FOR HORSES, CATTLE AN D SWINE. PRICE 25 CENTS A PAPER, OR $1 A BOX. THE immensialndes of these powders during the short period 'they have been before the public,is s.sufficient guarantee of their , greet popularity, and the decided benefits derifed tient their use. They are confidently recommended not only a l l it, preventive, but as a complete cure for all diseases, incident to the fforse, Caw or ting, as • - Distemper, Fountki; l'illow Wafer, Heaves, Loss of Appetite, 4.e. By their use the Horse's, appetite is improved, and derangement of the digestive. organs corrected, sof. timing the skin, and giving to the coat a sleek and shining-appearance,-and may be used with perfect safety at all times, as it contoine no ingredients which can injure a horse, whether sick or well. These powders also possess peculiar properties in increasing the quantity of milk in cows, thereby giving, them an importance and value which should place them in the hands of all interested. For fattening cattle they are invaluable. In all diseases to which the Hog is subject. as Ulcers in the Lungs and Liver, etc. ' we guarantee their -dB: once fairly-tried. IiULMI A Powerful Oleaginus Compound for she Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, Numbness of the Limbs, Wounds, Frosted Feet and Hands epavins, Saddle Galls, Poll Evil, Ring ltruives, Swelling of all kinds and in fact every Disease The Cleanest and• Cheapest Liniment in: use. h is extensively used in many parts of the coun try, and being a compound of the most valuable and efficacious remedies, the proprietor recommends it with the utmost confidence as a safe and certain remedy. soki in Ih'aynesboro' by F. FOURTIDEAN and by Druggists and Storekeept rs generally. Prepared by W. D. Bell, Apothecary, (Graduate of Philadelpbia College of Pharmacy.) ;own, RTMENT - Ni OTICE-TO-TARP-A-VERS TIC axpayers o ran 7in — el ••• -=‘• give notice, that I will meet them at the follow ing places for the purpose of receiving the State, County and Military Taxes for the year 1866,, viz : QUINCY—At Mount Alto, on Monday the:3oth of April, at the house of Ephraim Shank; P t Quin. cy, on Tuesday, tho Ist day of May, at the he se of H. M. Jones. WASHINGTON—At Waynesboro', on Wed- nesday and Thursday, the 2J and 3d of May, at the house of V. B. Gilbert. ANTRIM—At Greencastle, on Friday and Sat urday, the 4th and bth days of May, at the house of John H. Adams. MONTGOMERY-At Welsh Run, on Monday, the 7th day of May, at the House of Jacob Elliot'; at Mercersburg, on Tuesday the Bth day of May, at the House of Thomas M'Afee. rfr We have learned since collecting the County Taxes that the State Personal will also have to be collected. Those who have paid the County Tax will still owe the State Personal, which was ordered to be collected since, if any State Personal appears on their notice. rirklusiness Men willbleasi be prepared to e lift their licensee. home currency will he received for Taxes. r°" There will be 5 per cent. deducted from County, and State Personal Taxes the 25th day of April, by order of the County Commissioners. JOHN HASSLER, Treasurer. GEORGIC 1. BALELEY, A gent. Ap. 13. 151 Midr. -A. XA LI M il Atl6 Xt. 11.1 FOR SALE. TLIE subscriber offers at Private Sale the follow ing described Real Estate, situated 2 miles Southeast of Waynesboro', on the road leading from Antietam Junction to Ringgold, to wit: A Tract of first quality Limestone land, containing and 28 Perches, adjoining lands of Rev. D. F. Good, David Stoner, and other lands of the subscriber.— The improvements are a TWO-STORY LOG HOUSE with Basement and Cellar, a new Bank B]rn, with Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and Granaries attached, Stone Blacksmith a Shop and all other necessary out. buildings. There is alsci a never-failing well of good water near the door, and a fine young orchard of choice frultrees on the premises. There is also on the above premises a one and a half story aIijaLECQIUS.L.T.-CZD'UIt . IMI with Basement, a Log Stable, Smoke House and other necessary out buildings, and a fine young or chord, embractng a variety of the choicest fruit trees , —a well of water end cistern near tho.c'eor. The above is a desirable property and well celcu• lated for a mechanic. Persons wishing to view the property can call on the subscriber living near it. Marcn 30—tf.] ABitbi. BARI?. N. B. If the above property is not cold privately on or bef , re the Igt day of August next, it will then he offered • at put•tic Bate. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Waynesboro', Fran kiln Co. Pa. Capital paid in 875.000. Collections made promptly and remitted for at lowest rates of Exchange on New York. Directors :—W .13. A mberson, A lei ,Hamilton, George Resort), George Jacobs. Daniel Mi kley, John Price, Henry Good, Jaines H. Clay ton, Joseph Price. Correspondents :—The First National Bank of Philadelphia and 9th National Bank of New York. W. B. ANBERBoN, Pres't. JNO. PHILIPP, Cash. Of the condition of the• First National Bank of Waynesboro', April 2d, 1866 RESOURCES, Notes end Bills discounted .$5: .916.12 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion U. S. Bonds and other U. IS. securities on hand 29 500;00 Due from National Banks 16.711.13 " " other Banks 82 65 Cash in Legoltender Notes 39.743.50 " " Nat. Bank Notes 4 310 00 State• Bank Notes 285 00 Rev. Stamps and cash items • 441 96 Expenses and Taxes paid 1. 167 66 .Over Drafts . LIABILITIE S. Capita! paid in ,$75 000.00 Circulation outstanding 67 055.00 Dor to Depositors • 78 644.90 Dun to other Banks . 1 999 02 Profits and surplus 9.447..02 --$232.146.74 The above statement hi just and true to the belt of my i.nordedge rind belief. - JOHN PHILIPS, Cry& 'Swum and sulvcribeil be'ore me. April 2..1868. Ap. 6-61] J. F. KURTZ, N. Public. _ _ F OR a coke of fine Soap, you must goto S Z KURT' FINE Nu. lfreeta Mocker nt Palos & GREATEST LINIMENT IN USE BELL'S WHITE OIL. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. for w•lc • an m brocati on is applicatie. THIRTY-NINE ACRES NINTH QUARTERLY REPORT 75.000.00 REDUCED PRICES! NEW SPRING AND GOODS! NAYE just received from the Eastern Cities one of the finest assortments of (Moods ever offered for sale in Waynesboro', which they are prepared to sed at greatly reduced rates, having purchased their stock at a time when the markets were at the lowest rates during the recent decline in prices. LADIES' GOODS : Among ths naveltien-in-the-Ladi Goods department may be found Poll de Chcvree, Repped MOhnire, • • Linen Lawn . Poppline, mitie-Delain GENTLEMEN'S GOODS: In the Gents line of goods we have an extensive assortment of Tricot Cloihw ir eltseirooreo Denims, Linen Duck, Prints and Brown Mutt!ins from 14} cents upward, together with a host of other goods at correspond- illl claim mg ow prices. .nogEmEsa A good article of Brown Sugar at 121 1 cts per lb Rio Coffee,Choose, wr4. ; An Wool, Stair, , Rag, Hemp, Ingrain; Baskets, Figured, and Plain The subscribers kindly ask the community to call and see their handsome stock of goods now open and will vouch that persons will be convinced that "prices have fallen," and greatly too, and to con vince yourselves of the riots just drop in and make an inspection of goods and prices April 6 t 1806. Teeth Extracted without Pain ! DR. T. D. FRENCH, 3::•3imr.rxisw, EXTRACTS Teeth without pain Wednesday and Friday of ti All. ania• each week, or on any other day of the week if thirty tninines notice is given. Through the influence of Nitrnus Oxide Gas the Most a greeable sensation is produced during the operation Those who have had teeth extracted through the influence of the Gas declare they will not have a troth extracted in any other manner. Beautiful and durable teeth inserted mounted on gold. si:ver, vulcanite or ember Ewe. Particular. attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth Office (until futher notice) the first two weeks o each month at the Photographic Gallery of 'Mr. J. B. Hamilton. in Wayneebno% the balance of the time at Brown's Hotel, in Fayettville. Satisfaction guarantied in all operations. April 13 • NOME is hereby given that Letters of Admin. istration (with the Will annexed) on the E state of P Ream', late of Waynesboro', (lec'll, have been granted to the undersigned. A leo Let ters Testrunentory on • the Estate of E, Rescorl, late of said Borough, tlec'd. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Eftates will please make immediate payment. and those having claim. will present them properly an thenttented for settlement within thirty days. np 13-3t] STATES UNION HOTEL OPPOBITU 7H Leb. Valley & Pennsylvania L 11. Depots, HARRISBURG PA. • • • -NOW. L. B 'KURTZ, Proprietor, Successor to .1. W. Taylor. Aril 20, 1806. Srill MER Percales, , Popplinett, Angora, amghams, ChaHies. Delaines Alpacca All wool Deloins, All colors, Silks Va!encies, Coatings, Spices, Cedarware, ke Shoes, Bagging. Umbrellas Oil Blinds Damasks. PRICE & HOEFLICH NOTICE. C. F. THOMAS. NEW, SPRING SIENNEINADVI GEORGE STOVER Mohnirs lIAS__RETURNED _FROM_PHILADEL;_ PHIA WITH A SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,IVERNSWIIII Tweeds. GROCERIES, .11611" To which he invites the attention of of his patrons and the public generally. March 30, 1866. FARMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! EVERYBODY HIS OWN BROOM-MAKER ! ! Brougher, Hammer 4. Middleion's Excelsior „Broom Head or Wrapper, Patented December 26, 1865. HE article to which we call your attention is very simple, light and strong, weighing hut sev en ounces. The farming community have long needed an article of this character, and the high price of brooms together with the simplicity, dura bility and practical utility of this invention, ma kes, it More useful than any other article of the kin 3 cv er introduced. Matting r:F* The undersigned are the only authorized a gents for the manufacture and sale of this article in the townships of Washington and Quincr.— To be had at tho store of G. F. LIDY, in Way nesboro'. LIDY & DICKEL. • Mar 30—tf, I3ENJ. FRANTZ, 11. D DRS. FRANTZ & SNIVELY having associa ted themselves in the practice of Medicine and surgery would stote that they are well prepared to treat all medical and surgical cases. Persons in debted to either of the above will please make early settlement to the time of their association, as they wish to close their old books. Office in Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly occupied as store room by Mr. J. Beaver. A pril 14--tf BARBERING I BARBERING 1 Ir HE subscriber would inform his customers., nd I the public generally that he purposes contin uing the Barbering business, next door to the New Grocery, having purchased the interest of C. C !therml in the Shop and is now prepared to do hair cutting, shaving, shampoening. etc., in the beet style. The patronage oh the public is respectfully solicited. WM. A PRICE. March 2, 1866. NEW SPRING alllarilaraveiaQua4 C"fniIRER9E R a nn o nee to mlJies efVayneshoro and vicinity th at she has just received from Philadelphia her first supply of new Spring 111ILLINk.:RY GOODS consisting of BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES. FLOWERS and Trimmings of every description, and all other articles usually kept by Milliners. Ladies are in vited to call and examine her new stock, April Vi—tf. FRESH LIME. THE subscriber informs the punlic that he will have constantly an hand during the summer season a superior article of wood-burnt Lime for Whitewashing a d other purposes. which he will dispose of in quantities to suit purchasers at rea• sonable rates. FRANKLIN' WEAGLEY. ap 13-3 t teteerevi.zgreezzlotriloretitX2l29 T. J. FILBERT, DRAPER. 1 • , -Has constantly for sale a full assortment of GOODS for Gentkmen's ware. arLatest City Fashions always on hand. Waynesboro', Pa. A " VuIaiI.I4IMIALWINNNIXSIIVVVVVI V. L , 11A ICEIO3, Jut received at 1.7 Placa 6: HOFFLICI6I. AND I. N. RNIVELT, N. D 1111 JCS - 7 . $ MEDICINES P. 7OURTHIITAN • • AVING purchased the Drug Store sthr. .1: • A: Rover, formerly kept by himself, would cell ft 1 attention of the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity to hie large and well selected stock of DREGS, MIDICINHS, U. • comprising everything found in the Drug trade.— My stock consists in part of Drugs, • 'Paints. Varnishes, • Dye Stuffs, Chemicalti, Perfumery, Fanny Soaps, Fancy. Articles, Brushes, as Putty, White Lead, Carbon and Paregon Oil, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Snaberger Scotch and Rappee Scuffs. Havana, Principe and Common Cigars, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal pur poses, Cosmetics and every de scription of Toilet Articles. Using my utmost exertion to secure the'Best and Purest articles of Drug's and Medicines, I can as suce-thc-public-thrit-tticy-will—fimd-licre—only_sach as can be relied on. Purchasin Selling at small Profits ! I offer my goods atone price and that the very lowest. _ Eir Phyeicians' Prescriptions compounded with care. March 24, 1866. THE subscriber willsell at Private Selo twenty acres of hind. more or less, adjoining Mr. Jos. (server, Mr. Jos. 'Rohrer, and others, on the road lending from Smithburg, Washington County Md” to Wayneshorn',Tranklin County, Pa., one and a half miles from the former and five from the latter place. This is a very desirable' property, The im provements aro A ONE-STORY BRICK HOUSE with six Rooms and Kitchen,' Cellar, Stone Spring House, Smoke and Bake House, with one of the most desirable springs in the county within sixty feet of the kitchen door, a Wood House. king Pen, and Corn Crib. There is also ono of the most corn dicta Barn and Stabling on this property all in good order. FR UlT.—Such as Apples, Pears, Peaches and Grapes The land is divided into five enclo,tiers. There is on this properay n light water power, which could be applied with very little expense to run small ma chinery, say five or six horse Power. Any person wishing a *cornforta' , lo residence near Churches, StorCs, Mills, &c., will please call on the subscriber on - the premiiee. Address Stnithlmrg, Washington County, Md. JOS. P. MONO. March 2—tf. NEW LEATHER AND FINDING STORE ! EWES S, FORNEY & SONS, would inform I Athe.ptiblic that they , have this clay associated themselves in the bubinesa of Timing and Currying', besides have also connected with 'the above bnsiness a Leather and Finding store, at the house of L. S. Vorney, where they will keep constantly on hand an assortment, as fellows : Sole Leather, Rough Skirting, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, Calf Skins, Frent,Calf do., Sheep do., French and Mens -Morocco, Lining Skins, all kinds, Lasts, every style and size, Threads, Boot Webing, Laces, Galloons, Size Sticks, Measure Straps, Deer Bones, Burnishes, Heel Shaves, Last Hoops, Peg Floats, Double Cutters, Welt Kni7es, Nails and Tacks, Wax, Clamps, Crimp Boards, Bubbers, ,Bristles, Lasting Irons, Files, Ink Powders, Sand Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, Pegs, KaiireP l Pinchers, Hammers, various kinds;Masys ' end Files, Auls and' Handles, Collis Iron', Long and Shoulder Sticks, Eyeletts and Eyelett Punches, Strip Auls, And all other articles usu illy kept in anal stoma. _ Highest cash price paid for "tides and Skins.— Mao .500 cords bark wanted. • “.f. Mar. 18— ly.] • NEW TOWN! NEW STORE ! NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS EVERY two weeks at RO OZER SHOCK. EY S, Piket. ville W flatter, ourselves that we can 'ell as chenp as nny stare in the county and pay as high cash prices for all kinds of country pro• duce, viz: Donut 41 MusD A PPLItS 10 EGGS 1,Ai411 TALLOW RAOII SOAP 'All we csli is for the public to &BUHR trial. Our stock consists tit. all kinds of goods. Mar. 16-.—tf] ROUZEit & 8110OKET. • UGAK: l 4.—Fine assortment of tobacco and sati Ogani; good ivgars bold at $2 00 per hundred.. " 1101TF.*TEll, REID & CO. grIASFI pith! for Butter an. Egge. Huoresoza, Raw& Co. W RITE and grey bbi l nk s t e.at PItIOL ek lialruenes. Zinek, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, for Cash .! FORNEY & SONS. NISPAKD CHKRRIES . 25 BLACK Eh:URIC:3 15 RAmPLIPIRItIg4 20 PRACu+d PRALRD 16 CALF SKINS 11