Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, April 27, 1866, Image 2

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Welds Aptil 2t, 1866.
IFThe &noising we out }Wes rot aub t sciiption -
Advertising and job iroric, to which We' Will strictly
adhere whilst the present wistir Prices" tontinto I
Pet Annairti, if paid within the Teat,
/I II " after the year,
tier Square of ten lines, three timed, • $1.50
" ", each subsequent insertiott, 35
administrator's and Exteutot's titdites, 4*, 2.50
a libersl deduction mode to yettiy advertisets.
Quarter-Sheet Hand-Hills, (25 td gp) 452.00
half • . "It II I. 3.50
Whole " it II II ago
12' 'For all job Work ktka h*ol advertising terms
invariably cubic , W. BI,AIR,
Editor and Proprietor.
tif all subscribers largely in.arrears for sub
teription to the Record will be erased from
bur packet book after the 15th of May, and
if payment Is not made in a reasonable time
thereafter, they will be inserted conspicuous
iy in our columns for Ole space of several
iveeksai If a man, who has been receiving
the paper for five, six or seven years, is too
poor to pay, he should be honest enough to
say so and relieve us of further taxation.—
Our menses for paper, ete...eompared with
earlier times, aro gnomons, and cash at
Krlt is announced that the present ses
need by June.
1 - 6 - q;tess
Vr The Legislature of this state before ad
journing appropriated 00,000 to the Antic..
tam National Cennetry Aaaociatione
Cr law rased the Ohio tegislatura at
its late session, prohibiting the•sale of liquor
on election .days and Sunday.
Ilai - Gen. William H. Koontz is announced
he a candidate for renomination in this
Congressional District.
"Another great fire has taken place in
the Oil ilegions. A fire broke out at Ti
ttisitille on the 18th instant, 'which comp
toed hotel?, tnanufacteties, stores and dwell
logs, to the value of $BOO,OOO.
1111rThe'tat on erwle petroleum, it would
seem, has crippled the production of oil to a
very great extent., and if not soon removed,
it is argued, will cause the yield to cease al
together eventually in the Venaugo oil m
tar The wretch Probst, Charged With the
tnurder of the Deering family, when taken
before the Court, said he did not desire coon•
eel, nor , to make a defence. After counsel
had been assigned biui he said he would ae•
eept theft The bills of indictment, eight
in number, were read to him, and he stood
twit°. His trial was to have commenced on
W edn esday.
COLORED TESTIMONY.•- , The first case of
colored witness being introduced into the
State Court of Maryland, occurred at An•
bitpolislast Week. The counsel introducing
the testithohy 'claimed the right to do so un
der the civil rights bill, .No wonder the
semi-rebel prints in this State and elsewhere
vince so much agitation about the passage
of the bill by Congress over the President's
Veto. •
etlirThe Commissioner of Agriculture
officially contradiots, ih a note to Congress.
the braking out of the tattle disease in this
rottutty. He alleges that the reports of the
presence of the disease in the United States
arose froth bases of fatal attacks of other
diseaSee, and reports an average healthful
ness of the live stook of the country. ,
At a soldiers' donVentiob retetitly held
in liffindville, Crawford botinty, the following
resolution was adopted without debate: .
Resolved, Tbat as L mark of respect for
the memory of the dead, and; the outraged
feeling of the living; Ore unite in petitioning
the Goverment to bring Jeff. Davis to a
speedy triul as a traitor and a murderer.
ISHMAEL DAB.—Ooligrems on the tOth
inst., voted to • Ishmeal Day of Baltimore
county, an annual pension of 8421,80 for
life as a compensation for his titoptrty des
troyed by the rebel taiders under °Whore,
in 1854. It will be recollected flit Mr.
,Day shot down the rebel that tore down his
flag, when tho rebels retaliated by burning
his buildings
121/"The eight bolo advnates, in the
ties . of the northeast and northwest of the
Btato, are bolding large meetings, at which
resolution Ste adopted pledging the mechan
ic and laborer to vote fot no man as a candi
date for the Assembly who is not in favor of
a reduction of the tin* of labor bo es to Make
a legal clay's work consist , of bight hotits.=
'•The indications are that the 'same issue will
.be forced on every candidate for Assembly
in nearly all tho districts of the State.
' The is but one regular• litonsed hotel
in Johnstown.. ReMonstrances tvore pre
fiebted to court against all other houses in
the place, and licenses were refused them. .
: -sifir The•Corner-Stonh of the Monument
-to Stei hen A. Douglas is to be la some
time in May . or.June, and Willient . 11. Sew
ard is to deliver the oration on the•
tar President Johnson's idea of modif)log
theltest oatly i embodiedAy, him in a sugges
tion made to the noose of Rapresentatites,
and referred to the Judiciary Committee,
has met wilh a decided rebuff. The report
of the committee s which has been pub
lished, says that the act prescribing the
bath Was passed in' thy midst of w-gigantie
war waged for the destruction of the Govern
tuents and it was for the purpose of seenting
loyal dud true men for the departments of
the Government. The 'oath 'was a necessity.
Treason must not be made respectable by of
fice, and places should be bestowed upon the
loyal only. Plenty of such wen can be
found to take the oath and fill all the places
under the Government in the South. They
also quote Mr. Johnson's speeches as a Sen
ator to prove the correctness of their posi
tion. If the oath was modified so as to ens.
ble an ex rebel to take it, no others could be
appointed to office.
,Secretary. Seward has sent to the
House of Representatives an abstract of the
diplomatic correspondence between France
and the United States in relation to the evac
uation of Mexico by the French troops,—
Napoleon agrees to withdraw all his troops.
The last detachment is to leave Mexico in
November, 1867. After the recall q the
troops, our Government will- adhere strictly
to its rule of non-intervention. Mr. Seward
has sent stringent instructions to Mr. Motley,
our minister at Vienna, in reference to the
project of sending Austrian troops to the aid
of Maximilian, and a strong protest against
such action will be made. •
Stir-The-late-tiot at-Norfolk,ia_,_atteuti ,
ing the-celebration-of_the_passage_of_the_cit,_
il-rights bill, was suppressed by the aid of
the military, under command of Major Stan.
hope. In the performance of this duty—a
somewhat perilous one, owing to the very
small number of troops at command—he
was insulted and menaced by the mob of
white citizens, who threatened to kill him,
and ono shot was fired at him. At this
juncture he made a public declaration that
"if he and his men were further menaced be
should be forced, in self defence, to arm the
Macke to assist him' in carrying out his or
'The Cincinnatti Gatette says that pure
"essence of coffee" is now made in that city
out o f the •'cheapest, dirtiest molasses,"
which is boiled until it ropes, cooled in pans,
and when hard, broken up and pulverized.-- .
Ground rye is then mixed • with it, after
which it is boxed np, each box being sold at
eighty cents, and labelled "pure essence of
Tn 'BROKEN HAillol.—Tbompson ' s Bank
Note Reporter, says :—The number of bro
ken banks in Pennsylvania is four—Oil City,
Venango, Crawford Co., and Petroleum.—
The notes of all other State Banks are taken
on deposit at the Banks.
THE REBEL Gorl.—lt trill be remember
ed that after the surrender of General Lee
the military in Georgia captured 8100.000
in gold, which was claimed by the Farmers',
the Exchange, and the Bank of Virginia, at
Richmond. Recent investigations of the
fact, however, show that a few weeks before
the evacuation of Richmond `the Legislature
of Virginia passed a law authorising said
banks to loan the Confederate government,
upon the faith of the State, 8300,000 in
gold, to purchase supplies for Lee's filmy,—
This sum was placed by the respective-banks
to the credit of the rebel government, and
before the surrender of Lee, 600,000 was
paid, leaving .$240,00 belonging to the reb•
el government with these banks at the time
of the evacuation. The Government, there
fore, claims not only the 6100.000 captured
in Georgia, but also the $140,000 additional
in' the custody of the banks. This is the
present condition of the question. The notes
of these banks have been bought up with : the
expectation that the Government would re
linquish its title to the , 8240,000 of gold.
bill granting gratuities and annuities to sol
diers of the war of 1812, and their widows,
has passed•the Senate and House, and no
doubt has the signature of the Governor it
provides foe• the payment of a gratuity of $4O,
and, thereafter of a yearly pension of $4O, to
all soldiers who served at least two months
in the war of 1812, or were disabled in the
service, or to the widosks of the same. Ap
plication to be made to the Auditlr General,
by affidavit of the applicant to the fact of
service or disability verified by two witnesses;
and in the *as* of Widows, by the affidavit of
the' widotv as to the tithe of service of her
husband, and the fact of her lawful mar
Was before the Legislature, at its late session,
Making 7 per cent. the legal rate of interest
in Pens,ilvania. This bill was at first de
feated in the House by a small majority, but
afterwards the, vote was reconsidered, and
the bill passed. The measure however fail
ed in the Senate, as did also a proposition al•
lowing Banks to charge 7 per cent. interest
on discounts. The legal rate of interest,
therefore remains at 6 per cent. as it always
bay been.
A told ecitipahy has no* piled, near Hones
dale, 850,000 tons of toal=said to be the
largest body of Coal eVer Collected in ono
heap, on the face of the eatth. It would re
rfnito a train rivet tWO bttndred 'and sixty
miles in , length to letnotre the stoat 700,-
000 carts would be needed, reaching in one
continuous line More than 2,000 miles.—
This large deposit will give-soave idea of the
magnitude of the coal interests of our State,
Easton Journal.
A giil, not fourteen years of age dies
termot4y in
N. from an
oterdoae of - arsenic,' which she had been
taking in large quantities tot a series• of
weeks in order to improve her comptesion.
and citizens of_the county generally , will be
gratified to learn that the Legislature before
ita adjournment repealed that: odious local
act requiring all legal advertisements to bo
published in tha..two Chambersburg . papers.
gaecutors, Administrators, Assignees, &0.,
are now free to advertise where their inter
ests call them.
INCOME TA3,l=—Seti notice of A. I). Gor
don, Assistant Assessor iq_anot4er column.
COLD—Wednesday night was cold, the
gtonnd freezing slightly, but no frost to in
jure the fruit.
FLOtittisitutel.—We understand the Quin
cy High School, in charge of Prof. Swinney
is in a flourishing condition.
Fortourrnt —Some folks forget that our
terms for bill printing, sale advertising, eta.
ate CASH.
Tx TOWN.—The man with a "hard cheek,"
was in town the other day. Ho owes us for
several years subscription.
Dimas —F. Fourthman has just received
a large stock of fresh drugs, medicines,. no
tion,, Sze., &o.
NEW 'GOODS —Messrs E. & J. Elden
have returned from Philadelphia and will
this week receive their new goods. Adver
tisement next' week.
MILLINERY GOODS.—The attention of the
ladies is directed to . the advertisement 61
'Miss M. C. Resser in another column.
LIVERY, -it Will be seen by reference to
our advertising columns that Mr. F. Wea
gley has largely increased his livery stock,
and is now prepared to furnish comfortable
conveysnces and fine traveling horses to those
'wishing to hire.
PLANTS.—Persons in want'of sweetpota-
Vie plants (choice variety) are referred to
the notice of M. C. Deatrich in to-day's pa
THE CIRCUB.—Dan Itice's Circus and
Menagerie exhibited here on Friday after
noon and evening last to a crowded canvass.
The performance was creditable, the Ele
phant, as usual, proving the centre of attrac
FLOUR AND Ftwri —G. F. Lidy requests
us to announce that be has connected with
the Grocery business the sale of flour and
mill stuffs. Advertisement next week.
HARDWARE, ETC.—Messrp, Geiser & Rine
hart are just receiving a full stock of hard
ware, and other articles in their line of busi
ness, including self-sealing fruit cans, a new
and superior article..
VirDr. T. D. French requests us to say
that he will be in this place during the whole
of next month, instead of the first two weeks
as has been his custom heretofore.
ScAucL—Butter is now a rarity most
families of our town at 45 cents per pound.
This is doubtleas owing, in a measure, to an
overplus of "butter monkeys." •
ANNOUNCEMENTS —K. Shannon Taylor
and John A. Hysong announce • themselves
in to•day's paper as candidates For the office
of Prothonotary, subject to the decision of
the Union County Convention.
KILL THEM.—The, caterpillars have made
their appearance upon the fruit trees, and in
many instances have already stripped the tee
der branches of their leaves. Persons hav
ing trees in their lots should get after them
with a "pole" instanter.
liars —lt will be seen by reference to
our "special notice" heading ) that Upde
grafi, of Hagerstown, has now on hand a full
stock of the latest spring styles of hats, caps,
&a: Billy always keeps the best articles and
hells at small profits.
THE "WASHINGTOS Isni."—This long
established Hotel property, for many years
iu the occupancy of H. M. Sibbet, Esq., since
the first instant passed into the hands of Mr.
John Mullen, an experienced and most obli
ging landlord. Mr. M. has leased the prop
STORM.—A thunder storm of unusual se
verity passed over this region on Monday
last accompanied with hail. We understand
the barn of Mr. Levi Sanders near town was
unroofed, trees blown down, and fences pros
trated generally iu that section.
PROPESSIONAL.—Dr. John A: .Royer of
this place, is about to locate himself in Pat
toosville, Bedford county. The Doctor is a
fine physician, 'and a young man of the most
social and gentlemanly deportment. fie will
no doubt soon acquire an ekteneive practice
in that section of Bedford county.
CEMENT.—Messrs Geiser & Rinehart have
for sale a superior article of Cemeht. They
can also supply those in want of the article,
with chestnut rails of good quality.
r.•.... -.
Z Rev. Mr. Titus, of Springfield, Ohio,
has rceived t tall from the Lutharan cungre•
gation at Hagerstown; Md.
Mir Major ]. M. Mobley; lite of the 7th
Marylaud reginisit, has been appointed
eilloetor Of taxes for Washington county.
larA Lodge of Geed Tempters has been
organised ie Hagerstown.
Mitt&outovit. ESCAPS.—We have just
learned tbUrattieulars of 'an accident *WA
occurred to .a little sou of Mr. Jacob Loh-
Man, about five years old, near this place, on
Thitraday last, whose wscape with his life
seems really miraculous. , Me was preciptta
te.i into a well' seventy: live feet deep. flit)
sister was fortunately present at the time and
gave the alariti. - The father and others" wets
soon on the spot, and with bedeords, attach
ed to his body he decended by the well rope
and found the lad on the surface of the wa
crying.. : lie remarked "oh Pap, I fell into
this ugly hole, take ,me nut quick." Re
placed him in the bucket and thus he was
rescued uninjured, with the exception- or a
couple of slight scratches about the face.—
The strangest part is that thlt water in the
Well was over five feet in depth, and at least
ten minutes elapsed from the time be fell
into the well until his father reached the wa
ter. This statement may seem incredible but
it is nevertheless true in every particular.
SOMETHING NEW.—The model of a Pat.
ent Bee Hive (Bradt's) was exhibited to us
a few days 'since, which we regard as an ad
mirable arrangement, muoh superior to any
of the kind now in use. It is so ar
ranged that all worms, dead bees and foul
matter which collect in the hive, summer or
winter, are disposed of; at the same time the
Bees are protected from millers and other
troublesome insects which usually infest the
hive. An examination of the hive is suffi
cient to recommend it to favor among all
owners of Bees.
J. S. Funk of this vicinity has purchased
the light to manufacture and sell this im.
proved-Bee-Hive - in - this - township - and — An•
trim, which-lre - has - already - succeeded - in - in - -
teaducing among many of our farmers.
man named Wesley McCleary, from the Lit
tls Cove, in this county, was arrested at Dan
Rice's Circus, at Greencastle, on Monday
last, for passing counterfeit notes on the Na
.tional Bank of Indianapolis, on a number of
merchants at that place. He was brought
here by the Excursion train from Hagers
town and lodged in jail on Monday night.—
It seems that be ie connected with some oth
er counterfeiters, of whom Sam Seyler, re
leased from the penitentiary about a year
since, where he had been incarcerated for
the same offence, is the chief. Seyler was
also arrested by Constable harper, near,Up•
ton, on the evening of the same day. Hay
ing already a taste of the sweets of Cherry
Hill, ho resisted the officer wbo made the ar
rest, by whom he was shot through the bo
dy, receiving a very severe, though it is
thought not fatal wound. He was placed in
the jail at this place on Tuesday.—Rep.
NEw BUSINESS.— Elm R. L. Rose of
Geneva New York, Dr. Frederick Dorsey,
and George R. Bowman, have purchased the
Mill Property of Wm. Brosius & Co., near
Funkstown, and design converting the same
in a Manufactory of Straw Boards and Wrap.
ping Paper,
The above gentlemen have already enter
ed into a contract with`Mr. Frick of Waynes
boro', Franklin County,. Pa , for the making
and setting up all the necessary Machinery,
and putting the same in motion, by the Ist
of August next.—llag. Herald.
ting to restaurant licenses in this county,
having been so changed that all persons de
ailing to be licensed will be compelled to ap
ply to the court of Quarter Sessions, after
advertising in the same manner• as Hotel
keepers, are now required to give notice, ex
cept that the license may be granted at any
time when the court is in session. There
will. be a special session of the Quarter Ses
sions on the 5,h of June next, and - all per
sons desiring license should apply to the
Clerk of the Court immediately, that ,the re
quired notice of four weeks may be given.—
®'Rev.. M. Jacobs, Professor of Mathe
matics in Pennsylvania College, at Gettys
burg, has resigned that position on account
of ill health. He is to be:succeeded 'Sy Rev.
Mr. Crull, at present a Professor in a West
ern University. Rev. Mr. Stork enters the
Faculty at Gettysburg as profeisor of Fin
glislt Literature.
The Sentinel states that Rev. Mr. Jacobs
has, since bis resignation, been elected by
the Board of Trustees, Professer Emeritus,
at a salary of $l,OOO for life.
A newspaper correspondent, who has
travelled over several hundred miles in
Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, re
poits that, excepting, perhaps, one field in
twenty-five, the wheat is in fine condition.
Mrs. Latetia S. Lister,_wife of Thomas S.
Lister, of Philadelphia, died a short time
siuce from the effects of chloroform adminis.
tered by a dentist to have teeth extracted.
Mr. Theodore, Tilton avers in the Inde
pendent that three hundred babies io Indiana
nave been named alter "the Hon. Sohn,ler,
Colfax by their admiring parents.
Peonsyrvacia has now one hundred and
fifty Dino banks doing business under a Na
tional Banking Law. - •
The Governor of New York is about to is
sue a proclamation declaring New York city
in pent from impending pestilence:
The Secretary Of the Treasury, it is repor
ted, has under consideration the subject of
issuing another five per cent. loan.
United States Five-Twenty securities are
rising above par in Europe.
Kelm, an industrious and highly respected
citizen of Addison township, &Merset coun
ty, committed ttuicidn alfew days igo ; by
shooting hiMself through the heart 'with a
gun. He took 'his,gun from the house, tol!-
hag Ifs wife that he was going over to.' an
other fargrthat he hid to ose bow
the:boil were *dog on With plowing.. Af
ter visiting the boys, he told them he was
going lb 'shoot crows. - There was not • the
least,suspieion that ho meditated self-.des
traction. and his movements were not watch.
ed. He went to the barn, got into the hay
loft, and after drawing the rammer from the
gun be bad plaCed the divitzle over the heart,
and pulled the trigger with the rammer. The
'deceased was social in his habits, was indus•
trious, accumulated money rapidly, and seem
ed to enjoy life. Why a man in his circum
stances should take his own life is one of
those things which lie beyond human ken.—
ass. Tel.
The other day a young lady entered the
Indianapolis depot at Ciucinnatti, just before
the departure of a train, and laid down a
bundle rather carelessly and stepped out a
gain. Not coming back, the woman having
charge of the room went to take care of the
bundle, and found it moving. Opening it
she found a child, about silt months old,
wrapped up in a shawl, .and, being recently
married she took the child home to adopt as
the first in her family.
A SMART GIRL.—Tha Aupsta (Georgia)
papers announce the advent to that city of
Miss Ann Eliza Leak, who was born in that
State. without arms. She is represented as
exceedingly attractive in her personal ap
pearance, and as exhibiting the most wonder
ful dexterity in the use of her feet. She
writes with her toes much better than most
people do with their hands, besides knitting,
sewing, embroidering, crocheting, and doing
all kinis of needle• work with astonishing ease
and rapidity.
— The - largest - steer - in — lnd iantr- - -thelargest
world, is now in Shelby county, a nd, is own
ed by George W. Spurrier He is six years
old, whighs 4,000 pounds,
and was purcha
sed on the 26th ult.,' by Mr. Spurrier, for
$1,500 He is undoubtedly the the finest
annual in America.
An unknown woman, too poor to pay the
fare across the regular bridge at Troy, last
week, attempted to pass on the long ruilroad
bridge, and becomiug,dizzy fell into
the water and was drowned. No one knew
her name or.history, but it is supposed that
she.was the mother . of a little boy who was
found crying in the street for his mother, on
the same evening.
Mr. A. W. Lewis, of Bothbay, Me.,
upon opening his stare last Monday morn
ing, was surprised to find a hole in the floor
of the size of the stove, and the stove lying
quiet and cool in the cellar. It had burnt
directly through, and the flames then went
out of their owri accord.
The Scientific Amerithn informs the
ladies that it they would have corn beet'
juicy after it is cold, and not as dry as a
chip, they should put it into boiling water
when they put it on to cook, and• they
should not take it out of the pot when done
until it has become cold.
Thk Release of Clement C. Clay was en•
tirely on the order the President, the Sec
retary of War refusing to put his signature
to the document setting the open traitor and
suspected assassin of 11Ir. Lincoln at liberty.
There is something very significant in these
The French Minister on Saturday-bad an
interview with the Secretary of State, and
announced that the Emperor intended .to
withdraw his troops from Mexico in three
The coal miners at Cumberland, Did., are
on a strike on account of a reduction of wa
Ttie Montreal Gazette reports the death
of Ole Bull, the celebrated violinist, at Que
bee, on the 10th inst.
A recent law of the State of Georgia makes
burglary and horse-stealing a capital offenoe,
and punishment by hanging.
A man in Michigan, the other day, sold
his wife for seven dollars and five pounds
of maple sugar, taking a note for the money.
The President has signed the Naval Ap•
propriation bill.
UPDEGRAFF'S Practical Hat, Fur an 4 Glove .
Manufacturers, opposite Washington House, have
now ready the Spring Styles of HAI'S, CAPS,
STRAW GOODS, &c., for 'Misses, Gentlemen,
Youths and Children, at Wholesale and Retail,
April 27 18613.
- 7102r11ATS . , HATS, 11ATS, fur Spring of
STRAW HATS, of all descriptions for Ladies.
Gentlemen, YOuths and Children's wear at
Practical Hat, Fur and Glove Manufactory.
Opposite the Washington House.
April 27, 1866.
Ladies' unfinished Lid Glover,
LADIES' .Mtl' IS, &c.
LADIES' GLOVES and HATS of all descrip•
ion on hawl and made to order at
UPDEGRAFF'S (Love Manufactory,
Oppoait. the Washiugton Huse.
Hagerstown,. April 27,1656
1 _ .ELT1....4163E1L.
Oa the 12th lost, at the Methodist Par-
Sonho, by Rev. C.. F. Thomas, Mr; AL
BERT ROOK, t o Miss SARAH. 3111)-
DOUR, both-of-Quincy-township.
1 1,7, ',LI'S! r-i/V:'" 4 * : 7) 4cfl
28.—The Cattle market this week is lees ac
tive, and prices have fallen off fully lc lb.
About 1,600 head sold at 16®17c for extra
and choice, 14.®150 for fair to good, and
11®13o lb tor common, as to quality.
sheep are unchanged; 6,000 head arrived
and sold at from' 6(&6#0 for clipped, and
7®So ib, gross; for wool sheep.
Cows are rather lower; 200 head sold at
$50075 for springers; and 1160®20 1 bead
for much cows.
Hogs are plenty and lower; 2,400 ,bead
mold at the different yards at from $12Q18..
50 the 100 Ibs, net. "
PatrattnumniA, April 24.—There is no
new movement to notice in the Flour tam
bet; :The'enly - eiles repotted are a few hun
dred barrels, Chiefly Northwestern extra fam
ily:for the supply of the 'home consumers at
89®10,59 bbl for common sad fancy, and
small lots of supertlnOst , ,K@B; extras at t.
sB®9; fot Penna. and Ohio evil family at
81.0®Ikped fancy brands at $12®15 ac
cording to quality. Rye Fleizr is quiet, but
prices.unchanged; small sales are reportoi at
$4.75@t5 bbl. In Corn Neal no change.
to notice,
There is scarcely any Wheat here, and
prime is in good demand; but other descrip—
tions are not much wanted. -Sales. of 2,500 ,
bushels at $2 45 for fair, $2:50 for good, and
$2.60 for choice. White is held, at $2 60®.
2.90,, but there is nothing doing. Rye his
quiet, but steady at 95c for Pennsylvania,
and 80e for Sourbet,u. Supplies of Coro
come forward slowly, and yellow is hi good
demand. Sales of 2,000 bushels at 80@81o.
Oats are in active request, with sales of 3,-
000 bushels Pennsylvania and. Delaware at
600 No sales of Barley or Malt have been
Wax nesboro' Market.
Corrected Wee?ely by
WAYNESBORO', April 27, 1866.
961 &Loos (Hams) 2)
16 " Sides 16
11 " Shoulders 16
04 - klub- lb
04 Brum 1.80a200
10 D •Kso APPLES 0.11
70 • GREEN APPLES 1.60
08 Durso Prams 201
do ~ Oussams 12
PEED 0Nt0143
SHANNON TAYLOR will be a candi
&late for Prothonotary, subject to the decision
of the Union Convention.. [op. 27—to.
id hy aie nu fo m r e t r i o le usdr c i t e , n o =ff on er
E3ly - : l 4 43 elrflalisAaGcEitillicl
tary of Franklin County, subject to the decision of
the Union County Convention. •
terceraburg, April 21—tc.
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to.
ttie undersigned for Medicine or Medical at
tendance, will please pay M tkalebrake within thir-•
ty days, who will receipt for the same.
ap 27-4t] ° J. A. ROYEB.
Svveetpo tatoe Plants.
►(SHE subscriber would inform those wanting:
tiweetpotatoe Plants that he is now prep.tred to.
tarnish the Guest variety, known as the. "Jersey,
Yellow," at reasonable rates.
ap 27-4tf
Stray Sheep.
rt Eto the premises of the subscriber, in Quin.
_icy, about the 13th inst., 3 head of tflheep, a lit—
tle keel marked over the head. The owner is re-
quested to prove property, pay charges , and • take
them sway. JOHN LANTZ,
ap. 27-3 t. .
U. S. Tax Notice.
rHE subscriber notifies the Taxpayers of Wash.
ington, Antrim and Quincy townships that he
has commenced making the Annual Assessment of .
Income Tax for 1865, also for Buggies, Watches,
&c for 1866, and Licenses. Persons are requested
to have their statements. in readiness when called
upon. He can be seen on Saturday of each Week
at the grocery store of Messrs. Hostetter, Reid &
Ass% Assessor, 6th Div. 16th Dis.
April 27-4 t
ar,757.1 ars itri c -0 my:4Na
lITOIJI,D inform her lady friends of Waynes
-1 V boro' and vicinity that she has just returned
from Philadelphia with a complete assortment of
fashionable Millinery floods, embracing among o
ther articles, BONN ETS AND BONNET TRIM.
MINOS of every description. bodies are invited
to call and examine her new styles.
Residence nn Mechanic Street, first house north
east of the "Washington Inn." [Ap 27—tf
011 HE subscriber would int am his patrons and
I the public generally that he has recently large.
ly increased his Livery stock, and is now pr pared
to accommodate' those wishing to hire with either
'. 14 4 /G MIES Aill
v-4p If
,' at the shortest notice, all •
z'sgr I hours. P..rsons desiring Horses or Bug
gies, for riding or driving, would do well
to give him a call, as hie stock hes been selected
with great care as regards gentleness and fast trav
His vehicles ett, ztvw, fashionable, and ride easy,
having been bought with a view to accommodate
the public.
tar Parties conveyed to any point desired, ac
companied by . a carefu' driver.
Persons wishing H orses or Buggies, night or day,
will please apply at his father's saddle and Harness
shop, Main Stseet, 2 doors west of the, "Bowden
House," where an attentive Ostler will always be
in attendance. FRANKLIN WEAGLBY.
A .61 27—If
IS fCP ril X 0 311 .
THE subscribers notify persons not to tr esaparra
upon their premises by fishing, bathing or hunt
ing, as they intend to enforce the law against alt
persons who tall to comply with this notice in the
future. ABRId. STOUFFER.
April 20-4 w. . D. IL GARVER.
AN Election will be held in the room formerly
occupied by John Walter as a flour and feed
stole i on Monday, May the 7th, 1866 at 2 o'clock,
P. M., to elect one President. six Managers, ono
Treasurer and one Secretary for the Waynesboro'
and Maryland State Line Turnpike Road Compa
ny, to serve the ensuing year.
By °nit r of the Board
Ap 20-3 t.
NOTICE is hereby given , that Samuel Frantz,
of Washington township. has appointed the
undersigned Assigneesoinder a deed of voluntary
assignment for the benefit of cri dit ors. All persons
havi. g claims against said Stunuel'Frantz, well pre
sent them duly authentated for settlement, and
thove'inti- bted ,will make payment without delay,
to the nriderbigned.
March 9—gt.
1 'QUID Rennet, Quin Starch, Rice Flom * Ta
pioca, Saga, Pearl, Barley and Vuoper,a Gala
ntsiat . ,:. KURTZ'S;
eF. fiI!RTZ haalhe finest assortment of Per.
• furriery in wart.
A 0, Country aeon at
Paws 41; lioutxor,