Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, December 15, 1865, Image 4
NEW STORE. HOSTETTER, REID & CO.; OULD respectfully inform the citizens of Waynesboro' end vicinity, that they hive re• reeved' a new and exteneiVe tittick.of CIRRUS, • Embracing in part-- SYRUPS, SUGARS, . MOLASSES, HAMS, , . TEAS- - liyson, Imperial and Oolong, of the nept flavor. SPICES, ground and upgiound; and beAinia articles, warranted frail and pure,and of the st quality 4UEENSWARE AND GtASSWAREr • . . . _ , 7: • .. , very heavy stock , to which special attention is in pad. Fine ware in setts or by the single piece L of tfic latimit styles; Cut Glass Goblets, Tumble's, dee., kiEROSENE LAMOS , 71 every pattern, a large assortment. Shades, (new cti+lo wicks, chimneys; spring binge burners, al 7;ava On hand. Also No. 1 Kerosene Oil. NOTIONS i VARIETIES, U. fi r , hound and one fancy, useful and necessary ci (19i , s, used in every family and by everybody. Min EMS PIPES, Ccrig, Navy, Nat. Loaf,• Mich Fine Cut, and all the best chewing and sus thing tobaccos.- 7 - 31aVana Cigars, good , common Jo. banitary and Neotric Pipes, latest thing out. ALT AND FISH. v. A. Salt, Liverpool, large size Backe. Pickled Ohm], Mackerel, No. I and 3, bbl., half .bbl., quarter 4AI.;NE,n. S',A,MEET etina ihing in connection with Hostetter & Co, of Greencastle, which firm have a Market Car on the R. 1.1., we are enabled to supply our customers with the choicest luxtries of the Eastern markets in their imper season. . GP' By strict attention to business, fitinishing ;he best articles In the market, and doing all in our ewer to accommodale customers, we hdpe to re calve a share of ptiblic patronage. .IVo trouble to :;iow . gootle Terms. Poscrivomr Quit. We buy ourgoods fr cash and must sell them in the same way.— irintry dealers supplied at wholesale prices. HOSTETTER, REID & Co.. Witypetiboro', Alig.os, '65. NEW R NEW GOODS ! GEISER dr RINEHART, iicceesnrs to 11., gtonehotme . in the Hardware and Cutlery Pusineso. ,1, • , • CPTHE subscribers haying ptirebased of H. Stone houae his Hardware Store they. Would inform the old etistomers of the establishment, and others, that in addition to the large stock on hand, they are inat receiving a largo and well selected stock, con listing in part of . , . TE.ON AND STEEL, SHOE PINDINtiB" . f)ILDDLERY AND CARRII6E WARE, CEDAR WARE, OM CLOTHS, HOLLOW WARE, PAINTS, p-LASS AND VARNISHES, AG:ktCt - LTURAL I.IIIPLEAOA 4 No invite the attention of the Farmers to the RUNDELL'S PREMIUM HAY FORK, Cdr the.Saleof Which we are the sole agents. Scythes, Bakes, forks, Bhofols, Grain Cradles, &e., {,,Ail our.goods were selected with great care to invite an eimninatibn of them. ; • • May 2,6, 1865. GEIGER & RINEHART. IL - 118H, dac.—Wo will receive and otter for salo AI this day, FRESH FISH, -OYSTERS,. bitANBERRIES ; CHESTNUTS, SWEEP POTATOES; IRISH 'POT,A.TOES, bACON, PRIME COFFEE, ) - _,a lo rl_lets_efAica_things_atihs_NaVil_tore,_Whemlho stall is always fresh and full. Nov. b. • HOPTETTER, REID &-CO. OSEPH DOUG& . 5, AT-TORNFX AT-LAW, DBING licensed qs CLAIM, AGENT, REAL DESTATE AGENT and LAIVD. KARRANT BROKER will attend to applications for )?erisions, Bounty and Back Pay, and ,all claims aiabist the Bide or, National Government., As Real Lade Agent Wil l lease, sell, or purchase lands in Frank lin County, or exchange therefore Westent Latvia 7—a1941 will buy and sell Lanti WartaattTa? btni rxr,,,,,seisto—lleeda. Wills. Agreements. Leases, &c. etx t :eut•A a tarretoicao at moderete priers. et P,O-4,11', 1111 1 Ulla ' IRMA 1 MI 6S; ENE, BEY 0111111 it 1 1171811Eill to Infofrii, pea of Way., VV • nesboro e and vicialtfithit Ake bee t ieeceir ed from the East a large full" assortment of Trish Drugs, Medi 'nes; Oils, Paints, I)ye. Stutra t`ndaty Qt , Ass is prepared to sell. as cheap as they can be bad at any other hoise in the town, and which, in regard to quality,:clinnot lid eicell4d, h.e also on hand' e assortment ot . , - TOILET ARTICLES comprising fo part the following articles, viz Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau de Cologne, ,endless Variety, Eitracts for the handkerchief, Fine English Pomades; Bandolines, Bear's Oil, .. Fine and' Fitrey So*, Tooth Brishei, Nail i‘ 'CHEESE, COFFEE, . CHOCOLATE, DRIED BEEF. Corobv, &o-:• For ~ . . .. . For Culinary purposes be bas Corn Starch, Priarl Barley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Mantels, viz:: Lemon, Vanilla, Birawbery, Raspberry, Pine-4- ple, Orange, Banani, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, &c. Fresh_Spices, Black Pepper and all oth er articlesiribliline. He Mir also something to please the CHILDREN : A fine stock of Toys of, all kinds, a large supply of China ware. 013. t Me clic) tn. fie has )drake's Plantation Bitters, Hoffland's - German—do.— '' Sand's Sarsaparilla,- do. Hiteshew's Cough Syrdp,. " Diarrhoea Cordiai, Frey's Vermifuge, Vermirupes, doz. kinds. Jddron's, Spaulding's, Ayer% Brandreth's, Morse's, .. McLane's, liver; Mrs Wirtalo,w's Soothing Spirt, Dr. Parishes do. .Keroieoe Oil, Lamps and Chita, neys always on hand., . , Thankful for kind favors alreadl bestowed upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same, hoping that by trying to please he may, win the confidence of the_peo le. As_much care taken in waiting up I.d tilt , cchiP- on Eh.. Its as children. Physicians' prescOptkons promptly and .carefully compounded at all hou:s. J. F. ICURTZ. August IV, 1864. LATEST ARRIVAL DRY GOODS HA yING returned from the Eastern cities With a large and choice assortment of Dry Goods, Queensware, Ce - daritstre and Groceries, which I am prepared to offer with much greater in ducements Allan heretofore for Cash. Silks, all Wool ana printed Delaines. French Me rinoe, Alapacss,' Ginghame, Shawls, Belniorals, Hoop?kirts, Collars, Magic Ruffling, Bugle Trim. zningc, Hoosery, Cloaking Cloth, &c. GENTS GOODS Fancy and Plain Canimeres, BlackA Cloth, Italian Cloth, VestingS, Satinets, Tweeds, Jeans, Shirt Fronts, Collars, Neck Tien, Under Shirts, Drawers, Buck Gloves, Buck Gauntle ts, &c Furniture Ciieck, Bedding, Cotton Flannel, all Wool Flannel, Linsey, Table Diaper, Towling &c. QUEENSWARE, CEDARYARE AND GROCERIES 6 Syrups, Molasses, Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Ess Coffee, Sugars, Tobaccos, Babbit Soap, Tea, &c.. The aboire goods ha‘e bilen phichas'ed for the Cash and I desire the same to be sold for Cash as we 4on't keep any books. • By Stiict attention to bneineFs and a desire to please in every iespect I hope to merit a continu ance ofpatronage. SepteMber 29, 1865. INTIETI , AI • STILL continuing the manufacturing of all kii.ds of Building *aerial, ouch as ow Ai_ - *oar maw By mill and circular saws of every description.— Asking a continuation of favors. I promise still to sell on as equitable terms as (possible, considering times and prices. For further particulars apply to the subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 miles tioutheast of Waynesboro'. • April 1, 164, D. F. GOOD. IF jou want good Chewing Tobacco ' , get. it at — KURTz's Drtig Stoke. A LWAYS a full stock to select from .ltismune dt firtssustes. TT REX A— Woods Pat. Sieve—Latest thing of Uthe-Sie,tit_the_ GuocutrASTelia.— -r r, KURT! has the finest atsortinetit of Pei ," i funitery in town. SHE largeit ateortthent of LAD ES' DRESS GOODS ever opeue'd in Chambersburg, at . aug 4] htstetiars attnensw'n. THE .PLA.O to bay cheap Dry Goode, at MaT04.411 & HITZSRBieIi. IUICKAAIDI"I3 Cattle Powdes at ikob: 6', ''t4 KVRI'Z'S J.. Kt; R T Hair " FALL AND WlN'tElt 4„ W. MiLLERIm Lannso DADSu DOMESTIC GOODS: Wood Working and S3AI:7;MTINC3I - AND MILLS I SASH, Doori, Shutters, • FACING, MOULDINGS, Door-Frames, Window-Frames, ki.ooaniO, to. &o. Improved Thrashing ,Alackiite Eariners will please loiik at the greaitiid*airtagi, In Thrashing Grain with . GEISERS' PATENT UR-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND DAGGERS At a tithe !Ike the present, when labor is very scarce, it is important that thimerti who +tie inforeired g , , , the above im , rovement, which will considerably reduce the expense of threshing grain over the common Way. • This machine has been before. the pnblie for a,.number of years, but rot very widely circulated, al though ,it.has competed with all the best of the diffe-ent patented Grain Separators, and proved a decid ed adiantage, add now has the reptiation of being the best Separator ever before the , Publit. In order M to prove this in new neighborhoods Where it is not known, lem willing to forWaid a achine for a test to any portion desiring a trial, and belie its merits tested; and I Wish to have it Understood that! put the Machine upon its own Merits, and *ant farmers to judge for themselves. If it does not fully meet their wants and they do not wills to purchase, I ant perfretly Wil !to & ling dr all expenses of shipping. The machine is particularly adapted to farmers for their own use, and will apply to lever or railway power, will thresh and clean , in good grain, from 100 to 150 bushels per day, using four to six horses and the same number hinds, Mit under very favorable circumstanced will thresh more per day. It cleans the, grain thoroughly clean by one operation, which is not generally done by other Separators. Grain cleaned on this machine, with much light filthy matter, is worth one or two cents more per bush el than if cleaned in the common way. There is also a great saving of grain, in sitraw and chaff over the-common.way_oLthrashing andpleaning, arid also over other r3eparatora and Menai. The machine is conveniently tirra - S7&lfor -Iffreshing—heine-permanently—frxed-on-two wheels. One man can milli move or shift it about, so that it is not half the trouble in a barniloor as the comm be thretiher and shaker. It is also easily put in operation, being simple, easily managed, relia 614;durable;compact, and dee:illy to Work by while in oporatioki, ,not making near the dust as the com mon machine Or of ier Separators. , . Far ners can rest assured that this machine is no hunibug, and judging from the high recommendation from.fariners that are using them, I must come to the conclusion that it is the very machine that farmers Want and will have as soon as they have an opporttinfty to appreciate and - attest - its merits, which I hope they will give me an opportunity, as I ant willing to_b_e_responsible,JuLtilready stated, Price of Machine at Shop, (all complete, ready to attach to belt Lever or Railway Power,) $1,75 cash, 8180 in three months, with interest from date. • As materiai for Manufacturing advances, there may be a corresponding adiance in the price of ma chines. The machine is fully represented in the above cut. I warrant the rnachtne to do as above represented. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. • The machine is_manufactured in Pennsylvania and Maryland, at different shops. For further inforniation and description of niachine, address DANIEL GEIBEII, Proprietor, Waynesboro', Franklin County, Penna. Sep. 23—tf.i . . .. -o • . GEISER'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR„ CVEANER AND - BAG= GER, AND THE LATEST IMPROVED• THRESHER AND TRIPPLE.GEMIED HORSE POWERS, DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR OR BELT, ALL FURNISH.ED COMPLETE, READY TO PUT ON WAGONS. . I, the undersigned, desire to call the attention of Fanners an res ermen•o .re n c •i• .' ing counties to this machine. It has been before the public for a number of years, during which time it has given general satisfaction, and the patentee has made some very important improvements which ran-. der it still more compete, Both tor clean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in recommendin'g it to the public knowing that it will give the best satis- faction. lam manufacturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight horse power and will thresh and clean from 266 to 500 bushels per any.. The smell size. See the above which fully represents the machine, also full description, price, dtc.,of machine. Persons wishing mach ines should setid in their orders in reasonable time to insure their being filled. aca2iaztaal 'auataacaaraal'ucgiraat AND MANUFACTURERS OF SYRUP 1 • I am manufacturing different sizes of Sugarcane Mills (to be driven either by *Stet'', steam or horse power) and Evaporators and fixtures for maltingy3yrup; also Portable and Sistionary Steam Engines for driving Mills, Threshing Mach Mee, Sewing Woe°, &c. - I am fully prepared to make the above to order and on short notice; also GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST ,• IRON WATER-WHEELS. IRON KETTLES, dm, Stoves and Plow castings, also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam orwater, and Brasi castings of every description; in's word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a &uncle." tied machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest iinproied machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, Rersons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner tun! also prepared to manufacture to order machinery for wood, such as Tonging and Gloving ma. chines for flooring, Surface. Tenent and %pliable Machines, iSr.c. I also otter to the public a new and valuable improvement in my Steam, engines, made within,tim last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which render§ my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are ail experi enced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly safe in , war ranting all my work. - lam also prepared to dnrepairifig in ivotkihan like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must De accompanied with the cash. For particulars and circuldrs descriptive of machine, address • GEORGE Plum, licitor of orders, Waynesboro,' Franklin Co. Pa. Or DANIEL Osman, Proprietor of Territory arid so :lb—tf; Itrukta_l 4 , EAST tiILOE OF CARLISLE STREET, • GREENCASTLE, PA. TH E undetiigned respectfully. announces to I the traveling public that this Hotel has been BEMODDLED. The room are large. and Comfor table and are well furnished with good nevi, ihrni tore. Persons stopping at this Hot t 1 can have ei ther dorble or Single Rooms, with or without fire in them. ' The TABLE is alivays supplied with the best in the market, and his BARR filled with the choicest Liquors. There are also a fine lot and a pair of Hay and Stock Scales connected with the Hotel for the accommodation of Drovers and Butch 'erA. His Stable will obi/airs be *Vide(' with good wholesome Provender for Stock, and attended by careful ostlers, JOHN H. ADAMS. April 15, 1864.] CIIIIIIGt MAKIIIV. • JACOB ADAMS WOULD inform his numerous customers and the public generally that the war having ter minated he is now preparing to cairY on the Car riage-rn thing busit.ess more extensively than ever, and will have constantly on _ hand BUGGIES of every description ; new and second-handed Vehicles of all kinds.— Farßepairing done at short notice. • He Will employ none bUt geed mechanics and use .the beat Material. Persons wanting anything in his line will do well to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. JACOB ADAMS, Church &rat, neady opposite the M E. Church. Juin 9—tt. illed.tzer's &reel!, Cattle Powder. 1 1 M. STONER having purchased of Mr, ,Mertier, the recipe for making the above far-iacued Horse and Cattle Potvdeir, fur Penneylva nia and Marylii4; - tikke - Vi thiri the hunters, drovers,,&c., that he has on had and intends keeping a good supply always.on band.— Country, Merchants end others keeping such articles or-saleTwould-do-well-to-supply-theroselves-with-a uttntity. lie . will sell it on commisiion or for cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attendid to January 31. T A IOR a bOttle of extract, • "Night Blooming Ue• ju rue," extracts Hyacinth," alum." White Pond Lilly," go to - KURTZ'S. IiBE BEST "HOOP SK and amecrtmont in the State, at itig 4 3 , • Mercities & Hirssgew e, TIM WAR OP 1776, THE name "Continental" "sounds more Ileac to the American heart, thin any of the Royrt fildod even should it be a prince. So all you that want a good Cooking Stove that burns either coal or wood, call at and ask for the COntinental, which is one of the best stoves in market, and by far the cheapest. It take,a a long tick ofwood and is provided with' fire brick to burn coal. It is one of the beat baking and cooking Stoves that has ever been offered for sale. It is a fine Cooking Stove and is-easily kept clean I always have a large assortment on hand, and will give better bargains than any other house in the country. So to prove that thy name is not Gen. Bragg call arid see foi yonraelf. Also on hand Heating Stoves, such as Proprietor. AN COM, SMES, fdr,ill4 or parldr, all of which I will sell very low. -You will also find a large assoitment of culz2 with Copper, grasi and Sheet-Iron Ware, which is all of my own make, and which has been proven can not. be found better in any place. Now remember I ain bound to sell theap, so all that want anything in my line,give me a call. My shop is still at me old . placo on Main titreet, next door to Miller's done at all times and of the beet double tib. • . - - - Peeling very thankful for the many past favors I htrre-receiveti-froin-the-publie,-I-would-invite-all_to_! give me a eall; for then yoit can see fotyottrielve where to get bargains. Old Metal taken at rtitinaty Pricbil in eichange • or-new-Stoves W. A. TRITLE,_ Ittar.2B Waynesborol—. liquiD Rennet, Corn Starch, Rice Floor, Ta ,pioca, Saga, Pearl Bailey and Cooper's Gela tine at KURTZ'S; WHERE you get the worth of your money at . Mwroatant'& Hkrasnair'a, rri WIST NAT. LEAF TOBACCO—(Orinvca) Ai ILVairrtsit, Rob at CO'a Douse Spouting! YOI 111 TO Sfill Tr otr DO 40 TO METCALF & CHAMB'EI~6BtJAG, Amid Soy pin* They Goods ►is , HEY, hate an immense 'each and are sellihg at less prices than 'any other House in the Inv.. • . They sell the best yard oxide Musl;ln (heavy) at 87 cents, and lower grades prepottionallY Cheap: - • flood CaliSOixi for 25 Better " . " • 31 Best that made for . 35. . Best quality new style Dallas only 37 . . 200 PIECES • - Shirting Flannel' from - 45 up Heavy Gray Twiled Shirting Flannel s,oets. Satinetts we have froth' 37 uP Oil Cloths and Carpets.' IifbA.NIt.ETS A heavy grey Blanket weighing 5 lbs. for $5:;00 per pair; a full assortment of White Blankets.— Spool Cotton, all best 'makes, 3 spools for 25 ets.—L. Ladies Coats and ireulars, a full assortment.. In • : I r r oo_s and Notioni which will be sold at the lowest possible rates.. METC4LFEA lIITESHEW. Chariibersburg, Oct. 13, 1866: A NEW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES FOR THE . . -FILLANDAVINTER- TRADE- ! .----0---- -) dr J ELDEN.have just received a prime sfock Jrjof Boots and Shoes for the fall and winter trade, comprising a variety of Men's arni_Bo_ys_Boot Abh, LADIES AND MISSES BOOTS, . Balmorals and Gaiters; with childrens' shoes of all varieties. We have also a splendid article of Gehttl Military Gloves, Buckskin and Cottoli Glcnies, Hand kerchiefg, suspenders, neckties, cotton and woolen hose. Perfuthery of all kinds, a fresh assortment with Retrowveys celelirated Turkish Bandolinean Hair Tonic the greatest Beautifier and restorer of the age. Moreover we have received n now—.3tippl of t ..,.. Also Tobac h ill 7,77citet; and mats; fresh supply of candies, nuts and all articles usually kept in a "Variety Store." Watches, eloekti and Jewelry repaired at shoit notice. We invite all our fiends and ens tomers-and all-others in-need of anything in our line to give us a call, feeling satisAed that *a can give you as good or better bargains than can lie obtain ed at any other house for cash. October 13,1865. & J. ELDEN. k =y_s r -- THE subscriber announces to the public that he ...purposes giving his attention in the future ex. clUewely to the treatment of diseases it, horses and and cattle. From a long aiperience in the treat. mint of Lung Fever, Thislow, Ringbone, Spavin, Pole Evil, and other diseases common among hors. es, he flatters himself that he can give general sat• isfaction. Medicines, such as pills, powders, lini ments, blistering ointment, etc., can be had of him. All tails promptly attended to and charge's moderate sep I—ta A BRAMA-M SHORE. NEW LIMY STABLE ! T iv HE subscriber would inform the public that he has opened a LIVERY STABLE . ;:, • " in riyitesbord', and is now prepared ^...?:-.:. - e - -L,i' to furnish good Riding or Driving Hor see, - which he Can recommend as perfectly safe for family uriving. His VEHICLES are all new dud in gaud condition. Persons wanting hooks or vehicles will apply at the saddler shop of W. P. Weagley. FRANKLIN WEAGLEY. July 14.--tf. 1111, TFIE subscriber would inform his customers and public generally, that having, with other busi ness Men of Waynesboro', adopted the 44 (:),ALitrira, W I Z Sio r i l M3ii." he is now prepared to netl at shorter prefith than fortnerly. Persons in want of any article in his line are respectfully invited io give him a call.— His stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOObS and KITCHEN WARE are cothplete, rihd *ill be told at such prices (the times considered)* as cannot fail to give satisfaction. All kinds of '3IE" - iv - Am embraping the latest and most appriived imnierns, for eithst wood or caul, bobstahtly on hand. ' 'Special attention is given to putting up Spout ing, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, Remember the sign of the "Bin RIM Hone" August 211, 1864. FIRST CASH DUG mail IN WAYNESEIORO,' PA. M. M. STONER & Druggists mHNKFUL to his friends and customers for the very liberal en-ouragement received in his "old business" anl he hopes that the introduction of the cash system* will add to their interest and his ad vantage in continuing their favors. He believes a distinction ought to be Riede ,betvveeri cash and credit and he intends to exhibit it in the prices of his 'articles offered for sale. Call and see, and if not so, purchase where ever you can get the cheap est, the best article a tthe lowest price. His assort ment is more general thin is usually round in coun try Drug .'tores. He has quite a variety of Hooks; dtc., which he will dispose of cheap for cash, intend ing to close it, considering it no part of his business, and has adopted this motto, "live and let live, sup port and supporting. M. M. STONER. Aug. 191864., BUENA VISTA SPRINGS. ITIHE undersigned inform the public that this de lightful watering place is now open tor the re. caption of Boarders and Visitors.' The Bath Bona° is - convenient - trutin - gocial - ean - dition=DrOry - atterv. tion will be paid to the 'comfort and convenience of guests. A. C. FUNK. JAS. HOVIS. sumatzwitguaintemaramkan - --;..-, T. J. FILBERT ; I!;4' DRAPER, $., -i -gas got:dandy for sale it AU assortment o •Y GOODS for Gentienten'a ware. '') rimiest City Fashions always on hand. N Waynesboro', Pa. NA' iir..NINNIMNDOINDWINVNIVXXXIXO Pao . •• IfiER• The. Great geTedprrigiirell'itroat or 14r , • therea t Croup, eter.a4/444c . .,. Ai) fat Diarrhwa, • Dyeeateriti, Chase,: ch o ktik fforbiss; - agonv , ash., &s, riveted. Fe et . Chap -pecillafahAesikana-0-40Ekeest_ - Akins; Burtfs, Tpathaehe „ to • be alkil Inter:taffy: and ax . - na - .ter 1111• ' attention ,of the Public' is espeleltuy,cielled to' , it as Wrimedi Diptberia Role .Throaty It' • has been tried in hundreds of cases in different puts. of the country and has never failed to. CUM if twit& • in time and according to directions. A great amount of suffering nAgtAuften be saved by ha.ll a coUpti Of bottled oilitis vefithGfe tio n a sea. Try'it, and it will speak wonders foiitself. Read' , the strong testimony in its favor appended below: , As an external remedy for Croup, Bore Throat, ' Piptiterialleresh Cuts,. Old'Bores, Chipped Ilan* Borne ; fro.; nothing can equal it, always alleviating the most severe paifl hr a few minutes: Xl:towing • it to he 'perfectly harmless, and having been used with unbounded success, and in many cases when nothing else would relieve, I have directed' every al. • gent to return the money' to any phrehaser if it did not give entire satisfattion, ' feeling confident that not one bottle in' 1,000 will be returned. Parents cantibt keep a mole effecacione Medicine in the house, frr the treatment of children, When enildenly attacked with' GROUP, SORE THROATi DIPTHERIA, SCA RLETINA, dic., Which so• of• ten, like a thief at night, makes such ravages among their flocks of little ones, wheu—they—are—attacketlL_ With Cron Apia Throat, and 'their breathing ob.: structed. Then rub well the neck and chest with the Pain Killer, at the same time giving a few drop internally, and yen will never have to lament their' removal bq ihose dangerous diseases. It has proven Waif infallible in the last stages of Croup and Bore Throat, when given over to die. It jag vahnto ble remedy for Bronchitis; and all• attars : lir of the Throat. The Pain Killer has snatched many s child from an untimely grave; now realler,-purchase a bottle or tvire of tlie Paifl Killer, and it will Prove a God-send in the above diaeaSed. • ;No person having used one bottle will eves be without it in the family. It is one of the meet effi cient family ,Medidines ever offered to the public for' the removal of the nervous derangements of the Stontaeh and Boweli,l'firoat, use it will find it so. In fact, no family should ever be without a bottle in the housee Croup and Bore Throat are diseases which Very often carry off the I atient very suddenly. .It would be well in each cases to have the' Balsgin_or_P_aiti---- - Kilte - iiWityliettay, it being an infallible remedyi by giving it internally, and at the-seine tune satu— rate a flannel cloth 'well andlet it be applied to the ' th.oat and over the chest; it never failti to relieve if applied properly, having cured numbers of cases of the worst kind. AU who have used it speak in the,. highest terms of it in curing Sore Throat, &c. Dysentery is a disease of the larger and lower in. testines, and its presence is indicated by bloody ills- charges, Consisting of blood and slime. It is a dan. genius malady, and must be treated with caution. - The object being to restore the bowels, to do t hi s t h e R ett li ng_Baisere will he_fwinilLs-valuOle remedy by giving a teaspoonful every 16 or 20 min utes. • Cramps of the stomach, and especially of the bovr . 1-eht r are-viol • • : System. Sud en s ac • s o co - produce Cramps of the stomach and bowels, and for this the Healing Balsam is an infallible remedy, by taking inwardly and bathing the stomach and bow. els well With the Balsam, and" lay a piece of flannel on wet With the seine. - ism Bask- ra - nita, va Diarrhiia_fs a dangerous nestle, and in many localities it is worse than others. •It prostrates the patient very much, and often change of water or diet °greets the boivols considerable, and causes • eat ain, and ve often brings on Dysentery,' I • • . th-1: • : : .: • : ~ : •: • rnsierrowwwrrimmrrei b'aker's Balsam will effectually cure in every case. Only try it, and be corrvineed of Re inestimable val ue. PRICE 40 CENTS PER BOTTLE. FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, .Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Whoop= ing Cough, Asthma, Difficulty. of breath.. ing, Spitting, Spitting of 'Blood s First Stage of Consumption, Soreness of the Throat; and all Affeetions of • the PULMONARt ORGANS. This SYRUP - is en invaluable remedy for the al leviation and cure of PULMONARY DISEASES; It is prompt in its action, pleasant to the taste, and from Its extreme mildness, is pee:tit/art* applicablci to the use of children and persons in delicate health. As an anodyne expectorant, it will always be found to be beneficial by alleviating and arresting "the se.;) v crest spells of coughing so distressing to the patient. The indispensable qtialities of such a remedy fol popular use, must be, certainty of alteration, alp; Bence of danger from accidental overdose, and WI adaption to every patient of any age or either refit: These conditions have been realized in this prepa ration, which, while it reaches tti the foundation of diseasei, and acts With unfailing certainty, is still harmless to the delicate invalid or tender infant. It is highly recommended wherever it has been used, asd so apparent is its useftilness and s 9 rnarkable has been its cures, that it is fast super heeding every other article of a similar kind for those. diseased. The afflicted can rely iiPou its doing as much oi more, than any other remedy in soothing the nerves, facilitating expectoration, and healing the DISEAS ED LUNGS, thne striking at the root of all diseav; es and eradicating it from ,the system. A trial of it ,is all that is necessary to -convince the public of the true merits of the above prepara tion. All I ask Is a trial of this Preparation. as it halt tid equal in its effects sod never fails to give entire satisfaction to All who use it. We warrant it in all cases, or the money refunded. TRY I'r—ONLY 25 & 50 thrliTS a Botha. 'For sale by Dr. lons A: Roma. Druggist; Waynesboro', and by Country Dealers generally. Oct. 6-Bin D. B. RUSSELL. TRUST CO.i Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Philidelphia Incorporated 1850. Charter Perpetual. Author ized Capital; $500,000. Paid Up Capital, $260.006 Philadelphia,Feb.4, 1864. The Trustees have this day deared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT; on all premiums received urbn Murum, Poitcnrs during the year ending cember 31st, 1863, and in 101Ti3 at that date, the a bove amount to 'be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the Dividend of 1860 on Policies asued• during that year to be paid, as the annual premiums on said Policies arz received. OFFICERS. Secretary and Treasurer—John S. Wilson. Actuary—Jobn C Sims. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.--:-Alexander Whill din, J. Edgar Thorirson, Goorge Nugent, Hon. Jas. Pollock, Albert C. Roberts. P. B. Mingle. Samuel Work, William J. Howard, Hon.. Joseph Allison; Samuel T. Bodine, John Aik mans harles F. Hem's. lift, Isaac Hazlehuret. Wm. G. Rub, Chambersburg 'Pa., is the general Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Company fur Franklin Co. • • Jos. Dolmas, Agent for Waynesboro' and vicin.L RE FERENCES.—JoIIs Palms and Wratik H Baosuatcron. KURTZ has a nice lot of Pocket Books. July 14 PURE com.nrEß OIL kt , . • ICURTZ* : wwg. STONEBRIKER'S VEGETABLE boilGa sySursi AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND President—Alexander Whi lidin. Cali and get a pamphlet. JOS. DOUGLAS, Agent; _ ' Oat - 13, - 1865, xTENE, the great cure for Consumption. a KURTZ'S Drtig Store: . A. 11 paid for Butter ani Eggi. lionsmit. Rah> 4r. b 6;