ft , igOVEMBER 24th, 1865. SECOND SUPPLY 10 kvej GOODS!! AMBERSON, BENEDICT & COI 'We are now receiving our , SECOND SUPPLY, SECOND SUPPLY, SECOND SUPPLY, ICI rit. Clr CO 0 =I OSA GROCERIES, HARDWARE, • QUEENsWARE. NOTIONS. LADIES DRESS GOODS LADIES LADIES LADIES' , DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS, 1)12E88 GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. NIMIE IEI NW' 9 Mil WIINT'A EBB DS Cloths, Cassimeros, Sattinetts,, Cloths, Cassimeros, Sattinetts, Cloths, Cassimeros, Sattinetts. Woolen Goode, Woolen Goods, Woolen Goods, Notions, Notions, Notions. GROCERIES SUGAR, • COFFEE, SYRUPS, SUGAR. COFFEE, SYRUPS, SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUPS; FISH, TOBACCO, FISH. TOBACCO, FISH, TOBACCO. 11.11Eligiti1E, 111111111 E, IN. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, Q UEENSWARE, HARDWARE Q UEENSWARE, . HARDWARE; .N 0 TIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS. rrWe call the attention of our customers and the _public to our stock of new goods. and at the same time return our thanks to all for their liberal patronage, and we will endeavor by fair dealing with all, to merit a contibuanco of the 11311:10; . A MBEWSON, BENEDIC P & CO. November 24,'1865. l'ln 1.i411b011 and ECONOMY to insure In. the , VEST 001114111811, and there is none better than the Old Insurance Coat North America." irroc Incorpokated 1191. INSURANCE COMPANY North America, PHILADELPHIA. rilHt Abstract of the 142nd Semi. Annual State• mont, showing the condition of the Campanz on the 2nd &ay of January, 1865, 'shows the Total Assets to be $1,715,171 71. W7l Years Successful Btisiness Experience t rim,. Prompt Payment of $17,500,000,00 Losses WA Reputation for Honorable Dealing Unsurpass7 ed ! IrrAnd; Cash Assets exceeding $1,700404 Claim the References of the public for tl. , o d. eat, Insurance Company in America. DIRECTORS Arthur G. Coffin; Wm. Welch, John Mason, Sam'l W. Jones, R. D. Wood, • G. b. Harrison Jahn L. Brown, Wm. E. Bowed F. R. Cope, Chas. Taylor, Jae. N. Dial son Ed.H Trotter S. M. Wain, ELSA____;h Auk Ambrose IMMETTrirorr iW) enry. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pres't. ell AB. PLATT, t 5 ec'ry. Nov. 24—tam] Jos. Doun.ig, A g't, Waynesboro'. SPECIAL NOTICE portant to Eveybody ! J. A.. FISHER, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER has just returned from the Eastern Cities with one of the ,largest and best selected stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES an& •VESTINGS that has been broughrto Hagerstown since the out break of the late War. A leo, OVER COATING of the best 4ftialty all-of which will -be made to or der in the most Fashionable and Substantial man ner Cheap for Cash, or sold by the yard to auit_pur, chasers,--My - mottols Sales and Short Profits. Also, a good stock of • • CLOTHS FOR LADIES' CLOAKS, and in cionnettion one of the largest stocks of Wool and Cotton UNDER SHIRTS and DRAW ERS in the county; also, TIES and CRAVATS of the latest styles, fine SHIRTS, over shirts, wool and cotton I tall Hose, suspenders, Silk, Linen and Cotton' Pocket Handkerchiefs, Heavy Wool Jack ets and every thing else in the way of Furnish'ish goods. Also a stock of READY MADE CLOTH! (1. All work guaranteed to fit and be well made. I return my thanks to my Fri( nds and the Pub lic generally for their very liberal patronage extend ed to me, and hope by strict attention to business to share a continuance of the same. _ _ . J. A. FISHER. 2 doors West of the Hagerstown—Banki—Wash ington Street. Oct. 27, 1865. BOWDEN HOUSE. FRANCIS BOIVDEN, Proprietor. 4 e l HE subscriber announces to the public that he 4 has purchased and taken possession of the new Hotel, on Main Street, Waynesboro', Pa., formerly occupied by M'j. L. B. Kurtz, which has been re• furnished throughout. He has now in course of e rection the most complete out-door improvements, such as stabling, etc. His 'l'able and Bit will at all times be suppied with the best. He flatters himst It that his long experience as n hotel-keeper will enable him to give general satisfaction to all who , may be pleased to visit his house. Nov. 17 —tf. ILV - "Hcrald," Hagerstown, insert St, mark cost and send bill to this office. TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale his House 1 and Lot of Ground Fitunte on •Main Street, W nynesboro, adjoining properties of Mrs. Nancy Gilbert and Widow Trine. The dwelling is a TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING in good re pair. There is also on the lota good Frame Stable. For further information apply to the subscriber. Nov. 10—•4w] HENRY GILBERT. EAGLE HOTEL. Central Square, Hagerstown, Md. •HE above well.known and established Hotel has been re-opened and entirely renovated,, by t uneersigned, and now offers to the public every comfort. and attraction found in the bust hotels.— THE TABLE is bountifully supplied with every delicacy the market will afford, THE SALOON contains the choicest liquors, and is constantly and skilfully attended. THE [TA Bl.} is thoroughly repaired, and earcful Ostlers always ready to ac commodate customers. JOHN FISHER, Proprietnr lingerstown, June 2—tf. NEV MILLINERY GOODS ! MRS C. J. HOLLINBERGER A nnounces to the Linlies of Waynesboro' end vicinity that she has just returned from Phila delphia and is now receiving a most extensive and varied assortment of new Fnll and Winter Millinery goods, to which she would invite their particular at tention. Ladies visiting her room will find that rho is prepared to please the taste of all who nil) , favor her with their patrannge, both in styla and quality or trimmings. October 20—tf. FOR SALE. r lIE aub.criber, administrator of Henry F. Ste. ver, deed, offers at Private Bale, tho • uHUORSTER ROUTE" of the deceased, with wngons, horses, and other property connected with the business. • Nov 10 H. STO Nl.:HglUrifl. A tlm'r. Atlinlnistrator's 'toilet. NTOTICE is hereby given thnt letters of Admin. 111 istration upon the estate of Henry F. Stover, lute of Waynesboro', deed', have been granted to the subscriber residing in said Borough. All per. sons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate are xequosted to make immediate payment; those having claims will present tb' m properly authenti cated for to tt !men'. 11. STONE/101;SE, Adtier Nov. 17= 6t TifILORING! rr BE subscriber intlirms the citizens of Wnynes• bor.' and the public generally that he has open ed a shop in the room adjoining the Barber Shop next door to the now Grocery Store, wi.ere ho will carry on the Tailoring business. Garments f'r men and,boys cut out and made to order at reasonable rates. With the advantage of many years experi ence in the business ho flatters himself that he can twerni - aatisfiretio . • The latest city Fashions regularly receive?. . 1 .-ICOB REININGHE. Oct. 27—tf. __ • YRUPS, Sugars and Coffees jus received nt PRICE & HCEFLICH.B PINE APPLE 4.3IEE:SE, Lemont., Fige unit Almon'. nt 1-104TFTTER, REID & C 0.13 HE M k; rn n U t 1 1 1 1 lj t 1 1 :e 4 y a eor ki !o l un s tl V ‘ i p ogre; fros t g e e e v g 3 : they therefore have fresh stock and !alert styles all the time. • . [a ug. 4. HTUALFE & HITESFTEW are still at the In Old Stand, on Second Street. between the Jail and Washington House. Bouth-side. ETUA Lk% & %V HAVE JUST opened another large lot of Dry Goode and At tams. . [nog. 4. NEW STORE. HOSTETTER, BEM & CO., WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that they have re calved a new and extensive Stock of MMUS, Embracing in part— SYRUPS, SUGARS, MOLASSES, - HAMS - TEAS.—Hysdir, Imperial and Oolong, of the Bust flavor. SPICES, ground and unground, and BA . K . ING artielea warranted fresh and Tarawa(' of the best quality And very QUEENSWARE AR' GLASSWARE, ti very heavy stock, to which special attention is in vited. Fine ware in setts or by the single piece, of the latest styles; Cut Glass Goblets, Tumble's, &c. KEROSENE LAMPS of every pattern, a large assortment. Shades, (new style) wicks, chimneys; spring hinge burners, al. ways on hand. Also No. I kerosene Oil. NOTIONS, VARIETIES, &C. A thousand and one fancy, useful and necessary at tides, used in every family and by. everybody. Willett's Cong. Navy, Nat. Leaf, Mith Fine Cut, and all the best chewing and sm)king tobaccos.— Havana Cigars, good common do. fttnnitary and Nootric Pipes, latest thing out. SALT AND FISH. G. A. Salt, Liverpool, large size sacks. Pickled Shad, Mackerel, No. 1 and 3, bbl., half bbl., quarter bbl , rikW. LMKTI tr,l4 Being in connection with Hostetter & Co , of Greencastle, which firm have a Market Car on the R. R., we are enabled to supply our customers with the choicest luxuries of the Eastern Markets in their proper season. • Irl' By strict attention to business, furnishing the brat articles In the mnrket, and doing all in our power to accommodate customers, we hope to re ceive n share of public potronage. No trouble to show goods farrertne. POPITIVELT CARR. We buy our goods for cnsh and must sell them in the mine way.— Country dealers ifupplied at wholesale prices. 1-111NTETTER, BEID & CO. Wnynesboro', Aug. 25, '65. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., .Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia Incorporated "1853. Charter Perpetual. Author ized Capital, $500,000. Paid Up Capital, $250.000 Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 1864. The Trustees have this day declared n Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, On all premiums received upon MUTUAL. Pouctrs during the year ending De cember 31st, 1863, and in force at that date, the a bove amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the Dividend of 1860 on Policies issued during that year to be paid, as the annual premiums on said Policies are received. OFFICERS. President—A lexnntler Whilldin. Secretary and Treasurer—John S. Wilson. Aeluary--John C Sims. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—M minder Whill din„l. Edgar Thomson, Wiorge Nugent, Hon. Jns. Pollock. Albert C. Roberts. P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work, William J. Howard, Hon. Joseph Allison, Samuel 'l' Bodine, John A ikman, Charles F. Henz litt, Isaac Hazlehurst. WM. G:RSED, Chambersburg Pa., is•the general Agent of the American Life insurance and Trust Company for Franklin Co. Jos. DovoLAs, Agent for Waynesboro' and vicin ity. RE (THEN CES.--Jons Primes and WILLIAM II BROTHIGRTON. Call and get a pamphlet. JOS. DOUGLAS, Agent Oct. 13, 1865, ly. 'ISM Ate.—We will receive and offer for sale this dav, FRESIi FIS OYSTERS, CRANBERRIES, CHESTNUTS, SWEET POTATOES, IRIS II POTATOES, BACON. PRIME COFFEE, and lots of nice things at the Now :•tore, where the -stork is always fresh MI full. Nov. 3. HOSTETTER, REID . & CO. TAN NOTICE. Bounty tax payers of Wa.l togton t nro hereby i allied that if their B. unty tax ho not paid in twenty days f con the dote of this ad. vertisement 5 per et will ho addod to tho anount of their tax. By order of the. Board of School 13irectoro. JOHN S. 01,1.F.:1t, Seery. November 17-3 t.. AT ATER MELONS, CTinlel ones, & j 1 retail at • Tits GROCERY bTORE. mwhenE E gc 4 , sr in i t i o n ih 'E e r r li ni Ttr m w om ill . give notice A ricoiii CIUMW of ` PRICE. & TiceT/LICIes CHEESE, • . COFFEE; CHOCOLATE, TIECCO, ERRS AB PIPES, STONEBRAHEIR'S BALSAM, OR PAIN BIER The Greafi Rona, for Sore Throat or Dip theria, Croup, Neuralgia, tke., At for. Diarrhma Dysentery, Cholie, Cholera Ilforbus, .iromiting, Pains in the Seam. deli, • Cramps Frosted Feet, Chap ped Hands; Fresh and Old Sores, Bruises, Burns, Toothache, to Le used Internally and tonally. • The attention of the public is especially called to Has a remedy-for Diptheria or Bore Throat. It has been tried in hundreds of cases in different parts of the country and has never failed to cure if used in time and according to directions. A great amount of suffering might often bogeyed by having a .couple of bottlee of this valuable medicine in the house.— Try it, and it will speak 'Wonders for itself. Road the strong testimony in its' favor appended below. • As an external remedy for Croup, Bore Throat, Diptheria, Fresh Cuts, Old Sores, Chapped Hands, 'Burns, &c., nothing can equal it, always alleviating the most severe pains in a few minutes. Knowing it to be perfectly harmless, and having been used with unbounded success, and. in many cases when nothing else would relieve, I have directed every a gent to return the mono to . • • • ,• , gi e on ire sat sfaction,, feeling confident that not one bottle in 1,000 will be returned. Parents cannot keep a more efficacious medicine in the house, fir the treatment of children, when suddenly attacked with CROUP, SORE THROAT, DIPTHBRIA, SCA IILETINA, &c., which so of ten, like a thief arnight r inakes-such. ava les among their flocks of little ones, when they aro at ac with Croup, Sore Throat, and their breathing ob structed. Then rub well the neck• and chest with the Pain Killer, at the same time giving a.few drops internally, and you will never have to lament their removal by those dangerous diseases. It has.proven itself infallible in the last staged of Croup and Soro Throat, when given over to die. It is also a valua ble remedy for flronchitis, and all affections of the Throat. The Pain Killer has snatched many a child from an.untimely grave; now reader, purchase a bottle or two of the Pain Killer, and it will_prove a Ood.send-in-the-above—ili No person having . used one bottle will ever be without it in the family. It is ono of the most effi cient family medicines ever offered to the public for the removal of the nervous derangements of the !Stomach and Bowels, Throat, &c., and all who use it will find it so. In fact, no family should ever be without a bottle in the house. Croup and Sore Throat are diseases which Tory often carry oil the patient very suddenly. It would• be well in such cases to have the Balsam or Pain Hiller always ready, it being an infallible remedy, by giving it internally, and at the same time satu rate ailannel cloth well and let it be applied to the th.oat and over the chest; it never fails to relieve if app.ied properly, having cured numbers of cases of the worst kind. All who have used it speak in the highest, terms of it in curing Sore Throat, &c. Dysentery is a'disease of the larger and lower in testines, and its presence is indicated by bloody dis charges, consisting of blood and slime. Yt is a dan gerous Malady, and must be treated with caution. The object being to restore the bowels, and to do We the Healing Balsam will be found a valuable remedy by g,ving a teaspoonful every 15 or 20 min utes. tramps of the stomach, and especially of the-bow elm, are violent affections of the muscular and net.; vows system. Sudden shocks of cold frequently produce Cramps of the stomach and bowels, and for this the Healing Balsam is an infallible remedy, by taking inwardly and bathing the stomach and bow. els well with the Balsam, and lay a piece of flannel on wet with the same. • Diarrlicea is a dangerous disease, and in many localities it is worse than others. It prostrates the patient very much, and often change of water or diet affeets the bowels considerable, and causes grea I,pain, and very often brings on" Dysentery, which is more dangerous than the first. Now Stone braker's Balsam will effectually cure in every case. Only try it, and be convinced of its inestimable val ue. PRICE 90 CENTS PER BOTTLE. STONEBRAKER'S VEGETABLE COUGH SYRUP! r•OR TEE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Whoop ing Cough, Asthma, Difficulty of breath• ing, Spitting, Spitting of Blood, First Stage of Consumption, Soreness of the Throat, and all Affections of the PULMONARY ORGANS. • This SYRUP is en invaluable remedy for the al levintien and cure of PULMONARY DISEASES. It is prompt in its action, pleasant to the taste, and from Its extreme mildness, is peculiarly applicable to the use of children and persons in delicate health. As en anodyne expectorant, it will always be found to be beneficial by alleviating and arresting the se verest spells of coughing so distressing to the patient. The indispensable qualities of such a remedy for popular use, must be, certainty of operation, ab• sence of danger from accidental over dose, and its adoption to every patient of any oge or either lex. These conditions have been realized in this prepn ration,.which, while if reachog to the foundation of diseases, and acts w ith unfailing cet tainty, is still harmless to the delicate invalid or tender infant. It is highly recommended wherever it has been used, ntel eo apparent is its usefulness and so re markable has been its cures, that it is fast super ceeding every other article of a similar kind for those disenses, The afflicted can rely tipon its doing as much or more, than any other remedy in soothing the nerves, facilitating expectoration, and healing the DISEAS ED LUNGS, thus striking nt the root of all discos 'es and eradiCating it from the system. A trial of it is all that is necessary to convince the public of the• true merits of the above prepara tion. All I milt le it trial of thin Preparation, as it has no equal in in; effects d never fade to give entire eatiefection to all who use it. We warrant it in all cases, or the money refunded. Tref IT-ONLY 25 & 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. VP • For sale by Dr. Jour A. Roviat. Druggist, Waynesboro', rind by Country Dealers generally. Oct. 6—Oin PUBLIC SALE. riVIE subscriber will sell at Public Sale, at his I reisilence, in WnYnesboro', on SATURDAY THE 25TH OF NOVEMBER, 1865, the following personal property, to wit:' 3 HORSES, ono a lino Stallion, f one good rifling and driving Horan, and one line young Mare; I lot of Lumber, a lot Locust Posts and a lot sawed Rails and Pal. lings; 1 OPEN-TOP BUGGY ! 1 set titaness, 3 Flynots, bridles and halters. 2 horse blankets, 1 Wheelbarrow, I cutting Box, 2 pair hems, 1 saw and Buck, a lot grain bags, forks, mattock, digging iron, I shovel, 2 barn shovels. 2 bu baskets, hal bu. measure; also the following household articles, viz: I DELIGHT COOK STOVE and fixtures, I n-plate stove and pipe, 1 dinner table, 1 n-ea alt table, 2 sinks, 1 flouglitray, 1 doz. chairs, 4 bedsteads, 1 churn, 1 eight day clock, 1 corner cupboard, tinware, crocks 3 cider harrels, 1 meat tress. I, 1 sausage cutter 2 benches, 1 iron ket tle lat store boxes. pots, kettles, pans anal many other articles too_pumerous to mention. PrAt the same time will also be offered his house and lot of ground on Leitersburg street. The lot is a full one end has thereon a one-story uallacia4 4t , wash house, smoke house and bake oven, n good wagon-maker swop, frame stable with buggy shed, hog pen, etc. There are also on tbolora good cis tern and a variety of choice fruit trees, grapes, etc. 'alo to'commence at I o'clock on said day wbon thEftetins.will be made known by 'JOHN STONER. Nov. :0 ts. 3 O. V. MoNo. Auct. PRICE& !NUMMI] COLUMN ! NEW FALL . AND \r,it aita Fa COW! ThE undersigned tender to the community their thanks for past . patronage, and would also take this opportunity of. reminding them that they have Intel. re • .m-the-East a splendid selection of goods, which for beauty and style cannot be surpas sed outside cif the cities. Their goods have been selected with much care as regards durability. and price. ES' GOODS The attention of tho ladies is direitod to their hundeome ttylee of SILKS, ALPACAS, MERINOS; - DELAIN ES, DARATIIEAS, COBURG'S, PLAIDS, POPLINS, • They have soma beautiful patterns of French% Merino tuntalLwooLDelains-that -are hard- to-beat aDvaarla ctry:L/a.GI • Black silk, Black Alpacas, . Black all wool Delain,double width, . " French Merinos, " English . " French and English Crapes, Mourning IlandkorchicfS, Black Jack Flannel. An attractive line of Wrappings, such as Plaid nhd Plain, Long and Square" Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Hoods, Nubiss, Srarfs, &c• Jowvin's Kid Gloves, Gamettes, Lisle Thread and Merino Gloves, Hosiery in abundance. GENTLEMENS' GOODS They emit the gentlemen to notice tfleir fine stock of COATINGS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS es they pass along. end they feel assured that they have the geode to suit them in pattern and price . Table Covers, Shirting Flannels and Flannel Shirts, Drawers, Neck Ties, Balmoral Hoop Skirts for Ladies and Misses, Linen and Pa per Collars, all sizes, Buck Gloves and Mittens. Tweeds and Jeans, Cords and Satinets,' Shaker Fiend, Opera Flanel, Plaid Flanols, ' Striped Flanelo. rir Ladies who are in wont of a nice Coat or Cloak can find the article at their establishment, with all the necessary trimmings. such as buttons, gimps and cords of different patterns. Ladies' Gaiters, Balmoral Ties, Head Netts Corr sets, Corset Clasps and Collars. WHITE GOODS Plain and Barred Cambric, Swiss, Tapo 'Trimming, Velvo t Trimming and Cambric H'dka, ' Hose, ignBBEREIES. BEST RIO, IMPERIAL TEA, MOLASSES at GO eta per gal. U- E E N S- W ARE, Cutlery. Spoons, Cedar Ware, Brooms, Baskets, Buckets. Kerlers, Carpet, , Oil Clutha Window Shades, Curtin Fixtures, Boots and Shoes,. Gum Shoes, Um!went's. When you want Stocking Yarn both wool and cotton just step in and you will find a good assort ment, the flibecribere kindly ask the public to vis it their house and inspect try ir stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as •they feel calla lent that their prices and goods will pleave n 11. PRICE & HOEFLICII. pop. 29. JOSEPH DOUAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, J3EMIG lic;ensed is CLAIM, AGENT, REAL ESTATE AGENT and LAND I . VARRANT BROKER will attend to applications for Pensions, Bounty and Back Pay, and all claims against the, titan' or National Government. As Real Estate Agent wilt lease, sell, or purchase lands in Frank lin County. or exchange therefore Western Lands —also will buy and sell LAND NVAnamers. COIF. yrriomma—Deetis, Wills, Agreements. Leases, &c. executed as heretofore at moderate pikes. Oct 20-13 m. fiLVEAPPLE CHEESII—Frashr I , t. juyt ra r- ceived by • . H °Burr lc a REID & LARGE and small Shakers- at - 7 June 2 - ----Parea-ailiesnrory4 UMMER tlatmora Is nil Striped Matting at & tlincrware Ruffling Edge Ribbons, Buttons, SYRUPS ♦NJb MINTEE BINDS g GEORGE STOVER HAS RETUR.NHD FROM I?EILLADLL• . PAPA wrrfr A SUPPLY OF - BY MR NO i tiff - HA I I E NSIVIIIg GROCERIES, seir To which he invites the attention of of his patrons and the public generally. September 22, 1865 DR. J. A. ROYER, (SUCCESSOR TO F. FOURTHMA.IV,). DEALER IN Drugs, Nfedicines, Chemicals, Fine. hair and Toot./ Brushes, PERFUMERY. Fancy and 'Toilet Articles, / Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye S taffs; Toys and Yankee Notions; Glass, 1 3 ,0ty,' Kerosene ?Wand Lamps. MANUFACTURED • Tobacco,' Segars and Snuffs. Wines and Brandies for Meoical purposes ; Foreign anti Domestic Fruit. CONFECTIONARIES, &c. All the Potent 'Medicines of the day, together with other articles in my lino too numerous to men tion, all of which will ho sold at the lowest prices for cash. I invlto those wishing articles in my line to call as I feel 'mined I can make it to their in terest to purchase of me N. B. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. The undersigned avails bimself of tho opportu nity to tender his thanks to his f ,, rmer patrons of Waynesboro' and vicinity for their kind and con tinued support in his business, and would regard it es en additional favor to have thew continuo to pa tronize his suceess.4., Dr. John A. foyer, .who is well worthy their confidence, October 13, 180 I]IARNI FOIL SALE —250 acres of land 1 !imam] in Antrim township, consisting of 80 acrea of choice timber, and the remainder of excel lent meadow, and bottom land. Title good, ani terms low. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. Oct 20-2 m • OR. H. X. BONEBRAKE ! Formerly a student with 1)r. James Brotherton, deceased, having practised Medicine at Leitersburg, Md, has returned to this place and respectfully of fers his professional services to' the people of Way nesboro' and vicinity. • Office next door to Kurtfe Drug Btoro. Nov. 3—tt. "ROCK rouGt" FILE WORMS I ALL persons ilesirous of hsvitig Files recut would i'o well 17 sending etern to me at once am going to remove my works to York, Pa,, the coming spring. Address M. L, BELL Box 146, Wayncabc,ro', Frank. Co. Pa Oct. 2?, IS6", Vik7 FEN yon Wont'to ettin'te n line Sogar, go to 1 I KURTZ'S for it. , FIRST ARRIVAL ! imiSl3 M. C. R ESSE; It nnnouncre to the Ladies et' Waynn,l•oro' ,m 1 vicinity that Rho has jam returned from tiro CoNtera Oities with a futettosort wont of new . (4 . 1)0D5, Ruch oa Benriete B ttnet el every de perip• and ltitr4es Hntm Frot.. Arai. bel!es are invited to "I 1 end eximino hor ewer ttrrel4 'fit 29—tr. htltribt •oitt sold by F. FOUTTIIMAN. itosT..""its TZFIn & Go.