%mimic RECoRD. Pridayolireinbitaber 24, 1866. - ca mi. Or The following are on terms for subscription, .dvertising and job wont, to Which we will strictly adh'ere tvhilet the pitsent "trio inhtinv : SUBSURIPTION 6 6 Per Anniith, if paid Within the Yid; ' $2,14 after the year, 2.60 ADVERTISING, , per Bqsarb of leis Nei:, Babe time*, 141.50 ## each subsequent insertion; Administrator'S and Executor's notices. Sty, 2.60 A libetil deduction mode to yearly advertisers. JOB WORK - Quarter-Sheet Hand-Bills; (25 to 30) $2:00 - SI 11 3.60 Whets; " ": 11 " thao- I;Niir For all job work and lot;a1 satin-tieing terms invariably cash: ' W. BLAIR, Bolder; ttnd Proprietor. ADVERTISE I. ADVEILTISE !—The circula tion of thelftcoup in this region, including the townships of Washington and Quincy, largely exceeds that of any other paper pub lished le the county. It is therefore the beat advertising medium. ser+lt, then, you are a Lawyer, Doctor or other professional man, advertise. ter If you want-to sell-goOds r advertise---- 1 , you want to buy a farm, adver , Rise. role you want to sell a farm, advertise. ,''lf you want employment; advertise. ige-11 you want to employ help, adver tise, mant_te_buy_a house,_edrer tise. A4T-If roil iviYitto - b - uy orsell a lot,—ad vertise. `Aril you want to buy or sell, cattle, sad vertise. rarif you want to buy or sell grain, ad• vertise Stirlf you want to advance your interests generally, Au'nuns); 1 RarrAto.4,n 3.llsTrlln.- . —Agreably to pre 7 Vious notice a large and respectable meeting 'of the citizens of Waynesboro' and Wash ington township assembled in the Town Hall, Saturday afternoon, 18th inst., to discuss ways and means relative to the proposed rail road extension from (Jettysburg to Waynes boro.' D. B. Russell, Escir i= wae l on_motion called to the chair, and Joseph Douglas, Esq., Secretary. After the President briefly ex plained the purpose of the meeting—Joseph Douglas, Esq gave the history of the pres ent movement, the charter upon which it is to act, as well as its • great advantage Ind fed itibility—(having previously read the condi tions upon which stock is to' be subscribed) and moved that a permanent standing hoard of thirteen be appointed to manage the gen eral interests of the enterprise, which was adopted and Abraham Barr, Dr. Herring and Wm. Blair were appointed by the meeting to select said Rani. While thus engaged E. J. Bonebrake, Esq., on motion, address ed the meeting in some pertinent and inter esting remarks; Shorting the benefit derited by the' whole dotrimunity and especially the farmer from railroad connection. The corn inittee selected to appoint a permanent board of management reported thereon as directed, which number was increased to eighteen tvith power to call in additional members from time to tiltd. The board as constitu ted is as folloWsi Alex. Hamilton, itenry'Bonebrake, George &Fore, Ilenry Good, AV. S. Ambereon, Simon Leekrooo, D. B. Russell, N. W, Walker, Joseph Douglas; Levi. Saodero, Dr. E. A. Herring., James IT. Clayton, - Lewis S. Forney, el Oho Philips, Meeting adjourned to.rtidet, at any stibst , - pent call of standing board. D. F.. RUSSELL, President; JosEtin DotlatAS, Sedretary,, titP - Some of those .who were prominent in thC rebellion now ask for the removal of the Secretary of War, on the ground that Mr. Stanton is personally unpopular with the people of the South. This Is decitltdly cool :--but there is no doubt of the unpopularity . of the Secretary of War with many people in the South. The noblest compliment Ed win M. Stanton ever received is contained in the desire of the SontUrn traitets for his resignation. ME=:111 larthe vote of the 77th Penne: tegil, anent and Indipendent Battery B, Artillery wag received by the Prothonotary 'on lklonday last, and returns a majority of 27 for Mr. M'Conaughy for Senator and 17 for Col. Rowe for District Attorney, thus securing the election of both gentlemen.— Repository. IMIEM=1::111 J. R. Kelso, Radical Meniber of Congress from the Fourth District of Missouri, redent ly passed.through St. Louis on his way to Washington.. While Serving as a captain of the militia he made •a vow that ho would never cut his hair arid beard until be had killed tWentyfivo .bush-*hackers with his own hand. Be As no* • Close cropped, and boasts he has fulfilled his ttow by killing that number. Vallandigham went to Eaton, Ohio, on c l'aesday night, and some young Won sup posing he was about to make a speech, call; cd on him, but their appearence not suiting him he escaped by the back door and ran e rrata lag, closely followed bOsamo boys who pelted him with stones, one of which knock ed him dowel as be was. getting 'on' the I!I=1:2 Tii.re are 30 billiard tablel 9ih Pit Et ole Co'. Abraham Barr, John Price; Shin uel Frant z, John Funk, Tun LADY'S rummer The December num ber of this favorite magaeine,is asnperb one. The leading. steel engraving, is one that hill go haute to Many hearts. • The engraied title page is truly beautifni.6—it is a gem of It represehte The Pant and The Pii re The Debbie Colored Steel Fashion Pia this number will be pronounced by the la dies 'superb,' or else we are very meetly mistaken. Then there are engravings of ,the new fashions in jackets, cloaks, embroid ery, coiffures, bonnets; &c. 'The_ literary matter IS eleellent as usual. "Price $2.50 a yearj g copies $4.00; 8 copies' (and. one gikttes) $l6. Now is the time to get.•up clubs for 1866. Specimen numbers for this purpose will be sent for'ls cents. Wheel erk Wilson'e celebrated Sewing Machines .are furnished as premiums in, certain cases. Address Deacon & Peaterson, 81.9 'Walnut Street, Philadelphia. The American Minister to Russia has sent an important communication concerning the cattle plague to . Secretary Seward, which the latter has published. The disease is nothing but the Russian cattle pest. It is contagion:3 g and destroys all cattle which is suggests that C ress nasß --4 E: ongress pass a law preventing the impor ion of cattle from abroad. geretary 3.laeulloch of the Treasury, has de ided to alter the general appearance of the present issue of fractional United States currency. This is done frielhe pur pose rn of making it more unifoi i and of ptci: tenting in a better manner from counterfeit ing. All new issues hereafter are to. be of the greenback circulation: rr The people- of . Alabama have shown their reconstructed loyalty by electing to the office of Sheriff the man who murdered Ma jor General Robert McCook, and sending to Congress a reverend - Rebel who declared on the stump that the Mari Rho took the pre scribed oath of loyalty was a black hearted traitor to the South. *The Cumberland County Almshouse near Carlisle, Pa., was destro . yed by fire on Thursday. The-inmates - all eseaped7--- - ?.Extensive fraddi in the Itevenue'have been discovered at Pit Hole, Pa., and three large oil wells base been seized by the Gov ernment. LOCAL ITEMS., FOR RENT.—See advertisement of Mr. Mutt, in another column. • rir'Our correspondent "Ralph" is inform ed that his communication reached ua too late for insertion this week. SAUL—WeI 'direet, special attention to the sales of property advertised in another column by 11. Stonehouse and Samuel Young. ILI VIE CITT.—Dr. J. A. Royer is now in Philadelphia and will return in a few days with a supply of fresh drugs ; 'Medicines, hol iday presents, etc. SECOND SUPPLY.-31 o 9 8 r s. Amberson, Benedict & Co. have received their' second supply of in* goods. See adtertisetnent. Owi RATES.—We 'require cash for all job-work and the same fot local advertise ments at the expiration of the time for which they are inserted. Foreign advertisements cash in advance. Patrons will' please bear this in mind. ORIGINAL STORIES —"The rival Bistets,' an interesting original story, by Paul Irving, will appear in our next issue. The "story of Itome, When governed — by Julia Ca:Nat." we do not deem of suffieient interest for publication, It It. MEETING —ln another column we publish the proceedings .o f the Railroad meeting held in this place on Saturday last. Our dititeng, generally, aro enthusiastic on the subject. Books have been opened and we understand the work of soliciting sub scriptions is to be commended at once. We hope to be able to give a good.report of the work soon. HOLIDAY PRESENTS.—WO are pleased to call attention to the • advertisement of the GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION by HAMILTON & Co., 34 and 86 Lib erty Stre et, These gtntlemen stand No. 1. for their res pectability and dealings, and will, no doubt, give satisfaction to all contributors. Great inducements are offered to agents. Read the advertisement. THE TEGEGRAPIL--Thd polls for the In sulated Telegraph Company which were sev eral weeks since distributed between Hagers town, this place and Gettysburg, are now be ing distributed between the latter place and Harrisburg. We understand the work com menced at Wheeling; Va., is progressing this way. We can therefore expect to be in di rect communication with the Capital beforo • veil long. . W. C. RAILuoAD-.=The-iforicot-tonilding the Washington County Railroad, it appbarsy is to be put under contract at an early day.. The Company is now prepared to re&3ire proposals for the grading of the road, at tboir office in Hagerstown. A KOttrEß SUPPLY.—Messrs.•. Price noeflith have just received n second supply of new goods. Advertisement next week: la i r.oran.--Ae we are not often , treat 41 here, toe really fine lecture, It 10 with an 1 pleasure that we announce that the Bev. 1: M. Conscr,,of Gettysburg, Will lecture in the llethodist Church next gonday evening, upon the subject of "bemonology and Witch daft." his lecture is the result of mueh study upon the part .of t he , roverend ~gentleman, who . has spent years in examination into the phenomona of spiritualism i ghosts, die , and - so fat as *0 can learn delivers this lecture for the first time, outside of the cities, where h has many times been delivered to delight ed If we are not•disappointed the church will be crowded, as ,the- price—of-adaljasion- has been placed at only2Er cents, thus giving, all an opportunity to attend. If our citizens encourage this lecture by their presence we will be more frequent)y favored in this re gard than we baits been-in the past. Holum TIITEV.E9.—On Tuesday evening last, about 8 o'clock, a horse and buggy' was stolen from the Hotel yard of Francis Bow den. The discovery was soon made and sev eral "detectives" started in pursuit who suc ceeded in reeovefing the stolen property la . . • . had Qrove , the thief ma king good Iris escape. The horse and buggy belonged to Mr. Coyle, a Notion dealer from - Carlisle. A man was arrested in this place on Fri 7 _ lasLytith_a_lorse and tu , _everun gy . in -his-possession which-he had stolen in Fred erick Co. Did He was taken before Justice Russell, and after a hearing committed to the "Lock up," and on Saturday morning sent to_Chambersburg for trial, The owners of "nags" should be on the alert. SINaING Sonoma.— We have been reques ted to announce that Prof. C. V, Wilson, of Greencastle, will meet hi s singing class, which is now being raised in th:s place, -in the Town HA on Wednesday evening next. Prof. Wilson comes highly recommended as a teacher of Vocal Music, and our young folks generally 13 Lould avail themselves of the opportunity which will be afforded them for the necessary instruction. 'VALUABLE PROPERTI.-4t will be seen by reference to our advertising columns that Mr. John' L. Metcalf will offer at public sale' on the 23d of December his valuable propert) near this place. GOLD IN BEDFORD COUNTY.--.-The citi zens of East providence township ; this coml. ty,have been considerably agitated for sever al weeks is regard to the discovery of quartz, in huge quantities, impregnated with gold. A company was formed several weeks ago, and went immediately to work to develop the matter. Since then, a second company has been organized, and is about commencing op. erations. The general impression is ' that gold is to be found there, but the problem is whether it is in paying quantities, We have had speciniens of the quarts exhibited tO us, but We confess that we •are not mineralogist enough to determine the value or the class of mineral contained in it. It is said that lead has been found in the immediate neigh borhood. These discoveries have been Made on the line of the Southern Pennsylvania railroad, and if there is anything in them it will soon be demonstrated. If Bedford coma ty, in addition to the many other valuable. resources, should add that of gold, then our hills have not. been thrown up in vain. Let these discoveries be fully tested and the re sult communicated to the world at large.— Inquirer. DEATH or A RICH MAN.—Sitneon Jen nings, of Wellsville, Ohio, died suddenly, while sitting in his chair, last week. lie possessed enormous wealth, mostly in the shape of real estate and mortgages on the same. Ile also owned large interests in a number of Ohio banks. Ile was noted for his extreme penuriousness and intense de- ration to moniy — getting. ,ough—worti millions, when traveling on the cars he would carry a lunch in his pocket to save the erspense'of a dinner at an wing , house. Ile had no children and his immense estate will go to his collateral heits.— Cincinnati Timcs. MODEST REQUEST OF GEN. LEE.—Gener al Robert Leo is reported to have applied to the War Department, a few weeks elute ) for permission to keep a few pisces of artill ery now at Lexington, but belonging to the enitea States; for the purpose of instruct ing the young men of of the military school in artillery practice. The response of - lie Department way be inferred tram an officer being detailed from Richmond a few days since to take possession of the ordnance and _r_ move it. • The Missouri Logis ature - .- • a resolution for the appointment of a commit tee to memorialize President Johnson to re lease all Union prisoners of war confined for offences committed during the rebellion, on the ground that the rebel soldiers urlfose crimes were` infinitely greater have been par:• doped, Appeals fora i d aro pouring into the North from various parts of the South, some of which aro of the most distressing charac ter, asking. aid to save whole townships of women and children from absolute starva. tion. I=l It is said that Parson Brownlow recently constructed, 1. e. whipped two rebel sol diers, one of whom cursed Mrs. Bruwulow because she refustd hint oluis. It id said Gwent Howard repre, , ents that wherever he has been 102;0 whiles.and negroee are uuivert illy desirous et the con tinuum of the national troops a m e,a g them. - -Gen-Logan has not as yet accepted the mission to the 'Mexican Republic, All the rogillar cArdry hare been ordered t o 'l:exus.. THE 11114jONEITRUCTIEID SOUTH ImiorMut/tenor from am Brinanlow. , WASHINGTON, NOV. 17. Gov rhor Broitillow has addressed the fol win letter to the editor of the Cinoinnat (Awe et • _ ii STATE OF l I ENNESSEP, .EXEdtit.t+E DE PARTMENT, NASHVILLE; Nov. 19, 1805. Bditors Gazetter—hi your paper of Satur day I fitid this notices "Governor Drown. low was robbed of five hundred dollars and his Watch by some highwaymen; near Nash. vine -while- he was riding out with Hon. Horace Maynard o n Friday evening. " This is a mistake. It was my son, the• Ad jutant General 'of the State, - wbo was riding in a buggy with a son. of Amno. May- nard. I am too prudent a man to ride out on any road leading or coming into Nashville, other than a railroad. This whole country:abounds' in theives and robbers, many of whom would murder a man for his watch or a five dollar bill. Despite of all the vigilance exercised by the civil and military authorities, murd ers and robberies are of daily occurrence both i n Nashville an d the surrounding counties or Middle Tennessee. As loud and as numerous as are the complaints against East Tennessee by the Nashville papers and a certain class of politicians, there are five of thise outrages perpetrated in Middle Tea= nessee to every one that occurs in the east ernet division of the State. To be candid, there is almost as much disloyalty in Mid dle Tennessee now as there was in 1861, and this is so of the whole• South, minus the number o f disloyal men who are under ground. Tennessee i s in a ,much better condition than any o f the other seceded States, and she has great room for improve.r u went. Six or seven orher eight epre -01 atives to Congress are true and loyal men.— For the good of the State and nation I should like to see them admitted to seats in the approaching session. But this I cannot say of the other South ern States) they will not elect loyal me,n to Congress, nor can a loyal man be elected Governor of one of those States. Their Conventions and Legislatures are overwhel mingly rebel s and will be for years to, come Their candidates for governors, Congress and Legislature, as well as for comity offices, urge their claims for votes on the ground that they had done all in. their power to aid the rebellion. They are for assuming the rebel war debt: •and they are for legislating Northern men out of the South. . In a word, the rebels of the South hare by no means abandoned this long cherished idea of separating the Government. They are looting to this end, more, they are or ganising With a view to this result. They have tried' this in a wicked war of four dreary years, and signally failed. Their purpose is to accomplish their infernal 'plans through the ballot-box, in Congress, and they look to Ili., Copperhead factions and other Northern traitors to aid therm Thank God; the recent elections at the. North have blasted their hopes for the pre sent and taught them that the real people, the loyal masses of the great North, are all right. My hopes for the !attire are in the goodness, the obstinate loyalty and deter mined purpises of the Republican majority in Congress, I pray God they will not ad mit rebels in Cong ress indiscriminately, be-, cause they have t aken the amnesty oath, or obtained the executive pardon. As presi— dent Johnson isaid, let them occupy the • back * Seats for a few years. lam one of those at the South who be lieve this war has closed out two years too soon. The rebels have been whipped, but not whipped enough. Fo r saying • these things I expect to be abused by all rebel pa pers, South, and by all traitorous sheets at the North. Let thorn say out. '1 am able to stand their abuse. I am for the Amer. ican Union, regardless of the hate of sections. the war of parties, or the malice of individu als. I bays the honor to be, very truly anti sin cerely, (Signed) W. G. BROWNLOW. According to the address of the St a to Teachers' Association of Tennessee, there are 83,000 adults in that State who can neither read or write, and 300,000 children without school advantages. It seems that one quarter of the adults are totally illiter• ate. One of the Richmond journals advises the Representatives elect from Virginia to.itarve nt home until invited to take- their seats in Congress, and in relation to .he test oath says, "Woo unto thoe that take the oath—bet ter that they had never been born." There are 160,000 skeletons of boises and cattle killed during the war in the Shenandoah. Valley at 1% bend fattory near Winchester. The reward of $lOO,OOO for the arrest of Jett Davis has been paid to the troops who made the eaptu•eb Nfary Clayton, aged 22. committed suicide in New - York, un Tuesday, by taking arsenic The foolish girl did it fur love. The commissary Department has about six ty thou9aml gallons of whiskey which it will sell at an early day. ==l Some btmlars stole a Ell re and contents, weighting twelve bundled pounds, from a store in Washington on Tuesday morning. Oilier Justice' Poland, of Vermont, has been appointed United States Senator in place 01 11.,n Jacob Oollamer, deceased. SPECIAL NOTICES. IS" ID II: CFI ERT'S Hat, Cap and Fur Stora is on North second M., near the Washington House, Chembcrrburg• Penna. t'Z'Fi;RSI MIN I F 11S T.— Sable, Sitlirryl,l Fitch mid Mink Furs for the ladies. selling at low er rates t h an last soakm, at lIECHERVE3, North SecOrol Chatotkaisburg Pa rT I,NI f YIN ICi ! Dasher? Faust{ Sheri dan ! anti all the late styles of flits at I).:CLIERT'S. l'uith Second St. Charnbcrsburg Pa. te7"C,IIE CAP •that "capped the climax" or any otht•r kind of cnp can be bought at • DECHERVii. . North :Won.) Bt. ChunloCrsburg Pa. Nev. 17—'21n; rirLAIIRES' FURS! LADIES' POW Oar FALL Stock of LadieeFUßS Comprising all kinds, qualities and shapes Or 'Ladies and Children are noir Oen'•for inspection, in additionp our large stock of FURS, vie have FUR TRIMMINGS MUFF TASSELS; ENDS, CORDS, BUTFONS dca;&64 'Clare Factory anti Fur Stpre, Opposite Watthington Bons°. orPALL FASHIONS, 1865. tall sfyies of HATS and CAPS for Men, Hoye, rind Children!, are now ready comprising every thing poPular in the way oNliead Clear together With a nice as sortment of CANES, UMBRELLAS. GLOVES; PORT .MONIES LADIES' CABAS, Traveling BAGS, Ladies' FURS, &c.. acc. UPDEORAFF'S Hat Manufactory, Opposite Washington House. ITCH !. ITOFI ! ITCH 1 3CRATOEtI SCRATCH! SCRATCH! ••W heaton's- Obit' ent ' ,WaCure the I • Bonze. •Als6 cures — BALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. Sept. 22-6 m. ALMirMaii.A96ll.• On the 2nd inst., by the Rev.-John Shank, I hoemaker to Miss Leah Shar tle, both of Montgomery township. In this place on the 19th fast , by Rev. C. F. Thomas,. Mr. GEO. CRINER, to Mrs. AMELIA J. SEIALTZER. On the sth inst., by the Be,. William 80. zer, at the residence of Mrs. Rebecca 01ler, Mr. JOSEPH H. OLLER, to Mae KATE McVERREN, all of Quincy township. . On the Jar b r I alio ,ter, at the' residence If the bride's parents, Mr WILLIAM HARSHMAN, t o Miss MARY ANN BENEDICT, all of Quincy townships " At the residence of the bride's mother, November 219 t, by Rev C. F. Thomas, Mr. DAVID 0. DEATRICH, of Greencastle, to Miss JEMIMA LOG AN, of \ this place. *I'M 3-X3O UV CO AZ 3B . On the 7th inst , in Upton, Miss Kate R. Cook, in the 23d year of her age. On the 2d inst., near this place, Mr. JOHN YOUNG, in the 82d year of his age. At the residence of Mr. Wm. H. Miller, near this place, on the 19th inst., Mrs. ANN FULTON, age(lB4 years and days. i. 7) -1 1 1_=" 1 1 1 04111t-7111 PECILADELHIEtA CATTLE MARRET, Nov. 20.—The arrivals and sales of Beef Cattle at the Avenue Drove Yard continue large, reaching about 2,000 head. Prime Cattle are scarce, and in good demand at full pri ces, but common continue very dull. First quality Pennsylvania and Western Steers are selling at front 16(617e, the latter rate for choice, fair to good at 14@151c, and com mon at from 10@13e eta lb, as to quality.—' The market closed very dull — , within—th-e—a hove range ot. pribes. Cows continue in good demand, and prices have advanced; a boat 75 head arrived and sold at from $5O up to $lOO "fi head, as to quality. SHEEP are less active; 6,500 head arrived and sold at from 61@fle ' 5 l? lb, gross, for good fat Sheep, and $8@3.50 TO head for stock Sheep. . • floes continue very dull at about former rates; 2,500 head arrived and sold at the dif ferent yards at from $151017.50 the 100 lbs, net. PrIILADELPrIIA, Nov. 21.—The Flour market, as we have noticed for some time past, continues very dull, but holders aro not disposed to accept lower prices. The only sales we hear of are in small lots to the re tailers and bakers at prices ran g ing from $7 78®8.50 for superfine; $8.75 @9.25 for extra; s9@lo for Northwestern extra family; $10g11.2.5 for Pennsylvania and Ohio do, and $12@1.8 50 131 bbl for - fancy brands, as to quality. Rye Flour is selling in a small way at 87.25®7,50 bbl. Corn Meal 'is rather dull at about former rates. GRAlN.—There is very little demand for Wheat and the market is dull, most •buyers are holding off for lower prices; about 3,000 bus sold at 230®240c for new reds, 237®- 245 e for old do, the latter rate for amber, and 240®270e bu for white; as to quali ty. Rye is unsettled; small sales aro making 'at 1100 for Delaware, and 119®120e "il bu for Pennsylvania. Corn is plenty and dull; 4,000 bus sold at 81@82o for common to prime old yellow, and 80®82c 13 bushel for new. Oats are also dull; small sales are ma king at from 52®54c q 4 bu for Delaware and Pennsvlvania. SEEDS.—Cloverseed is selling in a small way at from 87®8 bu for common to prime. Timothy is dull at former rates.— Flaxseed sells on arrival at 83.15 . 11 bu PUBLIC SALE. rrHE subscriber will sel Let public hale at he late residence .of John Young, dec'd on the Mentzer Cap Road, between Hopewell Mills and Tomstown, on SATURDAY TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1865, the following personal prop. erty, to Witt GOOO COW, 1 fat hog;•2 Bureaus, 2 Bedsteads and Bedding; 1 corner cupboard, 2 bedsteads, 1 safe, I Churn, one sink, 2 sets chairs, 2 rocking emits, 1 stand, 1 ten plate stove and pipe, 1 clock, 1 looking glass,gueens• ware, crockery wore. pots, pans, 1 who elbarrow, a lot of corn. a lot Pot 'toes, 1 meat vessel, 3 tubs, 1 pickle stand, a lot fodder, a lot 4:ty, f irks. rakes, axes, maul and wedge.; cow chains, a lot of old i ron and many other articies not Lecoss try to men - lien. The subscriber will also ofTi:r at the same time the • - HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND owned by the dec'd. The lot contains ono acre•— The improvements are a story and a half log house, good frame stable, smoke house, a good cistern in the yard, with 1:3 or 15 choice apple trees on the premises. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by - SAMUEL YOUNG, Agent for the heirs. Nov. t —ta.) G. V. Moves. A UCt. FOR , RENT. rrIJIE subscriber will (AT fqr rent_at_Publie Out- JL cry in Mt. Hope, on Friday the Ist day of De cember. 1865, hie Store stand, situated in Mt. Hope. Quincy township, Pa, 4 miles from Waynesboro , near the road leading to Chambersbrirg. The Store room is large with back room attached and seller under the whole. Thera is also two large ware rooms or groceries. The house is roomy and in tended for two families Nov. 24, BANitrur, PPOTITZ. ttPDEGRAFt 4 S 111HE.suligeriber, administrator 'of Henry F. SW. ver. dec'd, will sell at public sale at the late res.. tclencc of said deceased. in Waynesboro' on SAT -17-RDA-le-T-HE 9 rti DAY OF DECEMBER,IABS, the following personal property to wit:--4 head of 3 huckster nagens,,6 sots gears, 2 seta singleher nese, 6 tly nets, 1 opon•top Bnggy, 1 coal stove, 1 cradle, 1 lounge, 1 large iron kettle, a lot of casks, barrels and boxes, 1 log chain, 1 fodder cutter, one feed chest, 1 lard press, 1 sausage staffer and a vas riety of other articles not neecesary to mention— Sale to commence at 10 o'clock en said day when the terms will be made known by HENRY S'rONLIHOUSE, Adm'e. November 21. ts. • $400,000 GOLD 4.SlLVER . foipoopoo ii 01 i 1-1) iy GIFTS. HEAT Itt4''R.4.cTrol 17, GREAT SENSATION! Watches, Clocks, Chains, Dianiond Rings Melo.; aeons, Seising Machines, Pianos, &c . ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTEr-- • TO BE DISPOSED OF, AT One dollar Bach!! Without regard to Value! Not to be paid for until you know what yoix are to receive! • Splendid Lid of Articlie; all to be add for _ONE 'DOLLAR EACH. 100 Clocks (French) 8 and 21 day clock's, ranging trcim ' $4O to $250 each. 100 Pima's, the best manufacture, 360 to 850. ' 250 Sewing Machines, of the best - manufacture, 60 to 160 " 260 Gents' Hunting-case Watches 50 to 150 each, 250 Ladies' Gold and Enameled Hunting-case Watches, • 500 Gents' Hunting-case Silver ,Watches, 95 to 70 46 000 Diamond Rings, 50 to 'lOO 44 8000 Gold Vest and Nock Chains 4to 30 44 3000 " Oval Band Bracelets 4to 8 " 5000 Jet and Gold Bracelets oto 10 " 2000 Chatelain Chaim:valid - Guard Chains 5 to 7000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches "4 to 5000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches 6000 Mosiae, Jet, tatvr and Floreri tine Bear Drops k • * 7500 Coral, Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops 4000 California Diamond Breast. pins • 2.50 to 3000 Gold Folr'and Vest Watch keys 2,50 to , 8 44 xOOO Yob and - ViTscßibbon-siide.l 3to 10 44 5000 Sets solitare Sleeve-buttons, Studs, &e. 3to 8 44 3000 Gold Thimbles,Peneils, &c. 4to 6 4 . 10000 Miniature Lockets 2,50 to 10 64 .4000 " " Magic spring 10 to 20 _" 2000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, &c. 2to 8 " 5000 Plain Gold Binge 4to 10 " 5000 Chased 4 " 4to 11 10000 `tone Set and Signet Rings2.so to 10 " 10000 Cal. Diathond Rings 2to 10 " 7500,sete Ladies' Jewelry—Jet and Gold •5 to 15 4 " 6000 Ladies' Jewelry, Cameo, Pearl, Opal and other stance 4to 15 f , 10000 Gold Pens, Silver Extension Holders and Pencils . 4to 10 " 10000 Gold Pens and Gold Mounted Holders , 6to 10 " 5000 Golti Pens and Gold gitension Holdip 15 to 25 " 5000 Ladifts' Gilt and Jet Buckles sto 15 " 6000 " • 44 Hair Balls and Bare 5000 • Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 5• to 3000 silver Castors 15 to 2000 "• Fruit, Card and Cake ° • Baskets 20 to 50 " 5000 dos. silver Tee Spoons . 10. to 20 p, 10000 " Table Spoons & Forks 20. to 40 " Inconsequence of the greab stagnation of trade its the Manufacturing districtsof France and England,. a large quantity of valuable Jewelry, originally in tended for the European market has been sent off for sale in this country, and MUST BE SOLD AT ANY SACRIFICE! Under these circumstances, HAMILTON dt CO., acting as Agents for the prin cilia! European Manufacturers, having resolved up on a GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION I. sut;ject to the following regulations. Certificates of the, various articles are first put in* to envelopes, sealed up. and mired, and when or dered, are taken out without retard to choice, and. sent by mail, thus giving all a fair chance. Oa re. ceipt of the certilicat , , you will see what you• are to have, and then it is at sour option to send the dol.. lar and take the article or not. Purchasers *may thus obtain a Piano, Melodeon, Sewing Machine, Gold watch, Diamond Ring, or any set of Jewelry on our list for On Dom,n. Send 25 Cents for Certificate. rn all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the certificates. paying postage. and do- I ing the' business 25 cents each, which must be en closed when the certificate is sent for. Five certifi cates will be sent for $l, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, eixiy.five for $lO, and 100 for $l 5 AGENTS.— We want agents in every town and I county in the country, and those, acting as sir h wilt be allowed 10 cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their remittance amounts to sl. , Agents will collect 25 cents for every certificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postage amps. Agents remitting at once, $3O, will be en titled to a beautiful silver Watch, and also 200 cer- Please write your Name, Town, County and State plainly, and address all orders to HAMILTON & CO., Agents for Foreign & American Manufacturers. Salesroom, P. 0. Box 5675, NEW YORK, 36 Libel ty S tract. [nov, 24, 3m. PAIR sau fr HE subscriber wishing to remove west will of fer at Public Sale, on SA7 URDAY the 231 day of DECEMBER, 1865, the following describe ed Real Estate, situated 2i miles East of Waynes boro', on the road leading . from the former place to Bear's Factory, to wit : A Tract of Lami contain ing OM A. aXL 3EII Sr, more or lesq, in a high state of cultivation. Tho improvements aro a TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE with Basement in front and Cellar behind it—a never failing well of water at the door—a good Bank Barn with ,Wagon shed and Corn Crib all under one roof, frame Hog Pen, Frame Wash house and slaughter house together, which is over the race—a stone Smith Shop, and other necessary out-buildings; also a good Water Power- with a • Frame s , Grist and Saw Mill, all in good order. No trouble with ize in the win". ter. There is also on said premises a large variety of choice fruit, trees, such as apple, pear, peach, plum, three different kinds of tame grapes. There is oleo a Tenant-House on the above tract, with good impiovcmcnts and a never-failing spring on the lot. Sa e to commence at 10 o'clock on said Jay when the terms wilt be made known by JOHN L. METCALF. .Nov 24 ts] G. V. Moro, Auct. P, 3.' In case the above property is sold 2 fine MULES will be of .red for sale, suitable for an , kind of work. J. L. M. PUBLIC SALE. 111101 HAUGH 11011 SH, 95 to 70 it 5 to. 10 "