Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, November 10, 1865, Image 2

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    VILLAGE- RgCOll .
313 .
Ir'The following ere our terms fut subscription,
(14'4111'4g Thill job *lra; tiolthtetriteVllrettittly
v4httre whilst the present *over prices" continue
Per Annum, if paid within the year,
•. -
Per spier° often Mee, three times, $1.50
. ..
each entirequent ineertior4 , • 35
A tiministratees.and hl?cecutor's notices. 6w,,,. 2.50
A liberal aeduction thirde tii iiiiiri - adveitisers. ,
. • ; . ';• • JOB WORK
Quarter-Sheet T h ud-Billa, (215 . to q()) ....., , .'2.00
lialf ^ '. ' ... • .. .. - 8.55
IV hole ok ~, .. • 414 .46 6.50
tic" For ailjoVvrork and !oral adveitieina lenne
:n'variably 'cash. . "W. BLAIR.
Editor and Proprietor, ..
, . .
._._.. _. .„ . ._ . ... ... ~.. .
tion of the RECORD in this region; including
the' townihips Of Washingtonand, Quitsey;
hirgely exceeds that of any other paper Pub
lished in the county. It is tharofore the
best advertising medium. •
ti'" . .l.t, then, you area Lawyer, Doctor ,or
other professional man, ad,veittse- - .
Elf you want to sell goods, advertise.
.tit If you. want to. buy -a , farm, adver
fist). ,• ,
WIT you want to sell a farm, advertise.
Earlf you want employment, advertise.
Elf you want to employ .help, adver
tise. • .
• ettrlf you want to buy a bons% adver
, .
Afirif you want to buy or,sell a tot, ad
vertise. ~ 0, c ,
465-11 you want to buy or sell cattle, ad
vertise. , • .. , ,:, ' _ • .
you Want to -buy or milt .graiu, ad.
rairlf you want to, advance your inter eats
geuenklly, ADVERTISE i,
THANKSGIVING—fee Proelauiation of
Gov. Curtin, in ringher column.
StE ELECTION.---We have Y l eceived a
complete list of the official majority of the
C kWijarftrrAltd-i-tG-G-elleEld,___Fff
Taut of space we omit the usual table. The
majority Sratefor Hartranft, Union
tau dater ) is 21,010: s.—We . learn from the Berkeley
',ion, a thoroughly loyal journal, publish-.
ed at ,l.altinsburg,- Va , that it number of
persous were arrested there on the- morning_
of the election and committed to jail for is
suing a seditious handbill which sought to
doter the election' officers from discharging
their duties . . Among the number we notice
the name of EDWIN S. L'ORSEY. The par
ties were afterwards released. Whipped
rebels and their less courageous sympathiz
ers should be everywhere thus dealt with,
SHE BEBELs.— A petition has recently
been presented to President Johnson signed
by fifteen hundred she rebels, of Baltimore,
asking the release and pardon of Jefferson
Davis. Baltimore rebels were the first to
shoot down Union soldiers on their passage
to the defence of the National Capitol, and
the first to plot the assassination of the la
located Lincoln. No wonder tltiN treacher
ous eldrnent should now be interested for the
release and pardon of She arch traitor, Davis.
SMALL CEIAIiGE.—Ex.-Gov. Pollock, di
rector of the United States Mint of Phila
delphia, informs the public that Small coin
is now plenty, and can be had in any quan
tities, without delay, in exchange for green-
backs. The denominations are one, two and
three. centa. The coin will be the
purchaser by express at the expense of the
United States.
ILE rN rtryrobt.—The Fulton Republican
speaks as follows ofthe Hancock Oil well :
"The latest information, we have froin the
Hancock oil well is to , the effect that they
havn't 4 +struck ile." - The well is about 600
feet down, and the boring still continues.—
As soon as the company succeed in punch
ing through it is intended to establish the
"American Celesiial and Internal" Telegraph
to China, when it will be determined finally
whether Chinese language can be adapted to
telegraphing. "
—.l TER CSOLSRA.—The Steamer Atlanta
arrived at New York on Thursday night,
from London: There were 66 or '6O oases
of cholera on board daring the passage, and
15 deaths. The Health Commissioners of
New York immediately met, and the steamer
was sent to the lower Bay,' and all , comma.
nitration with her forbidden." 'Similar pre
noideubt be taken in All our
seaports; to try and keep from our shores the
dreaded scourge. • '
API;LES.—The Palmyra (N. Y.) Court',
er:says a vast quantity dapples . are coming
to market from Wayne county, and that East,
era buyers have been., deceived into paying
114 prices ,by a false cry of scarcity. The
.11 , ebester • Union trays the ' trim of
other 'enmities in ^Western' Nei , ' York, and
odds: 'The prices whiolx have been paid for
appleallais• fall ere beyond all precedent, and
whollpunwarranted. Those Eastern peeple
who hlve bought ior,eensumption time been
ebented themselves, ; 4 .seme.who havebonght
apples:to Amid' till winter or spring may faid
themselves bitten." •
• .
'• Property agrees - value in Loudon °nutty,
Virginia, giblob .bzid.'been libelled and eon
44.ein nod. nudge( .seati 'fin; the , use ,of . the
is.ricrdnrin's has bile's • released , and
,tirdeic d ;t*-,rettrroOd to its ` tciimei• imam .
• • •
GONE' TO Tlig PENITI;NTIAItI 7 .-A letter
;from 'Altoona, &sited on 41onday - last, ays:
"Ow tiartholderl.tlrrest st s p rin g
e e s
foestealing goods, out of the ctirs,:of
'Pe)ns:ylvaeia railrpad corripany, Started• thak -
InOteing tcilerre a torin 6ftwo..yreaf.s ie : -tho-
Wiistorn Penitentitiiy, Tart con stets
of Burkholder, (aged 60,) two sons two
daughters, and a sowie:law named Vark.—
Mrs. Burkholder and •3lrs. Hark atalru,...adtt
yet been sent on, on account of thiLdelicate,
state of their'healtk. 'Bisii - opyozzens,. and
his wife, (who:Ns c refiaist( ft; BtivlibellA64)Atire!
ed State's evidence and escaped trial.
Burkholder owns a large farm and was in
no necessity — of resorting to suit a mode of
makhig a Jiving. , , , ,
'1665/ 4 '
$ 2 ,00
The War Departineet; deeided
the approval of General Grant, not to restore
the property of ex-GoVernor Henry A. Wise
of Virginia. General Terry's action in re.
fusing to give up the estate is fully sustain.:
CO. ,BVise's house is still used -
ass school
fot , t- h e children of freedom, and. John
Brown's daughters are the teachers: '
• iterA Boy in Detroit only fifteen years'of
age shot a steamboat captain - Who had Com 7
mitted an atrocious oltfenco uptin his sister,'
putting , three balls into Ms body. the boy
then walked into the court room where his
victim had been undergoing examination,
and gave himself into custody.
tar The National Convention of soldiers
hmi , heen called to, meet in 'Washington on
the fourth Monday in January, f'or the int--
pose of effecting a permanent organisation,
and to urge upon Congress and, the Depart
ments the justice of employing soldier's and
BealUe Xi in preference to others.
Vallandigham. the Northern- traitor
who declared that the troops which left . O
hio to fight the southern traitors, must pass
over his body, is lecturing in Ohio at ten
cents admission. He puts the price at that
amount in honor of his sympathiser in, tree,
;on Buchanan, as the only way to keep the
0. P. F. in the memory o acp al
NI - General Lee, it has said, has made ar
rangements for the publication of a military
history of the rebellion, which he is to write.
Buchanan has alteady written the story of
its inception. It only remains_for_Jeff._Da
vis to give an account of . his administration,
and we shall have the complete; view of the
rebellion from a' rebel stand point, forming a
valuable addition to the "Curiosities of Lit
'The Pennsylvania Railroad is an im
mense corporation. The receipts this year,
so far, are two millions of dollars ahead of
last'year at the corresponding time, and will
reach at least eighteen millions of dollars this
ar Smith Miller, an Ex-Congressman
from Indiana, turned his patriotic son out
of his house when the young man returned
from the war, and the Union men thereupon
elected him county clerk by a handsome ma
jority at the recent election.
In the name and by the authority of the Com
montecalth of Pennsylvania:
Governor of the said Commonwealth
With feelings of the most profound grati-
Vide to ALMIGIITY GOD, I invite the good
people of the Commonwealth to meet in their
places of.public worship, on Thursday, the
seventh nay of December next, and raise
their hearts and voices in praise and thanks
giving to Him, not only for the manifold or
dinary blessings which during the past year
He has continued to heap ripen us, for abun
dant and gathered harvests, for thriving in
dustry, for general health, for domestic good
order and government, but also most express
ly and fervently for His unequalled goodness
in having so strengthened and guided our
people during the lust four years that they
have been enabled to crush to the earth the
late wicked rebellion and to exterminate the
system of human slavery which caused it,
As we wrestled in prayer with Him in the
dark time of our trouble—when our broth
ers and sons were staking life and limb for
us on many a bloody field, or suffering by
torture and,famine in the Hells" of Ander
sonville or the Libby—so now when our sup
plications have been so 'marvellously and
graciously answered, let us not withhold from
Him the homage of our thanksgiving. Let
us say to all, "Choose ye this day whom ye
will serve, "but as for us and our, house we
will serve the Lord."
Come then ye people whomHe lath so
helped and led—come ye war-torn and mu
tilated men whom he hatb spared to return
to yea dear homes—let us throng the gates
-of His temples—let us throw ourselves op
the knees ,of our hearts with awful joy at the
loot of His throne, and render aloud our
praise and thanksgiving to Him, because He
bath made the Right to prevail—because He
path given us the victory—because He . bath
cleansed our land from the stain of human
slavery—and because He bath graciously
:hown forth in . the eyes of all men the. great
truth that tto government is so strong as a
Republic, controlled, under His, guidance,
by an educated, moral and religious people.
GI - m.l under my hand and the great seal of
the State, at „Harrisburg, this seventh •day
of November, in the„year of our, Lord one
thousand' eight hundred' and siaty•ftve,
and;of.the.Cotnutonsvealth the ninetieth..
Br TIM GOVERNQR. ; • • . ,
A ,negro ,ehurch .at Millington. Kent
county, Md., and other negro churches in
the neighborhood, have recentlylbeew7bUrn•
ed by incendiaries.. A dwelling house in the
same county, occupied by a negro , family,
was also iccentlfburned, and'foueehildren
perished in the flames. • • '
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
' SNOT(. -LA s light Snow stern?, firStltirAtik7,
4 .
season,'or' evaileil here on Sunddi r jas't. . :4
q, yoOA,LE.-4Mr. Henry ob el i 0 1 .6 , 9
vi.rato . '..salo in o i :day's paper alliiim'ert'Adjei ' ,
ofeeaitid pleasantly situated on Blain Street:
, I3uTTER.—We stated last week that but :
or ivas k -46 4 ciititi.: This i4' np
pcuramartmrerror,iker4rice' being— but-85
cents fr t per. pouuct.
persons Nypi - send„ us
siuiply a memorandum of
4 , 911 matters of,in
terest occurring in tliis bection of country
wo will esteemit a special favor. '
SALES.7—We direct special . attention to
the sales of personal property advertised hi
to-day's paper by 'Daniel Mickley and 3ohn
Stoner, '
"HUCKSTER Ro u T . huelcster
route, with wagona,. tomes, etc., belonging
to H. F. Stover, dee'd is offered at private
sale by H. STONEUOUSE, administrator.
SENTENOED.-Dr. S. ; D. Kell, convicted
at the April Court, in this County, of Per
jury,lvas last week 'sentenced to two years'
imprisonment id the Eastern, Penitentiary
and psy costs pf prosecution.
Mxi:TING!—By order of the President,
W. J. Burn, a special meeting of the Direc
tors of the Oil Creek and Gordun's Run Pe
troleum Company will be held at Bedtord On
the 15t1 inst. The stockholders are • invited
to •attend.
• LAND SALDs.—Mr. Josiah Burger recent.
ly, disposed of his farm in Quincy township,
containing 84 acres, to Dr. Jeremiah Hese,
for the sum of OM sash. •
Dr. He has sold•his farm, near this place,-
containing 231 acros s to bit. Samuel Young,
for the sum of $4,000.
'CLEAN YOUlt CHIMNEYB.—Now is the time
to hare your chimneys cleaned of the soot
which 'may have accumu
iog the Summer months. High winds will
predail for months, to coma, and there is
great danger of Gros breakiiig out, as sparks
may at any moment-be-communicated to the
soot-in-the-dirty chimneys.
IMUSTMED OUT.—The 22d Pennsylvania
Cavalry was mustered out of service at Cum
berland, Md., a few days' since. A number
of young men who belonged to the regiment
from this section• have returned. ' Maj. E. S.
Troxel has, we understand, returned to Mar
tinsburg, Ye , which is to be his place of
residence in the future.'
Baas H. Fahrney of
this vicinity recently received from M. Quim
by, of St. Johusville, N. Y., a number of
seeps of Italian Bees. Mr. Qii said to bade
the largest bee farm in the United States,
The Italian bee is larger than the common
ono, is said to be more industrious and there
fot•e much more productive. Mr. Fahrney's
object is to introduce the Italian bee in this
section. Persons desiring swarms can obtain
them at a small advance , upon first cost, by
applying to him at the residence of the Rev.
Daniel Holsinger.
odist Sabbath School in this place, was on
the Ist of October organized into a Mission
ary Society. Each class bears the name of
some eminent Missionary or worthy member
of the church. The class 'which succeeds in
raising the largest amount , of money during
the month is presented with a banner which
it holds for one month. On last Sabbath a
week a report was made showing the total
amount collected in October was $41.76, of
which the "banner' s Class collected $l5 48.
This is a very creditable effort, and continu
ed with like success the total" contributions
will amount to a very handsome sum.
Addresses Were delivered by Mr. Edmund
Brown, Jos. Douglas, Esq., Rev. 0. F. Thom
as, and Dr. Herring.
SELECT SCHjOL.—There seems to be a
strong desire . on the part qf• many of our cit
izens to secure the services' of Prof. L. R.
SWINNETOIS teacher of a Select. School, in
this place. Mr. S. formerly taught at Quin
cy and afterwards was employed in the A
cademy at Fayettville, which situation , he
was compelled to relinquish on account of
ill health. lie is a first-Class teacher and
the citizens of.eur town and vicinity will be
fortunate should •they' succeed in securing
his services. Should his •consent be obtain•
ed, we predict a flourishing and permanent
Onr town hat long been in the back ground
so far as - the'eause of education is concerned,
but there are evident signs of a changC in
public feeling in this respect. Our citizens,
or many of them at least, are for once be
ginning to realizei the importance of sustain.
ing such a.sehool, ami that itcati be success ;
fully done the , population and wealth of . our
BorOugh and surrounding country is s'ar.
Lain guarantee:'_. Effort is all that is rciilit l r
, 'Phebe ,Datyy of Wayne, ..Maine, Is ;108
years olck.haviag' been' 'born • Ocaober 6th,
1762. She 'l4' able' to road' without,' 'her
,wep, and
been 'for the ', hist Year . ;
"goes n,visitiog! " to tio : oneighbors on, foot,
knitestoeltinge,, talltofittently^ on , moat . sub;
jeets, and reads more or less every
:::,bni4,..Sipti , . 7 -The cold and chilling blasts
front . iipsiii:ottlitirithin the past few;days
..))a§ , afferde4 foretaste of what miigi'Ve
Otpeetctd,.ete• Itnag `Delays are , dangerous
40:446C44,4111i'ad0161iiiiied to prepare for
the'Sternet - reelitietra*lnter, iu earnest
the einning, sciasOh prove one of end,.
stud severity as is predicted by some persons
'W . Se'iiisitnie - liibeln 7 oPtieticre chi's* 'iesPeci,
there will dentitless . be'lltorer sliffglingl4 l3 94,6" .
4 the4nor and_ helpless glasses ofseciety than
durinc, any winter since the inauguration of
the 'sltiveltohlers liebellteu. !rhos° :toitti
.4ateepough to • blessed with uu abundance
of this world's trcasure should net r ,be un
mindful the , wan'ts'ef '6oh - in their efforts to
secure themselves against:The coming stouts
and dearth of winter.
fiiThe truly genetotts is the truly wise
And he, lab° loves.not .othere, lives .unbleit."
MUSTEREb OUT.—lndepencl eat Battery .
B, Penn'a Art.. numbering one hundred and
fifty Men; arrived in .Hartisburg last week
from Texas, where they, Were niustered . out
and paid off.
- Samuel Snively 'and David Hoeflich re
turned here on Friday evening last. They
belonged to Battery B, anti were upwards of
fdur years in service, and althOugh they
come back to us unscathed must necessarily
Mire 'endured many hardehipti and privations, '
as di& our brate boys generally. Both pro
ved their valor for the Union cause on more'
than bee occasion on battlefields. AU such
should be warmly; cordially welcomed back
to home and friends.
THE PARTNER Or LIPS. —Many a man
has seen his choice for a partner .in life in
the humble girl, far beneath him in the o
pinion of the world, and although love and
pride mirk have struggled with him for a
while, yet pride triumphed, and be sought
one from the higher walks of life. In' all
the vicissitudes of social existence, nothing
can be capable of inflicting more certain
misery than is sure to follow Such a course,
it distracts the general harmony of our days,
misshapes our ends, shortens the length of
,„ r _k vesT 4 esseu s thc, • stature of manhood
and is Contrary to the divine instructions of
the Bible, for it declares where love is there
are peace, Plenty, thriftiness. Every thing
is sure t o follow a happy union. Let not
pride interfere in this 'natter.
Negroes in Mississippi
The Mississippi Constitutional Couvention
has appointed a tansanittee to draft "acts and
amendments -t o existing acts," regarding
fteedinnu an d Degrees generally. They
have "drafted" one—a "vegraut" sot, from
which we make an extract. If a negro
does not make au honest and lawful support,
he is brought before an ordinary police
court, in which he is bound to enter recog
nizance, not more than 8500 and not less
than $2OO that he will mend his ways. If
he does not his eurities can surrender him,
an d hi s p u nishment is the same as if be
Was not a bl e , to enter Jecognizanoes. And
that punishment is thus stated:
"The said court way cause such vagrant,
for the first offence, to be suspended by the
thumbs not more than three times for the
first offence, nor leas than one, for two hours
at a time nor more than once a day, and ac
cording to the rules and manner in such
eases in the army and navy of the United.
States; or may order such vagr ant to re
ceive not more than fifty lashes on his or
her bare hack for three days in succession,
well laid on; and in either case, or without
such punishment, shall send such vagrant to
the poor-house of the county for the bal
ance of that year and ensuing year, there to
be treated and labored according to law in
such cases; and for a second offence, or es
cape. such vagrant may receive double the
punishment aforesaid iu days of punishment,
with the same rate of increase for such suc
cessive offence; provided no woman in a
state of pregbaucy shall be suspended by Alio
thumbs, &c, The law father provides for
the apprenticeship of minors, and Jor their
sale at public auction, when not otherwise
disposed of " •
rrls SLAVERY dead yet in Mississippi ?
CoLulßus, M 18N. Nov. 4.—The Missis
sippi Legislature proposes to sot apart two
per cent. at' the public debt to pay the State
debt. A tax is to be levied to support disa
bled Cordederate, sordiers, and cuttoate sol
diers' children. '
Bills have been introduced to compel rail
way companies to have separate ears for no
woes, to suspend all collection laws of, the
.State, and to tux alt.suits brought in United
State Uours. ,
111ILLEDoEvir,ri - E, Ga., Oct: 31...—The Gov
ernor has - transmitted voluminous ,documente
to the Legislature, amci advisei the State to
claim the cotton which General Sherman
The Governor's telegram to Weihington
was laid before the convention, and ' produc
ed much laughter.'
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 4.—General Canby
has received orders from Washington to mus
ter out as many negro mops as can he spar
ed. 6everat regiments wilt soon be disban
ded, to prevent insubordination. Gen. Can
by has orticrect'ils.t they'shall not be allow
ed to purchaiir, their %veep:ins."
The Wataltington Republican' o I Tuesday
says dint intelligence haft been received. at
the Hlceduien's Bureau, in that city, that
two agents of the 'Bureau, sent out to Ber.
7, vibe !row the garrison at Winchester for
the purpose of in ves tig,attug the rifietre of the
Freedmen, were driven how the town, by a
mob composed of citizens 'of that place..
'- Many of, the -Irceetnen who cuumeted
with.their,former •masters for u.shure of the
crop, •now that the hurveste have been . gar
nered, have been, driven away by their' em
ployers who refuse to compensate them for
their labor. bieusures.witt be taken by the
Bureau, to fully investigate thcvcondition of
the.freenmen of twat vicioity,, 'and to see
that ample justice is - dune theaL—A/cxand
dria 'State . • . ••
The President to the Governor of
. . - Geor44a l , '
bli4iEtocroLPE, N ovembler 1, 1865.4, Tbe
iiripo l rtarkit, despatch :sfrdin
the Prestdeut qt the Atii*d 'StateElhad;ben
reeeived here by PoVernei4ebnson: •
' 5 Ex,,,iregvy,E . MANsio4l
Nne G
C St') e FB - .18G5
' 4 )
tToJ a ntiiiiirnion, .
Your despatch has been received. The
people7,oGe_itrgia - lhoulii not hesitate one
single moment in repudiating . every .single
dollar . of debt created, for the pUrpose,of aid
ing •the ,rphellion against the Government of
the United States— I:U' Will not do to :levy
and collect taxes from a State and piople
t", I ; fay• 'a:
debt that was created• to eidin takiog,them
out, and thereby subverting the Constitution
of the United Statesi Tdo net , believe , the
great, mass of the people of the State ofGeor- ,
gia, Avhen left uninfluenced; will ever •thibinit
to the payment of a debt which' was the main ,
cause of hringing on their past . and 'present
suffeiinelthe result of the rebellion. Those
who ivvested their' capital, in the creation of
this debt must meat their fate, and takeit
as one of the inevitable results of the rebel
lion, though it may seem hard to •them. It
should at once be made kaolin, at home-and
abroad, that no. debt. contracted for the put.-
pose 'of dissolving the Union can or ever 'will
be paid by taxes levied on the people fot
such purpose
President of the United States.
Aninfernal Machine blows up.
NEW YORK, Nov- s.—At 81) A. M.
to-day an explosion occurred in front of the
Wyoming hote I, No. 883 Greenwhich
street, shattering the trout of the hotel, : and
breaking nearly all the glass in the build
ings opposite and along the square where
the hotel is situated.. Two nien where • kill
ed and nine wounded. .
A short time since a guest of• the hotel
left a box as becurity for his bill, and prom
ised to call soon auu -redeem it. The .boa
was placed in'the baggage-room, in charge,
of a porter. This moron% smoke was seen
issuing tram the box, and it 'was taken by
two , men and . carried to the sidewalk,—
Just as they ieached the sidewalk an ex
plosion occurred, killing both the men who
were carrying the box, and doing much
damage, as above mentioned.
The police arrested all the persons , stop
ping at the hotel, and the matter is now be
ing investigated. The explosion was very,
, E I T - a t ir d- u ti ftt et e -d4.4“ ' . ' a '
who wore a mile froth the scene of the• oc
currence. -
Tto MEN Vincennes (Ohio)
Sun states that on Thursday night of last
week, a number of citizens of Crawford,
bordering on Dubois courity,;arrested - a couple
of men, suspected of having t few nights
previously attempted to break into several
houses in that -,vicinity. They failed to
give a satisfactory account of themselves to
the mob—did not deny their guilt or affirm
their innocence—and refused to give their
names The citizens then procured a rope
and hung them to a tree, to compel them
to divulge, which they persistently refused
to do, and utter hanging and letting them
down several times, without acting any
information, they were found to be dead,
AGED PEOPLE,-Mr: Bernard Eisenhuth
of Pottsville is 109 years old. He was born
on the 10th of May, 1757, in that section of
Pennsylvania now 'contained within the boun
daries of Lebanon county. In Reading a
Mrs. Hannah Fornwell resides, who in No
vember will be 100 years old She is still
in good health. She has had 25, children,,,
but five of whonl'are now living. • '
Some arithmetician, with a greet deal of
leisure time, has undertaken to zaloulate the
weight and length of the national debt in
silver, and he makes it encircle the earth
"four time s, requiring one hundred and
twenty fire ships of a thousand tons to .car
ry it. '
A miser aged 81 has jut died at (auden
dorf, near Vienna, having lett the whole of
a fortune of 'nearly 2,000,000 frances by
will to the Pope, on the condition that the
Pope will pray personally for the soul of the'
Judge Henry Stump, formerly Judge of
the Critninal Court of Baltimore City, died
suddenly at the residetice of his brother,•in
Cecil county, on Sunday last.
' The cavalry have been removed from the
Shenandoah valley, leaving only a email bo
dy of infantry at Wincheater.
Snow fell at Ashland, Me., on the 23d
ult., to the depth of 6 inches.
FALL Stock of Ladies' FURS comprising all kinds,
qualities mid shapes for Ladies and Children are
now open for inspection, in addition to our large
stock of FURS, we have FUR TRIMMINtirS
&c , dtc.
Glove Factory , and Fur
. Store,
Opposite Wastungton House.
E it' FALL FASHIONS, 1865. Fall styles of
HATS and CAPS for Men, Boys, and Children,
are uow ready comprising every thing popular in
the way of"llead Gear" together with 'a nice tut
BAGS ; Ladies' FURS, &c.
Hat Manufactory,
Opposite W eabingturt House.
heaten's Ointment
Will cure the itch an 48 ilonrs.
Price 50" cents. For sale by all Druggists •
sending GO cents. to WEEKS & POTTER,
Solo Agents, 170 Washington street; Boston, Mass.,
it will be forwarded by mail, tree of postage, to any
part of the United States.
Sept. 22-6 m.
On the . 26th ult.,in Greencastle, by Rev.
Wm. Eyster, Mr. R. E. CROOKS, late 'mil
tor oPthe Pilot s to bliss KATE BECH.DEL,
of Wishinton 'county Maryland.' "
_On Tuaday'last at the residence' of the
bride's parents, near this place . ' by the Rev.'
Dasiel Holsinger, .31r,, JOHN S. GROVE,'
3EE Fl 31#1 33
o#(' the lohlu lt r? in Quinjiy i township,
3Agpl: in lh6%77tibyoar of his ago.
• .
IfartlAuxtaqtrA, rinveunuer Jour
iiiarkercontinues dullOnnd prices are un,et
fled. 'Aire dofy sales *wheat._ of are in small—
lots, to the retailers and bakers, at pried;
fangib - g - ftetil..sB@B:so' ferettperfltint-08:75..-9
®9 50 for extraL $9@1.9 for Nsirth e esterp,,
extra family; $14i..6141.4.0: for 'OedusYlitio--:
nia and Ohio do, and 412®12 50, bbl for
fancy brands, according to quality - . •
W heat is rte . 1104# - §i
prices are looking up. Salbi' Allah; - alithit' lots.a ak,..froua;
new reds; 82,26®;..:45...fpc51ttdu7,-,-,tbs latte r '
rate for rribber,'And - t4!:60®1'80 - 10 - lius for -
White, as to quality.,, - -ty9,....i8 vseOug in a
small wayint:sl4ool - 18 .11ur ;Dela
ware and; renu'll': • - Vortr,fii-' dull "and,:pricee
rather lotyey; s,ooo . btis Sold' at 82@854i for
fair to priniuyelloil.2,ooo: bus prune white
at 88e ' and small lots of nen , at 7.91(4780
bus. Oats are in steady demand, with tales
of 4,000 bus at 54®55e afloat and in the
6.—The arrivals and' sales of Beet Cattle at
the Almon° Drove-Yard, as 'we have noticed
for some time past, 'continin • very: large.
reaching about- 2,500 head. Eitpa' Steers
are scarce, and in demand at an' advance, but
common continue very dull:., Fire). quality
Pennsylvania and Western., are! selling at
from . 16(51.7e la lb, the latter rate for choice;
fair to good at .14g1.5c, Worn
10®13c - 1b; -- as' to donditiod and. quality.
The market closed very dull- , within the a
bove range of prices,. and about •
will be left over.
Cows.—Prices were rather better;, about
100 head sold at from $4O up to $99 `49 head,
Re to condition.
SHEEP continue in fair demand at ',full
prices; 6,500 head arrived and sold at from
6iCcigie gross, for good fat - Sheep,
and $2.50®4 ij;be'ad for stuok Shoop, as, to
lions continue dull at foinier rates; 3,-
000 head arrived and sold at from $1.5@18.
50 the IUO lbs, net, the latter rate for prime
MHE subscriber offers at.private sale his House
and Lot of Ground 'Wrote on Main Street,
VV aynei.boro, adjoining properties of Mrs. Nancy
Gilbert and Vv idow Trisle. The dwelling is a
pair. There is also on the lot a'good FruMie stable.
For further information apply to the subscriber.
Nov. 10-4w] ' HENRY GILBERT.
MHE sulycriber, administrator of Henry F. :Mo
ver, oilers at Private Sale, Vie
of the deceased, with wagons, horses, and other
property connected with, the business.
Nov 10—tti H. STO.NEHoUSE. Atlm'r.
ILI, be sohl at pubic sale at the late resi
dence of Geo. W. summers, dec'd in Green
castle, on Tuesday the 21st of IVovensher, 1/386, the
following personal property, tu,wit:
1 fat hog; 1 baggy and harness, 1 silk gun, 1 gond
silver watch; 5 barrels corn; a lot hay. Also a gen
eral variety of household articles, such as stoves,
furniture, &c,, &c. EV'Sale t commence at 10
o'clock on said day when the terms will be made
knoWn by DANIEL MICKLEY, Adm'r.
Nov. 10—tej Ci V. Moan, AuCt.
I'l - nlE6ot:scriber will sell at Public Said, at his
k residence, in Waynesboro', on SATURDAY
THE 25TH OF NOVEMBER, 1865, the following
personal property, to wit:
one a fine Stallion, one good riding and driAng
Horse, and one fine young Mare; 1 lot of Luinber,
a lot Locust Posts and lot sawed Rails snit
lings; •
1 set Harness., 3 Fly-nets, bridles and halters.'2
hurse•blankets, 1 Wheelbsfrow, I cutting ••Box, 2•
pair hems, 1 saw and Buck, a tut grain bags,forks,
mattock, digging iron, 1 shovel, 2 barn shovels. 2
bu baskets, half bu. measure; also, the follovVing
household articles, viz:
and fixtures, 1 ten-plate stove and pipe, 1 dinner
table,,l breakfast table, 2 sinks, 1 doughtray, I ioz.
chairs, 4 bedsteads, I churn, 1 eight-day clock, 1
corner cupboard; tinware, crocks a cider barrels, 1‘
meat verse I, 1 sausage cutter, 2 benches, 1 iron ket
tle, a lot store boxes, pots, kettles, pans and Many
other articles too numerous to mention. rir At
the same time will also be oltired his house and plot
of ground on Leitersburg street. "The lot is a full
one and has thereon a one-story
I[JUlalltlZW 4
wash house, smoke house and • bake oven, a good
wagon-maker shop, frame stable with buggy shed,
hog pen, etc. There are also on the lot a good cis
tern and a variety of choice fruit trees, gropes. etc.
:Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when
the terms will be made known by
G. V. Mono, Aust.
Nov. 10—ts.]
portant to Eveybody I
CLOTHIER has just returned from the Eastern
Cities with one of thelargest and best selected stock
that has been brought to Hagerstown since the out.
break of the late War. Also, OVER • COATING
of the best quality all of which will be made to or
der in the most Fashionable and Substantial man
ner Cheap for Cash, or sold by the yard to suit ru
che/tem My motto is •Quick Sales and •
Short Profits. Aldo, a good stock of
and in oonnection oce of the largest stock's of
Wool and Cotton UNDER SHIRTS and DRAW.
DRS in the county; also, TIES ateICRAVATS.o,f
the latest styles, fine SHIRTS, over shirts, wool
and cotton half Hose, suspenders, Silk, Linen aria
Cotton Pocket Handkerchiefs, Heavy Wool Jack
ets and every thing else in the way of •.Futniehing
goods. Alan it stock of READY MADE CLOTH- ,
/au. All work guaranteed •to fit and be well made.
I return my thanks. to my Prit,ndttuad the Pub
lic generally for their very liberal patmoge extend.
ed to me, and hope by strict attention to bush:mail ttr
hare a continuance of the same •
.J. A. FISHER. •
' 2 #loore West of the. Hagenstown Bank, Wash
ington tatret. •
Oct. 27,1885.
intronTLLEyta!llzoTuEnTittWpugr:kLr eve
good? -
tuey therefore have fresh stock watt latest styles, all
the time. [nog. 4. '';',
Ind very Im—