Firrtx Evi, , L4dtntkrid Ruffin; the rep- : of who fired the On of treason on;, Port • u t pumr-in-1-881, -- c, Imnuattetsuledultrira ing himself at his house in Virginia. This is a fitting close for traitors. ~ • • The Petersburg Newt of Monday says that "James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania,,is in a greater degree responsible for-the lati rebel lion than any man that lives." By a moat semi ble: amendment to the school law of this State, passed last winter, the minium age for children to be admitted to the common schools was changed from five to six years. ' The demands for more National Banks are so pressing.that Congress will be called upon among its •earliest enactments to increase the apportionment ot• National Bank •eapi tal. Breokinridgo is, described by a "gentleman who saw him in Havana, as "tall, Ably, and greatly sunburnt." Pour outlaw ! Attorney General Speed is said to be still ignorant of the place of trial of Jeff. Davis, but inclines to the opinion that it will be at Baltimore, before Judge Chase, The destitution in Southwestern Missouri, is extreme, • many of the inhabitants liv ing upon greens, slippery elm bark, and roots. • - - General Butler made a speech at Lowell, Massachusetts, on Saturday, in which he ad vocated the right or negroes to vote. A woman eighty years old is in the Rhode Island State prison s for poisoning two__hus• bands.. The 'Adams County Agricultural Society has resolved to held a fair at liendersville tho coming autumn.. Dresses ,without slewes are the style in —, -- ParisTalfd — alni - Cst — Without too. The Parisians will next dispense with skirts. Fifty thousand guns will be shipped nest —week-from - the - Springfield arsenal to the Col umbus (0.) arseuallor storage. The military cemetery at Port Loyal con tains the 'graves of eighteen thousand Union soldiers. At a picnic at Alb Any, on . Wednesday, two wooden-legged man ran a race for 626. A silver cradle has been presented to the Lord Mayoress of Liverpool fu r her infant. Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold ! 13i g ht 4 P taw, h rel osuLculd_ For less than Fifty it is sold, To get the "Divy" you are told -- To call at UPDEGRAFF'S Practical Hat Ma hers, wher-t you can be su with _all the New Spring bvies of itt 6 and CAPS for 1815, at prices that clearly establish the fact that the preUtoua metal has declined. Ap 21, 1865. CrSPRING AND SUMMER STYLES FOR 4665. Are now ready at Updegrafr's Hat Store a great -variety of HA I'6 and CAPS for Men, Boys and :Children's wear. Silk Hats,. Cassimere Eats, Cloth Hats on Fur BoilieFl, Plain Cloth Hats, Fur Hats, Wool Eats, in Black, White, Grey, Brown and mixed colors, Guyaquille, Panama, Leghorn, Can- Braid, mraw arid Pam Hear Hats &e. &c. from 1.5 cents up. "Cheaper than the Cheapest,— Better th•iii the Best." Wholesale and Retail at UPDEGRAFF'S Hat Makers, Opposite Washington House. Ap 21 1865. • . Hagerstown. 11 3VMX3M .A.MerALII.. On the 4th of 'May at the residence of A'. S. Monn, by the Rev. J. I?. Oiler, Mr. DAN IEL BAKENER to Miss MARY A. MONN, of Quincy Township. On the 16th of May, by the same, Mr. CM LUST. ROSEBERGER. to Miss MAItY REESMAN, alt of Quincy Township. Viotz-No On the 26th inst , SUSAN infant child of Samuel P. Fitz, aged 1 year, 1 month and 26 days. pi,TA "Alt roo,=-41,40 PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET, June 2G.—The arrivals and sales of Beef Cattle are large this week, reaching about 1,800 head; the market in consequence is very dull, and prices have declined I®2e 11k. First quality Pennsylvania•and Western steers are selling at from 16®17c; fair to good at 14- ®lsc, and common at from 12®13e . 114 lb, according to quality,. The market closed very dull, and sales were reported at rather lower prices than the above. Sheep are rather dull; 6,500 head sold at from 6(7c V lb, °Toss, as to quality. Cows are also d l; 115 head sold at from $25 up to $BO V head, as to quality. • :flogs are more active, and. prices , lrave ad vanced; 1,500 head sold, at from $12513 50 the 100 lba,.net. PHILADELPHIA June 27 —The Flour mar let continues very dull, and prices are un unsettled and weak. The only sales we hear IA are in small lots to the retailers Mid ba kers, at from $6(O 50 for common to good superfine; 86 62®7.25 for extra, 87®8.50 for common to good extra family; and 59@- 10 barrel for fancy brands, according to quality. Itye.Flour is dull; small sales are inakin ,, at $5 `49 barrel. Corn Meal is un changed; we quote Pennsylvania at 54.75 IR lab!. GRAlN.—There is very little demand for Wheat, and prices are without change; about 3,000 bus sold in lots at 175(a . )1.80c for fair to prime Western and Pennsylvania reds, and white at from 200®220c bus, as to quality. Aye is Belling in a small way at 85c if) bus. Corn ie in demand, and prices are rather better; 5,000 bus prime yellow sold at looc ip - bushel. Oats are also better -8,000 bushels Pennsylvania sold at 73c buil'. in store. CARRIiGHLIKING! JACOB ADAMS AlCTOULD'inforrn his numerous customers and ', y y 'the public generally that the war havingter mtnated he is now preparing to carry on the Car riage-milting busie.ess zdure extensively,, ~„,,,,, than ever. and will have constantly on A<=l - -f• ,hand BUGGIES of every description; 7 .‘ 544, 'c new and second-landed Vehicles, of all kinds.— . jarktepaiting.done . at short notice, , 1143,wi1l employ none but good. Mechanics and use the best,material. Persons wanilng anythiaglit his line will to Well,to give him a call before purchasing Iseivhere. ' JACOB ADAMS, • - ChUreh Street, nearly appetite the ill , a Church. dune 9— t i. OI1:= CREEK AND OORDON'S RUN. etrtoleum Company t OFFICE, 407 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, CAPITAL. $500.000. 500.000' Shares, par value and subscription , • price 61.00 per Share. • IiVORSING OAPITAt $B5 000. President, M. J ..Uiream. 7'reastirer, F. BENEDICT, Secretary, .1.1... ltsounsa TaOMAS C. GAllitgr. Directors, M... 1. BY ina,Philiailiotiia, Dr. M. Roche, Philadelphia, Oscar.)). McClellan, Philadelphia, John Ricketts, Plumer, Pa, George C. Rickets, Plumer, Pa., 0. E. Shannori, Bedford, Pa., W. W. 'Walker, Waynesboro', Pa. The Oil Creek and Gordon's Run Petroleum Company. -CANTA $500.000. THIS Company owns in fee simple one hundred sicres'of land on Gordon's Run, known as the ((Henderson Farm," also, sixty acres, in fee simple, east-Oil-Oreek; sixty acres, in fee simple, on west Hickory Run, being part of the Thomas tract, boun ded by Gorman and others. These erects are close to the Venango line, on the Warren side, and lie within two and a half (2) miles of each other, the last named tract is about three miles. on a streight line, from the two hun dred (200) barrel well lately struck on the same stream—The first and second are three miles from the Tideout wells, which are north east. The Econimite wells are there, and have been procuring eighty (80) barrels per day for the last four years, at a depth of one hundred and twenty (120) feet.- -The-two_hundre_d (200) barrel well above mention. led was struck at one hundred and ten (110) feet, i and is the most extraordinary developmentyet made 'in the oil regions, considering depth. A new well . I of fifty (50) barrels on the other or west side of these Tracts hale been struck at Enterprise. It is confi dently_expected by- gentlemen of experience that in abundance will be reached in this locality at from -three hundred (300) to four hundred and'twen ty (420) feet and perhaps a great deal less. The large well on West H ickety would indicate a less depth. A very recent discovery of Oil has been made on tl,e White farm, in the immediate neigh borhood of these tracts. An efficient and reliable superintendent is now on the ground, with Derricks and Engines, Engine Houses, Ace., going up, and boring to be commenced at once, with a fair prospect of striking Oil about the first of August. 1865. The whole of the land is good boring territory and heav ily timbered. A few subacri weans will be received b - GEO, %V. WALKER, May 211. Agent. JUNE 9TH, 1365. HOT, HOT, HOT WEATHER! PREPARE FOR IT ! Metcalfe & Hitesheur, Second Street, West Side, Above the Jail, CHAMBERSBURG, Ire just returneu from h e Eastern cities with a full line of goods of - every descrijniun Ihes, . Sun Shades, silk &gingham, Lawns, Fans, (many kinds, Bl'k and wh't tamar- Wrappings, every description, tine, Bugle Trimming. Buttons, Fancy Chintz, Cable Cc rd, all colors, • French and Swiss Gingham. • 411...•.1iik_15M. MP ° 11FM r— iir a. American liemp, List and Imported. MILIEN 4 S/ We have Cloth, Cassimere, Linens, Cottonades, and in short a lull line of oods of all S I ere say parties wanting anything in our line will do well to call upon us as we have the largest stoat in the county and sell at short profits. METCALFE & June 9, 1965. N. 13. We sell Wholesale and Retail. Administrator's Notice. OTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin istration on the estate of Jacob Hollinger, late ut Washington township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All per,ons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will p:easo make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authen ticated lor settlement. .I:oiNiltAD RUTHS, • J u 9-6 t. Administrator. BANK DIVIDIEND. LT a meeting of the Board of Directors of the First Natio,,al Bank of Wayne'shor.',, on the of May, ult., a semi-annual Dividend of five per cent. was declared on the Capital btock—pdya ble on or alter the Ist of June. •June 9 JOHN PHILIPS, Cash. USTATE of Daniel Gehr, late of Washington I.24Township dec'e. Letters of administration hav ing been granted to the subscriber, he hereby noti fies all penults indebted to said deceased to make payment thereof, and all credit(); E. to present their chums. .IAUGn S. IiGOD Adufr. June 2-6tv Illentzer's Horse & Cattle Powder., M. STONE lt having purchased of Mr, Al • Mentzer, the recipe for making the above far-towed Horse and Cattle Powder, for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, ace., that he has on hand and intends keeping a good supply always 611 hand.— eountry merchants and others keeping such articles for sale, would do well to supply themselves with a quantity. He will sell it on commission or for cash cheap. Order's will be punctiiaily attended to January 31. - SHERIFF A.LT Y, lOFFER myself nftit Candidate for the Office of SHEKIFF, subject to the decision of the U nion Nominating Convention. • THOMAS McA FEE. __Mercersburg, April 28—tf. COUNTY TREASURER. AT the solicitation of a number of my friends, I announce motif a candidate for the office of uuunty Treasurer, subject to"the decision of the Uniun Nounnating County Convention. Quincy, May s—tf..] WM. FLEAGLE. r AIME and small Shakers at IA June 2 Pavi & ficonrucn's tiooPud kirce at June 2] PRICE k ITCRYLICH . B: _ _ CURTAIN FUTURES with curd — and tHtlieib, °t • Plitcn & Fancy Kid gaol tasting Gaitors et Pains & BCFIFLICWP. • ARLO W'S INDIGO, the genuine article, and ponly,place to be had at Paws & !Rennet's Ll Mr: PUTNAM'S Patent' Cloth Wringer JUL* for sale at the sign of the Big Red nom D. l ..Reeser Agf:atf kr Frank in county. ' (July It 'Wt.) • • IL S 7-30 LOAN. rtirenart-x-zuss, $230,000,000. • By authority athe Secretary of the Treasnry, the indersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United Stales Securities, offers to the public thO third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three•tenths por cent. interes(per tonutn, known 7-80 LOAN These notes are issued 4 'n ' oder date of July 15, 1865, and are payable three years from that date in currency, or are convertible et the option of the hold: GOLD-BEARING . BONDS These Bonds are now worth a handsome prem urn, ana are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from State, County. and Municipal taxa.- lion, which add., from one to three per cent. per an nnm to their value, according to the rate lev'ed up- on other property. The interest is payable semi•an nually, bycoupona attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or bunker. The interest at 7.30 per cent. - amounts to One cent per day. on a $5O note. Twin cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten cents per day, on a $5OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $lOOO note One Dollar per day on a $5OOO note. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished_upon_receipt_of—stibscriptione.— 'The notes of this Third series are precisely aim liar in form and privileges to the Seven. Thirties a ready sold, except that the itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent:, instead cf 7 3-10 tho in currency. Itiubscri bers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe The delivery of the pot es of this third series o the - Seven-thiritiee will commence on the let o 'June, and will be made piomptly and continuously after that date The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of inter est. The payment in gold, if made, will be equiva lent to the currency interest of the higher rate The return to specie 'payments, in the event of which• only will the option to pity interest in Gold would so reduce and equalize that purchases made with six per cent. in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven and tht ee-tenths per cent. in . curroney.,. This is The Only Loan in market • Now offered by the GoOernntent, and its superior advantages make it the Great Popular Loan of the People.. Leas than $230,000,000 of the Loan authorized by the last Congress are now on the market: This' amount at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will. all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the . Diaiionil Banks, State 13anks; and Private Bankers throughout the country have gen- crafty agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Sub scribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. • JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Philadelphia. SUBSCRIPrIoNS WILL BE RECEIVED by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Waynesboro'. May 26-2 m, COUNTY -7 1 - 'l - tEAtii - itat7 S AMUEL F. GREENAWALT offers himselfas a Candidate fur the office of County Treas urer, r..ubject to the, decision of the Union Nominu tug Convention. CumduEttenuan, May 12. EXCELSIOR HORSE PITCHFORK ! rrnE subscriber is agent for the sale of Palmer's Exeekior r4elf-Stnitainitig 'Hay Elevator, the greatest labor-saving implement of the age. Cal and see tt. GEORGE ERICK. Juno 2—tf. • THE FA!!VEER MOWING MACHINE rr HIS machine 'is made of Iron and Steel. o 1 light draft, and in other respects is much supe rior to any Mower now in usc. It is warranted to give satisfaction. Farmers are requested coca!l and examine the machine before purchabirez elsewhere? For sale by • GEORGE FRICK. June 2—tf. BEE NIVE ! 1 EE-KEEPERS, _your attention is called to jil,anstroth's Patent Movable Comb Bee-Dive, a sample of which can be seeti - at D. Holsinger's resi dence, Li miles from Waynesboro'. Call arid ex amine before getting the old fanhioned hive. , Bights can be procured of the underbigned upon reasona ble terms. A superior kind of been, (Italian) a book on the Honey Dee can be, obtained by leaving their orders with Juno 22-3 t. BENJ. FRAN'TZ, M. D. DRS. FRANTZ & SNIVELY having atsocit• ted themselves in the practice 01 Medicine and urgery would st ite that they are well prepared to tient all medical and surgical case.s. Persons in debted Co either of the above will please make early settlenicni to the time of their seaociation, as they wish to close their uld)oks. Office in Dr. Frantz s reel/truce in the room for merly: occupied a 8 store room Ivy Mr. J. Beaver. . April 14-4 EIiCKAI2OI"B Cattle Pt:wiles et 4h'eU.KITRT7.I4 I=l EMMOMM THE above well-known and established Hotel has been re-opeped and entirely renovated, by the undersigned, and now offers to the public every comfort and attraction found in the best hotelii.— THE TABLE is bountifully supplied with every delicacy the market will afford, THE SALOON contains the choicest liquors. anti is constantly anti skilfully attended. THE b'l'A BLE is thoroughly repaired; and carPful Ostlers always ready to ac commodate customers. TO r ARBTERS' • FRESH .MEAT I FRESH MEAT! THE subscriber would inform farmers and others that he can supply them with a prime article of Beef at the Basement of J. H. Gordon's house, on the Diamond. on Monday evening or Tuesday intim ing of each week, and with choice Veal and Lamb, on Thursday evening or Friday morning. In the course of a week or two he will be enabled to; sup ply his customeis with Beef twice a week. The public tire invited to give him a call as he is deter mined to slaughter none but the' Choicest cattle. FRANKLIN WEAGLEir. 'June 9—tf. rpn E subscriber requests all persons indebted to 1 . him by note or book-account to call and wake iinnaeuiate payment. His books arc at the old stand where those indebtecl•will find him. STONEHOUSE. June 9-4 t. H. BROTHERTON will be a candidate • fur County Treasurer, subject to the de cision of the Union Nominating Convention. June 9—lf, U. D. FAHIi.N.UY I. N. FNIVICLY, M. D AT "OLD PRICES." ALarge lot of 11AY AND.GRALY FORKS, GRAIN RAKEr, BRAIN CRADLES, Fork handles, Scythes, &o. wc. If you wiih to save money call at IMO FHER VON'S Hardware Store. Juno N'2F.'mF.J..,!!'slisk!,, NEW GOOD'SI GEISER & RINEHART, Suceereore to H. Stet:sebum in the Hardware and Cutlery Business. THE subscribers baring purchased of H. Stone house his Hardware Store they would inform old customers of the establishment, and others-, that in addition to the large stock on hand, they are just receiving a largo anti well selected stock, con sisting in part of . IRON AND STEEL, SHOE MOEN OS,. SADDLERY AND CARRIAGE IVARE, CEDAR . WARE, OIL CLOTHS, HULLO W . WARE, - PAI , • --•-, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS', We invite the attention of the Farmers to the MUNDELL'S PREMIUM HAY FORK, for the sale of which we are the sole agents. Scythes, Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Grain Cradles, &c., &c. All our goods were selected with groat care and we invite an examination of them. May h, 1865. GE ISER & RINEHART. "It Is WISDOM and ECONOMY to Insure in the BEST COMPANIED, and there is none better than the Old Insurance Co.of North America," 1794. Incorporated • 1794. INSURANCE COMPANY North America, PHILADELPHIA. • THE Abstract of the 142nd Semi-Annual State J. went, showing the condition of the Liompan3 on the 2nd day of January, Assets to be $1,715,171 71. r4 l '7 I Ycors Successful Business Experience ! Pr The Prompt Payment of V 7,500,000,00 Losses VirA - Reputation fur Honorable Dealing Unsurpass ed!. ar And CIA Assets exceeding $1,700,000,00 ! Claim the References. 9f the public for this, the Old est Insurance Company in America. LIR k.CTOIitS : Arthur G. Coffin, Wm. Welch, John Mason, Sane' W. Jones, R. D. Wood, G.L. Harrison John 1..91r0wn, Wm. E. Bowon F. R. Cope, Chas. Taylor, , Jas. N. Dickson Ed.II Trotter Ambrose White, 8. M. Waln, Ed. S. Clarke Win. Cummings, T. Charlton Henry. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pres' t. CHAS. PLATT, beery. May-1-2 6nt-j--Jvh-Dovaide~7--W-synesbo 1,• 1,1:1t is TD " s, 'Medicines, Perfumery, and Fancy Articles, FDREIG 18c DOMESTIC FRUITS, cr,1111•06011 , 3V,Y, 44=r, TOBACCO AND CIGAR S , • Main Street, es boro', IMPORTANT TO FBMERS ! ITIHE subscriber informs the farming community that ho is now prepared to furnish an Ohio Mower and a Mower and Reaper combined, which is warranted to cut grass or grain equal to the best work with scythe or cradle, at the rate of one acre per hour, or ten or fifteen acres per day, with a pair of horses. Every purchaser is all Owed to cut six acres of grads' or grain oil trial; and in case anything proves defective, due notice must be given our agent, and time allowed to send a person to put 'it in order. It it does not work alto t Machine, it will be 'taken back and the money re funded, or a perfect Machine will I place, at the option of the proprietors The subscriber also offers to the Farming com munity a COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, very much Unproved. The materials used in this as in our other Machines. are of the very beet quali ty t end it is finished in tie IMMO style of excellence. When mowing, it cuts a swarth of four feet, six inches wide, and in reaping, the. swarth is five feet. The guards are our superior wrought inn n polish. ed guards, placed three inches Isom centre to cen tre. Writ. E. FLANAGAN, - May 26, 1865 EAGLE HOTEL. Central Square, Hagerstown, Md JOHN FISHER, Proprietor. Hagerstown, June 2 —tf. N - 0 - T I C E . Co u siity -Treasurer. GOODS AT "OLD PRICES P' At BROTHERTON'S Hardware Store. June 21. 1,1712.7 NEW • goons, AIM ALV3O9 THIRD SUPPLY-! DIBMISON, MEDICI' & CO., Waynesboro' Pa., ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR t ‘‘r e-VIE Ginn!! I i-3-'l'i:itil- SPRING DRY GOODS SPRING DRY GOODS ILA Alk_ X. X 110 DRESS GOODS k AUh -J :uhrs , o• given in CLOTHS, CLOTHS, CA SSI MERES AND SA7 INE7 TS, CLOTHS, CA SSI MERES AND SATINET:TS. CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, • COT TONADES, COTTO NA DES, COTTON A DER 4 AND AND GROCERIES! Gr3ceries, Groceries, Groceries, MEE lifit MRS. Oteenszrare, Queenstrare, gitoeustcare, iiirWe would call the y attention oar custom ers • and the public to our new sock of goods, and at 'the same time return our thanks to customer* and others for their liberal patronage. and will ci deavor by fair dealing with all, to merit a continu ance of the same. AMBERSON, BENEDICT at - CO. Alarch 24,1865 • • STIM3IEg Balmorais at &Striped Statting at • PtacK & floccticu's. 1865. THIRD SUPPLY, THIRD SUPPLY, THIRD SUPPLY, SPRING DRY GOODi LADIES LADIES LADIES DRESS GOODS DRESS: GOODS DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES SPRILVG_GOO I . MEN'S SPRING GOODS MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP.. AND NOTIONS. NOTION :4, NO lONS, Ilanlicare, Hardware, Rardware DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS. 2Votions,_ Notions, No awn,. LITHSrARRJVAG OF, NEW SPRINO ANDOSUMMER ~$ • •, • AL 'T' GEO. STOVER'S, Waynesboro', Pa. ..............0.........*. i4 - aIIAMKFUIL for kind favors and patronage here tokre bestowed upon Mai, again appears beforir. t e route o tie T - — 7 - 77"'"".'wewursin lie having jest returned from the eastern cities with a fine and well selected stock of now SPRING AM) SUMMER Which he intends selling at very low rates, whirh ho knows ho can do to the satisfaction of all will call and examine his stock. • Below you will find enumerated a. few articles which will he found among his Bloch to which ho calls your attention. FOR THE 11311 3110 Mil so He has a large assortme of Doss Goods consisting 'n_par Printed and Plain DeNines, Fig'd and, Cord silks, • Plaid Mohair, fiilk • Warp Mohair, Baines, Medona Cloth, Lovelies, French and domttc Poplins, Pongee Alixture, Cloth for Ladies, Wrapings, Gloves, Hosiery, in grearvaricty. GENTL•EMEN'S WEAR, Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Union Cassirneree, Duck Linens, Cottonades, Summer Coating+, Tweeds VC/I , it ("W., Silk Vesting,' ' VeNatio° Vestings of nil kind"; in fact a fulLionnitment-of-gneds- far re f men wear. Also a larger and, well selected stock o DOMESTIC C • ODS, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all in the Dry. Goods lino just call in and you will find him ready to wait on you with pleisure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Sto eer's,ashe•always gives the highest market price. No lye-him - a - call; and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can he purchased elsewhere. May 5, 1865. LATEST ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS ~Al:=~t6i~~~' v i c k it V h I a N i G arg r e et a u n ni d e c d ho f i r c o e m ags t o h r e tin E en a t st o rn f a cities Dry Goods, Queensware, Ce darware and Groceries, , which I am prepared to ofrir with much greater in ducements than heretofore for Cash. lauaav Silks, all Wool and printed Delaines, French Me rinos, Alapacaa, Ltinghame, Shawls, Balmorals, Hoopakirts, Collars, Magic Ruffling, Bugle Trim: mings, Hoosery, Cloaking Cloth, &c. GENTS GOODS : Fancy and Plain Casimere9, Mack Cloth, Cloth, Wettings, Satinets, Tweeds, ..leans, Shirt Fronts, Collars, Neck Ties, Under "Shirts,pracvers, Buck Gloves, Buck Gauntle ts, etc DOMESKT GOODS : Furniture Check, Bedding, Cotton Flannel, alf Wool Flannel, Linsey, 'Fable Diaper, 'fowling &c: QUEENSWARE, CEDARWARE AND GROCERIES,, Syrup, Molasses, Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Res Coffes, Sugars, Tobaccos, Rabbit Soap; Tes, &c. The above good; have been purchased for the Cash and 1 desire the same to be sold for Cash as we Don't keep any books. By strict attention to b u sine•s and a desire to slease in every respect I hope to merit a continu• price of patronage. May 5, 1855. N.73IiNT 3Fl3El=Litlit NEW GOODS! MHE subscribers have opened a "Variety Store" I on the North west Corner of the Diamond, and have just returned from the East with a full asiolt meat at Goods, comprising in part the following:— BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Trunks, Valises., "Umbrellas, Baskets, &e., aI •so Gent? Furoishin ,, Gouds, consisting of Neckties, Paper Colrare, Suspenders, Ker chiefs, Cotton Hose and Gloves, together with Tobacco, Snuffs and a fine assortment of choice Confections, comprisinc , Candies Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, &c. A stock of Jewelry, moll as Breastpins, Ear Drops, Rings, Sleeve Buttons, S-day and thirty hour Clocks:' • WATCHES; CLOCKS, and Jewelry repaired at short notice. The,subscribers tender their thanks to the ptibEc for past ikviirs and hope, by strict attention to Whi tten' to merit a ixntinuance of the ga me. May 12, Mb. E. c 5:. J. ELDEN:.