AR•t: Age is like the day-god setting lo the West beyond the plain; Life's faint measures fast forgetting, Listening to (Mother strain; First it murmurs, faintly stealing Through the portals of the pith, Then 'tie heard, its soul revealing, As the spirit passes through,: Sweetin-cadeice, varied=new, Chasing every sense of gloom, From the soul, and placing there Spotless robes for it to wear. A Terapern cse I.eotire At An ,Arborhein seixed With a sudden faintness, I called for a drop of snthin to drink. I.Was stirrin the beverage up, 4 pale faced man in gold spectacles, laid lased on my sheulder.and sed— "Look not upon the wine when it is red !". SeiT ine - . -- T his—is-01 Aye I" -• "It stingeth like an adder, and biteth lila a serpent !"Sed the man. "I guess not," sed I, "when you put s . t. gar intg it. That's the way 1 tillers take mine," "Have you sons grown up, sir ?" the man axed. "Wall," I replied, as I put myself outside my beverage, "my 60f1 Artemus junior, is going on 18." "Ain't you afraid if you set this example b 4 him he'll cum to a bad end ?" • "He's cum to a waxed end already. He's learnin the shoewakin biziniss," I replied "I guess we can both on us git along without your assistance, sir," I observed, as he was about to open his mouth agin. "This is a cold world," sed the man. ' , That's so. But you'll git into a warm one by and by, if you don't mind. your own bizinisa better." I was a Halo . riled at the feller, becaws I never take anything only when I'm on-well. I arterwards lamed he was a temperance lec turer, and if he can injuce men to stop set tin their innards on fire, with the frightful licker which is retailed around the country, I shall heartily rejoice. • ' _Better give men. Prusiek than to pizen 'em to doll by degreess.—A r temus Ward: DOMESTIC SYMPATEY.—Many years op. their lived in a neighboring state a family by the name of Noble, although 1 am far from thinking this was a suitable name for them. The father frequently indulged in taking "a leetlo too ninon." Upon a certain occasion, was seen lying upon the 'ground, and it was supposed he was under the influence of ‘speeritsf bat, upon examination, his leg was found to be broken. A. son of the old man was in the vicinity, and a horse and carriage, with a driver, were soon procured to take them home. When within a shoit distance, Mr. Noble said 'he was afraid it would come too sudden upon the old, woman, and he thought Oliver [his son] better go ahead, and prepare her mind for it.' This was ac cordingly done., and when the party arrived at the house, the old lady came running out saying, 'broke yer leg, broke yer let,, ha'nt ye ? I wish it had been yer darned old neck. QurpnrrtEs.--The worst organ-grinder —a hollow tooth that plays the duce. Jealousy is the greatest of misfortunes, and excites the least pity. . Just like a cinnamon tree is a fop, for the bark is invariably worth more than the body. The , public lecturer who dwelt upon a top /c has changed his residence. Tho man who makes a'business of raising pork for :narket may be said to live by hip pen. . . Are the minutes relating , to an affair of honor alwaya drairn up by•the seconds? "Ideas," said Volt - tare, 'ware like beards: men get them when they grocitw up, and wo men never have any." UT OF ORDER.—At a -meeting, a yetr or two ago, in this county, a gentlemab was speaking on a question not strictly within the range of business then on the tapis.— Becoming animated as his remarks progress. ed, he exclaimed, with something of melo dramatic solemnity.— "Dlr. President, my bowels yearn for the miserable victims." "Order order !" shouted several voices from the opposite corner of the house : the gentleman's bowels are out of order 1" • • The point of order was sustained by the chair, and 'the speaker v,Mit commanded to his seat. COULDN'T Fool, En: —Soon after. the telegraph was put in operation on the line of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, a native stepped into the office and wanted to know the price of, pork in Cincinnati. In a tew minutes the answer came with a charge of thirty-five cents for the information, but the Hoosier was too smart to be caught in that way and replied: "No, no, Mr Telegrapher, you can't fool rue in that way; rtn not quite tio green us you think I am! That darned ticking thing of r yourn hadn't been out of the room. I watch eel it all the time." RATIqR POiNTF.P.-Mr. Rees, the well known street preacher, was, accosted by a would-be wag the other day with the follow ing, question:— 'Do you believe what the Bible says about the prodigal son and the fatted calf?' 'Certainly I do.' 'Well can you tell me whether'tho•calf that. was killed was male or female?' •1 es: it was a female.' 'flow do you know that?' 'Because,' said Bees, looking the chap in the face, see the male is living now?' A colored man, so convinced of the lowli ness of his position—that labor was his mu tual lot—that he was even indifferent us to a future state, believing that "they'd make nig gers work even of he' go to hams." A (der ' gyamo tried to argue him ont'of his opinion by representing that this could not be the ease, inasmuch as there was absolutely no work for him to do in heaven. Bis answer tubs: "Oh you g'way, massa. I,knews 'act- If dere's no work for folks up dere, dey'll make 'ern sltub de clouds alov. ~...... If you have been .'tem p ted - I from it,; it is not lulling into El c lying in it ,that drowns. A bird that.always Tic 0 slorp3,—The weati.a.o wk., -V6V9E I iZ I PS VEVEBRAT,EP gag 11 . 44 owe foutdm Stom mrength ach etestlM4 the m' ithYstate. _ are a surrkpreventive of Lung • Fevor, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, such as Glan ders, Yellow Water, Dig, temper, Founder, Heaves, Slavering; Coughs, Fe vers, Loss . of, Appetite and Vital Ellen gy, &c. — lii — poor, — low-spirited animals,. it has the most beneficial effect. The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, , and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance; vigor and spirit of this noble animal. The property this Powder posseises. in in- creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, g ive it an importance and value which should ,place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual eiperiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream•twenty per cent., and make the Butter firmand sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite,Thosens their hide and makes them thrive much faster. H 0 G 13 . In all Diseases of (...., the Swine, such as - ~ k;`:-- e: '; ' . _ —*-- -- -- .. --.l `. -' Coughs, Ulcers in 31:-'7,..:;i5:7- : :... t ; -;...'";.-: the Lungs, Liver, . s " -,... - =._ -. . , .7‘k -'ics.,L s . --- • 4c. By—putting ik/ _ -, -: -- ---z:. - —_ from half a paper 'I 1.11.1.*: to a paper of these s. .-,.;•- 1- -,;.; „ Powders, in a bar- i" - ,,, - .-•-• -„..7": - .., z,=-- rel of Swill, the 671;e - /('="-I_.- • • , above. Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera cairbe prevented. Price 25 eta. per Paper, or 6 Papers for $l. PREPARED BY • 13 s io_at—onet- WHOLESALE MUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Nd. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers .throughout the United States. The above Powders can be had at Manufac turers' prices of F. FOURTH MAN, Waynesboro'; Johnson, Hollow .y & Cowden, Philadelphia; J.. 1 Bender & Co., Pittsburg; Laughlin & Bushfield, Wheeling, Va. [Dec. 9—ly. THE WAR IS qVER NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY BY GEMS 3 CREERSIN, METCALF & HITESHEW'S, WHERE they are selling them for one half tho former prices. They keep everything in theLhy Goods and Notion line. BUGLE BUT PONS, LADIES' COATS, .Tuq received and of the latest styles. Also ladies' Cloth, all colors and prices. IIeIETCA I,FE & HITESHE W. 2d St., just above the Jail, West side of the street. Ap , it 14 SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM 3.&IVIES A. FISHER. 4 V stock embraces all the best styles of Plain In and Fancy CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy ' Plain and Fancy VESTINGS, all of which will be initie to order in the most fashionable and work wnulike or sold in r_u_tterne to suit custo- mars. A leo a lull stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING serCDEAP FOR, CASH. - xigt Also, one of the best selected stocks of GENT'S 11,1iNISHING GOODS in the town—fine Shirts, Iloisery, Gloves and Ties in endless variety. Also, Military cloths and thissirnercs which will he made to order at the shortest notice. J. A. FISHER, oppnaite Washington House. Hagerstown, Md. AIL 2R, 1865. STATES UNION HOTEL, OPPWITE THE Lebanon Valley and Pennsylvania R. R. De pots, r.pßms-50 CENTS PIM MEAL AND 50 CUNTS PER Ban. / HARRISBURG CITY, PA. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Ap. 7 v] Proprietor. DENJ. FRAM, M. D. TI N 6. FRANTZ dr, SNIVELY having associa• jUted themselves in the practice of'lVledicine and burgery, would stste t that they are well prepared tq 'treat oil medical and surgical cases. l'ersons debted to either of the fibove will please make early seitleMent to tIM time of their association, ea they wish to close their old .ipoks. tiflicein Dr. Fruity 0 cesidente in the room for merly occupied as store room by Mr. J. Beaver. Apnl , l4--tf • nto evil, fly e water, but JW. PUTNAM'es Patent Cloth Wriegcr • for sale at the sio of the Big Red Horn D. p. Tivreapp, 4004 fir Franklin county. (Ju;y I I '64.) S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., AT THEIR ` - TRIVIIIIN " SACKS, " CIRCULARS, ' * GOODS, AT THE Z. N. PNIVELT, M. D RENKEI. , B BITTER WINE OF• IRON. A PURE an 4 powerful TONlC,Corrective and ALAlterative, of' wonderful efficacy in diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS. ,Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, kM o De- Ipresaf Spirits, - Spirits, ntermitent Fever, Acidity of the • Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Difteu It Breathing. Yellow ness of the Skin anti Eyes, Fever and Dull piti in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back,Chest and Limbs, will cure every case of . Chronic or Nervous.Debility,Dis eases of the Kidney's and - And Diseases arising from a disorder ed Stomach, good for male • or female old - or young. The mod beneficial medicine known• t gives bet ter satisfaction and cures more diseases than any o• ther preparation offered to the Public. Ptepar ed solely by S. A. 4IJNKEL, 4 BRO., 1p Market street, Harrisburg.. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere, 'BEWARE 9F ser• Counterfeits -VII As Kunkels Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the pub lic, we would caution the community to purchase none but the gendine article, manufactured by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are-attempting_to _ imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speTilt - g - volumesi-in its favor._ The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $1 bottles, and sold by all 'respectable -druggiast throughout the counVy. Be particular that every bottle bears the fitc - stualcrietors' signa ture. This Wine includes the most agreeable and effi cient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxhide combined, with the• most energetic of liege table tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. The effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and gener al prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iron, combin ed with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy.— It augments the appetite, raises the pulsp, takes oti muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility and gives a florid figure to the counter.ance. GENERAL DEPOT, • 118 MARKET STREET , For sale by all respectable dealers throughotit the country. For sale by J. F, KrntrL, Druggist. • April 29-Iy. ANTIETAM 'Wood Working and SLALWINC4. ESTABLISHMENT AND 'MILLS ! STILL continuing the manufacturing of a n k ii.ds of Building Material, such as SASH, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, FACING, MOULDINGS, Door-Frames, Window-Frqpies, FLOORING, &c. &C ftT G • By mill and circular saws of every description.— Asking a continuation of favors. T promise still to sell on as equitable terms as possible, considering 'mes-and-priem-Fur-further-partictrlars-app the subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 miles Southeast of Waynesboro'. April 1, 1864. D. F. GOOD. Da. IV. D. LECIILE - &A l .0. ANNOUNCES io his friends and the public generolly that he is now in possession pf all the late and most improved instruments, and is well prepared to perform all DENTAL operations. He will be happy to wait upon those who mny require the services of an experienced Dentist. All opera tions upon the mouth and teeth performed in a sci entific manner. Teeth inserted according to latsst improvements in the art, and at moderate rates. Office in his residence on the South Corner of the Diamond. Ap. 11, '62. FIRST CAW DRUG STORE IN WAYNESBORO,' PA. M. M, STONER, Druggist, riIIiNKFUL to hie friends and customers for the I very Ilbetal enlouragement received in his "old business" an I ho hopes that the intgttlnction of the cash system will add to their interest and his ad vantage in continuing their favors. He believes a distinction ought to he made between cash and credit and he Intends to exhibit it the prices of his articles offered for sale. Call and see, and it not so, purchase where ever you can get the cheap. est, the best article at the. lowest price. His assort ment is more general than is usually found In coun try Drug : 4 tores. He has quite a variety of Books, &c., which he will dispose of chew for cash, intend ing to, close it, considering it no part of his business, and has adopted this . motto, "live and let live, sup port and supporting. M. M. STONER. Aug. 19181i4., NrentX4EMIZZ'XZZMIIMI